GIGOLO GANDER – September 2023


One of the Left’s strategies for the 2024 presidential election is to keep President Trumpet in court.

Three of the Trumpet prosecutors have all campaigned on getting President Trump and got elected anyway!

Operation Popeye was a weather project used in order to drown the Vietnamese during the Vietnam War, not the name of a spinach-canning factory.

During one year of the O’Bummer presidency three million illegal aliens were exported (by Federal Express).  “Let’s Do It Again!”

The USA looses $250 million per day because of Biden’s war on oil production.  He just made it impossible for Alaska to open up more oil production.  His retarded reason – it’s too dangerous to truck the products!  Hey, Biden, that’s why God invented pipelines!  Rumor has it that he also is against all Omega 3 oil, so he’s closed up all sardine and salmon canning facilities near Bearbanks, AK.

Nancy Pelono acts like and thinks that she is above the law.  Maybe she is when she flies on her broom?


            A crop circle from August 15, 2021, found in Westminster Cathedral, England, depicted a grey alien and a disk covered in binary code.  The message on the disk happens to read:  “Beware the bearers of false gifts and their broken promises.  Much pain but still time.  There is good out there.  We oppose deception.  Conduit closing.”

            Our experts, here at the Gander, deciphered the meaning as: “Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth, he might bite you nose off.  But there is still good in the universe.  We, the aliens, are against and fight against Joke Biden, his conduit flow of mental activity is closing.”


            Psychiatrist Dr. Jordan Almond Peterson (some times you feel like a nut), from Canada, has spoken out for years on topics of importance.  But the Leftists, especially the Primeribminister of Canada Unjust Prude-Dough, are forcing him to be re-programmed in the ways of Marxism.  I know, it sounds so 1984!  We wish the Doctor well, and he should take video cameras into these sessions and then broadcast them on public TV or make a documentary out of them – so that the world can see what evil is transpiring and perspiring.  Unjust Prude-Dough is the one who is a real NUT.

            If you want some good reading, then read Peterson’s book Twelve Rules For Life.


            The Last Politician, by Franklin Foer, is about the two and a half years that he got an inside view into the Biden Administrations’ White House activities.  The author is known as being on the Left side of politics, but what he has written exposes Biden’s weakness as a president.  He has reported that Joke Biden often complains about being tired.  Biden also got upset and said that they, those around him and those who are really running the show, treat him like he is a child. 

            My question is, because of his stark honesty in reporting the truth about Joke Biden, will the Left shun his book or will it be celebrated in order to help keep the old man from running for president again?

            Charlie Kirk, no relation to James T. Kirk, also has a new book out.  It is called The College Scam.  I fast-forwarded through the commercial advertising his book so I really do not know what his book is about, but I believe that it is probably an important book.  And perhaps the title speaks for itself?  It is easy enough to say it, so I am going to say it, that the people behind the college scam are really the college scum!

            THE DUMMYCRAT PARTY HATES AMERICA, by Mark R. Colors Levin, is all about the Dummycrat Party and how they love destruction of prosperity and growth.  They want equity over equality.  They love single women with children, children with no parents, and children with children.  They are behind two systems of justice, “There is one set of laws for us where we, the Dummies, can get by with every crime and break every law in the books (and even the laws we’ve broken exposed in Levin’s book), and a different book for the conservatives, if they break the law we will throw the book at you and afterward put you in a very damp and dark prison for the rest of your lives.”  Boy, that was a run on sentence!


BURNING MAN – by Shadrach, Meshach, and Tobed Wego

            Many cars, trucks, and campers were held up on a two-lane desert road by eco protesters.  These protesters wanted to keep the travelers from getting to the Burning Man event, whatever that may be.  The protesters wanted to tick off the people that they were holding up (fortunately, nobody was robbed of anything but their time and gasoline).  The protester nut bags placed a metal-framed trailer across the road so that nobody could pass (unless they drove off the road and onto the dirt, which nobody seemed to do).  Finally, a Nevada Ranger, we heard he was from the Reservation, came along and he used his pickup truck to run into and move the trailer.  Then he began to arrest the protesters.  They were not happy and now this Lone Ranger, not named Tonto, is under a review because the protesters are big babies and they complained about how they were mistreated by the Lone Ranger (not named Bass Reeves either).

