GIGALO GANDER – April Showers 2022

“Bad Coys, Bad Coys, what ‘cha gonna do?  What ‘cha gonna do when they fish for you?”


            I object to the above translation of those Chinese words.  I happen to read and speak Mandarin Orange and happen to know that they do not mention anything about acupuncture, knitting needles, or money!  — Sincerely, Meow Tso Young

Dear Puddy-Kitten, we cannot read Mandarin Orange, little loan speak it, so you can see why we are confused about the whole thing!  It’s just a joke, man, get over it!

WORDS OF THE MONTH – by Wordy Smith

            I have two words this month.  The first word is autonomous and the second word is meridian.

            Autonomous means:  “1 :  of, relating to, or marked by autonomy   2 a:  having the right or power of self=government   b:  undertaken or carried on without outside control   3  a:  existing or capable of existing independently   b.  responding, reacting, or developing independently of the whole   4 :  controlled by the autonomic nervous system.” (Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary)

            Remember the autonomous zone formed in Seattle in 2020?  That was not a good thing at all, it was really bad.  They were trying to set up a self-government zone independent from the United States of America, but all that took place there was lawlessness and evil.  The people who wanted this independence did not really want to govern righteously, so they wound up with chaos.  Plus, things never go right when you begin your “independent state” off with stolen property or stolen land.  “Thou shalt not steal.” 

            But what I am most interested in is the fourth definition:  “controlled by the autonomic nervous system” because, in the following piece written by Kato, you will find out that this is the definition used for ASMR.  And to bring it down to metaphysical terms – this definition means that you allow yourself to be controlled by the red serpent (or red dragon) found in the Garden of Eden (in the book of Genesis of the BIBLE) and in Revelation 12 (the evil that tries to kill the woman God-crowned).  In other words, ASMR is going to be something belonging to the tree of knowledge of good and evil that the red serpent coils itself around.  The autonomic nervous system is defined as:  “a part of the vertebrate [the back’s] nervous system [belonging to mortal minded man (Adam)] that innervates [supplies with nerves to] smooth and cardiac muscle and glandular tissues and govern involuntary [opposite of independent or voluntary, which means you have no control over what you are experiencing or doing] actions and that consists of the sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic [para meaning two or duality] nervous system” (Ibid).  Is not the sympathetic nervous system the Adam man while the parasympathetic nervous system is Adam and Eve as man and wife?

            Our second word is meridian, meaning, “noon, south, mid or midday which also can mean deity.  1 archaic : the hour of noon:  midday   2 : a great circle of the celestial sphere passing through its poles and the zenith of a given place   3 :  a high point   4 a (1) :  a great circle on the surface of the earth passing through the poles [this would have to do with magnetism]  (2) :  the half of such a circle included between the poles   b: a representation of such a circle or half circle numbered for longitude on a map or globe” (Ibid).  So how do these definitions fit in with ASMR?  I believe, and I could be wrong about it, that it is mortal mind pretending to be a deity, or god, that makes us believe that the material senses are reality when in fact they are unreality.  Being that one of man’s ancient deities happened to be the SUN, noon was when the sun was at its apex in the sky, so it would seem to be when it is most potent or powerful (at least on Earth). 

            However, there are also meridians of the material body (as seen below).  And I believe that it is the body meridians that ASMR is dealing with and not the meridian circles of the earth.

            Acupuncture uses this material science in its practice of sticking you with the needles and the bill.  So, from this understanding of a material body having meridian lines we can once again see how it relates to the red serpent, or the copper snake, that coiled itself around Adam’s spinal column (back bone = the tree of knowledge of good and evil).  So ASMR would be a type of mesmerism or an attempt at hypnotic influence to those who are listening to its sounds (the talking serpent whispers).

AUTONOMOUS SENSORY MERIDIAN RESPONSE, OR ASMR – by Kato (manservant of the Green Hornet)

            Recently AOC went on her Web Site to talk to people about Americans being stupid, because, they do not know what capitalism really means or what socialism really means.  Believe me, Sandy, we do understand what both of them mean! 

            She said, and this is how stupid she really is, that people do not understand what capitalism is unless they are rich, like really rich with lots of capital (money)!  Does this mean that Bernie Sandbag is a capitalist?  I doubt he sees himself as a capitalist, but he is for sure, a communist bumming off the capitalist way of life in the U.S.A.

            What is just as weird, as her non-intelligence, is the way in which she delivered her “secret” message to her listeners.  She delivered it using ASMR, in other words, she whispered it to her audience (while her words were seen on the screen).  This way of delivering her message is SUPPOSED to put tingles down the listener’s spine.  Her message only sent shivers of fear down my spine to think that she is actually in Congress!

            Her “secret” message in whisper form was totally and completely Marxist (socialistic).  You see, AOC, we do know what socialism really is!

