Wall-a-Wall-a-Washington D. C.

Wall-a-Wall-a-Washington D. C.

By, Running Nose Smelling Feet

            Recently a group of Catholic male high school students were in Washington D. C.  They were there for the Pro-Life March.  The Catholic high school boys, who were on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, were waiting for their bus to arrive.  They were being peaceful and not doing anything bad, or getting in anybody’s way.  However, a few of them were wearing red MAGA hats (Make America Great Again baseball caps).  Republican Ronald Reagan first spoke those words, then Democrat William Jefferson Clinton used them, but after Donald Trump utilized them, the words somehow became synonymous with racism.  It is, to some Left-winged persons, “a trigger”.  To this I say, just because a gun has a trigger does not mean that you have to pull it!  And I always thought that Trigger was a very beautiful horse!
            A group of toxic male black Jews began harassing the boys.  These grown up men said mean nasty things to these boys; they were probably trying to instigate a bad reaction out of them, or perhaps try and get them to react in a violent way.  But the boys were more mature than the men were.  The grown up (Were they grown up?) men did not act in a responsible way, or in a nice way.
            From reports on the news, I heard that these men kept slinging arrows (insults) at the boys for an hour.  I heard some of the bleeped things that they did say, and they were nasty!  Some of the boys, in order to drown out the insults and nasty comments, decided to do some school cheers.  One of the cheers has a boy taking off his shirt.  They perform this cheer at rallies and at football games.
            Then something else happened, that triggered (the gun was shot) a really bad reaction.  Some Indian man, sorry, I mean Native American man, thought he should get in to the picture.  He claims he was trying to make peace between the two groups and that the boys were troubling the black men.  He speaks with forked tongue!  He had a drum that he was beating and he walked close to the boys while beating his drum and singing some song (supposed to be a prayer).  He was the one getting in their faces!  He was the one who did the approaching.  He was supposed to be an “elder” of his tribe, yet he was acting worse than the boys that day.  As we can see, maturity does not always have to do with a person’s age, but rather how you act aright in society.
            The boys did not really understand what the Native American man was doing at that time.  They thought perhaps he was trying to calm things down between the men and the boys; that he was trying to make peace and that he was on their side.  But this was not the “elder’s” intent, because soon after the man’s approach to the high school students some of his friends told the boys that they did not belong in this country that they needed to go back to Europe!  I believe that this Native American was out to get nationwide recognition (make a name for himself; which is why I will not mention his name).  I believe this to be so because he had associates or friends (perhaps they were tribe members) recording his stunt.
            One boy, wearing a red cap, just stood before the “elder” who had gotten up in the boy’s face.  He was nervously smiling back at the man, smiling at the drum beating and singing.  None of the boys did anything wrong; they were dancing along with the man’s music.  None of them said anything bad.  But low and behold, the story was presented over the Internet (social media) and the regular mainstream news media incorrectly, because nobody showed any recordings of the black men’s insults (at first).  Everyone who watched the edited “show” saw the boy’s friendly smile (Or perhaps it was a nervous smile, because he was not sure what was taking place.  Should he be afraid of this man?).  They saw this boy’s smile as a smart-alecky “smirk” – and this “smirk” needed to be slapped off his face!  They saw the boys who were dancing to the music as having a mocking nature.  Everyone, who did not know the true story, saw these boys as making fun of the Native American and getting in “his face”!  When the opposite was true.  These people were applying their war paint and preparing to take scalps.
            Then, after the tom-toms had done its work, someone interviewed the “elder”.  Again, he lied!!!  First off he claims to be a Vietnam Veteran, but he is not, he was just in the service during the time of the Vietnam War.  And, from what I have heard, he never left the U.S.A.  This man has also been arrested.  So why should we believe his smoke signaling about anything?  He said that the boys were calling out, “Build the wall!”  According to a chaperone, who was there at the time, nobody said anything about building the wall.  None of the recordings, that were made that day, have these words being said.  But hearing the “elder” make the false claim was enough to make everyone on Twitter become twits in the head (bonkers) and begin to give the boys death threats.  The boy’s school was closed on Tuesday, January 22, 2019, because of all the received death threats.  After they heard what the Injun Native American said, everyone felt as if they had the moral superior right to say mean and nasty things about the high school boys.  The boys were guilty without just cause, or they were guilty without being given the chance to prove themselves innocent.  None of these high school students were violent or hitting someone in the face (like LEFTIST Antifa groups always do)!  They did not strike out or say anything mean or derogatory – THEY WENT HIGH when everyone else around them (even those on social media) went LOW!!!  How low did they go?  They went so low that their ears were on the railroad tracks.
            The only action the boys took, as I previously mentioned, was to do some high school cheers.  They did this in order to drown out the black men’s insults and cuss words.  Having these boys do nothing wrong just did not fit the narrative of the Left because the boys were Christians wearing President Trump hats – so they must be evil!  As G. G. said, “You can’t spell hate without hat.”  And hate is exactly what the Left does when it comes to the red baseball caps and President Trump.  Yet, some on the Right were just as guilty at throwing stones at these boys.  Recently, an American Vet was at his gym working out, the female owner came up to him and told him, “You have to take that shirt off.”  He was wearing a 2016 Trump campaign t-shirt.  He should have said to her, “Okay, but I’ll have to Sioux you for sexual harassment!”  I think she would have been so taken back that she would have left him alone.  But then again, probably not!
