Idiotor in Chief:  Gigolo Joe                                                   Edition:  October 2021

Ass Idiotor:  Amanda Jean Turncoat

FACT:  Aurora James purchased a house for one point six million dollars.  She wanted the Bionic Man to be included in the closing fees, but he was six million dollars to begin with, not 1.6 million.  Woman, get your math right!

FACT:  Reverend (Is he really a revered leader?) Al Sharptongue, the racist troublemaker, owes loads of back taxes.

FACT:  It looks like Joe Biden owes $500,000 in back taxes; he also uses a shell corporation.  Joe, I only have one thing to say to you, “Pay your FAIR SHARE!!!”

The WORD of the Month – FECKLESS  –  by, Word Play 

            Feckless means:  “[effect, majority]  1:  ineffectual, weak   2:  worthless, irresponsible” (Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary).  This word was used to describe Liar-in-Chief Runaway Biden.  It was used by the wife of one of the military people killed in August by the exploding bomb at the Afghanistan airport.  I have to say that her use of the word is quite appropriate!  Effect means, “to bring about; accomplishment, fulfillment; influence” (Ibid).  So, Biden’s accomplishment to pull out all military from Afghanistan by August 31st was fulfilled, but he still did it in the wrong way, and that wrong way was the FECKLESS WAY!

            I have also decided to call him Liar instead of Commander because the man lies way better than he commands!  The man is not a leader at all, he is, … what’s the word I’m looking for?  Oh, yes, he is FECKLESS – ineffectual, weak, worthless, and irresponsible, very irresponsible!!!

Thou Shalt Not Throw Eggs at Candidates – by Reverend Silly Billy Gramcracker

            Before the California recall election on September 14th, Larry Elderberry, who was running for state governor, was walking down a street with a crowd of people.  Behind him was a white woman on a bicycle.  She had a gorilla mask over her face.  I doubt that she was wearing the mask to protect her from coronavirust, but rather to protect her secret identity (I heard she was working for Governor Graven Troublesome, but perhaps she was really working for the CIA?).  This mask had bright pink hair, not that the hair color is important; I just thought it was interesting.  Anyway, one of Elderberry’s people pulled on the back of the woman’s back pack.  He did not hurt her, but she blew up like a hydrogen bomb!  “Don’t touch me!”  She was mean and nasty to the man.  She even threw a left hook to his face.  Of course, she is just mean and nasty, because, she was throwing eggs at Elderberry.  And it is because of her nastiness that she was wearing a black faced gorilla mask.  One may wonder, however, if her wearing a gorilla mask was symbolic in nature.  If so, what did she mean by it?  Was she making the statement that she was a black supremacist because Elderberry, according to Governor Graven Troublesome, is a white supremacist?

            I say this because, if you did not know this, Larry Elderberry is a black man.  He is a famous radio talk show host.  And shame on Principia for the way they treated him when students wanted to hear him come to the college to speak to them!  Principia’s administration was no better than the woman wearing the gorilla mask.

            What is a crying shame is that after the recall election, the old governor is still governor!  AW!!!  What frustration upon the citizens of California.  I smell something rotten in California and it’s not the polluted streets of San Francisco!

Liar-in-Chief Runaway – by, Eye Noticed

            On September 9, 2021, Joe Biden gave a speech, in a brown suit.  It was a dark brown, and almost black, but not quite black.  I was surprised that nobody in the fashion-Nestea press commented on it, like they did the tan suit he wore earlier in the summer.  Joe spoke about the coronavirust problem because he wanted to try and make people forget about his disaster in Afghanistan in August.  All he did was really turn people off and attack 80 billion people because they are not yet vaccinated.  A news person at FOX (Dana Purina-Dog-Chow) believes he gave the speech to try and help Governor Troublesome in California, as the recall was just around the bend.

            Joe Blow Biden lied during his speech (what’s new?).  He can’t do anything but lie to everyone; it’s his nature; just as the scorpion will sting the frog after the frog helps him cross the pond.  But he really is becoming a real Dick-Tater-Tot.  Now he is going to inforce work places, with 100 employees and more to force their employees to get shot (vaccinated).  Well, South Dakota’s governor is going to sue him if he goes through with his little nasty plan.  I hope she wins too!  (Now he is trying to tell everybody that people are infrastructure!)

