Idiotor: Gigolo Joe

Ass. Idiotor: Amanda Jean Turncoat

August of wind, 2023 Edition


R. U. Serious?

            Well, I began to watch the series LOST IN SPACE, that NUTFLEX has in their line up, and I liked it so I kept watching.  To my chagrin I should not have kept watching it.  I’m telling you that the scriptwriters were out on strike before the strike even began!  How could the characters of the show, supposed to be so smart, be so stupid?  They were stupid when it came to knowing that Dr. Smith, not really Dr. Smith at all, was a bad, a very bad, woman!  And then after they found out the truth it is like they neglected to warn everybody else about her not being Dr. Smith! 

            How could the pioneers (there were other people stranded on the planet besides the Robinson family and Dr. Smith) not have figured out that the perimeter fence was turned off (by Dr. Smith) when wild beasts showed up?  They did not even investigate the perimeter fence.  How could they not know that Dr. Smith was manipulating them?  Why would the Robinson parents, after telling the children to stay away form Dr. Smith (who was locked in a garage closet), not tell their children to stay away from Dr. Smith because of her forked tongue and how she manipulates everybody with her lies?  Why did they not tell their youngest son, Will, that Dr. Smith, not Dr. Smith at all, is a liar and not to be trusted because nothing she says is the truth.  Perhaps the robot, not Robbie the Robot, would have been important in getting this information across to Will had not Dr. Smith manipulated Will into destroying said robot?  But then the robot would have only said, “Danger, Will Robinson!”

            So, what is so stupid about all of it is that Dr. Smith knew that the planet everybody was stranded on was going to burn up, or something bad would happen to it because of some black hole thing.  But she did everything in her power to sabotage everything they did to get off the planet, except for Dr. Judy who caused them to loose most of the fuel in order to save a man’s life, and he wound up dead anyway.  So, why would she sabotage EVERYTHING?  Did she actually have a death wish for herself and everybody else on the horrible planet?  It just did not make any sense at all!

            So now that I completed season one, I will not be watching any more.  I will just assume that it was only a one-season series and that everybody on the planet died because the scriptwriters wanted it that way and they are big fat jerks!

COCAINE SHARKS – by Hammer Head

            Dope smugglers, traveling in planes, have dumped their cargo’s of dope rather than get caught by the authorities.  They’ve thrown their stash out of the plane while over the Atlantic Ocean near the coast of Florida.  And it turns out that sharks are ripping into the packages and getting stoned on the drugs.  They begin to act weird, and this may account for more recent shark attacks on people.

            However, you may ask, if sharks are snorting coke, then what about the other sea creatures in the area?  Are the drugs affecting them too?  And what happens to the animals when they need a fix and can’t get one?

            A group of scientists are experimenting on these sharks, placing fish powder in packages and placing them on the bottom of the ocean floor.  This makes me wonder what fish powder even is, and I bet the sharks are very disappointed when they find out that the packages do not contain cocaine.  They probably go into wild frenzies. 


            “I’ll tell you why I could never be a lawyer.  It’s because I could never pass the bar.” – Dean Martin

            “I went to the cheapest school in the world.  They taught Drivers Ed and Sex Ed in the same car.” – Richard Cunningham

            “Lecturing us [WE THE PEOPLE] over white privilege is like having Alec Baldwin lecturing someone on gun safety.” – Senator John Kennedy


            When a conspiracy theory is no longer a theory it becomes a conspiracy.

            When Joe Biden take spin class during Lake Tahoe vacation he is not on stationary bicycle, he is taking “Spinning Stories” refresher’s course.  (Not that he need practice.)

AMISH MUSH STORY – by Count Chocula

            The FDA has been hiding its ongoing health study of the Amish people because they do not want the truth to come out.  What is the truth?  Well, it turns out that thanks to their diet the Amish people are way healthier than regular Americans.  The Amish do their own farming and raise their own vegetables; they do not eat processed foods.  One Amish man walks a mile everyday because he does not have a camel.

            Now John Kerry-Heinz, and family, wants our school children to eat processed foods for lunch.  The KRAFTY LUNCHABLES, now with fresh fruit (grapes, pineapple chunks, apple slices, and oh my Darling Clementine slices,) in every package of fake meat, fake cheese, and crackers, are now available in the lunch line, along with Mike Obummer’s fruit juice (not juice at all).


            On August 8, 2023, Joke Biden turned the Grand Canyon into a national monument on porpoise.  His reason being that once it is a national monument there can be no more mining in the area, not even for uranium, which we really need for power plants, nuclear powered submarine sandwiches, low emission electricity, and medical radioactive treatments.  We have very low uranium stockpiles.  We import most of the uranium, 95%, from other countries like Kazakysacky (21,227 metric tons), Russia here and there (2,408) Canada Dry (1,351), Australia (4,687), Uzbekistan (3,300), India (600) and others (483).

            The company ROSATOM’s (which sounds like an antacid but isn’t) has been gobbling up Ukerangian’s nuclear plants.  They also took over Canada’s uranium company URAINONIAN who donated millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation when Hurricane Hilariously Rotten was Secretary of State for Obummer.

            While at the Grand Canyon Joke Biden had a softball interview with some woman from the Weather Channel (which is owned by a leftist loon).  The Weather Channel owner is more interested in climate change garbage than he is in uranium charged materials for the country.

FUDGING THE BORDER NUMBERS – by Cindy Addingmachine

            Once more the Biden Administration is fibbing to USA citizens when it comes to how many illegal aliens are coming across the southern border.  In fact, Bidden has been flying in some folk from countries like Venezuela, Cuba, Haiti, and Nicaragua (who are not being counted).  They have not been counting any of the people that have been using Bidden’s phone app either.  Talk about finding new ways of sweeping people under the rug.  Are you going to believe anything that comes out of that man’s mouth?  Bidden speaks with a forked tongue, pretty much like Dr. Smith does!

PSEU-PSEU-PSEUDONYM and BIG FANNIES – by S. N. E. Body Interested?

            It turns out that when Joke Biden was Vice President he was known under the pseudonym of Robert L. Peters.[1]  He used this fake name in order to try and keep his contacts and messages hidden, you know the illegal stuff, so that nobody would catch on that he was doing the illegal stuff (like RICO violations).  But why did he use the name Robert L. Peters?  Well, Robert is Joke’s middle name.  We are not sure why he used the middle initial of “L”, it probably stands for “Liar”.  “Peters” seems to be a wishful desire of his, as he is a Dick in many things that he does.  This email evidence of the use of this pseudonym happens to prove that Joke Biden commingled a lot of phone calls, e-mails, and business deals with foreigners.

            It also turns out that Joke Biden really has committed real RICO crimes.  This holds true to the old adage that the Dummycrats accuse their opponents (seen as enemies, even if they are handsome guys) of committing the crimes and actions that they actually are guilty of doing.  Is this not why, in August 2023, Joe Biden had Georgia Peaches’s Full-on County’s District Athorney Big Fat Fanny Willis bring up RICO charges on President Donald Trumpet?  We, here at the Gander, believe this is why she did so.  Also, it is a political game for her, because she is going to be running for office again. 

            Ms Big Butt Fanny Willis has a total of 19 people named in the indictment, with 41 felony counts and having it be 91 pages long.  One of the mentioned demanded a speedy trial, so he will be sentenced and tried alone.  Hopefully, this will cause Willis problems in the future.  Fanny’s list follows (many are lawyers):

TOP OF THE TICKET – President Donald John Trumpet

Rudolf “the Rednose Reindeer” Julianifries (the last good mayor that New York City has had in a very long time)

John Charles Eastman Kodak

Mark Tony Randal Meadows

John Cheerios

Jeffrey Clarkbar

Jeana Lynn Ellis Chile

Ray Stalling D. Karr, the Third

Robert David Chile (no relation to Jeana)

Michael A. Roman Centurion

David James Paul Schaffer

Sean Micro Treasure Steel

Stephen Clifford Red Dog

Harrison William Pressedcod Floyd

Trivial Pursuit Cuddies

Sidney Australia Powel

Kathleen Austin Lithiumbattery

Scott Grahamcracker Hall

Misty Hampton, a.k.a., Emily Misty Haze (for real)

            The thing is, none of these people broke a law, little loan the RICO law.  What is Willis’s big butt complaint about Trumpet and friends?  Well, it is that they complained about the 2020 presidential election, that things happened around the country that gave Joke Biden the win.  It is not illegal to ask questions about an election or try to get recounts; in fact, it is the right of the USA citizen and president to do so!  If it is now illegal then the following people should also be charged for the same crimes:

Kamala Hairyass

Hilariously Rotten Clinton

President Jimmy Peanut Carter

John Kerry-Heinz

Stay C. Abrams (who believes that she was voted in as president of the Federation in the Star Trek universe)

(and many journalists and some celebrities)

            During the time that Willis has been District of Athorney for Full-on County there have been 200 homicides and 250 rapes – yet getting President Trumpet in her cross hairs has been her top priority, in fact, it is what she advertised doing in order to get votes to get her job.  I have to wonder who backed her campaign?  Was it George Soreass?  And this year she is doing it again, in hopes that the people in her district will vote for her, as she has already announced her running for re-election.  (If this is so, then how could President Trumpet even get a fair trial, as the jury pool has been pooped in.)  The fix is in folks, as the judge assigned to this case use to have Big Fanny Willis as a boss!  As Bill and Ted would say, “The whole thing is BOGUS.”

