Narrator:  In this episode of Mobile Fighter G Gumdamit our hero De’man Cashew (nicknamed Dummo by his best friends) goes to the high lands of Marijuana, Neo South America to train so that he can get stronger and use his Flying Fickle-ed Finger of Fate (or, F to the fourth power) when he goes up against his old master, Master Deja View.  In the meantime Chimney Cricket has returned home to Neo America, Neo New Yorkso (which is somewhat redundant).  His four female Gumdamit support group, I mean support crew, runs into Schwartz Brooder Bro in disguise.  And this is where we pick up at, so A – O – LET’S GO!!!

            “This is a pretty heavy plot.” mechanic Jamit Smith said.  “Can we put it down on the ground now?”

            “We need to get Chimney out of his slump,” diagnosed Catheter Ronaray, Chimney’s personal physician.  “You saw him in his earlier battle, what happened to him?  He acted like he was a chicken.”

            “Yeah,” said Squirrel E. Lane, the crew’s leader and other mechanic, “G damn it, what was that?”

            Sitting on a park bench pretending to read a newspaper (imagine, they actually have newspapers in the future) was a man with a hooked nose and a big mouth.  He suspected the reason behind Chimney’s earlier problem, where he destroyed a bridge, which looked about as bad as the FRANCIS OFF KEY BRIDGE tragedy in (not Neo) Beltamore, was that Chimney was afraid of the black matter that had previously been taking over his motor skills and mind.  “Maybe he needs a challenge,” he said.  “Maybe you should get him to fight De’man Cashew again.  I hear that he went to Marijuana, Neo South America to train, just like Rocky went to Russia to train in Rocky 4.”  The man got up to leave, once out of sight he took off his disguise.  The mystery man was Schwartz Brooder Bro, Neo Germany’s G Gumdamit fighter.

            Squirrel E. asked, “Was Mr. Tea in Rocky 4?”

            “No, that was Mr. Pea,” said trouble maker communications specialist Bunny Giggles.

            Jamit said, “George Peppered was not in that movie.  But that sexy Michael Pattakey was in it.”

            “Who’s he?” Bunny asked.

            “Oh, he played one of the Nylons in Star Bleck’s The Trouble with Dribbles episode,” Jamit answered.

            Bunny hopped back, “No, that was Charley Brillo Pad.”

            Jamit told her, “No, Charley Brillo Pad was the Clingon spy who underwent surgery to look like a human Jew.”

            “None, of this really matters!” Bunny burst out.  “We need to all become the girls we use to be, you know street vermin thieves, and go to Neo South America so that we can download all the information from De’man’s G Gumdamit on a floppy disc.”  (Idiotor’s note:  This animation series was made in the 1990s when floppy discs were heavily used to download computer information and when newspapers were actually still red, I mean read.)

            So the four girls left for Neo South America, not the plains or the planes, but the high land. 

            When Chimney returned home to his Neo American Neo New Yorkso apartment he found it empty.  Nobody was home where, on the coffee table, he spotted a note.  The note read, because, it is a very intelligent not, “Dear Chimney, we have all gone to Neo South America, where De’man Cashew is training so that we can download all pertinent information from his G Gumdamit fighter.  And then you can have the information so that you can beat Dummo’s head off!  Love, the girls!  P. S. There’s a frozen pizza in the freezer if you get hungry.” 

            Chimney decided that he would love to challenge Dummo Cashew to another G Gumdamit battle, but he did not want to cheat.  He was quite upset at his crew so he had a frozen pizza for dinner and then headed for Neo South America.

            In the meantime, Dummo Cashew was in deep training.  His ONE female partner, or crew member, was sitting on the bank of the river Chase in need of a drastic nap.  She saw her partner at the top of the mountain, near the edge of the waterfall.  Then he jumped over the side.  He fell hitting the water.  Dummo was pulled down by the pull of the eddy, but he was strong enough to swim out and over to the edge where she was at.  “What are you doing here?” he asked.

            “Just watching you, Dummo,” replied Dr. Rain Muckamara.  “Just how is diving off the mountain going to help you to defeat Master Deja View?”

            “I need to overcome the strength of the water,” he explained.  “It will help me get stronger, you’ll see!”

            Rain Muckamara watched as he got out of the water and headed up the mountain again.  Within her private thoughts she could only say one thing, “MEN!!!”

            Hidden in the bushes, right behind Rain, were four women spectators.  “When she falls asleep, that’s our chance to download Dummo’s G Gumdamit!” exclaimed Bunny.

            Moments later Catheter said, “Okay, I think she’s asleep.  Let’s go.”

            Squirrel E. said, “I already went over there in those bushes.  Whatever you guys do, don’t go over there!”

            “Thanks for the warning,” Jamit said.

            The four girls climbed into the G Gumdamit

            A freaky monsoon rainstorm had begun by the time the four women climbed out of the G Gundamit.  They had successfully copied the files and were attempting to make their escape, but Rain, after being rained on, had awakened.  Rain saw the floppy disc in Bunny’s hand so she confronted them right there and then.  That’s when their chase on the Chase bank began in the rainstorm. 

            In the meantime, Chimney Cricket had shown up and challenged Dummo Cashew to a G Gumdamit fight.  The five ladies were finally altogether, however, they were in trouble; even Rain in the rain was in trouble.  Part of the bank, the part that the five of them were on, slid down into the river.  Jamit called Chimney for help.  He saw them and wanted to help, but Cashew wanted to keep fighting.  He told Cashew that Rain was also in danger.  But before they could head over to help the five women, a big huge wave of water was about to hit both of them.  De’man used his Flying Fickle-ed Finger of Fate to defeet, declaw, and defang de wave.  The two G Gumdamit fighters were able to save the five women.  Chimney scolded his crew for downloading the information.  He made it clear to them that he did not want to win in that manner.  So the crew returned home, to Neo America, which should really be called Neo United States of America.

Narrator:  Will Dummo Cashew continue to train, or will he head towards Master Deja View’s master plan of deception?  Will Dr. Rain Muckamara find a lover named Sleet?  Will Dummo finally meat up, I mean, meet up with his estranged, I mean, deranged brother?  And is Schwartz Brooding Bro really Dummo’s Bro, Kee-o-gee Cashew in disguise with diamonds?  Only our following episodes will tell!  So tune in next week, same bat channel, same bat cave, same batter up you Yankees!  Ready?  LET’S GO!!!


            On April 8, 2024 there was a solar eclipse.  It illegally gained entrance into our country via the southern border!

            Not long after the solar eclipse in 2017 I purchased some solar eclipse forever stamps from my local sheriff’s, I mean, local post office.  Recently, while using my very last stamp, I thought, “Why look at it as a solar eclipse?  Why not see it as the moon being clothed with the sun?”  Just like the woman spoken of in Revelation 12 is clothed with the sun.  You see, this woman is also the morning star, or Venus (a planet).  One could say, me being the one saying it, that Venus is clothed with the sun when it transits the sun (the last two transits were on June 8, 2004 and June 5, 2012).

            So imagine my awe when I viewed the Trumpet solar eclipse video.  President Trumpet had a silhouette of his big giant head moving to be in front of the sun.  Then it showed people gathered around to watch the event take place.  It went back to Trumpet’s head fully being in front of the sun.  I saw this video a couple of times, then it hit my eye like a big pizza pie (what a mess), President Trumpet was declaring himself (even if he did not know it) as generic man (the woman God-crowned).  This does not mean that President Trumpet believes himself to be transgender or anything like that, it is just that the woman God-crowned (even though the woman actually symbolizes a specific woman as the second coming of Christ) “symbolizes generic man, the spiritual idea of God; she illustrates the coincidence of God and man as the divine Principle and divine idea” (SCIENCE AND HEALTH KEY TO SCRIPTURES, by Mary Baker Eddy 561:22-25).  If this fact were understood and accepted by mankind then there would be no need for Sixteen Genders!

            To confirm my brilliant revelation, Trumpet used the same exact music that was used at the end of the movie 2001 A Space Odd-I-see where a giant baby (symbolizing generic man) in heaven is found to be above Earth.  Back in 2017 the English displayed President Trumpet as a big giant baby baboon, I mean, balloon, another coincidence?  I think so, in that coincidence really means that two or more things “co-in-side” with each other!

            It is no Wonder Bread that the Leftists believe that people who like President Trumpet are part of a cult, the MAGOO, I mean, MAGA cult (they call it).  Yet, they are the ones in a cult (a communist cult).  MAGA folk are not in a cult, unless that cult teaches us the matrix of the wheel (look up the definition of cult in the dictionary to figure out what I am talking about)!  Haw, haw!  It just goes to show you that Trumpet knows how to really advertise.  Joke Biden, in regards to the solar eclipse, only warned people to be careful.  He meant to take precaution not to damage their eyes while viewing the eclipse.  Biden puts forth fear, thus, he is part of the Dark Side, that’s why they dubbed him Dark Brandon!  That’s also why Biden uses DARK MONEY to help him get elected!!!

            One woman (Squirrel E. Jackass-Lee), from Washingaton of Coins, was giving some sort of speech.  She said that the moon was made up of gases so this meant that man could live on the moon.  She also thinks that the moon is a planet!  Evidently, she does not know that if men do not wear astronaut suits on the moon they will become the bar-b-q meal of the day; that is if you are a cannibal!  They send our finest to D.C., don’t they?  And Jackass-Lee was placed on some space committee!  After making the wild comments about the moon Jackass-Lee was unable to get her special eclipse sunglasses on her head.  But hey, she’s not the only sign of unintelligent life on the Left out there.  On The Only View Sunny Hostile said that the recent earth quakes (in the New England area, not Neo New England), the eclipse, and cicadas (which she mispronounced) coming up from the earth all had to do with climate change.  It was like she did not think solar eclipses were a normal thing, they have happened from the dawn of time (before so-called climate change beliefs even existed)!  Whoopie Cushion Goldberg told her that astronomers predict the eclipses.  Both Joyless Noheart and Whoopie set Sunny straight.  I wonder how Sunny got her job?


“Shrinkflation actually means that Joe Biden’s brain is getting smaller while his ego is getting bigger.” –  Joe Scarbouroughnotfair – (married to his co-host) morning news show commentator, both are on MTNBC.  Guess what?  The “Taste the rainbow” MARS Candy company is also taking advantage of shrinkflation.  In fact they use the word “shrink” in their new Skittles product! 

“New Comers [meaning illegal aliens, who are really New Scammers] are really Jaw Breakers, I mean, Law Breakers!” –  Candy N. Cake – good eats

“A house divided cannot multiply.” – Albert Winestein – a fizzy sist-genderer

“A task force is where everything goes to die.” –  Gravel Newscum – failing governor

“Trumpet wants to get rid of your social security blanket.” – Rachel Madcow from MTNBC

“Republicans in the Senate are working with us.  Republicans in the House are getting in our way.” – Cringe John-Pierre – White House correspondent

“I would take that medicine that helps you with your memory, but I forget what it’s called.” – Dark Brandon

“Biden is running against himself and losing.” – Adamned Schifty – congressman wanting to be senator (I hope the baseball player wins)

“I aim to appease, everyone from Iranians to Chinese.” – Joke Biden

“Today’s college students may be educated but they sure aren’t SMART!!!” – Senator John Kidneybean

This important piece of news is just in…Joke Biden’s Uncle Bozo was eaten by cannonballs in Papua New Guinea Pig!  What’s that?  Joke said his uncle was eaten by cannibals?   If you do a fact check I bet that’s just another one of his lies.  What’s that you say?  It was fact checked and Uncle Bozo was in an airplane that went down in the ocean?  Yeah, Biden makes up another big fat fishing tale!

            Two cannibals are eating Uncle Bozo, the clown; one cannibal says to the other cannibal, “Does this meat taste funny?”

DEI Commandment #8

            Thou shalt not notice when black women steal (or plagiarize).  One could actually say the commandment is “Thou shalt not notice when any Dummycrat steals (or plagiarizes), especially Dark Brandon.”

Attention:  The newest term that the White House is using for President Trumpet is “Hitler Pig”.  That’s the best they could come up with?  Wow!  It sure is no, “Let’s go Brandon!”


            We have been out of order for a long time now, because, we have had technical difficulties with our main computer.  It is dead, gone to meet its maker – Bill Gates.  Well, I know Bill’s not dead, but he is responsible for making our computer!  Maybe not personally responsible, but it is a Gateway computer.  We got it right after 9/11, so it lasted for quite a good time.  I am not happy using my laptop for this job, but I guess I felt it was time to get in touch with you all again.  Yes, I know, our one reader had missed us severely!  Oh the letter we got!

            Plus, there’s an election coming up in a few months, and those Republican debates were pretty bad, what was the point, the man who is the main contender, and you all know who he is, did not even attend the debates.  And he would debate Joke Biden, but I have a feeling that Biden is too chicken to even attend a debate.  He’ll use some stupid excuse like, “Trumpet is too much of a criminal for me to debate him.”  Even though, it is Dark Brandon who is the real criminal (he breaks our countries laws every single day and gets by with it every single day).  This is what Trumpet should do, he should get his daughter-in-law, who is now part of the GOP-itey-goo committee, to hold debates, even if they all have to be on LOX News, and invite Robert If Kennedy, Jr. and any other third party person out there who wants to debate!  If Joke Biden refuses to join in then Biden looks bad!

            Biden is behind all of the five law suits that Trumpet has been forced to wear.  Brandon has really bad taste in suits.  Trumpet is going to need all those suits to wear in court.  Judge One Mushroom insists that Trumpet is going to have to be in court every single day, for a month and a half, in New Yorkso (not Neo New Yorkso) this spring.  He will probably miss his youngest son’s graduation, because, if he goes he will be arrested.  Is that upright?  I say, NO! 

            Judge One Mushroom has donated money to Joke Biden, and his daughter has been getting money from Joke Biden – doesn’t that make the judge compromised and bias?  Should he not resign from having any court case against Donald Trumpet?  Who is the prosecutor’s numero uno witness?  The man, who actually committed the “supposed” crime that they have accused Trumpet of committing, is their star witness – Michael Conehead.  Conehead is a confessed liar.  And who did the opening statement on April 22, 2024?  It was Biden’s third man in charge at the Department of Injustice.  Where was New Yorkso City’s District Athorney Bragger at?  He was sitting in the peanut gallery treating himself to Duncan coffee and donuts! 

            Just what is the crime they have accused Trumpet of?  The crime is supposed to be that Conehead had a non-disclosure agreement made up so that stripper, Stormy Drain Daniels, could sign for a ‘supposed” one night stand.  Wow, if that is all – then why not go after Joke Biden?  Do you even know what he did?  He had an affair with Jill, his present wife, while she was married to another man!  This man was supposed to be Joke’s friend!  But with friends like Joke Biden, who needs enemies?  Biden actually did commit adultery, and I believe, according to the Roman Catholic Church Joke and Jill are probably still committing adultery – unless Jill and her first husband never got married in the Roman Catholic Church – or Jill and her first husband happened to get divorced in the Roman Catholic Church supposing that they had been married in same said church!  I learned these rules from watching an episode of Law and Order – Ching – Ching!  This crime, not that it really is even a crime, because it is not a crime, was committed long ago and the time on it had elapsed – like the fact that Hunted Biden could not be punished for failing to pay “his fair share” for certain tax years because the time had elapsed on them.

            Trumpet has told us that it is forty-five degrees in the courtroom.  He should show up in a big parka every day, he should fall asleep every day, and he should actually put a cloth gag around his mouth in order to present Judge Mushroom’s gag order as a gag!

            The fudge hit the fan in Georgia Peaches when District Athorney Big Fat Fanny Willis was found out – that’s right, she was having an affair with the man she put in charge of the Trumpet suit (not even a tux).  He really sweat bullets when he testified in court about the affair.  She was a cool cucumber, but she lied like a radish, and yelled like an eggplant!  She showed such contempt to the court, however, the judge was afraid of her (she use to be his boss), in fact he allowed her to continue on with the Trumpet suit (which has a herringbone pattern) if she fired her lover.  She fired the man, as she was not about to fire herself (she still likes to play with matches).

            “Matchmaker, Matchmaker, make me a match, find me a find!  Groom me a broom, make me a catch!  Night after night in the dark I’m alone!  I’m sooooo lonely!”….is what Fat Fanny might sing.  We actually wish she would sing, you know sing out loud, sing out strong, about her evil ways and deeds with lover boy and their trips to the White House to plot out her fake, so called “Ricco Ricardo,” case against Trumpet.

            And then there was the trumped up Trumpet case where LeTits Shames took Trumpet to court, getting Judge Nude-ee appointed to the case, in New Yorkso.  Yet, LeTits showed up in court just to don a huge smile of “I’ve got you now, Trumpet.”  Yes, she’s a real N.I.G.Y.Y.S.O.B. (This name has nothing to do with race or color)!  Judge Nude-ee appraised Mar-A-Large-O way under its true value (by millions of dollars), he said that Trumpet lied about the places worth, but he’s the dumb-dumb (not the sucker) who has no idea what the place is worth!  So he actually committed the crime that he accused Trumpet of committing!  But that’s nothing new; it is in the Marxist handbook – accuse your enemies of what you do yourself.  He fined Trumpet half a billion dollars (where interest would accrue if the fine was not paid on time).  Trumpet was able to get that amount whittled down, but still it was not fair that he had to pay that price either, in order to be able to go to the court of banana appeals.  LeTits was not happy about that at all!  She was looking forward to taking over Trumpet Tower so she tried to claim that the bank’s bond did not have enough money to cover the bond.  She tried to overturn the bond in court, which cost Trumpet money to take care of, she lost.  She is just trying to nickel and dime and penny Trumpet out of business.  Biden is also doing the same thing, that’s why there are five suits being pressed as we speak.

            Then Jackass Smith, the appointed special council, is trying to rush Trumpet’s court case.  But he has been slowed down by S.C.O.T.U.S.  And again, the Dummycrats are not happy about that.  They want to tie up Trumpet in court and hopefully get him put in jail – so that they can claim that he cannot become president even if he were to win the election.  The supreme court of Coloradodos ( or S.C.O.C.) already tried to take him off the ballot, but again S.C.O.T.U.S. intervened and told them that it was a no-no!  Other states, which had planned on following in Coloradodos’ footprints, cried their eyes off.  And they all look pretty funny without any eyes on their face – even the Hawaiian did not look Hawaiian without his Hawaiian Eye!  The drawing of Trumpet’s face looked pretty funny too, as the sketch artist who was sitting too far away, was unable to see Trumpet’s eyes and so Trumpet remained eyeless.

            Oh, yeah, the special council appointed for looking into Biden’s case (for taking classified documents from the etch-a-sketch room when he was a senator and for taking files and notes from when he was vice president – and for keeping them in unsecured places, like his garage in a cardboard box by his Corvette) did not prosecute.  What was his excuse?  Biden is so mentally gone that if a trial were to be held any jury would feel such sympathy for the man that he would get off!  Excuse me?  Special counsel Robert Her may know which pronoun he prefers, but should it be his place to know what jurors would be thinking at some hypothetical trial he has conjured up in his Han Gook brain?  I’m sorry, but who does he think he is, James Home-lee – EX–F.B.I. man?  Nope, it is this simple, the fix was in, the boss Athorney General made him do it (even though he testified that Garlic Maryland did not instruct him to do anything in anyway).  Are we going to buy that?  If so, I have some swamp land in Louisiana to sell you.  The crime is worse for Biden as he was never president when he STOLE the files.  But even so, if Her tells us that Biden is mentally gone then why is he even allowed to be the man in the White House?  Should Biden be trusted with the code to the nuclear football?  Can the man even remember the code?  It is strange that nothing ever happened to Vice President Tense after he found files in his care and turned them in – everybody seemed to forget about him.  Yet, he is out there bad mouthing his old boss (even after dropping out of the race).  He is lying about Trump’s words on abortion.

            Tense is no better than Biden who keeps claiming that Trumpet said, “I will become a dictator on day one.”  No, what Trumpet really said is, “I will be a dictator on day one only.”  This means that he will have a bunch of executive orders he will plan on signing in order to do away with Biden’s really bad and stinky policies.  You know the ones, the open border policies, the bad economic policies, the spending all the money you can on green projects (while not really doing anything – like – where are all those electric car charging stations he promised?), sending as much money to Uke-rang to fight the war against Russia, all the money that he has forked and knifed over to Iranallthewaytohellandback.  And then he is two faced about the way he treats Israel after war broke out in a rash on October 7, 2023.  He pretends to want Israel to win, but then he tells them to have a cease fire (because of all the Islambs in this country protesting him, along with stupid liberal jerks who are also protesting Israel because they simply do not believe the truth about what Humus terrorists have done).

            USA has gone to hell in hand basket, and that hand basket is the basket case known as Joke Biden!  The only reason why Amendment 25 has not been used is because the result would be Khameleon Harris!

WHEN THEY SAY…that Joke Biden works twenty-four-seven, it means that he works twenty-four hours per week and seven weeks per year.

You may protest with a sign reading “QUEERS FOR PALESTINE” in USA and get by with it, but, if you are gay and you vacation in Palestine, you had better have somebody WATCH YOUR SIX! 

MUSLIMS PROTEST LIKE CRAZY – by Alie Ka Baba and his forty thieves

            As you probably already know, many protests have broken out, like escaped prisoners, over the war in Israel and Palestine, on the Gaza Strip.  Loads of people use to shop on the Strip, lots of stores on the mall, but now that has all stopped.  In fact, the people there are having trouble just eating, drinking, and sleeping.  But for some reason, nobody wants to place the blame where it really should be placed – with Humus.  These terrorists drive you crazy with all the humming they do.  Anyway, Humus started the war but the people who feel bad for the Palestinians (even though they allowed Humus to take over their land and government) blame Israel and America (especially Joke Biden – yeah, why not?).  But the Left, and the Islam folk are blaming Israel (little Satan) and they want to move on to attacking USA (big Satan).  And those attacks are already taking place in the colleges, and on streets and bridges, under the pretense of protest.

            Recently, in Michigag-gan, a protest was taking place and the people were yelling, “Death to America!”  They did it in a foreign tongue too, but we knew what they were yelling over and over and over. 

            When LOX News reporter, Hilary Van, confronted Radish Tlaib on the comment “Death to America!”  Tlaib said, “I don’t talk to LOX News!”  She went on to say it was because LOX News was prejudice and they were bigots.  Really?  It sounds to me like Radish is the bigot, won’t talk to LOX News because they love bagels.  Hilary Van is such a nice woman too.  Radish also gives more prominence to her Palestinian flag at her office than she does to the USA flag.  Yeah, she is not on our side at all, she needs to lose her seat as a congresswoman.  But it won’t happen, as while Congress impeached Mayorkass the Senate (mostly Dummycrats) won’t even hold a hearing on the topic.  It’s too bad, because Mayorkass, besides being a major ass, is a traitor to our country – allowing billions of illegal immigrants to enter our country on the southern and northern borders (and by sea too).

            As of the second week of April, Iran attacked Israel with drones and missiles (they were made in China).  Israel’s iron dome worked and only one Arab girl was injured during the attack.  Here was a country being attacked and what happened here in the USA streets?  Organized protesters in LA, New Yorkso, and Chigagee blocked traffic in order to protest Israel!  Boy, are things backwards!  Biden just gave Iran millions of dollars for probably something stupid!  He is helping Iran attack Israel, what a maroon!  All that Biden can say to the enemy is, “Don’t!”  “Don’t what?” they ask.  Don’t go swimming after eating asparagus?  Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth he might bite your nose off?  What does he mean by “Don’t”?  They certainly do not see his one word warning as a threat!


            These are statistics, from US CUSTOMS AND BORDER, telling us the number of Chinese people entering USA (that we actually know about).  In 2021 there were 450; in 2022 there were 2,176; in 2023 there were 24,314; and so far this year (which is almost 1/3 over with) there have been 22,292. 

            These Chinese illegal immigrants fly into South America and have dedicated hubs.  They are well organized.  A site on the Internet called UNIONS ONE ZERO ONE (or 101) instruct these Chinese people a work around on how to get a gun which they are not legally supposed to have because they are not citizens of USA.  They are able to get a gun by getting a hunting license.  Of course, even more important, they will hopefully be able to vote on November 5th after being given driver’s licenses (at least that is Biden’s best wish).  Most of the people coming in from China are military aged single men.  They are here to spy on our military and technical operations.  The communist Chinese government has already started a drug war – what with all the felt-in-all they have the Mexican cartels smuggle over the border.

            Yet, it is not only our enemy of China having their people crossing our borders – there are (in 22 and 23) 6,386 Afghans (one size fits all); 3,153 Egyptians (walking); 659 Iranians (Biden loves them); 538 serious Syrians; and 12,605 Russians (dressing in the dark).  I ask Joke Biden, “Why should people from enemy countries be allowed to enter into our country?”

            The crime has decreased in Venezuela and while their people come into our country our crime increases.  Not only are these countries sending their criminals and gang members here they are also sending their mentally ill. 

            While Biden actually tells us (jokes with us?) that job numbers have gone up, the truth is that those jobs have been given mostly to illegal aliens!  And regular American citizens have to work two jobs instead of one because of the awful Bidenomics and the inflation that congress and senate members cause via their omnibus bills with loads of hidden pork rinds.

            Congress has already had two House monitors since 2022.  We hoped that Michael Johnson would do a good job, but so far he has failed WE THE PEOPLE.  It seems that once they get the seat of power they become corrupted and they forget who they are really working for.


