“I see,” said the blind man to his deaf and dumb daughter over the disconnected telephone, “that President Trumpet has resurrected this Easter morning!”



            The following words have been banned by a certain American college, who shall rename David Blainless.

“eggs” – because there are more than 100 ways to prepare them for meals

“bunnies” – because they know how to multiply and the students don’t

“chicks” – because they make loud noises

“Peeps” – because they come in the shapes of bunnies and chicks

“female” – because they are from Venus

“male” – because they are from Mars

“Christmas tree” – because of all the dangerous pine needles

HEY, YOU CLIMATE ZEALOTS! – by Shake Yur Booty

            Did you know that in the first thirteen weeks of 1811 there were 1,874 earthquakes?  There were quakes throughout 1822.  Thirty to fifty thousand square miles of the U.S.A. went through extensive topographical changes.

            People thought it had to do with the Second Coming of Christ.  They were right, because on Monday, July 16, 2021, Mary Baker was born on the Baker farm in Bow, New Hampshire.  She was to explain to the world Christ Jesus’ healing method and explain his life and works with Christian Science.

            The point is, just because there are freaky things happening in the world in regards to the weather, it does not mean that man’s carbon footprints are responsible for what is taking place.  Nor should mankind need to believe in all the climate change nonsense being promoted by the Left (or the one world order folk).  Instead – we need to actually do a heavy investigation into H.A.A.A.A.A.A.R.P. (Is that too many capital A’s?)

American Beauty, stay away from me!

I don’t like thorns so stay away from me!

“AOC is so dumb she studied for a covid test.”  – Jim Mel Failyuh (Stay tuned and you will find out that AOC is not really all that stupid!)

One may ask, “How did Christopher Wraith get on President Trumpet’s radar to become head of the FBI?”  The answer is that Governor Nutty Chris Christy suggested Wraith as Wookie James Crummy’s replacement to President Trumpet.

FACT:  For decades Joe Biden took classified files home and spread them out all over different places – 1,850 boxes of confidential materials.  Yet there were no FBI raids in any of those locations in regard to Joe Biden.  Can you say “double standards on the corner”?  But the real reason there was a raid on Trumpet is to draw attention away from Biden’s guilt, as they knew before the Trumpet raid that Biden was guilty of keeping classified materials in various locations.  Also, before the raid of Mar-A-Large-O, President Trumpet was willing to allow the FBI access to the files he had in his mansion.  The FBI had already seen the files at Mar-A-Large-O before the raid took place.  They knew what room they were placed in and they telephoned Trumpet’s people to ask them to place another lock on said room, so the files were very secure – not like they have been with Joe Biden.  Leaving a Corvette as a watch dog just does not cut it.  Yet, the FBI insisted on doing a raid.  This was probably by order of Joe Biden himself, getting his stooge Garlic Maryland to boss Christopher Wraith around. 

            Then the DOJ (Department of Jack*$&%*#) remained silent about Biden’s files before the 2022 election took place.  News of it only came out way after the election (in January 2023) – this was election interference on the part of the FBI, the DOJ, and particularly – Joe Biden!

Laura Ingram Blames President Trumpet Unfairly – by Phare Play

            On March 27, 2023 Sean Hamnity interviewed President Trumpet on his show.  His show comes on before the Ingram Angle does.  Laura had two guests on to discuss the interview.  She blamed President Trumpet for looking back into the past (even if that past is happening this month?) instead of speaking on important topics.  Yet, wait a minute, is she forgetting that he was just answering the questions asked him by the host Sean Hamnity? 

            So, if there happens to be any blame to be spread around it would have to fall at Hamnity’s feet!  Am I right about this?  I think I am.  I could not figure out why Laura would blame Trumpet for something that was actually her friend Sean’s fault?  Just what does this mean?  I think she’s just jealous that she didn’t get the interview herself!  Or perhaps she remembers the one time she did interview Trumpet in front of a cemetery and the Left-winged press gave them both a bad time about it.

FACT:  President Trumpet breaks glass ceiling again!  He was the first president in USA to be impeached two times, he has been the only president to donate his salary to charity, he is the only USA president to have ever been raided by the FBI, and now he is the first American president in history to be indicted!

PRESIDENT TRUMPET BEING TAKEN INTO CUSTODY THE SAME TIME OF YEAR THAT JESUS WAS TAKEN INTO CUSTODY – COINCIDENCE? – by Esther Bunny Rabbi (I am not a porn star, even though I am a Bunny, and I refuse to ban my name just because I can multiply, add, subtract, and divide!  That’s right, I can do the math!)

            The timing seems rather odd that District Athorney, Fat Alvin Chipmunk Bragger, wants to bring President Trumpet into New Yorkso City in order to indict him for something that is only a dressed up Miss D. Meaner (which has more clothes on than a stripper), hardly a crime at all, and if it were really a crime the Statue of Liberty, I mean, the statute of limitations to persecute for said crime ran out years ago (in 2018).  So, Bragger is trying to make the paying off of a non-disclosure agreement into a Federal crime, even though his jurisdiction cannot cover Federal crimes and the statute of limitations ran out on the Federal crime in 2021.  The only crime that was really committed by Trumpet’s people was an accounting error, which would have been committed by Trumpet’s lawyer, or perhaps an accountant, at the time.  Trumpet’s non-loyal lawyer during that time was the professional fibber named Michael Conehead.  And yet, guess who Bragger’s main witness is in his case?  You guessed it, Michael Conehead!  How is that fair or right?  However, I doubt that Conehead is the only witness on Bragger’s list.

            So, what is behind Bragger’s motive, beside the point that he promised the voters while he was campaigning (for the District Athorney position) that he would go after Trumpet?  Well, he probably is thinking about his future and running for a higher political office, or else, the fix is in and he was simply following the orders of Joe Biden.  Heaven help us if he were ever to get a higher position than the one he already has!

            I am not saying that President Donald J. Trumpet is another Jesus Christ, because, that would not be true.  However, certain people and groups hate President Trumpet just as much as certain people and groups hated Jesus Christ nearly 2,000 years ago.

            Will the booking, fingerprinting, and mug shot be enough for the Leftists to take down President Trumpet and keep him from running in the 2024 election?  I doubt it.  In fact, it will probably backfire on the Left and President Trumpet’s run for President will see him resurrecting his strip-pole numbers and the many people who will actually realize, “Hey, I need to vote for the persecuted man named Trumpet.  Who wants a government like a third world banana split republic here in USA?  Not me.  So I had better vote for President Trumpet!”

            Trumpet is in trouble because Bragger says Trumpet tried to pay off lots of hush money to a stripper before the 2016 election.  Yet, this money was not out of the campaign fund, like the Clinton’s used years ago (guilty of same crime – only we know for sure Billy Boy did have sex with those women).  Trumpet denies having extramarital affairs with porn star Norm E. Daniels and Daisy Duck.  Why Norm wants to have a man’s name is a mystery to me.  Also, Norm is making money by selling merchandise Online in regards to President Trumpet.  She is the one who broke the law when she broke the nondisclosure agreement she made with Donald J. Trumpet.

            Anyway, on Sean Hamnity’s show, that aired before the indictment went down, Trumpet showed a document by Daniels stating that she never had sex with Trumpet.  So why did she ask for hush money?  Because she probably knew that he did not want her threat that they did have sex with each other to get out to the public or to his lovely wife Milania Cookie.  Well, who knows if Trumpet and Daniels did have an affair?   But, I trust Trumpet’s word over Joe Biden’s word any old day. 

            Why is the State Press not asking Biden why he is persecuting a female aid that he sexually ass-salted and peppered in 1973?  Biden and his people are harassing Tara Root Reade and nothing is being said about it.  And to help Biden out the New Yorkso Slimes printed Reade’s social security number in their paper!  This is illegal, and whoever gave the go ahead to do this and whoever did do it should be put on trial and then placed in jail.  Making the S. S. number known to the public was not a “freedom of speech” thing.  A Social Security number is used for financial matters only (but the world seems to forget this point).  What the paper did will only help out some identity thief.

            If the Left is SO concerned about President Trumpet’s sex life then why do they care nothing about Joe Biden’s sex life?  They do not persecute Biden because Joe is one of them and on their side. At least they think he is on their side. Joe Biden is only on his side of everything; his heart is cold and it is not from all the ice cream that he eats.

            It has been said, and I do believe it is true, that Fat Alvin Chipmunk Bragg is one of communist-fascist George Soreass’ hired flunkies.  If he is not with George Soreass, he sure acts and performs like he is.  Maybe he does not belong to George but to George’s son (the apple which does not fall far from the tree)?  Bragger has let New Yorkso City go to wreck and ruin; let crime get out of hand by not punishing REAL criminals. Instead, he spends his time going after President Trumpet.  Remember, he promised to do so during his campaign for District Athorney.  Hey, is that legal to do?  Shouldn’t he be under investigation?  I think so.  Actually, I wonder if there was a real dick out there who delved into Bragger’s personal life, I have to wonder if the dick could not uncover some dirt on Bragger.  I bet there is something in his life he wants hidden besides how many calories he eats in any given day.  The question remains, “Is Fat Alvin Chipmunk Bragger today’s Caiaphas?”  I think he is.

            There are three more suits of trouble waiting in President Trumpet’s wardrobe.  One has to do with the Mar-A-Large-O files (even though, as President, he had every right to have the files that he had personally declassified, the ones he had safely under lock and key [unlike Joe Biden’s stolen files]).  Another pending Grand Jury is in Georgia Peaches, which has something to do with the 2020 election.  Again, Trumpet did nothing wrong, the recipient of his phone call just had ear wax build up and misconstrued what Trumpet was asking him to do. And the question remains, does this case have legs to stand upon after the head grand juror, an actual witch, went on national TV news and talked about her prejudice toward Trumpet?   And the other thing, he is supposed to be facing, is the bogus claims that he conspired with white supremacist groups to attack the U.S. Capitol building on January 6, 2021.  When in all truth, that was the FBI, the now X-Speaker of the House Nancy Pelono, and Chuckroast Shoemerr behind the conspiracy for the events of that day.

            Upon hearing about the indictment on Trumpet, Nancy Pelono Twittered that Trumpet had to prove he was innocent.  She has it backwards; it is up to Fat Alvin Chipmunk Bragger to prove that Trumpet is guilty – for Trumpet is innocent until proven guilty!  That’s how our laws work, but Nancy is stupid and thinks, and wholeheartedly believes, it is the other way around, except when it comes to her own hubby driving drunk.  And that really is a crime!

            It seems that President Trumpet is like Teflon; everything thrown at him seems to slide right off.  Could this be due to the fact that Trumpet is totally innocent of all charges and the persecutors are the real haters and the guilty ones?

IS THE CHINESE TICK-TOCK REALLY UNDER FIRE? – by President She (his preferred pronoun)

            A bi-partisan Bill is floating around in Congress in regards to closing down the Chinese appetizer called TICK-TOCK.  Yet, Wonder Breads never cease, the name of TICK-TOCK is not mentioned one time in the Bill!  In fact, if you really read the Bill and pay close attention to it, it is just a Bill (if passed – like Joe Biden’s gas) that will allow the White House (not the Congress or the courts) to spy on everything a person does Online!  They will be able to monitor your purchases in foreign countries if they want to, then they can decide whether to go after you and persecute you for such purchases or such business dealings, and they can put you in jail!  Does this sound right to you?

            Jesse Watters caught Senator Lindsey Graham-Cracker off guard when he went on his show March 29th.  Evidently, Graham-Cracker had not read the Bill at all, or if he had read it he pretended he had not read it!  He asked Jesse to have him back on to talk over the Bill after having a chance to go over it.  Jesse pleaded for Lindsey to talk to the other Senators and help them realize the dangers of passing such a Bill.  I hope that he will do at least that much if not more!

            But the real humorous part about all of this, not the Bill itself, but the waking up to what the Bill is really all about, is that on March 27th Jesse was razzing Congresswoman AOC because she was speaking out against this Bill.  She did her video using TICK-TOCK to do so.  Jesse bad-mouthed AOC on his earlier show The Five and then again on Primeribtime.  Right after his show was Tuckered Out Carlson Tonight.  Tuckered Out Carlson, however, had the correct viewpoint about the Bill, which his people probably had read!  So he was giving AOC congrats for understanding the dangers of said Bill!  And it took two days for Jesse Watters (or his crew) to catch up to Tuckered Out Carlson on the topic.  I guess Tuckered isn’t so tuckered out after all!  So that is the funny part about the whole thing.

            So when Jesse spoke about the Bill and AOC on the 29th he was saying that for once he agreed with AOC, and he was acting like he had not spoken out about it in the opposite way just two days before hand!  So Jesse was really guilty of the same thing that Lindsey was guilty of – not reading the Bill!  So, yeah, in my opinion, neither one of them looked great that evening!

 THE INDICTMENT, ON APRIL 4, 2023, WITH 34 STACKED PANCAKE COUNTS – by Vice-President Me (her preferred pronoun)

            The indictment proceedings, having President Trumpet placed under arrest and a strain, having him finger and toe printed, and having his coffee mug taken away from him, was just the beginning of his appearance in Madhatter’s court of banana appeals and monkey suits.

            Trumpet had a hefty breakfast what with those thirty-four stacks of pancakes on his plate.  District Athorney Fat Alvin Chipmunk Bragger was out for blood, but only because he was instructed to do so by Joe Biden.  Biden sent an old “fixer” in to help Bragger get Trumpet, so that he would not have to face the man in the up and coming debates, if and when Biden really decides to throw his hat into the ring (it will not be a MAGA hat).  His “fixer” worked with Biden’s previous boss, President Broke O’Bummer.  This lawyer “fixer,” who is filthy dirty is always taking “stop baths”!  Ha!  An old photography joke.

            Bragger has probably already broken the law, after all, who LEAKED to ZNN that there were thirty-four stacks of pancakes in his indictment for the President?  And to leak such information is to break the law.  Maybe his “fixer” leaked the information? 