            All I know is I keep hearing Gary Coleman asking, “What you talkin’ bout, Willis?”

            Another odd thing that happened on August 14, 2023 in regards to the Georgia Peaches indictment, is that it appeared early in the day on the Internet before the Grand Jury had even met to vote in order to reach a conclusion!  Willis’s people claimed it was a mistake and took it down, however, it was a perfect match to how the Grand Jury voted later on in the day.  How is this possible?  Was there a mind reading clerk who knew exactly what was going to be voted on by the Jury?  Or did this pre-indictment instruct the Grand Jury how to vote later on in the day?  All I can say is that something smells bad in Full-on County, Georgia Peaches, and it’s not rotten eggs.  Fanny is also bringing in evidence from six other states, even though she is in charge of only Full-on County in Georgia Peaches.  She is really a big fanny!  This is major over reach and it may be her downfall.  We can hope it is.

            President Trumpet and the others were ordered to report to the courthouse on August 25th, before high noon, one and a half days after the first Republican debate.  Fanny also wants a mugshot taken of Trumpet, so she can look at his face every time she takes a sip of coffee; she secretly is in love (fixated) with Donald.[2]

UPDATE:  On August 24, 2023, at 19:40 (that’s 7:40 p.m.) President Donald J. Trumpet reported to the jail and turned himself in.  They electronically fingerprinted him, which is nice, as you don’t get black ink all over your fingers.  They also took a mugshot of him.  He does not look very happy, in fact, he looks angry and perturbed.  One radio host said President Trumpet looked like he had a lot of testosterone and this scared and frightened the Left, as they are not use to seeing men with testosterone anymore.

            Yet President Trumpet has taken a cue from the Left – never let a good tragedy or disaster go to waste.  So he is marketing the “mugshot” and plastering it on T-shirts, coffee mugs and other items to make money to help defend him in court.  As Greg Gutfelt would say, “You go, Boy!”  Did Trumpet copyright his own mugshot?  Now that would be funny!

            Needless to say, but I am anyway, the Leftist loons are very unhappy about the mugshot’s backfire.

FAST X YOUR SEATBELT – Movie Review – by Gigolo Joe

            Just be sure that you want to spend time watching this flick, because it does not end, you will need to watch FAST X YOUR SEATBELT TOO

            Originally I know Jason Mommyoa from Starplate Atlantic Cod.  But then he moved on to the much bigger cinnamon roll known as the King of the Sea.  In this movie he plays an evil crazy dude.  His character is interesting, but I was tired of him by the end of the movie, and I’m not sure I want to see him in the second part – but I probably will see him and it eventually.

            Also, the main character is actor Van Diesel Fuel.  And then there is a cast of regulars (from previous F&F movies), even Clint Westwood’s son pops up.  The Rock of Gibraltar is only in the very end, after some credits have rolled, so he will probably be in the next installment.

            I figure that at the end of the movie Dom said, “Dam!”  And his son probably echoed his reaction.  Dom’s dead brother, played by John Seneca, probably said, “Heaven, not Hell, please!”

            Two of the characters were sent to a prison in Antarctica, but they escaped.  A nuclear submarine broke the ice, it reminded me of Starplate Special K:  Continuum.  Which made me wonder, how many times the submarine actually surfaced in order to get the shot just right?

            Well, I really do not want to spoil all the fun if you have not seen the movie yet.  But there is, like always, a lot of action, car stuff, and fighting.  I rate this movie:  X – for Elong Musket.


            Joke Biden has another way to spend taxpayer’s money.  He wants to build factories with giant filters, that suck air threw them, in order to clean the carbon from the air.  I have to ask if these filters are using seaweed?  If so, there is a congressman’s wife making big money from this deal!  And think of all the people that may starve when this big sushi item is no longer available to make rolls from because it is all being used for the giant suckers!

            The only problem, besides these filtering systems using every bit of green energy that has ever been created (including nuclear), is that eventually the filters need to be replaced.  So what happens to the used dirty filters?  The plan is to bury them in the ground, which will cause the ground around it to be polluted and the carbon could get into our water supply.  This sort of reminds me of what happened to the ground in season 2 of Stranger Things, in dealing with the “upside down” stuff – making rotten and fly infested pumpkins.  And who caused that problem?  The government did!  It certainly seems that the real problems behind climate change is that our government causes most of the problems, more than Mother Nature does!  Just ask the surviving people from Maui.

            It will cost around $1,000 just to collect one ton of carbon.  This means it will cost $100,000 just to collect (or suck up) 100 tons of carbon from the air.  But if Biden put his mouth around a giant straw, perhaps he could suck up the carbon air at a cheaper cost?

            For once, I find myself in agreement with the United Nations!  During a May 2023 meeting, a panel said that the filter idea, or the sucker factory, is technologically and economically unproven and it poses unknown environmental developments and that there could be social risks.  But the Joke Biden Administration wants to do it at all costs.  And it will cost us; it will cost us all!

            So who does Joke Biden think are the real suckers?  USA citizens.  After all, many citizens were suckered into voting for the man in 2020.  Will they allow themselves to remain being the same suckers?  Will they vote for the guy again in 2024, because, he has locked up and thrown away the key to the cell of his political opponent?  Some people say this type of political warfare only happens in banana republics, but a wise woman said that it actually happens in communist countries.  And she is right.  It is time that we stop saying that our country is being run like a banana republic when our leaders are really leading us with communism and running us into communism.

            Remember the fake uproar over Russian conspiracy between Trumpet and Puttinonizclothes?  It turns out that FBI agent McGonagall (no relation to Professor McGonagall) is the one who accused Trumpet of conspiracy with Russia when McGonagall was the one conspiring and using dis-information and handing it over to H. R. Clinton, or rather, perhaps, doing her bidding and then handing it over to her (even though it was all lies and fake information).


            Joke Biden recently was on stage somewhere talking to people who were actually listening to the dude.  I have to wonder if crowds like that really are listening to him or just pretending to listen to him?  What is going on in their minds if they are listening and thinking that what Biden says is remotely factual?

Lie #1 – Wages and salaries are rising for American workers

Lie #2 – Biden has created more jobs than any other modern president

Lie #3 – America is producing record amounts of oil and gas

Lie #4 – Biden reduced the budget deficit by $1.7 trillion

Lie #5 – Gas prices have fallen under Biden

            These lies only become true with the five following truths:

Truth #1 – Wages and salaries are rising for American workers slower than meal without leaven, slower than a sloth moving in a tree, slower than molasses pours out of a jar, well, you get the point.

Truth #2 – Biden has created more jobs than any other modern president, unfortunately those jobs are for arms dealers, the Mexican Cartels and Chinese chemical factories.

Truth #3 –America is not producing record amounts of oil and gas because of Biden; especially after his first day in the Oval Office, when he signed those executive orders.  Do any of the people, who were working on the pipeline, even have a job?

Truth #4 – Biden reduced the budget deficit by $1.7 trillion but simultaneously raised it over $4 trillion.

Truth #5 – Gas prices have fallen under Biden’s control, manipulation and power because of Truth #3.

            What does President Trumpet say to all of Biden’s false claims of economical success?  “We have the most corrupt and most incompetent president in U. S. history.”


            While at the Iowa Lottamoney State Fair a woman spoke to Vivek Ramaswamywamy about LRGBOUQT ideals.  He coined a new phrase during his conversation with the young woman.  He told her that he was against “tyranny of the minority” – in other words, he is against the LRGBOUQT society trying to use tyrannical methods against the majority of people in order to get their way, in order to get good, honest, hard working people fired from their jobs when they have done nothing wrong, about how they are trying to force little children to have sex changes when these children do not need sex changes.

            All kidding aside, on the sir name I gave Vivek, I really do like this man, and perhaps he would make a really good president?  He actually wants to put America first, while Joke Biden and the Dummycrats, as Mark Levine puts it, hate America.

            However, there are a lot of other good candidates running.  One of them is not Crisp Crispy.


            That’s right, Sam Bankman Fraud is no longer a free man, his bail was revoked because of his shenanigans that took place while he was on house arrest at his parent’s mansion.  He will have to remain in jail up until his trial and hopefully during his trial.

CAUSE AND EFFECT – by Skiff Finney

            Before the 2022 election the DOJ (short for Department of Jerks) was well aware of mysterious files taken from the White House and Senate skiffs by Joke Biden while he was a Senator and Vice President.  It was all kept hush-hush. 

            On August 8, 2022 the FBI raided Mara Large-O in order to recover files that President Trumpet had.  That same weekend Biden headed to South Carolina for a vacation, so that he would not have to make any comments about the raid. But what is of importance is that the people put in charge of Trumpet’s special council investigation were guests at the WH before the FBI raid took place – they were coordinating the raid with each other – the “Big Cheese Guy” as head honcho!