            This made me ask, “Is this why Joe Biden, for no apparent reason, begins to whisper to his audience?  Is he trying to use ASMR on his audience?”  If so, it just comes off being creepy!  So, Joe, STOP IT!!!

            One thing is sure Joe Biden and AOC lie as much as the talking serpent does.

Today’s Zodiac – by Astral Projection

            If you were born in the last portion of the month of April and in the first half (well up to the 23rd or so) of May, then you are a Taurus, and you are a bull headed ox-ymoron. 

            Taurus is an earth sign.  It represents mature conviction and stability and you are retentive of what you possess, like that motorcycle that has not worked for fifteen years, but you refuse to get rid of, or fix it, and you still have to pay insurance on it and pay the state for taking it out on the road, even though you could not take it out on the road if you tried because you will not fix it, because you do not know how to fix it!  The Taurus is thought of as stable (where he should be living) and matured in his conduct, preferring the outer forms and ritual to the invisible things of the spirit.

            And now, for something completely different;… a flock of sheep all standing around in a circle.

            Being that Taurus is an earth sign and a type of car, go out and drive your fool head off (if you can afford the gas).  Go to Spain and run wild with the bulls, you may win the race!  Just make sure you do not wind up in the arena with a toreador.

            And now, for your serious fortune:  In the next month – or so – you will find that you are the Apus Bull.  I know it sounds gross (a puss) but it really is a good thing.  Just make sure that you are not crucified and then marinated for the bar-b-q feast!


FACT:  Bill Bailey, no relation to George, did the moon walk first (way before Michael Jackson did it).

FACT:  Adam was only kicked out of the Garden of Eden (which was in the East of Eden), he still could wander around the rest of Eden (the North, West, and South portions).  Eve, however, was never kicked out of the Garden and this is why men have been so jealous of the woman over the last six thousand years.


            If you have ever watched any of the home improvement Property Brothers’ series you must know that Jonathan is afraid of dealing with toilets.  Well, I cannot blame him, but is he so paranoid that he cannot even LEARN how to deal with them properly in order to help his clients out?

            Jonathan is supposed to be trained in all of these home repair jobs, but is he so afraid of germs that he refuses to learn about toilets and what to do with them?  Anyone who has decided to change out their toilets knows what must be done.

            First of all, you turn off the water supply to the toilet, which is near the toilet on the wall.  Sure, this may not always be easy to do; over time these valves can become really hard to turn!  After that is done you flush the toilet until there is hardly any water left in the bowl or tank.  Then you put on a pair of rubber gloves and get a sponge and bucket and soak up the excess water from the toilet until it is empty.  This means that when you go to carry the old toilet away from the bathroom and house that there is very little water, if any, left to slosh around onto the floors!  Really, Jonathan, you need to put on your thinking cap and use some common sense!  Jonathan does not have to get into the sink, but if he is In Synch, maybe he would watch the game show Common Knowledge, it is fun?

Chung Lee Confusion

            They may forget the punch line but they will never forget how you made them laugh out loud.


“It is Easter in the heart that puts Easter in the air – it’s all those rotten eggs that are never found!” – W. T. Ellis (Watch out for Bern E. Bunny’s droppings.)

“It’s kind of fun to do the impossible, but such a drag to bow to the Chinese.” – Walt Disney

“Try to learn everything about something and something about everything, especially when it’s about women!” – Huxley Wells

“If you only do what you know you can do – you never do very much – but you do it very well.” – Tom Sauerkraut

“Too many TWEETS can cause cavities.” – B. Moller, DDS


            According to MTNBC’s stupid Joyless Reid, if you want to help the Uke-rangs in their war with Russia then you must be a racist because the people in Uke-rang are all white.  There is nobody black there so the place is not worth helping.  It sounds to us like Joyless Reid is the one who is really the racist; right folks?

            Then she tries to blame the whole war on President Donald Trump.  What’s new?  When the actual fact is that Joe Biden, if anybody, is responsible for the war because he is a weak man who does not know what the frack he is doing!  (He is also against fracking.)  Then again, maybe he does know what he is doing – ruining the United States of America and beginning World War III?  Yet, maybe Reid’s dialog is all just a distraction to move our attention away from our country’s energy situation because Biden refuses to frack, drill on our land and in the seas, and on his first day in office he signed the executive order to shut down the Keystone Pipeline!

            Joe is trying, along with his administration (and with the help of teenagers on China’s Tic Tac site), to blame the gas hikes, up to over $5 per gallon in some places, all on President Putinondaritz – just look at their Tweeting of #PutinOnThePriceHike.  It is all propaganda; Biden is to blame for the high prices of gasoline and natural gas because he is trying to go green (green is the new red – you know, because, red is symbolic of communism).


            It seems that Joyless Reid is actually, for sure, a racist because (according to her own words) over the next ten days, after making a stink about people wanting to help the Uke-rangs being prejudice, she spent 62.2% of her time talking about the war in Uke-rang!  She spent 4.4% of her time telling people how awful President Trump is and the rest of the time, 33.3% of the time, was spent on ads.