            Did you know that the Craft-Heinz LUNCHABLES are dangerous to eat?  They contain 74% of your daily amount of led (some meals only contain 73%).  So if you eat two of them then look out!  To be honest, I do not like the idea of eating any amount of led!  If I did I would eat paint chips with my dip!  And guess who married into the Heinz family?  The Left’s very own John Ferry!  That’s right, Climate Change Czar John Ferry, who flies around on his wife’s jet plane – the Chipmunk, should be more concerned about his wife’s food business than climate change!  But he’s a politician and he doesn’t care about food safety!


Jameal Bowman (NY) – he loves to pull fire alarms

Greg Caesar (TX) – he wants to be an emperor

Pramila Jayapalling (WA) – don’t look at her!

Jonathan Jackasson (IL) – a real donkey

Hairy Bush (MO) – no relation to George or his family

Hand Johnson (GA) – he loves lotion

Barbarian Lee (CA) – she voted for Conan (Arnold) when he ran for governor of her state

Bummer Lee (PA) – she knows how to bring a party down

Alexandria Occasionallyhasa Cortex (NY) – AOC for short, is a pretty stupid broad

Illham Omar (MN) – married her brother, fortunately they did not have any piglets (we hope).  Her daughter was just arrested in the Columbia protest; the girl did not stand a chance of growing up without being brainwashed against USA.

NEW BIDEN HOAX – by Bill Delusion

            Recently, when Joke Biden was in Snickersville, Pennsylvania (Hershey’s neighboring city), Joke Biden began a new hoax in regards to his enemy opponent.  He said that Trumpet “wants to be able” to override the Constitution to “pick” when elections are held.

            This is what President Trumpet really said at his rally, “You look at this crowd, which you can’t see the end of it, but you look at this crowd and in all fairness we’re six and a half months away [from the election].  That’s a long time [meaning, that Biden can do a whole lot more damage to our country during that six months].  Most of these candidates on the night before the [presidential] election would have a crowd that would be their largest crowd and they wouldn’t have anywhere near the people that we have now…I wish we could move the election to this Tuesday.  Is there anything we can do?  I want to move the election to Tuesday.  You know in the UK they can pick their election.  They say, ‘We’re going to have the election next week.’  I want to be able to do that.  Would that be possible?”

            Of course, I am translating what I think Trumpet really meant while Joke Biden tries to make it look like a bad thing because that is all Biden has – is to bad mouth his enemy.  Notice Biden never says anything bad about Iran or China!  In fact, he just gave Iran more money so that they could do the following…On Sunday, April 14, 2024, Iran called the Swiss and told them what they were going to do and when they were going to attack Israel.  Iran sent 60 tons of air born explosives; with 170 drones.  They used more than 130 Tom Cruise missiles and over 120 holistic missiles in their attack on Israel.  Most were launched inside Iran’s border (which they have unlike USA).  Yet, 99% of the weapons failed to hurt Israel thanks to Iron Giant, I mean, the iron dome.  What did Iran say about their attack?  They said that it was a success.  Was their attack a fake out, because Israel knew what was going to happen?  Does this mean that our country is paying for both sides of this war?  It would not surprise me one bit!  But that’s why my name is Bill Delusion!

Joke Biden’s Champaign slogan:  BLAME AMERICA FIRST!

THIS JUST IN:  An illegal alien smuggles monkeys across the USA southern border.   He was caught, so were the monkeys.  Will the illegal alien monkeys be shipped to the Island of Dr. Faust?


“Are you ready to choose freedom over democracy?”

“We [meaning him and the Dummycrats] can’t be trusted!”

“Four more years. PAUSE…” What he should have said was, “Four more years for Trumpet!”

GIGOLO GANDER – November 2023

Idiotor:  Gigolo Joe

Ass. Idiotor:  Amanda Jean Turncoat

Issue # 42424242-November 2023


            Senator Ted Cruses has a new book out.  It is called UNWOKE:  How to Defeat Cultural Marxism in America.  He explains how every thing in our country, every school, every corporation, every news organization, etc. has been taken over from the inside.  These people who take over from the inside are explained in a different book, and they are called Insiders!  They’re like cockroaches!  Cruses believes his new book is a battle plan on how to take back our country from the loony tuned Leftists (otherwise known as communists).

SPIRITS IN THE SKY – I’M GONNA GO THERE WHEN I DIE – no, it’s not really this song, just lyrics to go with the melody of this song – by Jean from GUTFELT!

            Remember in September when Congressman Bowedman pulled a fire alarm?  The following song was made about this very incident.

            There is actual video footage of the Congressman during this incident.  He literally pulled down both emergency signs posted on the two (non) exit doors, and then he goes over and deliberately pulls the fire alarm.  He brags about going into court with a flea deal, he says he will only be slapped with a $1,000 fine and in three months it will all be dismissed.  I guess he likes kinky sex!

DANGER WILL ROBINSON!!! – by Conversations Onus

            The following is a conversation between two Humus terrorists after one of their bombs hit the parking lot of a hospital.  We couldn’t help but add to their conversation to make it more interesting for you.  [Our additions will be in this type of bracket!]

Humus Operative #1 – I’m telling you this is the first time that we see a missile like this falling [today – it has happened in the past, many times, and the suckers fall for our false propaganda about it every time!].

Humus Operative #2 – And so [because our missile fell] that’s why we are saying [between you and me only that] it belongs to the Palestinian Islamic Jihad. 

(From here on in we will refer to these two operatives as #1 and #2.)

#1 – What?  [Aren’t they going to pin this on the Israelites?]

#2 – [They will.  But for now, just between you and me, we know what the truth is about it.  Our people are responsible.]  They [those who shot the fallen missile] are saying it belongs to Palestinian Islamic Jihad [between our own people, but to those people who are not Humus we will lie to them about it and they will buy it].

#1 – [The fallen missile is] from us?

#2 – It looks like it!

#1 – Who says this?

#2 – [I’m not going to use any personal names over the air as to who launched it!  That could get my head cut off!  I’m just going to use the appropriate pronoun “they”.]  They are saying that the shrapnel from the missile is local shrapnel and not like Israeli shrapnel.

#1 – What are you saying, [Shocko]?  (SILENCE)

#2 – But God bless, it couldn’t have found another place to explode [in place of a hospital parking lot]?

#1 – Never mind.  Yes, [Shocko,] they shot it from the cemetery behind the hospital.

#2 – What?!

#1 – [Are you deaf?] They shot it coming from the cemetery behind the Al’Ma’amadani Hospital, and it misfired and fell on them.

#2 – [What were they doing in the cemetery?  Maybe it was because of ghosts that the missile fell from the sky?]

#1 – [Don’t be ridiculous!  There’s no such thing as ghosts.  It was do to rotten, cheap materials that we use to produce our rockets out of.]

#2 – [I still can’t believe that.]  There’s a cemetery behind it?

#1 – Yes, Al-Ma’amadani is exactly in the compound. (SILENCE)

#2 – Where is it when you enter the compound?

#1 – You first enter the compound and don’t go toward the city [because that would take you into the city and you don’t want that.] …it’s on the right side of the Al-Ma’amadani Hospital.

#2 – [Aw, yes, now I remember.]  Yes, I know it.


            After Congresswoman Radish Tablet gave a speech at some protest asking the crowd to go into the Capitol building, and after she riled them up, a large group entered into the Capitol while important government business was taking place.  (Sounds like what they have accused President Trumpet of doing on January 6th!)  This happened at the time the Republican Congress was trying to figure out who was going to become Speaker of the House (Ruff, Ruff)! 

            For once, John Fetterwoman earned respect as Senator when he spoke out against Radish Tablet’s rabid speech – as she continued to lie about the hospital parking lot bombing even though the truth was well known that Humus was behind the bombing and that it was their propaganda she was spouting.  Also, the propagandists of Humus lied and said 500 people died in the bombing – what a big fat lie and exaggeration that was.  Maybe 20-50 people died, not 500.  Still, nobody would have died if Humus would just stop trying to extinguish the Jews.

            But the Congress Squad is backing Radish up, and they are also adhering to the lies.  What is lame is that before the hospital parking lot bombing took place a news reporter asked Radish about her opinion on the beheading of children, she would not say a word.  She kept quiet on the topic.  Later on she did X about such things as being inappropriate, but she never mentioned the Jews.  This was also before the hospital parking lot bombing.  But after the bombing took place she goes out in front of everybody at the protests and begins to cry her eyes out – they are crocodile tears, and her squad is no better.  Perhaps her tears are real for the Palestinians – yet she can shed no tears for the Israelites – it just goes to show you that she really is antiseptic!

            She should be treated just like President Trumpet was treated in regard to the insurrection she actually did fuel the flames of.  People from October 18th did get somewhat rowdy, and some were arrested.  They all should have to face the same types of prison sentences that people from January 6th have had to deal with!  But they won’t – two tiered system of justice today.  Radish needs to be investigated by an October 18th Committee!  Fare is fare, fair is fair, and faire is faire!


            Congress took a vote on whether Congresswoman Radish Tablet should be censured for things she has said about Israel and Palestine.  Also, her incitement moved people to protest in the Capitol Building.  The vote was taken, but GOOP lawmakers voted along with Dummycrats to table the censure motion against her, which saved her pretty little fat butt.  We assume it was not because of her pretty little fat butt that the Republicans decided to vote for her, as some of the congressmen were congresswomen.  Those twenty-three Republicans that voted on her side are:

Armanlegstrong (ND), Buckdoe (CO), Duartesharp (CA), Edwardsairforcebase (NC), Griffindore (VA), Grossman (WI), Hagelman (NY), Buzinga (MI), Issagonnahavetroublewithyou (CA), Johnson (SD), Lambalfa (CA), Lassie (KY), McClintock (CA), McCormicikspice (GA), Millerhighlite (OH), Miller-Makeshighlite (IA), Oolalaar (MI), Royrodgers (TX), Scottman (GA), Sparckz (IN), Turnerenhooch (OH), Van Order (WI), Wallburger (MI).

            Congressman Lassie said that the reason he voted as he did was that he voted the same way in regard to President Trumpet about January 6th

            However, there are big differences…President Trumpet did not lie about anything, he did not ask the people to riot, he actually told them to march peaceably toward the Capitol Building.  While Radish Tablet did lie, and she continues to lie about the hospital parking lot bombing.  This means that she is misleading people she is speaking to, this means that she is making these same people angry, even if what she is spewing forth are lies!  This is the big difference, Congressman Lassie!  Also, Congressman Lassie, Radish Tablet actually hates America while Donald J. Trumpet LOVES the United States of America!  And that, in my book makes a big distinction – should someone who actually hates our country be allowed to remain in her seat?  Is not what Radish Tablet has said and done not comparable to someone yelling “fire” in a theatre?  I think so.

            Will Radish and her squad ever be held accountable for any of the anti-American stunts?

            Well, it turns out that on November 8, 2023 (I believe it was on this day) Radish was actually censured by Congress, even eighteen Dummycrats voted to censure her.  But what will this do except help her get Champaign funds for her party.

            As for Congressman Lassie, perhaps he had a bit of Karma, even though it turns out to be bad Karma for USA!  He had stupid Republican congressmen vote against his little amendment to a certain bill.  His amendment would keep the government from enforcing a law for all cars, by the year of 2026, to have a kill switch installed!  However, he was able to help AOC see the light and she voted for his amendment.  Good for her.

            This kill switch is said to be for drunk drivers.  However, would this not be a dangerous thing to do – have your car die for no reason?  What if you were on a highway and going really fast in traffic?  So they somehow may have control of your steering and be able to guide you to the side of the road (this process has not as yet been exactly explained to me).  What if you were on the highway by the time the kill switch is hit?  Would it not be very dangerous to be on a highway in super fast traffic!  Biden is such a JERK!!!

            There is supposed to be something that monitors the car’s air, even in the back seat, so what if you are a designated driver and you are perfectly sober?  But this technology smells booze on somebody’s breath and kills the motor.  And how can we trust that this device will only be used for people who are drunk or high?  Will this device detect Mary Jane’s smell?  Would this device be used to keep Republican’s home on voting day?


            Yes, modern day college students around USA are stupid when they decide to go out to protest for Humus terrorists!  It may not be their fault that they are stupid, however, as they have probably been brainwashed somewhere along the way by their schoolteachers and college professors.  Yet, not all of the protestors on the campuses are even USA citizens!  They are here in our country (on VISA) by invite in order to attend college.  I believe that those students should be told to cut out what they are doing or leave our country – their choice.  They can either not protest for terrorists or they can leave our country, since they evidently hate USA (the great satan) so much!!!

            Yes, we here at the Gander do have the guts, even if we do not fry them up and eat them, we can fling them across the room at the college protesters, we have the guts to name the colleges that are allowing such silly protests to take place. 

Aridzona State University, Columbia, CUNY Campuses, FAU, George Mason, Harvard, IUD, Kent Cigarette State, NY U Law, Pen State, Prud U., SUNNY Captain Binghamton, Berkley, UC, U Chicagogo, Cincincinate, U Con, UIC, UL, U Mass, Amherst, U Michigangan, UNC, Chapel Hill (where young people go to get hitched), George Washington U, U Penn, USC, USF, UTD, UVA, URNutts, UWSeattle, Yale, MIT, NMSU, SUNNY Buffalo, UC Davis, and UI Arlington Cemetery.

            This is how stupid some of the student protesters are – instead of waving around a Palestinian flag they were waving around an Italian flag (same colors)!  Some of them do not even know how to spell Israel correctly.  They spell it like Isreal.  Perhaps they mean it as a joke, for I once knew a church teacher who said:  “spiritually speaking Israel means that Spirit is real”.

            These protests are ongoing; they have been taking place for over a month now.  What about all of those students?  Don’t they have classes they are supposed to be in?  Will they all flunk?  They should.  And if they are not citizens of this country and here on Visas then they need to be kicked out and forced to go home.


            It turns out that the Humus Jihadi soldiers are hopped up on amphetamines, a drug named Cap’ain Crunch.  What’s that?  Oh, it’s called captagon.  This drug makes the user hallucinate and it keeps the user up for days.  With it there is no pain, no remorse, they have super strength, and they have a zombie like non-human focus.  In other words the user becomes a sociopath while under the influence.  It is also true that ISIS used such medicine before going into battle.  Remember when the name of Isis use to refer to an Egyptian goddess?  The use of this drug would explain why there seems to be a lack of moral dignity on the side of these terrorists. 

            I’m just not sure why any soldier in their right mind would allow themselves to indulge in taking such drugs?  But then, maybe they are not in their right minds to speak of?

CHINESE INVADE USA – by Bill Hemorrhage of LOX News

            Within a period of fourteen days over 2,000 Chinese men, of military age, have crossed over the southern border of USA.  This has been taking place for months now.  They are here to attack us; over 100 different countries have entered our country.  Pro-Palestinians and Humus people have entered our country too.  Yet, Joke Biden does absolutely nothing to protect this country from real terrorists!  Perhaps Joke Biden is the real terrorist of our country, not MAGA people at all; after all, just looking at him sends shivers of fear up and down my spine!






(Why is China able to purchase our land?  And why is not Joke Biden doing something about this, you know, confiscate the land from them?  Is this the reason why the Chinese weather balloon hovered over our country for a week – so that they could pick out choice farmland and ranching land?  Move over Yellowstone, your new neighbors could be Chinese!)


            Remember how Hilariously Rotten Clinton stated that all MAGA people were in a cult (which she repeated the second week of November on The One View)?  Well, it turns out, after Humus attacked Israel that the real cult is supporting Humus terrorists!  Other cultists are supporters of Dr. Anthony Faust (you know, the man who experimented on coronavirust diseases in America before he shipped them over to China)!

            Remember the pipe and medicine vending machine of New Yorkso that the Mayor installed?  Well, it cost $676,000 to install just one of the machines.  It turns out that twenty thousand dollars went to Services For the Undeserved (meaning the committee of this group themselves – they really did not deserve the money at all).  Another twenty thousand dollars went to Vocal New Yorkso.  Senator Upchuck Shoemer asked Congress to buy the new group a new head quarters for three million dollars.  Neither of these non-profit groups happens to be non-profit!  They indorsed politicians that send them money.  Only one in eight vending machines were installed and that one no longer has anything in it – it’s empty.  So where has all that money gone to?  AUDIT THEM!!!


            It turns out that during the past fifteen years the FBI has had forty agents investigating the Biden family and their so-called business.  This means that they have been investigating the Bidens sense 2008 – this is when he is becoming Vice President for Obummer, Mr. B. O. – Rinso White!  So what does this mean?  It means the underling investigators have been ignored over the years by the FBI heads (No, not the bathrooms – however, what they think is a lot of you know what – rhymes with MAP.).  Does this possibly mean that the FBI is black mailing the Biden family?  It sure seems possible.  What would be their reason for not arresting the Biden crime syndicate?  They sure were way more interested in taking down President Trumpet and falsifying evidence against him than they ever have been in taking on Joke Biden!

            But then again, the SEE-I-A, another corrupt government agency, loves Biden’s border policies because they get a cut of the profits that the drug cartels get from smuggling their drugs across the southern “OPEN” border!

Question:  Where could New Yorkso City put illegal aliens?

Answer:  Close down the United Nations meetings and let the illegal aliens live in the U. N. building!


            Since October 17th Iran has attacked our military bases and personnel at least 57 times.  The worst we’ve done in order to retaliate?  We’ve attacked two empty warehouses!  Oh, wow, I bet Iran is shaking in their boots!  NOT!!!  Especially when they send one of their leaders over here, Joke Biden allowed him to come, and he threatens the United States of America during his speech at the United Nations!  Another good reason to get rid of the United Nations, or at least DEFUND it!  Let’s give it to the migrant non-workers!

            Have you ever seen Designated Survivor?  Well, too bad we don’t have a man like that as our president today!  Wow, Leafier Southernland you knew how to kick butt!


“The Dummycrats would have us all living in a den of inequities!” – Bill O’Really

“Joke Biden is very much alive!” – Khameleon Harris on 1 Hour, CBS 10/29/2023

ODE TO MATTHEW PERRY – by Seymour Friends

            On October 29, 2023, Matthew Perry was found dead in his hot tub, to which the investigating cop replied, “Oh, there you are, Perry!”  There will be an extensive toxicology report in a few weeks.  The actor is known mostly for his cinnamon roll in the hit sitcom series Friends – clap, clap, clap, clap clap!  Mr. Perry wants to be known for the help he tried to give others in overcoming substance abuse, as he too abused substances like alcohol and drugs.  Is it called substance abuse because the user uses substances that wind up abusing the user’s body?  I think that this is quite possible, to be honest, I had never really given it much thought before this.

            I will always remember the dream that I had with Matthew Perry and his co-star, the one who played Joey.  We were on the sands of a beach and they were wearing swim trunks.  Yes, this was how you can Seymour Friends!  HA!

B 61 – 13, NO, WE’RE NOT PLAYING BINGO! – by Badda Boom Badda Bang

            On October 20, 2023, in Nevadada, the Department of Energy set off an underground explosion.  The explosion took place at 07:25 EDT on Wednesday.

            They explained that it was so that they could improve the ability to “detect low-yield nuclear explosions around the world,” The USDOE N. BUCK experimented with an explosion of chemicals with radiotracers.  Again, it was to “validate new predictive explosion models” after Putinonderitz and his House of Wax Parliament voted to withdraw from the ratification of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.

            Biden wanted to invite China over here to see our new Nuke.  Doctor Michio Kuku told J. Watters on Primeribtime that a new bomb, the B 61 –13, is twenty-four times more powerful than the one that fell on Hiroshima.  It is enough to flatten most of the New Yorkso metropolitan area, like a pancake!

            They also discussed that it would be wrong for us to show China our bomb with out also seeing their bombs.


659 Iranians

538 Syrians

3,153 Egyptians

This is all between October 2021 and October 2023.

During the first two fiscal weeks of the new year (2023-2024) the border patrol agents apprehended more than 30 Iranians, nearly 60 Syrians, more than 100 Russians, and nearly 2,000 Chinese immigrants.  All of this should really bother us, as we are not SAFE!!!

            It is estimated that there has been over 1.5 million Gotaways, at least 6,000 known Gottaways in 2023 so far.  Look for Humus or Hezballa terrorists to enter into our country too – Thanks Joke Biden!  Between January and September of 2023 – 22,187 apprehensions of Chinese Nationals between the ports of entry have entered; this does not include people who actually come through the ports of entry!  The majority of those entering are single males of military age

            Over the last two years there have been 6,380 people from Afghanistan (that we know of).  Cartels are charging way more money for terrorists than they are for regular citizens.  There are probably many sleeper cells already in USA (they really enjoy Governor Huckelberry’s sleeping product).


            In Peru, near Costco, there is a very well known fortress and religious ceremonial structure thousands of years old.  It is called Saxsey Woman and consists of stones that weigh tons (Just don’t let the Saxsey Woman know her weight!).

            When, in 1533, Spanish Conquistadors saw it they asked the indigenous people about it.  They told them that they were not the builders, that the structure was there when they arrived five hundred years before that.  So, they really were not indigenous people after all!!!

            Did aliens from another planet build Saxsey Woman?  We may never know.


            Who knew that Joke Biden was actually good at doing something, running a world travel agency where everybody comes into the United States of America and never leaves!  Welcome to the Hotel California!  Such a lovely place (not any more because of all the foreigners)! 

            Another Caravan is headed toward the southern border too.  This makes how many now?  I’ve lost count!  One reporter was asking some single men, who were all from Senegal, where they wanted to go once they entered into USA.  Their answers varied.  I had to ask myself, “Booker Danno, where’s Senegal?”  My dictionary told me that it’s a territory of former French West Africa.  So, I have to ask you, “Why do black people want to come to America when many of the black people who are already here seem to think that they are so mistreated?  That they feel so mistreated that they believe they are supposed to be recipient of reparations so they go out and steal their fool heads off   Actually, if they stole their fool heads off they would behead themselves, so they just steel from everybody – most recently – FED EX, AMAZON, etc.”

            Our country is importing poverty, terrorism, dependants, and (they believe future) Dummycrat voters while the Mayor of New Yorkso is doing their laundry.  We have imported enough people to make up the population of thirteen states with Wyoming’s population here and there.  But the joke is really on those who are coming here, because once they get to the big cities of San Flanciso, Chicagee, and New Yorkso they will find out that they left their third world country just to wind up in a third world city.

            The latest caravan heading this way is said to have around 7,000 people.  It is interesting what one of this caravan’s organizers said:

            “It’s never been easier to get in to the USA.  Joe Biden and his administration has lost the baseball, has lost the power ball, and America has not been paying attention to what has been happening.  Where is the American Intelligence?  Don’t they know that all the countries are conspiring against the United States to make sure they have this crisis?”  In other words the world is against our country and are flooding our country with their people, many are released prisoners or violent game members.

            Oh, caravan organizer, Biden knows all of this, it is his plan to have this crisis take place just as it is!  Why don’t you disappoint the mad man and lead the caravan back to where it came from?  Do us a solid, hey?

            And then, on Halloween, there is frightening Mayorkass testifying in front of the Senate.  He refuses to tell them how many people have been let into our country.  He purposely dodges the question that Senator Johnson gives him, so Johnson tells Mayorkass it is seven million people.  But, in our estimate that number is too low, it is probably closer to eight million (if not more).


            It turns out that some Venezuelans who have come to USA by illegally crossing the southern border now plan to return home – where it is nice and warm.  I guess they do not like sleeping out on the cold streets.  I guess their claim for asylum was not real at all!

            One disillusioned migrant is quoted as having said, “The American dream, she is a dead!”

            Yeah, I’ve been trying to tell you all this for months now, but nobody listens to me.  Who took the American dream away from people here in America?  Joke Biden, the same guy that all you illegal aliens seem to revere and praise!  And you all are part of the reason why there is no more American dream – but I doubt that you are willing to take the blame for it!


            Eric Holdem, President’s B. O.’s Athrorney General is warning Dummycrat court judges and prosecutors to make sure they do not put President Donald J. Trumpet in jail.  Why not?  It’s simple, it would help him win the 2024 election.  It would benefit Trumpet one hundred percent if he were put in jail before any of his suits are finished.  (They need faster tailors.) 

LEAF ME ALONE! – by Windy Storm

            Those crazy Leftist Dummycrats are at it again!  They now want to take away all the leaf blowers that run on gasoline!  They claim, now get this stupid lie, to use a gasoline run leaf blower causes as much air pollution as a trip from Miami to Los Angeles does.  Okay, this is not what they said, but it is pretty close to their original exaggeration!  I did not write down what they really did say, so I cannot tell you exactly what they did say.  They also claim that the gasoline leaf blowers cause children to get asthma and go deaf (because the leaf blowers are so loud).  They just want to scare people with unrealistic facts that are really not facts at all.

1,400 JEWS WERE MURDERED ON OCTOBER 7, 2023 – by Shessa Maneater

            It was the biggest attempt at Jewish genocide since World War II.  On October 7, 2023 Humus terrorists entered the city of Israel to murder Jews.  They took many people hostage, and these people (most of them) are still hostages.  The Humus terrorists beheaded babies, they killed parents and siblings alike, they laughed about their murder spree.  There were some Humus terrorists who parachute glided into the city with their machine guns strapped around them.

            Yet the craziest thing has happened – people actually believe that Humus terrorists are the good guys!  Some people refuse to even believe that Humus people committed the atrocities on October 7th.  Many USA college students, and even some high school students, have been protesting against Israel, calling Israel the ones trying to commit genocide.  Mainstream press, college professors, and who knows who else, have mislead these young people!  I have to wonder, however, how many of them are really students here on visas from other countries, if they themselves are not from Palestine or part of the Muslim Brotherhood (that Obummer loves).