            Is it a mere coincidence that after President Trumpet stopped sending weapons to Uk-rang for one month that he got impeached?  Is it coincidence that when he fingered the Biden family corruption in Uk-rang that he got impeached again?  Is it coincidence that Biden’s CIA ashtray blew the whistle on Trumpet’s phone call to Uk-rang’s president?  Is it a coincidence that after Trumpet says that after he is elected (again) that he will end the war in Uk-rang (with Russians dressing in the dark) in one hour that one week later he is indicted?  Biden knows that he cannot win the next election against President Trumpet so he has to end him, or get rid of him in an unfair manner.

            President Trumpet, while in office, stopped sending weapons to Uk-rang for one month and he got impeached; Trumpet fingered the Biden family corruption in Uk-rang and then Biden’s CIA ashtray blew the whistle on Trumpet’s “poi-fect phone call” with President Vladimir Von Stooping and got impeached; now Trumpet says he’ll end the Uk-rang war if re-elected in an hour and one week later he gets indicted.  You put the pictures and yarn strings up on the whiteboard to see where the clues lead to! The connection is between Biden and Uk-rang. 

            The Left knows they cannot control President Trumpet so they are out to destroy him anyway they can, especially Biden because he is afraid of an honest fair election (after all, there was no fair honest election in 2020 – the Left cheated and you know they cheated – look at the Hunted Biden Laptop cover up scandal (and this is only one example).  I have come to the conclusion that the only reason why people actually vote for Dummycrats is because those people are clueless as to what is really going on in the world, they have their heads buried in the sand, or else they have Trumpet Derangement Syndrome because they have believed all the lies that the State Media folk and Dummycrats have spewed forth from their serpent tongues for over eight years.  Many of the Trumpet haters refuse to listen to Lox News, so they have no clear take on what is really going on.  They do, however, listen to the women of The Only View[1], and four out of the five of these women (and sometimes all five – depending upon who the fifth woman is) are propagandists and liars.

FACTS:  The indictment really does have to do with Easter (see the italicized letters in the facts).

The Madhatter DA’s Office passed over the Coke case.

The Madhatter USA Athornies Office passed over the Pepsi case.

The Federal Election Commission passed over the Mountain Dew case.

Fat Alvin Chipmunk Bragger himself passed over the Sprite case.

            Bragger, or Biden’s fixer, leaked the thirty-four counts listed in the indictment to CNN, which is unlawful to do during a Grand Jury disclosure, it is actually a five year felony, so is Bragger or Biden’s fixer going to be punished?  Neither one of them will probably be charged, because it will be too difficult to prove that they leaked, even though they are like a burst water pipe.  Bragger has Frankenstein-ed the indictment by stacking pancake charges, and then drizzling on tons of maple syrup to sugar coat the thirty-four charges.  This indictment is ready to blow up in his face. 

            The former Madhatter DA was told to stand down, yet Bragger decided he could create a monster out of a Miss Dee Meaner.  What put a fire in Bragger’s britches?  Most likely it was Sloppy Joe’s kindling.  Here’s the smoking salmon, Joe Biden’s justice department, if you can really call it that anymore, sent their partisan hatchet man into Bragger’s office.  His name is Matt Noangelo (which means “no angel”).  Noangelo is a former political employee for O’Bummer and Biden.  They sent him over to Bragger’s office to run point on this Dr. Pepper case, which had been buried six feet underground.  Matt was brought in to Bragger’s office in order to resurrect the zombie case (why it needed Dr. Pepper), because when you resurrect lies and false innuendos – they cannot be anything but zombies because there is no Christhood (Truth) to them.

            Matt spent seven years as an ACTIVIST athorney for the NAAAAACP (Is that too many capital “A’s”?)  He also spent four years, during Trumpet’s term, tonic and ginning up partisan lawsuits against 45’s White House for the State of New Yorkso.  He’s a terminator who keeps telling Trumpet, “I’ll be back!” 

            When Joe Biden is asked, “Is the indictment of your predecessor politically divisive?” he just sits silently in front of the press and forms the biggest, creepiest, mischievous grin one has ever seen – pure evil.

            Returning to Biden’s not-Welcome Matt – he worked under Eric Holdem (DOJ) as his political appointee and under Tom Perez (not to be confused with Tom Paris of the USS Voyager) in the Obummer Labor Department.  Matt was a political economic advisor in O’Bummer’s White House, they essentially created the position for him; his goal was to get Trumpet.  He went after the Trumpet Foundation and Trumpet’s finances, suing the Trumpet administration constantly.  He has recently done Joe Biden’s bidding to help oversee the prosecutions and persecutions of Christians praying outside abortion clinics while giving amnesty to abortion industry activists.  Matt has supported those going after Catholic churches, pregnancy centers, and Supreme Court Justices (their families and homes).

            So, what’s the beef, pork, and poultry?  Trumpet “made a false entry into the ledger” is Bragger’s main complaint that is nothing more than a book keeping crime!  Yet, Trumpet probably did not take care of his own books or even make the entry (placed in a wrong column).  I guess it does not matter, so long as you call it all a conspiracy on Trumpet’s part.  Do you really think that Trumpet can even get a fair trial in Madhatter, New Yorkso, when there is bias overload and bass odor?  You have a D.A. who vowed, while campaigning for his job, to go after the President if voted into office.  You have a judge who has donated money to Joe Biden in order to stop Trumpet from winning the election, and this judge has presided over other Trumpet cases over the past few years – yeah he’s a real upstanding dude.  The judge’s daughter worked for Khameleon Harris and now receives money from the Biden-Harris Campaign.  And most of the jury probably will have their heads buried in the New Yorkso Slimes, ZNN or MTNBC.

            Bragger cannot even, or will not even, tell us what the thirty-four counts concealed as the other crime is, that he speaks of in the indictment.  He just says, “Na, na, na, na, na, na.  I don’t have to tell you what it is, because, the law does not require it and the law is on my side” and then he sticks his tongue out at everybody.  Sorry, but the law is not on his side, on his head, or even below his feet – Bragger is a dimwitted lawyer, and he probably graduated from Whassa Matta U.

            Bragger says that Trumpet broke the New Yorkso State election law with the statements he made to tax authorities and that the Federal election caps at a certain amount of money and this MAGA cap was broken in regards to Norm E. Daniels.  However, this is not so, because Trumpet never used campaign funds to pay off the porn star.  He claims that Trumpet formed a “catch and kill” scheme with executives at the publishing company American Media Incorporated, lawyer Mike Conehead, and others, in 2015, in order to buy and suppress negative information to help Trumpet’s chances of winning an election. If he does go to court in December it would be only fair if Trumpet’s lawyers could claim that everything is just Russian disinformation (just like Hunted Biden’s laptop was called Russian disinformation when it was not)?

            After the indictment, at his media conference, Bragger said, “The defendant, Donald J. Trumpet, repeatedly and fraudulently falsified New Yorkso business records to conceal criminal conduct that hid damaging information from the voting public during the 2016 presidential election.”  Strange, this is exactly what team Biden did with Hunted’s laptop!  Where is Biden’s indictment?  Bragger is saying that Trumpet took a series of actions to defraud the voting public in connection with the 2016 election.  However, the indictment says that the thirty-four counts took place from February 14, 2017 to December 5, 2017, which happens to be MONTHS AFTER the 2016 election took place!  Even if what Bragger is alleging was plausible, the actions we are talking about, that he is alleging, as criminal and a method of defrauding the public in connection with the 2016 election, took place in 2017 long after the election was over, in fact, while Trumpet was in office as president!  It seems that Bragger may have not learned anything in his math classes like so many children today are not learning how to count their eggs after they’ve been laid. So, in Bragger’s Fantasy Island tour, he concluded that Trumpet’s hush money arrangements were actually campaign expenditures, under the campaign finance laws, he wouldn’t have had to file disclosure statements until months after the 2016 election was over.  So even if you take it the way he pleads it, how could this have conceivably have affected the 2016 election?  The election was over four months before entries into the wrong column of a ledger were made.  So Trumpet took actions four months after the election in order to fool the voters in 2016 – before the election? Even our own Chung Lee of “Chung Lee’s Confusions” does not get this one.

            Now that the Left has broken our democratic protocol and have broken our real Democracy for once, some say that the Right, when in power, will punish Democrats (their political opponents).  One difference stands out between the Right and the Left, while the Republicans may charge Dummycrats with crimes the Dummycrats really have committed the Dummycrats have no problem trumping up fake charges against Republicans, especially Trumpet Republicans.  That’s right, Republicans do not need to “trump up” charges to legally go after Dummycratic politicians.

            In the spring of 2022 Joe Biden’s hunchbacked men, sorry, I mean henchmen (lawyers?), were sent to the Penn Biden Center to look after “some” documents that they stored there, you know, very close to the Chinese takeout restaurant.  Then the raid took place on Mar-A-Large-O, which Biden triggered, in order to play defense, defoot, and declaw his opponent in 2024, because Biden knew he had illegally stashed classified documents in different places around the country.  Biden needed the Trumpet raid distraction.  There is one big difference between Biden and Trumpet having classified documents – Trumpet has the absolute statutory right given to him, under the Presidential Records Act, the right to be in possession of his presidential records from his years in office as former president.  Biden was never a president when he stole his classified documents (1,850 boxes of classified material) – that’s right he was just a senator and a vice president.  Even after Biden became the president he could not, under the law, declassify any documents he took while he was a senator or the VP, the law just does not work that way.  So no matter which way you look at it, Biden broke the law over and over for decades.  Plus, he handled the documents carelessly (also unlike Trumpet did) by storing them in several locations, not having them guarded by heavily funded staff with security clearance.  He also made them very accessible to China.

            Kathy Chung went before Congress in order to testify about Biden’s stolen documents.  She told them that she had concern over Biden’s misappropriated documents dating back to May 2022, four months before Biden signed off on the Trumpet raid, which means that Biden ordered the Trumpet raid knowing full well that he had his documents spread eagle all over China Town, the Penn Biden Center, and his unlocked garage.  Not only was he not cooperating with the FBI, by refusing to turn the documents over, but, he had his lawyers and assistants running around town to bury them before the midterms.  That is obstruction and intent.  Remember, the public did not find out about the stolen documents until 2023, and it was not until after they found out that the FBI began to go in allowing Biden’s lawyers to be present (again a double standard) and scoop up the classified materials.  Supposedly, at that time Kathy Chung moved documents to China Town she was not working for Joe Biden.  She works for the Pentagon Defense Department, so why is she moving Joe Biden’s classified documents to China Town the same month that China was wiring the Bidens a million dollars?  Was it a deal or operation Joe made with President She (again, his chosen pronoun)?  Also, did the FBI keep tabs on Biden’s smoking chimney (also a smoking gun)?  Was Biden burning documents?  Why was Biden hiding documents in three places:  China Town (not sure is was the China Town of San Flancisco Tleat), Penn Biden Center (near a Chinese restaurant), and Biden’s home (probably both of his homes).  Joe Biden mishandled classified documents – clear and simple.  Where is his FBI raid at?

            So what Bragger and company are doing is called “election interference” or at least, interference of the campaign for the 2024 election – and the judge is guilty as well, for Trumpet is being forced to be in court weeks before the first primary election.  They know he will not be able to go out on the campaign trail mix.

            Daughter-by-law Lara Izzafaceinthemisticline Trumpet said about the indictment that it was a “sad and dark day”.  She implied that Bragger has no soft-drink case at all.  She commented, “You had the full police force of the NYPD out on their way to Mar-A-Large-O to New Yorkso all the way down to the Court House.  The money that was spent by the New Yorkso taxpayers on this charade ought to infuriate all of them, especially given how unsafe New Yorkso City is right now.”

            In Mark Pom-Pom’s book he talks about the non-disclosure agreement between Trumpet and Norm E. Daniels.  His book spells out extortion on Daniel’s part.  It seems almost ironic – well, okay, it is ironic – that on the very same day that Trumpet was being indicted that elsewhere in a different courtroom, Norm E. Daniels lost in court against Trumpet and she must now pay money to Trumpet because she broke her NDA.

            Eric Myeye Trumpet, Lara’s hubby, had this to say about the whole thing, “Fat Alvin Chipmunk Bragger has shut down the entire city, called up 38,000 NYPD police officers, closed down the FDR Drive and is spending an estimated $200 million of city funds, all for a $130,000 NDA.  I never thought I would see this level of corruption in the United States.”

            New Yorkso’s Athorney General, Leticia Jessy James also campaigned on “getting Trumpet”.  Yet, what she found out is that the banks made over two hundred million dollars off of Trumpet’s deals!  She wants to settle the case (negotiate a deal), but Trumpet wants no part of it, why let her off the hook?  Meanwhile, Bragger delayed a month before he came out with his “vege burger” indictment.  He is trying to “nail” Trumpet to the cross with felonious crimes.


“I just opened a fortune cookie and found a piece of Joe’s classified document.” – Ken Sing, from Long Island Tea, New Yorkso

“Bragger put thirty-four mice into thirty-four beer bottles so he could get free beer.” – Nutso Famoose comedian


            It all began when a trans woman took her legally purchased guns into a Christian school and murdered three nine year old children and three adults before she herself was killed by two policemen.  One of the child victims was killed because she pulled the fire alarm (now that’s a hero)!  The shooter had a manifesto, they all seem to have one anymore, but because she is trans and it got political (as soon as it was mentioned that she was trans), the people in charge are refusing to release her manifesto.  Not long after, the following week to be not so exact, protestors (made up of trans folk, trans folk supporters, and a wacky man wearing devil horns[2]) showed up at Tennessee Tuxedo’s Courthouse.  The scene was reminiscent of January 6, 2021 – but nobody in the mainstream (State TV) news media is about to draw that comparison, so I have to do it.

            Troupers, or police, had to escort legislatures through the crowd to keep them safe.  Then, inside the chambers, three democratic legislatures held up proceedings.  Two of them used a bullhorn to talk to the protesters who were in the peanut gallery.  The two young black men and an older white woman held up proceedings for over 45 minutes. They broke the rules.  After the legislatures resumed from their playground recess they were able to get down to business.  Of course, the Left’s concern always has to do with getting rid of guns instead of looking into the shooter’s motives and their mental state (level of sanity) by reading an obstructed manifesto. 