            In the picture below Biden and Crying Chuck were speaking about climate change.  Biden lied about this too, saying that our country has been hit with more violent hurricanes as of late than ever before in our history.  You will see that he lied, as shown in the information given below the picture.


            It is better to have loved and lost than to keep what does not belong to you in the first place, the second place, or even the third place – especially if it is an Olympic Medal.

Today’s Zodiac – by Astral Projection

            If you were born in the last portion of this month (and near the beginning of November) then you are a Scorpio.  Scorpio is symbolized by the scorpion – duh!  Does this mean that your sting is worse than your bite?  Scorpio is a water sign, so sometimes one might mistake the scorpion for a lobster and take a big chunky bite from it!  Do you eat out at a lot of seafood restaurants?  Do you like to listen to music by Sting?  Yes, I have a lot of questions and I have NO answers what so ever!

            Scorpios deal with emotions unless they are closed off to their own emotions.  Scorpio has to do with death and regeneration.   So, does this mean that death is only the regeneration of a new life?  I believe that if you are a Scorpio, that you picked the right time to fall under that sign, because, it means when Armageddon takes place (as we see what is now taking place in the Middle East, the Middle West, and the Malcolm in the Middle) you will be saved!  Some Scorpios seem to be the strong, silent type.  Some of them have a tendency to ghost their friends – so watch out for them (which is hard to do if they really are ghosts) – even if they do look like Patrick Swayze.

            And now for your serious fortune:  This month you will experience a lot of fun and excitement wherever you go, as long as you are allowed to go wherever you want to even if you haven’t been vaccinated!  But to get around that nonsense all you have to do to people who ask to see your vaccination card is say, “No comprendo, no hablo Julio Englaa-say!”  Or if you speak Afghanistan use that language.  Then you will not need to prove a single thing to anybody!  Or just whip out that stinger of yours.



            Then you need to learn how to Astral Plane your body to where you are free to go everywhere you want to go!  Think of it, you can go to the moon, to Mars, to other galaxies if you want to!  You can go to your favorite restaurant and not be carded; the only problem is you probably will not be able to taste any of the food.  This is okay because you probably have no money to pay for your meal; in fact, I have to wonder if you even have any clothes on (?).  You can go visit your grandparents with no worries, even though they will not be able to see you, unless they meet you on the astral plane as well.  And you do not want to see your naked grandparents!

            Yes, in the astral world you can go anywhere and do anything – except eat food, speak to other people in material bodies, or pick up material objects.  It is even a mystery how you can stand on the ground or floor without passing through it!  But hey, who can question the principles behind astral projection and how it works?

            While you are there you will not be bothered by any democrat loons demanding you place a mask over your face!  You will not be harassed by police wanting you to keep out of the football stadium or hear your favorite band play music.  You are un-harassed by any covid restrictions!

            Here is how you can leave your material body.  First you must eat all food before 6 p.m. (1800 hours).  Then go to bed around 9 or 10 p.m. (2100 or 2200 hours).  Then you must set your alarm clock (before you go to sleep, of course) to go off around 1 a.m. (or 0100 hours).  Then you get up for a couple of hours and then return to bed.  Lay flat on your back, with your head on a nice My Pillow.  (I’m willing to do a commercial or two.)  Consciously tell each part of your body to totally relax.  Then when you fall asleep, make sure you do not take a left turn in the road, because that leads to communism.  Make sure you go right on the road and that leads you to being able to go where no man has gone before, except people who have astral projected their bodies before you.

                                                                        –Story by Captain James T. Berserk


            OSHA was recording, up until June 2021, bad side effects from the coronavirust vaccinations.  Since June 2021 OSHA has not reported any side effects.  And this is the same organization that Joke Biden is using to back up his dictator move to force companies with more than 100 employees to vaccinate their employees.  I guess teachers in New York are not very happy with the man either, as on the September 11th weekend they were protesting him in the streets, saying over and over (like the people in sports stadiums have been doing), “F*** Joe Biden!”

