GIGOLO GANDER – September 2023


One of the Left’s strategies for the 2024 presidential election is to keep President Trumpet in court.

Three of the Trumpet prosecutors have all campaigned on getting President Trump and got elected anyway!

Operation Popeye was a weather project used in order to drown the Vietnamese during the Vietnam War, not the name of a spinach-canning factory.

During one year of the O’Bummer presidency three million illegal aliens were exported (by Federal Express).  “Let’s Do It Again!”

The USA looses $250 million per day because of Biden’s war on oil production.  He just made it impossible for Alaska to open up more oil production.  His retarded reason – it’s too dangerous to truck the products!  Hey, Biden, that’s why God invented pipelines!  Rumor has it that he also is against all Omega 3 oil, so he’s closed up all sardine and salmon canning facilities near Bearbanks, AK.

Nancy Pelono acts like and thinks that she is above the law.  Maybe she is when she flies on her broom?


            A crop circle from August 15, 2021, found in Westminster Cathedral, England, depicted a grey alien and a disk covered in binary code.  The message on the disk happens to read:  “Beware the bearers of false gifts and their broken promises.  Much pain but still time.  There is good out there.  We oppose deception.  Conduit closing.”

            Our experts, here at the Gander, deciphered the meaning as: “Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth, he might bite you nose off.  But there is still good in the universe.  We, the aliens, are against and fight against Joke Biden, his conduit flow of mental activity is closing.”


            Psychiatrist Dr. Jordan Almond Peterson (some times you feel like a nut), from Canada, has spoken out for years on topics of importance.  But the Leftists, especially the Primeribminister of Canada Unjust Prude-Dough, are forcing him to be re-programmed in the ways of Marxism.  I know, it sounds so 1984!  We wish the Doctor well, and he should take video cameras into these sessions and then broadcast them on public TV or make a documentary out of them – so that the world can see what evil is transpiring and perspiring.  Unjust Prude-Dough is the one who is a real NUT.

            If you want some good reading, then read Peterson’s book Twelve Rules For Life.


            The Last Politician, by Franklin Foer, is about the two and a half years that he got an inside view into the Biden Administrations’ White House activities.  The author is known as being on the Left side of politics, but what he has written exposes Biden’s weakness as a president.  He has reported that Joke Biden often complains about being tired.  Biden also got upset and said that they, those around him and those who are really running the show, treat him like he is a child. 

            My question is, because of his stark honesty in reporting the truth about Joke Biden, will the Left shun his book or will it be celebrated in order to help keep the old man from running for president again?

            Charlie Kirk, no relation to James T. Kirk, also has a new book out.  It is called The College Scam.  I fast-forwarded through the commercial advertising his book so I really do not know what his book is about, but I believe that it is probably an important book.  And perhaps the title speaks for itself?  It is easy enough to say it, so I am going to say it, that the people behind the college scam are really the college scum!

            THE DUMMYCRAT PARTY HATES AMERICA, by Mark R. Colors Levin, is all about the Dummycrat Party and how they love destruction of prosperity and growth.  They want equity over equality.  They love single women with children, children with no parents, and children with children.  They are behind two systems of justice, “There is one set of laws for us where we, the Dummies, can get by with every crime and break every law in the books (and even the laws we’ve broken exposed in Levin’s book), and a different book for the conservatives, if they break the law we will throw the book at you and afterward put you in a very damp and dark prison for the rest of your lives.”  Boy, that was a run on sentence!


BURNING MAN – by Shadrach, Meshach, and Tobed Wego

            Many cars, trucks, and campers were held up on a two-lane desert road by eco protesters.  These protesters wanted to keep the travelers from getting to the Burning Man event, whatever that may be.  The protesters wanted to tick off the people that they were holding up (fortunately, nobody was robbed of anything but their time and gasoline).  The protester nut bags placed a metal-framed trailer across the road so that nobody could pass (unless they drove off the road and onto the dirt, which nobody seemed to do).  Finally, a Nevada Ranger, we heard he was from the Reservation, came along and he used his pickup truck to run into and move the trailer.  Then he began to arrest the protesters.  They were not happy and now this Lone Ranger, not named Tonto, is under a review because the protesters are big babies and they complained about how they were mistreated by the Lone Ranger (not named Bass Reeves either).

            I’m sorry, these protesters deserved to be treated like lawbreakers.  It is against the law to hold up traffic and it is time that these dirt bag ecology protesters need to learn that they cannot get away with these stupid illegal deeds!  They deserve what they get.

            One protesting lady sat on the side of the road being recorded by one of her friends.  She pretended to be upset that the Lone Ranger was treating them unkindly.  She bleated, “But we’re protesters!”  Then she pretended like she was crying and looked into the phone’s camera.  When she saw the phone being held on her she came off being insincere and PHONE-EE!  We need to find out who was funding their little protest.  Was it George Sorass?*

            When they back up traffic like they did, they are causing more fuel to be burned and more carbon emissions to take place.  These protesters are so stupid!

*Note – A Sharp – George Sorass is funding loads of moo-la to immature brats, where they go on TIC-TAC and do speeches using false propaganda (to lie) in order to fool people into voting for Dummycrats in 2024.

BURNING MAN – by Holy Prophet Batman!

            The protesters who blocked traffic on the roadway were sent there on porpoise to help protect the participants.  They were only trying to keep them all from becoming devil worshippers – where people dare to burn down a Burning Man every year!  This unhallowed event was a literal WASH OUT, as the rain came down on all those who were present. 

            These stick-in-the muds all got stuck in the mud!  Would they all not have been much happier if they had just turned around on the road that the fine protesters had blocked, and gone home?  Then none of them would have been caught in the rain and mud and all would be well.

            Those protesters were there to keep all those people safe but the police just allowed them to proceed on their merry way so that they could be caught in bad weather due to climate change (even if the government is really responsible for massive rain storms and such because they seed the clouds with silver iodine crystals and use ray guns on the clouds).  The activist protesters were heroes and they should not go to jail or be punished!


Lying Cross Faced Chicken Wing 

Lying Sausage Faced Pizza Slice

Lying Pressed Faced Pancake Stack

Lying Cat Faced Kitty Litter Box


            Three weeks before the island of Maui, of Hawaii, caught on fire an “emergency proclamation” was passed by government officials.  This proclamation would allow certain peoples to grab land after a disaster took place.  A wild fire would be a pretty big disaster!  Is it a coincidence that they happened to pass this law three weeks before all hell broke loose on the island – or was it them co-in-side-ing a planned burning of the island?

            Why is it that the politicians of the island all seemed to not do their jobs right?  Why is it that the electric company failed to take care of the non-natural grasses to the island near the power lines?  Why is it that one man in charge of water refused to give the fire fighters water for the fire?  Do they all think that they can blame the tragedy on climate change and get by with it? 

            Something smells rotten on Maui, and it’s not the charred pineapples.  (By the way, contrary to its misleading name, this fruit is not grown on pine trees; it grows on the ground in pineapple fields.)

            Further more, why is it that FIMA people were staying at motels (that cost hundreds of dollars per night, per room, even if they got a government discount)?  And why is it that FIMA people are being forced to attend equity-training courses instead of taking care of the tragedy?

            We are also going to need FIMA in the southern states after Hurricane Iowealotamoney hit land.  Joke Biden did go south to visit Florida people, but he has yet to go to Ohio after the train wreck, he still has not visited that town.  It’s probably because he is afraid of being poisoned by the chemicals in the air and water.

            Maui held a meeting that Governor Josh Go-Green attended.  He is the politician having everything to do with the “emergency proclamation.”  Yet he left before the citizens of the island could get up to ask him question about the disaster and about his “land grab” – because he does not want to answer their questions.

            After the governor’s quick disappearing trick, former UFC Champion, P. J. Top got up to speak.  Hawaii has a new slogan thanks to him, “Aloha is the law.”


            It seems as if the Leftist politicians that get booted out of office and various jobs seem to get choice professorships and professorboats at American Universities.  This year Hilariously Rotten Clinton was given a teaching job at Columbia You.  Harvard has offered New Yorkso City’s former mayor, “Lurch” DeBlahblahblahseo, a job; they have also provided one of ZNN’s ex-journalists (no affiliation to FNN) a job as well; he is best known as the Pillsbury Doughboy, but his real name is Brian Seltzer.  And now, a Chicago university, Whatsamatta U., has offered Lori Lighthead, Chicago’s last mayor, an instructor position.  Will she teach political classes or will she teach how to do TIC-TAC videos?


            As much vacation time doled out to the two top people in this country – one has to be asking, “Who is running the country?”

            It turns out that Joke Biden actually worked harder than his V.P. in August.  He only had twenty-three days off while Khameleon Harris had twenty-seven days off.  I guess that is not too bad if that is the only vacation time Harris actually took off during 2023, but how do we know she did not take off more time than that?  The weird thing is that nobody noticed that she was gone.  Of course, Joke Biden seems to take off vacation time any time he feels like it.  And he feels like it most of the year.

            Just recently Joke was approached by some reporters and he gave the excuse that he was at this particular house (in Delawares, New Jerseys) because his other house (in Maryland, Delaware) was being updated for security reasons (to keep Hunted out?) – yet the lame reporters did not say to Joke Biden, “But, Sir, what about the White House?  You could stay there!”  I wonder what his reason for not staying at the White House is?  Maybe there is still too much snow there for him?  It’s only going to get worse, as the winter approaches!  Or maybe it will get better if Hunted actually does get indicted where he actually has to serve jail time?  A sad drug joke – “The fix is in.”