            Not long after the “almost peaceful protest” the three dummycrats were judged for expulsion of the body, after each legislature was judged and votes taken the two black men were expelled while the woman remained.  Why did she survive?  She survived, because, of one vote.  It seems that during her trial she pleaded that she never used the bullhorn and such and such like her two legislature friends did, so she was not ousted because she did not break as many laws as the two men did.  Only afterwards, she plays dirty pool or the race card.  She complains to the press turkeys and press hams about how she was not kicked out of the legislature because she is an older white woman and not a young black man, yet, this is a lie on her part.  She remained a legislature because she pleaded for mercy and said she did not commit the same crimes that the black dudes had committed and at least one person felt she did not deserve the same punishment as her democratic colleagues.  And, or course, people who were not present at the scene, tend to believe her bald faced lies.

            One of those believers is Kahmeleon Harris, so on April 7, 2023, she flew to Tennessee Tuxedo to talk to the legislatures who were given the boot and the one who just had to hobble along on her high heels.  Yet, Harris did not care one bit about the three children or three adults who were gunned down in cold blood by a trans woman the week before.  Get Smart, Harris!  And then on April 8, 2023 Joe Bidden gives an open invitation for the three law breaking dummycrats to come to the White House.  He thinks that they did nothing wrong, he thinks that they deserve his complements and gratitude.  This is because he sees himself in the dishonest lawbreaking dummycrats.

            It is also sad how the protesters held up seven fingers (they should have only held up six fingers) for seven dead people.  The only reason why there were seven dead people is because the last one who died killed the first six people, they were her victims.  And, yeah, I say HER victims, because, I am not going to play their pronoun game.

            But perhaps she was a victim after all?  Perhaps she was the victim of her medical doctors and the pharmaceutical companies?  Perhaps it was the medication (testosterone?) she was on that drove her crazy?  Perhaps it was the medication that made her go out and kill innocent people?  Or perhaps it was the Online cult of trans people trying to convince her that she needed to get revenge against somebody? 

            But we will never know what was going on in her coconut because they refuse to release her “manifesto”!  So we must ask what their motive is for not releasing the manifesto.  Is it because they are chickens and not penguins?  Or is it because they are playing politics?

Update: I have heard that the two black men are no longer expelled from the legislature. One of the men, when in college, sounded like a normal person when he spoke. Yet, when he was speaking during the protest-riot to the crowd over a bull horn (and perhaps without a bull horn) he spoke with a southern Baptist’s accent. Or at least he sounded like he was trying to imitate Reverend Martin Luther King. I do not like phonies.


            What is now in the butcher house from Disney’s cartoon originals of classic materials?  It is the remake of The Little Mermaid.  Arial is being culturally appropriated.  She is no longer a cartoon or a white mermaid with red hair, now she is a living breathing black human who may have red hair – I have not been able to tell from the previews what color of hair she has.  But the wokesters are not stopping there, they are also changing song lyrics to be politically correct (if there is such a thing as being politically correct – because what is politically correct today is no longer politically correct tomorrow – the wokesters make sure of that). Also on the cutting room floor is a new version of Peter Pan Peanut Butter. Did you know that the inventor of Peter Pan Peanut Butter had it taken away from him after WWII by the company he was contracted with? So he came up with Skippy Peanut Butter which outsold Peter Pan Peanut Butter! And no, to let you know the truth, Skippy was not named after Barbie’s sister!

“Joe Biden hid confidential records in Easter Chinese egg rolls. – Chung Lee


The Dolly Lamba asked a boy to suck on his tongue.  Then he apologizes to the world that he asked the boy to do it.  Too late!  The boy already did it.  What is more important is that he apologizes to the boy.  Did he? 

THIS BUD’S NOT FOR YOU – by Spuds McKenzie

            Alzheimer’s Bud-notso-wiser Bush has taken me, Spuds McKenzie, off of their commercials for some guy, named Dillon MullVAIN’E is.  Where did Dillon get his start?  On the game show, what is now called, The Price is Outrageous due to Biden’s economy!  He claims to be a girl, and is a new spokesman (sorry, spokeswoman) for BUD LIGHT BEER.  He is seen taking a bubble bath and opening up his can of beer.  How disgusting is that?  First of all, being a dog, I hate taking baths and to be honest I have never really enjoyed the taste of beer, it’s too much like eating barley soup!  HA!  I mean, RUFF!!!

            You may be asking yourself, but then again, you may not be, why the beer company that has been so successful in their adds over the years using dogs like me and bull frogs, many of who are best buds of mine and I’m not speaking about the beer!  All of us are being culturally appropriated by a man in a skirt or in a bath tub!  Why?

            It has to do with that communist-fascist George Soreass – AGAIN!!!  That’s right, Soreass has made sure that corporations around USA must heed and bow down to something called the Corporate Equality Index.  Soreass has funded this WOKE scoring system.  Did our own government agree to allow this trash to boss our corporations around?  That is the only way I can see it having any power over the corporations.  But I ask why should corporations do Soreass’s bidding?  Who died and made Soreass the boss of all the companies?  Why don’t the companies get together and fight this CA-CA?

            So the following is from the SCORE CARD keeping track of what companies do (and it is their plan to make every citizen of USA have their very own SCORE CARD – SOON):

                                    CORPORATE EQUALITY INDEX

Category:  Supporting an inclusive culture (25 points possible) – Example, does the company have transgender bathrooms at the office?

Category:  Responsible citizenship (deduction of 25 points possible) – Example, if the company gives money to an organization that doesn’t support the pride community.

Category:  Corporate social responsibility (20 points possible) – Example, if you market to transgender consumers (even though they only make up less than 1% of the market place).  And this is where Dillon comes in at BUD.

            This is all used as a proxy for a bigger score, ESG scoring – or an environment social governance scoring.  Ways to know what your emissions look like, what kind of carbon you make – has to do with the E part.  They know how to measure how many WOKE people you have on your corporate board (Perhaps they spy on you?), this is to measure what you are doing in your “G” string score.  It is all an extortion racket.  And to keep your company afloat, in case people boycott you because of your transgendered adds, richer companies buy stock in your company to make it’s worth or value go up in the market.  And this is exactly what has happened with Alzheimer’s Bud-notso-wiser Bush over the past few weeks.

            I do believe that these companies need to take a stand, but will they?  Will Congress do anything about this?  I doubt it. 


            On April 24, 2023, with no explanation, with no understanding of what really happened it was announced that Tuckered Out Carlson and LOX News had parted whey.  Tuckered being out at LOX means bad jou-jou for USA.  Where will we get the straight scoops of ice cream from, I will not visit Biden’s fridge!  That may seem COLD to you, but I do not want to eat the stuff that has frozen Joe’s brain.

            Some people think that with Tuckered Out being free from his job that perhaps he could be VP on Trumpet’s or Desantisclause’s ticket.  But I have a feeling that Tuckered Out has no desire to be a politician.

            It may remain a mystery as to why Tuckered Out is no longer working at LOX News.  We may not find out from Tuckered Out himself, because he may have a none-disclosure agreement with the media company.  And from past firings – like K.G., Bill O’Really, and Eric Behaveyourself – we may never know what happened between the two parties.

            Glenn Close Beck said that Tuckered Out Carlson was the only one at the nutwork who spoke the truth about everything.  He did speak up about things that others did not, that’s for sure.

            It was not long after the news about Tuckered Out Carlson came out Monday morning that ZNN announced that Don Lemonaid was no longer with them.  He was fired for being a liar.  What took them so long, Lemonaid has been lying to his audience for years!  It does seem strange, however, that Lemonaid was squeezed out on the rail the same exact day that LOX News and Tuckered Out Carlson said audios to each other. The real sad part about all of this is that neither Tuckered Out or Don Lemonaid got a going away party.

[1] The only viewpoint allowed on the show and promoted by the show is the viewpoint of the extreme Left.

[2] Some people referred to him as a shaman – probably in order to mentally compare him to the shaman of the January 6, 2021 protest.  The real shaman of 1/6/21 was arrested, held in prison without a quick and speedy trial, and is still in prison today (even though there is video evidence [that the January 6th Committee hid from the world] that he was REALLY a peaceful protester) – however, Tennessee’s man was wearing a headdress more reflective of devil worship, at least that is what popped into my noggin. 


Idioter:  Gigolo Joe                                                     Edition:  May Flowers in water

Ass. Idioter:  Amanda Jean Turncoat

WORD OF THE MONTH – by Wordy Smith

            The word of the month is “shellacking”.  Shellacking means, “1 :  to coat or otherwise treat with shellac or a shellac varnish   2 : to defeat decisively” (Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary).  Shellac is made from lac, “a resinous substance secreted by a scale insect” (Ibid).  Yuk!  But nature does what nature does and shellac varnish does make things look “shinny”!  But I may never touch a varnished product ever again!  But what I am most interested in is the second definition in regards to the upcoming election (see below).

BIDEN STINKS, I MEAN, SINKS – by Steve Marriott

            Like the Titanic sank (which I am sure was shellacked before going out to sea), after hitting an ice burg head of lettuce, so is Joe Biden sinking in his approval ratings.

            This is no laughing matter for the Biden Administration or for the Dummycrat Party.  They are very worried about the 2022 fall election.  They keep saying that they are going to take a shellacking in November.

            Why would the Dummycrats take a shellacking?  Well, it is simply because they are not doing anything productive, everything they do is destructive, and the U. S. A. citizens are aware of this.  Biden, the worst man to ever inhabit the White House, has failed the United States of America by opening up the southern border (and in May Title 42 goes away) and by killing the Keystone oil pipeline on his first (illegal) day in office.  Our economy has tanked (not in an oil tank but as in a Titanic tank), we pay more and more for food and supplies every week.  Anyone who makes weekly trips to the grocery store is well aware of this fact, and it began before the war broke out in a rash between Russian and Uke-rang.  Gasoline prices have soared since January 20, 2021 – and it is all on Biden’s head (even if there is nothing of much inside the man’s head).  The man is a walking disaster area in all foreign policies and methods, especially the way he handled pulling out of Afghanistan (when people really began to disapprove of him).  At this time Russia, who is at war with Uke-rang, is making more money (even though they were supposedly sanctioned) than the Americans are.  Wow!

            Joe is also compromised because of all the business deals and money deals that his son, Hunted, has been mixed up in, along with Biden’s brother Jim.  People are slowly waking up to how bad Biden really is, even though, we here at the Gander knew before the election took place how bad he was and how crooked he was.  But people were fed so much hate for President Trumpet during his four years in office, that people blamed him for everything bad in their lives, even though it was all caused by the Dummycrats and the mainstream media, so they voted for Biden because of their hate for Trumpet.

            The following are more poles on Biden’s disapproval ratings and other stuff:

            The question that should be asked is this, who are those low percentages of people still approving of Joe Biden and his job performance?  Who are the quacks?  They must be the Marxist press, or those who listen only to the Marxist press, or those who are so oblivious to stuff (licking lizards, eating magic shrooms, smoking dope, etc.) that they do not know what is really taking place in the world today!


            Why would Elon Musk, healthy billionaire, want to buy the communist Twitter feed company for $43 billion dollars?  Has the man gone nuts?  No, he is still sane, but the Left now hates the dude, even though billionaire Jeff Bozo bought the Washington PO-little-newspaper.  They did not call Bozo lots of stupid clown names!  Max Sized Boot, employee of Bozo’s newspaper, wrote not-so-nice things about Musk’s scent and his attempt to purchase Twitter.  People like Boot want to give the boot to conservatives on sites like Twitter.  Look at what they did to President Trumpet in January 2021 after the Nancy and FBI’s planned January 6th riot took place?  They cancelled him and he still is not allowed to twitter his brains out on the site.  Also, the satirical site called Babylon Bee has lost their voice on Twitter.  I guess they just stung Jack and his ilk too much.

            Remember, Twitter was part of the cover up during the fall of 2020 – about Hunted Biden’s lap dance, I mean, his laptop computer.  They would not allow people to talk about the laptop at all.  It was a taboo topic.  Hunted’s laptop was only Russian propaganda they claimed (they lied).  Free speech, among conservatives and Republicans (or anyone else speaking the actual truth), is what Twitter classifies as “hate speech”.  And if you do not use their brand of “free speech” then you are not free to speak up on your topic.  This, my friends, is called COMMUNISM and FASCISM!!!

            Musk did purchase Twitter on April 25, 2022.  LOX News’ Tuckered Out Carlson’s Twitter account has been restored.  Even President Trumpet will probably be able to return, however, it sounds as if President Trumpet is not interested in twittering anymore.  Thank you to Elon Musk!  That Musk smell gets to me every time, yum!

Today’s Zodiac – by Astral Projection

            If you were born in the last portion of the month of May and in the first half (well up to the 23rd or so) of June, then you are a Gemini, or a twin. 

            Gemini is an air sign and also a sign of mentality; its keynote (B flat) is equilibrium, baby!  Though Gemini suggests duality, the twins remain together as one.  This actually makes since if you take Gemini as being the human Second Degree and divine Third Degree coincidence (this is good); but, if it is the immoral First Degree and the human Second Degree in coincidence with each other, that is not so great of a thing.

            The thing is that the Gemini twins were not really brothers, they both had different parents, but Zeus put them both up into the heavens as Gemini, because one of them asked him to do so.  The two original twins of Gemini were brothers in spirit.

            And now, for something completely different; … a man with three cans of Chef Boyardee.

            Being that Gemini is now a type crypto currency, go out and spend your fool head off.  Just remember, that if you really do not own any bitcoins, that you might put yourself in dept.

            And now, for your serious fortune:  Do not jump feet first into the swamp, there are gators and leaches in there, you know!


            For all you Mexican food fans out there, here is my recipe for cheese enchiladas.

            Put your hamburger in a flying saucer pan, put salt on it, enough Chile powder to taste; and add your onions.  Cover meat with water and bring it to a boil, then cook for 30-45 minutes, we are not fussy about the time on it. 

            Once the meat is cooked then pour most of the meat-juice into a strainer sitting inside a frying pan.  Make sure your heat on the stove is not too hot and not too cold, look for the Goldilocks position.  Add your Velvety brand cheese.  If you purchase it in small blocks then use two blocks.  Melt the cheese.