            Remember the group of Jews who wanted the adulterous woman to be stoned to death, because of the Law of Moses?  Where was the adulterous man?  He was nowhere to be found, why was he not supposed to be stoned to death as well?  These Jews wanted Jesus to judge the woman as guilty of adultery so that they could kill her and also try to catch Jesus in a “moral” trap while breaking Moses’ Law.  But Jesus just kneeled down and silently drew in the dirt while they yelled at him and demanded punishment for the woman’s crime.  Jesus was calm, cool, and collect!  He did not react to their error, but was peaceful and at one with divine Mind.  Jesus did not fly off the handle and send a mean Twitter to God, or make some social comment on line.  (I know, there was no way to do this back in his day.)  Finally Jesus stood up and said, “Those who are without sin may cast the first stone.”  All of them thought about what Jesus said and realized that they were not without sin in their hearts or their lives and they dropped the stones in their hands and silently left the place.  Would these words that Jesus spoke still work today?
            What is wrong with society today is it fails to realize that verbal or written comments are rocks (hard thoughts) being thrown out at someone who may not deserve their attack.  Remember one of God’s Commandments?  “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.”  What this means is that you are not to say or think false ideas about anyone because all of mankind is your neighbor!
            Do the black men have the Torah?  Do they follow God’s same Commandments?  If so, why are they not obeying God?
            The black men were casting stones at the high school boys for over an hour.  Who was there to tell them to knock it off or shut their mouths?  Does freedom of speech really give you the right to say mean and nasty things about other people because you do not like the color of their skin, or you may have false ideas about whom they are because of a hat that some of them may be wearing?  Who was being racist that day?  It was not the high school students; it was the black men and the Native Americans.
            And now to return to the elder, he used the high school boys as Pawn-ees, in order to make a political statement about the Southern border.  He said things about how the United States of America does not need walls!  He said something like, “We [meaning American Natives] never had walls; we don’t need walls.”  Yeah, well, has the man read the history of his own peoples?  They did not need walls because they were willing to kill anyone who entered their “tribal territory” uninvited!  So, I say, let us go back to the true Native American way of life – let’s kill everyone who is willing to cross the border!  Of course, I really do not mean that at all, I said it to get my point across, that the Injun’s statements are illogical.  Did this man even think about how things use to be a couple hundred years ago, even before the “pale face” came to the Western Hemisphere?  One tribe of Native Americans would do mean and horrible things to other tribes, maybe if they would have built walls they would not have had a need to kill other Native Americans?  These Native Americans may have been of the same race, but they consisted of different tribes, and these tribes fought with each other, they did not get along.  And they often were savage to each other.
            I agree, pale face was unjust to the Native Americans and they won the wars because their weaponry was superior to bows and arrows and tomahawks.  But you cannot say that walls are unnecessary if you want PEACE.  Evidently the “elder” does not really care about peace or he would not have gotten into the faces of the boys.  He would have left them alone, or he could have gotten into the faces of the real prejudiced and hateful people there that day – the black men.  But he was probably too afraid to get into their faces; he probably knew they would strike back at him!  So instead he picked on the children.  The children that the Left is always crying their eyes out for and having sympathy for!  Again, the Left and politicians use children as PAWN-ees!  But the Left (and some Right) thought the worst about these children.  Why?  Because, the students are Christians first off, secondly they had been at a Pro-Life March, and thirdly, they are supporters of President Trump.  And we can’t have that, can we?
            NBC, the communist network belonging to an International Banker (a Rockefeller propaganda machine), had one of their female reporters interview “the boy who smiled” on one of their morning shows.  The following morning the same reporter interviewed the American Native elder.  The way she presented her questions and her tone of voice seemed completely different when she spoke to each of them.  Her Sitting Bull interview seemed to be on the attack where the boy was concerned and she bent over backwards to be polite to the elder.  Maybe that is just my opinion, maybe not, but I see it as hypocrisy at its worst!  She took a lot of heat (from the Left and the Right) for interviewing the boy, and to be an honest Injun, I think this is the only reason why she even interviewed (with her softball interview) the elder.  All I have to say to her is, “If you can’t stand the heat, stay out of the tee-pee when the fire is burning!”
            The media’s war on children is still on!  But those who will not retract their false statements are going to be in trouble with the law, if the lawyers for the school and boys are able to do what they really need to do!  And it is about time.  It is about time that justice prevails.  What is wrong today with society?  Most people know the true story by now, but many of them who went on the warpath still want to attack the innocent!  They are worse than the Jews during the Day of Jesus – because they are still throwing the stones even though they themselves are sinful.  They refuse to walk away and reflect upon the errors of their own life choices.