            What is sad about Joke’s comment is that he was actually joking when he claimed to be “homeless” – really?  What an insensitive twit he is.

            To be honest, I would rather that Biden and Harris be vacationing!  It would be better than to have them ruin our country even more than they have by doing stuff we do not need or want!  But, alas, he is still hard at work, hardly working, to ruin the United States of America!  He does not need to lift a finger, as the millions of people invading USA (pronounced OO-SAW) will ruin it fast enough, just ask New Yorkso’s mayor Erik Myeye Adam Shame.


            It turns out that during the first week of September Joke Biden skipped the summit with Nurdocrumbnesia.  He sent Khameleon Harris in his place. 

            The president of Nurdocrumbnesia was very disappointed that Joke Biden ignored the summit.  He said, “I know that our country is one of the worst countries in the world but we are not to be ignored or overlooked by the worst leader of the free world!  This may mean war, especially if Chinaware decides to invade our neighbors to the north of us, you know, Tuperware.  There will be a lot of burping taking place, and that stuff is noisy!  Plus, after it sits around for ten years or more it begins to get all sticky to the touch.”

            So, where was Joke Biden?  Well, his wife came down with coronavirust (again) so it could be he stayed home to nurse Dr. Jill.  On September 5th he went to give an award to an old military man, who justly deserved it.  Biden, who professes to wear a mask because of Jill’s condition, did not have his mask on when he breathed heavily down upon the man, while placing the award around his neck.  Then after Biden had finished his deed he just walked out of the ceremony, before it was finished, and was, again, mask-less while passing through the crowd.  Later on when the Binder (Kareme Abdule-Jabar Pierre) was asked where Biden went to, she covered for him (made a Pinocchio) by saying that he did not want to expose the crowd, if he were contagious, any more than necessary. 

A ZNN BARBER POLE – August 25-31, 2023 – consisting of 1,503 adulterers, affiliated with FLOWBE

58% of barbers know that Joke Biden’s policies make the economy worse (61% of these people now live from paycheck to paycheck and the average bear now owes $54,000 of debt)

58% of barbers have unfavorable opinions of Joke Biden (They just don’t like him personally nor do they like his barber.  They also think that Joke Biden is a bad person and not likeable.)

76% of the same barbers seriously are concerned that he cannot serve a full second term if he were to be re-elected  (Vin Jones, on a different rival news network – MTNBC, asked if we should give him another six years?  This just goes to show that Vin Jones cannot count, as there is only one full year left on Biden’s first term and a second term would mean just four years.  Aside from that there are only about four months left on this presidential year [have to go into January of 2024], and that would be a total of five years and four months.)

67% of Dummycrats think that somebody else, other than Joke Biden, should lead the party’s ticket  (But when it comes down to actually voting in 2024 these same dull 67% will actually vote for Joke Biden, so the joke is on WE THE PEOPLE!!!)

61% of the barbers now KNOW Joke Biden was involved in Hunted’s business dealings abroad, as well as with de escort broads, while Joke was VP and that he broke the law


            This week New Yorkso’s Mayor, Erik MyEye Adam Shame, was complaining about his migrant infestation to some group in a school gymnasium.  He was quick to blame Republican Governor Hey Abbott from Textus, but not so willing to yell at his Commander and Chef, Joke Biden.  During the last year more than 100,000 migrants have been placed in New Yorkso, yet, Abbott sent only 13,100 of those migrants to New Yorkso via bus!  How did the rest of the migrants get to New Yorkso?  No, they did not hoof it there by them wittle wonesome selves; Joke Biden sent them on airplanes via the darkness of night! 

            This makes me think of a line from Butterflies Are Ambidextrous:  “There are none so blind as those who will not see!”  But the real truth is that:  “There are none so dumb as those who will not speak out against Joke Biden and his destructive policies!”

            These Dummycratic politicians are not just dumb, they are STUPID; they claim they have no way to solve their illegal migrant problems.  Here’s how you to it, so pay attention!  First off, you photograph and fingerprint everybody coming into your city, you put that with the name they give you, even if it is not their real name.  You find out what their country of origin is.  Then you put this information into a database.  You group all the people from the same countries together and keep them together, then place them on a bus that goes straight to the airport, and you put them on a fast plane to their home city.  But before they leave on the plane this is the message you give to each and every one of them:

We now have your mugshots and fingerprints so we know who you are and you are now registered in our “illegal” system.  We are going to send you home because you crossed into our country illegally.  If you dare to come back across the border we will run you through our system or if you prefer we can run you through with a foil.  When we find you we will not allow you re-entry into our country.  Hear those beautiful words – OUR COUNTRY, for this is OUR COUNTRY it is not your country and it will never be your country.  IF you do comeback and somehow get back into OUR COUNTRY we will put you on a flight that goes over YOUR COUNTRY and we will throw you out of the plane over YOUR SAID COUNTRY and we will not provide you with a parachute!

            It is time that USA begins to play hardball with all those people taking advantage of us!  Sure, it will cost a lot of money to fly all those airplanes back and forth, but in the long run it will be a whole lot less money than giving the illegals free healthcare, free room and board, free food, free this and free that (this is not the meaning of having a FREE country)!  Think about it Mayors of BLUE cities and Blue States; stop being patsies for Joke Biden and his communist comrades!

            There is also a way to give the Venezuelans, that Joke Biden has given work visas to, good city jobs.  Most of them may need training, especially the ones we train to be police officers in those sanctuary cities.  For example:  San Flancisco is asking Textus for police recruitments, what better choice than to take new immigrants and train them to be policemen so that they can govern The Streets of San Flancisco

            Another way we can legally put these people, with work visas, to work is to appoint them as city maintenance crews.  They can go into the inner cities and clean up all the human excrement, hypodermic needles, and trash or garbage, etc.  Oddly, they may decide to return back to their home country, after all, who wants to pick up after homeless Americans?


            A Transsexual Mann was bragging on TIC-TAC that he plans on transforming into a woman by getting a real woman’s healthy uterus and having that transplanted into his body.  Then he plans on having free sex (again, not what it means to have a FREE country) with other men until he gets pregnant.  Then once he gets pregnant he is going to go have an abortion.  This man should be put into a mental institute and a straight jacket!  He seems to have a sexual fetish to murder infants.  And what ever you do, do not ever allow him, as a man, to have sex with a real woman and get her pregnant!  Because, he really does not want to be a father anymore than he wants to be a mother – but he actually is a bad MOTHER-SUCKER!!!

Did you hear about the turtle that went crazy?  No, he did not want to transplant a female turtle’s uterus into his body, have free sex, get pregnant and then get an abortion; he was much more sane than that!  But, the turtle did have to be put into a padded shell!


            It turns out that another group of people receptive of George Sorass funds happen to be public school principals.  Oklahomo’s West Heights Elementary School hired Miss Shant’tell E. Lace, a drag queen, as their new principal (We do not need that kind of prince or pal in our schools, thank you!).  He also hired another drag queen, a friend of his, to hold another position in the school (hopefully it’s not a sexual position).  But the State Superintendent, Ryan Walters (no relation to Baba) has plans to fire Miss Lace, and hopefully he will also fire the friend Shant’tell hired.


            During a committee meeting in the Senate, one fine day in September, Senator John Kennedy read from a book that is available in many public school libraries.  He read the homosexual words to the room.  The people who were there for questioning sat in the front row.  One of the women had a big smile on her face as Kennedy read the porn, like it was some sort of big joke, or perhaps she was getting off on it!  Someone in the chamber was shocked that he was reading those horrible excerpts from the book – how dare he?  Yet, it is what these people, who were all sitting in the front row for questioning, want the small children of USA to read!

            Many parents and adults may wonder why pornographic books have been placed in elementary and middle school libraries without majority parental consent.[1]  These books contain words that cannot be said or read on TV without having them be bleeped or censored yet they are placed in elementary schools so that the children can have access to them and read them.  These nasty books are placed into the libraries under the pretence that they are LRGOUQT literature and we must not be bigots where this miniscule percentage of people are concerned!  What these books really are is part of the plan, under Marxism or communism, to program children to become immoral so that they are spoiled and no longer pure, and that they have a harder time relating to each other, to their family, and most importantly to God.  Marxism is worship of the devil, you may not believe me on this, but it is so.  Carl Marx worshiped the devil.

            These are the same people in love with Drag Queen Story Hour and think it is okay to cross dress and be the principal at the same time.

            The real goal of the “educating programmers” of our younglings is to morally degrade them.  The communists want to turn the children away from God and goodness and turn them to the dark side, where Darth Sidious lives!


            It was back in the 1970’s when my partner and I first met up with Father David Ignatius.  He was in charge of a halfway house of ill repute.  After Hutch and I exposed him in all his evil dirty underwear he was forced to serve time in the big house.  After serving his time he was hired at the Washingten Poles as a journalist.

            After becoming a journalist, Father Ignatius began doing the SEE EYE A’s bidding.  Perhaps the non-intelligence office had something hanging over Ignatius’s neck – like a garlic necklace?  It could be that he is afraid of vampires, who knows?  Ignatius would report whatever the SEE EYE A asked him to report on, weather it was wet, dry or hot. 

            What is the law that Father David Ignatius has laid down?  He has put forth the edict that Joke Biden and K. Harris are not to go on serving the country as they have been pretending to do since February 20, 2021.  They are not to run and hide again; they are to let someone else take over for them.