            Get a cake dish out and spray with PAM, It’s All About Pam, you know.  Now, Rene Zilliwigger likes to drink those big Slurpee’s, so keep her drinks away from the food.  Take a tortilla and slip it in and out of the meat-juice and put it on a plate.  Then spoon enough hamburger mixture onto the tortilla and roll the tortilla up.  Place it into the cake dish (I prefer the glass cake dishes).  I sometimes spoon on more meat-juice on top of the enchiladas to help keep them moist in the oven and then I sprinkle shredded cheddar cheese on top.   I put aluminum foil over the cake pan dish; if you want extra crunchy enchilladas then you probably can skip doing this the whole time they are baking.  The enchiladas are placed in a preheated oven of 350 degrees.  Bake them for thirty minutes.  Do not be in too big of a rush to eat them or you may burn your boca.  You can also put other things on top of them if you want to – like sour cream, guacamole, black olives, more shredded cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, etc.

FACT:  Bruce Lee won the Hong Kong Cha-Cha Championship in 1958.  No wonder Kato always danced circles around the Green Hornet.

FACT:  When the head guy at the FBI Cyber unit testified in front of a Congress committee on March 29, 2022, he told them that they had misplaced Hunted Biden’s laptop!  First it does not exist because it is just Russian propaganda and now it is lost?  HUM….


            No longer will Disney World greet their guests with, “Hello, kings and queens, boys and girls” instead they will just say some type of generic greeting, like “Hello, all you crazy people out there!”  This is all due to a warped sense of humor and a weird perception of reality.  Okay, I admit, Disney is a company based upon fantasy, yet, they really fell into the Florida swamp, not far from Disney World itself!

            Some of their film makers boast on line about putting gay scenes in the movies, or other types of stuff.  To be honest, if I had small children today all Disney products would be banned in our household.  I do not even want to see their new Buzzed Light Beer when it comes out.

            What would happen to Pinocchio if it came out today?

            After Disney’s head man, Bob Chafed, listened to the WOKE (1%) and came out against the Gender Fluidity Bill (that Ron DeSantis Clause, Florida’s governor, came out with in order to keep teachers from teaching children in Kindergarten through third grade about sex) Ron DeSantis Clause decided to stand up to Disney, on April 21, by taking away their special tax district privileges that they have had since 1967.  What this step will do is to actually put Disney on an even level playing field with other theme parks like Sea World, Universal Studios, Lego Land (etc).  Do you know that Disney World has been like its own miniature government where they could have their own rules and regulations?  They even have the power to build their own nuclear factory if they wanted to.  (Too bad they did not do it?)  You have to wonder why Chafed is chaffed about the Florida bill (which he probably never even read) and not at communist China, the government who enslaves people.

            According to Florida’s speaker of the house, Chris Sprawls Alloverdfloor, the people upset about Disney losing its special privilege are making up lies about the legislature.  He said, “Nobody’s taxes are going to go up” because of the revoking of Disney’s tax privilege.

            You Go Gov!  I love Ron DeSantis Clause!


            There are rumors floating around in the air, like a bunch of moths heading toward a car’s headlights, that Jen Psaki will soon be leaving her White House duties in order to work for MTNBC.  Some think she is leaving because she does not want to have to lie, to the press and public, about Hunter Biden’s impending doom.  I, for one, do not believe this.  I think she is leaving because she will get better pay from the network.  She has never had any problems fibbing since she began her current job!  Remember how she fibbed about the horsemen Border Patrol whipping illegal aliens trying to cross into our country?  These patrolmen, by the way, have been cleared of any wrong doing, yet the White House is going to put out a false report on the topic!

            Jen Psaki said during a camera interview with crooked media’s “Pot Save America” that LOX News tells Peter Poochie what questions to ask her.  This is, of course, another one of her blatant lies.

            The next part of this story could be told by Crocodile Tears Dundee, however, he already has a story, so I will include this story here, as it has to do with Jen Psaki crying fake tears in an interview with News Not New, on a Tuesday (April 19th) Pot Cast.  She was speaking about the new Florida bill that Ron DeSantis Clause put out called the Gender Fluidity Bill where there is to be no sexual education taught to children in K-3 grades!  It has nothing to do with discrimination at all (like the Left claims).  It is what Disney got all upset over (see above).  Once more, like the head CEO of Disney, I doubt that Psaki ever read the Florida bill.  If she did, she knows what is in it and makes what she said all that much worse!

            “I’m going to get emotional about this,” she cries, “because, I just, it’s horrible!”  Hey, she talks as well as her boss does!  “But um, you know; it’s like kids who are bullied and it’s like all that leaders are taking steps to hurt them and hurt their lives, and hurt their families…”  Excuse me?  The Left happens to be the real bullies; Jen is one of the original high school mean girls!  Yeah, she does remind me a little bit of Lindsey Lowhand!  And just who are these so-called “leaders” that she is speaking about?  She makes sure not to tell us.  “…And you look at some of the laws in these states and this is going after parents who are in loving relationships, who have kids…”  Yes, all parents have kids, Jen!  I’m sorry, but the states are not going after the parents, it is your DOJ who has gone after the parents, like the dad whose daughter was raped by a boy pretending to be a girl in the girl’s bathroom – remember that Jen?  Remember what Merrick Garlicland has done toward parents around this country!  “…It’s completely outrageous.  Sorry, I’m just – this is an issue that makes me completely crazy…”  I’m glad she admits to us that she is actually bonkers!  “…but, it is an issue that is a political wedge issue.  It’s not a reflection of where the country is.”  Where does she come up with her lies and her line of bull that one needs a shovel for?  She is wrong, the country is at this point, they do not want (especially the parents who have loving relationships with their kids – not goats but children) public school teachers to brainwash their little innocent children and mix them up about their sex.  Most kids from kindergarten to third grade do not even think about sex, or what sex they are.  Why spoil their innocence, Jen?  It is people like you who are being abusive toward the little ones!

            I will tell you why she cares so much about this issue – she is a communist.  Sex education is all a big part of Marxism.  The Leftist Marxists want to destroy children sexually so that they can be more easily manipulated by the schools and the government.  They want the children to be immoral, to be thinking about sex instead of math, English, science, etc.  With this immorality they believe they can corrupt the children and turn them away from their spiritual nature, rip them away from their real parent – God (our Father-Mother God).  It is a fact that Carl Marx was an atheist and that he worshipped the devil.  Would not his followers take the same path that Marx did?

Chung Lee Confusion

            It matters not what is your lot of land, so long as realtors guide you to the right spot.  Otherwise, you may get lost.  (Make sure it’s not swamp land.)


            The mainstream media lies so often and misrepresent the facts that people have a skewed idea of percentages in our country (the good old U. S. of A.).  The following is a chart I copied from Jessy Watters’ Primebeeftime, I hope he doesn’t sue me.  I doubt he will because I am sure he got it from some other source, in fact, I know he did, I wrote the source’s name down but I cannot read my own hand writing!  Ducks of Hazardous living I guess.

            So as you can see in the chart directly above, people who watch ZNN and MTNBC, and other main news networks (run by the Left), have a skewed idea of the facts and of what is really going on.  The annual average income earnings of the American citizen is below $500,000.  So most people are not as rich as the democrats and Left-winged media pretends.  But most of them (in Congress and Senate and other positions) are in that 1% group who make more than $500,000 per year (Dr. Tony D. Tiger Faust Ed Flake for example, boy, does he have a long name!).  Also, I find that there are more than 3% gay people on TV shows today – way too much gay!  Sorry, I’m just going by the statistics!  Either that or else, Hollywood attracts gay people like moths to the car head lights.

            An interesting side note…when the show Xena Warrior Princess began both Xena and Gabrielle were heterosexual women.  But by the end of the series they had turned into lesbians.  Yeah, sorry folks, I just don’t buy it.


“A true friend is one who overlooks your ugliness and puts up with your bumbling.” – Doug Larceny

“The second you begin talking about what you will do if you lose, you have already lost.” – Sargent Shultz Beer

“Man is still the most extraordinary computer of all.” – President J. F. Kennedy

“Man is not the most extraordinary computer of all; I built the most extraordinary computer there is! – Bill Gates (He is so full of his processed vegie-meats; have you seen how big his gut is getting?  Somebody call Dr. Atkins for him!).

“If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there.” – Lewis Carroll (He only thought this was true because he was on drugs when he said it.)

THE SOLUTION TO POLUTION – by Albert Ironstein

            I’ve found the solution to air pollution and the energy crises.  My solution works best in Washington Dot Com and most Democratic run cities.  You see, I’ve invented an automobile that runs on bull caca!  Another side effect with the car is that when you go for a drive in the country, the car keeps attacking cows.

Chung Lee Confusion Again

            Lady who live with bull better have shovel ready.

            Once upon a time there were two Chinese, now look how many there are!

            Right Angle must be clever, because, it has ninety degrees.

            Harry worshipped his wife, so he burned incense in her vestibule.  (Think about it!) 

SECRET SERVICE INFILTRATS JILL BIDEN – by Abe D. Fish (a G. Gutfelt family member)

            That’s right; two men (who are not really secret service men at all) infiltrated Dr. Jill Biden.  I mean, they snuck into her secret service team.  How?  That’s a great question nobody is willing to answer (yet)!  These two men also had access to the White House and secret documents.  The two men were finally exposed while skinny dipping with Joe Biden.  FAI alleges the two men spent two years pretending to be secret service employees.  A bust of Mozart, at their apartment, found some of the following items:  guns, gas masks, tactical gear, drones, and other things.  Their passports show that they have been to Iranhereandthere and other not so good places.  If they are convicted, which they should be, they may get three years.  Really, only three years?


            A new book by the “not-evil” Shannon Dreams of LOX News is out.  It is called The Mothers and Daughters of the BIBLE Speak – Ruff, Ruff!  I find it uplifting that she writes about Dinah, the lost daughter of Israel. 

            Douglas Murray has a new book called The War on the West.

            Marc Morano’s book is called, The Green Fraud.  It is about the Left’s claims that the world is going to end in 2032, because of climate change (which is okay with me because then I will not to need to worry about Medicare, not that there will be Medicare by then anyway since the SS is going bust).  Do you know that there was a politician in 1864 claiming that the world would come to an end because of the weather?  The Dummycrats just keep beating the same drum! 

            On August 5, 1969 the lie went out that by 1989 everyone would disappear in a cloud of blue steam.  It never happened.  Then in 1989 the lie went out that rising seas could obliterate the world by 2000.  Again, nothing happened.  And, of course, Alexa Occasionally Cortez, soon after getting into Congress, made the claim that in twelve to thirteen years the world would come to an end.  It will if she gets her way with her Green New Steel!  But it will be more like the end of the U.S.A. as a great country and great nation because the Dummycratic-communists will have ended it (just like Venezuela has fallen)!

            Today, a big part of the Green fraud has to do with electric cars.  Our country is not set up to handle electric cars.  And companies that have to switch over to electric cars or deal in electric cars and charging stations will be so regulated that they will spend tons of money.  Biden is now demanding that every vehicle used by the military is electric.  I have yet to see an electric airplane or electric jet. 

            According to THE HILL (3/30/22), “The SEC’s own estimate indicates that the paperwork burden alone will cost companies $10.2 billion.  But the real cost could be multiple times higher than that.”  Regulations tie up construction projects and China is in control of the elements used in the batteries.  You need to use coal and oil in order to produce electricity, so it turns out that electric cars are not really green after all.

NANCY PILLOWSEE’S X-STAFFER INVESTIGATES SON PAUL – by Hagen Das-Key – Wood eye lye too ewe?

            Nancy Pillowsee’s son, Paul, is being investigated of business corruption, but Nancy made sure that Joe Biden appointed someone new to be in charge of that investigation, that’s right, Joe appointed Nancy’s x-staffer to do P. P.’s business probe investigation.  How did Nancy pay Joe back for doing her this service?  She kissed him after she came down with the coronavirust!  Maybe she’s out to get his job after all?

Chung Lee Confusion again

            The Leftist’s point of view is never the RIGHT point of view!  For example, they want you to believe that white people make the most money in the United States of America because they want you to believe that white supremacy is a real thing.


            Round like a circle in a spiral like a wheel within a wheel, never ending or beginning on a nauseous Farris wheel.  Like the circles that you find in the windmills of my mind!  But what mind is it that goes round and round?  Is it enough to power enough electricity for the world?  Or are the windmills being used to generate electricity just the enemy that I, Donkey Hote, must defeat, defang, and de-neuter?  For I am I, Donkey Hote, the man of La Manga, my destiny calls and I go to Japan!

OBUMMER LIES – by Hugh Who Guy

            EX-president Obummer, Mr. B. O., was speaking at California’s Stanford College on April 21, 2022.  The topic was “MISS N. FORMATION”.  Why he wanted to talk about this darling woman is beyond me, however, he was telling the crowd terrible lies and giving out misinformation to the crowd.  OH, wait a minute, Miss N. Formation – misinformation – my bad.  I guess he was talking about how the conservatives always spew forth misinformation about stuff when it is really the Left that does that.  The Left does nothing but put forth propaganda (just how their leaders Carl Marx and Adolf Hitler taught them).

            Yet, Obummer is unwilling to tell you the real truth about himself!  He lies every day to people.  How does he lie?  Well, he has not as yet come out of the closet!  That’s right, the man may be married to a butch woman; however, he loves to play around with men.

            The Left just needs to look backward to 2016 to see what type of liars they are, especially Hillary Rotten Clinton.  According to a Rashmussen Report, taken on the same day as Obummer’s speech to Stanford, 72% of Dummycrats believe it is likely that the 2016 election outcome was changed by Russian interference.  Remember how, in 2020, they claimed that Hunted Biden’s laptop was Russian misinformation and that the Russians were once more trying to interfere with the U.S.A. presidential election?  THEY LIED!!!  I wonder how many of those same people, in the poll, actually believe that Joe Biden won the 2020 election legally and fair square.  I wonder how many of those same people actually believe that January 6 was actually an insurrection when it was not even close to being an insurrection.  And it if really was an insurrection it was masterminded by the Leftists.  I wonder how many of those people would be interested in some swamp land I know to be for sale down near Disney World.