By, Betty Crackers

Recently, quite often, the Democrats and mainstream media keep beating the same drum – a wall on the border is immoral! But they do not explain how it is immoral! How can a wall, which has no feelings or emotions, and does absolutely nothing to anyone or anybody, except keeping them inside something or excluding them from something, well, how can that be immoral? You know what I think, I think it is the people calling the wall immoral who are actually the immoral ones! Anytime you have someone yelling bad things about something or someone they usually are the immoral ones! If you are the first one to call somebody a bad name, then you are the immoral one. So, I guess that makes me immoral, because I am saying that those who call others and things immoral are immoral.

But what does immoral really mean? Let’s find out, shall we? According to Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary immoral means: “conflicting with generally or traditionally held moral principles”. So does a wall conflict with the general or traditionally held moral principles of the United States of America? I do not think so, because less than ten years ago many Democrats were for a wall or fence or some type of barrier at the boarder!

What does moral mean? It means: “of or relating to principles of right and wrong in behavior: ethical expressing or teaching a conception of right behavior…sanctioned by or operative on one’s conscience or ethical judgment…moral, ethical, virtuous, righteous, noble – conforming to a standard of what is right and good.” So what are the Democrats NEW principles of right (good) and wrong (evil) in behavior where the wall is concerned? Can they explain this to the country? Is it right to let everyone outside our country break our laws (which are supposed to be based upon principle) by crossing our border and entering out country illegally? Or do they just care that in their own limited imaginations that President Trump has the “wrong” type of “behavior” where the wall is concerned (because they believe he is just wanting a wall put up in order to keep his campaign promise to his voters) that he is prejudiced and this is why his wall is immoral? But there is no real proof that Donald Trump is prejudiced toward the Latino population, it is just propaganda speech promoted by the Democrats themselves and the mainstream media! Again, who are the immoral ones?

President Trump wants a wall put in place at the Southern Border because of the following reasons (which has nothing to do with race hatred).

1) Human trafficking of children and women and perhaps men too (sounds like an immoral thing to me to traffic in human people – if so then President Trump IS moral, and so is the wall he wants to build);

2) Drug trafficking by the cartel criminals. These drugs, according to statistics, kill thousands of American citizens every year! (Again, this is immoral so once more President Trump is the moral one and so is the wall he wants to build.)

3) Gang members (like MS-13) entering our country. These gang members commit terrible (immoral) crimes – like murder, rape, theft, and more murder (often very mean methods of tortured murder). Again, immoral acts, and again President Trump is the moral one and so is the wall he wants.

4) Money laundering – again, immoral and breaks the law (principles of the U.S.A.). So, who again is the moral one? President Trump and his wall!

5) Terrorists enter our country via the weak boarder that we now have, and yes, it is true, there are terrorists who come in this way. Again, Trump and wall – the moral ones.

6) Rapists (immoral), criminals (immoral), drunk drivers (immoral) who may wind up killing an American citizen, murderers (immoral) all cross the border and they break our law (immoral). So, Trump and the wall are the moral ones!

7) Asylum. Many of the people who claim asylum, or sanctuary, do not have legitimate reasons to be given asylum. They lie (immoral) about their reasons for needing asylum. They are coached by liberal (leftist) lawyers on how to ask for asylum (many lawyers are immoral). So, again, President Trump and the wall – they are the MORAL ones!!!