            One chant that means the protesters want the Jews to all die is this one:  “From the river to the sea.”  I say, why not change it to a little rhyme that would mean the opposite?  “From the river to the sea, Israel, a country, MUST BE!!!”

            Why does Joke Biden ask for (less) money for Israel and tie it to money going to the Youkrang?  Joke Biden has said that he supports Israel, however, he also seems to want Israel to make a cease-fire.  Yet, how many times has Israel already agreed to cease-fires with Palestine and those cease-fires are broken by Humus terrorists in Palestine.  The last cease-fire that was broken took place on October 7, 2023.

            People who are out there protesting on behalf of Palestine have everything backwards.  They see Humus as the “so-called” oppressed; yet, it is Humus that is the oppressor.  Humus terrorists are the ones who built their head quarters, nickels, and dimes underneath the Al-Shifty Hospital in Gauze City, and they are the ones that use Palestinians as human shields.

BIDEN’S RATINGS DROP – AGAIN – by Cindy Addenmachine

            Joke Biden’s disapproval ratings are now down to 55.7%.  Still, considering all that he has done over the past two to (almost) three years that seems rather low to me.  Part of the rise in ratings is do to the fact that Muslims are mad at him about this whole war in Israel thing.  And if he keeps telling Israel to “take a pause” then the Jews are not going to be too happy with him either.

            Why would Joe do this?  It is thought that it is because his pole ratings, in Michiganan, fell.  This is where many Muslims live, so he began to panic.  Being heckled by a protester probably did not help him much.  So after all of this he has decided to pester Israel’s head politician, Nutinyahoo, and try to get him to call for “a pause” – which is a temporary cease-fire.  Personally, I hope that Nutinyahoo refuses to listen to Biden!


            Dean Phillips is now in the run for president in the 2024 election.  However, the fix is already in, as Jim Cleburne, a black congressman, is accusing Dean Phillips of being a racist!  The Dummycrats never get tired of getting out that old record and spinning it to the public!

            If Dean Phillips is on my primary ballot, I may just vote for him!  I’ll give him my vote over Joke Biden.

THERE REALLY IS A SMOKING GUN – by Amanda Jean Turncoat

            When it comes to Joke Biden and his family business (getting loans from foreign governments – in other words – BRIBES) there finally is a smoking gun.  Now, this gun should consider giving up cigarettes, after all, they are hazardous to your health!

            It turns out that Congressman Coma has an actual check that he can trace back to the Chinese Laundry, with their “ancient Chinese secret”!  There is a check from Joan and James Bidden Sr. for $40,000.00 to the “Big Guy”.  It is said to be a payment for a “loan”.  The reason why they say it is for a loan is so that it does not have to be reported to the IRS as income!  Wow, “Pay Your Fair Share” Biden really does not like to pay his fair share at all, does he?  I still would like to know if people who actually, really did vote for this man, are willing to admit that they were WRONG yet?

            Smug-ass Biden said on Halloween, “Retrieving old bank records, that’s really hard to do, Man.  Or looking up your balance for your loan, on your loan, that’s a killer, Man!  That costs so much money for those banks.”

            His comment just goes to prove that Joke Biden is an OLD man.  He does not get that the banks keep electronic records these days and it takes very little effort to locate stuff.  Below is the money trail coming from communist China and his 10% (for the “Big Guy”).

            Hunted Biden wrote some Op Ed claiming that the Republican GOOP’s weaponizing his mistakes.  You know, when he was not sober (on drugs).  He claims that by attacking him as a drug addict is like attacking America!  Wow, does this man really think that everybody in the United States is hooked on drugs?  If it is true then it is his fault, because he does business with the Chinese who ship the “not-so ancient Chinese secret” to Mexican cartels so that they can make the “F” drug and bring it into our country because his old man (the “Big Guy”) has opened up our southern border where nobody is vetted!  Can Hunted and Joke Biden say, “COMPROMISED”?

BLANKETS IN SCHOOL – by Anet Funnycello

            Usually a blanket gives one a nice warm comforting feeling, however, the book Blankets is a pornographic book about gays.  This pornographic book is being introduced to public school students.  One teacher told the parents that they had to purchase the book for their daughter.  Perhaps this was a good thing for that teacher to do, because at least then the parents knew the type of sexual trash the book had inside it (unless they were really stupid parents and never looked inside the book).  At one school board meeting a mother was reading from this book.  She even showed a blown up picture from the book to the board.  A cop came over and folded the picture back up and put it with the woman’s things.  I guess the board has a rule that you are not allowed to display things, you are only allowed to talk to them.  So we cannot complain that the cop did this because of the pornographic picture itself being too strong for the board member’s eyes.

            These are the type of books that the Board of Education forces public schools into having.  The reason the schools agree to do it is so that they can get their funds (money) from the Board of Education (the government).  One should be asking them selves, “Why is it that the government wants our children to be sexually corrupted?”  It has to do with Marxism (communism) – 100%!!!  These books are now labeled as “diverse materials and programming” by the American Library ASS.  This is Dr. Jill Biden’s favorite organization!  WOW!!!  The president, Emily Dravensky (a Russian communist?), is a Marxist lesbian.  She wants to build around “notions of queerness” in order to officiate and hide their true goals – which is to abolish the nuclear family (impediments to the revolution) and to go against heterosexuality and advance the Marxist dream.

            Porn does not belong in the Public School system!


            The Mayor of New Yorkso, Earache Adams, is now on Joke Biden’s radar.  Adam’s consultant’s house was raided by the F.B.I.  Did Adam’s conspire with Turkey officials and a construction company?  Six people assigned to District Athorney Bragg are investigating the mayor.  Did he funnel funds from the construction company?  Is this how he won the election?  Or is he being investigated because he is asking Joke Biden for Federal funds to help pay for the illegal aliens he is responsible for letting into our country and were flown in by Biden into New Yorkso?  (More people entered New Yorkso because of Biden than because of Governor Hey Abbott of Textus.)

            Was Bob Goldbar also arrested because he is against Joke Biden’s Iran policies?  It sounds petty, but I do believe that Joke Biden is a petty man.

INTRODUCTION TO THE WOKE COUPLE – by comedian Tyler Fisher

            On November thirteenth Felix Unger’s girlfriend comes out as non-binary and is only attracted to houseplants.  Oscar Madison’s girlfriend joins “only fans”.  Can these sis white males live in a studio apartment?  They can, but they pretend to be illegal immigrants and they get a hotel at the Plaza for free.  THE WOKE COUPLE!


            Car jacking incidents have gone way up over the past couple of years (ever since 2020 when the mayor sided with Black Lives Mutter) in Washingaton of Dirty Clothes.  Teenagers are committing many of the car jackings, no wonder one recording showed that the vehicle being stolen looked like the person behind the wheel was drunk!  It turns out that the person was not drunk but underage and probably has no driving experience at all.

            One child had been arrested seven times for carjacking, yet the judge sent her home, not to jail.  Not long after this she died in a car crash.  Was she the unlicensed driver?

            What is the mayor’s answer to solving this up tick in crime?  She wants the owners of the vehicles to place Apple Air Pod (tracking devices) in their cars.  Yet, once the car is stolen the police cannot pursue the criminal!  No, there is a new pursuit law in the city!  So, the police can only get the car once it stops and is no longer going anywhere.  This makes me think that Mayor Bow-Wow has brain damage.  Mayor Bow-Wow, kids are dying in the streets, or on the streets, they need to go to lockup if they have committed a crime, especially if it is the same crime over and over and over again!


            It seems as if the Biden Administration is now involved in AI policies.  Broke Obummer has been working, behind the scenes, on new AI policies for the past year.  So, is the former president really pulling Biden’s puppet strings?  It’s beginning to look that way.  Khameleon Harris has been put in charge of dealing with AI.  Perhaps, hopefully, this means that nothing will actually get accomplished!  But no we’re not that lucky.

            Their claim is that artificial intelligence is raciest, so, they will need to install all these inequity programs into it.  This, simply put, means that when you go to the Internet to find out who is the best concrete laying company it will direct you to a company run by a Hispanic with a crew of migrant workers instead of directing you to a white man’s company.  It also means that when you ask SURY WITH THE FRINGE ON TOP to provide you with the best restaurant near you, she will direct you to the worst dive where you get food poisoning.

            This new plan was signed into existence on November 13, 2023.  All we can say is, “Whelp, there goes the Mother board!”


            “I’m doing a quick petition to help Humus to help free Palestine.  Are you all in?

            “Am I all in what?”

            “Are you willing to sign the petition in order to free Palestine?”

            “Uh huh.  Alright.”

            “Are you in?” (another person was asked)


            “I just have to read the terms and conditions just so you know what you’re signing.”


            “By supporting Humus and freeing Palestine you agree to the following:  You agree that every Jew, Christian and non-Muslim in the world must be slaughtered.”

            “I don’t know about that one.”

            “You endorse making homosexuality punishable by jail or death.”


            “You believe Iran should use Palestinians as puppets to spread radical Jihad and destroy the West.”


            “You support strict Sharia Law which bans women from showing their knees and hair, from playing sports in public, and not being able to travel without a man’s permission.”

            “I’m sorry.  I’m not interested.”

            “Not interested?  Okay.”

            This goes to show you that many citizens of the United States are ignorant of facts and what is really going on.  No wonder they believe the lies that the Jihad leaders spew forth!

JUDGE NUDY – by Bill Delusion; National Correspondent

            It turns out that Judge Angermoron, who is in charge of President Trumpet’s case in New Yorkso, has posted chest picks of himself on the Internet for a high school alumni news letter.  This man is 75 years old and he posts his horribly shaped chest to children!  There is something wrong with this man, why has he not been taken off the bench and de-bared?  The truth is he really does not have any unilateral power to take away Trumpet’s business.  He is a political activist and a laughing stock.  This case needs to be thrown out with the bath water. 

            This judge knew that Trumpet’s daughter, Ivanka, was to testify on November 7th and 8th, and when he saw her in court he said, “Who is that?”  His tone, even though not mentioned on national news, when he asked that question was probably done in a sexually perverted way.  I admit, I was not present so I did not actually hear him say the words or his tone of voice, but my imagination has filled in the blanks, and they call me Bill Delusion for a reason!

            When Donald Trumpet took the stand, this means that he sat down in it, he did not actually leave the courtroom with it, the judge said, “I’m not here to listen to what Trumpet says!”  Really?  I think he is there to listen to Trumpet toot his own horn!  Again, if this man is this bias, then he needs to be taken off the bench and maybe put behind bars!  How do we know that he has not misjudged people over the years because of political bias?  All his cases need to be reviewed.

            One day after court was out of session, Athorney General Latishia Shames said about Trumpet, “He falsely inflated his ass!”  Hum, she’s one to talk!  When she was campaigning to get her job she said of President Trumpet, and this shows you that she is actually the racist, she said that he is “too male, too pale and too stale”.  She is a bully!  Athorney Generals do not attend trials, but she is there everyday that Trumpet or his children have to testify.  She is out for a photo shoot, so she can run on this case during her next campaign.  People need to not vote for her!


            More protesters in support of Palestine gathered in front of the White House on November 4th and 5th.  Did they not know that the president was not home (physically and mentally)?  I thought Trick or Treat came four days earlier!  Were they really there to collect a delicious piece of candy?  No, they were there to yell their brains out and defecate (I know this is the wrong word to use, but I like it) public property.  They probably really thought that Joke Bidden was inside the White House, because they are all so stupid, none of them actually watch the news, they have no idea that the man goes on vacation every single weekend to his beach house or his other house or his other house.  The man is always going somewhere and doing nothing, at least does nothing correct.  I believe the White House gives him a rash.

            These protesters dipped their hands in red paint and then put their handprints on the stoned columns of the White House fence.  Well, one thing is for sure, if the FBI really wants to go after these people (which they will not do) then they would have the culprits RED HANDED!!!  (Because, there would be fingerprints in red paint on the stone columns.)  This, in my book, was way worse than what happened on January 6, 2021.  Still, nothing will happen to any of these revolting people.  Yep, in Biden’s eyes MAGA folk are the real homeland terrorists.  He and most of his Party think that there are more Islam phobic people in USA then there are anti-Semantics.  Yet, attacks on Jews has risen 400% since last year at this time. 

            Protesters defiled a statue of Benjamin Franklin and other statues at Lafayette Park were desecrated.  One of the statues holds a Palestinian flag, and the mainstream press mentioned not one word of this.  Only one person was arrested.[1]  Most of the people were there because of the Worker’s World Party (communists).

            Also, during this protest, in another neck of the woods, former president Broke Obummer was in front of a camera coming down on his old VP.  “What Humus did was horrific and there’s no justification for it; and what is also true is that the occupation [there is no occupation of Palestine by Israel; he pauses here because he knows he is lying] and what’s happening to Palestinians is unbearable.  [Now he justifies what Humus did.]  And so, if you want to solve the problem, then you have to take in the whole truth and you then have to admit nobody’s hands are clean [especially when dipped in red paint], that all of us are complicit to some degree.  [He also has red hands.]  All of us, who were in my administration, that is.  [Especially with my Iran nuclear deal.]”

            Israel has not been in control of Palestine for over eighteen years.  And sixteen years ago the Palestinians let Humus take over their government, so it is Humus that is actually occupying Palestine.  The longer you listen to Broke Obummer the dummer you get!

IT’S A BUNCH OF BULLHORN!!! – by Solly Chalie

            At Thousand Island Oaks, California, on November 5, 2023, a male Jew died.  A Muslim extremist protestor murdered the Jewish man.  He hit the man on the head with a bullhorn and the man fell to the ground where he died.  The police are calling it a “homicide”.  It is an actual hate crime.  But once again, the mainstream media (State news) are not reporting on this man’s death because it does not fit with the narrative they want to promote.


            Governor Gravel Nudesome was over in China with President XI (Eleven).  Oh, he had fun driving an electric vehicle, walking with storks, and playing basketball with young boys (accidentally knocking one of them over and then patting the lad on the back).  He especially loved inspecting the Great Wall of China.  He commented, “You’re kidding, this thing is held together with sticky rice mortar?  Amazing!”  While in communist China, Nudesome was delighted that he would once again see President XI Ping Pong when he would come to the APEC Summit in California.  But before the Chinese president, other important people, and Joke Biden came to the Summit Nudesome had to clean house.  This means that he finally cleaned up The Streets of San Flancisco!  This is making Quinn Martin a very happy dude.  He hauled off the homeless-drug addicts to near by places (sub-burps or quite possibly LA underpasses that have recently caught on fire), but as soon as the Summit ends they will probably be allowed to move back into downtown San Flancisco (unless they are dead because they were caught in underpass fires).

            Because Nudesome was so impressed with the Great Wall of China he has lined certain streets with chain link fences.  Which seems a bit hypocritical, because, a few years back he complained that walls do no good, of course, this was probably do more to the fact that it was President Trumpet behind the border fence than any other reason.  And he had to support Aunt Nancy Pelono, after she claimed that, “Walls are racist.”

            The Governor of California has been in political offices since 1997.  He used to be the mayor of San Flancisco.  One citizen of the city says that Nudesome has been promising to clean up the city ever since he was Mayor.  We could say, “Better late than never”?  But, we all know, as Nudesome admitted it to the press, that he cleaned up the city for the Asian Political Education Conundrum Summit, to be held the week before Thanksgiving.  He went shopping for the occasion as he spent one billion dollars on a thousand trees to be planted around the streets simply because XI loves trees!

UPDATE:  As everybody suspected, as soon as President XI’s plane took off toward China, the homeless and the drug zombies returned to The Streets of San Flancisco!  It is said that Quinn Martin has rolled over in his grave.[2]  The city remained clean for maybe seven days, if lucky.


            The APEC SUMMIT was held on November 15th.  We all here, at the Gander, are surprised that Joke Biden was able to stay awake for four hours!  So what did USA get from China?  Well, after being Chinese Indian givers (they took back some of their panda bears) they decided they would give us some new panda bears.  Is that like trading in an old car for a new one?  XI also promised to curb the flow of chemicals into Mexico, the ones that the cartels use to make Fin-Tylenol with.  Just what does XI mean by “curb”?  Curb means to “check or restrain or to control”.  Well, this just means that the chemicals will be checked to make sure that they are the real product and China already controls the flow of the chemicals they bring into Mexico!  So, in other words, XI really promised to do nothing about the chemicals at all.

            Whatever you do, do not ever give President XI Ping Pong a stuffed Winnie the Pooh bear.


            After the Summit Joke Biden threw a big party with loads of fireworks, but President XI Ping Pong snubbed him (again).  Instead, XI went to a dinner, not too far away, where the plates cost $40,000 a piece.  (The plates were not made in China or with China, but with solid AU!)  The guest list consisted of elite executives, some of which were:

Tim Cooks Apples CEO

Stepping Schartzman, Blackface Group CEO

Larry D. Fink, also Blackface

Standing Deal, Bowling CEO

Merit Badge Janow, Mastercard Independent Chair

Milind Panties, Amway CEO

Hacking Tan, Female Broadcom CEO

Darius Adamedascanbe, Sticky Honeywell CEO

            After XI finished his big speech, everybody leapt from his or her chair, in order to give the Chinese president a standing ovation.  He gladly received the ovation, even though it was very heavy to hold.  He did, however, manage to carry it to his seat.

            When XI was heading back home to China Biden let it slip that he still thought that the president of China was a dick-tatoer-tot.  Wink N. Blinken, who sat in the audience, could not nod to Biden’s comment so he winced instead. 


            Remember Audrey Hail, a trans person gone wacko?  They refused to release her manifesto, which is most unusual considering they always release manifestos belonging to mass shooters.  But they did not want Audrey’s manifesto getting out because it did not fit the communist media’s storyline.  So, some policemen recently leaked parts of the manifesto.  Here is what Audrey Hail had to say:

            “Those saltine crackers going to private fancy schools…wanna kill all you little saltine crackers!!! with your white privileges[3]…F*** you f***ers!

            “The day has finally come!  Can’t believe I’m doing this, but I’m ready.  I hope my victims aren’t.  God, let my wrath take over my anxiety.”


            Pete Buttijudge has been missing in our country because he went over to visit with President Vlademire of the Youkrangian government.  Pete is promising to build back his country, yet this is not his job.  He is the USA’s government worker who hardly works at all.  International infrastructure is not his job!  USA money has disappeared in Youkrang, there has been no accounting job done on it to find out where all of our taxpayer money has all gone.  Yet Vlademire wants more and more of our money!  He acts like he is our president; he acts like he is our boss!  Where does he get off acting like this and where does Buttijudge get off going over there?  And is it not stupid to even re-build up anything while a war is still being waged?  Where is the logic of it all?  The LEFT has no logic or common sense!

THE BEAR MINIMUM – by Brett Beir of LOX News

            Joke Biden is reintroducing into the woods near Seattle, Washingyourdishes, your not-so-friendly neighborhood grizzly bear!

            One man, who was caught off guard by his new neighbor yelled, “Help me, I’m being eaten by a bear!  Help me, doesn’t anybody care?”  Well, Joke Biden sure as heck doesn’t give a hoot (he also loves the Hooter terrorists).

            These bears being sighted are not good for the local cattle either.  When a cow sees a bear it often causes a pregnant cow to miscarry, or it scares them so much that they will be unable to give birth period!  It can also make the calves be born with a very low weight.  Perhaps this is Biden’s GREEN agenda at work, his way of forcing us to stop eating beef?


            On November 8, 2023, in Florida, CNBS aired the third Republican debate for the year.  This time around the competition was down to five people.  Vice President Tense dropped out sometime before the debate, and Senator Scott Tissue dropped out after the debate.  Still in the race is Pris Pristy, Nicky Hailsleet, Ron DeSantisclause, and Viveke Ramaswammiemommy.  Once more President Trumpet was a no show.  However, he was not far away as he held a rally that same night.

            The three navigators of the event did a pretty good job, but they had no real control over the audience.  Ramaswammiemommy really raked the woman journalist over the coals when he mentioned that she presented, for years, Hillariously Rotten Clinton’s bull Steel Dossier, along with Russian collusion, as being real.  His question, “What do you have to say to that?” remained unanswered by the three people – what could they say, except, “Guilty as charged”.

            Viveke was on fire that night.  He insulted Nicky and Ron at the same time when he made a comment about having two Dick Chimneys in three inch heals on stage.  Nicky responded to the insult saying that her heels were five inches not three.  She also got ticked off at him for saying that her daughter was on TicTac’s social media platform (as she gave him a bad time about the same thing in a previous debate).  Then she called him scum.  Yet, her daughter is a grown woman, and not a child, so I’m not sure why Nicky was so upset about it.  I think she was just ticked off that Vivek got in a good punch.  Ron just ignored the comment.  Ron has been accused of wearing lifts inside of his cowboy boots.  Yet, I was unable to see if he was even wearing cowboy boots that night.


            On Twosday, November 14, 2023, Hebrew National Wieners promoted a big huge protest for the Jews in Washatonof Clothes.  It was to show support for Israel and the Jews themselves, as anti-Semitism has risen to a record high level since the halo-cast of HALO.  What?  I’ve got that wrong?  Oh, since the holocaust in Germany.  My bad.

            At least their event, or get together, was really peaceful.  There were no people yelling at other people, there was nobody spraying police cars with paint, there was nobody climbing poles to pull down USA flags or anybody burning USA flags, and there was nobody getting physically hurt.  Also present were Republicans and Dummycrats. 

            These protesters were unlike the protesters in the following story who like to come out at night, and wear masks over their faces in order to hide their identity.  Nobody at the March for Israel wore facemasks.  A lot of those people, who are protesting in favor of Humus, who falsely believe that they are on the correct side of things, are ignorant fools and have no idea what they are talking about.

            Over 80,000 Gauzans have been evacuated from Palestine; it is Humus that does not want any of them to leave. 


            Remember how peaceful the March for Israel was?  Well, the following night, on the 15th, a group proclaiming to be protesting for a cease-fire, for peace, actually turned violent (were not peaceful at all)!  These people also wore masks in order to hide their identities.  They held their protest-riot right outside of the DNC in Washingstone D.C.

            They actually brought out the National Guard for the March of 3,000 people on the 14th when absolutely NOTHING BAD HAPPENED!  Yet, they did not do the same the following night.  WHY NOT?  How many protesters got arrested that night?  ONE!  WOW!  How many policemen got hurt?  Six.  Cops were cut up, beaten up and they were pepper sprayed in the face.  The man arrested is named Mike Terror and he probably will not be punished because he was on the Left side of January 6th.

            Why do these protesters, who are also affiliated with Black Lives Mutter, want to be violent?  It is because they want videos taken of the event so that they can edit them later on and change the story to try and show that it was the police who were the bad actors, when they were the instigators of trouble!  They fight dirty.

            Did the riot get reported in the local newspaper, the Washingpound Post?  Yes, but it was buried in the Metro Section of the newspaper, hardly front page news.  It is more like they want to hide the truth and they want to hide the monsters that they have created!

            A top congressional Dummycrat who was inside the DNC building that night told AXIO, “It scared me more than January 6th…This was not peaceful!”

            A Capitol police officer has said, “We have handled hundreds of peaceful protests, but last night’s group was not peaceful.”

            It is time for Speaker of the House Mike Johnson to form a November 15th Committee to investigate the insurrection that took place outside the DNC!  They need to speak out about it like the Dummycrats did after January 6th!  Remember how AOC lied about how her life was being threatened and she was afraid that she would be raped – when the truth was she was nowhere near the action?  Why not have somebody like Nancy Mace, an actual Jew, also make bogus claims like, “I was so close to the riot that I feared for my life inside the bathroom stall that I was in.  I really could have been raped by one of those Palestinian supporters!  After all, they hate us Jews!”  I’ll tell you why that does not happen, because the Republicans do not fight dirty, they are also more honest (most of the time).  However, sometimes they can be just as nasty as the Dummycrats are.  At the same time that Congress is looking into November 15th the FBI needs to be using facial ID programs to find out who these protesters are and go after them just like the people of January 6th were gone after.  They were put in jail with no bail, put in solitary confinement; they were mistreated by the guards (beaten up), put in rat infested and moldy jail cells for months and years on end, and then sentenced to years of imprisonment for doing absolutely hardly anything!  But none of this will ever happen to these protesters, because, nobody ever goes after anyone on the Left!


            It is believed that while President XI Ping Pong was pretending to play nice with the Joke Biden Administration in San Flancisco that his government was posting a supposed letter by Trash Bin Laden from the year of 2002.  The litter-letter was posted on the Chinese owned TICTAC social media platform.  The young and stupid began to believe the lies fostered by the terrorist behind the 9/11 attack, and shared it with others in order to get it to be read by more and more people.  Finally, the litter-letter was taken down, however, the damage had already been done.

            The young weak minds of those who read the letter, not knowing history because the schools and colleges refuse to teach true history, believed the propaganda that the litter-letter spewed forth.  Instead of reading it and recommending it to others they should have just thrown the Trash Bin Laden litter-letter into their computer’s trash bin!  Can’t they take a hint from the man’s name that what he wrote is literally trash?