            I’m sorry, these protesters deserved to be treated like lawbreakers.  It is against the law to hold up traffic and it is time that these dirt bag ecology protesters need to learn that they cannot get away with these stupid illegal deeds!  They deserve what they get.

            One protesting lady sat on the side of the road being recorded by one of her friends.  She pretended to be upset that the Lone Ranger was treating them unkindly.  She bleated, “But we’re protesters!”  Then she pretended like she was crying and looked into the phone’s camera.  When she saw the phone being held on her she came off being insincere and PHONE-EE!  We need to find out who was funding their little protest.  Was it George Sorass?*

            When they back up traffic like they did, they are causing more fuel to be burned and more carbon emissions to take place.  These protesters are so stupid!

*Note – A Sharp – George Sorass is funding loads of moo-la to immature brats, where they go on TIC-TAC and do speeches using false propaganda (to lie) in order to fool people into voting for Dummycrats in 2024.

BURNING MAN – by Holy Prophet Batman!

            The protesters who blocked traffic on the roadway were sent there on porpoise to help protect the participants.  They were only trying to keep them all from becoming devil worshippers – where people dare to burn down a Burning Man every year!  This unhallowed event was a literal WASH OUT, as the rain came down on all those who were present. 

            These stick-in-the muds all got stuck in the mud!  Would they all not have been much happier if they had just turned around on the road that the fine protesters had blocked, and gone home?  Then none of them would have been caught in the rain and mud and all would be well.

            Those protesters were there to keep all those people safe but the police just allowed them to proceed on their merry way so that they could be caught in bad weather due to climate change (even if the government is really responsible for massive rain storms and such because they seed the clouds with silver iodine crystals and use ray guns on the clouds).  The activist protesters were heroes and they should not go to jail or be punished!


Lying Cross Faced Chicken Wing 

Lying Sausage Faced Pizza Slice

Lying Pressed Faced Pancake Stack

Lying Cat Faced Kitty Litter Box


            Three weeks before the island of Maui, of Hawaii, caught on fire an “emergency proclamation” was passed by government officials.  This proclamation would allow certain peoples to grab land after a disaster took place.  A wild fire would be a pretty big disaster!  Is it a coincidence that they happened to pass this law three weeks before all hell broke loose on the island – or was it them co-in-side-ing a planned burning of the island?

            Why is it that the politicians of the island all seemed to not do their jobs right?  Why is it that the electric company failed to take care of the non-natural grasses to the island near the power lines?  Why is it that one man in charge of water refused to give the fire fighters water for the fire?  Do they all think that they can blame the tragedy on climate change and get by with it? 

            Something smells rotten on Maui, and it’s not the charred pineapples.  (By the way, contrary to its misleading name, this fruit is not grown on pine trees; it grows on the ground in pineapple fields.)

            Further more, why is it that FIMA people were staying at motels (that cost hundreds of dollars per night, per room, even if they got a government discount)?  And why is it that FIMA people are being forced to attend equity-training courses instead of taking care of the tragedy?

            We are also going to need FIMA in the southern states after Hurricane Iowealotamoney hit land.  Joke Biden did go south to visit Florida people, but he has yet to go to Ohio after the train wreck, he still has not visited that town.  It’s probably because he is afraid of being poisoned by the chemicals in the air and water.

            Maui held a meeting that Governor Josh Go-Green attended.  He is the politician having everything to do with the “emergency proclamation.”  Yet he left before the citizens of the island could get up to ask him question about the disaster and about his “land grab” – because he does not want to answer their questions.