8) Disease. Many illegal aliens have lice (or is it flees?), they also have been diagnosed with tuberculosis. Where is the honest reporting on these points? It is not immoral to be sick, so I will let this one slide. However, it is immoral to do the following:

The media paints negative pictures because two children have recently died (from the flu and not sure what else) after they entered our country. They were probably ill before they got here, or else they just caught the flu from being around so many other people (other illegal aliens who are surrounding the children in the same area). Flu causing death of children and adults is not a new thing, it happens all the time – everywhere in the world – so to blame the death on the boarder patrol people, or where ever the children were taken to, is not a fare thing to do. Perhaps the hospital is to blame because they released the children? It just is handy for the leftist media to say, “See! President Trump and his wall are immoral!” When in truth, President Trump has told those wanting to come into our country illegally – “Please, do not bring your children with you on this hazardous journey!” So, again, he is the moral one.  Also, the Left is quick to use the dead children to make their political statements yet when the Right talks about how a 22 year old in Tennessee was killed by an illegal immigrant, or how a legal immigrant police man, in California, was killed by an illegal alien the Left says, “How dare you bring up an emotional tragedy like this just to promote a political point!  It’s just not right and you should not do it”  Is the Left just mad because the Right is learning from their bag of tricks?

Why do the people come unto America? Because they think that they can receive government benefits (paid for by the American tax payers). Immoral!

They may come for work. Things may not be great in their country, but that does not mean that they should not stay there and try to make things better in their own country! Why, if they are really running from terror in their own country, do they carry the flags of this horrible country with them and wave it in the United States of America citizen’s faces? It is like they are saying to us, “Up yours!” This tells me that they do not really like our country, thus when they cross our boarder they are actually invading it. This is immoral!

Why, when they have been offered jobs and sanctuary by Mexico do they still insist on coming to the United States of America? Is it because Mexico is not a very good place to live? Or is it because they just want to ruin the United States of America?

Is it really true that they come to work here and in doing so they actually help our economy? Just last night I heard, by a black man on the news, how the blacks are being hurt by the rushes of illegal alien workers. Do the Democrats care about that? No, they do not. Why? Because they see the Latinos as their future voters. They are even trying to work it out so that the illegal citizens get the right to vote in our elections! How is that fair to the true citizens of this country? It is immoral, that is what it is!

While it is true that many American businesses want illegal aliens as their workers they have their immoral reasons for wanting them. First off, they do not have to pay them as much money (immoral) as they would an American citizen. And they are probably paying the Democrats to fight the wall.

The truth of this whole immigration thing is that the Democrats do not want to fix immigration because they see the Latinos as their future, but also because of one big thing – they really do hate President Donald Trump! Why do they hate him so much? Because he was elected and ruined their best chances of taking the United States of America down. Down into the complete saturation of socialistic communism. But they are still trying as hard as they can to take him down along with our country. They hate this country almost as much as they do the President. If they did not hate this country they would secure its border instead of resisting and being as big of an obstruction to Trump as Trumps wall would be to the illegal immigrants!

The Democrats also beat the drum – “Walls don’t work.” Meaning that anyone can use a ladder to get over the wall, or dig underneath the wall. Does this mean that there are Home Depots and Lowel’s spread across the southern boarder so that the illegals can go purchase a very tall ladder or a shovel?  On January 18th many illegals crossed into the U.S. via a tunnel.  So if we do put in a wall or a fence it needs to go down deep.  I have even seen, on the news, ramps made out of rocks (inside metal structures) on the Mexican side of the border.  These need to be destroyed.  Perhaps this is where the use of drones would be helpful, they could keep an eye out for anyone digging or climbing up onto a ladder! To be honest, some of the present fences that are put in place are useless when you see people are able to climb to the top of them on their own (without a ladder). If they can climb up they can climb down, so that should be looked into and taken care of. I think that if once we put up the steel fence (if that is now what we are the have) then we need to electrify it as well! Nobody has even mentioned running electrical current through the thing. Maybe that would cost too much money? Or maybe that would actually be immoral?  Maybe it would be moral if we put up danger signs along the fencing?

Walls do work in every country, so why would they not work for our country? Why are walls moral for other countries but not ours? Where is the logic in that, Nancy Pillowsea? It is just another weak excuse that the Left spews forth in order to make their propaganda go forth and try to brainwash everyone in America. They also say, “Nobody in our country even wants the wall!” This is an out and out lie and it is not a proven fact, because I (and I know of many other people) want the wall. Have they actually taken a poll about the wall? Or do they just call Democratic voters for their opinions and forget to ask Republicans and Independents?