            While special council Jackass Smith indicts President Trumpet over the files that the FBI stole from Mar-A-Large-O, Joke Biden is to only receive a stiff lecture from his DOJ?  It hardly seems fair.  Athorney General Garlic Merryland is going to do absolutely nothing to his boss even though Biden is guiltier than Donald Trumpet ever was.  Biden stole documents while he was in Congress (not allowed at all) and while he was Vice President for President B.O (Rinso White!) – again, NOT ALLOWED BY LAW!!! 

            Can you say, “NOT RIGHT?”

            Can you say, “DOUBLE STANDARD?”

            Even Crooked Hilary got off of her crimes, thanks to James Homely, the Wookie.


            California’s governor, Gravel Nudesome, has been trying to pass a 28th Amendment, or add to it.  It has to do with guns and it goes against the 2nd Amendment.  Put it pure and simple, the man hates guns, that is, he hates guns being in the hands of the peaceful, lawful citizen.  At the same time he does not care if criminals have them.

            But the other problem is Los Angeles’ DA, a George Soreass employee named Gascon.  Gascon is willing to go after the law-abiding citizens who carry guns so that they cannot protect themselves against the thieves and other criminals who do have guns. 

            Recently a man was approaching his front door with a hot tea drink in hand.  He was getting his keys from his pocket to unlock the door.  His family was inside.  In the meantime two men jumped over the four-foot wall.  One of the men, who had a gun, ran up to the homeowner.  He turned around and threw his hot tea at the man, then he drew his weapon and the other man turned around and ran.  He pursued and got off a couple of shots.  He was able to protect himself, his family, and his home from their mischief. 

            So what happened to him?  The police sheriff has taken is LEGAL gun permit (to carry a gun) away from him, thus leaving him defenseless!  The two men know where this man lives, and if they find out his gun permit is gone, what is to stop them from trying to rob him or his family again?  ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!  They call it the city of angels; it is more like the city of demons, especially with DA Gascon in charge!

THAT’S THE TICKET! – by Anita Candy Date

            On November 17, 2023, Judge Sarah B. Wallace (no relation to Chris Wallace) with the District Court of Colorado struck down the attempt to remove President Donald J. Trumpet’s name from the Colorado ballot.  They tried to tie-dye it into the 14th Amendment that was written after the Civil War.  It was an attempt to keep people who had served in the Confederacy from entering political office so that they might be able to change the laws from within or cause an insurrection.  The judge rejected the new 14th Amendment Article’s interpretation having anything to do with January 6th.  It was the Left’s attempt to keep Trumpet off the ballot, based upon a bogus partisan legal theory (this probably means people like Liz Chimney were involved).  The judge saw that there really was no way to prove the federal crime and make changes for insurrection or rebellion, and have a jury find him guilty with no reasonable doubt (enough to convict), in dealing with January 6th.  The former Secretary of State for Coloradodo, Scotty Gessler, helped fight for Trumpet to remain on the ballot.

            The judge said, “To be clear, part of the court’s decision is its reluctance to embrace an interpretation which would disqualify a presidential candidate without a clear, unmistakable indication that such is the intent of Section Three [of Amendment 14].”

            Colorado is not the only state that has tried this trick to get Trumpet’s name off a state ballot.  Two other states have kept it from passing; one of them was Michigangan.  This does not mean that the sneaky Dummycrats will not try to appeal a banana to a higher court or try some other dirty trick.


            Oh, that Joke Biden, when will he ever stop fibbing to America?  In 2020, in order to get elected, he told US that he was going to make it easier for people to buy new homes.  In 2021 there was a 30-year fixed mortgage rate in place at 2.65%.  After he got put in place the mortgage rate began to skyrocket.  Today’s fixed mortgage rate is 7.83%.  Hey, illegal aliens, once more, the American dream is DEAD, so STOP COMING ACROSS THE SOUTHERN, and NORTHERN BORDERS!!!


            I am so proud that my fellow Chinese science partners have begun to infiltrate our country via our open (unprotected) borders!  Think of all the mad science that they can do under the government’s radar!  In Reedley, California, there was an illegal bio lab being run by my illegal, Chinese comrade.  He came across the Canadian border using a false name and fake ID.  Sadly, for me, he has been arrested in connection with the lab.  .

            In July, under a court order, local officials contacted a hazardous waste removal company and 140 tons of lab equipment was destroyed (what a waste) and 440 gallons of medical and biological waste that was found at that sight was destroyed (again, what a waste, I could have done some great experiments with those cultures). 

            There were samples of diseases like, the burpies, malarnia, hoof and foot disease, large pox, debowla, and many other dangerous diseases.  It makes my mouth water just thinking about it!

            He also was selling fake coronavirust tests!  What a joker he is!!!

            The CDC refused to test samples of the unlabeled vials, even after the city promised to pay for testing (smart move on their part, don’t want them opening up a can of worms). 

            I’m so glad that so far nobody has asked the logical question about this situation!  What’s the question?  “Who financed the Chinese scientist?”

[1] In an upcoming story this seems to be a recurring thing.

[2] We assume that Quinn Martin is no longer around, if he is then we really do apologize for pronouncing his absence in the material world.

[3] This seems weird, because Audrey Hail is white!

GIGOLO GANDER – October 2023

BATTY MASTERSON – Dead Man’s Blame – by Amanda Jean Turncoat

            The narrator Bill Baldwin, no relation to today’s Baldwin brothers, unless he is their father which could be, but who knows (?), then again, he could be Adam Baldwin’s dad too, and that is quite possible, but doubtful, we here at the Gander prefer Adam to the others (he’s way more handsome – and oh, what mussels he has!)  The Bill Baldwin I use to know was a soloist at our church.  He was no relation to any of the acting Baldwin families, but he sure could belt out a song.  Anyway, I digress.   Bill Baldwin said, “The mining area around Monumental City, Nevadada is where thousands answered natures call, I mean, siren’s call of a silver strike.  The new diggings and re-worked tunnels were offering fortunes by the spades full if you were lucky.  Sometimes only a grave if you were not lucky.  Puss N. Boots had already lived eight of his nine lives so he was just about out of luck.  He had to go search for a fallen star.  But that’s another show entirely. 

            “Returning to the revitalized ghost town to roll the dice with lady luck and sing songs with Frank Sinatra, was Batty Masterson, the man who became a legend in his own mind.”

            Batty Masterson rode into town on his pal-o-mine-o horse.  He headed directly for the Ass-Say-Or’s Office.  There was a line a mile long heading into the office, okay, it was not really a mile long, but you get the drift.

            “Pardon me,” Batty said to the men, “I’m not trying to cut in line.  I just want to say hello to a friend of mine.  Hello, Vermin Elwood.”

            “Batty Masterson, how are you?  It’s been a long time since you were here.”

            “Four years to be exact.  It was before I even got my own TV show that is named after me!”

            “I’m sorry, Batty,” Vermin asked, “but what’s a TV show?”

            “About thirty minutes long.”  Batty smiled.

            “I don’t get it.”

            Batty said, “Perhaps you have bad reception in this area?”

            Vermin seemed to be concerned, “Hey, Batty, you had better go out and check your claim that you made four years ago.  There are some people who are willing to move magic markers and make false claims, like Joke Biden.”

            “Thanks for the warning, Vermin.”

            A man that had been at the front of the line was getting perturbed at Batty.  “Mister, I don’t care who you are, but you need to go to the back of the line!”

            Batty said, “I don’t think so!”  The man pulled out his six-shooter and pointed it at Batty.  “Wow, hey, okay, don’t get all bent out of shape.”  He headed for the door then made a hundred and eighty-degree turn and used his bat to knock the gun out of the man’s hand.  Then he made another hundred and eighty-degree turn and headed for the door.  Batty got on his pal-o-mine-o and rode out to his claim.  After he got there he found two ornery men who had moved his stakes.  Batty was not happy because he planed on eating them for dinner. 

            The two men were named appropriately, the hefty guy was Harvey Masonjar and the thinner man was Clay Adamah.

            “Hey, you guys!” Batty exclaimed, “That’s my claim, I made it four years ago.  You can ask the Ass-Say-Or Vermin Elwood about it in town if you don’t believe me.”

            “Yeah?  Well, we don’t believe you, this is our claim,” Harvey said.

            Another man approached, “Batty Masterson, it is you!  Hey, it’s good to see you again.  What’s it been four years?”

            Batty said, “Yes, it has.  It was before I had my own TV show.”

            “What does a TV show have?”

            “Plenty of commercials!  It’s good to see you again, Judd.”

            Adamah said, “You better get out of here, because this is our claim and it’s two against one.”

            Judd said, “No, this is not your claim, this is Batty’s claim.  He made it four years ago!  I was there.”  The two claim jumpers jumped back and left the scene.

            Later, back in town, Batty and Judd went to Judd’s hotel.  Elkin’s Inn was a nice place. It had a back door, a front desk, a coat closet, a couch for lounging on, and a stairway to heavenly bliss – Judd’s niece.  In fact, she came waltzing down the stairs, “One, two, three, one, two, three!”  Batty could not believe his eyes; The Girl from U.N.C.L.E. was all grown up.  Well, I’ll be a monkey’s U.N.C.L.E.” Batty said.

            She said, “Batty Masterson, you finally came back!  It’s sooooo good to see you!  You like-y what you see?”

            “I sure do!”

            A few minutes later Batty and the Girl from U.N.C.L.E. (her name is Ann Elkins but her real name is Steponthe Powerbutton) got into a wagon to head out to his claim.  Judd was asleep on his couch when the two claim jumpers from earlier showed up.  “Hey, Gus,” Adamah said, “We’ve come to apologize to you.  We were out of line and fishing bate.  How about we go buy you a drink.”

            “Well, I really,….”

            “Great, come on!” Masonjar exclaimed.

            Out on the road, from the wagon, Batty and Ann noticed smoke rising from the town.  He turned the wagon around and headed back toward Monumental City.  When the couple arrived in town they saw that it was the Ass-Say-Or’s office that was burning.  Vermin was not inside, but Judd, Judd for the defense, was.  Batty heroically ventured in and brought out Judd’s body.  He was dead.  But a mysterious wound to the head was in evidence lockup – and they had to get it released before they could take it to court.

            The Girl from U.N.C.L.E. was upset that her U.N.C.L.E. was now dead.  “Who do you think did this, Batty?”

            “I think I know.  I have a plan to draw the culprits out into the open.”  He pulled out a blueprint diagramming his plan.

            “Wow,” Ann said, “You’re fast at the draw!”

            “My old six-shooter’s just a achin’ to spout!”

            In the town saloon Batty approached the bartender working at the tender bar.  He let it leak that under pretense Vernon was going to take Judd’s body to another town in order to turn in the original claims, as they had not been burned up in the fire, a lucky break for all claim holders.  Then Batty left the tender bar.  The bartender went over to a few men and told them what Batty had told him.  “But I know nothing more, and I’m not going to say another word about anything!” 

            Harvey and Clay were sitting at a table near the tender bar and overheard everything.  Then the Girl from U.N.C.L.E. walked out from a back door and went to the bartender at the tender bar, “In the morning, Vermin is taking my U.N.C.L.E.’s body with him in a hearse.”  Again, Clay and Harvey overheard, so they planned an ambush.  The following morning, while the hearse was on the road, they stopped Vermin and then opened up the hearse’s back door.  They saw Batty sitting there with a drawn gun.

            “That’s a pretty good picture of a gun,” Clay said.

            “Why, thank you!” Batty exclaimed,  “Now both of you move!”

            One thing led to another and Harvey got shot and died and Clay lived to see another day, even though that day would be behind bars (not tender bars but bars of steel).

            Batty was getting ready to leave town, I guess his claim turned up having no silver.  The Girl from U.N.C.L.E. was there along with Vermin.  “Ann, why don’t you meet me in a few years,” Batty said to the Girl from U.N.C.L.E.  You can meet me in Saint Louis-Louis, yeah, Baby, I got-tuh go now!  Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!”

            She said, “I’ll be there, Batty!”  But little did she know that she would miss her date with the man old enough to be her father’s younger brother because she would be on a secret spy mission for her other U.N.C.L.E.  She would even have a sexy partner who was the son of Rex Harrison.  And his name is Noel, and yes, he does love his Christmas songs.

            Eventually Batty would get a different TV show by the name of Burp’s Law, but that’s an entirely different show altogether.

The following is a reprint article from The Ascended Times.

PANOOBUS ATTACKS DAIQUIRI – by Murky Watters (no relation to Jessie)

            The old Egyptian Bowl-a-food god, Panoobus, who is in limbo (he ascended part way, but was unable to go all the way), gathered up all his drone soldiers in order to attack the Jiffy-Pop outpost on the planet of Daiquiri.  His evil intention was to destroy all the Jiffy-Pop soldiers, or make them run, so that he could be in control of the Holy Tabernacle Choir’s ancient weapon that can wipe out all life throughout the galaxy.

            But thanks to the quick interference of one Doctor Daniel Snackson and Omahmama DeSalad the Egyptian god’s plans were foiled and plastic wrapped.  Omahmama DeSalad used her ascended energy to fight Panoobus; they will probably be in battle for eternity (or until one of them cries “Girl From U.N.C.L.E.”). 

            After Panoobus and DeSalad disappeared from Der Waffle House the ancients gave Daniel Snackson a choice.  He could either ascend or they would allow him to return to earth in his original S.P.C. form, as he appeared before being stabbed to death by Decorator Spam Cartwheel.  Daniel decided to return to Cayenne Mountain in order to continue his work with Starplate Special-K.  But, as we Ancients so love to do, we made him return without any clothes!  TEE HEE HEE!!!


            Joke Biden’s German shepherd, Commando, has bitten way too many people (over twelve so far) to be allowed residence at the White House any longer.  Not only has he bit secret service agents, but he has also bit a grounds keeper, a maid, a butler, a chef, and two Carpenters (who like to sing music together).  He will be relocated, probably to one of Biden’s homes (unfortunately, it is not the Home for the Mildly Foolish and Inane). 

            Joke Biden had problems with his previous German shepherd, Major Chord.  He liked to bite the Secret Service Agents too.  But the Secret Service guys and gals have disliked taking care of Joke Biden, even when he was a Vice President.  They really did not appreciate having to see Joke Biden go all out COMMANDO while taking a dip in the pool.  Perhaps he thought he could impress them all with his blond hair prickling up all over his body?


            Next month Joke Biden is to meet with China’s President Eleven in order to discuss – well, who knows what they will discuss?  Maybe it will have something to do with Joke taking more bribes from the communist Chinese government?  What’s that you say?  His name is not Eleven?  It is XI, which is pronounced “she”.  At least XI has his preferred pronoun in his name already!


            New Yorkso’s Athorney General, Leticia Shames campaigned on “getting Trumpet” in order to get her job (when she did this the legal bar, not the tender bar, should have debarred her).  Unfortunately enough stupid people voted for her. 

            President Trumpet has been in court, during the first week of October, in New Yorkso City, on charges brought by Leticia Shames.  What is it about?  Property in Florida being estimated too high for the New Yorkso banks loaning money, which are bogus claims and charges.  The judge of the case is no better, he doesn’t like President Trumpet, but he likes to smile for the cameras.  This bias judge went in front of college students, some years ago, and told them that he was bias, as he used blue and red sweaters as an example – the two colors of the two main parties of USA.

            One of the judge’s helpers was seen hanging out with Senator Upchuck Shoemer, and Trumpet made a comment on Truth Social about her being Shoemer’s girlfriend.  After that the judge put Trumpet under a gag order.  The question is now out there; does Shoemer have a connection to the trial, is he working with and for the prosecutors?

            So, what is the big beef?  Well, it’s not Batty’s steaks, for sure.  No, the beef is the price of the Mar-A-Large-O property in Florida.  The judge claims that Mar-A-Large-O is worth only $18 million, when it is worth way more than that.  How does he get by making this false claim when it has absolutely nothing to do with mining silver?  Well, he is confusing the property tax value with the real estate value and when real experts testify to try and enlighten him he makes sure his noise canceling headphones are wrapped tightly around his head.  This probably accounts for the lack of blood supply to his brain.

            There was one thing good that this judge did on the first day, near the end of the court’s session.  He dismissed eighty percent of the charges because the statute of liberty, I mean, limitations had elapsed on those charges.  Stupid Leticia Shames!

            One question remains.  How is it that this judge can remain on the case when he is so unstable?  The unified rules of court say, “You cannot sit on a case where you have a personal bias or a prejudice concerning a party.”  And he told Shames to go after President Trumpet, yeah, sounds like he is bias to me!  How about you?  Does it sound like he is bias to you?

NO BORDERS BIDEN – by John Henry

            As most of you know the southern border has been invaded with millions of people from around the world since January 20, 2021.  There have been many “GOTAWAYS” too.  But the past couple of months have broken all records, and many musicians are most unhappy about it!

            As most of you also know, there is an election coming up on November 8, 2023.  I am almost 98.8% sure that there will be some important seats up for election and the Dummycrats want to make sure that more Dummycrats are elected in the election.  So they are pretending to care about the border, when they do not care one i-oat-a.  That is all it is, a pretense.  Even Joke Biden made it clear that he is only putting up 20 miles of wall (fence) to keep from breaking the law.  When has breaking the law ever kept that man from doing anything?  He’s been breaking laws for decades, especially since he was inaugurated and inebriated. 

            So, yeah, after Biden sold off much of the tax paid materials, at low-end costs, for fencing the border, they (he and Mayorkass) will (maybe) build twenty miles of border wall (fence) in Starr County, Textus, in order to placate the Dummycrat Party over the invasion taking place, but that is it.  In fact, how much fencing can be installed before November 8th?  But, there can be no doubt, that they are doing this for the 2024 presidential election too.

            Biden and Mayorkass will continue to fly people into the country via airplane and let them go after their arrival.  They will still cut the razor wire that Abbott had installed [Idioter’s note C sharp – At the end of October the court made it illegal for Biden to have his people cut the razor wire – Will Biden obey the court’s order?]; they will still sue Textus over the boys in the river, and this and that.  Now, it is all a front, a wall one could say, that is being put forth by Mayorkass and Biden.  They have a huge political crisis on their hands.  Biden is, for the most part, a big fat liar, however, he was honest about one thing, he was not able to appropriate (steal) the money from Congress and use it for something else besides building a wall on the border, even though he tried for six months!  He could not appropriate the money from Congress; yet, he is the one who stopped all work on Trumpet’s border wall (fence) in the first place!


            When a vote was to be taken by the House, in order to keep the government open, Congressman Bowedman pulled a fire alarm.  He said that he was in a rush to get to the vote, but he could not escape the building he was in, as the doors were locked.  He then said that he thought that the fire alarm would help him open the doors. 

            Bowedman used to be a middle school principal, and he is trying to convince everybody that he thought it was a good idea to pull a fire alarm?  Of course, the Dummycrats and State news media stood up for him and took his side.

            If we follow the January 6th example then he was trying to cause an insurrection by interrupting a very important voting process taking place in Congress that day, and he should be arrested and put on trial and serve a sentence like all those being punished over the January 6th “insurrection” as Nancy P, refers to it.


            Kevin McCarthy, who was voted in as Speaker of the House in January of this year, was just given the boot by Congressman Matt Gaytz, a few other Republicans, and the Dummycrats.  It was a nice brown boot, and made of the finest Corinthian leather, still, Kevin McCarthy would rather be Speaker.  “Rough, rough!”

            It is hard to say if Matt Gaytz did it out of vengeance or not, because of his ongoing (?) sex investigation.  Gaytz says it was not because of that but because McCarthy had not kept his promises to them (the Republicans), the promises made in January.  Yet, it was only four percent of the party that voted against McCarthy.

            We will see if it turns out to be a good thing, or if what took place will blow up in the Republican’s faces, especially when the November election is coming up soon and when they must take care of a postponed government shut down in the same month! 

            After war broke out in Israel on October 7, 2023, Congress is really itching to get back together in order to give money to the Jews living in Israel.

            Some people want to vote in President Trumpet as a temporary House Speaker, but I cannot see how he can do this when he is required to be in court so much – thanks to Joke Biden’s all out assault and pepper on the president!  Other candidates are Steve Scoldesse and Jim D. Jordanriver.  Both men are good choices, however, Scoldesse is battling Cancer, Leo, and Virgo right now.

            It remains to be seen if Gaytz screwed over the Republicans or not.

UPDATE and PRUNE – The Republicans finally got their act together and nominated and voted in a new Speaker of the House. Wolf N. Tweeters announced Congressman Micky Johnson as the new Speaker.


            It is doubtful that many people knew that Senator John McCrain, after biting the dust, now has a library on 22 acres of land.  Biden used covid recovery money to build said library – $80,000,000 to be exact.  McCrain was never even a president, even though he did run for president and lost, so why does he deserve a library when Red Buttons never got a library?  The only reason why Joke Biden paid for the library is because he knew that McCrain hated PRESIDENT Donald Trumpet as much as he does, but I think Biden actually hates Trumpet more than McCrain did!  What makes me laugh is that John McCrain thought it would crush the president and hurt President Trumpet’s feelings when he did not get an invite to the McCrain funeral!  What an ego that man had!  Yet all the other former presidents, along with Biden (who finds it hard to be in the present) were present at the McCrian funeral.  It was like they were rubbing Trumpet’s nose in it all.  If I were Trumpet, which I am not, I would have been sighing a big sigh of relief that I did not have to go and attend!  Who likes to go and sit at a boring funeral?  NOT ME!!!

            Getting funds for politician’s pet projects is basically just paying back their donors.  According to LOX News, most earmarks are Republicans.  Eight out of ten earmarks, in the Senate, are Republican.  Republican Senator Susan Collins wants six hundred million dollars for Maine.  Both Democrats and Republicans must cut the wasted spending!

$1,416,000 for carbon neutral bird sanctuary in Virginia – it remains to be seen if migrant birds will invade the carbon neutral bird sanctuary or not – I’m also wondering, how is it that it is carbon neutral?

$1,044,000 for solar pots and pans rooftops on low-income houses in California

$235,000 to give electric Tesla cars to people in the projects, I thought the Left hated Elong Musket.  Another $650,000 is wanted to build electric car charging stations in the same projects

$3,000,000 for a playground in California, which should, in the real world, only cost around $30,000 tops

$7,000,000 for an inclusive and equitable park

$4,713,618 to put WIFI in a park (sounds like a song that Chicagogo would have sung “WIFI In The Park”)

$1,000,000 for parks and trees to be placed in a parking lot – to sod a parking lot would really cost $2 per square foot and 30,000 square feet would cost only $60,000 and a cost of $500 per tree – makes $50 grand for 100 trees – would come to a total of $110,000 – not one million dollars

$11,000,000 for a machine gun range (this one must be for the Republicans, unless it’s meant for all the new IRS agents who now carry guns); J. Watters of LOX News says he just shoots at boulders, this could be a bad idea if those bullets ricochet and bounce back at you!

$55,000,000 for an elevator at a train station (probably in San Flancisco); earmark Nancy Pelono.  Just how high in the sky is this train station – how many floors are there?

$1,000,000 to remodel a bathroom in a library; earmark A.O.C.

$1,000,000 to refurbish an outdoor basketball court; earmark A.O.C.  To pave, paint, and put two hoops with glass backed plates would only cost $75,000 tops.  Reality sucks, doesn’t it A.O.C.?

$100,000,000 for the Hard Rock and Tootsie Roll Hall of Fame

$200,000,000 for Baltimore’s Great Wax Museum; the owner of the earmark got his own wax statue six months ago (bribery or vanity?)

$5,000,000 for a Hip-Hop Museum in New Yorkso; earmark Senator Upchuck Shoemer

$1,000,000 to widen sidewalks; earmark Jerry Needler (not sure where the sidewalks are – his own property?)

$2,000,000 for a bike lane in California

$5,000,000 to re-imagine an entrance to a Subway Station named after Harvey D. Milkman; earmark Nancy Pelono (it might be worth it if it was for entrances to all Subway fast food joints)

$4,000,000 for a farmers market in Miniapples; earmark Illham Omar

$4,000,000 for a George Floyd Square at a certain intersection; earmark Squad member

$3,000,000 for a scientific study to see if a rusted old barge should be removed from the harbor; earmark A.O.C., she also wants another half a million to make an anti-racist oyster reef – as there are no oysters in Flushing Bay (Is it named Flushing Bay because that is where all the toilet water is flushed away to?  This would explain why there are no living oysters there.).  Flushing Bay is in Queens where the rusty barge is located.  I could see spending money on an oyster bar on the reef where people would go to get drunk and maybe get some good seafood to eat – but half a mill?  I don’t think so.

Millions are wanted for traffic light cameras (nobody wants that – to be spied on)

Somebody also wants to spend a wad of gum on a zero emissions street Zamboni !  I’m also not sure why anyone would want to use the ice paving machine on the streets?  That sounds dangerous to us!

$4,800,000 for a public bathroom at Venice Beach, California; earmark Tim Lou-Lou

$2,485,000 for solar panels on a recreation center; earmark Bob Goldbar’s son

$3,500,000 for a “wellness trail” in Michigangan; earmark Radish Taleebie

$1,800,000 to repave a walking-trail (for repairs); earmark Jamey Summers Raskin

$2,000,000 to build a senior home for gays; earmark Iowa Presley (no relation to Elvis)

$8,000,000 to make a bird nest island; earmark Barbarbarbarbarbarbar-Lee in Oakland

            Well, if there are more Republicans than Democrats wanting Pork Earmarks they sure did not get listed here (all information I have reported to you has come from LOX News).