            After the governor’s quick disappearing trick, former UFC Champion, P. J. Top got up to speak.  Hawaii has a new slogan thanks to him, “Aloha is the law.”


            It seems as if the Leftist politicians that get booted out of office and various jobs seem to get choice professorships and professorboats at American Universities.  This year Hilariously Rotten Clinton was given a teaching job at Columbia You.  Harvard has offered New Yorkso City’s former mayor, “Lurch” DeBlahblahblahseo, a job; they have also provided one of ZNN’s ex-journalists (no affiliation to FNN) a job as well; he is best known as the Pillsbury Doughboy, but his real name is Brian Seltzer.  And now, a Chicago university, Whatsamatta U., has offered Lori Lighthead, Chicago’s last mayor, an instructor position.  Will she teach political classes or will she teach how to do TIC-TAC videos?


            As much vacation time doled out to the two top people in this country – one has to be asking, “Who is running the country?”

            It turns out that Joke Biden actually worked harder than his V.P. in August.  He only had twenty-three days off while Khameleon Harris had twenty-seven days off.  I guess that is not too bad if that is the only vacation time Harris actually took off during 2023, but how do we know she did not take off more time than that?  The weird thing is that nobody noticed that she was gone.  Of course, Joke Biden seems to take off vacation time any time he feels like it.  And he feels like it most of the year.

            Just recently Joke was approached by some reporters and he gave the excuse that he was at this particular house (in Delawares, New Jerseys) because his other house (in Maryland, Delaware) was being updated for security reasons (to keep Hunted out?) – yet the lame reporters did not say to Joke Biden, “But, Sir, what about the White House?  You could stay there!”  I wonder what his reason for not staying at the White House is?  Maybe there is still too much snow there for him?  It’s only going to get worse, as the winter approaches!  Or maybe it will get better if Hunted actually does get indicted where he actually has to serve jail time?  A sad drug joke – “The fix is in.”

            What is sad about Joke’s comment is that he was actually joking when he claimed to be “homeless” – really?  What an insensitive twit he is.

            To be honest, I would rather that Biden and Harris be vacationing!  It would be better than to have them ruin our country even more than they have by doing stuff we do not need or want!  But, alas, he is still hard at work, hardly working, to ruin the United States of America!  He does not need to lift a finger, as the millions of people invading USA (pronounced OO-SAW) will ruin it fast enough, just ask New Yorkso’s mayor Erik Myeye Adam Shame.


            It turns out that during the first week of September Joke Biden skipped the summit with Nurdocrumbnesia.  He sent Khameleon Harris in his place. 

            The president of Nurdocrumbnesia was very disappointed that Joke Biden ignored the summit.  He said, “I know that our country is one of the worst countries in the world but we are not to be ignored or overlooked by the worst leader of the free world!  This may mean war, especially if Chinaware decides to invade our neighbors to the north of us, you know, Tuperware.  There will be a lot of burping taking place, and that stuff is noisy!  Plus, after it sits around for ten years or more it begins to get all sticky to the touch.”

            So, where was Joke Biden?  Well, his wife came down with coronavirust (again) so it could be he stayed home to nurse Dr. Jill.  On September 5th he went to give an award to an old military man, who justly deserved it.  Biden, who professes to wear a mask because of Jill’s condition, did not have his mask on when he breathed heavily down upon the man, while placing the award around his neck.  Then after Biden had finished his deed he just walked out of the ceremony, before it was finished, and was, again, mask-less while passing through the crowd.  Later on when the Binder (Kareme Abdule-Jabar Pierre) was asked where Biden went to, she covered for him (made a Pinocchio) by saying that he did not want to expose the crowd, if he were contagious, any more than necessary. 

