Animal Farm USA

By:  Kookie Roberts

            Right to the fact, the truth, Bernie Saunders (Mr. B. S.) is a communist.  He lies when he says he is a Democratic-Socialist.  There is no such thing as a Democratic –Socialist, because all socialists are for totalitarianism not democracy.  They use communistic and fascist methods.  Communism burns everything to the ground.  And B. S. wants to burn the U.S.A. down to the ground as well.  That is why he is BURN-ie.  (That’s a good burn to Burnie.)  Oh, he’s all in favor for American citizens needing to stand in line each day to get their one loaf of bread.  What he does not tell you is that you only get one loaf of bread and that one loaf of bread is available until they run out of loaves of bread.  Also, what Mr. B.S. does not tell you is how much that one loaf of bread will actually cost and that you have to stand in line to get that one loaf of bread for HOURS.  You see, if you are too busy standing in line you don’t have time to REVOLT against the government!  At least B. S. (who is full of b. s.) has been honest in saying openly that he is a socialist (which actually means that he is a communist).  Just how much is your one loaf of bread going to actually cost?  It will cost way more than a loaf of bread costs you today.
            Mr. B. S. wants to give you free college, free medical aid, free this, and free that.  And that is exactly why that one loaf of bread will cost as much as it will under socialistic government.  And why is he all for gun control and abolishing the Second Amendment?  Because if you have no guns you cannot fight back against the government when it does become communistic.  Do you see the people of Venezuela having any guns to fight back against their dictator – El Presidente?  Nope!  Look at what has happened to New Zealand after the Christchurch shooting – they have taken away gun rights.  This is exactly what the shooter was ACTUALLY AIMING FOR.  He hit his mark.
            Look, the Democratic Party has been hiding their true colors for decades, over 100 years in fact.  They were all for slavery because they were the slavers, they were against President Lincoln freeing the slaves.  They were the Southern army.  They were and still are the K.K.K.  They adopted Adolf Hitler’s fascism after he died.  The American Democrats loved Adolph Hitler’s fascist government, why wouldn’t they?  After all, Hitler set up his fascist government to model the U. S. Democratic Party!  These Democrats adopted fascism but pretended that it was the Republicans who were fascists!  They still are pretending this today; that is why they say that President Donald Trump is a fascist!  I think it is their favorite lie about President Trump!
            After Mr. B. S. ran for President the Democrats openly began to use his methods of socialism (communism).  They no longer have to hide who they are.  They have been unmasked.  Now we have Alexandria Occasionally-Cortex (one nickname for her, and no, I did not make it up).  She is often called, for short, A. O. C. – but I call her O. C. A. – which stands for Only Communism Always.  She came up with the lame Green New Deal, which is full of communism.  I call it the New Communist Manifesto!  The Senate voted on it on March 26, 2019 – it failed to pass – but the Democrats said that this was just a Republican stunt, because the Green New Deal is not even a bill (not yet anyway).  But since it did not pass perhaps it means that there is still hope for our country?
            O. C. A. claims that the name ‘Green’ is supposed to mean it is for environmental purposes.  Yet, guess what?  Miss Donkey named it “Green” because it will take trillions of green backs (money) to pay for her “New Deal”!  I have heard that it is 97 trillion dollars.   Mr. B. S. says the ‘Green New Deal’ does not go far enough!  It is really an old deal that was used after the Bolshevik Revolutionary (a war against capitalism) in Russia – waged by Lenin and Trotsky, funded by International bankers.  Trotsky and Lenin did revolt against the Czar but after this overthrow took place Lenin and Trotsky got kicked out of Russia.  After this, Russia modeled its government after the capitalism found in the United States of America.  Eventually, the International (which means communist) bankers financed Trotsky and Lenin to return to Russia in order to destroy the newly capitalistic Russia and turn Russia toward communism!  The International bankers did not want Russia to be a capitalist country!  Unfortunately they got their way.