            Hilariously Rotten Clinton was on some silly news show on some State TV news station, like MTNBC or ZNN, putting out the hit on MAGA people.  Calling the followers of President Trumpet a “cult”.  So, once more, she is against more than half the country just because they disagree with her and her communist Comrades.  According to her, in 2016, the MAGA Republicans use to all be deplorable, but now they are also members of a cult.  She says that all of the MAGA Republicans take their “marching orders from Donald Trumpet”.  With this comment it is easy to see that she is alluding to MAGA people as fascists – doing some silly goose step.

            She bitches, in the bad way, about how Trumpet is immoral and is a crook – being he’s in court and been indicted.  She seems to forget that in America the law says that you are innocent until proven guilty!  And if you are not proven guilty then you are innocent!  The only reason why Joke Biden has not been indicted and is not facing charges in court today is because Biden has people in high places, like the DOJ, the FBI, the CIA (etc.).  They are all protecting him and keeping him from being investigated!  They are even trying to obstruct Congress by keeping documents sent to them or blacking them out.

            Just recently, Biden had his guy Garlic Maryland appoint one of Hunted Biden’s best lawyer friends to be in charge of a special council looking into whistleblowers.  The whistleblowers that are whistle blowing stuff about Hunted and Joke Biden!

            “Maybe,” Clinton says about MAGA folk, “they don’t like migrants?  Maybe they don’t like gay people or black people or the woman who got the promotion at work they didn’t get?  Whatever the reason…it seems like a cult.”

            I would like to personally respond to her “maybe” questions.  Maybe we don’t like migrants entering our country illegally, breaking all of our laws, getting stuff for free that we, the tax payers pay for, and then having to share our Medicaid, hospitals, schools, sidewalks, airports, police stations, motels, and other stuff with them!  Do you think we believe for one minute that ALL of the people who have broken our laws are really seeking asylum from their countries especially when they bring the flags of their own country with them and wave them in our faces?  Remember the slogan in Europe – “Rebels go home”?  Well, I say this to all the people that have broken our laws – “Migrants go home!”

            The man that she hates the most and lies about the most, President Donald J. Trumpet, was for gay marriage, she is the one who was against it.  Yet she accuses MAGA people of being against gays.  I’m not saying some people are not against the idea of two men getting married or two women getting married, but not all of us are against it.  I for one, an independent, say that people just should not get married – we all must be celibate and have no more children.  But see, I am in the minority here.  Should not my feelings, because I am a minority, matter more than all the LRGXOUQT people out in the world (who are a very small percentage of the population)?  I think so!  But you don’t see me crying over it or going out to riot and steal because I am in the minority of ONE!

            She is partially right about black people.  I do not like ALL black people – I strongly dislike the ones who loot, go out and steal, go out and riot, go out and BREAK OUR LAWS!!!  I have nothing against black people who follow the law or want laws in our country. It is not the color of someone’s skin I have problems with – it is their bad attitudes and when they are immoral.  A lot of honest, hard working black people do want police in their neighborhoods.  I am not saying that the black people who break the laws are evil either.  I think that people who make a living off of baiting blacks with prejudice causes, like Al Sharptone, and the Leftist teachers and Leftist professors (who actually are cultists) have falsely educated (you know, brain washed) these black people!  Critical Race Theory is not helping matters either, and that is what Clinton and her ilk are trying to do – brainwash our children into believing that they are oppressors if they are white and the oppressed, or the victims of whitey, if they are black – so all we can ever have is chaos and people trying to get revenge and justice!  But who are really against the black people?  It is and always has been the Dummycrat Party (they are the slave owners – Biden’s family owned actual slaves; they are the KKK, they are the ones who adopted Hitler’s fascism and then lied to say fascism belonged to the Republican Party).

            Again, it was H. R. C. who had a war room against women, maybe because they got the job that she wanted?  Is this not why she has a war with Trumpet going on?  Because, he got her job, the one that the Global Leftists promised to her?  But she forgot that America is not run, not yet anyway and I hope it never will be, by the Leftists, or the Globalists (one world order jerks), it is still run by “WE THE PEOPLE”!!!  But that is why she claims that we are all cultists; she wants us out of her way (their way – the globalists’ way)!

            H. R. Clinton’s little talk was the opening topic, the A Block, on LOX New’s show THE FOUR PLUS ONE, on October 6, 2023.  The “Plus One” – Jessica Takeoff – said that Republicans call liberals “anarchists, anti-American, deranged, communists, corrupt, compromised, groomers and perverts, thugs and traitors.”  Well, aren’t they?  If Jessica is honest with herself, she has to admit that the Dummycrat party does have their share of “anarchists, anti-American, deranged, communists, corrupt, compromised, groomers and perverts, thugs and traitors”. 

Examples:  All the people who allow rioters and looters to get away with their deeds and do not arrest them or put them in jail.  Oh, they do it when they want to arrest their enemies – the MAGA “cult” – but when it comes to groups like BLM, or Antifa and Unclefa, or the hundreds of people who go steal everything out of stores after breaking into these store, and one congressman who pulls a fire alarm – well, they can get by with all the anarchist deeds they pull and not one bloody thing is done about it because the large cities are managed by George Soreass district athornies!!!

The Left is anti-American – just look at Joke Biden who breaks all the American laws he can, on a minute by minute accounting of time and bad deeds!  He has ruined the United States of America since January 20, 2021.  He is one of the most anti-American people I can think of, except perhaps his puppet masters. 

The Left are deranged as they suffer from TDS (Trumpet Deranged Syndrome).  Point in case – all the illegal court indictments placed on Trumpet in 2023 just because he is running for president in 2024 and Biden knows he will loose if he does not cheat (again) to keep hold of his job.  So they are willing to play all the deranged games they can in order to keep the man out of the Oval Office!  Plus, that one lady who was screaming her head off because Trumpet won in 2016 – that is a pretty good example of derangement!

Everything the Left does is in goosestep with communism and fascism, not to mention, but I am, Marxism!  Taking away taxpayers’ money to give free things to illegal immigrants – that’s communism to the max!  Redistribution of our tax paid money (our wealth) is also communism – and that is all that the Left side does – is redistribute our wealth – that is what welfare is, that is what social security is!  WAKE UP!!!

I just have to say two names to prove that the Dummycrats are corrupt – Bob Goldbar Mandoza and Joke Biden.  And that leads into the next word “compromised” – because when people like Bob and Joke take bribes from foreign governments that makes THEM compromised and they do things against the interest of USA!!!

Who are “groomers and perverts” of today’s children?  It is all the public schoolteachers and the teacher’s union that teach sex education to the children in K-12 – that’s who!  And they also allow pornography into the school libraries.  Then there are the weird people allowing Drag Queen Story Hour (I wonder if they have pop up books?)  They are also perverts because they want to “sexually” pervert our children!  That is what a pervert is.  One definition of pervert is “corrupt”.  Is that what happened to Joke Biden and Bob Goldbar?  Is that why Biden loves to hire sexually perverted people for his administration?  One example is the Samsonite man who dresses up in stolen dresses he pinches at airports.

The next thing on Jessica’s list is that of “thugs”.  Thug is defined as “[he covers, conceals – more at THATCH]: a brutal ruffian or assassin: GANGSTER, KILLER” (Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary).  That sounds like a good description of Hilariously Rotten Clinton to me!  She covered up her own e-mail scandal with the aid of FBI Wookie James Homley.  There is rumor that she and her hubby are responsible for the assassinations of certain people – but nobody really wanted to do serious investigations to prove their involvement.

And the final word is “traitors”.  Well, Joke Biden is the biggest traitor to our country we have ever seen, not Donald Trumpet.  Biden is the one who took bribes from the leaders of countries who are our enemies.  Biden is the one who allowed millions of people to INVADE our country while claiming that the border is closed and while breaking all of our immigration laws that are on the books.  So, you can see, why the MAGA people may say these things about the Dummycrats – because they are ALL TRUE!!!  So it is not actually name calling at all, it is just “stating the facts”!

            Nobody on the Right calls for silencing people’s voices, or threatens newspapers and social media when it comes to a story about a lap top right before a presidential election!  Nobody on the Right tries to suppress anyone on social media just because they do not agree with what the Dummycrats are saying.

            What H. R. C. is doing, in calling MAGA people cultists and stating that they need to be deprogrammed or re-educated – well, that’s the type of thing they do in COMMUNIST countries, one like North Korea – chun-mon-aa-yo!

            So here is what Greg Gutfelt said about cults, “A cult is not defined by its supporters, it’s defined by destroying those who don’t support you.  So Scientology is not a cult because it has followers [who do so blindly], it is a cult because it goes after those who leave [because they no longer follow blindly] or people who are against it [sane people].  That defines the party of the Dummycrats who created cancel culture (it wasn’t the Republicans).  What you are seeing now is a bigger issue; you’re seeing cancel culture on a wider scale.  You wonder why people are worried about 2024?  Because there is a group of elites who are already placing targets on people’s backs.  From the top – Elong Musket and Trumpet – to the bottom – the January six trespassers.  And, if you dare to call it out a target will be placed on you.

            “If you talk about issues that matter, that the Dummycrats have abandoned whether it’s immigration or crime or education, you will be deprogrammed, you will go to the camp.  Again, this is cancel culture.  It’s no longer a bug in the system it is the system.  You have the FBI now targeting MAGA Republicans as terrorists; that’s part of this equation.  So, how should the rest of us react?  How should half the country react?  Should we just laugh it off?  I mean, you [Jessica] said, ‘this is what people say about Liberals’ fine, that’s name-calling.  [Of course, Greg did not just present to you, like I have, how the Left’s idea of the Right’s name-calling is actually the Right stating facts.]  Trumpet targeted people in power; he didn’t go after voters.  Right?  She [Hilariously Rotten] goes after voters; she goes after Americans.  He went after the [state] media and he went after politicians and after the Dummycrat Party.  He never went after, quote, the small ‘d’ Dummycrat.  So that validates everything that Trumpet said about others, ‘They are coming for you’.  They [Dummycrats] are just no longer hiding it.  They want us to be scared.  They want us to stay home.  They want you to think twice before you say anything or like a post by Trumpet on Truth Social.  Ah, what are we supposed to do, because, if we say something about it, then we get targeted, right?  That’s what’s happening.” 

            If any political party is a cult it is the Dummycrat party because everything they do is a perfect example of what H. R. C. spoke about the MAGA Republicans (or MAGA people) being like.  Yet, MAGA simply means, “Make America Great Again”!  What is so wrong about that?  NOTHING!  Why would we even have to make America great again?  It is because the Dummycrats have ruined America with their policies!  They are the ones who have George Soreass employees in district athorney offices throughout the country.  They are the ones allowing millions of people to come into the country illegally since January 20, 2021.  And this invasion is destroying the safety of our country – what with over 7 million people flooding our border.  The Dummycrats are the ones who established “no bail” policies.  They are the ones allowing criminals to roam the streets.  They are the ones who have allowed the homeless to live on city sidewalks and in city parks where people are likely to step in human poop and human urine and hyper-dermis needles!  It is the Dummycrats who de-funded the police, who will not defend the police, and who have allowed our police forces to dwindle into nothing.  It is the Dummycrats who will not prosecute BLM rioters, antifa and unclefa rioters, and all the shoplifters and store looters.  And because their policies do what they need them to do, ruin USA, they accuse MAGA Republicans of being against democracy, of being anti-American.  This is a trick of the communists and Marxists – accuse your enemy of what you are guilty of being and doing.  They constantly accuse (and name call) Republicans and conservatives as being racists when they are the racists (just examine their policies and how they work against people instead of helping them).  So, Jessica accuses the Republicans of not being nice because she can’t stand the fact that it is her side who are the horribly immoral name callers. [Idioter’s note A flat: Will Jessica come to her senses and wake up when she, a Jew, sees how her own party treat the Jews? I doubt it.]

            In fact, there is a new nasty name for the MAGA folk.  It is AGAAVE.  It is what the FBI is using for people they aim to harass, arrest, and incarcerate.  What does this new name mean?  It means “anti-government, anti-authority, violent extremists” and that is how they are classifying MAGA people, because racist just won’t do any more.  They will go after these people and go after the people who plan to vote for Donald Trumpet in 2024.  To be honest, I really do not know that I want Trumpet to be president again; I would rather let somebody else have a chance to do it (so long as they are on the Republican ticket).  But by golly, if there was any candidate who is really going to be willing to take on the deep state, the state itself, and the Dummycrats, I do believe it will be Donald Trumpet – because look at what they are doing to him!  And as he says, they are going after him in order to go after US (UNITED STATES) PEOPLE!!!

Notice that under President Trumpet only eleven known terrorists tried to enter into our country.  Yet under Joke Biden, so far, there have been 264 known terrorists who have tried to enter into our country.

Under the Biden Administration over 1.5 million known “Gotaways” have come across the southern border, which is more than the cast members of Dallas, the TV show.  Well, do you feel safer than you did four years ago?  I know I don’t.


2 – These country names were made up in order to protect innocent journalists on this rag!


“I see,” said the blind man to his deaf and dumb daughter over the disconnected telephone, “that President Trumpet has resurrected this Easter morning!”



            The following words have been banned by a certain American college, who shall rename David Blainless.

“eggs” – because there are more than 100 ways to prepare them for meals

“bunnies” – because they know how to multiply and the students don’t

“chicks” – because they make loud noises

“Peeps” – because they come in the shapes of bunnies and chicks

“female” – because they are from Venus

“male” – because they are from Mars

“Christmas tree” – because of all the dangerous pine needles

HEY, YOU CLIMATE ZEALOTS! – by Shake Yur Booty

            Did you know that in the first thirteen weeks of 1811 there were 1,874 earthquakes?  There were quakes throughout 1822.  Thirty to fifty thousand square miles of the U.S.A. went through extensive topographical changes.

            People thought it had to do with the Second Coming of Christ.  They were right, because on Monday, July 16, 2021, Mary Baker was born on the Baker farm in Bow, New Hampshire.  She was to explain to the world Christ Jesus’ healing method and explain his life and works with Christian Science.

            The point is, just because there are freaky things happening in the world in regards to the weather, it does not mean that man’s carbon footprints are responsible for what is taking place.  Nor should mankind need to believe in all the climate change nonsense being promoted by the Left (or the one world order folk).  Instead – we need to actually do a heavy investigation into H.A.A.A.A.A.A.R.P. (Is that too many capital A’s?)

American Beauty, stay away from me!

I don’t like thorns so stay away from me!

“AOC is so dumb she studied for a covid test.”  – Jim Mel Failyuh (Stay tuned and you will find out that AOC is not really all that stupid!)

One may ask, “How did Christopher Wraith get on President Trumpet’s radar to become head of the FBI?”  The answer is that Governor Nutty Chris Christy suggested Wraith as Wookie James Crummy’s replacement to President Trumpet.

FACT:  For decades Joe Biden took classified files home and spread them out all over different places – 1,850 boxes of confidential materials.  Yet there were no FBI raids in any of those locations in regard to Joe Biden.  Can you say “double standards on the corner”?  But the real reason there was a raid on Trumpet is to draw attention away from Biden’s guilt, as they knew before the Trumpet raid that Biden was guilty of keeping classified materials in various locations.  Also, before the raid of Mar-A-Large-O, President Trumpet was willing to allow the FBI access to the files he had in his mansion.  The FBI had already seen the files at Mar-A-Large-O before the raid took place.  They knew what room they were placed in and they telephoned Trumpet’s people to ask them to place another lock on said room, so the files were very secure – not like they have been with Joe Biden.  Leaving a Corvette as a watch dog just does not cut it.  Yet, the FBI insisted on doing a raid.  This was probably by order of Joe Biden himself, getting his stooge Garlic Maryland to boss Christopher Wraith around. 

            Then the DOJ (Department of Jack*$&%*#) remained silent about Biden’s files before the 2022 election took place.  News of it only came out way after the election (in January 2023) – this was election interference on the part of the FBI, the DOJ, and particularly – Joe Biden!

Laura Ingram Blames President Trumpet Unfairly – by Phare Play

            On March 27, 2023 Sean Hamnity interviewed President Trumpet on his show.  His show comes on before the Ingram Angle does.  Laura had two guests on to discuss the interview.  She blamed President Trumpet for looking back into the past (even if that past is happening this month?) instead of speaking on important topics.  Yet, wait a minute, is she forgetting that he was just answering the questions asked him by the host Sean Hamnity? 

            So, if there happens to be any blame to be spread around it would have to fall at Hamnity’s feet!  Am I right about this?  I think I am.  I could not figure out why Laura would blame Trumpet for something that was actually her friend Sean’s fault?  Just what does this mean?  I think she’s just jealous that she didn’t get the interview herself!  Or perhaps she remembers the one time she did interview Trumpet in front of a cemetery and the Left-winged press gave them both a bad time about it.

FACT:  President Trumpet breaks glass ceiling again!  He was the first president in USA to be impeached two times, he has been the only president to donate his salary to charity, he is the only USA president to have ever been raided by the FBI, and now he is the first American president in history to be indicted!

PRESIDENT TRUMPET BEING TAKEN INTO CUSTODY THE SAME TIME OF YEAR THAT JESUS WAS TAKEN INTO CUSTODY – COINCIDENCE? – by Esther Bunny Rabbi (I am not a porn star, even though I am a Bunny, and I refuse to ban my name just because I can multiply, add, subtract, and divide!  That’s right, I can do the math!)

            The timing seems rather odd that District Athorney, Fat Alvin Chipmunk Bragger, wants to bring President Trumpet into New Yorkso City in order to indict him for something that is only a dressed up Miss D. Meaner (which has more clothes on than a stripper), hardly a crime at all, and if it were really a crime the Statue of Liberty, I mean, the statute of limitations to persecute for said crime ran out years ago (in 2018).  So, Bragger is trying to make the paying off of a non-disclosure agreement into a Federal crime, even though his jurisdiction cannot cover Federal crimes and the statute of limitations ran out on the Federal crime in 2021.  The only crime that was really committed by Trumpet’s people was an accounting error, which would have been committed by Trumpet’s lawyer, or perhaps an accountant, at the time.  Trumpet’s non-loyal lawyer during that time was the professional fibber named Michael Conehead.  And yet, guess who Bragger’s main witness is in his case?  You guessed it, Michael Conehead!  How is that fair or right?  However, I doubt that Conehead is the only witness on Bragger’s list.

            So, what is behind Bragger’s motive, beside the point that he promised the voters while he was campaigning (for the District Athorney position) that he would go after Trumpet?  Well, he probably is thinking about his future and running for a higher political office, or else, the fix is in and he was simply following the orders of Joe Biden.  Heaven help us if he were ever to get a higher position than the one he already has!

            I am not saying that President Donald J. Trumpet is another Jesus Christ, because, that would not be true.  However, certain people and groups hate President Trumpet just as much as certain people and groups hated Jesus Christ nearly 2,000 years ago.

            Will the booking, fingerprinting, and mug shot be enough for the Leftists to take down President Trumpet and keep him from running in the 2024 election?  I doubt it.  In fact, it will probably backfire on the Left and President Trumpet’s run for President will see him resurrecting his strip-pole numbers and the many people who will actually realize, “Hey, I need to vote for the persecuted man named Trumpet.  Who wants a government like a third world banana split republic here in USA?  Not me.  So I had better vote for President Trumpet!”

            Trumpet is in trouble because Bragger says Trumpet tried to pay off lots of hush money to a stripper before the 2016 election.  Yet, this money was not out of the campaign fund, like the Clinton’s used years ago (guilty of same crime – only we know for sure Billy Boy did have sex with those women).  Trumpet denies having extramarital affairs with porn star Norm E. Daniels and Daisy Duck.  Why Norm wants to have a man’s name is a mystery to me.  Also, Norm is making money by selling merchandise Online in regards to President Trumpet.  She is the one who broke the law when she broke the nondisclosure agreement she made with Donald J. Trumpet.

            Anyway, on Sean Hamnity’s show, that aired before the indictment went down, Trumpet showed a document by Daniels stating that she never had sex with Trumpet.  So why did she ask for hush money?  Because she probably knew that he did not want her threat that they did have sex with each other to get out to the public or to his lovely wife Milania Cookie.  Well, who knows if Trumpet and Daniels did have an affair?   But, I trust Trumpet’s word over Joe Biden’s word any old day. 

            Why is the State Press not asking Biden why he is persecuting a female aid that he sexually ass-salted and peppered in 1973?  Biden and his people are harassing Tara Root Reade and nothing is being said about it.  And to help Biden out the New Yorkso Slimes printed Reade’s social security number in their paper!  This is illegal, and whoever gave the go ahead to do this and whoever did do it should be put on trial and then placed in jail.  Making the S. S. number known to the public was not a “freedom of speech” thing.  A Social Security number is used for financial matters only (but the world seems to forget this point).  What the paper did will only help out some identity thief.

            If the Left is SO concerned about President Trumpet’s sex life then why do they care nothing about Joe Biden’s sex life?  They do not persecute Biden because Joe is one of them and on their side. At least they think he is on their side. Joe Biden is only on his side of everything; his heart is cold and it is not from all the ice cream that he eats.

            It has been said, and I do believe it is true, that Fat Alvin Chipmunk Bragg is one of communist-fascist George Soreass’ hired flunkies.  If he is not with George Soreass, he sure acts and performs like he is.  Maybe he does not belong to George but to George’s son (the apple which does not fall far from the tree)?  Bragger has let New Yorkso City go to wreck and ruin; let crime get out of hand by not punishing REAL criminals. Instead, he spends his time going after President Trumpet.  Remember, he promised to do so during his campaign for District Athorney.  Hey, is that legal to do?  Shouldn’t he be under investigation?  I think so.  Actually, I wonder if there was a real dick out there who delved into Bragger’s personal life, I have to wonder if the dick could not uncover some dirt on Bragger.  I bet there is something in his life he wants hidden besides how many calories he eats in any given day.  The question remains, “Is Fat Alvin Chipmunk Bragger today’s Caiaphas?”  I think he is.

            There are three more suits of trouble waiting in President Trumpet’s wardrobe.  One has to do with the Mar-A-Large-O files (even though, as President, he had every right to have the files that he had personally declassified, the ones he had safely under lock and key [unlike Joe Biden’s stolen files]).  Another pending Grand Jury is in Georgia Peaches, which has something to do with the 2020 election.  Again, Trumpet did nothing wrong, the recipient of his phone call just had ear wax build up and misconstrued what Trumpet was asking him to do. And the question remains, does this case have legs to stand upon after the head grand juror, an actual witch, went on national TV news and talked about her prejudice toward Trumpet?   And the other thing, he is supposed to be facing, is the bogus claims that he conspired with white supremacist groups to attack the U.S. Capitol building on January 6, 2021.  When in all truth, that was the FBI, the now X-Speaker of the House Nancy Pelono, and Chuckroast Shoemerr behind the conspiracy for the events of that day.

            Upon hearing about the indictment on Trumpet, Nancy Pelono Twittered that Trumpet had to prove he was innocent.  She has it backwards; it is up to Fat Alvin Chipmunk Bragger to prove that Trumpet is guilty – for Trumpet is innocent until proven guilty!  That’s how our laws work, but Nancy is stupid and thinks, and wholeheartedly believes, it is the other way around, except when it comes to her own hubby driving drunk.  And that really is a crime!

            It seems that President Trumpet is like Teflon; everything thrown at him seems to slide right off.  Could this be due to the fact that Trumpet is totally innocent of all charges and the persecutors are the real haters and the guilty ones?

IS THE CHINESE TICK-TOCK REALLY UNDER FIRE? – by President She (his preferred pronoun)

            A bi-partisan Bill is floating around in Congress in regards to closing down the Chinese appetizer called TICK-TOCK.  Yet, Wonder Breads never cease, the name of TICK-TOCK is not mentioned one time in the Bill!  In fact, if you really read the Bill and pay close attention to it, it is just a Bill (if passed – like Joe Biden’s gas) that will allow the White House (not the Congress or the courts) to spy on everything a person does Online!  They will be able to monitor your purchases in foreign countries if they want to, then they can decide whether to go after you and persecute you for such purchases or such business dealings, and they can put you in jail!  Does this sound right to you?

            Jesse Watters caught Senator Lindsey Graham-Cracker off guard when he went on his show March 29th.  Evidently, Graham-Cracker had not read the Bill at all, or if he had read it he pretended he had not read it!  He asked Jesse to have him back on to talk over the Bill after having a chance to go over it.  Jesse pleaded for Lindsey to talk to the other Senators and help them realize the dangers of passing such a Bill.  I hope that he will do at least that much if not more!

            But the real humorous part about all of this, not the Bill itself, but the waking up to what the Bill is really all about, is that on March 27th Jesse was razzing Congresswoman AOC because she was speaking out against this Bill.  She did her video using TICK-TOCK to do so.  Jesse bad-mouthed AOC on his earlier show The Five and then again on Primeribtime.  Right after his show was Tuckered Out Carlson Tonight.  Tuckered Out Carlson, however, had the correct viewpoint about the Bill, which his people probably had read!  So he was giving AOC congrats for understanding the dangers of said Bill!  And it took two days for Jesse Watters (or his crew) to catch up to Tuckered Out Carlson on the topic.  I guess Tuckered isn’t so tuckered out after all!  So that is the funny part about the whole thing.

            So when Jesse spoke about the Bill and AOC on the 29th he was saying that for once he agreed with AOC, and he was acting like he had not spoken out about it in the opposite way just two days before hand!  So Jesse was really guilty of the same thing that Lindsey was guilty of – not reading the Bill!  So, yeah, in my opinion, neither one of them looked great that evening!