A ZNN BARBER POLE – August 25-31, 2023 – consisting of 1,503 adulterers, affiliated with FLOWBE

58% of barbers know that Joke Biden’s policies make the economy worse (61% of these people now live from paycheck to paycheck and the average bear now owes $54,000 of debt)

58% of barbers have unfavorable opinions of Joke Biden (They just don’t like him personally nor do they like his barber.  They also think that Joke Biden is a bad person and not likeable.)

76% of the same barbers seriously are concerned that he cannot serve a full second term if he were to be re-elected  (Vin Jones, on a different rival news network – MTNBC, asked if we should give him another six years?  This just goes to show that Vin Jones cannot count, as there is only one full year left on Biden’s first term and a second term would mean just four years.  Aside from that there are only about four months left on this presidential year [have to go into January of 2024], and that would be a total of five years and four months.)

67% of Dummycrats think that somebody else, other than Joke Biden, should lead the party’s ticket  (But when it comes down to actually voting in 2024 these same dull 67% will actually vote for Joke Biden, so the joke is on WE THE PEOPLE!!!)

61% of the barbers now KNOW Joke Biden was involved in Hunted’s business dealings abroad, as well as with de escort broads, while Joke was VP and that he broke the law


            This week New Yorkso’s Mayor, Erik MyEye Adam Shame, was complaining about his migrant infestation to some group in a school gymnasium.  He was quick to blame Republican Governor Hey Abbott from Textus, but not so willing to yell at his Commander and Chef, Joke Biden.  During the last year more than 100,000 migrants have been placed in New Yorkso, yet, Abbott sent only 13,100 of those migrants to New Yorkso via bus!  How did the rest of the migrants get to New Yorkso?  No, they did not hoof it there by them wittle wonesome selves; Joke Biden sent them on airplanes via the darkness of night! 

            This makes me think of a line from Butterflies Are Ambidextrous:  “There are none so blind as those who will not see!”  But the real truth is that:  “There are none so dumb as those who will not speak out against Joke Biden and his destructive policies!”

            These Dummycratic politicians are not just dumb, they are STUPID; they claim they have no way to solve their illegal migrant problems.  Here’s how you to it, so pay attention!  First off, you photograph and fingerprint everybody coming into your city, you put that with the name they give you, even if it is not their real name.  You find out what their country of origin is.  Then you put this information into a database.  You group all the people from the same countries together and keep them together, then place them on a bus that goes straight to the airport, and you put them on a fast plane to their home city.  But before they leave on the plane this is the message you give to each and every one of them:

We now have your mugshots and fingerprints so we know who you are and you are now registered in our “illegal” system.  We are going to send you home because you crossed into our country illegally.  If you dare to come back across the border we will run you through our system or if you prefer we can run you through with a foil.  When we find you we will not allow you re-entry into our country.  Hear those beautiful words – OUR COUNTRY, for this is OUR COUNTRY it is not your country and it will never be your country.  IF you do comeback and somehow get back into OUR COUNTRY we will put you on a flight that goes over YOUR COUNTRY and we will throw you out of the plane over YOUR SAID COUNTRY and we will not provide you with a parachute!

            It is time that USA begins to play hardball with all those people taking advantage of us!  Sure, it will cost a lot of money to fly all those airplanes back and forth, but in the long run it will be a whole lot less money than giving the illegals free healthcare, free room and board, free food, free this and free that (this is not the meaning of having a FREE country)!  Think about it Mayors of BLUE cities and Blue States; stop being patsies for Joke Biden and his communist comrades!

            There is also a way to give the Venezuelans, that Joke Biden has given work visas to, good city jobs.  Most of them may need training, especially the ones we train to be police officers in those sanctuary cities.  For example:  San Flancisco is asking Textus for police recruitments, what better choice than to take new immigrants and train them to be policemen so that they can govern The Streets of San Flancisco

            Another way we can legally put these people, with work visas, to work is to appoint them as city maintenance crews.  They can go into the inner cities and clean up all the human excrement, hypodermic needles, and trash or garbage, etc.  Oddly, they may decide to return back to their home country, after all, who wants to pick up after homeless Americans?