            Hunter Biden gets into some trouble with Congress’s Committee so Joke Biden has Trumpet arrested in NYC and indicted for a fake crime.  Then Joke goes to Rehoboth Beach (again, so he does not have to make any public comments).

            Devon Sagittarius Archer testifies to the same committee and his testimony proves that Joe Biden lied about not knowing about Hunted’s business deals, as Hunted made many phone calls to “Dad” while at dinner with his contacts and glasses of wine.  On August 1, 2023 Trumpet is indicted over January 6, 2021 by Jackass Smith.  That weekend Joke Biden goes to the beach again (again, no comments).

            Not long after, even though the fix is in, Athorney General Garlic Maryland assigns David Un Weise as special council head to investigate Hunted Biden, even though David Un Weise has already screwed up the job assigned to him by Athorney General Bill Bad Bar, when Trumpet was still president.  Get this, David Un Weise got his job by being nominated by two democrat politicians, yet the media complains that this lawyer is a Trumpet appointee without any mention of the two democrat politicians.  Too bad Trumpet let this one go through (Un Weise of Trumpet to do)!  David Un Weise LOVES to let the Statute of Limitations run out on Hunted Biden crimes.  Perhaps it is because he used to be friends to Hunted’s brother Beau Enarrow Biden (no wonder Devon Sagittarius Archer fit in well with this family)?


            When Joke Biden was Vice President he flew on AF-2, the VP plane, more than eight times, could be up to thirteen.  He did his little business trips so that he could do his pay-for-play schemes with the “Big Banana Guy”.  He went to Germancake (2/2013), Japananplate (12/2013), Chinaware (12/2013), South Korningware and the Filipines.  When he was in Seoul he announced the Hunted Biden Chow-down of the Word Food Program (a humanitarian cover story).  He also journeyed to Italy in April 2016, such countries as Serbia (5/2016), and Madrid.  In 2016 he went to Mexico City where he met up with the president, Carlos Slimy.

            Hunted has flown on AF-1 to Ireland (July 2023) and other places.  None of these “business meetings” created one job and the “talking weather” is an international falsehood.  Where did the Biden family get all their money from – that went through hell, I mean, shell companies, and then into various family bank accounts, also off-Paulie-Shore accounts?  What did the foreign buyers get in return? 

            Sixty percent of USA people believe that Hunted and Joke Biden have been in business together.  You forty percent need to wake up!


            Now that President Donald J. Trumpet has subpoena power on voting information and January 6, 2021 guess who has, illegally I add, begun to destroy documents?  That’s right – the January Six Committee has been deleting and loosing or shredding two years of investigation of thousands and thousands of government documents, transcriptions and hours and hours of deposition videos.  The law would have required the Committee to hand over whatever President Trumpet’s legal team requested.  But as of August 9, 2023 the January Six Committee has destroyed almost 50% of their evidence, missing 2.5 terabytes of data.  Records of Capital Hill Security failures, e-mails, videos of Trumpet’s cabinet dispositions, text messages are just gone!  Who knows what else they have destroyed.  This evidence was to be warehoused and archived.  What they did is a crime, a felony.  Whoever is responsible, needs to be charged with felonies!  They do not want the truth to come out at all.  What they have done is OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE and it proves that the January 6th Committee was a farce, they were nothing but a kangaroo court.

            To make things worse for Trumpet, Jackass Smith has broke into Trumpet’s Twit (now “X”) account on the sly (secretly).  Once more, the FIX IS IN!!!  In the court case, both the play-tent and the defend-tent are supposed to have copies of all information – going to individuals with subpoenas.  What the Congressional Committee has done is a crime!  Whoever is behind this must be punished.

            In the meantime nothing ever happens to dirty, crooked, old-man Joke Biden!  THE FIX IS IN!!!  Garlic Maryland appoints a dirty athorney as special council and just this week another Hunted Biden statute of limitations has expired (smelling rancid like old milk).  Then Jackass claims that President Trumpet is a flight risk, just because he has sprouted wings (he loves to drink Red Bull)!  In the mean time, the man appointed as special council to Biden’s stolen security files case is no where to be found, all we hear from him is crickets and grasshoppers.

            Everything that the LEFT is doing to Trumpet, the indictments and court cases, is election interference.  They are the ones committing the crimes they have accused President Trumpet of committing! What with all four cases against Trumpet – they will have him in court most of 2024 – this is why it is election interference!


            Right now, down in Florida, there is a contest or challenge.  Whoever locates and kills the largest python snake will win $10,000!  But be aware that these snakes are dangerous.  If they coil around your body they can strangle you to death after singing a lovely lullaby to you, “Trust in me!”  Those pythons must be Dummycrats!  HAH!!!

THE ANTI-LOPERS – by Joly Fence

            Joke Biden has done it again; he has made the border even more insecure.  What has he done this time?  He has had people weld open holes, calling them gates, in the border fence.  There are now 114 gates open so that antelopes can leave USA or return to USA with no problems.  Yet, the antelopes have turned out to be illegal people (non citizens of USA) crossing into our country.  So, Nancy Pilono, guess what?  Walls actually do work, for antelopes anyways, and until a bunch of gates are put into them.  Recently 42,000 illegal aliens have crossed into Aridzona through the open gates, there is little to no security at these gates (they are unmanned).  The truth is that the real antelopes don’t need to go to Mexico, only 200 miles of border wall exists, and the antelopes could easily run around the fence.

            Also, the fencing materials that Trumpet got to finish the fence that Biden canceled the first day in office, has been rusting away on rancher’s properties.  This fencing was bought and paid for by USA citizens (taxpayers).  What is Joke Biden doing now?  He is taking that fence material and selling it at auction for a real low price (compared to how much taxpayers paid for the steel)! No matter, Joke Biden is stealing our steel!

            Joke Biden is a CON ARTIST without any artistry involved.  He leaves the artistry up to his son, Hunted.


            Some jerk, that has dual citizenship with Australia and Canadada, decided to complain about Cindy SpaceX’s hiring decisions.  Did this man have citizenship with USA?  NO.  Did he have a green card, yellow card, or blue card in USA?  NO.  But he complained anyway – stating that Musket would not hire anyone but USA citizens to work at Cindy SpaceX.

            Because of this, and because Biden and the Left now hate Elong Musket (because he bought Twitchy and exposed their sins and crimes), they decided to go after the man and his company, even though USA law requires at least a green card to be hired at Cindy SpaceX, as rockets are considered advanced weapons technology.  So Musket is following the law, but the Left law-breakers decided to amend the law a couple months ago and now are going to punish Musket for following the law going back years because he did not have the foresight to see that they would modify the law in order to trap him!  Who is really breaking the law if this law was modified to allow non-citizens of USA to work at a rocket producing company?  I think you know who is breaking the law!  Also, wouldn’t this modification to a good and proper law allow Chineseware spies to work at the company?  Who is looking out for our better interests?  Not Biden, the same man who sold out to the Chineseware back in 2013.

SIDE NOTE – A Sharp:  Elong Musket has given up the name of Twitchy and re-branded the company as X.

ODE TO BOB BARKER – by Cheyenne Squaw

            Bob Barker was a game show host on Truth or Consequences and The Price is Just Right.  Bob also popped up on The Match Game (not a dating show) from time to time.  He left this sad world on August 26th just short of 100 years.  Bob happened to be an Indian, you know what we are now forced to call Native American.

            As a child I had a mild crush on Bob.  He was so cute!  Perhaps I thought so because I was always on the side of the Indians in the old Western movies?  My uncle, who is half Indian, used to say he was a Blackfoot Indian because he had a black foot.  But I am pretty sure he is not a Blackfoot, because I saw his bare feet and they were not black.  Anyway, I use to watch Bob (spelled backwards, Bob) on TV and enjoy his jokes and his cute face.

            As Bob’s old friend Johnny Olson might say from heaven (if he is in heaven, I do not know that Johnny Olson is still not alive, but if he were in heaven, Johnny would most definitely say), “Bob Barker, COME ON UP!!!”

[1] It turns out that Joke has at least two other pseudonyms.  One of the pseudonyms happens to be Emperor Palpatine; the other is Lord Voldemort.  Just kidding!  His real pseudonyms are J. R. B. Ware (as in Beware) and Robin (as in thief) Ware.

[2] Is it not fortunate that Fanny Willis can get her coffee mug of Trumpet from Trumpet’s own line of products?


Idiotor in Chief:  Gigolo Joe                                                   Edition:  June Bug 2021

Ass Idiotor:  Amanda Jean Turncoat

Library Features

Harry Pothead and the Sorcerer’s Stoned

Harry Pothead and the Secreted Chamber

Harry Pothead and the Prisoner of Askifyoucan

Harry Pothead and the Grail of Crystal Meth

Harry Pothead and the Odor of the Phoenix

Harry Pothead and the Blood Stoned Prince

Harry Pothead and the Hallowed Be Thy Name

Taco Bell Again? – By Miguel Burrito

            People continue to pour across the southern border of the U.S.A.  Recently digital pictures were taken of a very young boy just abandoned.  He was yelling at those who left him, “Alto!  No mas leaving me here by my own self!  Venga aqui!  Venga aqui!  Alto!!!”  Maybe they thought he was calling for a taxi when he said alto?

