Ode to Debbie Reynolds

Posted on December 30, 2016, by Betty Crackers

When I was a little girl I knew who Debbie Reynolds was.  I grew up watching her movies, and I am just slightly younger than her daughter Carrie Fisher.  My dad grew up in Texas.  Debbie was also originally from Texas.  I had also grown up hearing stories about a man named Dikeman.  Once, while my family was at my grand parents house, I was in a bedroom with some cousins playing.  My mom came in and said, “Do you want to meet Debbie Reynolds’ uncle?  I was interested so I went with her to meet the man.  I found it hard to believe that the man was related to Debbie, as I did not think that he really looked like her at all.  And later stories I heard about the man made me think that he was a very mean person.  But maybe the times were just different when my dad was a boy?

I first saw Carrie Fisher on a talk show and they showed her in a movie clip.  I was glad to see her before I went to see the movie.  I remember standing in line to see this new movie Star Wars:  A New Hope.  Besides her, I did happen to already know who Mark Hamill was, as he had been on the Texas Wheelers, and some entertainment shows.  I also had seen Harrison Ford before on TV, but I could not really place him, I just knew that I had seen him before.  The experience of standing in line to see a movie was something new, but I enjoyed and really loved the movie, the wait was worth it.  I was a fan of Star Wars from that moment on.

It was the summer of 1977 when I was on vacation, with my parents, in California.  We were at my Aunt and Uncle’s house.  My uncle told me that he had Debbie over for dinner at their house.  I do not know if they invited her over very often or not.  He also said that they had Robert Stack over as a guest as well.  In fact, he tried to call Robert Stack so that I could talk to him, but he was not home at the time.  He knew I was disappointed as we had gone that day to Twentieth Century Fox Studios so that I might catch a glimpse at Paul Michael Glaser or David Soul (I had met David in 1975).  But no such luck.

So I sort of feel like Debbie Reynolds has been a friend of the family even though I never met her in person.  The following (below) is from one of my Gigolo Ganders (S).  I had actually forgot that I had seen her live on stage in the mid 80s.  She also returned to a stage in Denver in 1992 or 93, but I was unable to get tickets to the event, as they were all sold out!  I am very glad that I was able to see her perform on stage, it was a true treat.


     Hey, is the first stage of a horse’s four letter word, Debbie Renoldswrap is coming back next week to Elitch Theatre!  So if you do not have a ticket, go get one.  This is a show that you cannot afford to miss!  Also, appearing with Deb is Harve Presnell.  He is great; you’ll love him, what a voice!  Debbie, who has also had dinner at my uncle’s house, will treat you to song, dance, comedy, and her wonderful imitations of Barbara Quicksand, Betty Daviseyes, May East, Zaa Zaa LaBoar, and Dr. Toothless Westhammer.  Both Debbie and Harve have homes in Coloradodo.  For those youngsters who do not know who Debbie Reynodswrap is, well, she’s Princess Leia’s mother.  After the show I got so close to Mr. Presnell that I could have reached out and touched him, but I did not have my telephone with me at the time.  Go see this show; you will love it!!!

It was around 1988 when I decided to write to her, in care of one of the Network TV stations.  I also sent her a picture of a drawing that I had done, one of the people in the picture she knew, as she played his mother in a TV movie.  I explained who I was and how she knew my uncle and aunt and when I was a girl I had met her uncle.

She responded by sending me a short note and an autographed photo of herself.  I was very happy to have received it from her.

Like I said, I never did meet her in person, but I felt that we had made a connection.  Perhaps that connection was a legend in my own mind?  But I did have a few dreams with Debbie in them.  To me, Debbie symbolized a type of spiritual seer in my dreams, one who would give me spiritual pointers.  In one dream we were at church.  I approached her and she said she had to go change her dress.  She left me and then came back.  She was wearing a green dress.  Green is symbolic of Life, sometimes for Principle.  But since apples have to do with the dream, perhaps the green is for the tree of life.  Debbie washed her hands in an apple pie.  At the time of the dream I was concerned about something going on with a friend I had (she was of the same church), and the symbol was telling me to just let go of the situation, it was out of my control, that the forbidden fruit (erroneous thinking) was all that happened to be behind the situation my friend was caught up in.

Debbie may have never really known me all that much, and I her, but I think of her fondly, as I do Carrie.  God loves them always and they can never be separated from God.




Gigolo Gander – C


Gander Staff:  Gigolo Joe                                                                   Edition G        July 4th
Amanda Jean Turncoat


(continued from post Gigolog Gander – B, so go back and read it if you have not read it yet)

     When we last left off our hero was asking the questions:  “Why do you want the Pink Puma’s…”  Ba dump, Ba dump!  “…name cleared?”
     “Because, after each robbery, the owner of the store or shop is murdered, that’s why!  They’re giving me a bad reputation!  The worst part is, they know who the Pink Puma’s…”  Ba dump, Ba dump!  “…identity is because they hit wherever I am.”
     “I get your dot.”
     “Isn’t that point?”
     Meanwhile at Boara’s house…Boara is reading through some papers when the doorbell knocks.  “Who’s there?” she asked.
     “Mozart who?”
     “Mozart usually bodies of water that run rings around castles!”
     “Come in, Morphean,” she said.
     The door opened and he walked in and looked her round in the eye.  “Wait until you hear what I have to tell you!”
     “How long do I have to wait, five hours?”
     “No, sit down and I’ll tell you.  Now, you wanted me to find out about the Pink Puma.”  Ba dump, Ba dump!
     “I did?”
     “Yes, you did!  Now, here’s what I have on him.  He’s an international fur thief.”
     “I already know that!’
     “I’m not finished.  His trademark is the Pink Puma.”  Ba dump, Ba dump!  “Say, what’s that music I keep hearing when ever I say the Pink Puma?”  Ba dump, Ba dump!
     “Oh, that’s Henry MacAceeny.”
     “Oh, well anyway, it seems like no one knows his true identity!  He’s never been caught.”
     “Great!  He’s probably out of the country by now!”
     “I don’t think so.”
     “I’ll tell you why.  Last month a place in Venice was robbed, last week he hit a place in London.  Before he left either place after a robbery he went back and killed the owner of each place.”
     “That means that our client, Bell N. Howell, could be in serious danger.”
     “You know what I think, I think that Bell N. Howell, our client, is in serious danger!”
     “You’ve got a dot.”
     “Isn’t that point?”
     “We’d better call her and warn her of the danger.”
     Just then came another knock from the doorbell.  “Who’s there?” Boara asked.
     “Boch who?”
     “Boch, boch, boch, boch, boch, boch!”
     “Sounds like a chicken,” Morphean said, “it must be Blade.”

P. Hup, two, three, four

     Blade and his brother came waltzing through the doorway.  The introductions began, “Boara, I would like to introduce my dancing partner to you, my brother Schick Blade.  We usually call him Schicky Green, because he’s so funny.”
     Schick said, “A man came up to me today and asked, ‘Did juh put the cat out?’  I said, ‘Heck, I didn’t even know he was on fire!’”
     Boara replied, “Yep, your jokes are green alright!”
     Gillette said, “This is my assistant, Boara Colt.”
     “Oh,” Schick said, “did it hurt?”
     “Why don’t we drop the pretense?” she asked.
     “If you do it might break!” Schick joked.
     “What’s your real name?” Boara continued.
     Gillette replied, “Little Joe, ask him again and you still won’t know!”
     “Hey!” Schick said, “I’m the one who’s the comedian, remember?”
     Gillette smiled, “Look, Boara, for reasons beyond his control, Schick can’t give you his real name.”
     Morphean said, “Oh, he’s a crook too huh!  Wonderful!”
     “Hey,” Schick asked, “how did you know?  Who are you anyway?”
     “To answer your first question, I’m a detective, your second, I’m Morphean.”
     Boara’s mind was in a whirl of thoughts as she thought over the day’s happenings and Gillette’s response to the Pink Puma.  Ba dump, Ba dump!  The sudden visit of his brother, it all fit together.  “Say,” she said, “you’re the Pink Puma!”  Ba dump, Ba dump!
     Gillette said, “There’s that music again!”
     Schick said, “Say, you are a good detective too!”
     “You’re under arrest!” Boara yelled.
     “I thought I was under a strain.  In fact, I think it’s the last strain to Clarksville!”
     “Boara, Boara, Boara!” Gillette said, “You can’t arrest him because he didn’t commit the crime!  He was framed!”
     “Was it mahogany or pine?” she asked.  “Look, this is the most silliest case we’ve ever been on.”
     “Must be Dr. Depper,” Morphean replied.
     “What?” Gillette asked.
     “The case, Dr. Depper!”
     Gillette announced, “Look, the reason why we came over here was to tell you that we believe that our client’s life is in danger!  I suggest that we go see Miss Howell before anything terrible happens to her.”
     Boara said, “You’ve hit the nail right on the thumb!”
     “Isn’t that head?” Gillette asked.
     Morphean asked, “Where?”
     Just then, across the city, came a blinding blast from a handgun.  The bullet flew through the air with the greatest of ease until it hit its object.  The object was none other than, you guessed it, Bell N. Howell.  But why?  Who?  Where?  And, well, we know how.  To find out these answers we have to depend on our detective friends to sniff out the clues.  Colonel Mustard in the hallway with the revolver.
     “What we must ask ourselves,” Gillette Blade remarked while standing over the dead body, “is who is Colonel Mustard anyway?”
     “What?” Boara asked.  “I would like to know who wrote this story!”
     Schick said, “Well, at least we know I’m innocent!”
     “And all this time I thought that you were my brother!”
     “Well,” Boara said while bending over the body, “whoever the murderer is, he wants to put the blame on the Pink Puma!”  Ba dump, Ba dump!  “Because here’s your calling card in blood!”