            A Transsexual Mann was bragging on TIC-TAC that he plans on transforming into a woman by getting a real woman’s healthy uterus and having that transplanted into his body.  Then he plans on having free sex (again, not what it means to have a FREE country) with other men until he gets pregnant.  Then once he gets pregnant he is going to go have an abortion.  This man should be put into a mental institute and a straight jacket!  He seems to have a sexual fetish to murder infants.  And what ever you do, do not ever allow him, as a man, to have sex with a real woman and get her pregnant!  Because, he really does not want to be a father anymore than he wants to be a mother – but he actually is a bad MOTHER-SUCKER!!!

Did you hear about the turtle that went crazy?  No, he did not want to transplant a female turtle’s uterus into his body, have free sex, get pregnant and then get an abortion; he was much more sane than that!  But, the turtle did have to be put into a padded shell!


            It turns out that another group of people receptive of George Sorass funds happen to be public school principals.  Oklahomo’s West Heights Elementary School hired Miss Shant’tell E. Lace, a drag queen, as their new principal (We do not need that kind of prince or pal in our schools, thank you!).  He also hired another drag queen, a friend of his, to hold another position in the school (hopefully it’s not a sexual position).  But the State Superintendent, Ryan Walters (no relation to Baba) has plans to fire Miss Lace, and hopefully he will also fire the friend Shant’tell hired.


            During a committee meeting in the Senate, one fine day in September, Senator John Kennedy read from a book that is available in many public school libraries.  He read the homosexual words to the room.  The people who were there for questioning sat in the front row.  One of the women had a big smile on her face as Kennedy read the porn, like it was some sort of big joke, or perhaps she was getting off on it!  Someone in the chamber was shocked that he was reading those horrible excerpts from the book – how dare he?  Yet, it is what these people, who were all sitting in the front row for questioning, want the small children of USA to read!

            Many parents and adults may wonder why pornographic books have been placed in elementary and middle school libraries without majority parental consent.[1]  These books contain words that cannot be said or read on TV without having them be bleeped or censored yet they are placed in elementary schools so that the children can have access to them and read them.  These nasty books are placed into the libraries under the pretence that they are LRGOUQT literature and we must not be bigots where this miniscule percentage of people are concerned!  What these books really are is part of the plan, under Marxism or communism, to program children to become immoral so that they are spoiled and no longer pure, and that they have a harder time relating to each other, to their family, and most importantly to God.  Marxism is worship of the devil, you may not believe me on this, but it is so.  Carl Marx worshiped the devil.

            These are the same people in love with Drag Queen Story Hour and think it is okay to cross dress and be the principal at the same time.

            The real goal of the “educating programmers” of our younglings is to morally degrade them.  The communists want to turn the children away from God and goodness and turn them to the dark side, where Darth Sidious lives!


            It was back in the 1970’s when my partner and I first met up with Father David Ignatius.  He was in charge of a halfway house of ill repute.  After Hutch and I exposed him in all his evil dirty underwear he was forced to serve time in the big house.  After serving his time he was hired at the Washingten Poles as a journalist.

            After becoming a journalist, Father Ignatius began doing the SEE EYE A’s bidding.  Perhaps the non-intelligence office had something hanging over Ignatius’s neck – like a garlic necklace?  It could be that he is afraid of vampires, who knows?  Ignatius would report whatever the SEE EYE A asked him to report on, weather it was wet, dry or hot. 

            What is the law that Father David Ignatius has laid down?  He has put forth the edict that Joke Biden and K. Harris are not to go on serving the country as they have been pretending to do since February 20, 2021.  They are not to run and hide again; they are to let someone else take over for them.

            Time will tell if the rest of the State Media will follow Ignatius’s lead or not.  Some have and some have not been doing the goose step.  Time will also tell if the DNC will find a replacement for the old coot or not.