            But like January 6, 2020, when all the Dummycrats overreacted to everything, on April 20, 2022 they once more believed that their Capitol was under attack when an airplane began to buzz their air space.  Then men were seen in the sky jumping from the plane.  When I first heard about this story, I thought it may have actually been a plane from Texas or Florida with illegal aliens being thrown out over Washingaton of Clothes, but NO!  The men jumping out of the plane were Golden Knights of Mambrino.  They parachuted so that they would land at the nearby stadium.  Crisis averted, hey, Nancy?

            Oh, one more thing about Obummer’s speech.  There was not one time that he mentioned Joe Biden’s name!  No surprise there.

WHY DO THEY WANT TO GET RID OF TITLE 42? – by Noah Comprendo

            Why do the Donkey-crats want to get rid of Title 42 on the southern border?  It is because they are STUPID!  But also, it is because they want even more people to illegally come into this country, unless they are from Uke-rang (white people).  Title 42 is supposed to end on May 23, 2022 and the illegal aliens know it, and they are getting ready for it.

            The governor of Texas, Hey Abbott, says that he is sending a bunch of the illegals to Washington Dot Com.  It is about time, he should have started doing this in February 2021!  And Florida’s governor, Ron DeSantis-Clause, is sending them to Biden’s home town in Mary-Land.  Again, it’s a little too late.  But maybe, Biden will get the picture, as to what he has been doing for over a year to this country!?  We can only hope.  I say, to put them all in an airplane, fly it right over Biden’s house, and push the aliens out of the plane (with parachutes of course).

            Recently, when a reporter asked Biden about Title 42 he got it mixed up with the mask mandates – so we really do not know what he meant any more than he knows what he meant!  Maybe he does not even know that Title 42 has to do with the southern border while the mask mandate issue has to do with public transportation?  Either way, the illegals get away (quite literally) with murder.

EL TAYLOR LOZENGE– by Crocodile Tears Dundee

            Taylor Lozenge is with the WASHINGTON POO, and she is a Twitter-head.  She recently wrote about former English teacher in Oklahoma, Tylor Wrynn’s, repost found on Libs of TikTok.  In the original post and the repost, Tylor was telling LGBTQRUOKO kids (who she claims have been shunned by their parents) that she (Wrynn) was proud of them and loved them…Since being featured on the page (with the exact post she posted herself, but the repost of the same post is a trouble maker for her) Lozenge complains that Wrynn has been barraged with harassment and death threats. 

            What happens is this, Liberals post things on communist China’s TikTok for kid’s eyes only.  They do not like adults to know what they are telling the children.  So Libs of TickTok have been reposting Liberal posts so that the parents can know what is being said to their children.  This, of course, is not okay with the Left Libs, because they want what they say to the children to be not known by their parents.  Even though parents could just as easily go onto TikTok and see the original posts (as Shakespeare would say, “Much ado about nothing”).  And this is why Lozenge is really upset and saying that Tylor Wrynn is in trouble (being attacked).

            What is ironic about Lozenge, is that she goes on Twitter and bad mouths everybody, and she gives everybody grief!  She DOXES people!  Then she appears on an MTNBC interview and cries about the same things that are happening to the people in the reposts are happening to her!  She complains that her life is now in danger and that she receives death threats, and it’s just not fair!  Talk about the black pot calling the kettle black.  It reminds me of an old phrase – Don’t stand in the kitchen if you can’t stand the heat!  Maybe Lozenge should begin to live by the Golden Rule – “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”?


            Besides illegals swarming across the southern border, they now are taking swimming lessons in order to swim into America!  These classes were reported on by Hispanic TV – Univision (which means “one vision” – which is communistic vision).  I do agree that all people crossing the Rio Grande need to take swimming lessons, if they do perhaps our good men will not drown trying to save their asses and donkeys lives!

            In March 2022 at least 80,000 aliens were released in this country.  This doesn’t even count the people who got away (crossed the border without being caught).  It is a fact that more illegals have died under Biden than Trumpet (and Trumpet had four years compared to Biden’s 1 year and three months).

            Also, if coronavirust is not a concern on the border, because of Title 42 coming to an end in May, then why are they (the Leftist Marxists) so concerned about coronavirust on public transportation?  Why did Biden and crew get so angry about one Trumpet appointed judge who made it oh-key-doe-key (finally again) to not wear masks on public transports?  They got mad because they saw themselves losing power and control over U. S. citizens!  The communist press claims that District Judge Kathryn Gumball is too young, and has no experience in the courtroom.  They complained that this one woman does not have the power to do what she did and to go against their precious CDC!  Yet other judges, who make rulings on their own side of the line, are okay with those judge’s decisions and they never complain about those decisions.  They want to appeal her decision.  They really hate Judge Kissin’ Kate, because, Trumpet appointed her.


            Dr. Faust had better be on guard if the Republicans win the 2022 election this fall.  He may actually have to go to jail, but then, nobody on the Left ever seems to get punished for anything (there are too many leftist Republicans [RINOS].  People like Hilariously Rotten Clinton, Joe Biden, K. Harris, Corry Spartacus Booker, Liz Warren-Batty, the squad, Mr. B. S., Nancy P., Up-Chuck Shoemer, Adam Schifty, Jerry Needler, Eric Swelledhead, etc., seem to get away with everything they do.

A MAJOR PAIN IN THE… – by Jonathan Togo

            You may remember how the Biden’s dog Major went around biting people in 2021.  These attacks by the dog were down played.   However, it turns out that the secret is out on the incidents in the Secret Service reports.  Major took out a good chunk of meat from one of the agent’s legs.  I have seen many injuries like this during my days in M*I*A*M*I-in-Miami?

HAUNTED HUNTED DJ KOKO – by Emma Skew Lenity

            An Arizona DJ was under fire for wearing blackface to a school fund raiser in Scottsdale.  It sounds serious until you find out that the DJ, Koko Kim Hunted, was not wearing blackface at all, because, he actually is a black man! 

            An e-mail from the Scottsdale parent council read:  “They [Hunted’s group] were allowed to remain on Campus and deejay for the entire event in blackface without any rebuttal by those in charge.  I am sure that the historical context of blackface is something you are familiar with in the year 2022…and yet in spite of the continual outcry – it continues to happen.” 

            I guess it continues to happen because black people just cannot turn their faces white!  The only thing I could figure out is the complainers may have thought the man was wearing blackface because he was dressed in 1970’s disco clothes, had an afro wig on, and was wearing sunglasses.  Still, they should have done some investigation instead of just doing assumptions, as when you assume anything you make an ASS out of U, but not ME, only U.


             China, the worst country in the world (way worse than Russia even), is sending fentanyl to Mexico, then the Mexican cartels make sure the drugs (disguised as fake prescription drugs) are smuggled across the border and into the USA.  They then take these drugs to major big cities throughout the country and sell them.  Often people are overdosing and dying with just one pill.  Talk about killing your customers and having no ongoing business with them.  More people die from fentanyl than they do from the coronavirust – why isn’t the Biden administration doing anything about this?  It is because the administration does not want to do anything about the drug problem.  These cartels are taking over our cities.  These gangsters are like the mafia, but they are even worse, because, they are cannibals and they worship demons.  And yet, Biden is perfectly happy getting into bed with them.


            After Stacy Abrams lost the 2016 goober pea race in Georgiapeach, Abrams was a half million dollars in debt.  Today she has around three million dollars!  Where did she get that kind of dough from?  I doubt that Ms. Montgomeryward is that lucrative of a sexual fantasy novelist writer.  Her money has probably come from all those expensive lectures she is asked to give ($50-$100 thousand per speech).  Who knows?  Perhaps the IRS should look into her?  I think the IRS would look into her, but when they do look into her face they turn around and run.

EMPIRE STATE – by Gigolo Joe

            Liam Needsome Hainsmakesitworthit Hunky (looking different than his brother Christ does, you know, the Thor but not Angry dude) and Dwayne D. Bathtub Johnson, the Rock, are in this B movie.  Liam’s character is the son of a retired policeman, who works as a janitor in a joint run by a mobster, until his son, Chis, messes that up and his dad gets fired.  (I do think it is funny that Liam is playing a character with his brother’s name!  When the name Chris was called out on set did Liam look around for his brother?) 

            Chris wants to be a cop like his dad use to be, but his friend messed that up for him (years before), because his friend is no good.  This is the hard question, if a friend messes up your life why remain friends with the jerk, especially when they really are a jerk (and brain dead from birth)?

            Chris becomes an armored truck guard, but on his first day he finds out that the place he works for is so seedy that lots of plants are popping up all over the place.  This story is supposed to be based on a real life story, it is supposed to take place in the (I believe) 1970s, and it is supposed to take place in New York City when Rudy Jewelianny is District Athorney.  Dewey Johnson plays a cop.

            What is really weird about the movie (maybe this is what it really is like but I do not know it) and what makes no sense to me at all, is that the security company stores all the money they collect from places and stores in their building (with bad security).  Why are they keeping millions of dollars at their place and not taking it to banks?  This money just sits there?  How can the businesses using their service make any money this way?  How can they get to their money if they need it; and what about their businesses being able to collect interest on their profits?  So this makes no sense to me at all.  It might be different if the money was just there as a pit stop, but it sat there months on end, perhaps even years on end.  So what was the point of this Empire State business?

            On Chris’s second day on the job these two masked men that drive around in a blue van throw a bomb under the armored truck.  They shoot Chris and his partner, his partner struggles for the gun and gets shot a few more times and he dies (he has a wife and daughter).  Chris had a bullet proof vest on so he survives being shot at.  Later on he finds out that the security company is going to only give 10% of what they should to his ex-partner’s widow and child, so he steels a bag of money and gives most of it to his ex-partner’s family. His big mistake is he shares some of the stolen money with his criminal friend.

            Chris’s stupid friend has a big mouth and he wants in on the action – why he deserves the money, like it is his!  (I guess that is the crook mentality.)  Chris decides to go all in and let his friend and two other men help him.  These two other men work for the mobster that fired his father.  These two men are not supposed to tell their boss about what they are going to do.  One of the two men is smart and bows out.  He promises to keep his mouth shut, but he is not going to have anything to do with the robbery.  Out of the four men, this man is actually the smartest one!

            On the night of their planed robbery the two men wait at a public phone booth for Chris’s call.  Remember the two men with the blue van?  They decide to hit the Empire State Security company that very same night.  Yet, the police show up before the men in the blue van do.  The police got a tip, from where and who was not made clear.  So Chris calls his friend to tell him that the police are present, not to show up.  However, the other man thinks that his co-worker-friend blabbed to their boss so he hunts him down and shoots him, leaving him for dead.  Yet, you never hear any news about him being dead, so you wonder why that is?

            While the blue van men try to rob the security place there is a big shoot out and Chris saves the Rock’s life.  After all of this goes down, Chris decides that robbing the place is probably not a good idea; however, his friend will not let it go.  He wants to get in on a big drug deal with these Columbians and needs the money.  To be honest, I would rather have the money than have to become a drug dealer!   But, like I said, this guy is brain dead, probably from birth!  So Chris’s friend breaks through Empire’s roof and falls into the place.  Being stupid, Chris allows his friend to take the money.  His lousy friend has a gun with him, why he thought he needed one I cannot say.  When he enters the money room the German shepherd guard dog begins to bark, the gun is fired.  But it turns out, he did not put the dog out of his misery, he missed hitting the dog and the dog just fainted.  I guess the pooch was not use to such excitement!  To be honest I really felt sorry for the dog, he was held captive in this money room all day long; did anyone ever walk him?  Who fed the dog?  How did the dog relieve himself?  They never showed it.  The lousy friend also hit Chris on the head with his gun knocking Chris out.

            Later on, the next day I suppose, his friend gave Chris half the money.  Where did Chris put his share of the money?  He put it inside a garden statue that he gave his mom, which was back at the beginning of the movie.  They played with the time line a little bit.  In real life the police supposedly never did find the money.  Chris was arrested, along with his friend.  Chris’s dad also was arrested, but probably not held for long, as he only shot the friend (now wanting Chris’s share of the money) because he was pointing a gun at Chris.

            Okay, so I have to backtrack a little.  Why would he now want Chris’s share of the money?

            Remember that man who was shot by his co-worker?  Well, he did not die, and he went to his boss and told his boss what had happened, so the boss now felt like the stolen money belonged to him.  What is it about crook mentality?  So he clued in the Columbians about it, and the Columbians killed the third man, kept the friend’s 4 million dollars along with the drugs.  The friend escaped to drive straight to Chris while police sirens headed to the motel where they were transacting the drug deal at.  I guess somebody reported the gun shots to the cops?  If so, that was a fast reaction by the police.

            Well, all in all, this was not the best movie in the world but not the worst either.  I would just say that people who commit crimes are really stupid, and these movies based on real life stories prove the fact that people who commit crimes are stupid!  So obey God’s Commandment that tells us, “Thou shalt not steal!”  If you don’t obey the Commandment, what can I say except that you are stupid!


            On March 30, 2022, ZNN started up a new branch of their floundering network.  It is a streaming down the river service and is called ZNN- (ZNN negative).   Their first day has come and gone and their numbers tanked, or took a shellacking.   The company used over $300 mill to prepare ZNN- for public consumption and another $100 mill in promoting the website.

            Brian Seltzer, ZNN’s Pillsbury Doe Boy, invited a male and female (Can I use those pronouns today?) reporters onto his show.  These two reporters use to work for ZNN and were on the air 20 years ago.  The interview did not exactly go as Seltzer had hoped.  When Seltzer asked them if they still watched ZNN every night they said, “Yes, but we cry every time we do, because the network, well, the old grey mare, she ain’t what she used to be!”  The man said, “I use to anchor at ZNN, now I just yell at ZNN.”  They even said that they hoped the network would improve under new management!  The new CEO happens to be Chris Licht Einstein. 

            ZNN, believing that they are better than LOX News, tried to copy their rival news network; they actually thought that people would pay money to watch ZNN-, boy, were they delusional, because, ZNN- lasted only one month before it was killed.

            “Brian Seltzer doesn’t like two sides to a story; he only likes two sides at KFC.” – Greg Gutfelt!


Cancel Culture’s Coming For You

Merry Christmas – here’s a little carol I wrote especially for you!



The radical Left is making a list,

Checking it twice so you can’t resist

Joe Biden thinks he’s forty-six.  (Not in years!)