            Time will tell if the rest of the State Media will follow Ignatius’s lead or not.  Some have and some have not been doing the goose step.  Time will also tell if the DNC will find a replacement for the old coot or not.

            One reason why the contract for a hit has been put forth by his unholy-ness is that the Repubs set up the impeachment inquiry.  I would be worried too since the Spanish Inquisition has been called in to participate in the investigation.  After all, “Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition to go easy on Joke Biden!”  Nor should they! 


            ATTENTION USA CITIZENS!!!  While you are busy working and trying to make money for your loved ones and yourself, and taking care of your daily chores the man in charge of your country, Joke Raisonette Biden, is allowing everybody from any country to come over our southern border no matter what excuse they have.  My friends, not everyone coming is crossing the border because they need sanctuary!  THEY ARE LIARS, because they do what Joke Biden does – LIE!  Many come in and go to the border patrol but others sneak in and are in this country and we do not know who they are, where they went, and most importantly, how dangerous they are!  And whoever voted for this man in 2020 is to blame as much as the man himself.

            Thousands of people are coming into USA every day now; it is nonstop.  And down near the Panama Canal are thousands more just waiting to cross over the Darien Gap and come up into Mexico and then USA.  I am telling you – it is not a pretty picture.  And many people have flown there via airplanes from China, Africa and many other places around the world.  They are not just from South America!

            If the people keep streaming in we will no longer have a country, but that is what the insane Leftists (communist pigs) want!  They are also doing actual land grabs.  They are going to take away the farmer’s lands, so who will grow food for us?  They are turning everything they can into a national monument so that companies cannot drill for natural resources.  They are buying up property, like in Maui, that has been burned up!  They are buying houses up too, so that all you can do is rent them out (if you are lucky).  So, where are all the people going to live that they are allowing entrance?  Who knows, I do not think they even care about us (or U.S.).  Why should we matter to them?  To them we are just puppets. 

            The only thing I can think that will solve both problems is to vote a Republican in 2024 so that he or she can begin to undo all the nasty, terrible things that Joke Biden has done since January 20, 2021!  But it is not enough, we must vote out all Dummycrats across the nation – in local counties, states, and yes – in Congress and Senate.  And Mitchum Deodorant McConnell must also be given the boot, no matter what color it may be.

            Another simple thing we could do to help save our country is to have the National Guard, with actual guns and standing on our side of the border, halt the incoming traffic.  And telling them, “Halt, or we’ll shoot.”  If they do not stop then shoot over their heads, they may get the picture.  If they still insist on coming then aim for a leg or two!

            I am questioning Congress too!  Why are they allowing our country to be invaded?  Why don’t they ALL go yell at Joke Biden himself and tell him he better close the border?  Why not grab him and fly him down to the border so that he can see what is really going on (yeah, I know, he really knows what is going on, he has to, unless people around him do not let him watch LOX News)?  Why, are they all chickens?   Or why don’t they ACTUALLY impeach Biden for endangering our country – THE PROOF IS OUT THERE!  All they seem to do is “talk”.  Talk with no action does not get any of us anywhere!  It just allows our country to go down the tubes.

            We also need to shove all their GREEN Agendas up their tight green butts!


            After the Republican Elephants opened up the Joke Raisonette Biden impeachment inquiry Broke O’Bummer has drawn lots of pictures.  He’s almost as good as Hunted Biden!  But to be serious, which I hardly am, O’Bummer brought his old pals and buddies, Bell Klapper and Lesko Brandon, out of retirement from their old deep state positions. 

            The two men are now going back to the State News companies; you know the ones – ZNN and MTNBC.  It is while on the air, and what other drugs they are taking, that they will tell wild and crazy stories about President Donald Trumpet and any other Republicans they can name – in order to try and make Joke Biden look good in the eyes of the country for the 2024 election.

            It is a tough, and some might say “impossible” job to do, but someone loyal to the communist regime has got to do it!  You may be aware of some of Klapper and Brandon’s big hits – The Steel Dossier Is Real, Trumpet Committed a Quid-Pro-Quo, Trumpet’s Imperfect Youk-rangian Phone Call, The Hunted Biden Laptop is Russian Disinformation Letter (with the Norman Tabernacle Choir’s 57 deep dish state performers), Nobody Cheated in the 2020 Election, and Trumpet Organized January Six.

            It does not take much to speculate, but I’m going to do it, that Klapper and Brandon will be feeding the mainstream commie press lies about President Trumpet’s upcoming trials.

            However, the un-dynamic duo will not mention the fact that the See Eye A let Chinaware interfere with the 2020 election, way more than any Russian interference in the 2016 election that took place.  Nor will they mention that the FBI shut down a Biden campaign probe looking into a two million dollar mystery.  (It’s a mystery because I forgot what the two mill is about, sometimes I do not take very good notes!)


            It turns out that the police tried to pull over an A. I. taxicab.  I’m not sure how that went.  All I do know is that there was a big A. I. taxicab traffic jam.  Who is really behind the wheel of such vehicles and who gets the traffic ticket (or tickets)?  I am wondering, how does the driver of an A. I. vehicle know that the police are asking them to pull over?  This, of course, followed the A. I. traffic jam problem in San Flancisco earlier in the summer.  Perhaps the A. I. cars just like these types of jams because they are so delicious?


Recently in Berlin, Germany, 1,000 Germans got together and had their picture taken.  Many of them were wearing dog masks.  Perhaps they were all just a bunch of German Shepherds?

On 9/20/2023 over 10,000 illegal aliens entered Eagle Pass, Textus.

On September 23 four hundred seventy-two thousand Venezuelans crossed the southern border.  As recently reported Biden had 114 gates put into the border fence (that President Trumpet installed) for the antelopers.  And this month, of September 2023, he had Feds (probably ordered Border Patrol to do the evil deed) cut the raiser wire so that illegal aliens could sneak in.

After mayors of big sanctuarymuch cities, like Dummycrat Erik Myeye Adam Shame, complained about too many immigrants being sent into their cities, Biden wants to make a “remain in Textus” order for aliens.  Why not just make it “remain in Mexico”?  One thing that seems obvious, the one place that Biden hates more than USA is Textus!

Biden is going to make it okay for one half million Venezuelans to get work permits and keep them safe from deportation.  Can we try Joke Biden for high treason yet?

Joke Biden is not the president of the United States because he is not protecting the border.

RIDDLE ME THIS BATMAN!!! – by The Riddler

What do chubby pirates wear on their bellies?

They wear a Fatty AR-buckle.


            In August of 2023 there were 230,000 illegal aliens allowed, by Biden’s Department of Homeland Insecurity, to fly directly into 43 US cities. 

            Paul Bandana reports:  “The Biden administration has unleashed a new program to boost illegal immigration that allows immigrants to fly directly from their hometowns into a U.S. city of their choice.”  There is an app to make all of this possible.  Over 230,000 people have been processed since January of this year.

            In March, Maryann Martini, from New Yorkso’s fine paper reported:  “Drug cartels likely caused wild United States-Mexican bridge chaos to distract from their crimes.”  Yet, the same exact thing happened this month when many people entered Textus (averaging 10,000 per day). 

            Joke Biden does not care about the drugs or the human trafficking or who any illegal alien is, because, there are no background checks being made.  Terror cells have been allowed entrance.  Two children this week (one was a three year old boy) died on the other side of the southern border.[2]  Biden has blood on his hands and he cannot wash it off! 

            Bidden blames the Republicans for all these border problems because, he says, they shot down his policy on it (what he gave them in January 2021).  But he did not have to stop at one submission; he could have gone back to work (a thing he seems unfamiliar with) and resubmitted what he wanted to do.  Plus, he did not have to sign all of those Executive Orders that did away with Trumpet policies on January 20, 2021!  But he did not even try to return to Congress, because it is easier to blame the Republicans than to fix a problem he did not really want to fix (he just wanted to exasperate it and blame the Republicans for his dirty work).  If memory serves us all right – which it should – he had Senate and House control during his first two years – so what is he really saying?  It seems to me that it would be his own party that shot him in the foot.  Maybe this is why he falls down a lot?

ABBOTT TIME! – by N. Vasion

            Good news for those United States citizens living in Textus, their governor, Hey Abbott, finally declared an invasion.  What took him so long?  This may give him the power to actually do something that Biden’s administration cannot challenge him on or do anything about.  We can only hope, but I’m not going to hold my breath, because, I would probably turn blue!  And that’s the last thing I would ever want to do!

            In the mean time, Abbott needs to get on the ball doing something else.  Recently, nasty little boogers (who happen to be Dummycrats) made it impossible for the Textus Athorney General to investigate voter fraud.  The A. G. is trying to change this, but he doubts that he will be able to do so before the next election.  Hey Abbott, get on this and do something about it!  Whoever came up with this nasty little trick needs to be kicked out of their positions, maybe arrest them and put them in a dark and dingy jail cell somewhere.


            On September 15, 2023, while the United Nations was having a gig take place in New Yorkso City (no not their annual “hooker convention”) five minutes away Billiard Ball and Hilariously Rotten Clinton were having a donation get together.  They announced their program to rebuild Youkrang, the New Haiti, even though the war is far from over.  Perhaps the couple wishes to get a head start on the project, being that neither one of them is getting any younger.  They are calling their new project, “The Clinton Global Initiation Youkrang Action Network”.  The World Bank is in bed with them and some early investors include actor Matt Demon, Live Subscriber, the Ford Theatre Foundation, and Air Bud BNB.  Biden says that the United States is sending the World Bank $25 million.  So the World Bank will send this on to the Clintons and the Clintons will send the money to Youkrang.  Or will they?