            One reason why the contract for a hit has been put forth by his unholy-ness is that the Repubs set up the impeachment inquiry.  I would be worried too since the Spanish Inquisition has been called in to participate in the investigation.  After all, “Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition to go easy on Joke Biden!”  Nor should they! 


            ATTENTION USA CITIZENS!!!  While you are busy working and trying to make money for your loved ones and yourself, and taking care of your daily chores the man in charge of your country, Joke Raisonette Biden, is allowing everybody from any country to come over our southern border no matter what excuse they have.  My friends, not everyone coming is crossing the border because they need sanctuary!  THEY ARE LIARS, because they do what Joke Biden does – LIE!  Many come in and go to the border patrol but others sneak in and are in this country and we do not know who they are, where they went, and most importantly, how dangerous they are!  And whoever voted for this man in 2020 is to blame as much as the man himself.

            Thousands of people are coming into USA every day now; it is nonstop.  And down near the Panama Canal are thousands more just waiting to cross over the Darien Gap and come up into Mexico and then USA.  I am telling you – it is not a pretty picture.  And many people have flown there via airplanes from China, Africa and many other places around the world.  They are not just from South America!

            If the people keep streaming in we will no longer have a country, but that is what the insane Leftists (communist pigs) want!  They are also doing actual land grabs.  They are going to take away the farmer’s lands, so who will grow food for us?  They are turning everything they can into a national monument so that companies cannot drill for natural resources.  They are buying up property, like in Maui, that has been burned up!  They are buying houses up too, so that all you can do is rent them out (if you are lucky).  So, where are all the people going to live that they are allowing entrance?  Who knows, I do not think they even care about us (or U.S.).  Why should we matter to them?  To them we are just puppets. 

            The only thing I can think that will solve both problems is to vote a Republican in 2024 so that he or she can begin to undo all the nasty, terrible things that Joke Biden has done since January 20, 2021!  But it is not enough, we must vote out all Dummycrats across the nation – in local counties, states, and yes – in Congress and Senate.  And Mitchum Deodorant McConnell must also be given the boot, no matter what color it may be.

            Another simple thing we could do to help save our country is to have the National Guard, with actual guns and standing on our side of the border, halt the incoming traffic.  And telling them, “Halt, or we’ll shoot.”  If they do not stop then shoot over their heads, they may get the picture.  If they still insist on coming then aim for a leg or two!

            I am questioning Congress too!  Why are they allowing our country to be invaded?  Why don’t they ALL go yell at Joke Biden himself and tell him he better close the border?  Why not grab him and fly him down to the border so that he can see what is really going on (yeah, I know, he really knows what is going on, he has to, unless people around him do not let him watch LOX News)?  Why, are they all chickens?   Or why don’t they ACTUALLY impeach Biden for endangering our country – THE PROOF IS OUT THERE!  All they seem to do is “talk”.  Talk with no action does not get any of us anywhere!  It just allows our country to go down the tubes.

            We also need to shove all their GREEN Agendas up their tight green butts!


            After the Republican Elephants opened up the Joke Raisonette Biden impeachment inquiry Broke O’Bummer has drawn lots of pictures.  He’s almost as good as Hunted Biden!  But to be serious, which I hardly am, O’Bummer brought his old pals and buddies, Bell Klapper and Lesko Brandon, out of retirement from their old deep state positions. 

            The two men are now going back to the State News companies; you know the ones – ZNN and MTNBC.  It is while on the air, and what other drugs they are taking, that they will tell wild and crazy stories about President Donald Trumpet and any other Republicans they can name – in order to try and make Joke Biden look good in the eyes of the country for the 2024 election.