I saw where a man who worked on the boarder for the Obama Administration on FOX News recently. He was fired by the Trump Administration, why I do not know, and perhaps he did not know either. But guess what? He is all for the wall! He says, “Trump is right.” Yet, will Nancy Pillowsea or Up-Chuck Shoemurr accept what this man says? NO! Why? Because, their mission, should they choose to accept it (which they have), is to obstruct President Trump as much as they possibly can so that socialistic communism can take over the United States of America. I do not want a Diversified States of America because it is the opposite of a United States of America, and the people of this country had better wake up and realize what is really going on, or they will loose their country.  Did you ever see the 1990’s TV show called Time Trax?  It took place in the future (not sure how far in the future it was supposed to take place) but guess what, the white people were the minority in America and guess what else, the white people were discriminated against!  If people keep coming up from communist run countries in Central America and South America to find work – guess what – our future will be like the TV show predicted!   Maybe the white donkeycrats should think about that?

Is it not also ironic how the politicians who happen to promote socialism are rich or going to become rich? Is it not also interesting how they are unwilling to give up their money (congress or senate paycheck) in order to help out their country? Yet they want the “tipsy-topsy” of rich Americans to pay 70% in taxes to the illegal and immoral department known as the Internal Revenue Service (a department put in place by socialists, yes, they go WAY BACK in our history). This would be done in order to pay off the massive deficit that socialist President Obama got us into, but even if 70% was given in taxes the stupid socialists voted into office would not use the tax money in order to pay off the deficit, no, they would use the money to fund their programs (Green programs and other stupid ideas.)  Don’t get me started on how many birds are killed by the wind farms.  Truth is, they don’t want to help this country out unless it is to help it go down the toilet. And for sure, they themselves are their number one care – they care about themselves, their paycheck, and that is about it. See, they are all in for socialism so long as they get their money out of big corporate businesses and the tax payers.  They are all in on socialism so long as they are on the top of the money collection and top of the food chain.

I.C.E. ARRESTS IN 2017-2018
4,000 homicides; 30,000 sex crimes; 100,000 assault crimes
2 years ago there were 235,000 law violations
I.C.E. Agents SAVED 900 children from human trafficking assault.  Yet the Left wants to get rid of I.C.E.

17,000 adults at the border with existing criminal records were arrested

There are 300 Americans killed every week from heroin.  Ninety percent of those deaths is caused by the drugs smuggled over the Southern Border and equals (in the worst year) the number of troops killed in the Vietnam War.  Over a ten year period it is three times hire than the number of troops killed in Vietnam.

The U.S.A. now averages 60,000 illegal and inadmissible a month on the Southern Border.  A record number of migrant families are streaming into this country overwhelming border agents and leaving holding cells dangerously over crowded with children.

One in three migrant women is sexually assaulted on the journey northward.  (I am not sure this fact is correct, it might be 4 out of 5.)  In December 2018 more than 20,000 minors were smuggled into the U.S.  According to @DHS.gov there were more than 30,000 Special Interest Aliens – individuals with suspicious travel patterns who may pose a national security threat (like as in terrorism).

93% of Americans say that illegal immigration is a problem and 88% of Democrats agree (I suppose this means registered to vote Democrats, not the ones in office)

In the past fiscal year 396,579 people were caught crossing our border.  In October and November of 2018 – 102,000 people were caught.  The amount of children has skyrocketed.  Along the Rio Grande area the number has spiked to 27% since last year.  Jumping from 49,896 to 63,278.  In 2016 20,000 unaccompanied children were stopped at the Mexican Border.  This is an increase of 102% over the previous year (2015).

Did you hear what Nancy and Chuck (Chancy) said after President Trump’s Oval Office speech on January 8, 2019?  They called the President a liar, when they were the ones doing the fibbing.  They also did their best to make the President look like he was 100% incorrect in every measure.  Yet, Chancy refused to meet with Vice President Pence to try and get a compromise going, instead they sent their aids.  They really do not want to solve any problems they just want President Trump to fail.  Are they going to let their hatred take down this Country?  Nancy Pilosi’s name should be Nancy Pilono (because “si” is yes in Spanish and “no’ is no is Spanish).

My final word on the matter is seen below in my illustration (slogan for a bumper sticker?).