            Joke Biden appointed Dummycrat mega donor to Youkrang for economic reconstruction.  Her name is Penny Pressedskirt.  She was the formal Secretary of Commerce under O’Bummer.  She is also a billionaire heiress of high-end hotels.  While she was the Commerce Secretary she traveled to Youkrang three times.  In fact, she hand delivered the taxpayer’s money to the country.  You know, the same money that Biden leveraged to get the prosecutor fired who was looking into the Barerissma oil company (the one that Hunted was working for at the time).  You know, when an actual Quid-Pro-Quo took place!


            For once Mexico is stopping aliens from coming into USA!  But it is no big deal as these two aliens are DEAD.  They’ve been dead for at least a thousand years.  They died in Peru but they are actual aliens from outer space.  They have been named Clairese and Marios Speed Wagon by Mexican scientists.  After x-raying the couple the scientists said that Clairese was pregnant when she died. 

            Both bodies are short, very short, even Greg Gutfelt is taller than they are.  They also have three fingers instead of five.  Their heads are big.  In fact, they look and resemble the alien known as E.T. from the movie E.T. that was produced and directed by Stephen Spilledburg.  Was he privy to information that the rest of us were not?

CLIMATE FARCE GOES ON – by Hottie Temperature

            In a recent speech that Joke Biden gave he actually said that a rise of 1.5 degrees over the next ten years is way more dangerous to the world than a nuclear war would be.  He’s so full of it (whatever “it” is, probably bologna)!  His statement makes it clear that he knows nothing about physical science, as a nuclear war would actually cause a nuclear winter where everything would freeze and die!  I guess he likes the cold better than the heat.

            There may actually be some hope for billionaire Build D. Gates!  This week he said that, “There’s a lot of climate exaggeration.”  Bloomburger and Prince William, two other prominent men who use male pronouns, have come forward in their opinions about the climate farce.

[1] We later heard, after writing this article, that some weirdo activist parents wanted these books in the school libraries.

[2] Three people died while trying to cross during a three-day period.

GIGOLO GANDER – July All The Time



            On July 30, 2017 Hunted Biden sent the following text to Henry Zorro, a Chinese businessman.  I filled in some of the blanks:

            “I am sitting here with my father [the Big Guy, not the Fun Guy].  We would like to understand why the commitment [of moola-moola that you] made [to us] has not been fulfilled [deposited in my bank].

            “And, Z [Henry Zorro], if I get a call or text from anyone involved in this other than you, Zhang It, or the Chairman [Gee-Gee], I will make certain that between the man sitting next to me and every person he knows and my ability to forever hold a grudge [because they do not weigh very much] that you will regret not following my direction.

            “I am sitting here waiting for the call with my father.”  Well, Hunted should have phrased that sentence better than he did.  He should have said, “I am sitting here with my father waiting for your call.”  But who knows how many shrooms Hunted had ingested that day?

            So Hunted was indicted for not paying his taxes (for only two years).  This was only a slap on the wrist.  As he entered a pea bargain, yet, will the judge allow the deal to take place?  Does the judge like vegetables?  We shall see.  Part of his pea bargain is that he must remain sober (take no drugs at all) in order to stay out of jail.  This is why it was so important that a bag of cocaine was found inside the White House, if it belonged to Hunted then his pea bargain would be squished.

            Remember how Joe Biden has demanded to everybody “pay your fair share”.  Yet he does not practice this policy, neither does his son.  The Bidens get payola or pay for play with all of these not so nice countries, like Russia Dressing, China Dishes, and Uke-Rang.  Then they run the money through shell companies but they never pay any taxes on all of it, and they never get arrested or put in jail because the fix is in.

            Also, remember Trumpet’s second Athorney General William Nutso Goodbar (just peanuts)?  Well, he assigned David Wisenheimer and Leslie Wolfentweeter to look into Hunted Biden and all the things he has done.  Wisenheimer wanted to look into Joe Biden but he was not allowed to.  He also wanted to be a special counsel, but Athorney General Garlic Maryland would not allow him to be one – so this kept Hunted and Joe protected.

            IRS Agent Whistler Shapely Leggs[2] has blown the lid off of Hunted Biden’s tax evasion crimes.  Hunted owed $2.2 million from 2014 to 2019 in taxes, yet he was never charged for not paying taxes for years of 2014, 2015, 2016, and 2017.  Go figure that Hunted is actually a lawyer.  Yet, for the two years he was charged with tax evasion, as mentioned above, he is only getting Miss D. Meaners.  Hunted Biden and the Big Guy skirt the laws, is this why Biden likes the transsexuals? 


            That’s right, the court, as a form of alimony (but more like torture – torture to look at a painting), has ordered Hunted Biden to give his daughter one of his paintings so that she might make some money off of it someday.  Please, nobody is going to buy it unless she goes into the family business of selling it to foreigners as a quit-pro-quo and then not mentioning the income on her income taxes like her old man does and her old grand-man does.  After all, why should she pay her fair share when nobody else in her family pays their fair share?

            While Joe Blow was in another country this month, he rubbed his nose on a little girl.  Her mom was holding her in her arms.  The old man frightened the little girl.  He finally ended giving her his attention after taking one last sniff of her hair.  The mother was just smiling even though her daughter felt STRANGER DANGER!!!  If I had been that child’s father I would have told Joe Blow to back off and leave my daughter alone!  I tell you, little Naval Roberts is lucky she does not get her grandpa’s attention!

POLITICIANS’ ANCESTERS WERE SLAVE OWNERS – by Kunta Kente and Bob Barker (a real Native American)

            Senator Elizabeth Warrenpeace has claimed for years that she is part Native American, yet after she had her DNA tested she found out that she was only 1/1000 Native American.  But another company that investigated bloodlines of the elite, found out that Liz’s ancestors owned slaves.  That’s right, she is related to those slave owners, and she is not alone.  According to Rotor Rooters Special Report they found out that more than over one hundred U. S. American Leaders have slave owners as ancestors.  There are five current living presidents (although there may be some argument if some of them really are still alive) were related to slave owners along with two supreme Court Justices and eleven governors.  Those five living presidents are Joe Biden, Jimmy P. Carter, George W. Shrub, Bill Clintonandoff, and Barokeback Mountain Obummer (on his white mother’s side of the family).  Does this mean that Obummer will have to pay himself reparations?  This may also interest you…George W. Shrub’s dad (who once was also a president) and Barokeback’s grandfather (the white one) were members of the CIA! 

            Guess who is not related to any slave owners?  President Donald J. Trumpet.  In fact, if you were to think about it, Donald’s ancestors, who are Jewish, were taken into Babylonian captivity!

            Others with DNA sequencing to the slave owners are Mitchum Deodorant McConnel, Lindsey Grahamcracker, Tom Cottenindefield, James Langfordchevy, Tammy Quackworth, Gene Halloween, and Maggie Assassin.

BIDENOMICS COMICS – by Cindy Addingmachine

            That little pipsqueak Joe Biden has come up with a new phrase for his 2024 presidential campaign.  He is slinging the word “Bidenomics” around.  When asked by the pressed hams and turkeys what Bidenomics means he said, “I don’t know.  You’re the ones who started using the term!”  Perhaps it was not Joe really saying this to the pressed ones, but his alter ego – “Dark Branden”?

            So what does Bidenomics really mean?  It has been suggested that it means:  “the action of demanding foreign bribes and then hiding them from the IRS” (definition is from the Hamster and Gretal’s Collegiate Dictionary).  Ron De Santisclause says that Bidenomics is where you, the average American citizen, pay more.  Greg Gutfelt says it is selling influence, for money, to foreign countries then finding ways not to pay taxes.  Greg further said, that Hunted should get a Dumbbell Prize in economics for coming up with this.  He’s not going to jail; he’s taking in millions while actually not doing a thing [except blowing into a straw].


            It is better to look a lion in the face than to lion your tax forms, unless you’re member of Biden family.

            Joe Biden’s favorite sandwich is bologna with condiment of malarkey; he is full of it.

            Ignorance never settles question, but it does make you happy.

            Fun side of relationship begins to unfold when you straighten out sheets on bed.

            Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst, especially when dealing with Bidenomics.

            Discover your companion’s world.  Two worlds are richer than one, especially if your partner is billionaire. 

            You are an angel, beware of those who collect feathers or clip wings.


When the Gardeners went on strike, all day long, they kept yelling, “Hell no, we won’t HOE!”



            Bill Skates is at it again; it is not enough that he wants us all to stop eating meat, now he wants to take our sunshine away from us as well.  He acts as if he wants the big contract with the government, and Joe Biden is all for it – anything to stop climate change from happening!  The Leftists are NUTS!

            It seems as if they want to hide the sun from the world by putting reflecting materials (chemicals?) up into the atmosphere, which would reflect the sun back up into space and not let it come through to the earth.  I’m sorry, but would this not cause a nuclear winter?  Of course, it is quite possible that the government has been doing this for years already, is this not what the chem trails have been all about; jet streams that do not fade away, even though they are supposed to, because, there are chemicals in the trails that cause havoc with our weather patterns?  Are not these people experimenting with the chem trails really the ones behind the actual climate changes our world has been actually going through?  What does RFK Junior Mints say about chem trails?  I would like to know.  While this man is not exactly whom I would want to vote in as our next president, I would take him over Joe Biden’s second go round.

