The Gigalo Gander

Idiotor in Chief:  Gigolo Joe                                                   Edition:  August 2021

Ass Idiotor:  Amanda Jean Turncoat

The WORD of the Month – PENETRATE.  “[pennitus inward, Penates household gods, Lith peneti to nourish]   1  a:  to pass into or through   b:  to enter by overcoming resistance:  pierce   2 a:  to see into or through   b:  to discover the inner contents or meaning of   3:  to affect profoundly with feeling   4:  to diffuse through or into   1 a: to pass, extend, pierce, or diffuse into or through something   b:  to pierce something with the eye or mind   2: to affect deeply the senses or feelings  syn see enter” (Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary).

            Also, the word penetration means “a:  the act of entering a country so that actual establishment of influence is accomplished [this is why the southern border is open – it is on purpose]   b:  an attack that penetrates the enemy’s front or territory” (Ibid).

            Joe Crow Biden (his time) clams that the pearl inside the shell is an irritation to him.  Ha, just kidding!  But he does claim that every state trying to improve their election laws are doing it to make it harder for minorities to vote in elections.  He is so full of hot air that he could supply all the New Mexico Hot Air Balloons with enough air to keep them in flight for a decade.  He has so much hot air he could melt the Alaskan ice caps in thirty minutes (talk about global warming)!  He is the one who will (if it passes the Senate) sign SR-1 and that’s way worse than Jim Crow!

            What is ironic is that when the whole batch of Texas Democrats ran away from doing their job by catching not only a PRIVATE flight to Washington Dot Com but also by catching the corona while drinking another brand of beer while in flight.  They said that they left because Texas’s new voting laws were, again, Jim Crow.  They lied.  They did not want to vote on anything the Republicans were doing business on.  Why?  Well, as Governor HEY Abbott said, it had to do with working on OUR southern border problem.  Yes, the southern border problem is not just the problem of Texas, Arizona, and California – it is the problem of every single citizen of the U.S.A.  Why?  Well, it is this simple – your federal government (the Biden administration and democrat party) are secretly bussing and flying illegal immigrants (migrants as THEY want you to refer to them as) into red states.  They want to change the voting population to blue.  And that makes me blue, as in sad, not as in a crazy democrat.

Carl Marx Was a Bigot – by Reverend Silly Billy Gramcracker

            Carl Marx, the fifth brother of the Marx brothers (not), was probably a Jew (going by the name).  But did he believe and accept God?  Was he a bigot where God was concerned?  It seems that Carl Marx was more of a devil worshipper than a worshipper of God.  Anyone today who agrees with the teachings of Carl Marx is not a worshipper of God either, but worships Satan.  What is the devil?  It is the one evil?  What is the one evil?  Evil is live spelled backwards.  So the devil is death.  If you are a Marxist then you are not living the Life that God gave to you – which is completely and totally spiritual.  A Marxist follows atheism, but a person can be an atheist without being a Marxist.  Is Carl the devil’s Marx of 666?  If you think of it 666 is an upside down 999 (which means – in German – no, no, no).  But, if you really know what the number 6 means (which is sex) then the number 666 is sex, sex, sex.  Did you know that vampirism has to do with sex, sex, sex?  No matter, what it means is that all sex, no matter what type of sex it is, has to do with the devil.  So when you have sex you are doing an act of evil!  Is this not why the Catholic priests and nuns are supposed to be virgins and have no sex?

            I know, I hear you saying, “But Reverend Silly Billy, the Bible tells us to go forth and multiply and replenish the earth.”

            While this is true, it does not mean that people are supposed to engage in sex.  Look how badly that went, when Adam and Eve physically multiplied?  A murderer was born who turned on his own brother!  What it means for man to go forth and multiply and replenish the earth is to have good (God-like spiritual) thoughts and to be kind to the earth.  But do not use the earth as a tool – like those who pretend that global warming or climate change is something mankind can prevent!  So they set up truckloads of laws and regulations that people and companies are supposed to follow – and if not – they are bad people and will be fined and arrested. 

            God never said that any of us have a carbon footprint!  What nonsense that is.  Oh, do we have a silver footprint or a gold footprint too?  Hey, if I do have a precious metal footprint can I use that footprint financially and become rich?  But if you did have a silver footprint or a gold footprint the Marxists would take them away from you so that they could redistribute your wealth!  That’s what reparations are all about – redistribution of wealth!  That is all it is about – to rob from Peter and give to P-All the Marxists at the top of the food chain – that is those at the top of the governments around the world – people like Joe Crow Biden and the DNC and the one world order blokes and bloketts  (I just made up a new word).  People who are shop lifting today (looting) may think that they deserve the things that they steal, they are redistributing the wealth.  However, have you ever noticed that these thieves all have very fancy get away cars (none of them are clunkers) so are they really hurting financially?  Or have they stolen the cars they get away in (doubt it)?  Or maybe they are just thieves who are breaking God’s commandment – “Thou shalt not steal”!