P. Pick um up and put um down!

     “My goodness, it is!  Thank heaven we got here before the police!” Schick said.
     “Were do we go from here?” Blade asked Boara.
     “How should I know?” she replied.
     “Well, you’re the detective!”
     Morphean cut in, “If I might be of some assistance, I believe that we should look for a man with a limp who has blond hair, blue eyes, and probably goes by the nick name of Lefty.”
     “How do you know that?” Blade inquired.
     He replied, “Just a stab in the dark.”
     “No,” Boara said, “she was shot in the dark!  Say does this remind you of something?”
     “Yes,” Gillette replied, “it reminds me of a Black Edwards film I once saw.”
     “Really?” Morphean retorted, “Everything reminds you of a movie!”
     “Well, Morphean, take a look at this!” Blade reached over and pulled the hair off of Bell’s head.  Underneath was a head with short hair.
     “You mean she’s a guy?” Boara asked.
     “No,” Blade answered, “she’s a woman impersonating a female impersonator!  It’s right out of the Victorian Principle movie with Julie Andrewstevenson and James D. Gardener!”
     “But why?” Boara asked.
     “Who knows?  Nothing is making very much since with this case!” Gillette exclaimed.
     “Seven Up?” Morphean asked.
     “No, thanks,” Schick said, “I’m on a diet.”
     “Well,” Boara announced, “I know who the murderer and the thief are!”
     All the men asked in unison, “You do?”
     “Yes.  They’re one in the same person!”
     “Even I know that Boara!” Gillette replied, “So…who is it Boara?”
     “Well, look at what we have.  Our client is robbed by the Pink Puma.”  Ba dump, Ba dump!  “Or, I should say, an imposter Pink Puma.”  Ba dump, Ba dump!  “Then the real Pink Puma…”  Ba dump, Ba Dump!  “…shows up as you know who’s brother.”
     Gillette cut in, “But I thought he was my brother!”
     She continued, “Next our client is murdered!  She is a female impersonating a female impersonator.”
     “What are you suggesting, Boara?” Morphean asked, “That we’re dumb?  We already know all of this!”
     “I know, but, and this is a big but…”
     “I know,” Gillette agreed, “it’s nicely shaped too!”
     She continued, “I have to rehash the scenario as all good detectives do in their mysteries!”
     Gillette said, “Ah, I get your snow drift, as Charlie Chan once said, ‘Murder like potato chip!  Murderer cannot stop at one!’”
     “What does that have to do with the price of eggs?” Morphean asked.
     “Nothing,” Gillette answered, “I’ve just always wanted to say it!”
     “May I continue?” Boara asked.  “The answer has been staring us in the face, or in this Pepsi case, it’s been blaring us in the ear!  The murderer is…Henry MacAceeny!”
     “Who died?” Morphean asked.
     “Bell N. Howell, our client!” Gillette answered.
     “No, no!  Who’s this Henry MacAceeny anyway?” Morphean asked.
     Boara said, “Our musical score writer, that’s who!”
     “Yes,” came a voice, “you’re right, Boara.  It is me!”
     “But why?” she asked.
     “You’re a detective, suppose you tell me!” Henry replied.
     “Alright, I will!  It is because you’ve gone over the bend and flew around the cuckoo’s next once too often!”

Paging Dr. Spock!

     “That’s around the bend and flew over the cuckoo’s nest!”
     “Right, well, am I right?” she asked.
     “No,” Henry replied.
     “The reason is because whoever is writing this story is blank on ideas!  She doesn’t know where to go with it so she’s making me the fall guy!”
     “I thought Flee Minors was the Fall Guy!” Gillette said.
     “Well,” Schick said, “now that my name and reputation are clear I guess I’ll be shuffling off to Buffalo.”
     Boara said, “Oh, what a shame!”
     Schick said, “You really have a thing for me don’t cha, Boara?”
     “Yes, how about a sock in the nose?”
     “Well, dear brother, if you ever need any help from me…” Blade cut Schick off.
     “You’ll assist me for after all, Blade is thicker than water!”
     “No, you’ll just have to suffer, I’m too good and important to help out a puny little detective like you!”
           –Amanda Jean Turncoat

Movie Review

Star Wars VI:  Return Of the Jedi
     Wow!  Fantastic!  Just like I knew it would be!!  The only problem is that you cannot talk about this movie to anyone because you will spoil it for them if you do!  I do not know of very many movies where the audience cheers and claps but during the whole Star Wars epic this is what happens.
     The people care about these characters!!  We should care; after all this is the third movie we have seen them in!
     There are a lot of things happening in this movie, lots of creatures, lots of action, lots to think about.  It is no wonder you have to go see it more than once, which is probably the intention behind all the special effects.
     Compared to the book, the movie moves much faster, but there is a little bit more information in the book, and you also get to know what the characters are feeling and thinking.  Fer instance, in the book it describes what Han is feeling and experiencing when he is released from his frozen tomb.  In the movie you do not really understand what pain he is going through.  Since I read the book first I understood what it was he was feeling and it made the movie much more emotional because of it.
     The main problem is putting up with all the little children; they cannot read so everyone is reading the subtitles out loud.  They are constantly asking questions because it is a little bit hard for them to comprehend what is going on.  So, their mommies try to explain it the best they can.  Do not worry too much about it though, because the volume is up so loud on the movie you will still be able to hear what is being said in the movie.
     After standing in line for two hours, fighting for a good seat, and waiting even longer for the movie to start, you will probably ask yourself if it is worth it.  I think you will say, “Yes.”
     It is a very entertaining and a very enjoyable movie.  I also suggest that you do read the books (if you have not already done so).
          –Gigolo Joe

Paging Dr. Frankenstein

Murdock A

How do I love thee, let me count the ways!
I love the nutty things that you always says.
I love you cause you’re silly,
I just love your dog Billy!
I love you for the hats you wear, the way you say, “Cute liddle ol’ Teddy Bear.”
I love you cause you are so good looking, for those high protein donuts that you is a cooking!
I love you for the way you fly airplanes, helicopters, garbage bags!
You’re the best, no one can deny.
I’ve got a bunch for you, of those ta-rash bags!
I don’t care what you eat,
Jus’ so long as it’s not my feet.
Go ahead and shave your head, I hope you like the things I’ve said.
How do I love thee?
Oh, that’s easy.
You’ve got the key to unlock my heart; I love you Murdock my, dear heart.
But alas it’s Dwight I really love
For he is Murdock my Turtle Dove.
Dwight’s the one who gives you soul
Without his talent’s you would be dull.
Steve may have created you with pen and strife; but it is Dwight who gave you life.
You are my favorite, the best there is; I love you both!  Here’s to your happiness!


     This is Howard Cosell, coming to you almost live, again, from O’Cedar Park on this day of June 18, 1983, bringing you this spectacular clavichord of a final event.  If you can possibly remember back to last year’s boring, incipient, passé of events you will unwillingly recall that U.C.K.’s team took home the Aluminum Duck Award.  Now, at this time, day, hour, and centon we will see who will win this trichite trophy.  Will it be U.C.K. again?  Or will it be the Coloradodo Medical Center’s team, or perhaps Jefferson Cuckoo Schools’ team?  So far U.C.K. is in the lead, but this final event can turn the situation around.

Paging Dr. Ben Casey

     This year’s teams are a trite, tripe, and a tadpole different.  The Captain of the Jeff-Cu Team is once again “Randy California” Scott Phifer.  Scott’s wife, Kathy, joins him side by side, hand in hand in this competition, as they have not yet been surgically removed from an accidental touch which mysteriously occurred earlier today while using Krazy Glue, which is advertised on those obnoxious, obnubilate, obscurant commercials seen on the idiot box!  This may tend to be an unhandy handycap for their team!
     The Captain for the Med. Center is once again Sue Big MacEwen.  “Suzi, tell me, do you think you’ll win this year?”
     “Well, Howard, we’ve taken extra precautions this year.”
     “Such as what?”
     “Well, you remember last year when we lost the Three Legged A.V. Cart Race?”
     “I tried to forget, but unfortunately I had no such luck.  You lost that event because Chuckiepoo Cortier’s eyes became blinded when the rubber band around his ponytail broke.”
      “Exactly!  Well, this year we’ve plastered his hair down with Krazy Glue!’
     “Good thinking!  Now get out of my limelight!”  And once again the Captain of U.C.K.’s team is none other than Mike “Clyde” Marecheck.  There is one big problem for U.C.K. this year, which is the one little lady who helped them win so many events last year is not in the running this year.  Instead, she is out standing by the lake.  “Scrawny Dull, how do you feel about not being able to help your team win?”
     “Well, Howard, there’s not much I can do about it.  But I can, however, give them support hose by cheering them on!  You know, Howie, or perhaps you don’t, we’ve got lots of new people this year.  There’s John Daydreamsalot, Ross Dimesadozen, Tunafish Bowens, and Mike Houghwhos!”
     “Sounds like a long line up.”
     And now, the contestants are lining up for the final event, which is the Single Camera System Shuffle.  On the C.M.C. Team are Mark Spasmosa and Pet Jefferson, better known by his friends as P.J.  On the U.C.K. team is Beverly Buckanear and John Daydreams N. Technicoloranstereophonicsound.  Almost ran out of breath on that name!  And they’re off, in more ways than one!
     It is very close right now.  But this is the easiest part of the course.  Uh, oh, U.C.K.’s hit a rut in the path, this is indeed the most guanine sport I have ever seen!  U.C.K.’s in trouble, when they hit the Chuck Corkson Hole they also lost a wheel.  These ruts are named after Chuck Corkson because he was assigned to dig them up.  Strange that there doesn’t seem to be any in C.M.C.’s path!
     Randy and spouse are in trouble as they turn around the bend.  Yes, an irate instructor has pounced out of the bushes and is yelling at them.  I believe the instructor is being played by, Dan Wellwater, one of the Techs from U.C.K.
     C.M.C. is definitely in the lead now.  Yes, John and Bev have the wheel back on and have continued.  But wait, here we have it folks!  A double booking has occurred with C.M.C.’s Single Camera System.  Yes, they have reached a fork in the road!  Do they take it to Glaser Hall or do they give it to the Nurses for a Microteaching class?  Decisions, decisions!