            So far Joe Biden has ignored the situation, his Secretary of State (who is out-of-state mentally) keeps telling everybody, “The southern border is closed.”  But the illegal aliens keep coming over the border.  Camel D. Harris is supposed to fly down to Mexico and Guacamole this month to try and to her ironing out of the situation.  I doubt that she will use much steam to get out any wrinkles that there will be between her and the heads of Mexico and Guacamole.  I have heard, through the grapevine, that she plans on eating the local cuisine. 

Camel’s Trip to Guacamole – By Sanchez Tamale

            Well, Miguel, I believe you were correct! Camel D. Harris went on a trip to the country of Guacamole (spelled to tell you what I want for lunch) and then went to Mehico (spelled as it sounds not as it is actually spelled).  She was there to bribe the foreigners, with billions of taxpayer’s money, in order to try and make them happy.  She claimed that it was our effort to understand what the problem at the border is.  Yet, it makes more since that she would go directly to the border to ask the people crossing the actual border why they wanted to come to America? 

            What was highlarious about her visit to Guacamole is that they had a protest about her being there.  They had signs telling her to go home!  But the best sign, or banner, of all was the one that told the truth about the 2020 election.  This sign read:  KAMALA, TRUMP WON!!!  One sign told her to mind her own business.

            When asked by several different reporters when she was going to go to the border, she responded weirdly.  “I thought that bookstore went out of business years ago!  Ha, ha!”

            “No,” the reporter responded, “I mean the southern border of the U.S.A.  When are you going?”

            “Oh, I’ve already gone.  We’ve already gone.”  (I want to know who “we” is?)

            Then the weirdest thing she said after that is, “I haven’t been to Europe.”

            Really, Camel D. Harris?  Does Europe have a border we are concerned with?  What do you mean you do not get the point of the reporter’s question?

            If she does go to the border it will not be until after Joe Blunder Biden gets back from his European Vacation.  (Call Chevy Chase!) 

Packard Swallowed Up Whole – by Bell Packard Sardines

            Recently a man, named Michael Packard, was out off the coat of Maine, in the sea collecting the ocean’s bugs, lobsters (the creatures that people love to chow down on and even make chow out of), when a humpbacked whale came by and swallowed him up!  I guess that the whale did not really like the way he tasted, because after thirty to forty seconds it spit Packard out.

            Packard reported that it was very dark inside and at first he thought that a shark had swallowed him, but there were no teeth.  It was then that he figured that a whale took him in.  But now people are thinking he is just telling one whale of a tale, they think it is all fake news.  I cannot say one way or the other if it is true; personally, I think it is possible that it did happen.  To be honest I do not think the whale actually swallowed him, but just held him in his mouth, found him distasteful and spit him out!  It is also recorded fact that whale hunters have been swallowed by whales and survived.  And it ticks me off that the news people keep talking about Jonah and the whale!  The BIBLE never said it is a whale that swallowed Jonah up!  It only says that it was a big fish.  And all good marine biologists know that a whale is not a fish!  So Jonah’s big fish could have been a whale shark, did anybody ever think of that?  It also seems more likely that a man could survive in the mouth of a whale for less than a minute over a man surviving in the belly of a big fish for three days (thinking about those gastric juices).  Of course, the three days is just a symbol for Jesus’ Christ’s upcoming three days in a tomb.

Doctor Faust Is Nothing But A Liar! – By Doctor Leonard McCoy (who lives by the code of “I’m a doctor, not a liar!”)

            Evil Doctor Faust has been caught in lie after lie after his e-mails were released (even if some of them were heavily redacted).  But one of his biggest lies has to do with the fact that he denied that covid 19 came from a laboratory leak.  Look, it does not matter that they needed to call in a plumber, but just fess up to the leak, China!

            One published paper stated that no animals show signs that they were the originators of covid 19.  It also reported that people did not previously have the virus before November 2019.  There is proof found in covid 19’s own genome, its double CGG (which is not a secret MI-6 spy) sequence suggests it came from a lab because it is found in gain-of-function research.  So that covid 19 bug (ugly little creature) was created in a lab because it looks more like a vaccine in its genetic purity (Is it a virgin?).  The DNA sequence found in the coronavirus has never been found in nature.  One actual real scientist (not Faust) said, “At the minimum, this fact…implies that the leading theory for the origin of the coronavirus must be laboratory escape.” 

            But Faust thinks he is an All-Mighty something (a devil?) as he says that those who attack Faust (speaking of himself) are attacking science.  Like he is science, PLEASE!  He is a butcher – 21st century medicine is horrible compared to medicine in the 23rd  century (where I come from, I think, because I lived to be over 100 years old, so I could technically be from both centuries).  Are there any Trekers out there who can help me with this?

Jessie Watter’s Cancel Culture Remedy – by Emma Not Woke (And proud of it!)

            If you are in danger of being canceled because you have been accused of doing something that happened in your life at some point and time, and they are trying to force you into apologizing for what you did or what you said, Jessie Watters has five questions that you need to ask yourself first.

1)  Was anyone actually hurt by what you did?

2)  Was anyone actually traumatized by what you did?

3)  Are there tens of millions of people upset about what you did?

4)  Will your apology cause more negative effect than the original story?

5)  Are you actually sorry or just apologizing to appease the PR department or the mob?

            So, if you answer in this fashion:  “No.  No.  No.  No.  No.” …then you do not owe anyone or anybody an apology, so don’t do it!  Stand firm and strong and keep your mouth shut (as far as giving an apology goes).

Waiting For My Package –by C. Box

            I’ve been expecting a package to be delivered by the Federal Espresso (which is not very express at all) for days now.  They seem to be as slow as Snow Biden.  Anyway, the package is supposed to come today (It did!). 

            The package actually got to my state within a couple of days, but it has sat in my local delivery office for two days before being shipped out to me today.  What is weird is that they delivered it first to a city that is to the south of where I live.  Then when they finally did transport it they bypassed my area and went north to the city where I use to live.  Then it was shipped out from there to come to my house.  It just seems to me that they are not very efficient in their delivery service when they go way out of their way to get it to me.  What a waste of gas!  And speaking of gas!….

You’re Nothing But a Gas Light! – by Carbon Mona-Side

            The Dummycrats are nothing but liars, over and over and over they gaslight every situation that they can.  From the false lies about President Trump (tons of gas there) to their latest – “Trump’s DOJ had questionable investigations into two congressmen, Adam Schifty (and maybe Eric Swelledhead?)!”  Why how dare they?  

            Have they forgotten that Adam Schifty is a big fat liar?  Have they forgotten that he told the whistle blower who to report to in order to do his whistle blowing?  Have they forgotten all the leaks he is responsible for?  If Schifty were a water pipe the Capitol would have been under water by 2018, maybe sooner!  Then maybe the January 6, 2021 (really mostly peaceful) protest would not have taken place?  If Swelledhead is the other person maybe he deserves to be investigated, after all, for years he was sleeping with a Chinese spy, one with Fangs!  (Her name is Fang Fang.)

            But, no, they will gaslight the whole thing and pretend like Jeffrey In Sessions and William Hershey Barr are the ones who broke the law.  I just have one question for everybody – WHERE IS THE D. REPORT AT?  YOU KNOW, THE ONE WE WERE PROMISED IN 2020; the same report that should have come out before the November election?  Yet, they think Bill Power Barr is against them?  Bill Iron Barr betrayed President Trump and his Trumpets not the Dummycrats!

Today’s Zodiac – by Astral Projection

            If you were born in this month (and near the end of May) you are a Gemini, unless you are born towards the end of the month then you are a Cancer (wouldn’t want to be a Crab!).  You may be wondering, if you are a Gemini, where your better half (twin) is?  Where have they been at your whole life?  And are they your actual “better half” or do you have to get married for that person to be in your life?  Yes, I have a lot of questions and I have NO answers what so ever!

            Gemini is an air sign, so most of them are democrats, gas lighters!  Ha!  I know that is not true, but it is right in line with the last article!  The Gem is also one of mentality and its keynote is equilibrium.  This may simply mean that you, as a Gemini, are mentally balanced and will not go crazy, unless you are with the radical Left!  Again, I kid!  Though the Twins suggest duality, they remain together.  This seems silly to say, because where is the other twin?  Is that other twin invisible?  Does this mean that you, the Gemini, are a material person and the twin is your actual spiritual being?  Let us get this clear!

            Aw, here is an explanation for you, that Gemini may represent your conscious and subconscious realm of thought, the positive and negative aspects of personality (who wants that?). 