            Do not be fooled by groups like Black Lives Matter – for they are Marxists.  Do not be fooled by Antifa – for they are fascists, they never have been against fascism at all.  Do not be fooled – communism and fascism are both based on the same negative ideas.  Do not be fooled by critical race theory – for it is communistic theory using race instead of the old Bolshevik standby known as class warfare. Do not be fooled by Project 1619 – for it is full of lies about the founding of the United States of America – it is just lie after lie after lie.

            Do you know that these communists are trying to brainwash the children as early as they can?  And what are they teaching three year olds on up about?  They are teaching them sex, sex, sex.  That’s right.  If you are a parent then you need to pull your children out of the public school systems and make sure if they are going to charter schools that they are not being taught sex or being taught propaganda about classism and racism.  Home school them if you must, but protect them, it is your duty since you decided to have sex and procreate Cains and Abels. 

            Also, beware of Fauchi-ism – do not allow the Faust devil to dictate to you if you can go maskless, or if you must stay at home forever and ever, or if you should even be vaccinated!  Dr. Faust is behind the whole covid 19 thing, he funded the Chinese Wuwho virologist lab to work on his pet project – gains of function research!  Do you think he did not know what coronavirust – covid 19 really was from the get go?  If you think he is innocent then I have some sinkhole land in Florida I would like to sell to you!  Well, I really do not have any land in Florida, but I wish I did because I think that Ron Desantisclause is the best governor of all fifty states!

            What is next with the pots-and- pandemic?  Besides being up in everybody’s business on getting the vaccination shots they will now be forcing you to get a booster-chair shot because the vaccinations do not last very long and people are getting (what they call) the Delta Dawn variation.  This means that nobody is safe period – and that they will insist on you wearing masks again and then they will also want to close down the businesses and ruin the economy (again).  And Joe Crow is crazy (some might say he is senile) enough to do just that.

            Warning:  The following is based upon facts and are not funny, nor is it meant to be funny.  So beware.


influenza – 2019-2020 – 434

covid 19 – 2019-2020 – 124

covid 19 – 2020-2021 – 213

            If you add 124 and 213 together you get 337; that’s still less than 434.  Yet, there is no proof that these 337 children actually died directly from covid 19, it is most likely that they all had pre-existing conditions (like cancer).  These statistics are what the CDC has used to warrant face masks on children.  Dr. Marty Markary of Johns Hopkins Institute, found a “mortality rate of zero among children without a pre-existing medical condition such as leukemia.”

            From The Lancet:  “Three major studies over the past year [on children] found the risk of death to be in the range of 1 in 100,000 to 1 in 1,000,000.  Hospitalization rates for school –aged kids younger than 12 hovered around 3 or 4 per million throughout the pandemic.”

Chung Lee Confusion

            “If you have been fully vaccinated you no longer need to wear masks.  Let me repeat that, if you are fully vaccinated you no longer need to wear masks.”  Joe Crow Biden in May 2021.

            Yet, he now says people need to wear masks again (like where he is) when the rate of infection goes up in certain areas (like where he is at – thanks to the Texas democrats).  When questioned about his previous statement (from May) he denied having ever said it.  Then he changed his tune and said that was before the Delta Dawn variant showed up.  Sorry Joe Crow, either vaccinations work or they only work some of the time or they do not work at all.  Which is it?

            I do not think that even Joe Crow knows the actual “science” that he constantly caws about.  The Delta Dawn variant may be more spreadable but less people are hospitalized because of it and less people die from it.

Today’s Zodiac – by Astral Projection

            If you were born in the last portion of this month (and near the end of September) you are a Virgo.  This means that you are a virgin and have no children.  What’s that you say?  You can be a Virgo and not be a virgin?  You may be wondering, if you are a Virgo, why are you so shy?  Why do you avoid parties like the pots-and-pandemic?  And why is everybody so mean to you?  Yes, I have a lot of questions and I have NO answers what so ever!