Paging Dr. Honeydo

     Look at the speed of U.C.K.’s Team!  Those two are really hustling it!  The crowd is cheering them on; the Leggs are flying through the air!!!
     Look at this!  Now James Longhorn “The Big Cheese” who is portraying a Dean joins Wellwater!  It looks like J.C.S. is out of the game.
     Right now we have a tie with U.C.K. and C.M.C.  Look at them dodge those Larry Woodchips!  Whoa, this pandemonium, boredom is about to put me into unconscious slumber.  Now comes the setting up of equipment.  They are all well trained in this area.  The winner will be the team who gets the first test recording made.
     The Phifers are still trying to get by those two men from East Classroom.  Can you believe Jim Bob is singing to them with his guitar?
     It looks like things are going well.  But wait a moment I spoke to soon!  Yes, yes, indeed.  C.M.C. is out of luck!  Somebody has cut one of their co-axial cables and they do not have a spare!
     Could it be that someone is cheating?  Look at Ross Dimesadozen, he’s grinning from ear to earring.  Is that a knife I see in his hand?  No matter, undoubtedly U.C.K. is again the winner of the Aluminum Duck Award!  “Mike, Mike Marecheck, what do you have to say about your triumph?”
     “I knew we could do it!”
     “I think you won because your team cheated!”
     “So says you!”
     “Yeah,” Sue agreed, “they cheated!”
     Mike replied, “Likely story!  It’s all Scrawny’s fault!”
     “That’s it, blame it all on me!  I can’t even lift ten pounds anymore!  So, put the blame all on my shoulders, I’ll try to hold it up!”
     And so, there you have it ladies and gentlemen, another inconsumable, incurrence of indigenous, indignant ragweed malapropism if I’ve ever heard one!
     Next year guys and gals don’t call me ‘cause I won’t call you!  This is Howard Cosell saying, good day and don’t let your toupee’s sway!

Movie Review

     Aside from its almost nasty title we find out that Octopussy is just a nickname given to a daughter by her father while growing up and nada mas!
     This movie is filled with stunts, excitement, destruction, death, excitement, and more stunts.  The storyline is interesting but the script continuity is poor, very poor.
     You would think, if you have a brain that is, that they would have more respect for the audience’s intelligence.  All right, so the movie was fun, but we need more than fun, we need intelligence, Mr. Spock!  If this movie is to be a spy movie then the plot should be solid, without holes.  I think the producers were only thinking about the laughs and the stunts.
     Yes, I enjoyed the movie, but after you start to think about what you saw you begin to wonder if the writers were at fault, or if the editor has cut out some vital pieces of information, or if they just think of their audience as unintelligent people who will not notice a slip up.  I rate this movie 007.

     Yes, you can tell, most certainly, that this is a Monty Python type of movie.  It was funny, crude, and had a cast of many wonderful people.  There was the late Marty Feltman, Eric Idle’s ‘is Engine, John Cheese (as Blind Pew), Madassa Hat Kahn, Graham Cracker Chapman (as Yellowbeard), Cheap and Chung, and many others!  You’ll enjoy this movie if you are a Monty Python fan, and if you don’t like this type of humor then stay home!!!
     I rate this movie ARG as in ARG ye mate-tees!  Ship ahoy, and all that rot!!!

Good-by NEEMIE, we all shall miss you!

          –Mural Inda Woods


     This has been a special edition brought to you by GUMMO  — the only bubble gum that sticks to the roof of your mouth!!!  And remember, it is always blackest right before everything goes dark!!!

Library Scatterbrain – H


Library Staff:  Gigolo Joe                                                                   vol. 42, no. 32

Amanda Jean Turncoat                                               August 28, 1942

Cartoon EE

Dear Crabby,
     Where have all the nice men gone?  I cannot seem to find a guy who is not a smoker, who does not drink, who does not cuss, who is not on drugs!  If I do, they are married!
          Sincerely yours, In Search Of

Dear In Search Of,
     Try looking in the morgue!

MORE preferred customers of the month are Meme the Secretary and Phil Lazerbeam.

Star Boars  Pt. 42

[Editor’s note:  Please go back to Library Scatterbrain – G if you have nor read the two previous parts of this story – thank you.]

     Back at the planet, Idonwannabehere, the Pebble forces were winning.  The Imperial Fleet had backed off.  Victory was the Pebels!  So, they decided to have a victory party with champlain and everything.
     “Yeah!” yelled everyone at once while filling their glasses with champlain.  Landed, Con, C3B0, Chewbaco, and Princess Lay were all sitting at the same table.  Chewbaco gave out a victory cheer.
     “You can say that again!” Con said.
     “I didn’t mean it literally!”
     “Oh, look darling, here comes our beloved son, Conbluke,” Lay said.
     “Mama, Daddy!” Conbluke said.  “Victory is ours!”
     “Ha, ha, ha!” Con laughed, “it most certainly is!  Sit up here on my knee.”
     Landed nationally inquired, “When did you two have a kid?”
     Lay replied, “Just now.  It’s what you call filler to take up more movie time so that the writers don’t have to tax their brains.”
     “Oh.” Landed said.  “Hey, look over there at the door.”
     C3B0 remarked, “Why, it’s Master Bluke and RUOKO.”
     Con snipped, “Well, look who’s finally come back after all the fighting’s over!”
     Lay said, “He had his reasons for leaving, I’m sure.”
     “Yeah, he’s chicken!” Con said.  “He’s also a Tantoonial Blizzergil!”
     “Oh, you’re so cold ever since you were carbonated!”
     “Hey, that’s hitting below the belt!”

P. Adam 12

     “No, this is hitting below the belt!” she said while socking his right thigh.
     “Greetings everyone,” Starcrawler said.  “Congratulations on your victory!”
     “One of which you were no part of!” Con exclaimed.
     “Hey, I had my reasons.  I had to seek understanding!  I’m ready to face Barth Vlad now.”
     “Well, goody two shoes for you!” Con replied.
     “Con,” Lay said, “shut up.”
     In the compounds of Bluke’s mind he heard the hiss hiss of Barth Vlad.  “He’s here.  I hear him.  He came alone.”
     Con looked around and asked, “Do you hear anything Landed?”
     “No, just these Hallelujahs.”
     “I must go to him,” Bluke said.
     “No, Bluke don’t!  You mustn’t,” Lay said, “Little Conbluke here is really your son!”
     Bluke replied, “I have to go!”
     “He’ll kill you Bluke, don’t do it!” Lay yelled.
     “Yeah,” Con said, “don’t let him kill you, I want to be the one to have that privilege!”
     “Good-by,” Bluke said.
     Con yelled, “Come back here you liver bellied sap mucker!”
     Lay yelled, “Stop it, Con!  It’s not true; it was just a ploy to get Bluke to stay here.  Conbluke is really your child.”
     “Hey, heck, I knew that.  I was just playing along with your scheme to keep Bluke here.  Maybe we should go help him.”
     “No,” Landed said, “this is something Bluke has to do on his own.”
     Bluke was now facing his father’s dark clothed body.  Light sabers lighted, Vlad came for Bluke.  “You must join me my son.  For we are destined to be with one another.”
     “No, it is you who must join me!”
     “Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!  Me join you?  I can’t return from the dark side of the Chorus!”
     “Why not?  All they sing is the theme to ‘Rosemary’s Baby’.”
     “Well, it’s better than Hallelujah.”
     Bluke replied while brushing his ear with his hand, “No, there’s also ‘Onward Christian Soldiers’.”
     “So, I’ve got ‘Omen One, Two, and Three’, not to mention, but I am, ‘The Exorcist Tubular Bells’!”
     “That is a good one!” Bluke said, “En garde!”
     “On who?”
     “En garde, that means ready for battle!”
     Vlad said, “I must confess, son, you have grown much with the Chorus.”
     “Even more than you realize!” he exclaimed while thrashing his saber about.  “I can never kill you, Father.”
     “I can kill you.”
     “How come?”
     “Because, why?”
     “Because, I’m the hero, and heroes never die!”
     “What about…about…well, there must be some hero down along the line who’s died.”
     “Father, Gonzo…”
     “Don’t say that name!”
     “I must!  Gonzo created you!”
     “Yes, Gonzo is good, therefore, you are good!”
     “No, tempt me not!”
     “You have been tempted all these years by the Emperor!  You are not evil.  I see the truth about you.  You are good and perfect!”

P. Zebra 3

     “Yes!  Father, evil has no power!  It is unreal, untrue.  Gonzo did not create evil, only good.  He created you!”
     “Yes, come with me and we shall over come the Emperor with good, Gonzo, and the Chorus!”
     “Yes!  From now on I wear white!”
     “Come, join me, take off your mask, and we shall go celebrate with my friends!”
     “Friends, it’s been a long time since I’ve had any friends!”
     Bluke said, “It’s probably your deodorant!”  Lord Barth Vlad took off his mask and there underneath was a man with a black complexion.
     “Why,” Bluke exclaimed, “you’re not my real father!”
     “I know.  I lied.  So sue me!”
     “What’s your name?”
     “James Earl Jones.”
     “How do you like that?  They even took David Prowse’s face away from him!”  Bluke said, “Well, as Porky says, ‘Da da, da dat’s all folks!’”