            Lenin and Trotsky hired thugs, like the ones you find in Black Lives Matter and Antifa.  These thugs did not protest, they rioted and probably looted.  They took over the recently based upon capitalism government and Bernie-ed it to the ground via communism.
            But the history teachers (who follow the ways of communism) don’t want the public to know the truth so they make up their ‘fake news”.  Their core belief is that if you tell a lie often enough it becomes truth.  But a lie is always a lie no matter how many people believe the lie to be true.  People have had the wool pulled over their eyes and have had their brains washed (manipulated).  This happens when the communists fib 24-7!  Especially when the people are indoctrinated in public schools and colleges.  In Animal Farm the pigs (communist pigs) took away the puppies from their dog parents and they brainwashed the pups against the parent dogs.  They trained the pups to become their soldiers and police dogs.  This is always what the communists and fascists try to do.  Elizabeth Boring wants to take your children and put them in pre-school.  She wants the Nanny State to exist as a real thing!  They claim it is all so that the parents can both work to help support their family.  But both parents should not have to work to support their family, there really needs to be only one breadwinner (as the term goes)!  If you are not going to have children in order to raise them on your own and love them, then what is the point of having children?  So, yeah, it is best if you stop having children (like O. C. A. has pointed out).
            Another trick these communists use is to accuse other people of doing the evil things that they themselves are doing!  They are the REAL racists but they accuse everybody else of being the racists.
            So the communists take the puppies away from their parents so they can be indoctrinated (brainwashed) and turn against their own parents!  Remember the TV mini series V?  The show made a comparison between what happened to the Jewish family’s oldest son to the children who turned against their parents during World War II.  The boy turned his own parents in to the reptile aliens!  He did not know what his grandfather went through in a concintration camp!  The grandpa played the spooky German guy in The Monster Squad.  George Soros, a Jew, was a boy in Germany during World War II.  However, someone he knew protected him and George pretended not to be a Jew.  George Soros worked in a job that dealt with stolen artwork and such.  He did not become rich in an honest manner either.  So you see, Soros remembers what it was like during World War II and he brought back that type of behavior with Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and Media Matters.  He also gave campaign donations to the woman in Chicago who just let Pussie Smelt off the fishing line.  At first George Soro’s woman Foxx recused (I cannot find this word in the dictionary, but it is the same thing that Jeff Sessions did) herself after Smelt had been arrested for committing a hoax crime against himself!  But then, evidently, she un-recused herself (could Jess Sessions have done the same thing?), the fix was in because Mrs. Obummer’s associate told Foxx’s boss to tell Foxx to let the actor off.  Yeah, the whole thing smelts for sure!  But there is still that letter he supposedly sent to himself, so the FBI and USPS may get him on that crime.
            The author of Animal Farm was well familiar with the methods of communism.  He lived in a communist country and then left.  I recommend that every human in the U. S. A. find a copy of this book and read it and see if the methods used by the commie pigs are not exactly what the Democratic Donkeys use today!  The Donkeys lie to everyone 24-7.  They have lied continuously about President Trump, even manufactured a fake Russian dossier – paid for by Hilary Rotten Clinton and the D.N.C.
            Saul Alinsky, H. R. C.’s hero, was a Chicago hoodlum who worked with the Mafia.  But he was a thief before even joining up with the Mafia (he gave them his methods of thievery, his scams).  President B. O. is a closet communist.  President W. J. Clinton is a Rhodes Scholar.  All Rhodes Scholars are communists.  The Insiders (the International bankers; Illuminate) have put their people INSIDE all material organizations – this includes Churches of Christianity.  So if you think your church is off the Christian path (The Way) this is probably why!