            Virgo is an earth sign, so go forth and multiply and replenish the earth but do it as a virgin!  Most Virgos have a tendency to weigh and consider all their options – which means that it is really hard for Virgos to make decisions!  They want others around them to do the heavy decision making, but those around them do not like them at all so they basically blow off the Virgos.  Virgos are in search of Truth, this is why (unlike Leos) they are never taken in by Marxism, communism, socialism, progressivism, or any ism you can name (even Fauchi-ism).  The Virgo seeks the higher idea; Reverend Silly Billy Gramcracker is a Virgo.

            And now for your serious fortune:  You are being overly sensitive; so stop feeling sorry for yourself and figure out what to do with the missing door yourself.  So what if your Taurus husband just had a two week vacation and did absolutely nothing to help you out!  Figure out what to do even if you have to spend money to get it done.

Chung Lee’s Confusion (again)

            Critical Race Theory teaches that all white people who say they are not prejudice are really prejudiced.  In fact, they are more prejudice than white people who admit to being prejudice and there is no redemption for these white people at all.  If white people say they are not prejudice it means they are prejudice because they will not admit to it.  Likewise, using the same type of confusion logic, when Woodchuck Todd (journalist?) said that the Liberal Press is not bias toward conservatives means that Woodchuck Todd and his friends are actually bias towards conservatives?  He claims that he and his media friends are not bias, so does this not mean that he is even more bias than he thinks he is and more bias than he claims to be?  It can go both ways you know!

Haunted Hunted Biden – by Emma Skew Lenity

            Many news commentators’ opinions, especially the people at FOX News, about Hunted Biden’s artwork are just wrong.  I have seen samples of the man’s paintings (if that is what they really are – I just mean, are they actually on canvas or just on paper?) and I can tell, being that I have taken art classes myself, that he actually is an artist.  He actually does understand principles of art – composition, perspective, the use of color, etc.  This, however, does not mean that each of his masterpieces is worth a quarter of a million dollars!  Nor does it mean that the purchasers of his artwork should remain nameless (like that whistleblower during the first Trump impeachment process – you know the one that went nowhere except to waste our time and tax money on) and the Capitol policeman who shot Ashley Babbitt on January 6, 2021 – he actually did commit murder – so where is his trial?  How long will Nancy Pilono protect the man?  Is the reason why he will not be punished for his crime because his victim was a white woman?

            I do think, however, that some of the ideas for Hunted’s pieces are due to some drug induced mental trips he has been on during his lifetime.  To be honest, I think that Haunted Hunted Biden does deserve credit for his artistic talents, much more than he deserves any credit for his executive business talents in the Ukraine, China, Russia, and other countries his dad got him favor with. 

            It is also fishy (Pee Ewe) that the man in charge of selling Hunted’s artwork also sells artwork for Chinese artists.  Can you connect the dots?

Chung Lee’s Confusion (one more time)

            Intelligence Committee member Eric Shagwell deeply penetrated Chinese spy Fang Fang but Fang Fang deeply penetrated U.S.A. intelligence while shagging Eric.  Biden Administration keeping report on Shagwell/Fang Fang Affair classified.  So all WE THE PEOPLE are penetrated!  So why is Nancy Pelono keeping Shagwell on the Intelligence Committee?  Maybe he penetrated her too?    Yuk!

To Mask Or Not To Mask – by Will Erehpsekahs

            To mask or not to mask, that is the question (again), especially when the Delta Dawn variant of the coronavirust is killing less people.  Why dost the CDC do the Biden bidding?  They are not supposed to do-est the Biden bidding.  It maketh no sense that those who art vaccinated must (delta) dawn the masks when they are supposed to be protected from catching the coronavirust.  If vaccinations worketh then they worketh, if not, then what is the pointeth in taking them?

            Also, why shouldest the citizens of the U.S. of A. wearest masks when all the illegal aliens crossing the southern border, from all over the world, are allowed penetration and they are not quarantined but they are shuttled, bussed, and flown to the red states?  And who knoweth what other diseases they all mayest have?  And then Joe Crow crows about how coronavirust is growing (even though there is way less hospitalization and death) in the conservative states (white supremacists he caws) – so they must weareth the mask again.

            I have a word or two or more for those who condemnest the unvaccinated!  The unvaccinated are not murderers, as Joe Crow put it.  They are amongst the wise of the people – for they realizeth that something fishy smelleth in the White House (and it isn’t Joe Crow’s socks, even though those art pretty stinky).   Did you see the video of Joe Crow when he toldeth the reporter that the unvaccinated are murderers?  Once he finished speaking he turned around and walked away.  That walking immediately turneth into running – he actually ranneth away from the press!  Yet, there were no Secret Service chasing after him?  Was he one of Joe’s clones who did not really need protection?   Where was he running to?  I found his behavior rather peculiar!