THE END, WE HOPE!  Obey-Wan-Can-O-Peas’ voice says, ‘MAY THE CHORUS BE WITH YOU!”
          –Amanda Jean Turncoat

Even MORE preferred customers are:  tom Salad; Dave Westofeden; and Jack Beagle!

Movie Review:  Conan the Barbarian
     Arnold Wartzenaninger was huge in his role as Conan.  This movie was on the whole very deep.  It was also very brutal, bloody, gory, and nasty!  (All the things that most people love to see in a film!)  The story was good even though Arnold’s acting is not great, but most of the women in the audience did not seem to care!  James Earl Jones was as evil as Dart Vader in this movie; however, I must admit that he lost his head!  (Mostly over trivial things like the slaying of his pet monster cobra that was big enough to strangle, almost, King Kong.)  It also stared Mako (which means ‘shark’) from Japan.  You probably have seen Mako on TV.  One of his first appearances was on I Dream of Jeannie.  His character’s name was Kato Jeannie (he was Jeannie in disguise you see).  He was, according to Amanda, very cute back then.
     The music was very good; at least I thought so.  I could not tell if it was the movie that was out of focus or if the kids in the projection booth were fooling around, but at any rate it was irritating!
     I enjoyed this movie but I would not put it first on my list.  I rate this one B.D.B. for Bloody Darn Bloody!
          –Gigolo Joe

The Mailman’s New Motto

     Through sleet, through rain, through snow, through black of night, through nuclear holocaust…nothing shall stop or delay the United Postal Service!


     “Mommy, Mommy, I hate Suzi’s guts!”
     “Shut up and eat them anyway!”
          –Dawn Chainlink

     “Mommy, Mommy, Dad just got runned over by a truck!”
     “Michael, how can you be so mean, you know my lips are chapped!”
          –Dan Wellwater

Movie Review:  American Werewolf In London
     I cannot give a fair review on this film because I only saw the last twenty minutes of it.  I was late getting there because I woke up nude in the zoo with a pack of wolves that morning and I had to steal a little kid’s batch of balloons!  But what part I did see was sort of humorous.  It was also gross, very gross in parts.  Especially the part where the werewolf was talking to all the people who were his dead victims stuck in limbo until he himself becomes dead!  Did it have a happy ending?  No.  Rated S.N.L. for Sewageable National Lampoon.
          –Gigolo Joe

If I did not kiss the girls me lips would grow all moldy, way haul away. well haul away yo!
King Louie was the King of France before the Revolution, way haul away. well haul away yo!
But then he got his head cut off which spoiled his constitution, way haul away. well haul away you!
          –Captain Klutz


Library Staff:  Gigolo Joe                                                                   vol. 42, no. 33     September 3, 1976

Amanda Jean Turncoat

Cartoon A

Office Changes

     Please adjust your TV dial accordingly:  Chris Glufclub has moved to the PP office and can be reached at X4323 (HEAD) or X5646 (JOHN).  Eileen Againstabrickwall Gulfclub has moved into the barn with Bob Wicked and Terry Moo out in the pasture.  Her new phone number is Xrated.  Krisptina Boo Who Who’s library instruction office (half-baked) is Room 702, just behind 201.  She shares it with Mary Ellen Camp, who also has a half-baked office somewhere over the rainbow, which has not moved.  Please send library instruction mail to her marked in red lipstick.
     Yes, this is all confusing.  With time, the dust will settle, and we will all change offices again!
          –Krisptina Boo Who Who

P. 1 One Lion 4

Cartoon FF

Movie Review:  The Beastmaster
     This movie stars Mark Singersowingmachine, Tanya Misterroberts, and John Amosenandy.  It was somewhat similar to Conan but in its own way it was very different.  It might even have been better; in fact it was better.  The Beastmaster was the unborn child who grew up and took revenge on the evil priest that was in controll of the Beastmaster’s kingdom.  However, the question remains, does the Beastmaster want to be king?  Is it really good to be the king?
     It should not be too difficult to figure out what a Beastmaster is.  And that was what made the show – was his beasts.  An eagle, a black tiger, and two little ferrets are his friends.  The show was bloody, a little frightening for little kids (like me) and there were a few bare women’s chests.  All in all, I found it to be good fiction, with humorous scenes and a few cliffhangers that were almost too unbelievable.
     I rate this movie P.E. for People Eaters!  And no, they were not purple!
          –Gigolo Joe

Dave Westinhouse Rafts at Western Slope!

     Dave Westinhouse, photographer for MMC, was on vacation last week up on the Western Slope.  He went rafting down the mighty river and found it to be very foamy and wavy!  We here at the Scatterbrain hope that he had a wonderful time!
          –Amanda Jean Turncoat

     I am an artist because I draw flies!
          –Tom Salad

Pot Luck In the Garden Level!

     Yes, on August 23, 1982 at 12:00 it was pot luck as to what food you chose to eat!  The dishes were mostly salads and relishes with a few desserts and cheese, crackers, and bread.  The only one who boycotted the lunch was Tom Salad.  “I just couldn’t stand by and watch all my dear friends being eaten up so I just didn’t go!” was Tom’s reply when I asked him why did not come.  There were other parties missing such as Dave Westinhouse, but we know that he was on vacation.  (Smart guy!)
     The only other two men missing were East Classroom’s A.V. Techs – Jim Longhorn ‘The Big Cheese’ and Dan Wellwater.  This was due to the fact that they both were still in the hospital after the landing of E.C. when it fell from its orbit not too long ago!  They are both recovering, however, and both will be returning to work this week when the new semester begins.
     The talk of the lunch was Neal Givesitaway’s Blueberry Ice Cream.  (He must have left it up on the HILL a little bit too long because it was almost Blueberry Soup.  But it did not affect the taste any!  Neal also brought his wife and daughter of six months, however, they did not taste good at all!
     All in all, I kept hearing the same question over and over, “Who made a da salad?”  We know it wasn’t Tom!
          –Clint Kark; Daily Planet  1974

Music/Medium, No Longer Music/Medium, Moves Five Feet

     Yes, sir re Bob!  It took one whole day of hard labor to move Music/Medium, whose new name is Medium Resources, five whole feet!
     Why did they move?  I hear you ask.  Well, it is so that they would have more office space, that’s why!  You see, Mike ‘the Moose’ Marecheck moved from the Garden Level up to the second floor, thus Boris Budweiser had to move her desk so that Mike could move into her space.
     Mike, however, missed his very first visitor, Don Rediferagoodreason, A.V. Tech instructor for Red Rocks Community College, because he was out doing whatever it is the Mike does when he is out.  Don remarked to Scrawny Dull, an old student of his, “So, Mike’s out goofing off again, huh?”  Miss Dull has this to say about Don, “If it wasn’t for Don, I wouldn’t be here at Malaria, because Don is the one who called me up and told me about the job.  On a moving day like this, however, I don’t know whether to thank him or punch his guts out!”
          –Amanda Jean Turncoat

P. 7 Up

Coming attractions:  Don’t miss the complete story of Salad In Wonderland!

Another preferred customer is Roberta Ricearoni, a San Francisco treat, from Music Resources!

     Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth he may bite your nose off!


Library Staff:  Gigolo Joe                                                                   vol. 42, no. 34     September 10, 1982

Amanda Jean Turncoat

Cartoon B

Salad In Wonderland

     Once upon a time in a land called Malaria there was a graphic artist named Tom Salad.  Tom was a hard worker, perhaps he worked too hard.  His friend and co-worker was a photographer, Dave Western, who told him, “Tom, you need a rest, you’re working too hard!”
     Tome just shrugged it off and went back to his letter machine.  PUNCH, PUNCH, PUNCH!  One day Tom was looking for Dave and thought he might be in the dark room.  So, Tom journeyed in through the round door only something strange happened that never happened before!  Was it the Twilight Zone?  Was it the Boggle Zone?  Was it the Red Zone?  Whichever Zone it was, Tom found himself in a strange new place!
     All of a sudden a rabbit ran past him!  “I’m late!  I’m late for a very important date!”
     “Why,” Tom thought, “That rabbit looks like Larry Woodchip!”  Tom ran after Larry Rabbit, “Come back, Larry!  come Back!”  Larry Rabbit snuck through a hole.  Tom knew that he was too big for the hole.  His eyes caught sight of a little bottle that read, “Drink me to become small.”  Tom drank the liquid and his body shrunk.  He went through the hole.  He ran and ran, then to his amazement he saw a picnic table with strange people sitting around it, but oddly enough they all looked familiar.
     There was Larry Rabbit glancing at his watch.  “I’m late, I’m late!”