            But let’s get back to O. C. A. and her communist Green New Deal.  This plan wants to get rid of the use of all fossil fuels, this means you have to give up your cars that run on fossil fuels – also buses, airplanes and perhaps certain types of trains.  The communists will refuse to use nuclear power and hydro-electricity.  They believe that everything can be powered by solar panels and windmills (yes, they are real Donkey Xote’s).  Only both of these things take up boatloads of property!  The windmills also KILL birds off, like the bald eagle!  The solar panels also cause problems for birds.  If we all have to drive electric cars what will power them up?  The power plants no longer could run on coal or hydro-electricity and they won’t use nuclear power.  So yeah, we will be forced to use cars like the ones seen in the Flintstones.  We will be forced to use candles for light too (unless wax is not a green product).  Or perhaps we will all have big giant Green Machines (tricycles)?  We will be forced to ride bicycles, and such, all running via your own manpower.  How do we get our groceries delivered?  How do we pick up our groceries and get them home?  Maybe that will not matter since we only get that one loaf of bread anyway.  How do we get our mail delivered?  The Pony Express won’t be allowed because horses pass gas!  If we can’t eat beef anymore, because cows pass too much gas, that means we don’t have any milk, cheese, or butter.  The leather manufacturers will go out of business too.
            Cory Sparkleless Booker is against eggs; they make him feel inharmonious.  Does that mean that they give him too much gas?  Maybe we have to get rid of him then.  So, there goes breakfast, lunch and dinner because eggs are used in all sorts of food – even that one loaf of bread (that you will have to pay a wheelbarrow full of money for after hoofing it to the store and waiting in line for hours).
            They claim they want to make every building and house energy efficient in the U. S. A.  This really means that they will FORCE you from your home and you will have to travel (by foot) to an interment camp that may be located in dirty (unclean) California.  Your property will be stolen from you; you will never be allowed to return home again.  And if you are white, you will get sent to the gas chambers because you are just evil because of all your “white privilege”.  Even though Pussie Smelt has “green (as in loads of money) privilege” he will be safe from the gas chamber.  They will also take away all your money through taxation, via the I.R.S. – which has been illegal from its inception (set up by the socialist [communist] International bankers)!  The Federal Reserve, also a product of the International bankers (the illuminate), will print money until the market crashes, that is when you will need a wheelbarrow full of money to go get that one loaf of bread you are allowed to have after standing in line for hours.
            The International bankers have helped pay for your country’s wars, they have also helped pay for your enemy’s wars when they fight against you.  The looser is in real financial trouble, but so is the winner.  They have been at this game for centuries, and they are real good at it.  That is how they got so rich.  Those guns that the Vietnamese shot during the war against our U. S. soldiers – guess what?  The International bankers paid and gave those guns to the Vietnamese – so our soldiers were killed by guns made in the good old U. S. of A.
            So, if they REALLY remodeled your house (which they won’t, that is all fake news) they would have tons of garbage and trash for the land dumps.  How green is that?  So they lie.  They are not really going to fix any buildings or homes.  Instead they will just take over everything while everyone else lives in Tent City, or in bob-wired compounds found in Georgia (I believe that is where they have been built).  Yes, they have already been built and are in place!  They have been ready to make their move for years now!
            Camel-la-la Harris wants to get rid of your medical insurance (from your workplace).  Even her own father is against her words when she put down her Jamaican ancestors (by acting like they all smoke Mary Jane – Spiderman is not happy about this at all!).  So, if it is up to Miss La-La and her communist Donkey friends, you will loose all your medical coverage, food supplies, living essentials, homes, jobs, transportation modes, and your children’s minds and love!  What is left to live for?  They are also lying to you about climate change.  Back in the 1970s they called it global freezing, which in the 1990s they changed to global warming.  The global freezing thing did not happen so they had to switch to a new lie — global warming.  When Al Bore’s false predictions did not take place they changed it to climate change.  The only thing that has really changed is the communist lies about the weather or climate.
            When the Russian-Trump collusion lie fell apart they continue to HAARP about Russian collusion.  (HAARP is the real cause behind bad weather conditions and storms.  Look it up on the Internet, you will be surprised what you find out.)