            Then there are opinioneth speakers, liketh Heraldo Riviera, who thinks badly of all the people who hast not received the vaccination shots.  He says he dost not like the fact that the unvaccinated people wouldst cometh into his home (to be around his grandchildren)!  I do not think that unvaccinated people have tried to cometh into his home!  They probably knoweth not his address, or his children’s addresses, or his grand children’s addresses to penetrate.  How cometh he is not worried about the undocumented illegal aliens who haveth the covid from coming into his home?  Becauseth, from what he hath said, he is not!  So he is just virtue signaling like all the people at ZNN (what CNN is called on JAG and NCIS) and MSDNC.  Heraldo cares not that people may have very good reasons for not getting the vaccination shots.  One being they dost not needeth one because they already had the coronavirust and have Mr. T cells in their bodies.  He dost not respect their ways or their reasonings.  He also must not believe in the material science of it all – because he is worried about his grandchildren when the virust hardly effects the wee ones.  He probably also wants to put the masks back onto all the children.  Me thinks that he dost protests too much!

Dear President Trumpet – an opinion piece

            I am writing to you because I am worried about how things are going in our country via Joe Crow Biden.  I refuse to call him president because I know that the democrats, the media moguls, and liberal press cheated to get him into office.  I know that you won the 2020 election (even if FOX News continues to go along with the scam).

            I am so mad about Biden and all his dick-tatorial executive orders.  He stops all work on the southern border fence (wall) and then shuts down the Keystone pipeline yet he lets Russia open their pipeline?  The democrats hated on Russia the whole time that you were in office and now they allow them to become rich via their oil pipeline?  Biden and friends have their heads where the sun never shines!  Maybe that is why they are so grumpy and mean and lie all the time?

            What I do not get is why the police and border patrol and ICE people go along with his ILLEGAL orders?  For example, in Del Rio, Texas (in the third week of July), why did they open the gate to those people on the other side?  They allowed in people who were from Africa and other places in the world (not just Central and South America).  WHY?  Why did they let them come in instead of telling them, “Sorry, but we are not opening the gate for you because the border is CLOSED.  You must return home, return to your home country, because we will not let you come in this way!!!”

            Why can’t border patrol disobey Biden’s dictates when it is Biden breaking the law?  If he breaks the law then where is the logic in doing what Biden wants – that only makes the patrol break the law.  Where is the logic in it?  Likewise, why do police have to obey politician’s rules when the politicians are breaking the law?  Is there a way to secretly put the law breakers in prison after they break the law over and over and over by not telling the George Soros’ DA’s that the criminals have been arrested?  Is there a way for us to fight back in ways they do not see coming or expect?  How come governors, who find illegal aliens that have been secretly bussed in or flown in to their states, cannot round these illegals up and put them on airplanes, give them all parachutes and then toss them out the airplane door over the alien’s home country?  Or secretly fly them straight to Washington Dot Com (preferably directly over the White House) and push them out the airplane door?  Maybe the governors should put them on busses that go directly to Washington D. C.’s Capitol building?  Talk about an insurrection they might not really like!

            I am serious when I ask why Governor HEY Abbott, of Texas, is not building that fence yet and why he does not keep people from opening the Del Rio gate?  When asked about that he just said, “I don’t know who did that.”  That is not an appropriate answer!  To be honest, I think he carries a big stick while talking on the news channels but is sucking on a toothpick when it comes to action!  Unlike Governor De Santisclause who is a man of action.  Now there’s a man (he’s cute too).  Why can’t Abbott hire bounty hunters to go after his absent legislators and bring them back to do their job?  He says he is going to wait until they return home, but what if they do not return home?  I say – give the bounty hunters a job!  Put out warrants of arrest on those C19 infected Democrats and put them back into the deep heart of Texas!

            Speaking of C19 – Joe Crow wants to force every US citizen into getting your vaccinations even if they are not good for children and young adults to have, and even if people already are immune.  I am not saying, Mr. President, that you should be blamed for people not being vaccinated, you should not be blamed for the ineffectiveness of the vaccinations, nor are you responsible for the misuse of vaccinations (by giving them to children and young adults – thus making them sick or killing them) – all that falls upon the medical practitioners and the crazy people like Dr. Faust and Joe Crow who want to force babies, children, and young adult people into taking the vaccinations.  Joe Crow says it is all white supremacists against the vaccinations!  This is an out and out LIE!  Statistics show that Asians top the vaccination list, then white people, then black and brown people.  So I guess the black and brown people are white supremacists?  That’s BIDEN logic (which is really non-logic).  He also wants to force babies and children into wearing masks – again this alone is dangerous to the children (as medical studies have shown).  Yet, he is willing to let the pots and pandemic come into our country via the southern border (via all illegal aliens)!   Where is his concern over the migrants that are infected with disease (not just C19)?  The man is either really STUPID, senile, or he is a monster.  He certainly is a crook and he cannot do anything but lie when he opens his beak.  People claimed that you lie all the time.  I’m sorry, but compared to Joe Crow – you hardly lie.  I do not know that you do not lie; it is hard for all people to never lie.