I could not vote for Biden – the man just makes me sick!

He really is a problem, and thinks that he did lick (Trump).


But all that they did was cheat and cheat more

During the election and even before

Joseph Biden’s really a bore.


If he is elected, I’ll tell you what you’ll get (Big Brother)

Communistic programs with that Green New **it.


He’ll bring back bad deals; you’ll need to wear masks

You’ll loose your police while he raises your tax

Joseph Biden’s willing to steal (money from you).


They know when you’ve been Tweeting;

They see you on Face Book;

They know if you are Right or Left

So watch out for their left hook! 


They’re making a list; they’re checking it twice,

I’m telling you it’s a roll of the dice

If Joe Biden is president.


If you voted for Trump,

They will cancel you

They’ll dox your family and friends

All over You Tube.


You better watch out, you better not cry;

You better not shout, your rep might just die.

Cancel culture’s coming for you!

Cancel culture’s coming for you!

Yes, cancel culture’s coming to you!


So here is my list, it’s rather quite long,

The reasons why Joe is out-and-out wrong

To be head of America!  (End of the rhyming.)


1.  He had two brain operations for aneurysms.

2.  He is a sex pervert and assaulted one of his workers.  (Kamala believed this to be true until she became his running-off-at-the-mouth mate.)

3.  He is a liar and plagiarist.

4.  He is prejudice and bias (one of his best friends was head of the KKK).  Again, Kamala believed him to be this way, and she probably still does, she is probably just keeping her tongue tied until she can get Amendment 25 going with Nancy P. (That is if Nancy P. gets re-elected to head of Congress.)

5.  He used his office of power to get family members involved in foreign country business deals – making them (thus, him, via laundered money) rich.  Therefore, the man is compromised and will probably sell out our country – like with communist China.

6.  He made a quid-pro-quo with the Ukraine government in 2016.  Shouldn’t he be impeached on this alone, if he does get elected?  That’s what they went after President Trump on – a quid-pro-quo with Ukraine.

7.  He really did not work hard to campaign in the first place, so he does not deserve to be president.

8.  He was never asked any hard questions by the media, and when he was asked hard questions by regular people, and some reporters, he refused to answer; but not before getting mad and upset and calling them names or saying it was just a smear campaign trick – thus blaming all his problems on President Trump.

9.  The DNC cheated for him to steal the election what with all those 70 lawyer deals to change election laws before and during the election process.

10.  The big tech companies and the mainstream media blacked out stories and people trying to get the stories out about Hunter Biden’s dealings with foreign countries – direct from Hunter’s laptop e-mails.  And they blew off Tony Bobulenski as a Russian asset or just ignored him.

11. He was protected by the debate mediators and was never asked hard questions.

12.  He constantly lied about President Trump when he did come out to campaign or when he was debating.

13.  He expected the black vote and said they were not black if they did not vote for him.  (Yet he called President Trump prejudice over and over and over.) 

14.  He is a phony-fraud because in one breath he has said nasty things about Trump supporters and after ONLY the media pronounced him to be president-elect – calls for unification and peace with what he calls the Trump Chumps! (So he has already gone back on his word to us during the first debate about accepting the president-elect title before the race has actually been called or legalized.)  And also at the same time his communist friends are making their lists and doxing lawyers (and their families) and others for trying to follow election law and prove election fraud (which there was).

15.  The fix was in because of all the voting laws that democrats made before and during early election, mail-in ballots, keeping poll watchers on the Republican side banned from observing verification of ballots, Joe having his people fill out blank ballots and turning them in, – thus he and the Left broke the law, and all the other nasty tricks they pulled.  Are you beginning to understand why he did not think he had to go out very much on the campaign trail?  He knew the fix was in.

16.  He promotes the communist programs of communist Senator B. S., congresswoman A.O.C. and her squad (Ilhan did ballot harvesting to win her elections), etc.

17.  He chose Kamala Harris as his running mate.

18.  He is for the Green New Steal.

19.  He is for getting more Democratic senators into the Senate.

20.  He is for high taxes (again – but worse than Obama).

21.  He is for banning fracking and getting rid of gasoline and coal – wants you to walk everywhere you go, I guess.  Even if we did get electric stations placed all over the country how can you go on a long trip?  Have you ever recharged an electric car?  How long does it take to do it? (I just read today that to charge a new vehicle, that is due out in a couple of years, that it will take ten minutes to be able to charge the vehicle enough to travel 75 miles – which is not far if you are traveling across the country.)  Also, where is all the electricity going to come from to charge the cars if he closes down all the coal production?  He wants all of America to be like California – where they have black outs and brown outs of electricity all year long that last for days – because they do not have enough electricity being produced.  The windmills and the solar energy panels cannot produce enough electricity.

22.  He is for free medical care for everyone, especially illegal aliens (while USA citizens pay taxes for it all – this is called communism).  He is plagiarizing President Trump’s covid 19 programs and wanting to steal the virus. (Also, Phiza and another company were talked into speaking about a vaccine until AFTER the election. Is that fair? They even told Joe Biden about it coming out before they told President Trump! Gee, it seems like just about everybody is against President Trump! Why?)

23.  He is for free college, especially for illegal aliens (while USA citizens pay taxes for it all – this is called communism).

24.  He is for getting us back into bad deals (money wise and other wise) – like the Paris Climate Agreement, the Iran Deal, WHO, and letting NAFTA countries rip us off again, and letting them all walk all over us, and for getting rid of the China tariffs.  He probably wants to get rid of USMC.

25.  He will probably bring war to us with North Korea and other places in the world.

26.  He is for letting everybody into our country illegally and tearing down the border fence after we spent all that money on it.

27.  He and his boss (Obama) are the real ones who put children in cages and who separated them from their families.

28.  He wants to take our gun rights away from us (2nd Amendment) along with our freedom of speech (1st Amendment).  His big tech friends are in charge of taking away our freedom of speech rights.  They have been doing it to conservatives for years now, or anyone who dares to speak the truth.  They protected Biden during the campaign and election by covering up the Hunter laptop story.  Is this why he has hired many of them to be part of his staff (if he becomes president)?

29.  He wants to have our military, companies, and public schools and colleges, etc., (to force people) into listening and attending seminars about prejudice – where you, if you are white, are told that you are a worthless human being, and a sinner, because of the color of your skin and that you can never do anything to over come their made up sins.  In other words, white people are the ones who are being separated (desegregated) by bigots.  Whites are now being treated unfairly because they have white skin.  He was all for this type of training (brainwashing communistic propaganda) during one of the debates (he admitted it and jumped on President Trump for getting rid of it).  So these types of beliefs are the new religion – well, okay, it is an old religion – it is called communism.

30.  He never has rebuked or come out against the Marxist (communist) groups like Antifa (which he says is just an idea) and Black Lives Matter (and other Marxist thinking groups – all funded by billionaire fascist-communist George Soros).  Joe never rebuked these groups for all the violence, the riots, looting, burning, beating up, or killing they committed this year (which was not because of racism – but because they want to change our country from being capitalistic into communistic).  Yet over and over again he lied telling people that President Trump had never condemned white supremacist groups when there is actual video proof that President Trump has done just that over and over and over.

31.  He is against police.  Because without law and order there is chaos and that is what the Marxists want – chaos.

            I could go on, but do I really need to?  All Biden will do, if he becomes president, is tear down all the good that President Trump has accomplished in four years.  These are things you may be unaware of, if you do not happen to listen to other news media besides the Left-winged nut bags (CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, PBS, etc.)

            This has been a long list, I know, but look at the list Biden’s friends are making up.  Lists to harm, hurt, and/or cancel (maybe even arrest) all Trump employees and supporters.

            So if you think I am a bigot or prejudice or a horrible person for voting for President Trump that is your prerogative.  And you can put my name on one of those fascist lists that A.O.C. wants to get started up, because I would rather they come to kill me dead than to have to live in their communist country they want to “re-imagine”.