            And now for your silly fortune:  You will find comfort and good advice when you go to your Chinese restaurant and selfishly eat everybody’s fortune cookies – they will give you more good advise compared to fortunes.  One has to wonder why they even call them fortune cookies at all!  After this, you will gain lots of weight because you pigged out on the fortune cookies, not to mention all the yummy food you ate there, but I am mentioning it.  But look at the good side of the Chinese fortune cookie fortune – you can perhaps win the lottery (with the sequence of numbers each fortune give you) or you may actually learn how to speak and write Chinese!  One must ask, or perhaps not, if this is not a trick by the communist Chinese government?  They are trying to teach us their language so that when they finally take over the world they can better communicate with their enemies!

            As a Gemini you get along great with Virgos, as far as the Virgos are concerned, but, deep down you really cannot stand to be around them.  You are just too nice of a twin to let them know that you do not like them!  You get alone way better with other Gemini folk – it’s that twin thing coming into play again.

Haunted Hunted Biden – by Emma Skew Lenity

            Somebody else’s e-mails are troublesome, besides Dr. Faust’s.  That’s right, it has recently come up that the not-so-much president’s son, Hunted Biden, e-mailed a white friend of his and called him the “N” word (more than one time too).  Yet, the Liberal Press (the communists) are not mentioning these e-mails at all.  The reason why they are not speaking up about it is that the e-mails were found on the laptop they claimed was all part of a Russian plot, or that it was just Russian propaganda.  Can anybody say, “Gas light?”