            Now the Donkeys want to investigate all of our President’s financial records, taxes, business transactions, and such in order to manufacture a crime!  They ARE WRONG to do this; but they don’t care because they are freakin’ communist Pig-Donkeys!!!  And the mainstream media are in cahoots with the Pig-Donkey Dems!  Every Dummycrat of the 2020 candidates are blind (do not have 2020 vision at all).  They all promote socialistic communism and utilize propaganda and fascist methods to try to fool and bully “We the People”!  Well, maybe not Governor Hoopenlooper from Colorado (a state that has gone to pot).  He may be a capitalist, but if he is, then he is too afraid to admit it!
            Poke-Haunts-Us (Liz Boring) is another one who is leaning to the far Left.  She is such a phony, she pretended to be an American Native – but she has more white blood DNA than she wants to admit to having.  Recently Poke-Haunts-Us was asked a question, after the college scandal thing came out.  She did not think the parents should be given any breaks; does she have a right to even give an opinion on the subject when she lied on her college application and pretended to be an American Native?
            C. A. says, “I’m the boss.” Why?  Because she came up with the Green New Deal!  I’m wondering what Nancy Pilono thinks about that comment?  Since it failed to pass (3/26/19) does this mean that she is no longer the boss?  One can only hope!  She (O. C. A.) is so young that she can’t run for President (thank God literally).  I do not like the woman at all, and she literally (to me anyway) looks like a donkey!  She is also ignorant and stupid.  I have not read the Green New Deal, but everyone says it sounds like it was written by a 3 year old.  She says that maybe Americans “should not be eating hamburgers for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.”  I laughed and asked, “Who in the world does that?”  I know I don’t do it.  But she was caught in a restaurant, after making this comment, eating a hamburger.  So maybe she is a closet hamburger eater and munches down on them for breakfast, lunch, and dinner?  Remember that the communists accuse others of what they themselves do!
            Getting rid of our beef, milk, cheese, and butter (and perhaps our eggs) is not enough for the communist pig-donkeys!  They want to take everything from us and I mean everything, even our dignity.  Ninety-seven trillion dollars is what the Green New Deal would take to pull off.  It is something that the majority of American citizens do not want!  That’s $600,000 per person (not sure if that includes all the illegal aliens or not).  I’m sorry, but who has that kind of money?  I know I don’t!  The rich communist who is trying to promote the Green New Deal probably has that kind of money, even though they will not be forced to contribute any funds!
            It does not matter where the money will come from in order to support the Green New Deal, commented Camel-La-La Harris.  O. C. A. says that all the Feds have to do is print more money!  Has she ever taken a class on economics or a history class about the 1930’s depression?  She is clueless.  She expects me to walk to the grocery store with a wheelbarrow of money to stand in line for hours in order to purchase my one loaf of bread?  She is muy loco en la cabasa and she knows what I mean.  What other crazy thing does she want to do?  Get rid of I. C. E.  How cold is that?  What else?  She does not want illegal aliens, who are in our country illegally (by the way, that’s why they are CALLED illegal aliens), to have to follow gun laws when they go to purchase a gun.  She does not want them to be reported to the police (because they might get sent home to their real country to which they hold allegiance to), yet it is okay for them to have guns so they can shoot real U. S. citizens and police officers!  Like I said, “Muy loco in la cabasa!”  According to her they should not need to have background checks, they can have their guns so that they can kill real American citizens.  So that’s how whack-a-doodle she really is!  Who voted for her?  Only 20% of the people in her district even voted (at least that is what I heard).  If it is true, that explains how she really won.  Did the same thing happen in the other two districts where the 2 She-hadists got elected?  Did you hear how one of the two attacked Senator Mark Inda Meadows at the Michael Cohen hearing?  She accused him of being racist (the usual communist-fascist tactic).  Remember she accused Mark of being racist so this means she is the real racist.  She had no idea that Mark had black grandchildren!  So, it blew up in her face!  That was probably embarrassing to her, but I can’t say she did not deserve it.  She’s the same woman who used nasty words telling her son that they would impeach President Trump.