Animal Farm USA

By:  Kookie Roberts

            Right to the fact, the truth, Bernie Saunders (Mr. B. S.) is a communist.  He lies when he says he is a Democratic-Socialist.  There is no such thing as a Democratic –Socialist, because all socialists are for totalitarianism not democracy.  They use communistic and fascist methods.  Communism burns everything to the ground.  And B. S. wants to burn the U.S.A. down to the ground as well.  That is why he is BURN-ie.  (That’s a good burn to Burnie.)  Oh, he’s all in favor for American citizens needing to stand in line each day to get their one loaf of bread.  What he does not tell you is that you only get one loaf of bread and that one loaf of bread is available until they run out of loaves of bread.  Also, what Mr. B.S. does not tell you is how much that one loaf of bread will actually cost and that you have to stand in line to get that one loaf of bread for HOURS.  You see, if you are too busy standing in line you don’t have time to REVOLT against the government!  At least B. S. (who is full of b. s.) has been honest in saying openly that he is a socialist (which actually means that he is a communist).  Just how much is your one loaf of bread going to actually cost?  It will cost way more than a loaf of bread costs you today.
            Mr. B. S. wants to give you free college, free medical aid, free this, and free that.  And that is exactly why that one loaf of bread will cost as much as it will under socialistic government.  And why is he all for gun control and abolishing the Second Amendment?  Because if you have no guns you cannot fight back against the government when it does become communistic.  Do you see the people of Venezuela having any guns to fight back against their dictator – El Presidente?  Nope!  Look at what has happened to New Zealand after the Christchurch shooting – they have taken away gun rights.  This is exactly what the shooter was ACTUALLY AIMING FOR.  He hit his mark.
            Look, the Democratic Party has been hiding their true colors for decades, over 100 years in fact.  They were all for slavery because they were the slavers, they were against President Lincoln freeing the slaves.  They were the Southern army.  They were and still are the K.K.K.  They adopted Adolf Hitler’s fascism after he died.  The American Democrats loved Adolph Hitler’s fascist government, why wouldn’t they?  After all, Hitler set up his fascist government to model the U. S. Democratic Party!  These Democrats adopted fascism but pretended that it was the Republicans who were fascists!  They still are pretending this today; that is why they say that President Donald Trump is a fascist!  I think it is their favorite lie about President Trump!
            After Mr. B. S. ran for President the Democrats openly began to use his methods of socialism (communism).  They no longer have to hide who they are.  They have been unmasked.  Now we have Alexandria Occasionally-Cortex (one nickname for her, and no, I did not make it up).  She is often called, for short, A. O. C. – but I call her O. C. A. – which stands for Only Communism Always.  She came up with the lame Green New Deal, which is full of communism.  I call it the New Communist Manifesto!  The Senate voted on it on March 26, 2019 – it failed to pass – but the Democrats said that this was just a Republican stunt, because the Green New Deal is not even a bill (not yet anyway).  But since it did not pass perhaps it means that there is still hope for our country?
            O. C. A. claims that the name ‘Green’ is supposed to mean it is for environmental purposes.  Yet, guess what?  Miss Donkey named it “Green” because it will take trillions of green backs (money) to pay for her “New Deal”!  I have heard that it is 97 trillion dollars.   Mr. B. S. says the ‘Green New Deal’ does not go far enough!  It is really an old deal that was used after the Bolshevik Revolutionary (a war against capitalism) in Russia – waged by Lenin and Trotsky, funded by International bankers.  Trotsky and Lenin did revolt against the Czar but after this overthrow took place Lenin and Trotsky got kicked out of Russia.  After this, Russia modeled its government after the capitalism found in the United States of America.  Eventually, the International (which means communist) bankers financed Trotsky and Lenin to return to Russia in order to destroy the newly capitalistic Russia and turn Russia toward communism!  The International bankers did not want Russia to be a capitalist country!  Unfortunately they got their way.
            Lenin and Trotsky hired thugs, like the ones you find in Black Lives Matter and Antifa.  These thugs did not protest, they rioted and probably looted.  They took over the recently based upon capitalism government and Bernie-ed it to the ground via communism.
            But the history teachers (who follow the ways of communism) don’t want the public to know the truth so they make up their ‘fake news”.  Their core belief is that if you tell a lie often enough it becomes truth.  But a lie is always a lie no matter how many people believe the lie to be true.  People have had the wool pulled over their eyes and have had their brains washed (manipulated).  This happens when the communists fib 24-7!  Especially when the people are indoctrinated in public schools and colleges.  In Animal Farm the pigs (communist pigs) took away the puppies from their dog parents and they brainwashed the pups against the parent dogs.  They trained the pups to become their soldiers and police dogs.  This is always what the communists and fascists try to do.  Elizabeth Boring wants to take your children and put them in pre-school.  She wants the Nanny State to exist as a real thing!  They claim it is all so that the parents can both work to help support their family.  But both parents should not have to work to support their family, there really needs to be only one breadwinner (as the term goes)!  If you are not going to have children in order to raise them on your own and love them, then what is the point of having children?  So, yeah, it is best if you stop having children (like O. C. A. has pointed out).
            Another trick these communists use is to accuse other people of doing the evil things that they themselves are doing!  They are the REAL racists but they accuse everybody else of being the racists.
            So the communists take the puppies away from their parents so they can be indoctrinated (brainwashed) and turn against their own parents!  Remember the TV mini series V?  The show made a comparison between what happened to the Jewish family’s oldest son to the children who turned against their parents during World War II.  The boy turned his own parents in to the reptile aliens!  He did not know what his grandfather went through in a concintration camp!  The grandpa played the spooky German guy in The Monster Squad.  George Soros, a Jew, was a boy in Germany during World War II.  However, someone he knew protected him and George pretended not to be a Jew.  George Soros worked in a job that dealt with stolen artwork and such.  He did not become rich in an honest manner either.  So you see, Soros remembers what it was like during World War II and he brought back that type of behavior with Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and Media Matters.  He also gave campaign donations to the woman in Chicago who just let Pussie Smelt off the fishing line.  At first George Soro’s woman Foxx recused (I cannot find this word in the dictionary, but it is the same thing that Jeff Sessions did) herself after Smelt had been arrested for committing a hoax crime against himself!  But then, evidently, she un-recused herself (could Jess Sessions have done the same thing?), the fix was in because Mrs. Obummer’s associate told Foxx’s boss to tell Foxx to let the actor off.  Yeah, the whole thing smelts for sure!  But there is still that letter he supposedly sent to himself, so the FBI and USPS may get him on that crime.
            The author of Animal Farm was well familiar with the methods of communism.  He lived in a communist country and then left.  I recommend that every human in the U. S. A. find a copy of this book and read it and see if the methods used by the commie pigs are not exactly what the Democratic Donkeys use today!  The Donkeys lie to everyone 24-7.  They have lied continuously about President Trump, even manufactured a fake Russian dossier – paid for by Hilary Rotten Clinton and the D.N.C.
            Saul Alinsky, H. R. C.’s hero, was a Chicago hoodlum who worked with the Mafia.  But he was a thief before even joining up with the Mafia (he gave them his methods of thievery, his scams).  President B. O. is a closet communist.  President W. J. Clinton is a Rhodes Scholar.  All Rhodes Scholars are communists.  The Insiders (the International bankers; Illuminate) have put their people INSIDE all material organizations – this includes Churches of Christianity.  So if you think your church is off the Christian path (The Way) this is probably why!
            But let’s get back to O. C. A. and her communist Green New Deal.  This plan wants to get rid of the use of all fossil fuels, this means you have to give up your cars that run on fossil fuels – also buses, airplanes and perhaps certain types of trains.  The communists will refuse to use nuclear power and hydro-electricity.  They believe that everything can be powered by solar panels and windmills (yes, they are real Donkey Xote’s).  Only both of these things take up boatloads of property!  The windmills also KILL birds off, like the bald eagle!  The solar panels also cause problems for birds.  If we all have to drive electric cars what will power them up?  The power plants no longer could run on coal or hydro-electricity and they won’t use nuclear power.  So yeah, we will be forced to use cars like the ones seen in the Flintstones.  We will be forced to use candles for light too (unless wax is not a green product).  Or perhaps we will all have big giant Green Machines (tricycles)?  We will be forced to ride bicycles, and such, all running via your own manpower.  How do we get our groceries delivered?  How do we pick up our groceries and get them home?  Maybe that will not matter since we only get that one loaf of bread anyway.  How do we get our mail delivered?  The Pony Express won’t be allowed because horses pass gas!  If we can’t eat beef anymore, because cows pass too much gas, that means we don’t have any milk, cheese, or butter.  The leather manufacturers will go out of business too.
            Cory Sparkleless Booker is against eggs; they make him feel inharmonious.  Does that mean that they give him too much gas?  Maybe we have to get rid of him then.  So, there goes breakfast, lunch and dinner because eggs are used in all sorts of food – even that one loaf of bread (that you will have to pay a wheelbarrow full of money for after hoofing it to the store and waiting in line for hours).
            They claim they want to make every building and house energy efficient in the U. S. A.  This really means that they will FORCE you from your home and you will have to travel (by foot) to an interment camp that may be located in dirty (unclean) California.  Your property will be stolen from you; you will never be allowed to return home again.  And if you are white, you will get sent to the gas chambers because you are just evil because of all your “white privilege”.  Even though Pussie Smelt has “green (as in loads of money) privilege” he will be safe from the gas chamber.  They will also take away all your money through taxation, via the I.R.S. – which has been illegal from its inception (set up by the socialist [communist] International bankers)!  The Federal Reserve, also a product of the International bankers (the illuminate), will print money until the market crashes, that is when you will need a wheelbarrow full of money to go get that one loaf of bread you are allowed to have after standing in line for hours.
            The International bankers have helped pay for your country’s wars, they have also helped pay for your enemy’s wars when they fight against you.  The looser is in real financial trouble, but so is the winner.  They have been at this game for centuries, and they are real good at it.  That is how they got so rich.  Those guns that the Vietnamese shot during the war against our U. S. soldiers – guess what?  The International bankers paid and gave those guns to the Vietnamese – so our soldiers were killed by guns made in the good old U. S. of A.
            So, if they REALLY remodeled your house (which they won’t, that is all fake news) they would have tons of garbage and trash for the land dumps.  How green is that?  So they lie.  They are not really going to fix any buildings or homes.  Instead they will just take over everything while everyone else lives in Tent City, or in bob-wired compounds found in Georgia (I believe that is where they have been built).  Yes, they have already been built and are in place!  They have been ready to make their move for years now!
            Camel-la-la Harris wants to get rid of your medical insurance (from your workplace).  Even her own father is against her words when she put down her Jamaican ancestors (by acting like they all smoke Mary Jane – Spiderman is not happy about this at all!).  So, if it is up to Miss La-La and her communist Donkey friends, you will loose all your medical coverage, food supplies, living essentials, homes, jobs, transportation modes, and your children’s minds and love!  What is left to live for?  They are also lying to you about climate change.  Back in the 1970s they called it global freezing, which in the 1990s they changed to global warming.  The global freezing thing did not happen so they had to switch to a new lie — global warming.  When Al Bore’s false predictions did not take place they changed it to climate change.  The only thing that has really changed is the communist lies about the weather or climate.
            When the Russian-Trump collusion lie fell apart they continue to HAARP about Russian collusion.  (HAARP is the real cause behind bad weather conditions and storms.  Look it up on the Internet, you will be surprised what you find out.)
            Now the Donkeys want to investigate all of our President’s financial records, taxes, business transactions, and such in order to manufacture a crime!  They ARE WRONG to do this; but they don’t care because they are freakin’ communist Pig-Donkeys!!!  And the mainstream media are in cahoots with the Pig-Donkey Dems!  Every Dummycrat of the 2020 candidates are blind (do not have 2020 vision at all).  They all promote socialistic communism and utilize propaganda and fascist methods to try to fool and bully “We the People”!  Well, maybe not Governor Hoopenlooper from Colorado (a state that has gone to pot).  He may be a capitalist, but if he is, then he is too afraid to admit it!
            Poke-Haunts-Us (Liz Boring) is another one who is leaning to the far Left.  She is such a phony, she pretended to be an American Native – but she has more white blood DNA than she wants to admit to having.  Recently Poke-Haunts-Us was asked a question, after the college scandal thing came out.  She did not think the parents should be given any breaks; does she have a right to even give an opinion on the subject when she lied on her college application and pretended to be an American Native?
            C. A. says, “I’m the boss.” Why?  Because she came up with the Green New Deal!  I’m wondering what Nancy Pilono thinks about that comment?  Since it failed to pass (3/26/19) does this mean that she is no longer the boss?  One can only hope!  She (O. C. A.) is so young that she can’t run for President (thank God literally).  I do not like the woman at all, and she literally (to me anyway) looks like a donkey!  She is also ignorant and stupid.  I have not read the Green New Deal, but everyone says it sounds like it was written by a 3 year old.  She says that maybe Americans “should not be eating hamburgers for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.”  I laughed and asked, “Who in the world does that?”  I know I don’t do it.  But she was caught in a restaurant, after making this comment, eating a hamburger.  So maybe she is a closet hamburger eater and munches down on them for breakfast, lunch, and dinner?  Remember that the communists accuse others of what they themselves do!
            Getting rid of our beef, milk, cheese, and butter (and perhaps our eggs) is not enough for the communist pig-donkeys!  They want to take everything from us and I mean everything, even our dignity.  Ninety-seven trillion dollars is what the Green New Deal would take to pull off.  It is something that the majority of American citizens do not want!  That’s $600,000 per person (not sure if that includes all the illegal aliens or not).  I’m sorry, but who has that kind of money?  I know I don’t!  The rich communist who is trying to promote the Green New Deal probably has that kind of money, even though they will not be forced to contribute any funds!
            It does not matter where the money will come from in order to support the Green New Deal, commented Camel-La-La Harris.  O. C. A. says that all the Feds have to do is print more money!  Has she ever taken a class on economics or a history class about the 1930’s depression?  She is clueless.  She expects me to walk to the grocery store with a wheelbarrow of money to stand in line for hours in order to purchase my one loaf of bread?  She is muy loco en la cabasa and she knows what I mean.  What other crazy thing does she want to do?  Get rid of I. C. E.  How cold is that?  What else?  She does not want illegal aliens, who are in our country illegally (by the way, that’s why they are CALLED illegal aliens), to have to follow gun laws when they go to purchase a gun.  She does not want them to be reported to the police (because they might get sent home to their real country to which they hold allegiance to), yet it is okay for them to have guns so they can shoot real U. S. citizens and police officers!  Like I said, “Muy loco in la cabasa!”  According to her they should not need to have background checks, they can have their guns so that they can kill real American citizens.  So that’s how whack-a-doodle she really is!  Who voted for her?  Only 20% of the people in her district even voted (at least that is what I heard).  If it is true, that explains how she really won.  Did the same thing happen in the other two districts where the 2 She-hadists got elected?  Did you hear how one of the two attacked Senator Mark Inda Meadows at the Michael Cohen hearing?  She accused him of being racist (the usual communist-fascist tactic).  Remember she accused Mark of being racist so this means she is the real racist.  She had no idea that Mark had black grandchildren!  So, it blew up in her face!  That was probably embarrassing to her, but I can’t say she did not deserve it.  She’s the same woman who used nasty words telling her son that they would impeach President Trump.
            Maximum Waterflow has been quiet as of late — I guess O. C. A. has stolen her thunder.  I am surprised she is not running for President too!  I think all the Senators and Congressmen/women able to run for President should do so – that way, the Republicans will be in charge of Congress!  YEAH!  At least while all the others are out campaigning.  So far I like the woman vet (not an animal farm doctor) from Hawaii the best because she is against war.  The governor from Washington State is really against climate change (a farce), so I don’t care if he wins.  Besides he can’t even be bothered cleaning up Seattle’s homeless mess!  He sounds like he may have some good ideas – but I’m not so sure of it.  Again, he loves windmills.  “To dream, the impossible dream.  To fight the unbeatable foe…This is my dream, to work for Quest, no matter how hopeless, no matter how dull!”
            Anyway, yeah, the loony tunes have left the Home for the Mildly Foolish.  And they are all Leftists.  However, some of the Republicans (or the anti-Trumpers) are following close behind them.
            Mr. B. S. is a hypocrite.  He wants you to be forced out of your home, yet he has three houses!  See, that’s the problem, all these people in congress who promote the Green New Deal are filthy rich.  His wife is not honest either (college scandal).  O. C. A. is not poor; she never was poor.  Warning, the following people are not poor:  Nancy Pilono, Elizabeth Boring, Camel-La-La Harris, Sparkleless Booker, Maximum Waterspout.  So, they think socialism is good, because they have money.  It is only good while socialistic programs can steal all the money from “We the People” who have made their money from Capitalism!  The countries in Europe that America’s socialists claim to be socialist countries are no longer socialist countries.  They have returned to capitalism.  As the popular line goes, “Socialism works until they [the communist-fascists] run out of money.”  Whose money?  YOUR MONEY.  If you think I am making all of this up to scare you – you are wrong.  It is history – so why don’t you find some 1950’s or 1960’s history books and read the truth about communism (socialism)?  The only reason why theft identity exists today is because of socialism with its social security numbers.  Believe me – there is no security with the social security branch of government.  The word “social” means “socialism”!  WAKE UP!  O. C. A. does not believe that social security is a socialist program!  She is either fibbing, or she is even stupider than she seems to be!  We need to get rid of the social security number (the cards) today!  This would not cause chaos at all but free us.  Okay, the Internet is another reason why identity theft exists.  O. C. A.’s friends (well, she really is not their friend, she just pretends to like them), from south of the border, a big majority of them have stolen social security numbers!
            Now let us move on to Beto O’Dork (I wish I had actually thought of this nickname).  He lost the race in 2017, so glad that Ted Cruz (not to be confused with Tom Cruz) won, but he now thinks he has the experience to run for President in 2020!  Really?  He has no experience what so ever!  I Beto he looses the primary elections too.  And when he looses I Beto his stiff competition will tell him to EAT DIRT!!!  And he probably will do just that by going to New Mexico to get rejuvenated (again) by eating dirt.  Maybe he should have said he ate soil instead?  I hope the soil he did eat was unfertilized.  Speaking of fertilized stuff, he dug into his child’s diaper for the poop, then put it in a bowl and presented it to his wife as avocado.  It would have had to be avocado that had been cut open for a long time.  But it was not avocado and it probably smelled bad.  If that is what he thinks makes up a good (and funny) joke I would divorce him.  I cannot leave him alone without mentioning the fact that when he speaks in restaurants he has to stand on the counter tops, he does this so that he is higher than everyone in the room.  Then there are his famous arm and hand movements.  When I first saw him on stage, the same night that President Trump was in El Paso for a rally, I thought he was on drugs!  He talked like he was on something.  I really did wonder if he was not high.  Well, he probably is high because he wants to tear down the walls along the southern border!  Another whack-a-doodle!
            Then there is Joe Bidenhistime.  He is biding his time before announcing if he is actually going to run for President.  This reminds me of a knock-knock joke.
            “Knock, knock.”
            “Who’s there?”
            “Joe who?”
            “Joe Mama!”
            Anyway, back to the Vice President, he has been going on an apology tour because of identity politics.  He claims that he could beat President Trump in a fistfight, but he can’t even stand up to people in his own party!  I am sorry, but the man has no backbone.  There was also talk that he would have Abrams run as his Vice President, but she has turned him down, she would rather run for President (even though she has less experience than Beto O’Dork).
            If these are the best of the best from the Democratic Party, then I think President Trump is a slam-dunk in 2020!  Especially since the Robert Mule-r Report has been handed over to the attorney general.  On the radio, the other day, someone accidentally called our new attorney general Baal!  I thought this was sort of funny.  We all love Lord Baal (even if the name is redundant) on Stargate SG-1.  THERE WAS NO COLLUSION!!!  This means there could be no crime of OBSTRUCTION into any investigations of collusion because there was no CRIME in regards to the COLLUSION!  But the Donkeys do not see it this way because they are so STUBBORN!!!  Mule-r claims that he could not prove any collusion between President Trump (and his campaign peoples) and the Russians.  But this does not mean that he did not try his best to prove that there was!  He went a long way to try and get the people he persecuted to bear false witness against President Trump.  Mule-r wanted them to break one of God’s Ten Commandments!  He did not even give an answer to the “obstruction” point in his report; in other words, he failed to do his job!  So he should give the taxpayers a refund!  However, he did this on purpose, in order to give the Democrats an in.  What I mean is they now have a way to throw suspicion on Attorney General Mills Breakfast Barr’s letter, they now say that Barr is hiding stuff and is obstructing justice himself!  The Donkeys say that Mule-r did not exonerate President Trump.  President Trump did not need Mule-r to exonerate him because he exonerated himself by not breaking the law!  President Trump did not collude with Russia or obstruct justice.  Some Republicans are stating that Mule-r is a good man.  When in truth he is a dirty prosecutor and did what he did on purpose.  He bankrupted many good people and families.  The FBI and CIA set up George Mamadopoulos, he had no Russian contacts whatsoever – only foreign intelligence spies working for the FBI and CIA contacted him trying to set him up!  This truth did not keep Mule-r from telling George that he would be sent away to prison for a long time, for a crime he did not even commit, if he did not plead guilty to a perjury charge.  George spent 14 days in prison over the Mule-r blackmail trick.
            The truth is that Mule-r could not prove a crime of collusion because THERE WAS NO CRIME, NO COLLUSION, so he HAD to say that there was no collusion!  But that is not good enough for the Donkeys because they expected Mule-r to be a good pack animal and lie about the collusion.  There was, however, collusion with the Ukrainians and the Clinton campaign.  But Mule-r did not bother to investigate that.  Barr needs to set up a new special council just to investigate H. R. Clinton, the Democrats, the Obama Administration, the higher ups in the FBI, CIA, and all the other three lettered intelligence agency departments.  Barr should also investigate Rod Rosenstein, Mule-R, Andrew Un-Weissman, and the other counsel members on the special counsel team.
            So who should go to jail?  Mr. Bob Mule-r (Mr. B. M.), Andrew Un-Weissman, James Combover, Peter Stroke his girl Lisa Page, Rod Rosenstein, Nellie Olson Ohr and her husband Bruce, Christopher Still-making up lies about President Trump, Glenn Simpson (no relation to Homer or Bart but just as stupid), Adam Shiffty, Nancy Pilono, Cryin’ Chuck, Hilary Rotten to the Core Clinton, President Obumber, John Brenanan, James the Clapper man, Andrew McCape, do I need to go on?  I think everyone who was involved in the Russian Dossier scandal and the fake investigation should go straight to jail, do not pass gas, because if you do you will be killed by the socialist environmentalists!