            It also turns out that it is actually Joe Biden who is prejudice.  He tells the Uke-rangian people they will be welcome if they come to the U.S.A.  However, when they begin to show up at the southern border they are subject to coronavirust restrictions, placed in ICE facilities, their families are separated from each other, and they are treated completely different from all the black and brown immigrants crossing the southern border who are given a “fast track” to citizenship and not subject to coronavirust restrictions!  So the truth is that the idea behind seeking asylum is a big fat joke.  All the black and brown immigrants can seek asylum (even though most of them are not telling the truth about needing asylum) while the Uke-rangians, who really are seeking asylum, are disrespected and ignored on this point.  It all goes back to politics, they do not see the white Uke-rangians voting for the Demon-rats, who STINK!


            Mollie Ringwald Hammingway has a book out called RIGGED How The Media, Big Tech, and the Democrats Seized Our Elections.  The title seems to speak for itself.  She said on the Jesse Watter’s Primeribtime show that the Hunted Biden laptop story was just one way that state media and their democrats seized the 2020 election, because they all claimed the laptop story to be Russian propaganda (therefore, they claimed the laptop story was not true – even though it was 100% true).  And the Left also canceled (on line) a newspaper reporting the actual truth on the laptop story – The New York Post Toasties.

            ONE DAMN THING AFTER ANOTHER Memoirs of an Athorny General may be an interesting read.  It is written by William P. Goodbarr.   (The P. is for Peanut.)  To be honest I do not really put much faith in this man after what he did near the end of 2020.  And he says that Epstein did commit suicide in prison.  Did the man actually read the autopsy report?  I’m sorry, but I think he is covering up the truth on this topic.  Maybe he is afraid of whoever offed Epstein?

            Ronald Kessler has a new book out called FIRST FAMILY DETAILS, DESKINS, AND DENAILS.  Kessler has interviewed secret service agents who have guarded first families (you know, those who are presidential families).  He even has some info on the second families (like Joe Biden when he was VP).  Joe used to, of course most people have heard this story, skinny dip in the pool in front of female secret security agents.  The author also talks about how nasty Hilarious Clinton was when she was first lady.

CARBON FOOTPRINTS IN THE DEBRIS OF WAR – by Hagen Das-Key – Wood eye lye too ewe?

            All the people on the Left are so concerned about everybody’s carbon footprints being too big (clown shoes belonging to J. R. Biden?), yet, nobody ever complains about the carbon footprints of war.  Why is that?  I was looking at the pictures of the fires in Uke-rang recently thinking that the smoke is air pollution, not to mention, but I am, all the rubble or debris of the blown up buildings (thinking of the landfills).  So the president of Russia is responsible for all of the debris all of the pollution of war in the country of Uke-rang!  Why is not John Skerry upset about it?  Why is not the Squad all up in Putin’s face about him not being green?  Why is it that Biden buys oil and uranium (that they probably got from us when Clinton was Secretary of Defense) from Russia and closes down the U.S.A. production of these items?  Something stinks in Washington Dot Com; I believe it is the skunky politicians on the Left (and some of them on the Right – Mitten Romney for example)!

            The lack of concern about war pollution goes to prove that the Left really does not care one bit about climate change, they do not care one bit about keeping Earth safe and clean (if they did there would be no chem trails).  What they care about is having power over you, telling you what you must do and when.

            Example:  During the past year electric smart meters have been installed on Colorado homes (for the mildly foolish and insane).  Most people in the Metro area got them, unless they chose to pay $13.00 extra per month to keep their old meters.  On hind thought this may have been the cheaper option!  The power company claims that the $13.00 fee is to help them pay for a person to go to your house to read the meter.  This is bologna, because, they have to send someone out to your house to read the gas meter and the price on that did not go up.  Beginning April 1st (April Fools Day for sure) the public service company, Not-XCEL-lent Energy, will be charging their customers more money if they use electricity during the weekday hours of 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. – or 1500 hours to 1900 hours.  They will also charge more money, but not as much money as the PEAK hours, on weekdays from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. – or 1300 hours to 1500 hours.  (See the chart below.)  Don’t ask me the BELL hours, as I have no idea how that really works.  The company wants you to not run your air conditioner during those peak hours, at least, not at a lower temperature.  The hottest time of day during the summer is three to seven p.m., so they really do not care if you are hot during the peak hours, do they?!  If you cook dinner they want you to use a microwave or toaster oven instead of your range/oven!  Really (?), that is impossible to do, if you ask me.  Look, I already cut down the nights that I cook dinner to Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.  I’ve been doing that for close to two years now, and I am not about to cut down using my range/oven on those three days.  Yes, I can run my dishwasher at a good time, but if they think that I am going to do three loads of clothes being washed and dried on the weekends they can think again!   I do my clothes early on the weekday mornings, so they should be happy about it!