Animal Farm USA

By:  Kookie Roberts

            Right to the fact, the truth, Bernie Saunders (Mr. B. S.) is a communist.  He lies when he says he is a Democratic-Socialist.  There is no such thing as a Democratic –Socialist, because all socialists are for totalitarianism not democracy.  They use communistic and fascist methods.  Communism burns everything to the ground.  And B. S. wants to burn the U.S.A. down to the ground as well.  That is why he is BURN-ie.  (That’s a good burn to Burnie.)  Oh, he’s all in favor for American citizens needing to stand in line each day to get their one loaf of bread.  What he does not tell you is that you only get one loaf of bread and that one loaf of bread is available until they run out of loaves of bread.  Also, what Mr. B.S. does not tell you is how much that one loaf of bread will actually cost and that you have to stand in line to get that one loaf of bread for HOURS.  You see, if you are too busy standing in line you don’t have time to REVOLT against the government!  At least B. S. (who is full of b. s.) has been honest in saying openly that he is a socialist (which actually means that he is a communist).  Just how much is your one loaf of bread going to actually cost?  It will cost way more than a loaf of bread costs you today.
            Mr. B. S. wants to give you free college, free medical aid, free this, and free that.  And that is exactly why that one loaf of bread will cost as much as it will under socialistic government.  And why is he all for gun control and abolishing the Second Amendment?  Because if you have no guns you cannot fight back against the government when it does become communistic.  Do you see the people of Venezuela having any guns to fight back against their dictator – El Presidente?  Nope!  Look at what has happened to New Zealand after the Christchurch shooting – they have taken away gun rights.  This is exactly what the shooter was ACTUALLY AIMING FOR.  He hit his mark.
            Look, the Democratic Party has been hiding their true colors for decades, over 100 years in fact.  They were all for slavery because they were the slavers, they were against President Lincoln freeing the slaves.  They were the Southern army.  They were and still are the K.K.K.  They adopted Adolf Hitler’s fascism after he died.  The American Democrats loved Adolph Hitler’s fascist government, why wouldn’t they?  After all, Hitler set up his fascist government to model the U. S. Democratic Party!  These Democrats adopted fascism but pretended that it was the Republicans who were fascists!  They still are pretending this today; that is why they say that President Donald Trump is a fascist!  I think it is their favorite lie about President Trump!
            After Mr. B. S. ran for President the Democrats openly began to use his methods of socialism (communism).  They no longer have to hide who they are.  They have been unmasked.  Now we have Alexandria Occasionally-Cortex (one nickname for her, and no, I did not make it up).  She is often called, for short, A. O. C. – but I call her O. C. A. – which stands for Only Communism Always.  She came up with the lame Green New Deal, which is full of communism.  I call it the New Communist Manifesto!  The Senate voted on it on March 26, 2019 – it failed to pass – but the Democrats said that this was just a Republican stunt, because the Green New Deal is not even a bill (not yet anyway).  But since it did not pass perhaps it means that there is still hope for our country?
            O. C. A. claims that the name ‘Green’ is supposed to mean it is for environmental purposes.  Yet, guess what?  Miss Donkey named it “Green” because it will take trillions of green backs (money) to pay for her “New Deal”!  I have heard that it is 97 trillion dollars.   Mr. B. S. says the ‘Green New Deal’ does not go far enough!  It is really an old deal that was used after the Bolshevik Revolutionary (a war against capitalism) in Russia – waged by Lenin and Trotsky, funded by International bankers.  Trotsky and Lenin did revolt against the Czar but after this overthrow took place Lenin and Trotsky got kicked out of Russia.  After this, Russia modeled its government after the capitalism found in the United States of America.  Eventually, the International (which means communist) bankers financed Trotsky and Lenin to return to Russia in order to destroy the newly capitalistic Russia and turn Russia toward communism!  The International bankers did not want Russia to be a capitalist country!  Unfortunately they got their way.
            Lenin and Trotsky hired thugs, like the ones you find in Black Lives Matter and Antifa.  These thugs did not protest, they rioted and probably looted.  They took over the recently based upon capitalism government and Bernie-ed it to the ground via communism.
            But the history teachers (who follow the ways of communism) don’t want the public to know the truth so they make up their ‘fake news”.  Their core belief is that if you tell a lie often enough it becomes truth.  But a lie is always a lie no matter how many people believe the lie to be true.  People have had the wool pulled over their eyes and have had their brains washed (manipulated).  This happens when the communists fib 24-7!  Especially when the people are indoctrinated in public schools and colleges.  In Animal Farm the pigs (communist pigs) took away the puppies from their dog parents and they brainwashed the pups against the parent dogs.  They trained the pups to become their soldiers and police dogs.  This is always what the communists and fascists try to do.  Elizabeth Boring wants to take your children and put them in pre-school.  She wants the Nanny State to exist as a real thing!  They claim it is all so that the parents can both work to help support their family.  But both parents should not have to work to support their family, there really needs to be only one breadwinner (as the term goes)!  If you are not going to have children in order to raise them on your own and love them, then what is the point of having children?  So, yeah, it is best if you stop having children (like O. C. A. has pointed out).
            Another trick these communists use is to accuse other people of doing the evil things that they themselves are doing!  They are the REAL racists but they accuse everybody else of being the racists.
            So the communists take the puppies away from their parents so they can be indoctrinated (brainwashed) and turn against their own parents!  Remember the TV mini series V?  The show made a comparison between what happened to the Jewish family’s oldest son to the children who turned against their parents during World War II.  The boy turned his own parents in to the reptile aliens!  He did not know what his grandfather went through in a concintration camp!  The grandpa played the spooky German guy in The Monster Squad.  George Soros, a Jew, was a boy in Germany during World War II.  However, someone he knew protected him and George pretended not to be a Jew.  George Soros worked in a job that dealt with stolen artwork and such.  He did not become rich in an honest manner either.  So you see, Soros remembers what it was like during World War II and he brought back that type of behavior with Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and Media Matters.  He also gave campaign donations to the woman in Chicago who just let Pussie Smelt off the fishing line.  At first George Soro’s woman Foxx recused (I cannot find this word in the dictionary, but it is the same thing that Jeff Sessions did) herself after Smelt had been arrested for committing a hoax crime against himself!  But then, evidently, she un-recused herself (could Jess Sessions have done the same thing?), the fix was in because Mrs. Obummer’s associate told Foxx’s boss to tell Foxx to let the actor off.  Yeah, the whole thing smelts for sure!  But there is still that letter he supposedly sent to himself, so the FBI and USPS may get him on that crime.
            The author of Animal Farm was well familiar with the methods of communism.  He lived in a communist country and then left.  I recommend that every human in the U. S. A. find a copy of this book and read it and see if the methods used by the commie pigs are not exactly what the Democratic Donkeys use today!  The Donkeys lie to everyone 24-7.  They have lied continuously about President Trump, even manufactured a fake Russian dossier – paid for by Hilary Rotten Clinton and the D.N.C.
            Saul Alinsky, H. R. C.’s hero, was a Chicago hoodlum who worked with the Mafia.  But he was a thief before even joining up with the Mafia (he gave them his methods of thievery, his scams).  President B. O. is a closet communist.  President W. J. Clinton is a Rhodes Scholar.  All Rhodes Scholars are communists.  The Insiders (the International bankers; Illuminate) have put their people INSIDE all material organizations – this includes Churches of Christianity.  So if you think your church is off the Christian path (The Way) this is probably why!
            But let’s get back to O. C. A. and her communist Green New Deal.  This plan wants to get rid of the use of all fossil fuels, this means you have to give up your cars that run on fossil fuels – also buses, airplanes and perhaps certain types of trains.  The communists will refuse to use nuclear power and hydro-electricity.  They believe that everything can be powered by solar panels and windmills (yes, they are real Donkey Xote’s).  Only both of these things take up boatloads of property!  The windmills also KILL birds off, like the bald eagle!  The solar panels also cause problems for birds.  If we all have to drive electric cars what will power them up?  The power plants no longer could run on coal or hydro-electricity and they won’t use nuclear power.  So yeah, we will be forced to use cars like the ones seen in the Flintstones.  We will be forced to use candles for light too (unless wax is not a green product).  Or perhaps we will all have big giant Green Machines (tricycles)?  We will be forced to ride bicycles, and such, all running via your own manpower.  How do we get our groceries delivered?  How do we pick up our groceries and get them home?  Maybe that will not matter since we only get that one loaf of bread anyway.  How do we get our mail delivered?  The Pony Express won’t be allowed because horses pass gas!  If we can’t eat beef anymore, because cows pass too much gas, that means we don’t have any milk, cheese, or butter.  The leather manufacturers will go out of business too.
            Cory Sparkleless Booker is against eggs; they make him feel inharmonious.  Does that mean that they give him too much gas?  Maybe we have to get rid of him then.  So, there goes breakfast, lunch and dinner because eggs are used in all sorts of food – even that one loaf of bread (that you will have to pay a wheelbarrow full of money for after hoofing it to the store and waiting in line for hours).
            They claim they want to make every building and house energy efficient in the U. S. A.  This really means that they will FORCE you from your home and you will have to travel (by foot) to an interment camp that may be located in dirty (unclean) California.  Your property will be stolen from you; you will never be allowed to return home again.  And if you are white, you will get sent to the gas chambers because you are just evil because of all your “white privilege”.  Even though Pussie Smelt has “green (as in loads of money) privilege” he will be safe from the gas chamber.  They will also take away all your money through taxation, via the I.R.S. – which has been illegal from its inception (set up by the socialist [communist] International bankers)!  The Federal Reserve, also a product of the International bankers (the illuminate), will print money until the market crashes, that is when you will need a wheelbarrow full of money to go get that one loaf of bread you are allowed to have after standing in line for hours.
            The International bankers have helped pay for your country’s wars, they have also helped pay for your enemy’s wars when they fight against you.  The looser is in real financial trouble, but so is the winner.  They have been at this game for centuries, and they are real good at it.  That is how they got so rich.  Those guns that the Vietnamese shot during the war against our U. S. soldiers – guess what?  The International bankers paid and gave those guns to the Vietnamese – so our soldiers were killed by guns made in the good old U. S. of A.
            So, if they REALLY remodeled your house (which they won’t, that is all fake news) they would have tons of garbage and trash for the land dumps.  How green is that?  So they lie.  They are not really going to fix any buildings or homes.  Instead they will just take over everything while everyone else lives in Tent City, or in bob-wired compounds found in Georgia (I believe that is where they have been built).  Yes, they have already been built and are in place!  They have been ready to make their move for years now!
            Camel-la-la Harris wants to get rid of your medical insurance (from your workplace).  Even her own father is against her words when she put down her Jamaican ancestors (by acting like they all smoke Mary Jane – Spiderman is not happy about this at all!).  So, if it is up to Miss La-La and her communist Donkey friends, you will loose all your medical coverage, food supplies, living essentials, homes, jobs, transportation modes, and your children’s minds and love!  What is left to live for?  They are also lying to you about climate change.  Back in the 1970s they called it global freezing, which in the 1990s they changed to global warming.  The global freezing thing did not happen so they had to switch to a new lie — global warming.  When Al Bore’s false predictions did not take place they changed it to climate change.  The only thing that has really changed is the communist lies about the weather or climate.
            When the Russian-Trump collusion lie fell apart they continue to HAARP about Russian collusion.  (HAARP is the real cause behind bad weather conditions and storms.  Look it up on the Internet, you will be surprised what you find out.)
            Now the Donkeys want to investigate all of our President’s financial records, taxes, business transactions, and such in order to manufacture a crime!  They ARE WRONG to do this; but they don’t care because they are freakin’ communist Pig-Donkeys!!!  And the mainstream media are in cahoots with the Pig-Donkey Dems!  Every Dummycrat of the 2020 candidates are blind (do not have 2020 vision at all).  They all promote socialistic communism and utilize propaganda and fascist methods to try to fool and bully “We the People”!  Well, maybe not Governor Hoopenlooper from Colorado (a state that has gone to pot).  He may be a capitalist, but if he is, then he is too afraid to admit it!
            Poke-Haunts-Us (Liz Boring) is another one who is leaning to the far Left.  She is such a phony, she pretended to be an American Native – but she has more white blood DNA than she wants to admit to having.  Recently Poke-Haunts-Us was asked a question, after the college scandal thing came out.  She did not think the parents should be given any breaks; does she have a right to even give an opinion on the subject when she lied on her college application and pretended to be an American Native?
            C. A. says, “I’m the boss.” Why?  Because she came up with the Green New Deal!  I’m wondering what Nancy Pilono thinks about that comment?  Since it failed to pass (3/26/19) does this mean that she is no longer the boss?  One can only hope!  She (O. C. A.) is so young that she can’t run for President (thank God literally).  I do not like the woman at all, and she literally (to me anyway) looks like a donkey!  She is also ignorant and stupid.  I have not read the Green New Deal, but everyone says it sounds like it was written by a 3 year old.  She says that maybe Americans “should not be eating hamburgers for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.”  I laughed and asked, “Who in the world does that?”  I know I don’t do it.  But she was caught in a restaurant, after making this comment, eating a hamburger.  So maybe she is a closet hamburger eater and munches down on them for breakfast, lunch, and dinner?  Remember that the communists accuse others of what they themselves do!
            Getting rid of our beef, milk, cheese, and butter (and perhaps our eggs) is not enough for the communist pig-donkeys!  They want to take everything from us and I mean everything, even our dignity.  Ninety-seven trillion dollars is what the Green New Deal would take to pull off.  It is something that the majority of American citizens do not want!  That’s $600,000 per person (not sure if that includes all the illegal aliens or not).  I’m sorry, but who has that kind of money?  I know I don’t!  The rich communist who is trying to promote the Green New Deal probably has that kind of money, even though they will not be forced to contribute any funds!
            It does not matter where the money will come from in order to support the Green New Deal, commented Camel-La-La Harris.  O. C. A. says that all the Feds have to do is print more money!  Has she ever taken a class on economics or a history class about the 1930’s depression?  She is clueless.  She expects me to walk to the grocery store with a wheelbarrow of money to stand in line for hours in order to purchase my one loaf of bread?  She is muy loco en la cabasa and she knows what I mean.  What other crazy thing does she want to do?  Get rid of I. C. E.  How cold is that?  What else?  She does not want illegal aliens, who are in our country illegally (by the way, that’s why they are CALLED illegal aliens), to have to follow gun laws when they go to purchase a gun.  She does not want them to be reported to the police (because they might get sent home to their real country to which they hold allegiance to), yet it is okay for them to have guns so they can shoot real U. S. citizens and police officers!  Like I said, “Muy loco in la cabasa!”  According to her they should not need to have background checks, they can have their guns so that they can kill real American citizens.  So that’s how whack-a-doodle she really is!  Who voted for her?  Only 20% of the people in her district even voted (at least that is what I heard).  If it is true, that explains how she really won.  Did the same thing happen in the other two districts where the 2 She-hadists got elected?  Did you hear how one of the two attacked Senator Mark Inda Meadows at the Michael Cohen hearing?  She accused him of being racist (the usual communist-fascist tactic).  Remember she accused Mark of being racist so this means she is the real racist.  She had no idea that Mark had black grandchildren!  So, it blew up in her face!  That was probably embarrassing to her, but I can’t say she did not deserve it.  She’s the same woman who used nasty words telling her son that they would impeach President Trump.
            Maximum Waterflow has been quiet as of late — I guess O. C. A. has stolen her thunder.  I am surprised she is not running for President too!  I think all the Senators and Congressmen/women able to run for President should do so – that way, the Republicans will be in charge of Congress!  YEAH!  At least while all the others are out campaigning.  So far I like the woman vet (not an animal farm doctor) from Hawaii the best because she is against war.  The governor from Washington State is really against climate change (a farce), so I don’t care if he wins.  Besides he can’t even be bothered cleaning up Seattle’s homeless mess!  He sounds like he may have some good ideas – but I’m not so sure of it.  Again, he loves windmills.  “To dream, the impossible dream.  To fight the unbeatable foe…This is my dream, to work for Quest, no matter how hopeless, no matter how dull!”
            Anyway, yeah, the loony tunes have left the Home for the Mildly Foolish.  And they are all Leftists.  However, some of the Republicans (or the anti-Trumpers) are following close behind them.
            Mr. B. S. is a hypocrite.  He wants you to be forced out of your home, yet he has three houses!  See, that’s the problem, all these people in congress who promote the Green New Deal are filthy rich.  His wife is not honest either (college scandal).  O. C. A. is not poor; she never was poor.  Warning, the following people are not poor:  Nancy Pilono, Elizabeth Boring, Camel-La-La Harris, Sparkleless Booker, Maximum Waterspout.  So, they think socialism is good, because they have money.  It is only good while socialistic programs can steal all the money from “We the People” who have made their money from Capitalism!  The countries in Europe that America’s socialists claim to be socialist countries are no longer socialist countries.  They have returned to capitalism.  As the popular line goes, “Socialism works until they [the communist-fascists] run out of money.”  Whose money?  YOUR MONEY.  If you think I am making all of this up to scare you – you are wrong.  It is history – so why don’t you find some 1950’s or 1960’s history books and read the truth about communism (socialism)?  The only reason why theft identity exists today is because of socialism with its social security numbers.  Believe me – there is no security with the social security branch of government.  The word “social” means “socialism”!  WAKE UP!  O. C. A. does not believe that social security is a socialist program!  She is either fibbing, or she is even stupider than she seems to be!  We need to get rid of the social security number (the cards) today!  This would not cause chaos at all but free us.  Okay, the Internet is another reason why identity theft exists.  O. C. A.’s friends (well, she really is not their friend, she just pretends to like them), from south of the border, a big majority of them have stolen social security numbers!
            Now let us move on to Beto O’Dork (I wish I had actually thought of this nickname).  He lost the race in 2017, so glad that Ted Cruz (not to be confused with Tom Cruz) won, but he now thinks he has the experience to run for President in 2020!  Really?  He has no experience what so ever!  I Beto he looses the primary elections too.  And when he looses I Beto his stiff competition will tell him to EAT DIRT!!!  And he probably will do just that by going to New Mexico to get rejuvenated (again) by eating dirt.  Maybe he should have said he ate soil instead?  I hope the soil he did eat was unfertilized.  Speaking of fertilized stuff, he dug into his child’s diaper for the poop, then put it in a bowl and presented it to his wife as avocado.  It would have had to be avocado that had been cut open for a long time.  But it was not avocado and it probably smelled bad.  If that is what he thinks makes up a good (and funny) joke I would divorce him.  I cannot leave him alone without mentioning the fact that when he speaks in restaurants he has to stand on the counter tops, he does this so that he is higher than everyone in the room.  Then there are his famous arm and hand movements.  When I first saw him on stage, the same night that President Trump was in El Paso for a rally, I thought he was on drugs!  He talked like he was on something.  I really did wonder if he was not high.  Well, he probably is high because he wants to tear down the walls along the southern border!  Another whack-a-doodle!
            Then there is Joe Bidenhistime.  He is biding his time before announcing if he is actually going to run for President.  This reminds me of a knock-knock joke.
            “Knock, knock.”
            “Who’s there?”
            “Joe who?”
            “Joe Mama!”
            Anyway, back to the Vice President, he has been going on an apology tour because of identity politics.  He claims that he could beat President Trump in a fistfight, but he can’t even stand up to people in his own party!  I am sorry, but the man has no backbone.  There was also talk that he would have Abrams run as his Vice President, but she has turned him down, she would rather run for President (even though she has less experience than Beto O’Dork).
            If these are the best of the best from the Democratic Party, then I think President Trump is a slam-dunk in 2020!  Especially since the Robert Mule-r Report has been handed over to the attorney general.  On the radio, the other day, someone accidentally called our new attorney general Baal!  I thought this was sort of funny.  We all love Lord Baal (even if the name is redundant) on Stargate SG-1.  THERE WAS NO COLLUSION!!!  This means there could be no crime of OBSTRUCTION into any investigations of collusion because there was no CRIME in regards to the COLLUSION!  But the Donkeys do not see it this way because they are so STUBBORN!!!  Mule-r claims that he could not prove any collusion between President Trump (and his campaign peoples) and the Russians.  But this does not mean that he did not try his best to prove that there was!  He went a long way to try and get the people he persecuted to bear false witness against President Trump.  Mule-r wanted them to break one of God’s Ten Commandments!  He did not even give an answer to the “obstruction” point in his report; in other words, he failed to do his job!  So he should give the taxpayers a refund!  However, he did this on purpose, in order to give the Democrats an in.  What I mean is they now have a way to throw suspicion on Attorney General Mills Breakfast Barr’s letter, they now say that Barr is hiding stuff and is obstructing justice himself!  The Donkeys say that Mule-r did not exonerate President Trump.  President Trump did not need Mule-r to exonerate him because he exonerated himself by not breaking the law!  President Trump did not collude with Russia or obstruct justice.  Some Republicans are stating that Mule-r is a good man.  When in truth he is a dirty prosecutor and did what he did on purpose.  He bankrupted many good people and families.  The FBI and CIA set up George Mamadopoulos, he had no Russian contacts whatsoever – only foreign intelligence spies working for the FBI and CIA contacted him trying to set him up!  This truth did not keep Mule-r from telling George that he would be sent away to prison for a long time, for a crime he did not even commit, if he did not plead guilty to a perjury charge.  George spent 14 days in prison over the Mule-r blackmail trick.
            The truth is that Mule-r could not prove a crime of collusion because THERE WAS NO CRIME, NO COLLUSION, so he HAD to say that there was no collusion!  But that is not good enough for the Donkeys because they expected Mule-r to be a good pack animal and lie about the collusion.  There was, however, collusion with the Ukrainians and the Clinton campaign.  But Mule-r did not bother to investigate that.  Barr needs to set up a new special council just to investigate H. R. Clinton, the Democrats, the Obama Administration, the higher ups in the FBI, CIA, and all the other three lettered intelligence agency departments.  Barr should also investigate Rod Rosenstein, Mule-R, Andrew Un-Weissman, and the other counsel members on the special counsel team.
            So who should go to jail?  Mr. Bob Mule-r (Mr. B. M.), Andrew Un-Weissman, James Combover, Peter Stroke his girl Lisa Page, Rod Rosenstein, Nellie Olson Ohr and her husband Bruce, Christopher Still-making up lies about President Trump, Glenn Simpson (no relation to Homer or Bart but just as stupid), Adam Shiffty, Nancy Pilono, Cryin’ Chuck, Hilary Rotten to the Core Clinton, President Obumber, John Brenanan, James the Clapper man, Andrew McCape, do I need to go on?  I think everyone who was involved in the Russian Dossier scandal and the fake investigation should go straight to jail, do not pass gas, because if you do you will be killed by the socialist environmentalists!