            They, Biden and Skates, claim to be wanting to experiment on Earth’s atmosphere in order to cool the planet down, but they do not know what they are even doing and who wants another ice age?  Not me.  And Biden does not really care because he is about to go into the cooler for good.  I wonder if he plans on freezing his body?


            During the last week of June the Supreme Court made three judgments that ticked off Joe Biden and other weirdo people.  The first decision they made was to say that Joe Biden (or our government) could not pay back people’s college loans.  This was a decision that went along with our Constitution.  Only Congress can make a decision about paying back student loans with taxpayer’s money.  The second decision was when they said a businesswoman, in Coloradodo, who is a graph-ink artist, did not have to print out anything for the LRGBTQRUNUTS people.  This has ticked off a lot of people.  The third decision had to do with colleges and how they discriminate against people with hire test scores (and grades) to keep them out of their colleges.  The colleges were especially discriminatory against Asians.

            These were three good court decisions, but now the Lefty loons are really upset with the Supreme Taco Court Jesters and they want to stack the court, or they want to set term limits.  I agree somewhat on the term limits, especially if that person gets old and sick and is unable to perform their duties (court duties that is).


            One sunny summer day, in Araparound-Hoe County in Coloradodo, there were three male (not mail) models; I mean shoplifters.  This is not, after all, Charlie’s Angels.  One of them needed to shoplift a pant belt because his pants kept falling down below his butt (and of course, he was fat).  All three men were Caucasians while the King Scooper’s employee was Hispanic. 

            During his interview on Lox New’s Jersy Watters Primtimebeef the employee stated that his supervisor told him to record the three unwise shop lifters while getting into their car and to get the car’s plate number.  He did so, while trying to get the men to talk to him, but they all remained quiet.

            What was it that they shop lifted?  Laundry detergent was boosted, weird!  They probably had plans to sell it on the Internet.  But we really do not know what their plans were; perhaps they just had tons of dirty laundry to wash. 

            The thieves put aluminum foil over the car plate, but the employee was able to take the cover off of the plate as the car pulled away from him.  He turned the recording over to the police and they quickly caught the man that the car was registered to.  We can hope, by this time that the other two men have been apprehended.

            It turns out, however, that the ungrateful King Scoopers managers fired their employee for recording the incident.  You would think they would want the shoplifters to be caught and punished!  I get mad all the time at King Scoopers, they always seem to get rid of products I like best to push their own products, which are not as good of quality as the other brand name products are.  Recently, in January of this year the store where I shop changed out their checking counters.  It use to be that the checker would pick up items from the carts and ring them up but now they no longer do this.  Now, me the customer, has to unload the grocery cart and place everything up on the belt.  Then I have to remember to run my Scoopercard and hand in my paper coupons!  The first time came as a shock, I was not prepared; it is not like they gave customers a heads up on the change.  It was also at this time that they stopped providing their brown plastic bags.  I have been bringing my own bags into the store for years now but I did not know that the Coloradodo (and they are dodo birds for sure) legislature made a new law where stores must charge customers ten cents per plastic bag!  Really?  This stupid state wants to become California, I swear, and probably tons of Californians moved to Coloradodo in order to change it from a conservative state into a Dummycrat (communist) state!  And it ticks me off!

            I hope that if the employee, who was fired for no reason at all, is able to sue the store that he gets tons of money off of them.  But then they will just raise all their prices for the customers.  There are not many choices, as to where to shop, in Coloradodo.  Wally-mart is so far away (the closest one to me closed about ten years ago), Safe-a-way is farther than I want to drive too, plus I really do not like that store very much.  I can’t shop at Tar-Jay anymore because of their donations to various stupid groups – so where am I supposed to shop at for food?  I wish I could just stop eating!


            On July 12, 2023, Christopher Wraith[3] testified in front of Jim Jordanriver’s committee.  The Republicans seemed to try to get their witness to think, but I’m not sure that they were successful.  For those of you who do not know, which I hope there are very few of you out there, Christopher Wraith is headman of the FBI. 

            Some have said that the man, Wraith, is shielded from the regular agents, that it is like he is inside bubble wrap.  This would make sense as to why Wraith seemed to have NO ANSWERS, he seemed to be IN THE DARK to what has been going on in the FBI, and that he constantly said, “I don’t know” or “I’m not sure.”  Perhaps Wraith follows the fortunes of Chung Lee and is ignorant, in order to be happy?  Or else, perhaps he thinks he doesn’t need to work very hard to know what is going on with his underlings, after all, he had to take a big pay cut in order to take the FBI job (that his wife is unhappy about, evidently).

            But, his reactions seemed to me as if he was stonewalling or trying to hide the truth to Congress.  It seems to me that Christopher Wraith fibbed his fool head off, but the Republicans are not going to punish him for his lies.  I have to ask why?  But the way that Congress holds their meeting, or questioning of their guest, is a poor way of doing business.  Each Congressman (or woman) is given five minutes to interrogate the man.  It is not enough time for them to state their opinions and get at some real answers.  It seemed like when Wraith tried to answer questions, because of time, they did not want to hear his answers because it would cut into their time!  This is stupid and dumb.  What they could do is cut down on committee member numbers (specifically Dummycrats), allow more time for each Congressman present, and to count their questioning time as their time and not count the response from the witness as their time.  This means that the witness would have time to respond without cutting into the Congressman’s time.  But if the committee’s end game is just to put on a show that has no outcomes or purpose in doing anything, or getting any results or answers, then the method they presently use does seem to bring about their desired outcome – which is NOTHING!

            Matt Star Gates asked Wraith about the following phone call by Hunted Biden:

            “I am sitting here with my father.  We would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled.

            “And, Z, if I get a call or text from anyone involved in this other than you, Zhang It, or the Chairman, I will make certain that between the man sitting next to me and every person he knows and my ability to forever hold a grudge that you will regret not following my direction.

            “I am sitting here waiting for the call with my father.”

            Matt asked Wraith, “Do you consider this to be a shake down?  It sounds like a shake down to me.”   Wraith hemmed and hawed and said nothing important, he would not admit that it sounded like a shake down.  Speaking of shakes, I would not mind drinking one, chocolate preferred!

            And, of course, most of the Democrats just wanted to try and get President Trumpet in trouble again, or bring to mind in the viewers how corrupt Trumpet is, when Joe Biden committed worse crimes than Trumpet has.  One Dummycrat Congressman stated that the Republican’s Savior is Donald Trumpet! 

            An Ex-FBI agent said that Christopher Wraith perjured himself to Congress when he told the committee that there were no agents moved off of child pornography investigations in order to work on the domestic terrorism of January 6, 2021.  He knows Wraith lied, because, it happened to him (Steve B. Friends) in the fall of 2021.

            A whistle blowing FBI agent, Garrett O’Girle, lost his celery and then his salary.  He has been on unpaid status for ten months, yet Wraith responded with laughter.  When confronted with the truth about Garrett’s loss of income, Wraith acted as if it was not his concern.  I guess it is not up to him to investigate why the man has not been getting his pay for ten months?  Perhaps Congress needs to shut off Wraith’s income because he is evidently not doing his job.  After all, he may not be making as much money as he did before he was head honcho, the big cheeseburger, at FBI headquarters and dimes, yet, I doubt Mrs. Wraith would be happy if the spigot to his salary was suddenly turned off.  Walk a mile in another man’s shoes, Mr. Wraith, and you might find out that what is taking place today is unjust and not fair.

            Another lie he told (perhaps he was told lies about it, but all he had to really do to know the truth is to watch LOX News and the recordings they have aired) has to do with a pro-lifer.  This man and his son were outside an abortion place praying when some irate Leftist got in his son’s face and started yelling, so the father had to protect his son.  Nothing bad happened, but it was not long before (and yes, it was a raid) the FBI came knocking on the father’s door in order to arrest him and take him in for questioning.  They would not really tell his wife what was going on either.  They were not nice people.  Yet, when in Federal court, the case ended in the father’s favor within fifteen minutes. 

            Wraith is really either STUPID, insulated from what is really taking place, or in on it all and working hand in hand with the Athorney General – Garlick Maryland.  I believe only time will tell us what is the right circumstance (even though most of us are pretty sure what the real answer is).

HEINZ 57’S FLYING CHIPMUNK – by Colonel Mustard (in the ballroom, with the revolver)

            John Kerry’s wife, Chairrail Heinz, owned a private plane for quite sometime called the Flying Chipmunk.  Recently she sold the plane, however, her climate fanatic husband, John Kerry, used it to fly to his all-important meetings on climate change.  When he was again brought in before a congressional committee, he denied owning a private jet.  Well, he did not lie about it; it was his wife’s plane after all.  However, he did deny flying on it all the time, yet there were 48 trips (recent instances recorded) where he did fly on it.  Okay, he did not fly on top of the plane he flew inside of it.  If he actually flew on the plane he would not be able to breath and he probably would be blown off. 

            It is not a big deal that he is flying on, I mean, in the Flying Chipmunk, what is the big deal about it is that he is telling the rest of us to watch our carbonated footprints, we drink too much Coca-Cola I guess.  If he really cared about Earth, then would he not get rid of his huge mansion, or is that, his wife’s mansion?  I can’t believe that Bernard Twitchet really wanted this man to be president of the United States of America!  What a maroon!

            But the comical words that came out of his mouth were, “I never fly private.”  That is because in his viewpoint he is a general, not a private.  However, he may think he is high in command even though he also said. “I report directly to the president.”  What does he report to the president about:  climate change, changing of the guard, changing a baby’s diapers? 