            They do not care if you pay an arm and a leg for power at all.  They get their raises every time they decide they need one.  The company has already told their customers that the prices are going up three times within the next two years.  The Left wants to close down all the coal plants and not have any nuclear plants, all they want are wind mills, which damage the environment and kill birds, and solar energy which only works when the sun is out (there is no way to collect the energy – why is that?)  These are the two types of power sources that California is depending on – and look at all their brown outs and black outs that state has.  Look at what happened to Texas when they had a freeze and their wind mills did not work (because people in charge of the wind mills skimped on the price and did not do what they were supposed to do).  You want the same to happen in your state?

            The thing is that there is an alternative power source that we could be using that is clean to use, no pollution at all, in fact, it could get rid of radiation pollution.  It is called cold fusion, that’s right, cold fusion.  In 1989 there was a war against cold fusion scientists and developers because the scientists of warm fusion did not want to lose their governmental funding.  They lied about the cold fusion science (fudged the numbers) and people believed their lies, just like they believe Dr. Faust’s lies about coronavirust.  Cold fusion is the answer to our world pollution problems, so why are John Skerry, AOC, Bernard Sandbag, and other Greeny-meanies mentioning this science today?

Chung Lee Confusion again

            Man who makes date with chicken winds up with egg on his face.  And that’s no yolk!


            On March 22, 2022, an MTNBC reporter basically said that it is white extremism to work out and build up your mussels and clams!  The author of the article wrote, “Physical fitness has always been central to the far right [OPINION].  In Mein Kamft Hitler fixated on boxing and jujitsu.  The intersection of extremism and fitness leans into a shared obsession with the male body, turning masculinity, testosterone, strength and competition.”  (I’m sorry that this last sentence does not make sense, I wrote it down as I saw it; perhaps I missed getting part of the quote written down.)

            I have some educational news for the person from MTNBC – Adolf Hitler was not on the Right (as implied in the retarded article).  Hitler modeled his fascism after the Democrats (the Left) in the good old U. S. of A.!  Then after World War II was over the Democrats of the good old U. S. of A. loved what Hitler had done with his country and around the world, so they decided to use his method of psychological warfare and mislabel his type of socialism as coming from the Republican Right!  And people actually believed their lies (but certain types of people always seem to be willing to fall for propaganda).  There is no doubt that Hitler modeled his socialism (fascism) off of the Democrat’s favorite group – the KKK.

            The author also implied that Online Fitness Chat Rooms lure young men into fascism, solidarity, heroism, and brotherhood.  Is this MTNBC employee actually saying the ex-employee of ZNN, Chris Coma, is a white supremacist?  Are all professional sports players fascists?  I have happened to see President Obummer working out with weights too!  Is he now a Right-Winged enthusiast?  Do not fall for MTNBC’s propaganda and lies – they are just trying to make America WEAK, so that this country cannot stand and fight when the Chinese invade.


            They call them Smart Phones because you HAVE to be smart in order to use them!  They also call them I phones, yet, I was under the impression (via Rich Little), that I phone is a brand name.  Maybe I am wrong on this?  You can let me know by texting #Iphonessuck.   (Do not really do it though, because there is no texting number for that hash tag.)  As far as the phones really being smart (?), well, my friend’s phone, when you shake it from right to left a light turns on and off.  I joked and said, “But the light only comes on when the phone senses that it is dark out, because it is a smart phone.” 

            My friend replied, “No, the light comes on when it is light out too.”  So you see, the phones are not as smart as they claim they are!

            Recently, I have been forced into switching over from my very nice flip phone to a Smart Phone because my phone carrier company said I had to.  They did not have any flip phones available (she said to me over my landline telephone – still the best option) so she sent me a “reconditioned” Smart Phone.  The phone was free and they paid for shipping, perhaps I should be grateful they did that much?  So far, I am not happy with it because it is way too big to carry around with me and too big to hold onto properly.  I thought the whole idea behind cell phones was to make them smaller not bigger, but hey, they keep making them bigger because of all the computer Internet junk it needs.  It does not matter that I do not want a computer by my side, that I just want a phone!  Who wants GOOGLE-DEE-GOOP to even be involved in your phone conversations or where you go shopping or go out to eat?  I know I do not want them spying on me!

            My new phone is 3” x 6.5” and about an eighth of an inch thick.  I think that if the phones were thicker they would be easier to hold on to.  The particular problem with the model they sent me is that there are buttons on both sides that easily get pushed by accident.

            But the worst part is that I would not be able to even understand how to use the phone if I did not know someone who was SMART enough to tooter me and help set up the phone to work.  The instructions that they sent with the phone are not great.  A kindergartner could write better instructions than what came with the phone.  Okay, maybe not a kindergartner, but I know I could write better instructions if I really understood the product and how it worked because I can actually write and draw pictures.