By, Betty Crackers

Recently, quite often, the Democrats and mainstream media keep beating the same drum – a wall on the border is immoral! But they do not explain how it is immoral! How can a wall, which has no feelings or emotions, and does absolutely nothing to anyone or anybody, except keeping them inside something or excluding them from something, well, how can that be immoral? You know what I think, I think it is the people calling the wall immoral who are actually the immoral ones! Anytime you have someone yelling bad things about something or someone they usually are the immoral ones! If you are the first one to call somebody a bad name, then you are the immoral one. So, I guess that makes me immoral, because I am saying that those who call others and things immoral are immoral.

But what does immoral really mean? Let’s find out, shall we? According to Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary immoral means: “conflicting with generally or traditionally held moral principles”. So does a wall conflict with the general or traditionally held moral principles of the United States of America? I do not think so, because less than ten years ago many Democrats were for a wall or fence or some type of barrier at the boarder!

What does moral mean? It means: “of or relating to principles of right and wrong in behavior: ethical expressing or teaching a conception of right behavior…sanctioned by or operative on one’s conscience or ethical judgment…moral, ethical, virtuous, righteous, noble – conforming to a standard of what is right and good.” So what are the Democrats NEW principles of right (good) and wrong (evil) in behavior where the wall is concerned? Can they explain this to the country? Is it right to let everyone outside our country break our laws (which are supposed to be based upon principle) by crossing our border and entering out country illegally? Or do they just care that in their own limited imaginations that President Trump has the “wrong” type of “behavior” where the wall is concerned (because they believe he is just wanting a wall put up in order to keep his campaign promise to his voters) that he is prejudiced and this is why his wall is immoral? But there is no real proof that Donald Trump is prejudiced toward the Latino population, it is just propaganda speech promoted by the Democrats themselves and the mainstream media! Again, who are the immoral ones?

President Trump wants a wall put in place at the Southern Border because of the following reasons (which has nothing to do with race hatred).

1) Human trafficking of children and women and perhaps men too (sounds like an immoral thing to me to traffic in human people – if so then President Trump IS moral, and so is the wall he wants to build);

2) Drug trafficking by the cartel criminals. These drugs, according to statistics, kill thousands of American citizens every year! (Again, this is immoral so once more President Trump is the moral one and so is the wall he wants to build.)

3) Gang members (like MS-13) entering our country. These gang members commit terrible (immoral) crimes – like murder, rape, theft, and more murder (often very mean methods of tortured murder). Again, immoral acts, and again President Trump is the moral one and so is the wall he wants.

4) Money laundering – again, immoral and breaks the law (principles of the U.S.A.). So, who again is the moral one? President Trump and his wall!

5) Terrorists enter our country via the weak boarder that we now have, and yes, it is true, there are terrorists who come in this way. Again, Trump and wall – the moral ones.

6) Rapists (immoral), criminals (immoral), drunk drivers (immoral) who may wind up killing an American citizen, murderers (immoral) all cross the border and they break our law (immoral). So, Trump and the wall are the moral ones!