            It is a tough, and some might say “impossible” job to do, but someone loyal to the communist regime has got to do it!  You may be aware of some of Klapper and Brandon’s big hits – The Steel Dossier Is Real, Trumpet Committed a Quid-Pro-Quo, Trumpet’s Imperfect Youk-rangian Phone Call, The Hunted Biden Laptop is Russian Disinformation Letter (with the Norman Tabernacle Choir’s 57 deep dish state performers), Nobody Cheated in the 2020 Election, and Trumpet Organized January Six.

            It does not take much to speculate, but I’m going to do it, that Klapper and Brandon will be feeding the mainstream commie press lies about President Trumpet’s upcoming trials.

            However, the un-dynamic duo will not mention the fact that the See Eye A let Chinaware interfere with the 2020 election, way more than any Russian interference in the 2016 election that took place.  Nor will they mention that the FBI shut down a Biden campaign probe looking into a two million dollar mystery.  (It’s a mystery because I forgot what the two mill is about, sometimes I do not take very good notes!)


            It turns out that the police tried to pull over an A. I. taxicab.  I’m not sure how that went.  All I do know is that there was a big A. I. taxicab traffic jam.  Who is really behind the wheel of such vehicles and who gets the traffic ticket (or tickets)?  I am wondering, how does the driver of an A. I. vehicle know that the police are asking them to pull over?  This, of course, followed the A. I. traffic jam problem in San Flancisco earlier in the summer.  Perhaps the A. I. cars just like these types of jams because they are so delicious?


Recently in Berlin, Germany, 1,000 Germans got together and had their picture taken.  Many of them were wearing dog masks.  Perhaps they were all just a bunch of German Shepherds?

On 9/20/2023 over 10,000 illegal aliens entered Eagle Pass, Textus.

On September 23 four hundred seventy-two thousand Venezuelans crossed the southern border.  As recently reported Biden had 114 gates put into the border fence (that President Trumpet installed) for the antelopers.  And this month, of September 2023, he had Feds (probably ordered Border Patrol to do the evil deed) cut the raiser wire so that illegal aliens could sneak in.

After mayors of big sanctuarymuch cities, like Dummycrat Erik Myeye Adam Shame, complained about too many immigrants being sent into their cities, Biden wants to make a “remain in Textus” order for aliens.  Why not just make it “remain in Mexico”?  One thing that seems obvious, the one place that Biden hates more than USA is Textus!

Biden is going to make it okay for one half million Venezuelans to get work permits and keep them safe from deportation.  Can we try Joke Biden for high treason yet?

Joke Biden is not the president of the United States because he is not protecting the border.

RIDDLE ME THIS BATMAN!!! – by The Riddler

What do chubby pirates wear on their bellies?

They wear a Fatty AR-buckle.


            In August of 2023 there were 230,000 illegal aliens allowed, by Biden’s Department of Homeland Insecurity, to fly directly into 43 US cities. 

            Paul Bandana reports:  “The Biden administration has unleashed a new program to boost illegal immigration that allows immigrants to fly directly from their hometowns into a U.S. city of their choice.”  There is an app to make all of this possible.  Over 230,000 people have been processed since January of this year.

            In March, Maryann Martini, from New Yorkso’s fine paper reported:  “Drug cartels likely caused wild United States-Mexican bridge chaos to distract from their crimes.”  Yet, the same exact thing happened this month when many people entered Textus (averaging 10,000 per day). 

            Joke Biden does not care about the drugs or the human trafficking or who any illegal alien is, because, there are no background checks being made.  Terror cells have been allowed entrance.  Two children this week (one was a three year old boy) died on the other side of the southern border.[2]  Biden has blood on his hands and he cannot wash it off! 

            Bidden blames the Republicans for all these border problems because, he says, they shot down his policy on it (what he gave them in January 2021).  But he did not have to stop at one submission; he could have gone back to work (a thing he seems unfamiliar with) and resubmitted what he wanted to do.  Plus, he did not have to sign all of those Executive Orders that did away with Trumpet policies on January 20, 2021!  But he did not even try to return to Congress, because it is easier to blame the Republicans than to fix a problem he did not really want to fix (he just wanted to exasperate it and blame the Republicans for his dirty work).  If memory serves us all right – which it should – he had Senate and House control during his first two years – so what is he really saying?  It seems to me that it would be his own party that shot him in the foot.  Maybe this is why he falls down a lot?