            It took about two hours to get my new phone up and running properly.  It takes about half an hour to actually get the old phone to switch over to the new phone.  The thing that really ticks me off is that my flip phone told me my days and minutes on my main screen; the new Smart Phone (?) does not give you this information at all!  You have to call up (or text?) a special number to get that information, so you waste your minutes.  The unfortunate event of them not telling you about your days and minutes is as follows:

            My friend did not know that his time ran out and I tried and tried to call him and text him, but it did not work.  I eventually reached him in another way, still it was most frustrating and I was worried about my friend.  He bought a card and was able to add the days and minutes to his phone, yet, he would have known he needed add more days if they would let you know by showing it on the phones (again – not so smart after all!).

            It also ticked me off that my new phone’s setup would not use my old message for voice mail.  So there goes my fun message I had to greet people with!

            Another thing that gets me is that they want you to set up a GOOGLE-DEE-GOOP account, and G-mail, however, I am not going to do that.  The reason why I will not do so?  I would never get G-mail, because, I know someone who once had G-mail and the company just decided to block his entry into his G-mail account, for no reason, and they would not help fix the problem or even work with him to get him back into his account.  This told me that GOOGLE-DEE-GOOP is a terrible company that cares nothing about their customers, so I do not ever want to have anything to do with them at all!  Why would they want you to set up an account with GOOGLE-DEE-GOOP?  Perhaps it is so that the pictures you take with the phone can be uploaded to the Internet, or the Cloud?  I have learned one thing over the years while having cell phones, especially the ones called burners, you do not want to have any valuable pictures on your phone because they are going to make you get rid of your burner phone when they upgrade to a higher “G” Network!  I guess you can keep your old phones, like I have, that way you do not lose your pictures.

            I did find a holder for my phone, it was the last one in the store, and it works, even though it is a little too snug of fit for my bigger phone.  But I can work with it.

            Problems I have had so far with the phone – the updates!  It is brand new why did it need updates right off the bat?   As far as going on line with it – I doubt I will do that very much.  My friend set up a spelling game for me to play but it drives me nuts because every time I win the game it goes into a stupid add for a different game (that I do not want to have).  With some of them you cannot even return to the game, the only way out is to close everything down (you go, Square Symbol)!  I tried using the game at a place where I was not connected to the Internet and it worked way better (there were no pop up adds).  So yeah, I will just use it as a phone, what it really is meant for, and most of the time I have it turned off.


            Have you ever gone to a KFC, ordered their biggest bucket and tried to eat a breast but it was too tough to enjoy?  I have!  But on March 12, 2022, my family went to a drive through KFC/Taco Bell (in Arvadada, Coloradodo, on Hut-Sut Ralston Road), even though we were forced into the drive through (thanks to coronavirust or the fact that nobody wants to work anymore). 

            After getting the food home, I really enjoyed my Taco Bell items, in fact, they were way better than the Taco Bell we usually eat at (which use to have Pizza D. Hutt items).  But when I had some chicken breast I was surprised!  It was actually moist and not tough.  Now, who knows if when we go back there the same thing will happen?  But I am willing to try it.  The downer of the meal is that everything we bought cost $62.20 (for three people and no drinks) and they did not give us a receipt (which should be illegal to do).  What we got for our money was the 12 piece bucket meal, five Taco Bell items, and a chocolate bunt cake (sounds like Christmas).

            As far as the mashed potatoes go, they tasted the same (as did the gravy) from other KFCs.  Now, I think that the mashed potatoes, while edible, are sub-par because they are more like instant potatoes – not real mashed potatoes.  Everybody likes the gravy.  I did not try the biscuits we got, but in the past couple of years when I have eaten KFC biscuits they have a weird taste to them.  But not as weird of taste as the ambrosia I recently had and not as weird tasting as banana bread chocolate chip cookies!  Okay, I admit, that if you like banana bread (which I do not) you probably would like the cookies.


            Where in the world is Doctor Tony Faust?  Is he hanging out with Carmon in San Diego?  He seems to be missing in action.  It is either that or else nobody has invited him onto their shows, because, they are all covering the war in Uke-rang.  This is possible.  But he may rear his ugly head soon if the deltacrone becomes the new thing.  (I was right; Faust appeared on the March 19, 2022 episode of George Stepsonallofus Sunday morning show.  He was talking about deltacrone.)

JUSSIE SMELT GIVEN 150 STINKY DAYS IN THE POKEY – by Abe D. Fish (a G. Gutfelt family member)

            That’s right, the court finally made their decision about hoaxer Jussie Smelt, the actor who reported a fake hate crime to the Chicago police that supposedly took place at 2 a.m., during winter time, in order to get a Subway sandwich.  He was told, by his trainers, to eat such sandwiches.  Then his trainers (who were black men) met up with him, that cold winter morning, and pretended to beat him up, put a spaghetti noose around his neck, and then pretended to be supporters of President Trump by wearing red baseball caps.  Their written line, written by Jussie D. Smelt himself, was something like, “This is MAGA country!”