            As for critical race theory (a product of Marxism – that means communism) – well, let’s get more airplane rides ready for these quacks!  Let’s give them all one way tickets to Cuba, Russia, Venezuela, China, and all those great communist run countries that they constantly envy and brag about!  Let’s do them a favor and send them off to their desired type of communist utopia!  Let’s ship out A.O.C. and her squad, let’s do the same to all the democrats in Congress and Senate – especially Senator B. S., and do not give them any money to use while they are there.  Let’s do the same to all the public school teachers and college professors who want to brainwash the children while smothering them via masks.  Let’s do the same with General Milly (who maybe should only be in charge of the cereal company) and other military men like him.  Let’s do the same with members of Black Lives Matter and Antifa.  Let’s do the same to all George Soros appointed politicians and District Attorneys.  Let’s do the same for anyone who takes a knee at sporting events.  Let’s do the same for every single person who believes that the U.S.A. needs to be destroyed.  Maybe if all of these loony tunes people were to actually have to live in a communist country (without any money) maybe when they were allowed to come back here they would have open eyes to what communism really is and they would change their foolish ways?  Maybe not, maybe people like Senator B. S. would continue to be a communist.  And even if they had to live in South Africa as it is right now, that it might open their eyes to the path that they have put the U.S.A. on?

            Why are not all people getting the vaccination shots?  Well, I can think of a lot of reasons.  One reason is the people in charge of the CDC, WHO, and jerks like Dr. Faust and his Sandy friend have lied to us and continue to lie.  Dr. Faust has continuously lied while testifying in the Senate (to cover his asp) – he should be arrested!  The man is a criminal because he helped fund the gains of function research (even if he did it via money laundering) and gave that money to China.  He continues to be a danger and a hazard, why not put him on trial and judge him and then, hopefully, he will be put in the slammer where he belongs.

            Another reason people are not getting vaccinated is that they may have already had C19 and are immune to it.  But this reason is not even taken into consideration by Joe Crow and his ilk.  Maybe some people have religious reasons for not getting vaccinated because they know that God in omnipotent and that C19 has no power over them because God did not create C19 (Dr. Faust and his Chinese friends did that).  If God is the only power then C19, and or vaccination shots, have no power at all!  That is the best reason for not getting vaccinated!

            Another reason people are not getting shot is that the democrats keep threatening vaccinated people.  They threaten to make them mask up again because of variants.  WE THE PEOPLE say NO to this!  But where is the logic in getting vaccinated if it does not mean you can be mask free?  Also, the FDA have not put their official seal on the vaccinations, the medicine is still “emergency use” stamped.

            So another good reason, right now is – just to give you an example – getting the vaccine does not mean that you will not get C19 again, unless, those Texan democrats lied about having their vaccination shots.  Maybe it supposedly keeps you from winding up in the emergency room if you do get C19 after being vaccinated – but hydroxychloroquine given to you in the early stages can make you well – so what is the point of getting the blasted shots?  And IVERMECTIN/HQN also helps do away with C19.  But see, Faust does not want you to know this stuff so the Internet friends (and the Biden administration) call this type of stuff MISINFORMATION and block the actual material medical facts from being told.  In fact, they will probably block this post from being well known too, so share this post with all your friends and family!

            And now on to January 6, 2021 – a day that will live in infancy of the democratic mindset!  Let it be known that people in charge, like Nancy Pelono, outright refused all requests (of the Capitol police man in charge that she fired on January 7th) to get more police protection, or to even use the National Guard that day.  People are too nice, they say, well, it was because Nancy did not want to look like a hypocrite after she and the democrats said nothing about all the BLM and Antifa riots during the summer and fall.  WRONG!  Here is the REAL reason why Pelono did not beef up security with lots of steaks and rump roasts.  She wanted (what she calls an INSURRECTION) the protest to take place.  Why would she want it to happen?  She had three very good reasons.