FOX News reporter, Peter Poochee asked Jen Psaki about Biden’s new “mandate” (new word for it is “requirement”) on coronavirus vaccinations, “Why is it that you’re trying to require anybody with a job or anybody who goes to school to get the covid 19 vaccine but you are not requiring that of migrants that continue to walk across the southern border into the country?”

            Jen replies, “Well, look, our objective is to get as many people vaccinated across the country as humanly possible.”

            “It’s a requirement [really a mandate] for people at a business with more than 100 people but it’s not a requirement [mandate] for migrants at the border.  Why?” Peter asked.

            “That’s right.”  Then she pointed at another reporter and said, “Go ahead.”   (Well, she did not answer his question at all, while at the same time she was really RUDE!!!  I think the woman is related to Alfred E. Newman?  Actually, he’s cuter.)

            The following conversation between Jen and Pete took place on September 20, 2021.

            Peter asked her, “If someone walked into the country across the river does somebody ask to see their vaccination card?”

            Accomplished liar Jen replied, “Individuals [illegal aliens] come across the border and ah, they are both assessed for it [whatever this means?], if they have any symptoms, the intention is for them [the illegal aliens] to be quarantined [but most are not].  They [the illegal aliens] are not intending to stay here for a long period of time.  It’s not the same thing.”  But it is the same thing!

            If she believes what she said, I think she’s been drinking the Cool Aid!  The immigrants (illegal aliens) are planning to stay in the USA forever, they were invited by her boss, Joe Biden – remember Jen?  But perhaps she really meant that the illegal aliens were not intending to stay underneath the bridge in Del Rio for a long period of time?  Yet, my take away from her statement is that she and Biden see all immigrants – or illegal aliens – who just walk into our country, as vacationers, or as people who want to work for a period of time and then go home; they do not see them as permanent residents (but they really do, they just pretend to think that these people will eventually all leave the country).  The illegal aliens sure see themselves as citizens (it’s what they were promised after all).  None of the people who were camping out at Bidenville made the trek from Haiti.  Nope, they had legal residence in other South American countries after they got asylum in those countries years ago.  They only came here because Biden put out the welcome wagon to the whole world while on the debate stage! 

            If you allow the illegal aliens to not be vaccinated, even for a short visit or stay, should they still not be quarantined for fourteen days, or at least given a shot in the arm?  But many, like the Haitians, are not even being examined before our government lets them go free inside the USA (all 48 states – I say 48 because Hawaii and Alaska are not really attached to the main body of the country – however, this does not mean the Haitians could be given free airplane fare (that American tax payers are paying for) to Hawaii or Alaska).

FACT:  Since 1990 over 100 million people have entered our country illegally.  (That we know of.)  It is way more than that since the beginning of this year began – THANKS JOE!

FACT:  People from 198 countries around the world have come across the southern border since January 20, 2012.

The Real Reason Why… — by Dr. Phil God (I went to the same school as Dr. Jill Biden – we were known as Phil and Jill)

            What is the real reason behind the government wanting children to wear masks and to be vaccinated for the coronavirust?  It is because of one reason – natural immunity.  It is the only plausible explanation there is, that the reason why the government wants your children to be vaccinated (even when, materially speaking, it is safer for them to get coronavirust than to be vaccinated for it) is because they do not want children to become naturally immune to coronavirust.  If the children do not build up natural immunities to the disease then one variant after another variant will come year after year.  This means that people will continue to have to be dictated to, they will need to continue wearing masks the rest of their lives, and they will need to continue to get booster shots or this shot or that shot.  The government will not have the money to give the vaccinations to the public for free anymore (thanks to communism), so people will be forced to pay for their immunization shots year after year.  This means money for the pharmaceutical companies and mad scientists like Dr. Faust and his ilk.  (They get paid anyway, because the government pays them if we don’t.  But, of course, we are really paying them because we pay taxes.)