By, Betty Crackers

Recently, quite often, the Democrats and mainstream media keep beating the same drum – a wall on the border is immoral! But they do not explain how it is immoral! How can a wall, which has no feelings or emotions, and does absolutely nothing to anyone or anybody, except keeping them inside something or excluding them from something, well, how can that be immoral? You know what I think, I think it is the people calling the wall immoral who are actually the immoral ones! Anytime you have someone yelling bad things about something or someone they usually are the immoral ones! If you are the first one to call somebody a bad name, then you are the immoral one. So, I guess that makes me immoral, because I am saying that those who call others and things immoral are immoral.

But what does immoral really mean? Let’s find out, shall we? According to Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary immoral means: “conflicting with generally or traditionally held moral principles”. So does a wall conflict with the general or traditionally held moral principles of the United States of America? I do not think so, because less than ten years ago many Democrats were for a wall or fence or some type of barrier at the boarder!

What does moral mean? It means: “of or relating to principles of right and wrong in behavior: ethical expressing or teaching a conception of right behavior…sanctioned by or operative on one’s conscience or ethical judgment…moral, ethical, virtuous, righteous, noble – conforming to a standard of what is right and good.” So what are the Democrats NEW principles of right (good) and wrong (evil) in behavior where the wall is concerned? Can they explain this to the country? Is it right to let everyone outside our country break our laws (which are supposed to be based upon principle) by crossing our border and entering out country illegally? Or do they just care that in their own limited imaginations that President Trump has the “wrong” type of “behavior” where the wall is concerned (because they believe he is just wanting a wall put up in order to keep his campaign promise to his voters) that he is prejudiced and this is why his wall is immoral? But there is no real proof that Donald Trump is prejudiced toward the Latino population, it is just propaganda speech promoted by the Democrats themselves and the mainstream media! Again, who are the immoral ones?

President Trump wants a wall put in place at the Southern Border because of the following reasons (which has nothing to do with race hatred).

1) Human trafficking of children and women and perhaps men too (sounds like an immoral thing to me to traffic in human people – if so then President Trump IS moral, and so is the wall he wants to build);

2) Drug trafficking by the cartel criminals. These drugs, according to statistics, kill thousands of American citizens every year! (Again, this is immoral so once more President Trump is the moral one and so is the wall he wants to build.)

3) Gang members (like MS-13) entering our country. These gang members commit terrible (immoral) crimes – like murder, rape, theft, and more murder (often very mean methods of tortured murder). Again, immoral acts, and again President Trump is the moral one and so is the wall he wants.

4) Money laundering – again, immoral and breaks the law (principles of the U.S.A.). So, who again is the moral one? President Trump and his wall!

5) Terrorists enter our country via the weak boarder that we now have, and yes, it is true, there are terrorists who come in this way. Again, Trump and wall – the moral ones.

6) Rapists (immoral), criminals (immoral), drunk drivers (immoral) who may wind up killing an American citizen, murderers (immoral) all cross the border and they break our law (immoral). So, Trump and the wall are the moral ones!

7) Asylum. Many of the people who claim asylum, or sanctuary, do not have legitimate reasons to be given asylum. They lie (immoral) about their reasons for needing asylum. They are coached by liberal (leftist) lawyers on how to ask for asylum (many lawyers are immoral). So, again, President Trump and the wall – they are the MORAL ones!!!

8) Disease. Many illegal aliens have lice (or is it flees?), they also have been diagnosed with tuberculosis. Where is the honest reporting on these points? It is not immoral to be sick, so I will let this one slide. However, it is immoral to do the following:

The media paints negative pictures because two children have recently died (from the flu and not sure what else) after they entered our country. They were probably ill before they got here, or else they just caught the flu from being around so many other people (other illegal aliens who are surrounding the children in the same area). Flu causing death of children and adults is not a new thing, it happens all the time – everywhere in the world – so to blame the death on the boarder patrol people, or where ever the children were taken to, is not a fare thing to do. Perhaps the hospital is to blame because they released the children? It just is handy for the leftist media to say, “See! President Trump and his wall are immoral!” When in truth, President Trump has told those wanting to come into our country illegally – “Please, do not bring your children with you on this hazardous journey!” So, again, he is the moral one.  Also, the Left is quick to use the dead children to make their political statements yet when the Right talks about how a 22 year old in Tennessee was killed by an illegal immigrant, or how a legal immigrant police man, in California, was killed by an illegal alien the Left says, “How dare you bring up an emotional tragedy like this just to promote a political point!  It’s just not right and you should not do it”  Is the Left just mad because the Right is learning from their bag of tricks?

Why do the people come unto America? Because they think that they can receive government benefits (paid for by the American tax payers). Immoral!

They may come for work. Things may not be great in their country, but that does not mean that they should not stay there and try to make things better in their own country! Why, if they are really running from terror in their own country, do they carry the flags of this horrible country with them and wave it in the United States of America citizen’s faces? It is like they are saying to us, “Up yours!” This tells me that they do not really like our country, thus when they cross our boarder they are actually invading it. This is immoral!

Why, when they have been offered jobs and sanctuary by Mexico do they still insist on coming to the United States of America? Is it because Mexico is not a very good place to live? Or is it because they just want to ruin the United States of America?

Is it really true that they come to work here and in doing so they actually help our economy? Just last night I heard, by a black man on the news, how the blacks are being hurt by the rushes of illegal alien workers. Do the Democrats care about that? No, they do not. Why? Because they see the Latinos as their future voters. They are even trying to work it out so that the illegal citizens get the right to vote in our elections! How is that fair to the true citizens of this country? It is immoral, that is what it is!

While it is true that many American businesses want illegal aliens as their workers they have their immoral reasons for wanting them. First off, they do not have to pay them as much money (immoral) as they would an American citizen. And they are probably paying the Democrats to fight the wall.

The truth of this whole immigration thing is that the Democrats do not want to fix immigration because they see the Latinos as their future, but also because of one big thing – they really do hate President Donald Trump! Why do they hate him so much? Because he was elected and ruined their best chances of taking the United States of America down. Down into the complete saturation of socialistic communism. But they are still trying as hard as they can to take him down along with our country. They hate this country almost as much as they do the President. If they did not hate this country they would secure its border instead of resisting and being as big of an obstruction to Trump as Trumps wall would be to the illegal immigrants!

The Democrats also beat the drum – “Walls don’t work.” Meaning that anyone can use a ladder to get over the wall, or dig underneath the wall. Does this mean that there are Home Depots and Lowel’s spread across the southern boarder so that the illegals can go purchase a very tall ladder or a shovel?  On January 18th many illegals crossed into the U.S. via a tunnel.  So if we do put in a wall or a fence it needs to go down deep.  I have even seen, on the news, ramps made out of rocks (inside metal structures) on the Mexican side of the border.  These need to be destroyed.  Perhaps this is where the use of drones would be helpful, they could keep an eye out for anyone digging or climbing up onto a ladder! To be honest, some of the present fences that are put in place are useless when you see people are able to climb to the top of them on their own (without a ladder). If they can climb up they can climb down, so that should be looked into and taken care of. I think that if once we put up the steel fence (if that is now what we are the have) then we need to electrify it as well! Nobody has even mentioned running electrical current through the thing. Maybe that would cost too much money? Or maybe that would actually be immoral?  Maybe it would be moral if we put up danger signs along the fencing?

Walls do work in every country, so why would they not work for our country? Why are walls moral for other countries but not ours? Where is the logic in that, Nancy Pillowsea? It is just another weak excuse that the Left spews forth in order to make their propaganda go forth and try to brainwash everyone in America. They also say, “Nobody in our country even wants the wall!” This is an out and out lie and it is not a proven fact, because I (and I know of many other people) want the wall. Have they actually taken a poll about the wall? Or do they just call Democratic voters for their opinions and forget to ask Republicans and Independents?

I saw where a man who worked on the boarder for the Obama Administration on FOX News recently. He was fired by the Trump Administration, why I do not know, and perhaps he did not know either. But guess what? He is all for the wall! He says, “Trump is right.” Yet, will Nancy Pillowsea or Up-Chuck Shoemurr accept what this man says? NO! Why? Because, their mission, should they choose to accept it (which they have), is to obstruct President Trump as much as they possibly can so that socialistic communism can take over the United States of America. I do not want a Diversified States of America because it is the opposite of a United States of America, and the people of this country had better wake up and realize what is really going on, or they will loose their country.  Did you ever see the 1990’s TV show called Time Trax?  It took place in the future (not sure how far in the future it was supposed to take place) but guess what, the white people were the minority in America and guess what else, the white people were discriminated against!  If people keep coming up from communist run countries in Central America and South America to find work – guess what – our future will be like the TV show predicted!   Maybe the white donkeycrats should think about that?

Is it not also ironic how the politicians who happen to promote socialism are rich or going to become rich? Is it not also interesting how they are unwilling to give up their money (congress or senate paycheck) in order to help out their country? Yet they want the “tipsy-topsy” of rich Americans to pay 70% in taxes to the illegal and immoral department known as the Internal Revenue Service (a department put in place by socialists, yes, they go WAY BACK in our history). This would be done in order to pay off the massive deficit that socialist President Obama got us into, but even if 70% was given in taxes the stupid socialists voted into office would not use the tax money in order to pay off the deficit, no, they would use the money to fund their programs (Green programs and other stupid ideas.)  Don’t get me started on how many birds are killed by the wind farms.  Truth is, they don’t want to help this country out unless it is to help it go down the toilet. And for sure, they themselves are their number one care – they care about themselves, their paycheck, and that is about it. See, they are all in for socialism so long as they get their money out of big corporate businesses and the tax payers.  They are all in on socialism so long as they are on the top of the money collection and top of the food chain.

I.C.E. ARRESTS IN 2017-2018
4,000 homicides; 30,000 sex crimes; 100,000 assault crimes
2 years ago there were 235,000 law violations
I.C.E. Agents SAVED 900 children from human trafficking assault.  Yet the Left wants to get rid of I.C.E.

17,000 adults at the border with existing criminal records were arrested

There are 300 Americans killed every week from heroin.  Ninety percent of those deaths is caused by the drugs smuggled over the Southern Border and equals (in the worst year) the number of troops killed in the Vietnam War.  Over a ten year period it is three times hire than the number of troops killed in Vietnam.

The U.S.A. now averages 60,000 illegal and inadmissible a month on the Southern Border.  A record number of migrant families are streaming into this country overwhelming border agents and leaving holding cells dangerously over crowded with children.

One in three migrant women is sexually assaulted on the journey northward.  (I am not sure this fact is correct, it might be 4 out of 5.)  In December 2018 more than 20,000 minors were smuggled into the U.S.  According to there were more than 30,000 Special Interest Aliens – individuals with suspicious travel patterns who may pose a national security threat (like as in terrorism).

93% of Americans say that illegal immigration is a problem and 88% of Democrats agree (I suppose this means registered to vote Democrats, not the ones in office)

In the past fiscal year 396,579 people were caught crossing our border.  In October and November of 2018 – 102,000 people were caught.  The amount of children has skyrocketed.  Along the Rio Grande area the number has spiked to 27% since last year.  Jumping from 49,896 to 63,278.  In 2016 20,000 unaccompanied children were stopped at the Mexican Border.  This is an increase of 102% over the previous year (2015).

Did you hear what Nancy and Chuck (Chancy) said after President Trump’s Oval Office speech on January 8, 2019?  They called the President a liar, when they were the ones doing the fibbing.  They also did their best to make the President look like he was 100% incorrect in every measure.  Yet, Chancy refused to meet with Vice President Pence to try and get a compromise going, instead they sent their aids.  They really do not want to solve any problems they just want President Trump to fail.  Are they going to let their hatred take down this Country?  Nancy Pilosi’s name should be Nancy Pilono (because “si” is yes in Spanish and “no’ is no is Spanish).

My final word on the matter is seen below in my illustration (slogan for a bumper sticker?).