            The judge gave Jussy one hundred fifty days in prison, and thirty months of probation.  He was fined $120,000 restitution and also has a $25,000 fine to pay.  His words, as he left the court room with his raised black power fist in the air, were, “I am not suicidal!  I am not suicidal and I am innocent!  I could’ve said I was guilty a long time ago!”  So why didn’t he admit to being guilty a long time ago?  It would have saved a lot of time and money, because he was and continues to be guilty!

            Yet, after his incarceration began news came that he was being watched for signs of insanity, to make sure that he was not a danger to himself.  His brother protested this.  I protest too, as the man is not insane, he is just a Marxist.  But then, maybe all Marxists are insane?

THIS JUST IN….It turns out that on Saint Patrick’s Day a leprechaun put a spell on a Chicago judge, as this judge ordered that Jussie Smelt was to be released pending his appeal (sorry, I do not think he is that sexually appealing).  He was released with a personal recognition bond for bail.  The bond cost $150,000.  So, was the judge actually interested in justice or was he more interested in getting some money for the city?  Who was this bewitched judge?  And why does he have more clout than the original judge that sentenced Smelt to prison?  Maybe this judge was drinking the green Cool-Aid in the city’s river which is probably full of smelt?  Tangy!

            So far, if he really was being held for observation of signs of insanity, was he ever even in jail at all?  Did he even spend the 5-6 days (depending upon the reporter) at the Cook County prison?  Smelt claims that he only drank water during his incarceration.  But are we to take him at his word when it he is a proven hoaxer?

HUNG FOOL RETURNS – by Yump Ping Grasshopper

            The CW has recently been airing its dirty laundry, I mean, airing the second season of Hung Fool.  This series is way different from the original concept of the 1970’s series.  The main character is an American born Chinese girl.  When she was visiting China she had it with her over controlling mother.  So, she decided to run away by hiding in the back of a pickup truck.  She wound up at a woman’s Temple. 

            The girl spent only a few years there, yet, she became this efficient Hung Fool fighter!  It took Why Chang Crain most of his childhood life to learn the ways of the Eastern religion and the Hung Fool martial arts.  So I guess she was a very quick study (a place where a lot of books are usually kept).  But this woman is special, as she has the bloodline of a warrior clan.

            After learning her stuff, a woman killed her Master-mistress (it turns out that the woman and the Master-mistress happened to be sisters).  This strange woman also stole a very special sword, and set fire to the temple.  This was all in the first season.  The second season has this woman in prison and breaking out of prison after assassins try to kill her in prison. 

            Our Hung Fool heroine is living in stinky-dirty San Francisco.  Her parents own a Chinese restaurant.  Her sister got married in the first season.  Their brother is a doctor who uses Ben-Gay, I mean he is gay.  In the first season his love interest was a BLM protester, this season he may be hot for the new cook at his parent’s restaurant. 

            Our heroine (not the drug) has an x-boyfriend who is a top cop; he is willing to help her out.  Her present boyfriend helps her out with her escapades on ice.  Her unknown lost cousin, who broke into her house, does not want to get caught, so a fight breaks out in a rash between the two cousins.  They are not like the cousins on The Patty Duke Show; if anything, they both are more alike in actions instead of looks.   (Speaking of this, Jussie Smelt has a twin brother and they use to play tricks on people.  So playing hoaxes is an old habit with the actor!  Maybe this is why he believes he is innocent – because he has always played hoaxes on people and gotten away with it?)

            Martin Gero is the only reason why I even watch the show, as he was associated with the Starplate Special K and the Starplate Atlantic Cod series.  To be honest, I like David Caroteen’s series way better.  Probably because the old series was not a soap opera like the new series is.

HAUNTED HUNTED BIDEN – by Emma Skew Lenity

            This first paragraph is about the man that Haunted Hunted Biden gave his laptop to for repair.  It is a fact that the computer store business man was run out of his state by people who were out to ruin him, because, he did the right thing and handed Hunted’s laptop over to the FBI!  But the FBI did nothing with it, really, as Chris Wray-Cra-Cra is on the side of the Left, he never did support President Trump.  But after the computer store man reached out to the G. man, Rudy, the FBI had to do something, even though it seems like nothing has transpired.  Can you spell – THE FIX IS IN?

            An actual tax audit probe on Hunted Biden began during the Obama-Biden administration.  (Think about the timing of that for a few minutes.)  The New York Slimes edition for March 16, 2022 reports:  “Those emails [from the laptop] were obtained by The New York Slimes [before the 2020 election; they conveniently leave out this fact] from a cache of files that appears to have come from a laptop abandoned by Mr. [Hunted] Biden in a Delatuperware repair shop.  The emails and others in the cache were authenticated by people familiar with them and with the investigation.”