            When I heard that there was snow in my White House right before Independence Day I thought, how odd, that the weather is snowing in July, during the summertime when it usually sizzles (Um, steak, I used to go to the Sizzeler Restaurant all the time!).  “Is it snowing because of climate change?” I asked myself.  Where is John Kerry at when you need to talk to him about such things?  Another thing that goes well on steak, Heinz 57 steak sauce!  Yum.

            At first I heard that there was snow in the Library, where Colonel Mustard hangs out with a pipe.  You know, the kind of pipe you smoke, not the ones that you bash people’s heads in with, or the type used in plumbing.  All the snow must have melted, because, by the time I got to the Library I found no snow at all.  Then I heard that snow was found in a cubby in the lobby area for that inward pathway, yet, could it have been only tracked in on people’s feet, as I found no snow there either?  Perhaps our cleaning staff had already mopped up the wet mush?

            Next I heard that the snow was spotted in the West Executive Wing, close to the Situation Comedy Room.  This place has been under construction, so perhaps the construction workers had brought the snow in on their boots? 

            All I know is the next thing I heard was that the Secret Service was looking into the appearance of the strange snow.  This makes no since to me, as to why they are looking into a strange weather phenomenon.  I was surprised to hear that Kimberly Cheater, the woman I appointed to run the Secret Service and is supervised by, my also appointed woman of treasury, Janet Yelling, was investigating the snow’s appearance.  I had no idea that Cheater understood weather at all.  I guess she has now turned over the investigation to Chris Wraith.  So, we will never probably find out what is behind the strange weather.  I am surprised, once more, however, that they seem to want to blame my son good will Hunted or my daughter Ashtree for the snow.  Other persons of interest that I have heard about are my VP – Khameleon Harris and her hubby Doug I’moff!

            Some good news is that I just gave New Britain, Connecticut, sixteen million dollars for a hiking trail (good for snow and no snow).  It will be good for the bicyclists too, you know the racists.  Did you know that my son’s dope supplier’s name is Bicycle?  It is a weird name.  I wonder if he is a Bauerschwein bicycle?


THE ONLY VIEW ON COKE– by Betty Crackers

            The discussion about the cocaine found inside the White House came up one day on The Only View.  One loco Hispanic woman (not that it matters that she is Hispanic) was blaming the appearance of the bag of coke on Republicans, saying that some Republican planted it in the cubby in order to try and frame Hunted Biden, to make him look bad and get all the negative accusations of the coke belonging to him.  If it were true, that a Republican planted the coke, then the Secret Service would have never shut down the investigation.  Instead they would have kept it open so that the Republican responsible could be found and punished.  Remember ALL the January sixth arrests?


            It seems as if Disney has gone off the rails again, maybe because they snort coke (white snow)?  Anyway, they have decided that in their remake, with real live people, that Snow White is not able to live with seven dwarfs.  Instead the house will have only one male dwarf, five regular sized men, and one adult black woman (unless she is really one sweet transvestite – after all, it is hard to tell just from the photograph I have seen – oh, the Rocky Horror Show!). 

            It seems rather odd that Disney wants to go down on six good dwarfs on the dock, I mean, keep them from working in Hollywood (or wherever they film these days)!  But, hey, that’s the new Disney!  Do parents really support this company these days and allow their children to watch their movies or stream Disney +? 

            The changes to the old classic animated movie makes me think that when Prince Charming comes into the picture, that he really will be Queen Charming, as in a gay man!  If so, where does that leave Snow White?  Dead, I suppose.

            I hope the ghost of Walt Disney will pay these wicked moviemakers visits and haunt them forever more.  I guess the only thing left to say is that Disney really wanted to make this new movie into a real FAIRY TAIL (yes, I spelled it this way on porpoise)!!!

UPDATE: It turns out that they will use special effects to turn the regular sized people into small dwarf sized people. So they will spend unnecessary money on special effects where they could have been providing good salaries to six talented small people.


            Ever since Doctor Faust “supposedly” retired he has been given around the clock security and protection by the US Marshall’s office.  (You know, Garry Marshall, Penny Marshall, Marshall Thompson, and Marshall Dillon.)  We the taxpayers are paying for his safety, but why?  This man does not deserve to be safe, after all, look at what he did to all of us – he is really the one responsible for coronavirust. 

            The government claims that they are not paying for his security detail, that it is the US Marshall’s office that protects him.  While this is true, the US government reimburses the US Marshall’s office!  I guess you can say, what goes around comes around (and I’m not speaking about a disease).  Faust also gets free limo driving service.

            Some wonder if the man really retired because he still goes into his old office.  But if he is retired, why does he get security 24-7 (for free to him) when he is not a president (even though he thinks he is God).  I can say that because he has claimed to be science and God is Science, but Faust is not Science, he is anti-science and anti-Science.


[2] Mr. Leggs, gave testimony, on 7/29/2022, to Congress.

[3] Crisp Crispy suggested to President Trumpet that he should hire Christopher Wraith as head of the FBI.  So why would anyone want to vote for Crispy in 2024?



            Over a period of several years San Francisco planned on installing a 1.7 billion dollar public toilet.  That was, until after it was spoken about on the Jessy Watter’s Primerib LOX News show.  Then Governor Gravel Nudesome decided to look into the exorbitant price and scrub the toilet deal!  Whoever the contract was with, I would say they were trying to clean out the city instead of toilets.

            Good work to Watter’s Team for flushing out this money laundering scam!  Hopefully, they will have the same effect on the homeless street sleepers connecting washers and dryers up to local power and water companies to get free electricity and water use for their laundry!

Chung Lee Confusion

            “We’re following the science” really means “we’re playing politics”.

FACT:  It takes an electric Hummer up to four days to fully charge, twenty-four if you install a special charger.

FACT:  After Hurricane Ian and the flooding of salt water – electric car batteries corroded and have caught on fire, these fires are very dangerous and very hard to put out, as they are chemical fires.

FACT:  There are politicians and cabinet members who have stock in bus companies who are going to be producing electric school busses.  Go ahead and sing – “Batteries on the bus go up in smoke, up in smoke, up in smoke.  Batteries on the bus go up in smoke all over town.”  (Song idea is from regular audience member of Jessy Watter’s Primerib.)

“I’m John Fetterwoman!” – by Pander Ing

            John Fetterwoman is running for Congress in Transylvania, I mean Pennsylvania.  He is running against Doctor OZ (famous TV doctor who has many degrees in Audio Visual Technology for repair work). It had to hurt Doctor OZ when his mom , Opera Windfall, came out and said she would vote for Fetterwoman over the Doc.

            On October 25, 2022, the two men had a debate, even though over one million people had already voted and turned in their ballots.  Another problem with having the debate is that John Fetterwoman could not speak without the aid of a teleprompter. When he goes out in public he has a stenographer with him.  This is because he suffered a stroke earlier this year.  The Dummycrats were not so dumb, as they kept the stroke problems quiet and did not let the people really know about his comprehension and speech problems.  This is called “pulling the wool over their eyes” trick.  They pulled the same trick in 2020 with Joe Biden (who was a hiddin’ in his basement).

            It turns out, however, that Fetterwoman’s bi-sexual wife is from a foreign country.  Gazelle Burrito Fetterwoman will actually be running her husband’s business (if he gets elected), just as Doctor Jill runs Joe around the White House.  We know this because Joe Biden just as much came out with it and said so at the Silly-Philly rally.  There is one big problem with Mrs. Fetterwoman being so closely connected to Congress, her father was (not sure if he still is) with foreign intelligence in their country.  I suppose that this does not mean that Mrs. Fetterwoman would spy on our country, but you never know; has anybody asked her about this?  I doubt it.  You can be sure, however, that Gazelle Burrito Fetterwoman is as far Left (to the communist regime) as her husband is, because she believes that swimming pools are prejudice! I wonder if she also thinks that car pools are prejudice?  What a ridiculous statement she made about pools, I have known many swimming pools during my life and not one of them are prejudice!

            I would not vote for Fetterwoman, because, I do not live in Philadelphiacreamcheese, but also because of what his name means. It means, to imprison (fetter) women!  But the real reason why I would never vote for the man is because he is a communist, not to mention (but I must do so), he was another really bad mayor (and this was before the stroke).

            Another bad fact about this Fetterwoman candidate is that he was on a parole board and he voted to release murderers and let them out from prison (I believe it was 25 times). Many murderers were released because of him. 

            Fetterwoman, while he was mayor, profiled an innocent black man and followed him and then held him prisoner with a shot gun until the coppers arrived.  The black man was innocent, but, because Fetterwoman is a Democrat he got off scotch free and duty free from having to apologize to that black man, nor has he been harassed by Black Lives Mutter.

            Biden thinks that Fetterwoman is a great guy, they get along fine.  This is because Joe has finally found somebody that he can actually communicate with.  They both understand each other perfectly well.  Biden is to make a second trip to campaign for Fetterwoman, and he is bringing Harris with him.  President B. O. is also supposed to make a trip to Fetterwoman country.


            We admit this is a rather long slogan, so maybe it should be shortened to just:  FOLLOW THE YELLOW BRICK ROAD TO OZ.

            Our Map Department made the following map of Oz, based upon The Wizard of OZ book.  We thought you might be interested in seeing what the land looks like!

Who knew that Oz was so circular? 