P. 1134

     “Now tell us something new!” cried a man with a hat on.
     “Dave Western!” Tom exclaimed.
     “Where?” asked Dave the Madhatter.
     Tom exclaimed, “You, you are Dave Western!”
     “Me?  Don’t be silly, I am the Madhatter!  Come join us for tea.”
     “Thank you, I’m thirsty.”
     “Well, I’m Friday!  How da you do?” asked Neal Tweedle Dee.
     Loren Tweedle Dum replied, “Very well tank you!”
     “But you guys are Neal Givesitaway and Loren Taylormade!”
     “No, I’m Tweedle Dee!”
     “And I’m Tweedle Dum!  Or are you Tweedle Dum and me Tweedle Dee?” he asked Neal Tweedle Dee.
     “Neither, I’m Starsky and you’re Hutch!” Tweedle Dee remarked.
     Tweedle Dum said, “No, you Tarzan, me Jane!”
     The Madhatter interrupted, “No, me doctor, you patient, he nurse!”
     “Enough, enough!” Tom yelled, “I want to go back to work!  This is crazy.  Tea parties without tea!  Where is the tea?”
     “In Boston Harbor!” Larry Rabbit yelled.
     “Who’s that?” Tom asked.
     “That’s the Cheshire Cat!” Dave the Madhatter replied.
     Tom said, “He looks more like Jack Beagle to me!”
     “Meow!  Never did I hear of a Jack Beagle.  Cats hate dogs yuh know!  I loves seagulls though, yum, yum!”  he smacked his chops together.
     “Hark!  I hear the bugle!  Run!” yelled Neal Tweedle Dee.
     Tom asked, “What’s harmful about the bugle?”
     “It’s the Queen of Spades!” Loren Tweedle Dum answered.
     It was too late, the Queen was there.  Tom recognized her as Patrixias Fur-Kidds Maverick.  “Off with their heads!” the Queen yelled to her nave.
     Why it was Jim Mountain!  “Him, you can’t take my head off!” Tom exclaimed
     Jim Nave replied, “Heads must roll!  Where’s the butter?”
     In the distance was a trumpet.  Patrixias Queen of Spades jerked up, “Drats!  The Queen of Hearts is on the way!  She always spoils my fun!  Her heart is too big!”
     The Queen of Hearts came and her court (or suit of cards).  “Why,” Tom exclaimed, “it’s Murial Inda Woods!  And there’s Mike Marecheck as her nave.  The rest of the deck are Meme the secretary, Dan Wellwater, Jim Longhorn, Scrawny Dull, Greg Martinsheen, Paul Tattletell, Ron Highball, Bev Buck-an-ear, and Kia Kia her joker.”
     Murial Queen of Hearts aid, “Stop this foolishness Queen of Spades!  Leave and go back to your palace in the second kingdom!”
     “One day, I shall have my fun!” Patrixias Queen yelled as she rode off with her deck, Jim the Nave, and Phill Lazerbeam the joker.
     “Come,” said Murial Queen to Tom, “and join us, the Queen of Diamonds, and the Queen of Clubs and her musical troop!”
     “Sounds like fun!  I will join you!”
     Once he was there, he recognized the Queen of Clubs as being Boris Budweiser.  Her nave was Steve Dental Floss, and some of her deck were Bobby Metzaball, Roberta Ricearoni, and Lulu Grotesky.  There was teh Queen of Diamonds, Dawn Chainlink!  (She’s Queen of Diamonds because it takes diamonds to pay for the movies they show every night.)
     After partying a bit, Tom went to the Queen of Hearts to find out how to get back to work.  “Oh, Queen of Hearts, tell me how to get back to work, please.”
     “There is only one way I know.”
     “What’s that?”
     “You must promise to stop working so hard!”
     “Very well then, I promise not to work so hard.  I also promise to use Promise Margarine.”
     “Now, you must tap your heels together and say over and over, ‘There’s no place like home.  There’s no place like home.’  And remember to party-on, Dude!”
     Tom clicked his heels together and repeated the words.  He found himself back at work at his desk.  He looked at his watch.  It read twelve o’clock.  “Time for lunch!”  And he lived happily ever after!
          –Amanda Jean Turncoat

[Editor’s note:  Unfortunately, Tom Salad did not live happily ever after.  It was not long after publishing this little satire story that Mr. Salad was fired.  But he did eventually get his job back.  He remained at Malaria until he retired.  Dave Western loved this story and he told me that only I could get away with writing something like this.  At the time I had no idea what he was talking about.  I guess I had e.s.p.?]

P. 98.6

Movie Review:  Monty Python Live at the Hollywood Bowl
     And now for something completely the same!  Yes, if you have watched all of the Monty Python programs or bought all their records then you would be familiar with almost all to the material in this movie.  But that is what makes it so much fun and enjoyable of a movie.  There is, however, new material in the movie that is very, very funny.
     If you have never, ever seen Monty Python’s Flying Circus then you will really love this movie.  I really love the beginning credits!  This movie takes place, of course, in New Your…I mean Hollywood, California.  Among some of my favorite scripts were the Bruces, the Lumberjack song, the Argument, and When I Was a Kid We Lived In a Shoebox!
     You’ll laugh all the way through this movie so I can recommend you go see it.  I’ll leave you with these famous last words, “I got two legs from me hips to the ground and when I move ‘em they walk around.  And when I lift ‘em they climb the stairs and when I shave ‘em they ain’t go hairs!”
          –Gigolo Joe

Muchos Gracias

     Muchos gracias tu Murial Inda Woods por use-a a la Xerox Machina in la Gardeno Level.  Por with out her eat wood be mucho expencivo to put out la Library Scatterbrain!  Gracias mas!  Mas gracias?
          –Frito Bandito

Movie Review:  The Road Warrior
     What hideous noise is this that disturbs the serene tranquility of the great, stinking Australian Outback?  Is it the Serpent that Swallowed Sydney?  The Behemoth that Belched up Brisbane?  The Appaition that Appauled Alice Springs?  Nope!  It is just Mad Max the Road Warrior in his 1,675 horsepower Renault “le mammywhammer” funny car, skwushing kangaroos, wunning over wombats and dinking with the baddies.
     The Road Warrior is an unusual film in that it has both snob appeal and teen appeal.  Most of the High Brow film critics give it about 3 ½ stars.  Most of the punks, cretins, junkies, Hells Angels, low riders, low lifes, winos and motorheads who make up your typical drive-in set likes it because it is boss, bitchin’, groovy, fab, glitsy, gear, tuff, and extremely violent wid lotz gassy wheels.  At least it’s not boring.
     The film centers round its hero, Mad Max (Mel Hoop Gipson), who is rather disaffected or maybe even extremely disaffected or would you believe incredibly disaffected?  Do you rmember the Frank Zappa song about the Hells Angel who could not sell his soul to the devil because all he was interested in was titties and beer?  Well, Mad Max is even more disaffected than that, all Maxie is interested in is Alpo and gasoline.  He uses the Alpo to keep himself and his dog (ugliest dog to ever land a movie role) running.  He needs gasoline to keep “le mammywhammer” running.
     Unfortunately, the road to Alp and gasoline is strewn with pitfalls.  Pitfall #1 being Hoards of Feinds local 278.  Hoards of Feinds local 278 is possibly the greatest set of baddies in recent voovie history.  They are ruled by an extremely tacky entity known as “The Humnugus” and they make both typical motorcycle gangs and Imperial Stormtroopers look like troops of rowdy cub scouts.  Their daily activities consist of robbing, killing, plundering, pillaging, killing, raping, stabbing, killing, shooting, stomping, raising hell, injuring, maiming, disemboweling, torturing, and killing.   They like to wear shiny black leather cloths (kinky) with chromed spikes and built in knives and crossbows.  With gasoline being the most precious substance in this post W.W.III world, they insist on cruising around the Outback in vehicles having a minimum of 900 horsepower.  Their leader “The Humungus” is omnipotent because he posesses the worlds last remaining portable P.A.  (M.E. 254 by M.M.C. reconing.)

P. Car 54 Where Are You?

     Well folks, the producers never claimed that The Road Warrior was an epic struggle between Good and Evil it is more of a struggle between Bad and Worse (even the good guys are pretty dam sleazy).  But it does have some redeeming features:

I.  The non-cutest and least lovable child star award goes to “The Feral Kid” who is a very seedy little brat who likes to cancel baddies with a stainless steel boomerang.

II.  No romantic interest whatsoever.  Maxie’s one true love Gina Wotalotabodia was killed in this film’s predecessor, Mad Max.  The most romantic line in the whole moovie is:  “I wuz wrong about you Maxie.”

III.  Best damn chase scene in the history of the moovies.  The last scene of The Road Warrior makes the chases in Raiders Of The Lost Ark and Bullit look like roller disco demonstrations.

IV.  Most interesting side-kick award goes to “the Gyro Captain” an extremely skuzzy character who flies around in James Bond’s old gyrocopter (you only live twice) and drops Molotov cocktails and poisonous snakes down on Hoards of Fiends local 278. (He really doesn’t like to drop snakes because he would rather eat them for dinner.)

V.  The Ugliest but most intelligent dog award goes to:  Maxie’s pooch.  At one point this mutated mutt holds up the Gyro Captain with a sawed off shotgun.  (We would like to see Benji or Rin Tin Tin try that one.)

     All in all I can recommend this film for general entertainment purposes, but be careful pulling out of the parking lot as a lot of teenagers like this film and it does seem to have an adverse effect on teenage hormonal secretions.  Star Wars was a good film for children of all ages, The Road Warrior is more for adolescents of all ages.
          –review by Gianclaudio “extreme unction” Macarelli
     The above review, submitted for your approval (not ours), does not necessarily reflect the views of this station.  If you have any comments then keep them to yourself!  After all, we need all the help we can get.
          –Gigolo Joe

And now for something completely different:  A man with three chins!

     One more preferred customer is Lulu Grotesky!

     “Liver Come Back To Me!”
          –Frankenstein Monster’s most favorite song.

Cartoon C


Library Staff:  Gigolo Joe                                                                   Vol. 42, no. 35     September 27, 1982

Amanda Jean Turncoat

Cartoon E

     Cartoon is the convoluted work of Joe Marecheck (really submitted for fear of getting one’s legs broken).