7) Asylum. Many of the people who claim asylum, or sanctuary, do not have legitimate reasons to be given asylum. They lie (immoral) about their reasons for needing asylum. They are coached by liberal (leftist) lawyers on how to ask for asylum (many lawyers are immoral). So, again, President Trump and the wall – they are the MORAL ones!!!

8) Disease. Many illegal aliens have lice (or is it flees?), they also have been diagnosed with tuberculosis. Where is the honest reporting on these points? It is not immoral to be sick, so I will let this one slide. However, it is immoral to do the following:

The media paints negative pictures because two children have recently died (from the flu and not sure what else) after they entered our country. They were probably ill before they got here, or else they just caught the flu from being around so many other people (other illegal aliens who are surrounding the children in the same area). Flu causing death of children and adults is not a new thing, it happens all the time – everywhere in the world – so to blame the death on the boarder patrol people, or where ever the children were taken to, is not a fare thing to do. Perhaps the hospital is to blame because they released the children? It just is handy for the leftist media to say, “See! President Trump and his wall are immoral!” When in truth, President Trump has told those wanting to come into our country illegally – “Please, do not bring your children with you on this hazardous journey!” So, again, he is the moral one.  Also, the Left is quick to use the dead children to make their political statements yet when the Right talks about how a 22 year old in Tennessee was killed by an illegal immigrant, or how a legal immigrant police man, in California, was killed by an illegal alien the Left says, “How dare you bring up an emotional tragedy like this just to promote a political point!  It’s just not right and you should not do it”  Is the Left just mad because the Right is learning from their bag of tricks?

Why do the people come unto America? Because they think that they can receive government benefits (paid for by the American tax payers). Immoral!

They may come for work. Things may not be great in their country, but that does not mean that they should not stay there and try to make things better in their own country! Why, if they are really running from terror in their own country, do they carry the flags of this horrible country with them and wave it in the United States of America citizen’s faces? It is like they are saying to us, “Up yours!” This tells me that they do not really like our country, thus when they cross our boarder they are actually invading it. This is immoral!

Why, when they have been offered jobs and sanctuary by Mexico do they still insist on coming to the United States of America? Is it because Mexico is not a very good place to live? Or is it because they just want to ruin the United States of America?

Is it really true that they come to work here and in doing so they actually help our economy? Just last night I heard, by a black man on the news, how the blacks are being hurt by the rushes of illegal alien workers. Do the Democrats care about that? No, they do not. Why? Because they see the Latinos as their future voters. They are even trying to work it out so that the illegal citizens get the right to vote in our elections! How is that fair to the true citizens of this country? It is immoral, that is what it is!

While it is true that many American businesses want illegal aliens as their workers they have their immoral reasons for wanting them. First off, they do not have to pay them as much money (immoral) as they would an American citizen. And they are probably paying the Democrats to fight the wall.

The truth of this whole immigration thing is that the Democrats do not want to fix immigration because they see the Latinos as their future, but also because of one big thing – they really do hate President Donald Trump! Why do they hate him so much? Because he was elected and ruined their best chances of taking the United States of America down. Down into the complete saturation of socialistic communism. But they are still trying as hard as they can to take him down along with our country. They hate this country almost as much as they do the President. If they did not hate this country they would secure its border instead of resisting and being as big of an obstruction to Trump as Trumps wall would be to the illegal immigrants!

The Democrats also beat the drum – “Walls don’t work.” Meaning that anyone can use a ladder to get over the wall, or dig underneath the wall. Does this mean that there are Home Depots and Lowel’s spread across the southern boarder so that the illegals can go purchase a very tall ladder or a shovel?  On January 18th many illegals crossed into the U.S. via a tunnel.  So if we do put in a wall or a fence it needs to go down deep.  I have even seen, on the news, ramps made out of rocks (inside metal structures) on the Mexican side of the border.  These need to be destroyed.  Perhaps this is where the use of drones would be helpful, they could keep an eye out for anyone digging or climbing up onto a ladder! To be honest, some of the present fences that are put in place are useless when you see people are able to climb to the top of them on their own (without a ladder). If they can climb up they can climb down, so that should be looked into and taken care of. I think that if once we put up the steel fence (if that is now what we are the have) then we need to electrify it as well! Nobody has even mentioned running electrical current through the thing. Maybe that would cost too much money? Or maybe that would actually be immoral?  Maybe it would be moral if we put up danger signs along the fencing?

Walls do work in every country, so why would they not work for our country? Why are walls moral for other countries but not ours? Where is the logic in that, Nancy Pillowsea? It is just another weak excuse that the Left spews forth in order to make their propaganda go forth and try to brainwash everyone in America. They also say, “Nobody in our country even wants the wall!” This is an out and out lie and it is not a proven fact, because I (and I know of many other people) want the wall. Have they actually taken a poll about the wall? Or do they just call Democratic voters for their opinions and forget to ask Republicans and Independents?

I saw where a man who worked on the boarder for the Obama Administration on FOX News recently. He was fired by the Trump Administration, why I do not know, and perhaps he did not know either. But guess what? He is all for the wall! He says, “Trump is right.” Yet, will Nancy Pillowsea or Up-Chuck Shoemurr accept what this man says? NO! Why? Because, their mission, should they choose to accept it (which they have), is to obstruct President Trump as much as they possibly can so that socialistic communism can take over the United States of America. I do not want a Diversified States of America because it is the opposite of a United States of America, and the people of this country had better wake up and realize what is really going on, or they will loose their country.  Did you ever see the 1990’s TV show called Time Trax?  It took place in the future (not sure how far in the future it was supposed to take place) but guess what, the white people were the minority in America and guess what else, the white people were discriminated against!  If people keep coming up from communist run countries in Central America and South America to find work – guess what – our future will be like the TV show predicted!   Maybe the white donkeycrats should think about that?

Is it not also ironic how the politicians who happen to promote socialism are rich or going to become rich? Is it not also interesting how they are unwilling to give up their money (congress or senate paycheck) in order to help out their country? Yet they want the “tipsy-topsy” of rich Americans to pay 70% in taxes to the illegal and immoral department known as the Internal Revenue Service (a department put in place by socialists, yes, they go WAY BACK in our history). This would be done in order to pay off the massive deficit that socialist President Obama got us into, but even if 70% was given in taxes the stupid socialists voted into office would not use the tax money in order to pay off the deficit, no, they would use the money to fund their programs (Green programs and other stupid ideas.)  Don’t get me started on how many birds are killed by the wind farms.  Truth is, they don’t want to help this country out unless it is to help it go down the toilet. And for sure, they themselves are their number one care – they care about themselves, their paycheck, and that is about it. See, they are all in for socialism so long as they get their money out of big corporate businesses and the tax payers.  They are all in on socialism so long as they are on the top of the money collection and top of the food chain.

I.C.E. ARRESTS IN 2017-2018
4,000 homicides; 30,000 sex crimes; 100,000 assault crimes
2 years ago there were 235,000 law violations
I.C.E. Agents SAVED 900 children from human trafficking assault.  Yet the Left wants to get rid of I.C.E.

17,000 adults at the border with existing criminal records were arrested

There are 300 Americans killed every week from heroin.  Ninety percent of those deaths is caused by the drugs smuggled over the Southern Border and equals (in the worst year) the number of troops killed in the Vietnam War.  Over a ten year period it is three times hire than the number of troops killed in Vietnam.

The U.S.A. now averages 60,000 illegal and inadmissible a month on the Southern Border.  A record number of migrant families are streaming into this country overwhelming border agents and leaving holding cells dangerously over crowded with children.

One in three migrant women is sexually assaulted on the journey northward.  (I am not sure this fact is correct, it might be 4 out of 5.)  In December 2018 more than 20,000 minors were smuggled into the U.S.  According to there were more than 30,000 Special Interest Aliens – individuals with suspicious travel patterns who may pose a national security threat (like as in terrorism).

93% of Americans say that illegal immigration is a problem and 88% of Democrats agree (I suppose this means registered to vote Democrats, not the ones in office)

In the past fiscal year 396,579 people were caught crossing our border.  In October and November of 2018 – 102,000 people were caught.  The amount of children has skyrocketed.  Along the Rio Grande area the number has spiked to 27% since last year.  Jumping from 49,896 to 63,278.  In 2016 20,000 unaccompanied children were stopped at the Mexican Border.  This is an increase of 102% over the previous year (2015).

Did you hear what Nancy and Chuck (Chancy) said after President Trump’s Oval Office speech on January 8, 2019?  They called the President a liar, when they were the ones doing the fibbing.  They also did their best to make the President look like he was 100% incorrect in every measure.  Yet, Chancy refused to meet with Vice President Pence to try and get a compromise going, instead they sent their aids.  They really do not want to solve any problems they just want President Trump to fail.  Are they going to let their hatred take down this Country?  Nancy Pilosi’s name should be Nancy Pilono (because “si” is yes in Spanish and “no’ is no is Spanish).

My final word on the matter is seen below in my illustration (slogan for a bumper sticker?).