 THE INDICTMENT, ON APRIL 4, 2023, WITH 34 STACKED PANCAKE COUNTS – by Vice-President Me (her preferred pronoun)

            The indictment proceedings, having President Trumpet placed under arrest and a strain, having him finger and toe printed, and having his coffee mug taken away from him, was just the beginning of his appearance in Madhatter’s court of banana appeals and monkey suits.

            Trumpet had a hefty breakfast what with those thirty-four stacks of pancakes on his plate.  District Athorney Fat Alvin Chipmunk Bragger was out for blood, but only because he was instructed to do so by Joe Biden.  Biden sent an old “fixer” in to help Bragger get Trumpet, so that he would not have to face the man in the up and coming debates, if and when Biden really decides to throw his hat into the ring (it will not be a MAGA hat).  His “fixer” worked with Biden’s previous boss, President Broke O’Bummer.  This lawyer “fixer,” who is filthy dirty is always taking “stop baths”!  Ha!  An old photography joke.

            Bragger has probably already broken the law, after all, who LEAKED to ZNN that there were thirty-four stacks of pancakes in his indictment for the President?  And to leak such information is to break the law.  Maybe his “fixer” leaked the information? 

            Is it a mere coincidence that after President Trumpet stopped sending weapons to Uk-rang for one month that he got impeached?  Is it coincidence that when he fingered the Biden family corruption in Uk-rang that he got impeached again?  Is it coincidence that Biden’s CIA ashtray blew the whistle on Trumpet’s phone call to Uk-rang’s president?  Is it a coincidence that after Trumpet says that after he is elected (again) that he will end the war in Uk-rang (with Russians dressing in the dark) in one hour that one week later he is indicted?  Biden knows that he cannot win the next election against President Trumpet so he has to end him, or get rid of him in an unfair manner.

            President Trumpet, while in office, stopped sending weapons to Uk-rang for one month and he got impeached; Trumpet fingered the Biden family corruption in Uk-rang and then Biden’s CIA ashtray blew the whistle on Trumpet’s “poi-fect phone call” with President Vladimir Von Stooping and got impeached; now Trumpet says he’ll end the Uk-rang war if re-elected in an hour and one week later he gets indicted.  You put the pictures and yarn strings up on the whiteboard to see where the clues lead to! The connection is between Biden and Uk-rang. 

            The Left knows they cannot control President Trumpet so they are out to destroy him anyway they can, especially Biden because he is afraid of an honest fair election (after all, there was no fair honest election in 2020 – the Left cheated and you know they cheated – look at the Hunted Biden Laptop cover up scandal (and this is only one example).  I have come to the conclusion that the only reason why people actually vote for Dummycrats is because those people are clueless as to what is really going on in the world, they have their heads buried in the sand, or else they have Trumpet Derangement Syndrome because they have believed all the lies that the State Media folk and Dummycrats have spewed forth from their serpent tongues for over eight years.  Many of the Trumpet haters refuse to listen to Lox News, so they have no clear take on what is really going on.  They do, however, listen to the women of The Only View[1], and four out of the five of these women (and sometimes all five – depending upon who the fifth woman is) are propagandists and liars.

FACTS:  The indictment really does have to do with Easter (see the italicized letters in the facts).

The Madhatter DA’s Office passed over the Coke case.

The Madhatter USA Athornies Office passed over the Pepsi case.

The Federal Election Commission passed over the Mountain Dew case.

Fat Alvin Chipmunk Bragger himself passed over the Sprite case.

            Bragger, or Biden’s fixer, leaked the thirty-four counts listed in the indictment to CNN, which is unlawful to do during a Grand Jury disclosure, it is actually a five year felony, so is Bragger or Biden’s fixer going to be punished?  Neither one of them will probably be charged, because it will be too difficult to prove that they leaked, even though they are like a burst water pipe.  Bragger has Frankenstein-ed the indictment by stacking pancake charges, and then drizzling on tons of maple syrup to sugar coat the thirty-four charges.  This indictment is ready to blow up in his face. 

            The former Madhatter DA was told to stand down, yet Bragger decided he could create a monster out of a Miss Dee Meaner.  What put a fire in Bragger’s britches?  Most likely it was Sloppy Joe’s kindling.  Here’s the smoking salmon, Joe Biden’s justice department, if you can really call it that anymore, sent their partisan hatchet man into Bragger’s office.  His name is Matt Noangelo (which means “no angel”).  Noangelo is a former political employee for O’Bummer and Biden.  They sent him over to Bragger’s office to run point on this Dr. Pepper case, which had been buried six feet underground.  Matt was brought in to Bragger’s office in order to resurrect the zombie case (why it needed Dr. Pepper), because when you resurrect lies and false innuendos – they cannot be anything but zombies because there is no Christhood (Truth) to them.

            Matt spent seven years as an ACTIVIST athorney for the NAAAAACP (Is that too many capital “A’s”?)  He also spent four years, during Trumpet’s term, tonic and ginning up partisan lawsuits against 45’s White House for the State of New Yorkso.  He’s a terminator who keeps telling Trumpet, “I’ll be back!” 

            When Joe Biden is asked, “Is the indictment of your predecessor politically divisive?” he just sits silently in front of the press and forms the biggest, creepiest, mischievous grin one has ever seen – pure evil.

            Returning to Biden’s not-Welcome Matt – he worked under Eric Holdem (DOJ) as his political appointee and under Tom Perez (not to be confused with Tom Paris of the USS Voyager) in the Obummer Labor Department.  Matt was a political economic advisor in O’Bummer’s White House, they essentially created the position for him; his goal was to get Trumpet.  He went after the Trumpet Foundation and Trumpet’s finances, suing the Trumpet administration constantly.  He has recently done Joe Biden’s bidding to help oversee the prosecutions and persecutions of Christians praying outside abortion clinics while giving amnesty to abortion industry activists.  Matt has supported those going after Catholic churches, pregnancy centers, and Supreme Court Justices (their families and homes).

            So, what’s the beef, pork, and poultry?  Trumpet “made a false entry into the ledger” is Bragger’s main complaint that is nothing more than a book keeping crime!  Yet, Trumpet probably did not take care of his own books or even make the entry (placed in a wrong column).  I guess it does not matter, so long as you call it all a conspiracy on Trumpet’s part.  Do you really think that Trumpet can even get a fair trial in Madhatter, New Yorkso, when there is bias overload and bass odor?  You have a D.A. who vowed, while campaigning for his job, to go after the President if voted into office.  You have a judge who has donated money to Joe Biden in order to stop Trumpet from winning the election, and this judge has presided over other Trumpet cases over the past few years – yeah he’s a real upstanding dude.  The judge’s daughter worked for Khameleon Harris and now receives money from the Biden-Harris Campaign.  And most of the jury probably will have their heads buried in the New Yorkso Slimes, ZNN or MTNBC.

            Bragger cannot even, or will not even, tell us what the thirty-four counts concealed as the other crime is, that he speaks of in the indictment.  He just says, “Na, na, na, na, na, na.  I don’t have to tell you what it is, because, the law does not require it and the law is on my side” and then he sticks his tongue out at everybody.  Sorry, but the law is not on his side, on his head, or even below his feet – Bragger is a dimwitted lawyer, and he probably graduated from Whassa Matta U.

            Bragger says that Trumpet broke the New Yorkso State election law with the statements he made to tax authorities and that the Federal election caps at a certain amount of money and this MAGA cap was broken in regards to Norm E. Daniels.  However, this is not so, because Trumpet never used campaign funds to pay off the porn star.  He claims that Trumpet formed a “catch and kill” scheme with executives at the publishing company American Media Incorporated, lawyer Mike Conehead, and others, in 2015, in order to buy and suppress negative information to help Trumpet’s chances of winning an election. If he does go to court in December it would be only fair if Trumpet’s lawyers could claim that everything is just Russian disinformation (just like Hunted Biden’s laptop was called Russian disinformation when it was not)?

            After the indictment, at his media conference, Bragger said, “The defendant, Donald J. Trumpet, repeatedly and fraudulently falsified New Yorkso business records to conceal criminal conduct that hid damaging information from the voting public during the 2016 presidential election.”  Strange, this is exactly what team Biden did with Hunted’s laptop!  Where is Biden’s indictment?  Bragger is saying that Trumpet took a series of actions to defraud the voting public in connection with the 2016 election.  However, the indictment says that the thirty-four counts took place from February 14, 2017 to December 5, 2017, which happens to be MONTHS AFTER the 2016 election took place!  Even if what Bragger is alleging was plausible, the actions we are talking about, that he is alleging, as criminal and a method of defrauding the public in connection with the 2016 election, took place in 2017 long after the election was over, in fact, while Trumpet was in office as president!  It seems that Bragger may have not learned anything in his math classes like so many children today are not learning how to count their eggs after they’ve been laid. So, in Bragger’s Fantasy Island tour, he concluded that Trumpet’s hush money arrangements were actually campaign expenditures, under the campaign finance laws, he wouldn’t have had to file disclosure statements until months after the 2016 election was over.  So even if you take it the way he pleads it, how could this have conceivably have affected the 2016 election?  The election was over four months before entries into the wrong column of a ledger were made.  So Trumpet took actions four months after the election in order to fool the voters in 2016 – before the election? Even our own Chung Lee of “Chung Lee’s Confusions” does not get this one.

            Now that the Left has broken our democratic protocol and have broken our real Democracy for once, some say that the Right, when in power, will punish Democrats (their political opponents).  One difference stands out between the Right and the Left, while the Republicans may charge Dummycrats with crimes the Dummycrats really have committed the Dummycrats have no problem trumping up fake charges against Republicans, especially Trumpet Republicans.  That’s right, Republicans do not need to “trump up” charges to legally go after Dummycratic politicians.

            In the spring of 2022 Joe Biden’s hunchbacked men, sorry, I mean henchmen (lawyers?), were sent to the Penn Biden Center to look after “some” documents that they stored there, you know, very close to the Chinese takeout restaurant.  Then the raid took place on Mar-A-Large-O, which Biden triggered, in order to play defense, defoot, and declaw his opponent in 2024, because Biden knew he had illegally stashed classified documents in different places around the country.  Biden needed the Trumpet raid distraction.  There is one big difference between Biden and Trumpet having classified documents – Trumpet has the absolute statutory right given to him, under the Presidential Records Act, the right to be in possession of his presidential records from his years in office as former president.  Biden was never a president when he stole his classified documents (1,850 boxes of classified material) – that’s right he was just a senator and a vice president.  Even after Biden became the president he could not, under the law, declassify any documents he took while he was a senator or the VP, the law just does not work that way.  So no matter which way you look at it, Biden broke the law over and over for decades.  Plus, he handled the documents carelessly (also unlike Trumpet did) by storing them in several locations, not having them guarded by heavily funded staff with security clearance.  He also made them very accessible to China.

            Kathy Chung went before Congress in order to testify about Biden’s stolen documents.  She told them that she had concern over Biden’s misappropriated documents dating back to May 2022, four months before Biden signed off on the Trumpet raid, which means that Biden ordered the Trumpet raid knowing full well that he had his documents spread eagle all over China Town, the Penn Biden Center, and his unlocked garage.  Not only was he not cooperating with the FBI, by refusing to turn the documents over, but, he had his lawyers and assistants running around town to bury them before the midterms.  That is obstruction and intent.  Remember, the public did not find out about the stolen documents until 2023, and it was not until after they found out that the FBI began to go in allowing Biden’s lawyers to be present (again a double standard) and scoop up the classified materials.  Supposedly, at that time Kathy Chung moved documents to China Town she was not working for Joe Biden.  She works for the Pentagon Defense Department, so why is she moving Joe Biden’s classified documents to China Town the same month that China was wiring the Bidens a million dollars?  Was it a deal or operation Joe made with President She (again, his chosen pronoun)?  Also, did the FBI keep tabs on Biden’s smoking chimney (also a smoking gun)?  Was Biden burning documents?  Why was Biden hiding documents in three places:  China Town (not sure is was the China Town of San Flancisco Tleat), Penn Biden Center (near a Chinese restaurant), and Biden’s home (probably both of his homes).  Joe Biden mishandled classified documents – clear and simple.  Where is his FBI raid at?

            So what Bragger and company are doing is called “election interference” or at least, interference of the campaign for the 2024 election – and the judge is guilty as well, for Trumpet is being forced to be in court weeks before the first primary election.  They know he will not be able to go out on the campaign trail mix.

            Daughter-by-law Lara Izzafaceinthemisticline Trumpet said about the indictment that it was a “sad and dark day”.  She implied that Bragger has no soft-drink case at all.  She commented, “You had the full police force of the NYPD out on their way to Mar-A-Large-O to New Yorkso all the way down to the Court House.  The money that was spent by the New Yorkso taxpayers on this charade ought to infuriate all of them, especially given how unsafe New Yorkso City is right now.”

            In Mark Pom-Pom’s book he talks about the non-disclosure agreement between Trumpet and Norm E. Daniels.  His book spells out extortion on Daniel’s part.  It seems almost ironic – well, okay, it is ironic – that on the very same day that Trumpet was being indicted that elsewhere in a different courtroom, Norm E. Daniels lost in court against Trumpet and she must now pay money to Trumpet because she broke her NDA.

            Eric Myeye Trumpet, Lara’s hubby, had this to say about the whole thing, “Fat Alvin Chipmunk Bragger has shut down the entire city, called up 38,000 NYPD police officers, closed down the FDR Drive and is spending an estimated $200 million of city funds, all for a $130,000 NDA.  I never thought I would see this level of corruption in the United States.”

            New Yorkso’s Athorney General, Leticia Jessy James also campaigned on “getting Trumpet”.  Yet, what she found out is that the banks made over two hundred million dollars off of Trumpet’s deals!  She wants to settle the case (negotiate a deal), but Trumpet wants no part of it, why let her off the hook?  Meanwhile, Bragger delayed a month before he came out with his “vege burger” indictment.  He is trying to “nail” Trumpet to the cross with felonious crimes.


“I just opened a fortune cookie and found a piece of Joe’s classified document.” – Ken Sing, from Long Island Tea, New Yorkso

“Bragger put thirty-four mice into thirty-four beer bottles so he could get free beer.” – Nutso Famoose comedian


            It all began when a trans woman took her legally purchased guns into a Christian school and murdered three nine year old children and three adults before she herself was killed by two policemen.  One of the child victims was killed because she pulled the fire alarm (now that’s a hero)!  The shooter had a manifesto, they all seem to have one anymore, but because she is trans and it got political (as soon as it was mentioned that she was trans), the people in charge are refusing to release her manifesto.  Not long after, the following week to be not so exact, protestors (made up of trans folk, trans folk supporters, and a wacky man wearing devil horns[2]) showed up at Tennessee Tuxedo’s Courthouse.  The scene was reminiscent of January 6, 2021 – but nobody in the mainstream (State TV) news media is about to draw that comparison, so I have to do it.

            Troupers, or police, had to escort legislatures through the crowd to keep them safe.  Then, inside the chambers, three democratic legislatures held up proceedings.  Two of them used a bullhorn to talk to the protesters who were in the peanut gallery.  The two young black men and an older white woman held up proceedings for over 45 minutes. They broke the rules.  After the legislatures resumed from their playground recess they were able to get down to business.  Of course, the Left’s concern always has to do with getting rid of guns instead of looking into the shooter’s motives and their mental state (level of sanity) by reading an obstructed manifesto. 

            Not long after the “almost peaceful protest” the three dummycrats were judged for expulsion of the body, after each legislature was judged and votes taken the two black men were expelled while the woman remained.  Why did she survive?  She survived, because, of one vote.  It seems that during her trial she pleaded that she never used the bullhorn and such and such like her two legislature friends did, so she was not ousted because she did not break as many laws as the two men did.  Only afterwards, she plays dirty pool or the race card.  She complains to the press turkeys and press hams about how she was not kicked out of the legislature because she is an older white woman and not a young black man, yet, this is a lie on her part.  She remained a legislature because she pleaded for mercy and said she did not commit the same crimes that the black dudes had committed and at least one person felt she did not deserve the same punishment as her democratic colleagues.  And, or course, people who were not present at the scene, tend to believe her bald faced lies.

            One of those believers is Kahmeleon Harris, so on April 7, 2023, she flew to Tennessee Tuxedo to talk to the legislatures who were given the boot and the one who just had to hobble along on her high heels.  Yet, Harris did not care one bit about the three children or three adults who were gunned down in cold blood by a trans woman the week before.  Get Smart, Harris!  And then on April 8, 2023 Joe Bidden gives an open invitation for the three law breaking dummycrats to come to the White House.  He thinks that they did nothing wrong, he thinks that they deserve his complements and gratitude.  This is because he sees himself in the dishonest lawbreaking dummycrats.

            It is also sad how the protesters held up seven fingers (they should have only held up six fingers) for seven dead people.  The only reason why there were seven dead people is because the last one who died killed the first six people, they were her victims.  And, yeah, I say HER victims, because, I am not going to play their pronoun game.

            But perhaps she was a victim after all?  Perhaps she was the victim of her medical doctors and the pharmaceutical companies?  Perhaps it was the medication (testosterone?) she was on that drove her crazy?  Perhaps it was the medication that made her go out and kill innocent people?  Or perhaps it was the Online cult of trans people trying to convince her that she needed to get revenge against somebody? 

            But we will never know what was going on in her coconut because they refuse to release her “manifesto”!  So we must ask what their motive is for not releasing the manifesto.  Is it because they are chickens and not penguins?  Or is it because they are playing politics?

Update: I have heard that the two black men are no longer expelled from the legislature. One of the men, when in college, sounded like a normal person when he spoke. Yet, when he was speaking during the protest-riot to the crowd over a bull horn (and perhaps without a bull horn) he spoke with a southern Baptist’s accent. Or at least he sounded like he was trying to imitate Reverend Martin Luther King. I do not like phonies.


            What is now in the butcher house from Disney’s cartoon originals of classic materials?  It is the remake of The Little Mermaid.  Arial is being culturally appropriated.  She is no longer a cartoon or a white mermaid with red hair, now she is a living breathing black human who may have red hair – I have not been able to tell from the previews what color of hair she has.  But the wokesters are not stopping there, they are also changing song lyrics to be politically correct (if there is such a thing as being politically correct – because what is politically correct today is no longer politically correct tomorrow – the wokesters make sure of that). Also on the cutting room floor is a new version of Peter Pan Peanut Butter. Did you know that the inventor of Peter Pan Peanut Butter had it taken away from him after WWII by the company he was contracted with? So he came up with Skippy Peanut Butter which outsold Peter Pan Peanut Butter! And no, to let you know the truth, Skippy was not named after Barbie’s sister!

“Joe Biden hid confidential records in Easter Chinese egg rolls. – Chung Lee


The Dolly Lamba asked a boy to suck on his tongue.  Then he apologizes to the world that he asked the boy to do it.  Too late!  The boy already did it.  What is more important is that he apologizes to the boy.  Did he? 

THIS BUD’S NOT FOR YOU – by Spuds McKenzie

            Alzheimer’s Bud-notso-wiser Bush has taken me, Spuds McKenzie, off of their commercials for some guy, named Dillon MullVAIN’E is.  Where did Dillon get his start?  On the game show, what is now called, The Price is Outrageous due to Biden’s economy!  He claims to be a girl, and is a new spokesman (sorry, spokeswoman) for BUD LIGHT BEER.  He is seen taking a bubble bath and opening up his can of beer.  How disgusting is that?  First of all, being a dog, I hate taking baths and to be honest I have never really enjoyed the taste of beer, it’s too much like eating barley soup!  HA!  I mean, RUFF!!!

            You may be asking yourself, but then again, you may not be, why the beer company that has been so successful in their adds over the years using dogs like me and bull frogs, many of who are best buds of mine and I’m not speaking about the beer!  All of us are being culturally appropriated by a man in a skirt or in a bath tub!  Why?

            It has to do with that communist-fascist George Soreass – AGAIN!!!  That’s right, Soreass has made sure that corporations around USA must heed and bow down to something called the Corporate Equality Index.  Soreass has funded this WOKE scoring system.  Did our own government agree to allow this trash to boss our corporations around?  That is the only way I can see it having any power over the corporations.  But I ask why should corporations do Soreass’s bidding?  Who died and made Soreass the boss of all the companies?  Why don’t the companies get together and fight this CA-CA?

            So the following is from the SCORE CARD keeping track of what companies do (and it is their plan to make every citizen of USA have their very own SCORE CARD – SOON):

                                    CORPORATE EQUALITY INDEX

Category:  Supporting an inclusive culture (25 points possible) – Example, does the company have transgender bathrooms at the office?

Category:  Responsible citizenship (deduction of 25 points possible) – Example, if the company gives money to an organization that doesn’t support the pride community.

Category:  Corporate social responsibility (20 points possible) – Example, if you market to transgender consumers (even though they only make up less than 1% of the market place).  And this is where Dillon comes in at BUD.

            This is all used as a proxy for a bigger score, ESG scoring – or an environment social governance scoring.  Ways to know what your emissions look like, what kind of carbon you make – has to do with the E part.  They know how to measure how many WOKE people you have on your corporate board (Perhaps they spy on you?), this is to measure what you are doing in your “G” string score.  It is all an extortion racket.  And to keep your company afloat, in case people boycott you because of your transgendered adds, richer companies buy stock in your company to make it’s worth or value go up in the market.  And this is exactly what has happened with Alzheimer’s Bud-notso-wiser Bush over the past few weeks.

            I do believe that these companies need to take a stand, but will they?  Will Congress do anything about this?  I doubt it. 


            On April 24, 2023, with no explanation, with no understanding of what really happened it was announced that Tuckered Out Carlson and LOX News had parted whey.  Tuckered being out at LOX means bad jou-jou for USA.  Where will we get the straight scoops of ice cream from, I will not visit Biden’s fridge!  That may seem COLD to you, but I do not want to eat the stuff that has frozen Joe’s brain.

            Some people think that with Tuckered Out being free from his job that perhaps he could be VP on Trumpet’s or Desantisclause’s ticket.  But I have a feeling that Tuckered Out has no desire to be a politician.

            It may remain a mystery as to why Tuckered Out is no longer working at LOX News.  We may not find out from Tuckered Out himself, because he may have a none-disclosure agreement with the media company.  And from past firings – like K.G., Bill O’Really, and Eric Behaveyourself – we may never know what happened between the two parties.

            Glenn Close Beck said that Tuckered Out Carlson was the only one at the nutwork who spoke the truth about everything.  He did speak up about things that others did not, that’s for sure.

            It was not long after the news about Tuckered Out Carlson came out Monday morning that ZNN announced that Don Lemonaid was no longer with them.  He was fired for being a liar.  What took them so long, Lemonaid has been lying to his audience for years!  It does seem strange, however, that Lemonaid was squeezed out on the rail the same exact day that LOX News and Tuckered Out Carlson said audios to each other. The real sad part about all of this is that neither Tuckered Out or Don Lemonaid got a going away party.

[1] The only viewpoint allowed on the show and promoted by the show is the viewpoint of the extreme Left.

[2] Some people referred to him as a shaman – probably in order to mentally compare him to the shaman of the January 6, 2021 protest.  The real shaman of 1/6/21 was arrested, held in prison without a quick and speedy trial, and is still in prison today (even though there is video evidence [that the January 6th Committee hid from the world] that he was REALLY a peaceful protester) – however, Tennessee’s man was wearing a headdress more reflective of devil worship, at least that is what popped into my noggin. 



            Over a period of several years San Francisco planned on installing a 1.7 billion dollar public toilet.  That was, until after it was spoken about on the Jessy Watter’s Primerib LOX News show.  Then Governor Gravel Nudesome decided to look into the exorbitant price and scrub the toilet deal!  Whoever the contract was with, I would say they were trying to clean out the city instead of toilets.

            Good work to Watter’s Team for flushing out this money laundering scam!  Hopefully, they will have the same effect on the homeless street sleepers connecting washers and dryers up to local power and water companies to get free electricity and water use for their laundry!

Chung Lee Confusion

            “We’re following the science” really means “we’re playing politics”.

FACT:  It takes an electric Hummer up to four days to fully charge, twenty-four if you install a special charger.

FACT:  After Hurricane Ian and the flooding of salt water – electric car batteries corroded and have caught on fire, these fires are very dangerous and very hard to put out, as they are chemical fires.

FACT:  There are politicians and cabinet members who have stock in bus companies who are going to be producing electric school busses.  Go ahead and sing – “Batteries on the bus go up in smoke, up in smoke, up in smoke.  Batteries on the bus go up in smoke all over town.”  (Song idea is from regular audience member of Jessy Watter’s Primerib.)

“I’m John Fetterwoman!” – by Pander Ing

            John Fetterwoman is running for Congress in Transylvania, I mean Pennsylvania.  He is running against Doctor OZ (famous TV doctor who has many degrees in Audio Visual Technology for repair work). It had to hurt Doctor OZ when his mom , Opera Windfall, came out and said she would vote for Fetterwoman over the Doc.

            On October 25, 2022, the two men had a debate, even though over one million people had already voted and turned in their ballots.  Another problem with having the debate is that John Fetterwoman could not speak without the aid of a teleprompter. When he goes out in public he has a stenographer with him.  This is because he suffered a stroke earlier this year.  The Dummycrats were not so dumb, as they kept the stroke problems quiet and did not let the people really know about his comprehension and speech problems.  This is called “pulling the wool over their eyes” trick.  They pulled the same trick in 2020 with Joe Biden (who was a hiddin’ in his basement).