Dear G. Joe
     I really loved reading the moovie review on The Road Warrior!  It was great!  What wit, what critiquing, what a fantastic, marvelous view of this movie, which I have seen one hundred times so far!  Mr. Macarelli could not have described it better!  He should have a job with the New York Harrold!  Have more of him, that’s an order!
          –Joe “Capone” Marecheck

Dear Al,
    Thanks ever so much for your letter, however, Mr. Macarelli is a free lance writer and too good for the Library Scatterbrain so we have told him he no longer can submit anything to us, however, considering it is you who wants him back, with your idle threat, we will be more than delighted to have him write for us if he has anything to give us.

Dear Gigolo,
     That was the best cartoon I have ever seen in your newsletter!  I’m talking, of course, about the one you had on the last page of your last issue.  Whoever submitted it is very talented and has a great sense of humor!  I also think that he captured my likeness wonderfully well!  Was it Jim Longhorn or Joe Marecheck who gave it to you?  Perhaps it was Scrawny Dull or Phil-it-to-de-rim Lazy?
          –Dan Wellwater

P. 4

Continued from page 16…

Dear Mr. Waterpipes,
    I promised not to reveal the Artist’s identity, and my word is as good as gold!  Glad you enjoyed the cartoon, I myself found it to be absolutely hilarious because it is so true!  Be sure not to miss our next issue, there is something very special in it that I think you might just absolutely hate!

Roving Reporter, John Henry, Reports

     Hi again everyone!  Today I am with my old pal Dean Butler again and someone else, Mr. Robert Blake!  To refresh your memories, Dean was on Little House on the Prairie but now he is on Little House – A New Beginning, which starts this fall.  You all know Robert Blake from the Italian Dinner roll he played in Beretta!  His list of movie credits goes on and on.  He was in Treasure of Brown Mother, which starred Humpy Bogarter.  He was also in Falseman Catapulty’s film, In Cold Bla.
     “So, Dean, how’s it going, Old Pal?”
     “Pretty good, John.”
     “I understand that your family has been in California for quite a long time.”
     “That’s right, five generations.  My great, great grandfather came around the horn in 1849 from Germany.”
     “You sure he didn’t go round the bend?”
     “Shud up yuh rummy!’ Blake told me.
     Dean continued, “He became district attorney for San Francisco in a most unpredicted way.”
     “Oh, how’s that?” I asked.
     “The morning of 1906, when the big earthquake came, the district attorney was killed.  My grandfather was late for work and he was coming across the Bay on the fairy when he saw the city fall.  When he stepped off the boat he became district attorney.”
     I said, “That’s one way of getting the job.  Well, Robert, what have you been up to since Beretta?”
     “I’ve been acting like a big jerk!”
     “Well, that’s nothing new for you!” I said, “Yuh know what I mean?”
     “Yeah, yeah, I know what yuh mean.”
     “I heard that you built a three million dollar mansion to live in.”
     “See what I mean?  Dat’s da dummest t’ing I’ve ever done in my whole life!”
     “Why’s that?”
     “It ain’t me. dat’s why!  I mean look ad all duh people in duh world who are starvin’ and I build a house worth tree million bucks!  It’s ridiculous! I mean I slept in duh guest room!”
     “Well, what are you going to do with the house then?”
     “Would you like tuh live in a mansion?”
     “Sure, but I don’t have three million dollars.  My editor’s cheap!  I see you still carry the unlit cigs around with you.”
     “Yeah, it’s my pacifier.”
     “Dean, did you know that Robert was one of the Gang?”
     “Which one, Hell’s Angels or Charlie’s Angels?”
     “Needer, Kid.  I was one a duh Our Gang.  I played Liddle Mickey!”
     “Oh,” Dean responded, “one of the Little Rascals.  I remember now, you were the fat one.”
     “No, I wasn’t fat, dat was Spanky!”
     “Oh, sorry, I guess I don’t remember you after all.  Say, Robert Blake isn’t your real name is it?”
     “No, it ain’t.  My real name is Michael James Vinchensio Gubitosie.”
     I said, “No wonder you changed it.  I would have changed my name too!”
     Dean said to me, “Shud up yuh rummy!”
     “Hey,” Robert said, “you’re learnin’ Kid!  You’re learnin’!”  Then they both got up and walked away talking to one another.  How do you like them apples?

Why do florists take vacations?                      So that they can get potted.
Why do telephone men take vacations?         So that they do not go ding-ee in the head.
Why do lawyers go on vacation?                    So that they can sit around in their briefs.
Why do TV repairmen go on vacation?          So that they can have a good reception.

Library Scatterbrain – G


Library Staff:  Gigolo Joe                                                                   vol. 42, no. 29     August 6,1976
Amanda Jean Turncoat


     “Hello, and welcome to Medium Center Minutes, coming to you live, direct from Studio A in the Garden Level!  And now, here’s our Hostess Twinkie, Murial Inda Woods!”
     “Good afternoon everyone, and welcome!  I’m Murial and you’re not!  To open our meeting we’ll start with the Area Reports.  Larry, how are things in Engineering?”
     “Well, first of all, let me say this about that…”
     “Thank you, and good-by Mr. Woodchips!  Next we’ll hear from Kia Kia.”
     “Thanks, Murial.  First of all, let me say this about that…”
     “Thank you, Kia Kia.  And now we’ll hear from Boris.”
     “Well, let me first of all say that about this…”
     “Thank you so ever much Boris, and now we’ll hear from Mike “the Moose” Marecheck!”
     “Thanks, Murial.  Orders are down but so are ducks.”
     “Thank you Uncle Mikey!  Now, you all know about the Service Changes, so we’ll move onto our next category.”
     Dawnie Dickweed asked, “Who wants to look at a gory cat?”
     Murial replied, “Quiet in the peanut gallery!  Staff development program, it’s cancelled, so we’ll talk about the Practicum!”
     Tom Salad yelled, “Not again!”
     “You’re right, we know all about it so onto the Facilities Appearance Committee Report!”
     Jack Beagle barked, “We met and decided that the Committee’s appearance was in good shape so we all left!”
     “All right, we’ll just skim right over that one…Police and Procedure Statement and Fee Schedule.”
     Ron Highball asked, “Everyone’s familiar with Police and Procedure, we all got busted last week, remember?”
     “That’s right, well then, how about Statement and Fee Schedule?”
     “We’re too poor and we all lie!” Steve Floss said.
     “Right, since we do not have any money for fees and our statements cannot be taken seriously we’ll move along to our favorite part of the meeting,” Murial advised.
     Boris Budweiser asked, “The end?”
     “No, the Hot Line!  The number is 2424, if you out there in TV land have a question just dial 2424!”
     “Hello.  Is this Murial Woods?”
     “No, its the Easta Bunny!  What’s your question?”
     “Well, you don’t know me, but I’m located in the Art’s Satellite.”
     “What’s your question, Scrawny?”
     “Where does Jack get off saying that I said we should attach Jerrold Jack keys to long sticks?  Besides, I talked to him two or three weeks ago about the matter not last week!  I wouldn’t have ever talked to him about the subject if someone from Music/Medium would not have gave me the idea that they were going to supply keys!  I forgot who it was that told me that but it was somebody from Music/Medium.  Not that it matters any.  I just want to set the record straight!!!  Back to the long sticks, that was Jack who mentioned it not me.  But what the hay, I’m willing to forgive him, cause I’m so big hearted!  And you thought I wouldn’t tune in!”
     “Hello, what’s your question?”
     “What’s brown and sounds like a bell?”
     “I know the answer to that one but I can’t say it on the air!  Next phone call please!

Continued on last page.

P. 9 ½


     [Editor’s note:  Please go back to Library Scatterbrain – F if you have not read part 1 of this story, thank you!]  When we left off last week, Irving was talking with the lieutenant giving him the description of Mr. James’s lady friend.  And now to continue with our epic…
     After speaking with the lieutenant, I decided to go talk to Mrs. Johnson, James’s next-door neighbor.  I rang the doorbell, I heard the chimes echo through the room, and then the door opened.  “Good day, Mrs. Johnson.”
     “For some of us it is.”
     “Yes, may I come in?”
     “Sure, why not?  Did you bring the broom?  I’ve been waiting hours for it.”
     “Oh, darn it!  I forgot.  You see, a funny thing happened to me on my way over to your place.  I tripped over Mr. James’s dead body.”
     “I fail to see what’s so funny about that!”
     “Yes, well, it’s not all that funny, but that’s what happened.”
     “Well, I’ve been waiting around for that stupid broom and when you finally get here you come without it.  I’m a housewife, Mr. Berlin, and I haven’t got time to waste while you’re off playing I Spy!  I happen to need that broom.  I should have gone out and bought me my own!”
     “Excuse me, but this is unimportant.”
     “Maybe it is to you but you don’t have a husband who comes home every night and gives you the white glove test!  Besides, it’s not easy to stretch out these stories you know.”
     “Did you notice any strange people coming and going from Mr. James’s place?”
     “What do you think I am, snoopy?  There was this one woman who was always popping up at his doorstoop.”
     “Isn’t that doorstep?”
     “Where?  Anyway, she always showed up day after day, night after night!  If you ask me, she killed him!”
     “Well, I didn’t ask you, now did I?”
     “No.  Could you go get your broom?  I have to get my kitchen clean before Days of Our Lives comes on.”
     “This is a little more important than a soap opera.”
     “No, it’s not.  Doug and Julie are getting divorced and remarried today.  Please, go get your broom!”
     “Alright, Mrs. Johnson, but first could you get me a glass of water?  I’m very thirsty.”
     “Okay, but don’t you come into the kitchen, nobody sees my kitchen when it’s dirty!”
     “Don’t worry, I’ll stay right here.”  I said with my fingers crossed, because it’s not kosher to lie.  I sneaked over to the kitchen door to sneak a peek after she went in to get my water.  Then I sneaked back to where I was before she had left.  When she reentered the room I gulped down my water and said my good-bye.  I went to scrounge up the lieutenant.
     “Good news,” announced the lieutenant, “we found out who James’s lady friend was, or is.  Her name is Janice Jones.”
     “Lieutenant, I know who the murderer is.  Come with me, I have to deliver this broom to one of the neighbors.”  I rang the door bell when we reached our destination.  Mrs. Johnson opened the door.
     She said, “Good, you finally brought it to me.”
     “May we come in?” I asked.
     “Well, alright, but don’t expect no afternoon tea!”
     “This is Lieutenant Jenkins of the homicide squad.  You see, as I was telling you, Lieutenant, I know who the murderer is.  Janice Jones, our mystery lady, was Joseph James’s newest hobby.  Before Janice journeyed into James’s life, James and Jenny Johnson were having an affair.  Jenny Johnson’s husband, Jimmy Johnson, was unaware of any fowl play.  So, Jenny and Joseph were in the clear.  However, Jenny became jealous of Janice Jones and invited Joseph James over for jam and jelly peanut butter sandwiches.  They jaunted on into the kitchen where Jenny Johnson jerked up a jackknife and jabbed Joseph in the juggler vain.  “Jumpin’ Gee-Hausenfrouse!” Joseph jabbered while jerking away.  Joseph jittered down the hallway where he died.  Jenny then jabbered over the phone for me to jaunt on over with a broom so that she could clean up the mess that she and Joseph had made.  And that’s the way it happened.”
     “Jes, it’s true!  I killed him!  He played around with that Jezebel once too often!”