            The children are also supposed to wear masks in order to keep from getting the disease, so that they cannot become immune to it.  Yes, they have their dastardly mean ways of keeping herd immunity from taking place!  It is material SCIENTIFIC fact that people who are immune, because they caught coronavirust and survived, that their immunity is way better (27% higher than the vaccines) than any immunities you are supposed to get from the vaccination shots.  Instead of giving you a booster shot the people in charge need to be working on vaccination shots for the different variants that are coming into existence.  Of course, the FDA has put an end on Biden’s booster shots (after he paid for the medicine).  However, his appointed CDC woman (non-doctor?) has overruled the FDA on this point.  Dick-Tater-Tot Biden is also against Ivermectin going to Republican states, because he knows that it is an early safe and effective treatment for coronavirust and he hates the red governed states (that’s why he is flooding them with Haitians and other illegal aliens).

            There is a recent recording of a pre-school woman attempting to place a mask over a young child.  He was crying and taking the mask off as fast as she could get it on.  This is child abuse!

            What we really all need to do is give up the belief that there is life, truth, intelligence, and substance in matter and begin to REALLYTRUST IN GOD’S SCIENCE!!!  Not that Scientology junk but real Science, Christian Science.  If you really want the cure for all diseases then read SCIENCE AND HEALTH WITH KEY TO THE SCRIPTURES, by Mary Baker Eddy.  The “little book open” (Revelation 10) is the answer to the pandemic; it is also the answer to communism taking over the world as a one world order.

FACT:  Joe Biden is the greatest super-spreader of the coronavirust.  How?  Well, he allows ill illegal aliens to come into our country.  He has allowing non-vetted Afghanistan refugees to come into the USA, these people have not been vaccinated, nor does he care if they are.  He only cares that he may be able to get them to vote in the 2024 election for his party!  (I also heard, not sure it is correct, the Chinese vaccine is being offered to the immigrants.  If true, this would explain why they are turning down being vaccinated.  Who would trust a vaccine made by the same country that released the pandemic?)

CHUNG LEE’S CONFUSION (one more time)

            Did the August drone airstrike really take out an ISIS-K man?  No, it took out a humanitarian aid worker (along with seven innocent children and two other people).  This man was loading containers of WATER into his vehicle (not bombs or explosives like the DOD claimed).

FACT:  There were 570 riots during 2020 that the Left (BLM and Antifa) is responsible for.  Yet, they are not being investigated or looked into by Congress.

Justice for J6 Rally – What a Dud – by Stacks N. Figures

The following chart is more up to date.

            On September 18, 2021, there was a Justice for J6 rally held in Washington Dot Com.  Nancy Pelono, once again, put up more fencing.  (Too bad they cannot take down that fencing and place it on the southern border!) 

            The Left kept saying that the white supremacists were coming to take them away, ha, ha.  Maybe it is really the men in the white coats with the nets coming to get Nancy?  Because, absolutely nothing happened to excite anyone on September 18th’s Justice for J6 rally.  There were more news people there then there were protesters!  There were more policemen and National Guard there than protesters too.  Also, within the crowd of protesters were undercover agents (probably FBI) posing as rally goers.  I guess they failed to excite the very small crowd of real protesters!  I wonder if the FBI undercover agents were all dressed in black clothes.

            What were the protesters actually protesting?  Well – they were protesting the unconstitutional way that people, who have been arrested for the January 6th rally/protest (what the Dems call an insurrection), have been unjustly treated by the FBI, the court system, and how they have been mistreated while inside prison and held there without bail for months.  The whole thing is unfair and unconstitutional.  Perhaps to get out of prison they need to claim that they are really with BLM or Antifa?  Yeah, that would probably work!  I do not believe that John Sullivan (a Leftist protest-riot-mob organizer) is still in jail, and he was there on January 6th egging people on to do bad stuff (even though while on CNN he pretended that he was there as only a reporter).