            She knew that the Republicans were going to try and get a committee set up to investigate the 2020 election – she knew that the democrats and news media people had cheated to get Biden elected.  She wanted to ruin the Republican’s last chance, your last chance Mr. President, to investigate their illegal actions during the November election.  So she, and FBI head man – Christopher Wray (why you never fired him is a mystery to me – I did not like him from the moment I saw him being asked questions for his appointment) – set up the riot themselves.  They actually cooked it up and got it going.  Just like the FBI was behind the kidnap attempt of Michigan’s governor Witless.  (It has been proven that the FBI was behind this kidnap attempt.)  And it will be found out, if really investigated the right way, that the FBI was involved with the January 6th protest, that they had their people planted in the crowd that day, probably verbally egging people on.

            So even though the day is being investigated more than any BLM riot or Antifa beatings she decided to set up her own congressional committee to investigate what went on that day (last month).  She allowed Bush’s VP’s daughter to be on the committee because she hates you.  But when Jim Jordan River and Tim Banks, no relation to Jane and Michael Banks, were chosen for the committee then Nancy dictated that they could not be on the committee.  I just want to know, who died and made her God?  NOBODY!!!  So Kevin, the son of Carthy, pulled his Republicans off the committee (that did not include disobedient Liz Bawlin’ Chainey and A-damned Kinfinger (also bawlin’) – the RINO never-Trumpers)?  Why did Nancy do it?  Because she is afraid that these two Republicans (the twin team of Jim and Tim Possible  or the Jim Jordan River Bank of Tim) would ask REAL questions and find out that she and the FBI were behind the protest (which was somewhat violent, but a whole lot less violent than what has taken place in our major democratic run cities).

            Mr. President, if you compare the Governor Witless kidnapping attempt to the January 6th protest there are similarities between them.  The FBI coordinated the kidnapping themselves.  Why has not all that footage from the sixth been released, why have we been kept in the dark about what happened that day?  How come we do not know the name of the policeman who murdered Ashley Babbitt?  Why did he choose to shoot an unarmed veteran?  Is not he more guilty than the policeman put on trial for murdering George Floyd?  As you know, no policemen were killed during the protest.  Yet, the media and democrats all lied and said that officer Sicknick died that day because he was hit over the head with a fire extinguisher (not true at all).  He was never hit on the head with anything and he did not die until January 7th, the same day that Pelono fired that Capitol Policeman requesting reinforcements over and over and over on the sixth.  Why was the police riot gear locked up in some bus?  Why did policemen allow people entrance into the Capitol building at all?  My theory is they did so because they were told to allow them entrance (penetration).

            The results of Nancy’s (planned?) Insurrection is that all Republicans, after the sessions began again (two hours later), gave up ALL attempts to protest the election (to actually look into the cheating that took place in regards to the November 2020 election).  MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!!!  Yep, Nancy won again with the help of the F.B.I. and her stubbornness (willingness) to not give police support over and over and over.


            She wanted to impeach you a second time.  This would make her look fantastic!  This would make her look like she was the most democratic woman in the world!  WRONG!!!  It only made her look, once more, like the crazy person she really is.  Or maybe she is not crazy at all?  Maybe what she really is – is EVIL incarnate.  Call in an exorcist!  Yet, the second (illegal) impeachment trial did not even take place until after Joe Crow was put into office (illegally) because of their cheating during the election and because of their quite possibly run F.B.I. insurrection on January 6th.  Are people really too blind to see what really has taken place?  Or are they too afraid to admit the truth to themselves because they do not want to believe that things are really this bad?  I believe that people at FOX News are told by their bosses that they are not allowed to say certain things about the 2020 election and the illegal 46th presidency.  FOX News turned on you in November and it really disgusted me!  I think a lot of people were disgusted with them because their ratings went down.  But people have short memories so their ratings have gone back up.


            She, along with all the other Marxist communists, wanted to target all of your supporters.  They want to silence us (and muffle us with masks).  They are using social media big tech companies to do just that.  They even are willing to say what they want to do to us – re-educate us, or reprogram us into thinking as they do – as communists.  They say that everything that they disagree with is “disinformation”.  Yet everything that is emitted from their mouths are LIES, non-truths, fibs, you get the idea!  They want only control over everybody, and the people who actually did vote for Joe Crow (all five of them) are going to wake up (not be woke) and realize that their freedoms have been stolen away from them along with their money.

            A man with the DEA was present at the Capitol that day.  He was with a friend of his.  His friend was an F.B.I. informant.  It was his friend who kept trying to get him to go into the Capitol building, but he was wise and refused to do that.  The DEA man, who was supposed to be carrying a gun (so he was), approached an F.B.I. swat team and he offered them his assistance.  I guess they turned him down.  Yet somehow the F.B.I. decided to later on arrest him for being there, when he did nothing wrong, he did not break any laws either.  He lost his job because of it all and has had to go to court to defend himself (which costs money).  Did they target him because they think he is one of your supporters or because he is of Cuban descent?  Probably both, because Cuban Americans understand the dangers of communism!