P. $%#

     “She’s beginning to sound like you, Berlin.  Listen, anytime you want to help me out on a case be my guest.  Only make sure it’s not during a baseball game!”
     “Thanks, Lieutenant.  I thank you, my mom thanks you, my father thanks you, my brothers thank you.  Mrs. Johnson, could I have my broom back?”
     “Eat my dust!” she yelled.
     And that’s how I became the famous New York Detective of all times.  What do you say?  You never heard of me?  Well, I’ve never heard of you, so we’re even!

          –Amanda Jean Turncoat

Continued from front page.
     “Hello, who’s this?” asked the phone’s voice.
     “I don’t know, I can’t see you!  Good-by!  Well, this concludes this portion of our program.  Now here’s our M.C., Dave Westoftherockies!”
     “Thanks, Murial!  Well, folks, what will happen in a month?  Will Uncle Mikey get that heart transplant?   Will Tom Salad get a lot of new crisp lettuce?  Will Boris Budweiser come to the end of her tap?  Will Batman and Robin escape the Joker’s giant mouse trap?  Tune in next month, same time, same station!  This is Dave Westofthenorth saying, ‘Buenos tacos!’”
          –Gigolo Joe

     Do to the fact that Phil Lazy is so LAZY, there will be NO cartoon this week!

Message from the Mod Squad

     Starting again on the streets of San Francisco, the Mod Squad will be out with the narks.  This pasta week we have asked people to cover any dope going through the Library.  We know it has been hard with the Dog Show and Orlando’s party, but next week we are going to bring in the Feds and ask questions later!  We want to make this dot perfectly clear.  (Isn’t that point?  Where?)  You will have your mug shot taken when you are caught smuggling.  If you are not careful we will have to search your lunches and drinks, and eat them too.
          –Mod Squad; Linc, Pete, and Julie

ALPO Dog Show Huge Success!!

     To everybody that came to the Dog Show, and made it a huge success, a million thanks.  We had a good time arranging the doghouses.  We hope you had a good time being in them!  We also want to thank Lori Barbella, Frank Stallion, Boris Budweiser, Chris and Eileen Twin Gulfclubs, and John “The Raisin” Scooper for bringing doggie scoopers.  They were a big help during clean up!  Total cereal for the Ass. was $65.21 (half of 42).  Blue ribbon went to Bowser, a German Shepherd Pie mixture, belonging to Lulu Grotestky and family.  Thanks again for your contributions, help, and support hose!
          –Stiff Association

Manny Thanks To All

     John D. Hunted says, “Thank you” for all the cards and remembrances he received while recovering his lost E.T. Doll.  He found it in the last place he looked.  I told him to look there first.
          –Pat Keebler Cracker

Trivia Question:  Who played the toy maker in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang?
Trivia Answer:  Benny Hill!

Next week:  Part one of Star Bores The Finale Episode!  Plus twelve ways to part your hair.  Special exclusive interview with the Enquirer titled, “Even My Mother Calls Me A Liar!”
     Don’t miss it or it’ll miss you!!!


Library Staff:  Gigolo Joe                                                                   vol. 42, no. 30     August 12, 1982
Amanda Jean Turncoat

Cartoon CC

Letters to the Editor

Dear G.J.;
     At this time I would truly like to apologize to Miss Dull for misquoting her at the last meeting in Studio A.  I truly did not mean to do it and I am so glad that she has such a big heart (and grand memory)!  My memory is not as good as Memorex!
          –My condolence, Jack Beagle

Dear Jack;
     We sent your letter to Miss Dull and upon reading it she said, “That Jack, what a sweet Texan Grapefruit he is!”  We hope your memory gets better and we recommend that you get plenty of rest and drink a lot of fluids.  At this time I would like to apologize, not to Jack, but to all of our readers which would include Jack I suppose, so yeah, we apologize to him too, for the fact that we wrote “Faster then” instead of “Faster than” on the page above.

Dear Mr. Joe,
     What is this A Case of Murder?  I mean any fool could have figured out who the murderer was by following the trail of blood that must have been made by the victim, sense he was stabbed by a knife in the jugular vain!  What do you take us readers to be, idiots?
          –Lovingly yours, Paul Tattletell

Dear Paul Tuttle,
     Yes!  Donut chew no that Amanda Jean has been under a strain lately?  To be precise, it was the last strain to Clarksville!  She has not been up to Par yet because she only got to Clarksville yesterday.  We know that you were kicked out of boy scouts for eating brownies, so, we’ll give you a merit badge for being such a good P. Eye.
     Don’t write us, we’ll write you,
          –Gigolo Joe

     Preferred customers of the month are Beverly Buch-an-ear and Mike Marecheck.

Subscriptions Rise!

     Since issue 9 came out subscriptions have doubled!  But that does not mean that we know how many readers there are.  We figure that most people use our rag to make spitballs or paper planes out of.  Or they use it to stick under that uneven leg of their desk.  The more intelligent people read it, but ours is not to reason why ours is just to write and publish.
          –Amanda Jean Turncoat

[Editor’s note:  I wrote the following story after reading the book (before seeing the movie) Star Wars:  The Empire Strikes Back.  This was years before Return of the Jedi was even spoken of.  I hope you enjoy reading it.]





     “Hiss, hiss,” breathed the tall man in black as he joined General Gone in conference.  “General Gone, hiss, this time I aim to get Starcrawler if it kills me!  Has there been any news with my probes?”
     “Yes, your darkness!  There is a robot probe on the planet Idonwannabeit that has picked up sightings of a Pebble Base.”
     “Good, head there immediately!  Hiss.”
     “By your command!”
     “Did I hear anyone else command it?” Vlad asked.
     On the planet Idonwannabeit, there was indeed a Pebble Base.  Bluke was in the headquarters speaking to his friend Landed.  C3B0 and RUOKO, the two droids, were gathered around their human companions.  “Oh, dear!” Bluke exclaimed.
     “What is it, Bluke old buddy pal of mine?”
     “I feel him Landed!”
     “Barth Vlad!”
     “Again?  Boy, doesn’t he ever learn his lesson?  I mean after you cut his hand off in the last flick!”
     “A hand for a hand!”
     “Well, I couldn’t very well kill my own father!  Even if I did have the opportunity!”
     “I know, Bluke, I know.”
     “He knows where our base is.  He’s coming this way!”
     “Excuse me, Sir,” C3B0 interrupted, “but are you sure he’s not going that way?”
     “No, I’m sure it’s this way!”
     “Bleep, bleep, bloop blop!” RUOKO exclaimed.
     “Well,” C3B0 said, “I could care less if you have to take an oil break, just make sure that it doesn’t go past fifteen minutes!”
     “Bloop bop do boop!”
     “You take that back!” C3B0 demanded.
     Bluke yelled, “Battle stations everyone, the Empire’s on its way!”
     Sirens went on all over the base.  In the officer’s quarters is a bungalow where Con Polo and Princess Lay live.  We see them in the bedroom laying underneath the covers of a king sized bed.  In between them is a familiar lump of hair.  The Princess asked, “Do we have to keep this Wonka friend of yours in our bed?  Can’t he at least find a couch or sofa to sleep on?”
     “Hush, hear that?” Con exclaimed, “Sirens!”
     “You’re evading the issue, my dearest!”
     “You know something?  With you it use to be duty first but ever since we got married it’s nag, nag, nag!”
     “Oh, BRANZO CHIPS!” she yelled.
     “HAUGHRRR!!!” yelled Chewbaco who was mad because he was awakened from a dream about a female Wonka.
     “You should be complaining!” she said, “How would you like to wake up every night with a mouth full of Wonka hair!?”
     “HARRA A WA!”  Which means, “I wouldn’t mind if it belonged to a Wonka woman!”
     “Well, if you’re that lonely, why don’t you go home to Wonka Land?”
     “A WAN A HA HA!”
     “Ha, he’s making too much money in these movies, that’s why!”  Con said, “Well, we better get dressed and see what those sirens are all about.”
     “If you’d ever read your script, you’d know what those sirens are all about!”
     Chewbaco roared, “RANA HA HA!”
     “What do you mean, she‘s got me there!  I can insult her better than that any day of the year!  Beside, I like surprise endings.”