            Pictures and videos that were taken on January 6th have recently been released to the public.  Joe Biden did not want these pictures to be released to the public but a federal judge rejected his administration’s strenuous attempts to hide the video footage from January 6 (2:25-2:40 p.m. eastern time).  What did they show?  They showed peaceful people just coming in the door and climbing through a window in to the Capitol.  However, they were not rioting or causing trouble, they were just walking around; they were not causing any trouble at all.  They were taking selfies and doing sight-seeing stuff.  So, no one, in those particular videos, is rioting, all of them ARE peaceful!  Another video showed breaking and entering by men in black outfits with hoods over their heads and masks to hide their identities.  Who were these men?  Were they undercover FBI agents?  Were they Antifa or Left-wing extremists?  We may never know – but where is Congress’s investigation into the ‘MEN IN BLACK’?

            Another video, that has been seen, showed the man with patriotic paint on his face and who wore a hat with horns on it.  He is actually a shaman and is one of the people arrested, mistreated, and probably is still in jail.  He did nothing wrong except probably go up behind the area where Congress sits to conduct business.  There was a guard in the room.  Also, on the floor in front of the desk, was a man talking to somebody on his phone.  He told his friend, “I got shot in the face” with a plastic bullet.  The guard asked him if he needed help and he told the guard that he was okay.  In the meantime Nancy is just mad that her meals might be interrupted, maybe she will miss out on her ice cream, no wonder she gets along so well with Biden.  Has she thought about getting rid of cows and the ice cream factor, or is she like Joe and AOC?


            On September 11, 2021 President George Washing-a-ton-of-clothes Bush gave a speech.  Present, in the audience, were presidents Clinton and Obumber.  Also present was Vice President Joe Biden (who was not allowed to give a speech). 

            In his speech G. W. Bush compared the tragedy of September 11, 2001 to January 6, 2021!  He actually compared, in his pea-brain, January 6th to September 11th saying that the second incident was just AS BAD as the first!  Really?  Over 3,000 people died and many were injured on September 11th while only four people died on January 6th.  Then G.W. compared the people at the Capitol building this year to the Taliban terrorists from twenty years ago!!  What happened twenty years ago?  Four USA airplanes were high jacked and crashed.  Two airplanes were aimed at NYC’s Twin Towers (they were destroyed and many US citizens died), one airplane crashed into the Pentagon, and one airplane heading for the White House went down before it reached its destination because of the BRAVE US of A citizens on the plane!!!  They sacrificed their lives.  What happened this year?  Three people died from heart failure, one policeman died the following day from a stroke, one unarmed female vet was shot to death by a black Capitol policeman, and 30 policemen were injured (and some people were injured with rubber biscuits, I mean bullets.  Which event was worse?  Um, any idiot would have to say, the one under Bush’s watch (and I’m not speaking about his TIMEX)!!!!

            President Bush proved, during his speech, that he is not a Republican; he is just a Republican In Name Only – a RINO!!!!!  He is one of the One World Order Globalists at heart and a rotten painter.  (One thing for sure, Hunted Biden is a way better artist.)

Quote by Joe Pinocchio and Other Fairy Tells – by Gouda Fairy

            What did Joe Biden really say on September 11, 2021?  Your guess is as good as mine!  Yet, for once, he did not actually lie.  To be honest, it is hard to figure out what he actually did say!

            “This idea that, you know…what do you want to do with Biden?  ‘I want to box him!’  I should be so lucky.  But the kinds of things, or you know…stuff that’s coming out of, you know…if Robert E. Lee had been in Afghanistan we’d have won.”

            Now, I am not sure that this news clip was not edited to make him look worse than he really is, but if he did say this rambling on quote, then we must ask ourselves if he should remain in charge of our country.  Shouldn’t Nancy be asking her pal General Mills to take the football away from Joe like she did with President Trumpet on January 8, 2021?  Of course, she should not, because it is not her job to do so!  Yet, she was ranting and raving about how Trumpet is crazy!  But she is the one who is crazy; or is she just coup-coup for Coco Puffs?