ABBOTT TIME! – by N. Vasion

            Good news for those United States citizens living in Textus, their governor, Hey Abbott, finally declared an invasion.  What took him so long?  This may give him the power to actually do something that Biden’s administration cannot challenge him on or do anything about.  We can only hope, but I’m not going to hold my breath, because, I would probably turn blue!  And that’s the last thing I would ever want to do!

            In the mean time, Abbott needs to get on the ball doing something else.  Recently, nasty little boogers (who happen to be Dummycrats) made it impossible for the Textus Athorney General to investigate voter fraud.  The A. G. is trying to change this, but he doubts that he will be able to do so before the next election.  Hey Abbott, get on this and do something about it!  Whoever came up with this nasty little trick needs to be kicked out of their positions, maybe arrest them and put them in a dark and dingy jail cell somewhere.


            On September 15, 2023, while the United Nations was having a gig take place in New Yorkso City (no not their annual “hooker convention”) five minutes away Billiard Ball and Hilariously Rotten Clinton were having a donation get together.  They announced their program to rebuild Youkrang, the New Haiti, even though the war is far from over.  Perhaps the couple wishes to get a head start on the project, being that neither one of them is getting any younger.  They are calling their new project, “The Clinton Global Initiation Youkrang Action Network”.  The World Bank is in bed with them and some early investors include actor Matt Demon, Live Subscriber, the Ford Theatre Foundation, and Air Bud BNB.  Biden says that the United States is sending the World Bank $25 million.  So the World Bank will send this on to the Clintons and the Clintons will send the money to Youkrang.  Or will they?

            Joke Biden appointed Dummycrat mega donor to Youkrang for economic reconstruction.  Her name is Penny Pressedskirt.  She was the formal Secretary of Commerce under O’Bummer.  She is also a billionaire heiress of high-end hotels.  While she was the Commerce Secretary she traveled to Youkrang three times.  In fact, she hand delivered the taxpayer’s money to the country.  You know, the same money that Biden leveraged to get the prosecutor fired who was looking into the Barerissma oil company (the one that Hunted was working for at the time).  You know, when an actual Quid-Pro-Quo took place!


            For once Mexico is stopping aliens from coming into USA!  But it is no big deal as these two aliens are DEAD.  They’ve been dead for at least a thousand years.  They died in Peru but they are actual aliens from outer space.  They have been named Clairese and Marios Speed Wagon by Mexican scientists.  After x-raying the couple the scientists said that Clairese was pregnant when she died. 

            Both bodies are short, very short, even Greg Gutfelt is taller than they are.  They also have three fingers instead of five.  Their heads are big.  In fact, they look and resemble the alien known as E.T. from the movie E.T. that was produced and directed by Stephen Spilledburg.  Was he privy to information that the rest of us were not?

CLIMATE FARCE GOES ON – by Hottie Temperature

            In a recent speech that Joke Biden gave he actually said that a rise of 1.5 degrees over the next ten years is way more dangerous to the world than a nuclear war would be.  He’s so full of it (whatever “it” is, probably bologna)!  His statement makes it clear that he knows nothing about physical science, as a nuclear war would actually cause a nuclear winter where everything would freeze and die!  I guess he likes the cold better than the heat.

            There may actually be some hope for billionaire Build D. Gates!  This week he said that, “There’s a lot of climate exaggeration.”  Bloomburger and Prince William, two other prominent men who use male pronouns, have come forward in their opinions about the climate farce.

[1] We later heard, after writing this article, that some weirdo activist parents wanted these books in the school libraries.

[2] Three people died while trying to cross during a three-day period.