            It turns out, however, that Fetterwoman’s bi-sexual wife is from a foreign country.  Gazelle Burrito Fetterwoman will actually be running her husband’s business (if he gets elected), just as Doctor Jill runs Joe around the White House.  We know this because Joe Biden just as much came out with it and said so at the Silly-Philly rally.  There is one big problem with Mrs. Fetterwoman being so closely connected to Congress, her father was (not sure if he still is) with foreign intelligence in their country.  I suppose that this does not mean that Mrs. Fetterwoman would spy on our country, but you never know; has anybody asked her about this?  I doubt it.  You can be sure, however, that Gazelle Burrito Fetterwoman is as far Left (to the communist regime) as her husband is, because she believes that swimming pools are prejudice! I wonder if she also thinks that car pools are prejudice?  What a ridiculous statement she made about pools, I have known many swimming pools during my life and not one of them are prejudice!

            I would not vote for Fetterwoman, because, I do not live in Philadelphiacreamcheese, but also because of what his name means. It means, to imprison (fetter) women!  But the real reason why I would never vote for the man is because he is a communist, not to mention (but I must do so), he was another really bad mayor (and this was before the stroke).

            Another bad fact about this Fetterwoman candidate is that he was on a parole board and he voted to release murderers and let them out from prison (I believe it was 25 times). Many murderers were released because of him. 

            Fetterwoman, while he was mayor, profiled an innocent black man and followed him and then held him prisoner with a shot gun until the coppers arrived.  The black man was innocent, but, because Fetterwoman is a Democrat he got off scotch free and duty free from having to apologize to that black man, nor has he been harassed by Black Lives Mutter.

            Biden thinks that Fetterwoman is a great guy, they get along fine.  This is because Joe has finally found somebody that he can actually communicate with.  They both understand each other perfectly well.  Biden is to make a second trip to campaign for Fetterwoman, and he is bringing Harris with him.  President B. O. is also supposed to make a trip to Fetterwoman country.


            We admit this is a rather long slogan, so maybe it should be shortened to just:  FOLLOW THE YELLOW BRICK ROAD TO OZ.

            Our Map Department made the following map of Oz, based upon The Wizard of OZ book.  We thought you might be interested in seeing what the land looks like!

Who knew that Oz was so circular? 


            On the same night as the Oz-Fetterwoman debate another important debate took place in New York between the female governor, Kathy Hackle, who never got elected (I bet you thought I was going to say she never got a dinner), and Congressman Lee Zelda. 

            We all think that Lee won the debate, as Hackle refused to address the naked man in the room (who is an illegal alien criminal from Canada that broke into Nancy Pilono’s house later on in the week) about crime and violence.  Her idiotic reply, for the crime problem, was, “Why is it so important to you?”  She really does not understand why crime and violence is such an important issue in this upcoming election!  Well, they do not call them dummycrats for nothing.

            Over the past few months Lee Zelda was attacked on stage by a man with a kitty-cat keychain and gunshots went off outside his family’s home.  His daughters could have been shot, but fortunately they were kept safe (by God).  Hackle does not understand why the issue of crime and violence is so important to Lee Zelda and her New York citizens!  She told Al Sharptone that it is all a hoax by the Right, as they never tell anyone about how much violence is in red states.  But we are not stupid, we know it is only the blue cities in the red states where all the crime is being committed (for the most part).  If she played CLUE she would not be able to figure out that it was Colonel Mustard in the Library with the revolver! 

            This woman and Joe Biden are responsible for all of those people who lost their jobs in New Yorkso over the past year – because they felt it was unsafe, not necessary, or the idea goes against their religion to be vaccinated for the coronavirust – so they did not get vaccinated (and lost their jobs).  Some of them were firemen who worked on the front lines during 2020 when there were no vaccines, yet they were forced to either get the vaccination shots or be fired.  It is a hard thing when a fireman is fired!

            Joe Biden had his two shots (not tequila) both before he was inaugurated, even though he denies this fact.  (His mind is either soup or else he hates President Trumpet that much.)  He also had his two booster shots before he came down with coronavirust and then got coronavirust again (just like his precious Dr. Faust).  They both had the same treatment; they were given some new drug that Faust is promoting (so he can make even more money)!  Does it sound like his new drug works?  I’m thinking hydroxychloroquine works way better (and it’s cheaper).  You may not believe me, but you should watch an episode of The Dead Zone, from 2003, about a coronavirust disease! 

            Then, again on the same week as the debates we’ve been talking about, Biden got another booster shot!  This old man is really afraid of the disease!  He knows that getting vaccinated does not keep you from getting sick from the disease, yet he is still pushing mandatory vaccinations!  What a WACK-A-DOODLE-DO he is!  Kathy Hackle does not fall far from Biden’s family nut tree.  She is just as stupid about the coronavirust as Biden is.

            And the U.S. Government is continuing to pay for the “free” vaccination shots.  But, to be honest with you all, nothing is free.  You may not have to pay when you get your shots, but you still are paying for them via your income tax.  That’s right, nothing is a free ride.  And the farm-a-cuticle companies are raking in the big bucks, huge does, and green lettuce (which out lasts the latest British Prime-rib Minister). 

FACT:  A New York policeman was caught on camera pulling up Lee Zelda campaign signs from people’s yards and placing them in the back of his police vehicle.


            The Halloween episode for Abbott Elementary was totally unrealistic!  All the Halloween decorations were off the charts!  Nothing like that ever happened in any of the schools I went to while I grew up.  Second, there were tons of candy for those kids!  To be honest, I remember very little candy when I was in grade school.  So the whole thing was fiction.  I know, the show really is fiction, but at least they could be more realistic about their fiction.  Maybe the show portrayed what the writers actually dreamed about having when they were in school?  That seems more logical.

            But this show is not the only one that goes way out on the idea of Halloween.  You always see tons of kids out trick-or-treating on TV shows.  In my neighborhood, the most kids we see any more are thirty (that’s a good year, like 2022).  Last year we had maybe five or six, I’m not sure we even had that many!  Of course, I live in a cold state, so maybe in the warmer states more children go out.  I guess Halloween is a really big thing in Berlin, DelawaresNewJersey, which is an inhabited ghost town.


            Well, the final episode of the female Doctor finally took place.  She was killed by the Master (who is not Jesus but put his face in place of Jesus in The Last Supper) and regenerated into – are you ready for this – David Tenant (who played the tenth doctor). 

            To be honest, I never liked the actress who was playing the female Doctor.  Now, if the Doctor had been played by someone like me, Donna Nobel Peace-Prize, then yeah, I could see that she would have been very popular.  But, the actress they hired, I’m sorry, she just was not able to cut the mustard seed (which is a very difficult thing to do) or cut the cheese, little loan successfully pull off being the Doctor (this is, of course my opinion and there are probably people out there who strongly disagree with me).  Or even the black woman actress who played the first generation of the Doctor could have cut the mustard seed and cheese and pulled it off.  I liked her as a Doctor, just ol’ blondy was not to my taste.  I did not like her at all.  I did not cry when her life came to an end either.  I even preferred the Master over her, and he got his chance!

            The last episode seemed sort of gimmicky because they brought in old timer Doctors and some of the older companions.  But we are all sort of getting use to that type of thing after the Queen Elizabeth episode happened (with Rose Tyler as Bad Wolf).  Yet, David and Matt pulled off being together with the Warrior (Doctor) – John Hurt (I hope he feels better now – take two pills and call the Doctor in the morning).

            And yes, when the new (old?) Doctor’s identity was revealed it left us ALL saying, “WHAT?”  Even the new (old?) Doctor responded over and over with, “WHAT?”  When I told a relative about the ending, even he responded with, “WHAT?”

            And I said, “YES!  I want that to happen a lot, I never wanted him to go away in the first place!”  So hopefully, this was not all just a grand practical joke being played upon all of us FANS, and it will be what really does happen.

            And for those of you who missed seeing this final episode of the female Doctor, I hope I didn’t reveal any “Spoilers”!  If so, it’s too bad (take two pills and call River Song in the morning).


            On October 28, 2022, sometime after 2 a.m., an illegal alien from Canada (because his VISA ran out of gas), who has a criminal record longer than any LP in my collection, smashed a glass door in, with a hammer (?), at the Pelono’s house in San Francisco.  David Depoppy hit Paul Pelono on the head with a hammer.  Depoppy is mentally not all there; maybe someone took a hammer to his head?  He does not live on the Streets of San Francisco.  However, he does live in an old school bus in Berkley. 

            “Who doesn’t like yellow school buses?” Khameleon Harris has asked.

            Depoppy also loves to be naked as a Jay Bird (he prefers not to be one in prison, even though this is where this man belongs).  Depoppy is also a drug addict, which is why he probably really is nuts (not because he has had a hammer to the head, because he probably has not had a hammer to his head).  Depoppy also claimed to be Jesus Christ for a whole year, however, he did not heal one single person while thinking he was “the man”!  Depoppy raped his own children, yet he is not in jail for the abuse. Why is this?

            He entered the Pelono house yelling, “HERE’S JOHNNY!”  What’s that?  That’s not what he said?  Oh, he asked, “WHERE’S NANCY?”  That makes way more since!  But the story keeps changing, because the Leftists want to use it as a political story to affect the midterm election – to try and make Republicans look bad (and remember, Nancy is up for being re-elected – sympathy votes?).  Another reason why the incident may keep changing is because the police camera footage has not been released.  Why is it that the district athorney has refused to let anyone see the police body cams or any security footage from the Pelono home. One story heard on the day of the nasty deed, is that the Pelono’s neighbors are familiar with Depoppy, as he hangs out around there, so he may even have run into Nancy on a personal level (unless his relation-ship is only with P. P..; providing this information is correct.) On the 911 phone call Paul tells the operator that he does not know the man in his house.  Also, on the 911 phone call, he mentioned Depoppy by his first name and that he came to see his wife.  It has also been reported (on November 2nd Ann Southslice’s birthday) that Paul made the 911 call with the speaker phone on and that David was right by his side. After hearing the 911 call you could understand that Paul was trying to be wise in the words that he chose to tell the person on the other end he was in trouble. The 911 operator seemed to be clueless as to what was going on. To me, it did not seem like Pelono wanted to tick off his intruder, but that he definitely wanted the police to respond to his 911 call. And how stupid is Depoppy that he was right there during the 911 call and he stayed at the house? I am also not sure why Depoppy allowed Pelono to answer the door when the police arrived, but he did.

            Nobody knows why David Depoppy wanted to know where the woman of the House was at.  However, since Friday he has admitted that he wanted to talk to Nancy, ask her questions (about what he did not say).  He said that if she told the truth he would let her go, but if she lied he would break her knee caps so that she would need to enter Congress in a wheelchair.  So, it does not sound like he wanted to really kill Nancy – just interrogate her and possibly cripple her (which is not a nice thing to do).  But his entering the house and asking, “Where’s Nancy?” was enough for the Left-winged nut-bagged media to compare Depoppy to the January sixth protesters.  And that is exactly what Joe Biden did during his November 3rd speech!  That man is so full of hot air it’s a wonder he isn’t floating around in the sky!

            Right away, this story gave the Leftist News Media people a reason to lie to their audience in order to gain votes for the dummycrats in the midterm election.  They say, “This man likes President Trumpet!  Because he had plastic zip ties in his backpack he is just like the January sixth insurrectionists!”  Truth is that David Depoppy likes President Obummer not President Trumpet. The Leftist Media people have forgotten that the man who wanted to kill Bret Kavanaugh this summer also had plastic zip ties, a hammer, and duck-tape (quack quack) in his back pack.  Yet, if they would have done some actual leg work (you know actual reporter investigations) they would have found out that the man was an illegal alien from Canada, not a MAGA man.  But that is the point, they did not want anyone to know the real facts, like the fact that D. D.’s yellow school bus house had a BLM banner and in the front of the bus there is a pride flag waving around. 

Question:  Can a person from a foreign country be an insurrectionist to a country he has no legal citizenship to?

            Of course, because, this man actually broke into the home of a Democratic big wig, he will be charged and held prisoner (no bail of hay for this man), unlike how he has been dismissed by the law over and over again up until this time. Seems hypocritical, doesn’t it?  Rest assured, however, if David Depoppy would have used a hammer on a local San Fran citizen he would be let go.  Depoppy was taken to the hospital when Pelono was. We finally found out it was because his arm was broken, probably when he struggled with the police.  But that is just a guess.

            Dummycratic politicians, besides Joe Biden, are also using the attack for political reasons, like Governor Gravel Nudesome.  Nudesome, who might like Depoppy’s pass time of nudity, was claiming that Jessy Watters’ show was mocking Paul Pelono during the summer.  Jessy was not mocking the man, he was telling the facts about the man’s auto accident, due to his drunken state when he crashed, and then the local law helped cover up the accident, and helped him out in court.  Actually, if Jessy mocked anyone it was the district athorney handling Pelono’s case (The D. A. has family ties to Nudesome and the Pelono’s – did not she have a conflict of interest in Pelono’s case?).

            Another thing which does not make any sense is right after the incident Political reported that there was a third unknown person in the house.  In fact, they reported, this person opened the door for the police when they arrived on the scene. This is not true at all.  After Elong Musk mentioned what Political reported in a Tweet, Political accused him of reporting fake news!  I could hear David Tenant saying, “WHAT?” clear across the pond! 

            After seeing the police footage, of the police’s arrival to the house, it raised questions as to why the police could not get to Depoppy before he bashed the hammer onto Paul’s head. Were they really not sure of what was going on in the house so they hesitated entering the home? Did they think Pelono’s attitude (where he seemed to be trying to deescalate Depoppy) as being confusing? They could have rushed in to grab the intruder but they did not to it. But why not release the police footage sooner? Was it to insure that Depoppy would be able to get a fair trial with a non-bias jury? On the morning of November 4th, NBC’s Today show aired a report, which was quickly taken down from their website. In it the reporter stated the correct facts, that the police arrived at the house and knocked on the door. Paul Pelono answered the door himself. The NBC reporter was hung out to dry near Canada Dry somewhere, as they have him reporting weather in the SNOW. Was it because his report was 100% correct? The real facts is that Pelono answered the door and Depoppy was at his side (on his right side). Depoppy had the hammer in his hand and Pelono had his hand on Depoppy’s hand or the hammer (not sure). The police told Depoppy to drop the hammer, and he said, “No.” And that is when he went after Paul Pelono. Depoppy lost it and swung the hammer on Paul and then the police ran into the house to arrest Depoppy. A lot of speculation and false rumors could have been quelled if the police footage would just have been released, along with the 911 phone call.


“I have my mother’s eyes. I keep them in my sockets.” — Doctor Frankenstein


            Will Governor De’Santa Clause allow China to have a lab in Florida on the 1400 acres of land that they purchased?  I want to know how foreign countries are even legally allowed to buy land in our country!  China has also bought up farm land in other areas of the country.  How is this right?  It’s not Right, but for sure it seems to be Left!  

            Butt, and this is a big butt, what China wants to do on the Florida land is even worse!  They want to use the land to do medical experiments on monkeys.  Why would they want to do this?  Do they plan on releasing something worse than coronavirust in the USA so that their own people, hopefully, are not affected by it?  We cannot trust the Chinese; we cannot even trust our own government if this happens.  We, for sure, cannot trust Joe Biden who is compromised by China (via his son’s business deals).

            According to PETA, PETA, PETA – during the coronavirus pots’n’pandemic 100,000 monkeys were pulled out of Asia.  We, here at the Gander, are not sure if all of them were taken from the wild or if they just acted wild as monkeys do, as the woman said the moneys were taken from disease ridden monkey farms, then packed up in cages, put in cargo bins of planes, and flown to the USA.  Upon arrival untold numbers of the monkeys were diseased or dead.  This representative did not say if these were Dr. Faust’s monkeys, but they probably were.  Is Faust (still) working with China?  Is he planning on giving monkeys to China in Florida?  These are questions I have and would like to have answered by somebody.  Retirement for Faust cannot come soon enough for me!  He is a very dangerous person.

CROSSING THE BORDER – by Carnitta Burrito

            The following facts are true about the southern border illegal alien crossings.  As of this fiscal year (October 21, 2022) 227,547 illegals crossed the border in September 2022.  There have been 2,378,944 migrant encounters on the border (and that is without their UFO spaceships).  There have been (calculated, because how could they really even know) 600,000 got-a-ways.  The FBI made 98 border arrests of people on the non-domestic terror watch list; this number has gone way up, because over the previous past five fiscal years only twenty-six FBI terror watch list arrests were made.

            In the Del Rio border section, during the first three weeks of October 2022 over 29,000 illegal crossings were made.  In the Rio Grande Valley drug smugglers load drugs up in waiting cars during broad daylight.

            F.A.I.R. says that since January 20, 2021 (the day Biden was inaugurated) 5.5 million illegal aliens have entered into the USA.

            When is enough, enough?  When will the dummycrats own up to the truth and admit there is a border crisis?  When will DHS Secretary Mayorkass stop lying and stop making things up?

UPDATE:  On November 1st many illegals were crossing into our country.  They were waving big, huge flags from their own countries (Venezuela being one of them).  They also proceeded to throw rocks at our border patrol agents!  The border patrol protected themselves by shooting pepper balls at the illegal immigrants.  On the video aired on LOX News, the illegals did retreat, but if they came back across the water I cannot say.  THIS IS AN INVASION and if you do not think this is the case then you need to think again.  If you were to enter a foreign nation (illegally) carrying your country’s flag (even though you were going to claim asylum making a false claim that your own country is dangerous), and then you attack that other nation’s soldiers, wouldn’t you be invading that country?  Be honest.  Your reply must be “YES”!  And this is what happened.  Who gives these people the right to do this?  These people do not want or need refuge in our country, they must still love their country to be carrying around its flag (such big ones too)!  Where is their respect for our country?  The answer is, they have none, if they did they would try to come here the legal way.

            Everyday hundreds of people (mostly single adult men) are crossing our border (illegally) and let lose to go mostly anywhere they want to go to do what ever they want to do, even if they commit crimes or not.  On November 2nd there were 700 illegals that just walked into Texas.  And this is a daily occurrence thanks to Joe Biden and Mayorkass!  Our country cannot sustain these numbers of people.  But Joe Biden knows this and is laughing all the way to the voting booth.  So let the joke be on him, let the yoke fall upon his face, and when you vote on November 8, 2022, do not vote for the demon rat dummycrats!

UPDATE: It seems as if illegals are now crossing the northern border as well, “EY”! What is Canada Dry doing about it? Why are they allowing illegals to enter their country and then cross our northern border? Just what is going on?


            Billionaire Elong Musk, as of October 27, 2022, owns Twitter.  Right away he began to fire top executives.  No great loss there; as one of them, a woman, is an out-an-out canceler of Conservative viewpoints and is against the First Amendment.  She practiced the art of “shadow banning”.  I do like to see all those hand shadow puppets, they are cool.  The foreign man who got fired is also against the First Amendment and he deserved to be fired.  Too bad Twitter’s original boss was too chicken to do it!  When the new boss walked into the Twitter building he was carrying a sink.  He posted, “Let that sink in!”  What a joker he is, if he ever wants a job with the Gigolo Gander news staff, well, he need not apply, I’ll just hire him on the spot. He also began to fire a lot of other people, this may cause him legal problems, as I hear he did not give them 60 days notice according to California law requires him to do.

            May Elong Musk succeed with the company and may it turn around and really exercise the First Amendment from this day forward!


            Recently, in town hall meetings and get-togethers, Congresswoman A. O. C. has been getting yelled at.  The woman’s supporters are put out with her for voting to support the war in Euk-rang.  They should be put out with her on everything!  The woman is a poor sport about it all.  She refused to comment on it to one man because, as she put it, he was being “rude”!  All I can say is that it takes one to know one. 

            In another get together they were saying a negative chant.  She sat up on the stage floor moving her body with their rhythm, like she was oblivious to their negativity against her.  Not long after that, when they were all yelling, she put on a phony Chick-Anno dialect and said, “Listen!  Listen!….”  Well, that did get people’s attention, but was it really effective?  Maybe she was just trying to be a Breakfast Taco?

            Here’s hoping she’ll lose in her next election!

BLIMPIES – by Wish I. Hadone

            The recent times I have gone to a SUBWAYS’ sandwich shop I have not enjoyed their food.  I remember back in the 70’s before SUBWAYS became all the rage that there was a sandwich shop near me that made the best hoagies or subs.  But I could not remember their name.  But then, I watched a very recent episode of The Food That Made America Fat on the History Channel.  And they were talking about BLIMPIES.  That was it; that was the place that I really loved so much.  They made the best sandwiches, way better than any SUBWAYS’ sandwich I have ever had!  It has been decades since I had a BLIMPIES.

            Recently we got three foot longs from a SUBWAYS French fries shop.  It was not a great experience, they over charged me without my knowledge too.  During the TV episode they mentioned how the owners of SUBWAYS wanted people to smell their bread when they walked in the door.  Well, do you know what I smelled the last two times I walked into the same SUBWAYS shop?  CLOROX!  That is what I smelled.  I could not smell any delicious bread rising or baking!  TOO BAD! Is it my imagination or did SUBWAYS’ bread taste better when it had yoga mat chemicals in it?  And why is it they never seem to have any ripe tomatoes?

            Also on the show, the one man talked to a friend who was about to go to college.  If he worked at the sandwich shop he could work the business to make money for college.  Only the dude never did go to college, at least they never said that he did.  Well, they became rich, so he did not really need to go to college.


            In October LOX News’ Greg Gutfelt became a proud papa of a bouncing baby puppy, a French Bull Dog to be precise.  The puppy has salt and peppered hair just like his dad!  Greg named the puppy Gus.  The way Greg is with bodily fluids, bodily non-fluids and bathroom jokes, I’m surprised he did not name the dog Gas.  Well, I suppose he can afford vet bills, but that is the main reason why I don’t want a pet.  Besides, I do not like all the floating hair, and all the bodily fluids and bodily non-fluids.



            On July 19, 2022 Sandy Occasionally Cortex and her Rat Pack were blocking traffic while protesting during a PRO-CHOICE Rally.  Sandy, along with her Congress friend (Illham Omar, the woman who married her brother), being es muy intellihante, placed their hands behind their backs as if they had handcuffs on.  However, there were no handcuffs placed upon their hands.  They just did it for show.  The smirk on Sandy’s face was downright disgusting.  Fortunately, the picture below depicts her smirk.

            The video that is so well known, or seen, was shot by Sandy’s own people, this means that she wanted the video to be broadcast over the Internet.  She is such a HAM just like her friend, Illham!  No wonder she was smirking like she was.

            The day after the incident Sandy claimed that she was not pretending to wear fake handcuffs!  Perhaps she was a little embarrassed by the handcuff thing?  Don’t worry folks, her only penalty, at least there was one, is that she had to pay the coppers $50.00 for her instant release, no jail time.

            Last week she was mad at the Capitol police because they did not get all up in the face of a man who was harassing her ass (pointing out its attractiveness).  Sure, what the man was doing happened to be disgusting and not a nice thing for him to do, however, she was not afraid of the dude, because, she actually approached him on the steps.  Evidently her fiancé was not very concerned about the man because he just kept walking on ahead and ignored what was going on.  Hey, AOC, I think I would think twice before I married that worthless dude!  So she was mad at the Capitol police for doing the same thing that her fiancé did.  Go figure.  But she sure cried (crocodile tears) about the whole thing on her Twitter-head account!  After thinking about it, I think he knows his girlfriend pretty well and knew that she would handle the situation in her own way – as she did, she cried about it on Twitter-head.

            Speaking of the company Twittter-head, they now want to sue Elong Musk for backing out of his deal to purchase the company, even though they did not want him to purchase the company in the first place!  Some people are never happy.

            Getting back to AOC, she is complaining that paying for two different apartments is breaking her up in business.  She has to keep her apartment in New York and have one in Washing D. Clothes.  She makes $174,000 dollars a year.  She said, “It’s insanely expensive, there is no stipend [gift] or per diem [daily allowance] for it, and you’re not allowed to write it off [via the I.R.S.] even though your job forces you to have it.  This creates real class dynamics in the House…It’s so so much [money?].  We [she and her fiancé] have to find a new apartment in NYC soon and I’m stressed.”  Hey, AOC, I would think thrice about marrying that dude!  Hey, Dude, I think you should think thrice before marrying that woman!


            The IRS, or Internal Revenue Service (which really does not serve anybody at all) places a deadline upon all citizens to file their income taxes by April 15th, or there about (sometimes they have changed the date).  Yet, they are allowed six months to not send you the refund you may have coming to you.  Is that fair?  I do not think it is fair at all.  They have their excuses.  However, they also make it very difficult for you to get hold of them by phone, letter, and Internet.  I believe their moto is, “Don’t contact us if we haven’t contacted you.”  Or maybe it’s, “If you sent in your taxes then be grateful we even send you a refund, especially with Biden’s recession!”

FACT:  Cory D. Booker is 47 percent African, 45 percent European, 7 percent Native American, and 1 percent Turkey (and I’m not speaking about the country).


            Governor Hey Abbot of Texas has been busing illegal aliens to Washingaton of Clothes and Mayor Bow-Wow is getting upset about it.  She has all these new people coming into her city and she has no federal money to help them.  She is now a member of the Border States’ Club, and she does not like it one bit!  I say, “Fair is fair, my name.”  Why should not the Dummycrat cities finally be invaded like the rest of our country has been invaded since January 2021?  Maybe, as a Dummycrat, she can put a burr under Joe Biden’s asp and get him to close down the southern border?  I doubt it.  “HEY Abbot!  Send some busloads of immigrants to Joe Biden’s home in Delaware, too!  Drop them off in his driveway; why don’t cha?”