            Why is The New York Slimes finally coming clean about this?  Perhaps it is because the 2022 midterm election is not far off?  But a more likely reason is that Hunter’s girlfriend has been saying that Hunted is about to be in serious trouble with the law.  If this is really going to happen, then the Slimes may want to get ahead of what is about to go down? 

            Joe Biden really is the “Big Guy” and he lied during the Chris Wallet debate in September 2020.

            Joe was, and continues to be (like Kermit D. Frog), knee deep in Hunted’s business deals.  He took business meetings with the communist Chinese, the Uke-rangs, etc.  Remember Biden’s quid-pro-quo with the Uke-rang government while he was Vice President?  Biden’s brothers are also involved in the family business of payola, money laundering, etc. 

            When press members inquired about The New York Slimes’ article, Jen Psaki basically said, “Hunted does not work in the government.”  He may not be on the government’s payroll; however, he is a family lobbyist.  Intelligence agencies, democrats, big tech companies, and the mainstream media are all involved in the cover up about the laptop then (before the 2020 election) and now, as many of them are still not looking into the laptop story.  And remember, the investigation began during the Obama-Biden administration!

THIS JUST IN:  Hunted Biden received a one million dollar loan to pay his taxes with.  Who loaned him the money (China, Russian, Uke-rang?) and what were the conditions of this loan (payola, bribery, blackmail, whitemail)?

MEMORIAL SERVICE – by Regis Mortes

            Ode to my aunt, who recently ascended to heaven!  The service was held up at the little old school house in Elizabeth, Coloradodo.  After the thieves left with everybody’s money, the service began. 

            The orator, a protestant preacher (or minister) said some pretty weird things.  He implied that Jesus took my aunt up into heaven to be with him and God, and that when Jesus comes (the Second Coming) back to Earth, he will bring my aunt with him and then they will have brand new material bodies.  Why would they ever want to leave the spiritual realm and return to a material dream where it is believed that God lives inside a material body and that material body has control over Spirit?  It just does not make any logical sense at all.  Oh, and this return into matter, the man said, was a resurrection.  Yet, the resurrection of Jesus took place before his ascension into heaven!  Did he think of that one?  He also quoted the author of the Lying Witch, of the Ward to Batman, Robbin books.  Something like, man’s soul is not in the [material] body (which is true) but that the [material] body is in the soul.  I think he believes that man has his own soul.  The actual right way of saying it is that God is the only Soul there is and man is God’s [spiritual not material] body, and this [spiritual] body reflects Soul.  Man does not have a soul at all, but man does reflect Soul.

            The Second Coming already took place during the 19th Century, as predicted by Bible prophecy.  It just did not happen the way religious leaders believed it should happen so they missed seeing it take place!  Is it God’s fault that they all missed seeing the Second Coming of Christ taking place?  Remember, the Jews refused to accept and see the First Coming of Christ as Jesus. 


            When I heard and saw that Stacy Abrams was given the role of the president of the United Earth (sounds like one world order stuff to me) I almost threw up.  I guess she is a fan of the series, and that she wanted to be in it.  Did she beg to get the part of a politician or did the producers just decide to hand it over to her just as the Democrats and mainstream media handed over president of the United States to Joe in 2020?

            The hundred dime store novelist of sex books, Stacy Abrams, not only filled the role of the president, she over flowed it.  I guess it makes her happy that because she was unable to win a gubernatorial race in Georgiapeaches that she was at least given the role of the fake president in the way far off future.

            Stacy may go into space someday, if Jeff Bozos invites her, but for now, she can take comfort that she can go into the big giant space found between her two front teeth.  Was that too mean?  Probably.

AMERICAN MADE – by Gigolo Joe

            In March, hop, two, three, four, I happened to see a movie based on true events.  The movie stared Tom Cruising and it was called American Made.  Tom played a southern family man who was an airline pilot (I do not remember the character’s name, so I will just refer to him as Tom).  Tom was smuggling small time drugs from one country into America.  The CIA man, who approached Tom, offered Tom a job.  Tom could work for him (I will call him Dick, because he was one) flying down to Central America to take aerial pictures of military areas and to get secret information from a military man.  Tom enjoyed doing this very much, but on one trip while he was trying to gas up the plane, he was approached by cartel men.  They took him to their leader’s mansion and he was offered a deal to smuggle their cocaine into the USA.  He would get paid loads of money.  Tom agreed to do it; however, on one trip he got caught and put in jail.  CIA Dick sprung Tom, but changed the deal on him, he allowed to let him to bring drugs into the country, but he would now have to take guns to Central America so that the cartels could fight their civil war (which, according to the cartel men the civil war was a hoax but the US government believed the war to be real).