            On the same night as the Oz-Fetterwoman debate another important debate took place in New York between the female governor, Kathy Hackle, who never got elected (I bet you thought I was going to say she never got a dinner), and Congressman Lee Zelda. 

            We all think that Lee won the debate, as Hackle refused to address the naked man in the room (who is an illegal alien criminal from Canada that broke into Nancy Pilono’s house later on in the week) about crime and violence.  Her idiotic reply, for the crime problem, was, “Why is it so important to you?”  She really does not understand why crime and violence is such an important issue in this upcoming election!  Well, they do not call them dummycrats for nothing.

            Over the past few months Lee Zelda was attacked on stage by a man with a kitty-cat keychain and gunshots went off outside his family’s home.  His daughters could have been shot, but fortunately they were kept safe (by God).  Hackle does not understand why the issue of crime and violence is so important to Lee Zelda and her New York citizens!  She told Al Sharptone that it is all a hoax by the Right, as they never tell anyone about how much violence is in red states.  But we are not stupid, we know it is only the blue cities in the red states where all the crime is being committed (for the most part).  If she played CLUE she would not be able to figure out that it was Colonel Mustard in the Library with the revolver! 

            This woman and Joe Biden are responsible for all of those people who lost their jobs in New Yorkso over the past year – because they felt it was unsafe, not necessary, or the idea goes against their religion to be vaccinated for the coronavirust – so they did not get vaccinated (and lost their jobs).  Some of them were firemen who worked on the front lines during 2020 when there were no vaccines, yet they were forced to either get the vaccination shots or be fired.  It is a hard thing when a fireman is fired!

            Joe Biden had his two shots (not tequila) both before he was inaugurated, even though he denies this fact.  (His mind is either soup or else he hates President Trumpet that much.)  He also had his two booster shots before he came down with coronavirust and then got coronavirust again (just like his precious Dr. Faust).  They both had the same treatment; they were given some new drug that Faust is promoting (so he can make even more money)!  Does it sound like his new drug works?  I’m thinking hydroxychloroquine works way better (and it’s cheaper).  You may not believe me, but you should watch an episode of The Dead Zone, from 2003, about a coronavirust disease! 

            Then, again on the same week as the debates we’ve been talking about, Biden got another booster shot!  This old man is really afraid of the disease!  He knows that getting vaccinated does not keep you from getting sick from the disease, yet he is still pushing mandatory vaccinations!  What a WACK-A-DOODLE-DO he is!  Kathy Hackle does not fall far from Biden’s family nut tree.  She is just as stupid about the coronavirust as Biden is.

            And the U.S. Government is continuing to pay for the “free” vaccination shots.  But, to be honest with you all, nothing is free.  You may not have to pay when you get your shots, but you still are paying for them via your income tax.  That’s right, nothing is a free ride.  And the farm-a-cuticle companies are raking in the big bucks, huge does, and green lettuce (which out lasts the latest British Prime-rib Minister). 

FACT:  A New York policeman was caught on camera pulling up Lee Zelda campaign signs from people’s yards and placing them in the back of his police vehicle.


            The Halloween episode for Abbott Elementary was totally unrealistic!  All the Halloween decorations were off the charts!  Nothing like that ever happened in any of the schools I went to while I grew up.  Second, there were tons of candy for those kids!  To be honest, I remember very little candy when I was in grade school.  So the whole thing was fiction.  I know, the show really is fiction, but at least they could be more realistic about their fiction.  Maybe the show portrayed what the writers actually dreamed about having when they were in school?  That seems more logical.

            But this show is not the only one that goes way out on the idea of Halloween.  You always see tons of kids out trick-or-treating on TV shows.  In my neighborhood, the most kids we see any more are thirty (that’s a good year, like 2022).  Last year we had maybe five or six, I’m not sure we even had that many!  Of course, I live in a cold state, so maybe in the warmer states more children go out.  I guess Halloween is a really big thing in Berlin, DelawaresNewJersey, which is an inhabited ghost town.


            Well, the final episode of the female Doctor finally took place.  She was killed by the Master (who is not Jesus but put his face in place of Jesus in The Last Supper) and regenerated into – are you ready for this – David Tenant (who played the tenth doctor). 

            To be honest, I never liked the actress who was playing the female Doctor.  Now, if the Doctor had been played by someone like me, Donna Nobel Peace-Prize, then yeah, I could see that she would have been very popular.  But, the actress they hired, I’m sorry, she just was not able to cut the mustard seed (which is a very difficult thing to do) or cut the cheese, little loan successfully pull off being the Doctor (this is, of course my opinion and there are probably people out there who strongly disagree with me).  Or even the black woman actress who played the first generation of the Doctor could have cut the mustard seed and cheese and pulled it off.  I liked her as a Doctor, just ol’ blondy was not to my taste.  I did not like her at all.  I did not cry when her life came to an end either.  I even preferred the Master over her, and he got his chance!

            The last episode seemed sort of gimmicky because they brought in old timer Doctors and some of the older companions.  But we are all sort of getting use to that type of thing after the Queen Elizabeth episode happened (with Rose Tyler as Bad Wolf).  Yet, David and Matt pulled off being together with the Warrior (Doctor) – John Hurt (I hope he feels better now – take two pills and call the Doctor in the morning).

            And yes, when the new (old?) Doctor’s identity was revealed it left us ALL saying, “WHAT?”  Even the new (old?) Doctor responded over and over with, “WHAT?”  When I told a relative about the ending, even he responded with, “WHAT?”

            And I said, “YES!  I want that to happen a lot, I never wanted him to go away in the first place!”  So hopefully, this was not all just a grand practical joke being played upon all of us FANS, and it will be what really does happen.

            And for those of you who missed seeing this final episode of the female Doctor, I hope I didn’t reveal any “Spoilers”!  If so, it’s too bad (take two pills and call River Song in the morning).


            On October 28, 2022, sometime after 2 a.m., an illegal alien from Canada (because his VISA ran out of gas), who has a criminal record longer than any LP in my collection, smashed a glass door in, with a hammer (?), at the Pelono’s house in San Francisco.  David Depoppy hit Paul Pelono on the head with a hammer.  Depoppy is mentally not all there; maybe someone took a hammer to his head?  He does not live on the Streets of San Francisco.  However, he does live in an old school bus in Berkley. 

            “Who doesn’t like yellow school buses?” Khameleon Harris has asked.

            Depoppy also loves to be naked as a Jay Bird (he prefers not to be one in prison, even though this is where this man belongs).  Depoppy is also a drug addict, which is why he probably really is nuts (not because he has had a hammer to the head, because he probably has not had a hammer to his head).  Depoppy also claimed to be Jesus Christ for a whole year, however, he did not heal one single person while thinking he was “the man”!  Depoppy raped his own children, yet he is not in jail for the abuse. Why is this?

            He entered the Pelono house yelling, “HERE’S JOHNNY!”  What’s that?  That’s not what he said?  Oh, he asked, “WHERE’S NANCY?”  That makes way more since!  But the story keeps changing, because the Leftists want to use it as a political story to affect the midterm election – to try and make Republicans look bad (and remember, Nancy is up for being re-elected – sympathy votes?).  Another reason why the incident may keep changing is because the police camera footage has not been released.  Why is it that the district athorney has refused to let anyone see the police body cams or any security footage from the Pelono home. One story heard on the day of the nasty deed, is that the Pelono’s neighbors are familiar with Depoppy, as he hangs out around there, so he may even have run into Nancy on a personal level (unless his relation-ship is only with P. P..; providing this information is correct.) On the 911 phone call Paul tells the operator that he does not know the man in his house.  Also, on the 911 phone call, he mentioned Depoppy by his first name and that he came to see his wife.  It has also been reported (on November 2nd Ann Southslice’s birthday) that Paul made the 911 call with the speaker phone on and that David was right by his side. After hearing the 911 call you could understand that Paul was trying to be wise in the words that he chose to tell the person on the other end he was in trouble. The 911 operator seemed to be clueless as to what was going on. To me, it did not seem like Pelono wanted to tick off his intruder, but that he definitely wanted the police to respond to his 911 call. And how stupid is Depoppy that he was right there during the 911 call and he stayed at the house? I am also not sure why Depoppy allowed Pelono to answer the door when the police arrived, but he did.

            Nobody knows why David Depoppy wanted to know where the woman of the House was at.  However, since Friday he has admitted that he wanted to talk to Nancy, ask her questions (about what he did not say).  He said that if she told the truth he would let her go, but if she lied he would break her knee caps so that she would need to enter Congress in a wheelchair.  So, it does not sound like he wanted to really kill Nancy – just interrogate her and possibly cripple her (which is not a nice thing to do).  But his entering the house and asking, “Where’s Nancy?” was enough for the Left-winged nut-bagged media to compare Depoppy to the January sixth protesters.  And that is exactly what Joe Biden did during his November 3rd speech!  That man is so full of hot air it’s a wonder he isn’t floating around in the sky!

            Right away, this story gave the Leftist News Media people a reason to lie to their audience in order to gain votes for the dummycrats in the midterm election.  They say, “This man likes President Trumpet!  Because he had plastic zip ties in his backpack he is just like the January sixth insurrectionists!”  Truth is that David Depoppy likes President Obummer not President Trumpet. The Leftist Media people have forgotten that the man who wanted to kill Bret Kavanaugh this summer also had plastic zip ties, a hammer, and duck-tape (quack quack) in his back pack.  Yet, if they would have done some actual leg work (you know actual reporter investigations) they would have found out that the man was an illegal alien from Canada, not a MAGA man.  But that is the point, they did not want anyone to know the real facts, like the fact that D. D.’s yellow school bus house had a BLM banner and in the front of the bus there is a pride flag waving around. 