            Maximum Waterflow has been quiet as of late — I guess O. C. A. has stolen her thunder.  I am surprised she is not running for President too!  I think all the Senators and Congressmen/women able to run for President should do so – that way, the Republicans will be in charge of Congress!  YEAH!  At least while all the others are out campaigning.  So far I like the woman vet (not an animal farm doctor) from Hawaii the best because she is against war.  The governor from Washington State is really against climate change (a farce), so I don’t care if he wins.  Besides he can’t even be bothered cleaning up Seattle’s homeless mess!  He sounds like he may have some good ideas – but I’m not so sure of it.  Again, he loves windmills.  “To dream, the impossible dream.  To fight the unbeatable foe…This is my dream, to work for Quest, no matter how hopeless, no matter how dull!”
            Anyway, yeah, the loony tunes have left the Home for the Mildly Foolish.  And they are all Leftists.  However, some of the Republicans (or the anti-Trumpers) are following close behind them.
            Mr. B. S. is a hypocrite.  He wants you to be forced out of your home, yet he has three houses!  See, that’s the problem, all these people in congress who promote the Green New Deal are filthy rich.  His wife is not honest either (college scandal).  O. C. A. is not poor; she never was poor.  Warning, the following people are not poor:  Nancy Pilono, Elizabeth Boring, Camel-La-La Harris, Sparkleless Booker, Maximum Waterspout.  So, they think socialism is good, because they have money.  It is only good while socialistic programs can steal all the money from “We the People” who have made their money from Capitalism!  The countries in Europe that America’s socialists claim to be socialist countries are no longer socialist countries.  They have returned to capitalism.  As the popular line goes, “Socialism works until they [the communist-fascists] run out of money.”  Whose money?  YOUR MONEY.  If you think I am making all of this up to scare you – you are wrong.  It is history – so why don’t you find some 1950’s or 1960’s history books and read the truth about communism (socialism)?  The only reason why theft identity exists today is because of socialism with its social security numbers.  Believe me – there is no security with the social security branch of government.  The word “social” means “socialism”!  WAKE UP!  O. C. A. does not believe that social security is a socialist program!  She is either fibbing, or she is even stupider than she seems to be!  We need to get rid of the social security number (the cards) today!  This would not cause chaos at all but free us.  Okay, the Internet is another reason why identity theft exists.  O. C. A.’s friends (well, she really is not their friend, she just pretends to like them), from south of the border, a big majority of them have stolen social security numbers!
            Now let us move on to Beto O’Dork (I wish I had actually thought of this nickname).  He lost the race in 2017, so glad that Ted Cruz (not to be confused with Tom Cruz) won, but he now thinks he has the experience to run for President in 2020!  Really?  He has no experience what so ever!  I Beto he looses the primary elections too.  And when he looses I Beto his stiff competition will tell him to EAT DIRT!!!  And he probably will do just that by going to New Mexico to get rejuvenated (again) by eating dirt.  Maybe he should have said he ate soil instead?  I hope the soil he did eat was unfertilized.  Speaking of fertilized stuff, he dug into his child’s diaper for the poop, then put it in a bowl and presented it to his wife as avocado.  It would have had to be avocado that had been cut open for a long time.  But it was not avocado and it probably smelled bad.  If that is what he thinks makes up a good (and funny) joke I would divorce him.  I cannot leave him alone without mentioning the fact that when he speaks in restaurants he has to stand on the counter tops, he does this so that he is higher than everyone in the room.  Then there are his famous arm and hand movements.  When I first saw him on stage, the same night that President Trump was in El Paso for a rally, I thought he was on drugs!  He talked like he was on something.  I really did wonder if he was not high.  Well, he probably is high because he wants to tear down the walls along the southern border!  Another whack-a-doodle!