            On January 4, 2021, President Trumpet’s people went to Nancy Pelono to have her agree with them to have the National Guard present at the Capitol building on January 6th because she had to sign off on it being that she is the Speaker “ruff-ruff” of the House.  She out and out refused!  Because she is Pelono, and she said “no” to everything President Trumpet wanted and asked for – yes, she hates him that much.  When Nancy contacted Peddle Cash at the White House, not long after Ashlie Babbitt had been shot by a Capitol police lieutenant, her main concern, or question, was about how fast, or when, the congressional food services would be up and running!  Yes, the non-insurrection outside really was not bothering her at all!  She and General Mills are the real insurrectionists.

TWEET BY ZNN – “House Speaker Nancy Pelono told House Democrats that she has gotten assurances there are safeguards in place in the event that President Trumpet wants to launch a nuclear weapon or even goes out to lunch, according to multiple sources.”

            Biden’s quote about General Lee makes me think that he is an official KKK member when he thinks that a Confederate general would have won the Afghanistan war.  He could have easily have said General Grant, okay, maybe in his brain it is easier to say General Lee instead of General Grant, but he did not.  Well, he could be correct about General Lee, because Head Hunter of Jointed Chiefs General Mills (my joke name for him because there is also a General Kellogg) really botched the job.  General Mills is only good at producing Fruit Loops, or is that General Kellogg?  (I checked into it, General Kellogg does Fruit Loops and General Mills does Coco Puffs.)  Also, stay tuned to General Mills’ future – if Bob Wouldlie’s book Peril is correct (co-author is Robert It’ll Costa).  Did General Mills betray our country and President Trumpet?  What is going to happen to him?  Will he be forced to resign?  Tune in tomorrow, same Bat Time, same Bat Channel!

            Mills should go to jail for treason if he did go behind President Trumpet’s back and promise to warn the Chinese government if and when our country was going to bomb them.  We know for sure that he spoke to Nancy about the football.

FACT:  Joe Biden’s family owned black slaves.

FACT:  Henn Peck, radio talk show host, brought out the last FACT in October of 2020 (before the election).  News media lied and said that Peck was wrong, that there was no proof that Biden’s ancestors had been slave owners.

FACT:  In September 2021 news media have brought out the story, pretending the topic had never even been touched upon before, that Joe Biden’s family once owned black slaves.


            An investigation is being performed after pictures and videos are seen and misconstrued on purpose.  The Border Patrol horsemen were only trying to keep Haitians from entering Texas.  The reins on the horses are super long because the horsemen use the reins to direct their horses.  People saw the use of the reins as whips being used on the Haitians and called fowl.  Yes, the Leftists are indeed chickens, turkeys, and all other types of water fowl when they tell lies, because, they just do not want to talk about the real facts!  Like one fact being that there were over 5,000 Haitians camped out under a Texas bridge near Del Rio (which means – “the river”).  It was nicknamed “Bidenville,” after 46.  It is now Hidin’ville as the illegal alien Haitians have all disappeared (most of them inside the continent of the USA).

            Early on Senator Camel La-La Harris said that there should be an investigation into the incident; even though she has said nothing about the thousands of Haitians camping out underneath the Texas traffic bridge.  Weird words coming from her, since she is the one who is supposed to be in charge of the southern border and it is her fault that the border patrolmen were out there on horseback in the first place.  It is especially Joe Biden’s fault that the Haitians and everybody else in the world are coming here!  But this is by design – they see the invaders as future Democratic voters (especially if he can get no limit on Green Cards, Purple Cards, and Yellow Cards).

            Dan Bon-bon-jean-o said that this was “the first whipping incident in history with no whip and no incident.”

            There is a difference between what happened in this instance and what happened on the plantations – the slaves did not come to the U.S.A. in a voluntary manner, but the Haitians were coming to the U.S.A. voluntarily – THEY WANT IN!!!  They are trying to BREAK our laws.  There is nothing wrong with them coming so long as they try to come in the correct way, via the laws of this country.  How can we expect them to obey all our other laws if they break our immigration laws from the very beginning?  The answer is, you cannot trust them, but that is exactly what the Biden Administration is doing!  They trust all illegal aliens coming into our country to show up to their court appointment (most of them three years down the line).  Most of them do not bother to show up at court, they prefer to live in the “shadows”.