            Bow-Wow believes, however, that the people on the busses are being tricked into coming to her city.  The truth is they were asked if they wanted to go there and they said, “SI!”  So, they were not tricked.  Maybe she is the prejudice one since she thinks they are all stupid enough to be tricked?  Maybe she is the prejudice one since she does not want them to come to her city?

            Mayor Bow-Wow is not alone in her being irked with Governor Hey Abbot.  Mayor Erica Adams is also ticked off at Abbot for flying immigrants into his city.  However, Abbot did not “fly” anyone into NYC.  Nope, that is ALL on Joe Biden and his Mayorkass.  Maybe Mayorkass has flown the immigrants to NYC because his last name has Mayor in it and York in it?  But the important thing in his name is the Ass!  Some people think he may run for president?  Not if Mike O’Bummer is running, he won’t.

            Why do Adams and Bow-Wow think that it is okay for illegal aliens to cross into our country on Border States but it is not okay if these SAME people come to their town?  People do not like it when the shoe is on the other foot, do they?  They should tell the head guy, “Do your job, Joe Biden!”  But they will not, because they are too stupid; or maybe they are just too chicken?  The south has been dealing with the border issue (problem) for decades because Washingaton of Clothes politicians will not do their jobs!  New York and Dot Com are not use to the problem.

            Mayorkass recently said that the border is secure, but it is not.  He lies, that’s the ass part of his name coming out, I guess.  Still, it is no excuse for his bad behavior.  It is too bad that Joe Biden is more concerned about the border of Uke-Rang than he is about our southern border!


            This is no Tony Orlando and Dawn song; the drug cartels actually tie women’s underwear in a tree, perhaps, as a token of fear for all immigrant women, or as a message to the border patrol.  They call it a rape tree.

This is just one horrible thing that the cartels do.  Bringing illegal fentanyl across our border is a huge crime they commit.  This stuff is only possible thanks to commy China – as the Chinese (Hunted and Joe Biden’s pals) provide the chemicals for their specific chemical warfare!

            Drug cartels get $4,000 to $20,000 for each migrant they get into the USA.  They do not treat these people well after stealing money from them.  They are beat and tortured, held hostage (for human trafficking and often become slaves), raped, many are held in stash houses and then their family members are called in order to extort more money out of the families so smuggling turns into human trafficking.  And Joe Biden and his administration seem to be okay with all of this?


            At the Sesame Place Amusement Park, which I did not even know existed until now, there was a parade.  I assume that the parade was taking place on Sesame Street.  Anyway, the person in the costume for Rosita was high-fiving people along the parade route until she got to two young black girls.  Then it was like she shooed them off with her hand gesture, walking past the two girls.  But is that what really was taking place?

            The girls’ parents were taking moving pictures of the parade and caught the incident on camera or phone.  Then they complained to the park about it.  I am sure that the girl’s feelings were hurt, and it did look like a prejudiced act.  But those costumes are hard to see out of (which is what the park first said). It seemed as if Rosita was actually using hand gestures to tell some parents that they could not pick up their child (which is park policy).  So did their employee just not see them?  I think this is the case, however, the park managers made it worse because the following day the park issued a new statement making it sound like it was an act of prejudice which should not have happened, because, they were now going to have their employees go through some sort of training program.

            Of course, it was not long after the first incident that another incident took place with a different black girl.  I believe it was Elmo that snubbed a girl along with some other people in costumes.  It is recorded, but I really do think it is a visual problem, plus, I think that girl should have pushed herself forward to be in front of other kids, maybe then she would have been seen?  It would be interesting to see some pictures of white children being snubbed by the Sesame Place employees – to see if they really are just blind.  Who knows, maybe they are also color blind?

            The ridiculous part is the parents hired a lawyer so that they can get tons of money from a lawsuit with the park; really?  Let the girl learn a lesson in life; that you just do not always get what you want in life.  Many times I have been in front of celebrities and they tended to ignore me.  Or meeting them did not go according to my plan (what I thought it would be like).  Some celebrities just are not very nice at all, but I would not sue them because of it.  There are just too many people around them.  You know who they are but they have never met you or know who you, the fan, are – so they really just pretend to appreciate you or like you coming to see them.  For some of them, and I hate to say it, I really think they are there just to get a paycheck.  So yeah, you pay special money to actually get those celebrities to talk with you and all that, and then sometimes that does not work either.

            Like when I was at a Meet and Greet at a convention.  Christopher Judge was supposed to sit down at our table and visit with us but he never did.  I tried, with another woman from my table, to talk to him, but it did not work.  So I admit I was upset, I was upset because the celebrities failed to follow the rules of the game (that I paid extra money for).  And so I prayed about it.  I realized that I was too upset over nothing.  And so, the next day and unplanned, there was Christopher Judge on his own without anybody near him and I stopped him and we talked.  So you see, instead of forcing things to happen, we just have to turn to God.  But part of my reasoning was, if I was not meant to meet up with Christopher Judge then I would not meet him, God’s will be done.


            Around July 22-24 Charlie Church-Dweller held his TURNING POINT USA Conference, but outside the event Liberals showed up to protest.  It was strange that they eventually and silently went away, but then another group of people showed up to protest.  They seemed different, but I have a suspicion they were the same exact crowd, only they showed up in masks and with swastika signs.  They were now pretending to be white supremacists!  Can you spell Cultural Appropriation?  As the words to that CSI: Miami song goes:  “We don’t get fooled again!”

            The women on The VIEW were propagating lies about what these neo-Nazis being connected to ALL the students who attended the symposium over the weekend.  Whoopee Cushion Silverberg, not a Jew, said about the neo-Nazis, “they were outside protestors…they were not in the building but they [those inside the building] embraced them [the neo-Nazis].”  This was an out-and-out lie, a figment of Whoopee Cushion’s imagination.

            One of the women who was a protester said to one of the attendees, “You should kill yourself!”  Who does that to a complete stranger?

            But Charlie Church-Dweller did not take The View cast’s attack lying down; he sent them a “cease and desist” order on July 26th and is thinking of suing them.  So the next day they issued a weak apology having the blond white woman issue it, sorry I do not know her name because I do not watch the horrible show.  She said, “We want to make clear that these demonstrators [protesters] were gathered outside the event and they were not invited or endorsed by Turning Point USA.  Turning Point USA wanted to clarify, wanted us to clarify, that this was a Turning Point USA summit and not a Republican Party event.  So we apologize for anything we have said that may have been unclear on these points.”

            Excuse me?  They were very clear “on these points” – they did it all on purpose to try and make ALL of the young high school students and college students (5,000 students ages sixteen and seventeen) look like racists – they purposely tied the attendees to the neo-Nazis (if they really even were neo-Nazis and not just Liberals dressed up to pretend like they were neo-Nazis).  These women are poisonous, have “talking serpent” tongues.  Remember how they slandered a high school Covington boy a couple years ago?

TWO NEW BOOKS – by Word Smith

            Charlie Church-Dweller has a new book out called The College Scam.  Charlie said that 40% of people who enroll in college will never graduate.  He did not specify what percentage of those people are lifelong students.  He said that out of the people who do graduate only 41% of them get jobs that do not require a college degree.  And he goes into all the ways that the colleges brainwash students (CRT, safe spaces, men being able to get pregnant, Green New Steel agenda stuff, etc.). 

            Another new book, which is due out on Labor Day, is by Senator Ted Cruz.  It is called Justice Corrupted:  How the Left Has Weaponized Our Legal System.  While plugging his book on JESSY WATTERS PRIMETIME, Cruz mentioned that the Democrats blocked his new bill that would stop Joe Biden from selling our oil reserves to communist China (who is putting our oil reserves into their oil reserves).  These oil reserves are meant to be used during times of war, it is meant for military use.  This is how stupid, or maybe he is just evil, Joe Biden really is!


            Doctor Deborah Irx has a new book out.  If you do not know who she is, she worked alongside Dr. Anthony Faust when Trumpet was president and the pandemic broke out in a big rash.  She admits to trying to sabotage President Trumpet and make up lies as they gave their demands to the US citizens.  She admits that she and Faust lied to WE THE PEOPLE!!!  She said that the fifteen day shutdown was bull and cow manure (now we know why the shutdown smelled so bad), there was no magic number to the two week shut down.  And afterward, she was trying to see how they (she and Faust) could extend the shutdown.  President Trumpet was stupid to have even listened to these two medical quacks.  These two malpractitioners are responsible for trying to ruin our economy.  She also came up with the bogus six feet distancing number while standing in line or being with people, even the number to control the virus to a group meeting being ten people was made up. 

            She wrote, “I had settled on [ten] then knowing that even that was too many, but I figured that ten would at least be palatable for most Americans — high enough to allow for most gatherings of immediate family but not enough for large dinner parties and critically, large weddings, birthday parties, and other mass social events.”  So she was against people having a good time, she is a real buzz kill.  I’m thinking that she also knew that this would close down all churches (which happened to be a big part of what they were going for).

            She and Faust even altered covid reports.  “After the heavily edited documents were returned to me, I’d reinsert what they objected to, but place it in those [documents in] different locations.  Our report-writing routine soon became:  write, submit, revise, hide, re-submit, nab it, bag it, and tag it.” 

            She knew all about coronavirust being created in the Chinese lab of Woohoo.  On April 19, 2020 she lied to SeeBS about the virust being transferred to man by animals, she knew better.  She even knew that Dr. Faust had given China government funds to work on the gains of function research.  And when the vaccines were going to come out, she lied again, she imagined that the vaccine was not really a vaccine, because a vaccine keeps people from coming down with the disease the vaccine is meant for.  She knew that the people with the vaccines could get infected and spread the coronavirust.

            The numbers on coronavirust deaths were all a lie as well, because the CDC told hospitals to count all deaths as coronavirust if the person had coronavirust when they died, even if they actually died, from say, a car accident!  The CDC is still counting deaths this way today.

            These “advising” doctors sewed division among people.  Remember how people told others, who would not get the vaccine, that they are murderers?  And many people who did not get the vaccines already had natural immunity but these doctors would not even talk about natural immunity, just like they got everybody to ditz hydroxychloroquine.  People who did not want the vaccines lost their jobs, got canceled, and lost friends.  Even the pharmaceutical companies knew the truth about the almost impotent vaccines.  Faust and Irks lied to all of us.  Worst of it is that the vaccines have terrible side effects in many people.  In fact, over 1,000 people died just from taking the vaccines.

            Remember Dr. Scott Atlas (we get the truth) was brought in by President Trumpet?  That’s right, Dr. Scott Atlas (we get the truth) finally told Trumpet the real facts and the president began to side with Atlas (the truth is being told).  So Faust and Irks began to lie to everybody they knew about Atlas (their cover was blown but jerks in the media and Leftist politicians still believed what they told them).

            Dr. Faust has recently said that they were too kind during the shutdown period, that they should have shut us down harder than they did!  He also said that he was going to retire after Biden was out of office, but afterward he announced that what he really meant was that he was going to leave the job he is now working at and relocate himself, or work in some other department.  Does this mean that he would take a cut in pay and not earn more than the president of the United States?  Somehow, I doubt it.  Right now he makes $530,000 per year while his retirement golden parachute is worth $414,000 per year. 

            His arch enemy, Senator Ronald McDonald Paul of Kentucky (home of the werewolfers), said, “Let him stay on the job, this way when we [he and Republicans] get into power we can drag him in front of Congress and make him answer questions.”

            This may be what he thinks Faust would do, but Faust would just answer their questions with more lies.  Why don’t they just arrest him for lying to Congress already and put us all out of our Missouri? 


            Thanks to dog lovers everywhere, especially groups like PETA, hundreds of beagles have been saved from medical experiments that Dr. Faust has signed off on, and has been performing for who knows how long.  The saved dogs and puppies will go to animal shelters and will be available to people, for pets, around the end of September.  I am surprised at how many bagels that were bread and buttered, I mean beagles that were bread, for the mad doctor’s medical experiments.


“Power corrupts but absolute power is a lot more fun.” Stan Lee

“Happiness is something already made.  It comes from Betty Cracker’s recipes.” – the Dolly Lama

“Don’t cry because the movie is over.  Smile because you can now go home!” – Dr. Suezy

“Those who can’t do cancel those who can do.” – Woke Instigator


CAMP AUNTIFA – by Uncle Ifa

            My wife is at it again!  Now, if you live in the state of Organ, you can enroll your children into the Wilting Rose Camp for the summer.  Here the counselors will teach your children how to hate each other, for the betterment of their education against racist beings.  Yes, it is here where they will learn all about Critical Race Theory.  There will be classes on how to choose the appropriate baseball bat and other weapons for plundering; build smoke bombs; how to beat up cops; how to break the noses of those nosy reporters, etc.  There will be classes on how to dress up in black and wear black ski masks.  There will be no kiddy stuff like crafts, swimming, or bird watching.  There will be no roasting marshmallows at the campfire unless the marshmallows are fat white people.

            So be warned, do not enroll your children into this camp, or they may come back to you as little fascist pigs instead of your sweet adorable Glen Youngkins!


            Well, I actually have to give it to Joe Biden if everything that is floating out there in the air, besides coronavirust, is supposed to be true about him.  How is he even able to get up in the morning?  (I guess with nudges from his pooch.)  First there are the two aneurysms, there is asthma, and the day before he was diagnosed with coronavirust, he said to a crowd that he had “oil” cancer.  I heard later on that what Joe meant by “oil” cancer was that it was actually potentially skin cancer, as a mole was removed from him, so I guess he is fine where cancer is concerned.  News people are floating, on the air, that perhaps Biden’s administration will claim that he has ongoing coronavirust in order to give Biden an excuse NOT TO RUN for president in 2024.  I do not know if this is true or not, because I have never heard of this “ongoing coronavirust” before.

            My biggest question is, that nobody else has seemed interested in even asking is this, “Will he change his mind about vaccine mandates?”  After all, he has had four shots and he still caught it (so did his precious Dr. Faust – 2 times).  What is the point of mandating a vaccine that is not really a vaccine at all?  And to mandate that you have them in order to keep your job does not help out our country or our people.  The Left gets all upset over abortion and women (that they deny even exist anymore, or at least they cannot come up with a definition for) keeping their rights.  Yet, they do not have the same viewpoint for people where vaccinations are concerned.  Hypocrites are what they be.

UPDATE:  It seems like the drug that Faust and Biden used when they first came down with coronavirust, which is the same drug that they are pushing all of us to take if we get coronavirust – that perhaps that the drug may be why they both got sick a second time.  I am not a doctor; I am just connecting the dots.


            Climate Change Czar John Kerry loves to fly around on his privet jet, the Chipmunk, all over the world.  He uses twenty times more fuel than the average citizen does in two years.  What John Kerry, and others like him, do not want you to know is that it takes hundreds to thousands of gallons of oil to run their blasted windmills!  So where are the Dems going to get oil for their wonderful windmills if they stop drilling the oil?  Are windmills really that cost efficient when you find out they need oil to maintain the beasts? 

            In 1971 they predicted a new ice age within 50 years (which would have been 2021).  Gee, it did not happen; I wonder why?  In 1989 the one world order United Nations warned that the seas would rise by 2000 flooding most of the world, or at least California and New York.  Again, it did not happen.  In 2004 the Pentagon told President Bushed that climate change is bigger than terrorism and Britain would feel like Siberia by 2020.  Yet, this summer Britain is sexperiencing (I like this typo so I’m leaving it in) heat waves like at no other time – there is no freezing weather.  Yet, people are concerned over the really hot temperatures there.

            What Dummycrats, like Biden, do not understand is that there is a difference between climate and weather.  Climate issues run in hundred year cycles, like, for example, there has been a one degree increase in temperature since the end of the nineteenth century.  And that is all due to H.A.R.R.P. (probably, I have no proof to back up my statement).  But how come nobody ever talks about the effects of H.A.R.R.P. anymore?  Because it is one of those conspiracy theory tin foil hat topics, that’s why.

            So even if the Dummycrats and One World Order faction were to cancel all oil and gas usage by the average citizen, nothing would happen in five to ten years to change the climate.  They are all smoke and mirrors – or hype, blather, and Blarney Rubble.  So, when it comes to a Green New Steal (again harping back to [not H.A.R.R.P.] the One World Order faction), Joe Biden should have no right to sign any Executive Orders.  He is just doing what old Bernie Sanders talked him into doing in 2020.  And why is he forcing the issue when only one percent of the American population is concerned over climate change?

AL!!! – by Peg Bundy

            Al Bore, another climate change Chicken Little, is trying to get back into the news.  Today he is worthless in my estimation, however, money wise, he is worth three hundred million dollars.  His house, in Bashville, Tennessee, is worth two point five million dollars and comes with a thirty thousand dollars utility bill.  He just bought a nine million dollar villa near the ocean in California; so it does not really sound like he is worried about the oceans flooding coastlines does it?  He made fifty million dollars on his documentary, where he sounds the alarm on the melting ice caps.  He sold his television station to Arab oil sheiks for one hundred million dollars.  According to Bloomberg, “Al Bore’s investment firm unveils one point seven billion dollars sustainable fund.”  So, Al Bore may be the dullest man on earth, but he certainly is rich.

            Al has a bad track record because he does not like to run every day to get his exercise, and he has even a worse track record in his predictions of climate change throughout the years.  This is because Al Bore is full of fertilizer, which he is now against.  So I guess he is against himself!  He is also against air conditioning.  Yet he uses it in his gigantic Bashville house.  No wonder he is worried about making ends meet and is getting back out there to do public speeches on bogus climate change.

            What surprises me is that Al Bore is actually behind the Internet!  Who knew he had such potential?  I guess he is close friends with Billy Goat Gates, the inventor of the Gates computers.  (Are they still in business today?  I don’t think they are.)  Billy Goat Gates is also against fertilizer, because he is against cow and bull caca and gas.  Gates has bought up 268,984 acres of land throughout the USA.   He has 242,000 acres of farmland.  Under a trust he made a new purchase in North Dakota, one state away from Warehouse 13.  He got 2100 acres of ND farmland.  What is his end game?  When asked about the land he said it was about seeds and forestation.  But do Al (who also has interests in green meat products) and Bill really want to just force feed us fungi burgers and yogurt?  Gates has said, “No American should be eating red meat.”  I agree, I hate any uncooked meat that is coughing up blood!  I believe in eating fully cooked meat (especially pork).

            Who is more dangerous:  John Kerry, Al Bore or Billy Goat Gates?  Maybe none of them is as dangerous as…


            Remember Eric Swelledhead’s Chinese spy girlfriend Fang Fang?  I doubt she is related to Fu Fang, but you never do know!  The company Fu Fang, of communist China, has bought up land near an Air Force Base.  Is their goal to spy on the Air Force and report back to their government?  The Chinese have bought up a lot of USA farm land.  Their intentions, my friends, are not good.  I have also heard that they have purchased and are now in charge of many slaughter houses.  This really sounds dangerous to me; will they keep our farmers from having their livestock butchered for us to eat?  Or will they use the slaughter houses to make soy-lint green (not a near meat product)?


            The investigation into Hunted Biden’s illegal activities is coming to a close.  However, the DOJ will probably drag their feet on it until after the midterms because they want to help all the Dummycrat candidates out this fall.  And it will be a big FALL for the Dummycratic Party.  It will be like the following:  “I heard that Joe Biden was on a four day trip.  I wondered how long the staircase was.”  Of course, Hunted’s defense team may use the following ploy to get a Bud Light sentence for their client, they will cry “boo who – our client is a poor drug addict who has been in and out of rehab centers like he’s stuck in a revolving door; he is a porn addict, and he hires expensive women of the evening (and morning) escorts to keep him company, to keep him from being lonely.  Have pity on the pour wretch!”  It will be a mop up job.

            Before and during the 2020 fall election, the FBI downplayed damaging evidence found on Hunted Biden’s laptop, which had information on Hunted’s and Joe’s illegal business deals with foreign governments.  The FBI wanted a plot to begin where Hunted’s laptop would be discredited as “disinformation”, specifically Russian disinformation.  Federal agents allegedly were told to stop any damaging and harmful investigations into Hunted’s laptop.  These orders were put out by Brian Outonthelandscape.  He also meddled in the 2016 election with the whole Russian collusion story and the fake Steel dossier.

            This brings into question if Trumpet’s DOJ and his appointed Athorney General Bill Handlebar were doing their jobs, or if they were in on the laptop cover-up?  The whole laptop cover-up IS and WAS election interference, yet Handlebar claims, in front of the January 6th Kangaroo Court Dummittee that he told Trumpet that the election was on the up and up, that there was NO proof of election interference.  Maybe he was speaking about election poll interference only?  Which still is not true, there were shenanigans taking place at the polling outlets or polling counting places – there was even video footage of it, but Handlebar wants to down play it and deny it?  WHY?

            The Biden pay for play business dealings are not being seriously looked at by the FBI.  Is head man of the FBI, Christopher Wray, in on these things, or is he just ignorant of what his people are up to?  Apparently he got rid of a man named Tobol when Tobol was exposed as being a bad agent by Congress.

Please don’t blame my doggie, it’s not his fault at all;

Someone left a wet umbrella standing in the hall. — Bunny Hill


            It was June of 2022 when SeeBS night time show host Stephen Colpret sent in nine of his staff employees to purposely instigate an insurrection at the Capitol in Dot Com.  His people were loud and disturbing, even some Dummycrats complained about the noise.  The film unit lied about having staff credentialsThey also had been turned down by whoever makes the decision that they could be at the Capitol.  They could not be at the Capitol, because, they were not actual members of the press.  So Congressman Adamed Schifty and another congressman helped Culprit’s party get into the building.  And then they helped them gain access a second time after they had been thrown out.  The following was said by the Capitol Police about the Prosecutors dropping the charges that were made after the nine arrests.

“It is unfortunate that despite all of the evidence the Department presented, including that the group or its leaders had been told several times that they could not be in the buildings without an escort [I doubt it was one of Hunted’s escorts], that the U.S. Athorney’s office declined to prosecute any members of the group for Unlawful Entry.”


            Paul Pilono has been buying stock in Chips and Dips.  Over the past five days (July 21, 2022 onward) the stock rose 16%.  Nancy Pilono, the woman in charge of Congress, denies that she gets any profit out of it, this is a lie.  Being that the Pilonos live in sunny California she is, according to the law, recipient of 50% of all the money her husband makes.  Why is it inside trading?  Well, Nancy is heading a bill on Chips and Dips.  This means that all her tortillas, like one huge giant spread sheet in the bedroom, covered her husband’s decision to invest in the company – after all their pillow talk about her bill.  So she gave him “confidential information” which was not available to the public.  This is called “Inside Trading”.  What is, or who is, the real dip in this event?  Anybody who believes Nancy’s lies is a big dip.

            Nancy Pilono made sure that her hubby would be kept safe, as she made sure that her old Senior Advisor was nominated and voted in as the new Commissioner of Securities and Exchange, who will be overlooking inside trading on stocks with Congress.

UPDATE:  Two days before the vote on the bill took place Nan and Paul sold their celery stocks and Nancy’s name was on the legal paperwork!


            Congressman Lee Zelda is running in New York’s Goober-pea race.  While at a rally, a man got on stage and approached Zelda.  He seemed to be drunk or intoxicated.  He held a bronze key chain in his hand.  The key chain had the face of a cat, and the eyes were holes that fingers could go into.  The ears were very pointed.  He pointed this key chain and aimed for Zelda’s throat, while saying, “You’re over.  You’re over.”  Zelda, having had military training, instinctively grabbed the man’s arm with his right hand and held it away from him.  Then others took the attacker down.  He was arrested, but back out on the street (as Zelda predicted) within six hours.

            The current governor of New York, a very stupid woman, came out with an announcement on the attack.  But was she really concerned about it?  After all, she had doxed Zelda’s campaign movements beforehand.  Did she get weak minded people stirred up over Zelda’s campaign?  Was the attack on Zelda her fault?  She still had her people out the next day following his movements.  To be honest, I hope she loses her job like her predecessor Andrew Coma did, even if it is because she loses the upcoming election.  She refuses to come out against “no bail” policies in New York.  She was willing to have people lose their jobs because they did not want a coronavirust vaccination.  She needs to be given the boot; an old stinky man’s hiking boot would work.


            Chicago’s mayor, who we named Lori Lighthead, has many speeding tickets and tickets where she ran through red lights.  So far she believes that she is “above the law”.  She has ignored her traffic tickets and not paid her fines.  So from now on, her new nickname is “Leadfoot”, as evidently that is what she has while she is out driving around town.  Maybe she has watched too many Fast and Furious movies?


            It was six days after Hutchinson was issued a subpoena by the January 6th Dummittee that she called the panel a “phony committee”…she disparaged…the two Republican’s hand-picked to serve on the committee by Pelono, as a “crop of losers”.  This seems a bit silly because two people hardly make up a crop.  It was after she found out that she would have to pay for a lawyer that she saw the light.  She decided to join the Dark Side and hired a democratic lawyer.  They set her up nicely, and now she does not need to ever pay for another drink in Washing Dishes Clean ever again.  She’ll probably be seen on ZNN for a year and then get a nice book deal where she’ll write about how President Trumpet tried to seize control of the Beast’s steering wheel (which never happened).  Her (for now, non-existent) book would be complete fiction to be sold as historical political propaganda.