            Then there is Joe Bidenhistime.  He is biding his time before announcing if he is actually going to run for President.  This reminds me of a knock-knock joke.
            “Knock, knock.”
            “Who’s there?”
            “Joe who?”
            “Joe Mama!”
            Anyway, back to the Vice President, he has been going on an apology tour because of identity politics.  He claims that he could beat President Trump in a fistfight, but he can’t even stand up to people in his own party!  I am sorry, but the man has no backbone.  There was also talk that he would have Abrams run as his Vice President, but she has turned him down, she would rather run for President (even though she has less experience than Beto O’Dork).
            If these are the best of the best from the Democratic Party, then I think President Trump is a slam-dunk in 2020!  Especially since the Robert Mule-r Report has been handed over to the attorney general.  On the radio, the other day, someone accidentally called our new attorney general Baal!  I thought this was sort of funny.  We all love Lord Baal (even if the name is redundant) on Stargate SG-1.  THERE WAS NO COLLUSION!!!  This means there could be no crime of OBSTRUCTION into any investigations of collusion because there was no CRIME in regards to the COLLUSION!  But the Donkeys do not see it this way because they are so STUBBORN!!!  Mule-r claims that he could not prove any collusion between President Trump (and his campaign peoples) and the Russians.  But this does not mean that he did not try his best to prove that there was!  He went a long way to try and get the people he persecuted to bear false witness against President Trump.  Mule-r wanted them to break one of God’s Ten Commandments!  He did not even give an answer to the “obstruction” point in his report; in other words, he failed to do his job!  So he should give the taxpayers a refund!  However, he did this on purpose, in order to give the Democrats an in.  What I mean is they now have a way to throw suspicion on Attorney General Mills Breakfast Barr’s letter, they now say that Barr is hiding stuff and is obstructing justice himself!  The Donkeys say that Mule-r did not exonerate President Trump.  President Trump did not need Mule-r to exonerate him because he exonerated himself by not breaking the law!  President Trump did not collude with Russia or obstruct justice.  Some Republicans are stating that Mule-r is a good man.  When in truth he is a dirty prosecutor and did what he did on purpose.  He bankrupted many good people and families.  The FBI and CIA set up George Mamadopoulos, he had no Russian contacts whatsoever – only foreign intelligence spies working for the FBI and CIA contacted him trying to set him up!  This truth did not keep Mule-r from telling George that he would be sent away to prison for a long time, for a crime he did not even commit, if he did not plead guilty to a perjury charge.  George spent 14 days in prison over the Mule-r blackmail trick.
            The truth is that Mule-r could not prove a crime of collusion because THERE WAS NO CRIME, NO COLLUSION, so he HAD to say that there was no collusion!  But that is not good enough for the Donkeys because they expected Mule-r to be a good pack animal and lie about the collusion.  There was, however, collusion with the Ukrainians and the Clinton campaign.  But Mule-r did not bother to investigate that.  Barr needs to set up a new special council just to investigate H. R. Clinton, the Democrats, the Obama Administration, the higher ups in the FBI, CIA, and all the other three lettered intelligence agency departments.  Barr should also investigate Rod Rosenstein, Mule-R, Andrew Un-Weissman, and the other counsel members on the special counsel team.
            So who should go to jail?  Mr. Bob Mule-r (Mr. B. M.), Andrew Un-Weissman, James Combover, Peter Stroke his girl Lisa Page, Rod Rosenstein, Nellie Olson Ohr and her husband Bruce, Christopher Still-making up lies about President Trump, Glenn Simpson (no relation to Homer or Bart but just as stupid), Adam Shiffty, Nancy Pilono, Cryin’ Chuck, Hilary Rotten to the Core Clinton, President Obumber, John Brenanan, James the Clapper man, Andrew McCape, do I need to go on?  I think everyone who was involved in the Russian Dossier scandal and the fake investigation should go straight to jail, do not pass gas, because if you do you will be killed by the socialist environmentalists!