            I do hope that you will run in 2024 because by then this country is going to be in such deep Joe Crow droppings that we will need someone like you to keep us from drowning!

Sincerely, Maga Redhat

The Gigalo Gander – July

Idiotor in Chief:  Gigolo Joe                                       Edition:  July all de time man! 2021

Ass Idiotor:  Amanda Jean Turncoat

Library Features

Independent Day

Independent Day II – Look Out For Covid 19

President Trumpet Visits the Border – by Hot Tamale

            In the last week of June Buggy the southern border actually had a visit by a REAL President.  He got together with Texas’s governor, Hay Abbot!  Then that night, it was a Wednesday Adams type of night, they both went onto the FOX News network show [Sean] Hamnity.   The show was shot where everybody was hangar-ing out at an airport.  Mr.  Hamnity was a chicken taco because he neglected to ask Governor Abbot why he does not deploy ALL of his National Guard to the border to do patrol and keep the people from coming across the border (they carry guns don’t they?)

            This is what drives me nuts, if we really wanted the people to go home why not pick them up and bus them to the nearest airport where they are put on a direct flight to their country of origin?  If the country refuses to let the planes land then we give everybody a parachute and say, “Adios to la caboose!”  And we kick them out the airplane door.  It could not be any more expensive to do this than the federal government’s secret flights flying these people into any state of their choice (that president Sippy Cup is charging the tax payers for).  In the long run it would be a whole lot less expensive to fly them home than to fly them into our country.  And if they are forced to go back home, maybe they will not have enough money to pay the cartels for a second or third journey to the good ol’ U.S. of A.?  It’s time we get tough!

New Songs to Sing and Listen To – by Melody Tone

            Here are some new song titles that I believe you may not have heard of yet. 

Today’s Zodiac – by Astral Projection

            If you were born in this month (and near the end of June) you are a Cancer, unless you were born towards the end of the month then you are a Lion.  But you should never fib!  You may be wondering, if you are a Cancer, why you are so crabby?  Why do your claws have rubber bands around them?  And why do you feel like you are constantly under water?  Yes, I have a lot of questions and I have NO answers what so ever!

            Cancer is a water sign, so most of them are wet!  Ha!  I know that is not true, but I don’t care!  The sign of Cancer is actually that of two suns connected to two crescent sandwiches, I mean moons.  So the symbol of Cancer sort of resembles the number 69 on its side.  And 1969 is the year that Apollo 11 launched – on July 16th.  So we look to Revelation 12, where the woman God-crowned has dominion over the moon because July 16th is the birthdate of the woman God-crowned.  The woman has twelve stars in her crown and twelve astronauts have walked on (had dominion over) the moon.  The bi-centennial of her birth date is this July 16th – under the sign of Cancer.  This woman has power over Leo – see the Tarot card below if you do not believe me.

            And now for your ridiculous fortune:  You are hard on the outside and mushy on the inside – but most people are!  Yet, think of how delicious your inners are after being boiled in a big pot of water!  YUM!  Where’s the melted butter at?  You will be given a truckload of grief this month after you cut your hair too short with your Flowbee.  So, a word of advice, do not cut your hair, just pay to have it done at a salon!  Stop being so cheap!  Support your local hair dresser; you no longer need that mask.

Haunted Hunted Biden – by Emma Skew Lenity

            It seems like something new is always popping up where Hunted Biden is concerned.  New pictures have surfaced of Hunted standing with his Mexican business partners and also in the picture is his then vice president dad (who claimed he knew nothing about his son’s business partners while he was out campaigning in 2020 – well, if he was telling us the truth then it means that the man really is senile and needs to be given the boot.  I don’t care if it is the right boot or the left boot, just give him the boot!). 

Scam Phone Calls – by I. M. Mad

            Be careful when you answer your phone, the person on the other end may be a scammer!  Recently I received one of these calls.  The man was hard to understand because he was either from India or else he was pretending to be from India.  He claimed to be with my local cable company.  This, of course, made me mad from the beginning because the cable company is run by communists.  He said that they were updating to a new format and they had to change my cable boxes.  He explained that they would deprogram my box and then reprogram it.  What?  My box is now a white supremacist?