            Others making something out of nothing were MSNBC’s Joyless Reid, Congressman Illham Omar (who married her own brother), ZNN’s Chris Coma, Maxine Water-on-da-brain, DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkass (who at first was on the right side of the looking glass but then turned all political and now dons a mad hat), Al Sharptongue, and Congressman Ananna Pressley (no relation to Elvis).  (It was wonderful to see the Texan citizens yelling at Sharptongue and telling him to leave their county because they did not want a racist like him being there causing trouble!  It ruined his speech – about time!)

            So these border patrol horsemen are now suspended, or stuck on desk duty, pending a full investigation.  Too bad nobody is investigating Joe Biden.  The company horses are not to be used anymore either.  Really, you are going to cut down on the horses’ getting exercise – call PETA, PETA, PETA!  Since Biden and his administration are continuously breaking the law then why can’t border patrol disregard BAD orders and continue riding the horses?  I think they can.  Why has nobody arrested Biden after he breaks laws over and over?  Where is the justice at in this country?  And do not forget who really has rein-ties to black slave owners – that’s right – Liar and Chief Runaway Joe Crow Biden does!!!


            In September Chief James Craig was trying to hold a rally when people, from outside the state of Michigan, showed up to protest and make so much noise that he had to leave.  Lucky for him, the woman with the gorilla mask did not show up.  Craig, a black man, was a policeman and he kept these people (the same loud, obnoxious protesting outsiders) from destroying the city of Detroit.  He kept them from destroying his city.  He believes these “protestors” were brought in by Governor Witless and that it was strictly political.


            What with all the disasters coming out of the Biden Administration – I am really afraid!  There is the fiasco in Afghanistan where tons of people were left behind, where ten people (seven of them children) were bombed by a US droning on and on about Isis K, when they were not even in the neighborhood.  Poor white Toyota Corolla…does the Biden administration hate white people that much?  Blasted C.R.T.!  Oh!  Toyota Corolla is the name of a car!  Got it!

            With the stoppage of the building of the border fence (wall), with all the Haitians at the southern border in September, with all the other people flooding the border since January 20th, with the destruction of USA’s energy independence, with our economy beginning to tank, and with all the dictates from Emperor Sidious Biden coming forth, especially about coronavirust vaccinations – all is scary.  The list goes on and on – heck yes, I am deeply afraid; aren’t you?  B. S.’s and AOC’s $3.5 trillion (really it will be closer to $5.5 trillion) Reconciliation-socialist Bill, the fake $5 trillion infrastructure bill on top of it, plus the continuing resolution on top of that with the aid they want to provide for the Taliban terrorists, taxpayer funding for abortions, and all their hot-ticket items – be afraid, BE VERY AFRAID!!!  And do not believe their ghoulish lies that the bill will cost zero dollars!  Okay, if they plan to BORROW the money from China, then it may cost us zero dollars but plenty of yen!

            These bills will change the good old USA forever – heading it into communism – while putting our children and grandchildren into debt like nobody has ever seen before!

The Darn Durham Report!!! – by Patience B. Waiting

            The public has been patiently waiting to read John Durham’s report.  After two years something has finally taken place, someone has been indicted by a Grand Jury.  His name is Michael Suckmann, and he is a lawyer (no surprise) who worked for Hilarious Rotten Clinton.  Suckmann lied to the General Council of the FBI, at the time it was run by James D. Baker.  He told the Council that he had a short bread story about the Trumpet organization communicating with Russians on a secret server, particularly communicating with the Alfalfa Bank (not affiliated with Spanky Manhattan and Buckwheat First Bank).  Suckmann did have a story for them, even if it was a fish tail he gave them.  However, he pretended he was presenting this information to the FBI as a private citizen, all the while he was working with the DNC and the Clinton Campaign and lawyer firm Perkins Coyfish LLP.  The stretch is that the FBI believed Suckmann’s fish tail as truth, not that the bad guys were hiding out at Girdle Creek.  (Think about it!)  By the way, James D. Baker now works at Twitter making lots of Twinkies and cupcakes, and we wonder why they suspended President Trumpet’s account?