Continued until next week, Part 8.


Gemini (May 21-Jun 20):  You have an urge to be next to Ben Murphy, but invisible.  You will be cancelled.

Cancer (July 20-June 21):  Do not go to the beach, you will get your nose pinched by your distant cousin the lobster.

Leo (Jungle 23-Aug 23):  Because of your lion nature, no one will believe you when you cry wolf and you will be gobbled up just like that!

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22.3)  You’re a show off and extrovert and never help with the dishes.  You never shut your mouth and that is why you get your lights punched out every night.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct.):  Stay away from Libraries today, in fact, stay away from them your whole life they will only bring you bad luck.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21):  You are hooked on General Hospital, best to try and break away from it.  Your lucky number is 8.

Sagittarius (Nov.-21 Dec.):  You are always so quiet, never say a word, you would not know how to bull shoot if you tried.  You are always the one who compromises.  And if you believe that, I’ve got some swampland for sale in Florida.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan.19):  Tilt.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 28):  When the moon is in the seventh house and Jupiter aligns with Mars look out for falling trees in the forest.

Pieces (Feb. 19.6-Maarch 02):  This is a bad day for you so you had better get back into the fish tank.

Aries (You don’t care.):  You are always ramming off at the mouth.  You are very non-aggressive and you never succeed at anything except being a disc jockey.

Taurus (Ape. 99.6-Yam 20):  Go back to the corral today, the cows are out to get you.  Do not blow your horns either.

Birthday Greeting:  Happy Birthday to…

Abby Millerhighlight – Blood Circulation; Betty Graves – Design of Lots; Ron Highball – Son in-law to Gene; Elaine Ryans Hope – Soaps; Kay Cornier – Funnies; Patrixias Fur-Kidds Maverick – Head Poker Player; Gladys Summertime – Suntain-oil; Sandy Beach – Saltwater; Scrawny Dull – Sitdown Comedian; and last but not least, Sherry Rydell – Bobby’s sister
     All born in August, will coincidences never stop?
          –Gigolo Joe and Staff


Library Staff:  Gigolo Joe                                                                   vol. 42, no. 31     August 20, 1982
Amanda Jean Turncoat

Cartoon DD

UCK Staff Council Bake Sale

     The UCK Staff Council Bake Sale brought a total of $0.00 because nobody wanted to buy any Baked Council, and who could blame them?  I know it is not one of my favorites!  Next time let us just sell cookies and cakes, okay?  (Especially cookies!)
          –Pat Keebler and Barbara McCanndo, UCK S.C.

Women’s Association of Wicked Americans Meets Again!

     I attended WAWA’s meeting Thursday in the UCK Administration Building.  It was the most wicked of all meetings yet, but there were very few participants!  I guess this is due to the fact that most people are just too nice!  Well, I say, “Get involved!”  Contact Kathleen Cough at 2851.
          –Roblurta Ricearoni

A Day At Lakeside

     Come join the hills and dells of Lakeside with your Stiff Ass.  We will be going on David Soul’s birthday and Amanda Tapping’s birthday.  We still need 11 more people to get the group coupon.  (We’re cheep!)  Look at your calendar and then look again to make sure your eye sight’s 20/20.  Depending on how many go and their schedules, we will set up a time and place to meet by some maple trees, or somethin’.  See Mary, Beth, Shannon or Gloria if your eyesight is 20/20.
          –Mary Dogesbullets

P. C3P0


     Back at the Pebble Headquarters, Bluke was speaking to Landed while packing up some gear.  I’ve got to go.”
     “Where to?”
     “The Dogapound System for a refreshers course from Yoyo, the Jetty Master.”
     “There’s no time, Bluke!”
     “Sure there is.  There’s at least another ninety minutes of movie left!”
     “Oh, well, in that case, go and may the Chorus be with you!”
     Bluke asked, “Hear that?”
     “Yes,” Landed replied.
     “That’s the Chorus!  It’s definitely with me everywhere I go!  Sometimes it drives me up a wall!”
     “Good luck, Bluke!”
     “Come on RUOKO,” Bluke commanded.
     “Bleep, blup!”
     “Yes, you have to come with me!” Bluke replied.
     Con, Lay, and Chewbaco get aboard the Falimion Balcon and take off to fight in space against the Imperial Butter Fleet.  It was not long until they were hip deep in Cylon, I mean Imperial Bow-Tie Fighters.
     “Moly gee hassafraser!” Con cussed, “Hang on, we’re going to have one big battle on our hands!”
     “That’s the understatement of the year,” Lay said.
     “Listen, Spud, either shut up or ship out!”
     “Oh, I just love it when you talk to me like that, Con dearest!”
     “Fire, Chew-Chew!”
     “Alright,” Con yelled, “we hit him!  There’s one on our flank, evasive action, mark three point eight zero!”
     Lay asked, “Who is Mark Threepoint Eightzero?”
     “A guy I went to academy school with,”  Polo snidely remarked.
     Back on the Imperial Star Destroyer Vlad was in holo contact with Gone.  “Any word on Starcrawler, Gone?”
     “I know your name, hiss, now where is Starcrawler?”
     “Gone, Sir!”
     “I’m loosing my temper!  Where is he?”
     “Perhaps I could help you find your temper, Lord Vlad!”
     “Just tell me where Starcrawler is!”
     “He’s gone, Sir!  Not Gone, my name Gone, but gone as in vamoosed, vanished, exit stage left.”
     “I get it Gone, he’s gone.  That means you let him get away so you’re going to be gone, Gone!  Not gone as in gone good-by, but as in Gone you’re dead!”
     “Auragg ye!” gagged Gone as the unseen hands gripped his neck.  Then Gone was gone.
     Lord Vlad said, “Major Needer.”
     “Yes, Lord Vlad?”
     “I’m placing you in command now.”
     “Do, do I have to, Sir?  I’d much prefer a demotion instead.”
     “Yes, well, that’s Needer here nor der, you will do as I say!” Vlad exclaimed.  “That was a good one, ‘Needer here nor dere!’”
     “Yes, Sir, it was, Sir!”
     Bluke was entering the Dogapound System.  There was that old familiar planet off in the distance where he had first met Yoyo — that funny, little, blue Jetty Master.  When Starcrawler landed his Z-Wing he got out into the slushy bog and waded toward shore singing,  “She went wading in the water and she finally got it wet.  She went wading in the water and she finally got it wet.  She went wading in the water and she finally got it wet.  She finally got her bathing suit wet.”  With the use of his Chorus Bluke lifted RUOKO up into the air and floated him over to his bearings.  Slowly the little droid glided to the ground.  “Are you okay, RUOKO?”
     “Good.  Yoyo, I’m back!”

STARDATE 8743.008

     “No, need have you to shout it out!” Yoyo said to Bluke, “Your presence long ago I felt!  So, what you be bucking for, Jetty Master maybe?”
     “No, I just came for a refreshers course.”
     “Get I tired of seeing you.  Go back and fight your father.  The Chorus is strong in you like no other Jetty Knight I teach so you ok-key doe-key!”
     “But Yoyo, I need more understanding.  Please teach me.  How can I destroy my own father?”
     “No, destroy!”
     “But then what?”
     “Sit you down.  I teach.”  Bluke sat down.  “You know Gonzo?”
     “Not personally, no.”
     “Serious be!”
     “You understand Gonzo is Chorus?”
     “No, nobody ever told me.”
     “You now maybe see?”
     “Chorus is harmony and peace,” Bluke said.  “Then Gonzo must be harmony and peace too.”
     “Yes, see you!”
     “Chorus is Mind.”
     “Gonzo is Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, and Love,” Yoyo said.
     “Yes, but what do I do about my old man?”
     “Show him light!  Show him only real power Gonzo!”
     “Yes!  Yes, of course, I see the light!”
     “Umphg, have Un-Cola then!”
     “I believe I will thank you.  Then I must be off.”


Movie Review:  The Secret of Nimh
     This is a very moving movie about a mommy mouse that is trying to save her family.  The cartoon is very superb!  The cartoon figures are very life like, I should say, they move like the old cartoons use to in the old days.  Not the stiff type as in Scooby Doo!  The characters had personality, and the story is very, very interesting.  I would tell you what Nimh stands for, but it is a secret.  I will, however, give you a clue.  It was Colonel Mustard in the ballroom with the knife!  Or was that Mr. Green with the revolver in the kitchen?  Whatever, you will enjoy this movie.
          –Gigolo Joe

Dear Crabby

Dear Crabby,
     My daughter has seen Craters of the Lost Ark and Blade Stabbers a million times because she loves Hairy Ford.  All she does all day long is sit in her room and stair at posters of this man, when she is not at the theater that is.  What should I do?
          –from the mother of a Star Struck Daughter

Dear Mother Star Struck,
     Don’t give her an allowance!

Dear Crabby,
     My wife has been steppin’ out on me as of late.  I feel like it might be time for a new mouthwash, what do you suggest?
          –Marty Feldman

Dear Marty,
     I feel that your eyes are the problem, not your breath.  Try getting an eye transplant and if that does not work, try some tango lessons.

Dear Crabby,
     All the guys are interested in anymore are women with a Dolly Pardon bust!  What should I do?
          –Flatly yours, Pancakes

Dear Pancakes,
     Try yeast!