            The basis of the movie is that our government backed gun running and drug smuggling.  The problem for Tom, and his family and employees, is that they made too much money from the drugs, so much that he could not laundry all the money.  He buried a lot of it on the property that Dick gave Tom (a very large parcel of land).  His airplane company grew to have 4-5 pilots, each having their own planes.  They began to smuggle cartel men into the U.S.A. (on Tom’s land) so that they could be secretly trained to fight in the fake civil war.  Some of these people, however, easily escaped and resided in the U.S.A. as non-citizens. 

            Trouble began when Tom’s hick brother-in-law stole unlaundered money, was careless, got caught by the small town’s local sheriff having the money, and was put in jail.  Tom got his brother-in-law out of jail and gave him money to live on.  Tom told him to leave the country forever; he could not return.  The brother-in-law saw this as punishment, but Tom was actually trying to keep his brother-in-law alive, as he knew the cartel wanted him to die.  The brother got into his green Gremlin and drove away.  Then a bomb went off. 

            Finally Tom got in real trouble – he was arrested by the state police, the DNA, INA, FBI, FDTA, HMO and whoever else could get in on the bust.  This arrest took place during the time that Wilhelm Clinton was governor of Arkansass and Ronny Raygun was president of the USA.

            Cocky Tom told the woman in charge that he would not go to jail.  He was right, as she got a call from Clinton demanding his release, yet once outside the building, men met up with Tom.  They made him get into their car and then they escorted him to the airport.  The plane was flown to Washington Dot Com, and then they drove him to the White House. 

            So, this is when my favorite part of the show took place.  Tom is sitting there waiting on a bench.  Another pilot is sitting on another bench next to Tom.  He strikes up a conversation with Tom; he is there for an unknown reason.  The pilot happens to be Conner Trinner from Star Trek Enterprise.  He is talking to Tom when someone calls out a name, “Trinner!”  He gets up and leaves.  So, yeah, I thought that was funny that they used his real name in the scene. 

            Oliver Northern Tissue offers Tom a job he cannot refuse – smuggle guns to the cartel, but, he is to take pictures of them (secretly) so that the U.S. knows who they are and have proof that they are making drugs.  The pictures, he was told, would be top secret and never see the light of day (but Olly did not mention the good, the bad, and the ugly; that the photos would be seen during the dark of night).  So Tom was stupid, he allowed himself to be in some of the pictures.  The government double crossed him, no surprise here, and plastered pictures of him with the cartel heads on national TV.  From that moment on he knew he was one of the walking dead.  He videotaped his government sanctioned escapades on VHS and kept everything in his car trunk.  He had, as part of his sentencing, to check into a certain place every day, and that is where he was shot.  He had not even gotten out of his car before they blew his brains out.

            Nancy Raygun was waging her war on drugs during that time yet her government was allowing drugs to poor into our country.  To say that the president knew nothing about what was going on, well, I highly doubt that he did not know anything about it.  He also just turned his head when chemical warfare was used during the Gulf War.  I am not a Democrat or a Republican, I believe that both parties have done good and evil, but mostly today, the Democrats just want to do evil (at least, that is how it seems to be).


            In the third week of March the Senate was asking Bidden’s pick for a Supreme, Judge Butcando Jackson, questions as to whether or not she is worthy of being one of the Supreme backup singers.  Although the group retired decades ago Jackson wants to be one of the girls.  …What’s that you say?  I’m wrong; it’s not for the singing group but the Supreme Court?  Oh, I do apologize!  That makes more sense anyway.

            One of the “woman” Republican Senators asked Jackson to define what a woman was.  Jackson said she could not do it because she is not a biologist!  Really, lady, and you want to be one of the Supremes?  I think not!  It is not that she could not do it, it is more like she would not do it; because, she was afraid she might offend the WOKE Society.  She also would not give any type of answer to Senator Ted Cruising-down-the-river when he asked her why she gave such light sentences (like “See Spot run.  Run, Spot, run”) to pedophile rapists.  (Actually, she gave the pedophiles more time in jail than K. Harris ever did.)  Believe me, this woman is not what we need on the highest court in the land!  I hope she does not get appointed, but people like Mitten Romney, will probably vote for her.  For sure, all the Senate Dummycrats will vote for her.

            Let me explain to you what a real woman is – she is the woman that God-crowned with twelve stars (the twelve nations of what Is-real), she has dominion over the moon (material forces and laws) and she is clothed with the sun (she is embraced by divine Mind, Spirit and Soul).  The real woman gives birth, not to material man, but to the spiritual ideal – the Christ ideal.  She is the woman that steps upon the head of the red serpent-dragon of ecclesiastical despotism (she unmasks animal magnetism).

CHRIS AND DON, OF ZNN, NO LONGER BROS – by Crocodile Tears Dundee

            It used to be that every week night Don DeSour Lemon would hand over his air time to his “bro” Chris Coma, who’s real bro is Tony (or Anthony) Coma, ex-governor of New Yorkso.  But since Chris Coma decided to sue everybody at ZNN the bromance is over.  Gone are the days where they would say to each other, “I love you, Bro!”