            He told me that my cable bill would go down $40 per month, I was okay with that but then he says, “But there is a one-time service fee of $250 (plus) for doing what they were supposed to be doing to my cable boxes while I was on the phone with him.  They never did anything because I did not lose any programming information.  That is when I blew my top, which I am sure he was expecting.  He eventually transferred me to some supervisor (I think it was the same man) who would explain things more clearly, but he still did not speak clear English and he did not make any more sense than the other man (or maybe the same man).  So I gave him a bad time.  Finally, after I copied everything down that he dictated to me he transferred me to Christine, his supervisor in Florida.

            After a somewhat long wait, I should have just hung up the phone; I hear a man’s voice say, “This is Chris.”  He was a little bit more understandable, yet he still was not as clear as I thought he should be if he lived in Florida.  And unless he underwent a transsexual operation, I do not think he ever was a Christine.  He went over everything again and again; all the while I am steaming mad that he threatened to turn off my service.  Yet, he could not have done so anyway, so I was the fool.  And I guess this is what really steams me – I was mad at myself for being fooled or taken in by him (or them).  He told me the changes had been finally made to my cable boxes but that I had to promise to send the money to him the next day (by check) or else my service would be cut off and he would call back the next day at our agreed time.  I promised I would do so, but I had no intention of keeping the promise until I authenticated that this was on the up and up.

            After hanging up I had another problem, I was unable to get ahold of a live person at my crummy cable company!  They would not answer their phones except with a computer menu system (talk about systemic racism)!  After hours of fuming I finally did get ahold of a man, and he transferred me to their bunko squad.  I talked to her, but she too was from a different country, I asked her if she was really with the company?  She said she was.  I told her, this is why the con worked so well, that they used people from Asia as their representatives.  I told her that their company should only have United States citizens working for them.  She finished with me and I told her I wanted a new customer account number, because the scammers happened to know the last four digits of my account number – how is that possible?  Nobody can give me an answer.  They just say, “Oh, it’s out there.”  Out where?  Is it on the Internet?  Where is there?  She told me that she would transfer me to the billing department to see about changing my customer number.  I waited and the phone disconnected.  So I found a billing phone number and called it.  Again, their computer sentinel would not let me pass, but I finally somehow managed to get someone.  This man was nice but he said there was nothing he could do about changing my account number.  Then he transferred me to another man who eventually tried to upgrade me.  If I got the upgrade they could change my customer number and lower my monthly fees.  Their logic astounds me!  I said, “No thank you.”  Really?  I have had a traumatic experience and he wants to give me a sales pitch?

            The scammers gave me a phone number to call them back on, but it was only a voice mail phone number.  They also gave me an address to send the check to – in Plano, Texas.  No, not Piano, Texas, Plano, Texas!  I gave this information twice to the cable company.  Will anything come of it?  I doubt it.

            Did the scammers call me back the next day at the appointed time?  No, but I did get a lot of phone calls that I let go to my answering machine.  So if they did call, I did not answer.  They did call back the following morning, before I headed off to the grocery store.

            I had an Oreo cookie in my mouth and I answered weirdly (deeper tone).  I told him that nobody by the name (my name) lived here and that they had never had lived here.  I also told him that I did not have that cable company’s service; never have.  I was tempted to really tell him this, “I’m her sister and she passed away Tuesday afternoon from a heart attack.  We don’t know why, but she must have been put under some great stress.  Perhaps it was after she received a weird phone call from some scammers?”

            He said I was lying to him.  I told him I was not.  He said I was.  I asked, “Why would I lie to you unless you had lied to me first?  Good-by!”  I hung up on him.

            So be aware that the cable company never reaches out to their customers via the phone.  Do not fall for their tricks.  I hope by giving you this information that it will help you and keep you from falling into their trap.  Also, people calling up collecting money for cops are also scammers – just a head up.  I know this because an actual policeman I know told this to his parents and his mom told it to me.

            I now screen all my calls because I do not want to pay my phone company an extra ten dollars per month for caller I.D.!  And my blocking phones allow me to do this with no problem – sweet!  (I just found out how to do this on Thursday afternoon.)  But the blocking mechanism does not actually block any calls because, you guessed it, I do not have caller I.D.!

U.F.O. REPORT – by Thor Grey

            At the end of June a report about Unidentified Flying Objects was released. It was not a very good report, however, something is better than nothing. They no longer call them U.F.O.’s anymore either. They now have some other sort of weird name to describe them. However, it is now hard to dismiss that these objects are in the sky above us (and below us in the water) because of sonar pictures and released video from military pilots. And as Fox Moldier would say, “The Truth Is Out There”. Okay, it is his poster that says it, but he would strongly agree with what the poster says.