            But the Russian bank was smart; they knew something was up when they began receiving a bunch of ping-pongs, way back at the beginning of this saga, so they put a tracer in their system to see where the mysterious ping-pongs were coming from.  They traced it back inside the US (it was a set up).  Somebody was working hard to make it look like Trumpet had a connection to the Alfalfa Bank.  Crowd Strike (former FBI agents) leaked information to the press.  If you ask me, something smells fishy, and I believe it is H. R. C., her lawyer, and the FBI along with some Baker.

            Where is the outrage over all of this?  It was Hilarious Rotten Clinton who was cheating to win the 2016 election and continued to be involved in all of this sewage in order to ruin President Trumpet’s four years in office.  Why is this woman not in prison?

            What is even worse is that Joe Biden now has ties to all of this mischief, through his National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan (no relation to John Sullivan but of the same mindset).  He is alleged to Clinton’s 2016 scheme to co-opt the CIA and FBI to tar and feather Trumpet.  Is there any doubt that Biden did not also cheat to beat President Trumpet in 2020?  Just one example of his cheating follows in the next article.

HAUNTED HUNTED BIDEN – by Emma Skew Lenity

FACT:  Hunted Biden’s laptop IS REAL; there was no Russian disinformation about it.

FACT:  Hunter’s emails reveal that he asked for $2,000,000 per year and ‘success fees’ to help unfreeze Libyan assets.  The Libyans were smart and turned him down.

            It is now verified that the laptop left at a computer store for repair really belonged to Hunted Biden, and that it was not Russian propaganda – as promoted by the left-winged media and Vice President Biden before the 2020 election.  Now that Biden’s approval ratings are tanking the press is willing to tell the truth about the laptop.  There is also a book out on the topic.  Where are their apologies to the New York Post Toasties and to President Trumpet?  It turns out that Tony Bob-Bob-Bob-Bob-Bob-Bobulinski was correct the whole time too (so he deserves an apology as well).

            So, once more, in the fall of 2020 (before the election took place), the Left complained about those who disagreed with them, and referred to them as conspiracy cooks.  But it turns out that they are the real conspiracy coups!  And as G. G.’s wrestling friend would say, “‘NOUGH SAID!”

THE DISTORTED VIEW – by Tele Moon-doe

            Camel La-La Harris was to be the solo guest on September 24th’s episode of The Distorted View.  At the beginning of the episode the four co-hosts were a-bitchin’ about people who have not as yet been vaccinated for coronavirust.  They were saying horrible things about these people.  It does not matter that perhaps these people have legitimate reasons not to be vaccinated.  The best one being, they are immune because they have had coronavirust.

            All of a sudden, the announcer, maybe a producer or director, asked two of the four women (the two on the viewer’s RIGHT side – HA!!!) to leave the stage.  Afterward it was announced that their tests came back positive for the coronavirust (yet they have been fully vaccinated)!   Talk about the irony of the situation!  Also, Joyless Blowhard was coughing during the show. 

            After that, Camel La-La did not come onto the stage (was she chicken?); instead she was seen via remote camera.  Her time with the two remaining hosts was cut down, lucky for Camel La-La, because this means she did not have to answer very many questions.  When she did speak about the southern border, it was not to take blame for her horrible actions and Biden’s terrible policies; no, it was to blame the men on horseback – our good, hardworking border patrolmen, who are innocent!  SHAME on her!!!


            A man has no right to do wrong.   His right is to do and think right.  Independence consists in his liberty and right to do right.  The misconstruction of the word independence is the offspring of malicious animal magnetism [evil suggestions or motives].  Beware of defending yourself against the right to do evil.  Man’s right is his power and privilege to act independently of evil suggestions or motives and he has neither right nor liberty to do wrong.  Neither divine law nor human law recognize the right of man to sin, to steal, to commit adultery, to murder; and to do these things no more means independence than no means yes, or good means evil.  So long as he exercises the mistaken sense of right, he will wrong himself and others, heap up wrath against the day of wrath, and bring upon himself punishment according to his deeds. (Divinity Course and General Collectanea, p. 161-162)