Question:  Can a person from a foreign country be an insurrectionist to a country he has no legal citizenship to?

            Of course, because, this man actually broke into the home of a Democratic big wig, he will be charged and held prisoner (no bail of hay for this man), unlike how he has been dismissed by the law over and over again up until this time. Seems hypocritical, doesn’t it?  Rest assured, however, if David Depoppy would have used a hammer on a local San Fran citizen he would be let go.  Depoppy was taken to the hospital when Pelono was. We finally found out it was because his arm was broken, probably when he struggled with the police.  But that is just a guess.

            Dummycratic politicians, besides Joe Biden, are also using the attack for political reasons, like Governor Gravel Nudesome.  Nudesome, who might like Depoppy’s pass time of nudity, was claiming that Jessy Watters’ show was mocking Paul Pelono during the summer.  Jessy was not mocking the man, he was telling the facts about the man’s auto accident, due to his drunken state when he crashed, and then the local law helped cover up the accident, and helped him out in court.  Actually, if Jessy mocked anyone it was the district athorney handling Pelono’s case (The D. A. has family ties to Nudesome and the Pelono’s – did not she have a conflict of interest in Pelono’s case?).

            Another thing which does not make any sense is right after the incident Political reported that there was a third unknown person in the house.  In fact, they reported, this person opened the door for the police when they arrived on the scene. This is not true at all.  After Elong Musk mentioned what Political reported in a Tweet, Political accused him of reporting fake news!  I could hear David Tenant saying, “WHAT?” clear across the pond! 

            After seeing the police footage, of the police’s arrival to the house, it raised questions as to why the police could not get to Depoppy before he bashed the hammer onto Paul’s head. Were they really not sure of what was going on in the house so they hesitated entering the home? Did they think Pelono’s attitude (where he seemed to be trying to deescalate Depoppy) as being confusing? They could have rushed in to grab the intruder but they did not to it. But why not release the police footage sooner? Was it to insure that Depoppy would be able to get a fair trial with a non-bias jury? On the morning of November 4th, NBC’s Today show aired a report, which was quickly taken down from their website. In it the reporter stated the correct facts, that the police arrived at the house and knocked on the door. Paul Pelono answered the door himself. The NBC reporter was hung out to dry near Canada Dry somewhere, as they have him reporting weather in the SNOW. Was it because his report was 100% correct? The real facts is that Pelono answered the door and Depoppy was at his side (on his right side). Depoppy had the hammer in his hand and Pelono had his hand on Depoppy’s hand or the hammer (not sure). The police told Depoppy to drop the hammer, and he said, “No.” And that is when he went after Paul Pelono. Depoppy lost it and swung the hammer on Paul and then the police ran into the house to arrest Depoppy. A lot of speculation and false rumors could have been quelled if the police footage would just have been released, along with the 911 phone call.


“I have my mother’s eyes. I keep them in my sockets.” — Doctor Frankenstein


            Will Governor De’Santa Clause allow China to have a lab in Florida on the 1400 acres of land that they purchased?  I want to know how foreign countries are even legally allowed to buy land in our country!  China has also bought up farm land in other areas of the country.  How is this right?  It’s not Right, but for sure it seems to be Left!  

            Butt, and this is a big butt, what China wants to do on the Florida land is even worse!  They want to use the land to do medical experiments on monkeys.  Why would they want to do this?  Do they plan on releasing something worse than coronavirust in the USA so that their own people, hopefully, are not affected by it?  We cannot trust the Chinese; we cannot even trust our own government if this happens.  We, for sure, cannot trust Joe Biden who is compromised by China (via his son’s business deals).

            According to PETA, PETA, PETA – during the coronavirus pots’n’pandemic 100,000 monkeys were pulled out of Asia.  We, here at the Gander, are not sure if all of them were taken from the wild or if they just acted wild as monkeys do, as the woman said the moneys were taken from disease ridden monkey farms, then packed up in cages, put in cargo bins of planes, and flown to the USA.  Upon arrival untold numbers of the monkeys were diseased or dead.  This representative did not say if these were Dr. Faust’s monkeys, but they probably were.  Is Faust (still) working with China?  Is he planning on giving monkeys to China in Florida?  These are questions I have and would like to have answered by somebody.  Retirement for Faust cannot come soon enough for me!  He is a very dangerous person.

CROSSING THE BORDER – by Carnitta Burrito

            The following facts are true about the southern border illegal alien crossings.  As of this fiscal year (October 21, 2022) 227,547 illegals crossed the border in September 2022.  There have been 2,378,944 migrant encounters on the border (and that is without their UFO spaceships).  There have been (calculated, because how could they really even know) 600,000 got-a-ways.  The FBI made 98 border arrests of people on the non-domestic terror watch list; this number has gone way up, because over the previous past five fiscal years only twenty-six FBI terror watch list arrests were made.

            In the Del Rio border section, during the first three weeks of October 2022 over 29,000 illegal crossings were made.  In the Rio Grande Valley drug smugglers load drugs up in waiting cars during broad daylight.

            F.A.I.R. says that since January 20, 2021 (the day Biden was inaugurated) 5.5 million illegal aliens have entered into the USA.

            When is enough, enough?  When will the dummycrats own up to the truth and admit there is a border crisis?  When will DHS Secretary Mayorkass stop lying and stop making things up?

UPDATE:  On November 1st many illegals were crossing into our country.  They were waving big, huge flags from their own countries (Venezuela being one of them).  They also proceeded to throw rocks at our border patrol agents!  The border patrol protected themselves by shooting pepper balls at the illegal immigrants.  On the video aired on LOX News, the illegals did retreat, but if they came back across the water I cannot say.  THIS IS AN INVASION and if you do not think this is the case then you need to think again.  If you were to enter a foreign nation (illegally) carrying your country’s flag (even though you were going to claim asylum making a false claim that your own country is dangerous), and then you attack that other nation’s soldiers, wouldn’t you be invading that country?  Be honest.  Your reply must be “YES”!  And this is what happened.  Who gives these people the right to do this?  These people do not want or need refuge in our country, they must still love their country to be carrying around its flag (such big ones too)!  Where is their respect for our country?  The answer is, they have none, if they did they would try to come here the legal way.

            Everyday hundreds of people (mostly single adult men) are crossing our border (illegally) and let lose to go mostly anywhere they want to go to do what ever they want to do, even if they commit crimes or not.  On November 2nd there were 700 illegals that just walked into Texas.  And this is a daily occurrence thanks to Joe Biden and Mayorkass!  Our country cannot sustain these numbers of people.  But Joe Biden knows this and is laughing all the way to the voting booth.  So let the joke be on him, let the yoke fall upon his face, and when you vote on November 8, 2022, do not vote for the demon rat dummycrats!

UPDATE: It seems as if illegals are now crossing the northern border as well, “EY”! What is Canada Dry doing about it? Why are they allowing illegals to enter their country and then cross our northern border? Just what is going on?


            Billionaire Elong Musk, as of October 27, 2022, owns Twitter.  Right away he began to fire top executives.  No great loss there; as one of them, a woman, is an out-an-out canceler of Conservative viewpoints and is against the First Amendment.  She practiced the art of “shadow banning”.  I do like to see all those hand shadow puppets, they are cool.  The foreign man who got fired is also against the First Amendment and he deserved to be fired.  Too bad Twitter’s original boss was too chicken to do it!  When the new boss walked into the Twitter building he was carrying a sink.  He posted, “Let that sink in!”  What a joker he is, if he ever wants a job with the Gigolo Gander news staff, well, he need not apply, I’ll just hire him on the spot. He also began to fire a lot of other people, this may cause him legal problems, as I hear he did not give them 60 days notice according to California law requires him to do.

            May Elong Musk succeed with the company and may it turn around and really exercise the First Amendment from this day forward!


            Recently, in town hall meetings and get-togethers, Congresswoman A. O. C. has been getting yelled at.  The woman’s supporters are put out with her for voting to support the war in Euk-rang.  They should be put out with her on everything!  The woman is a poor sport about it all.  She refused to comment on it to one man because, as she put it, he was being “rude”!  All I can say is that it takes one to know one. 

            In another get together they were saying a negative chant.  She sat up on the stage floor moving her body with their rhythm, like she was oblivious to their negativity against her.  Not long after that, when they were all yelling, she put on a phony Chick-Anno dialect and said, “Listen!  Listen!….”  Well, that did get people’s attention, but was it really effective?  Maybe she was just trying to be a Breakfast Taco?

            Here’s hoping she’ll lose in her next election!

BLIMPIES – by Wish I. Hadone

            The recent times I have gone to a SUBWAYS’ sandwich shop I have not enjoyed their food.  I remember back in the 70’s before SUBWAYS became all the rage that there was a sandwich shop near me that made the best hoagies or subs.  But I could not remember their name.  But then, I watched a very recent episode of The Food That Made America Fat on the History Channel.  And they were talking about BLIMPIES.  That was it; that was the place that I really loved so much.  They made the best sandwiches, way better than any SUBWAYS’ sandwich I have ever had!  It has been decades since I had a BLIMPIES.

            Recently we got three foot longs from a SUBWAYS French fries shop.  It was not a great experience, they over charged me without my knowledge too.  During the TV episode they mentioned how the owners of SUBWAYS wanted people to smell their bread when they walked in the door.  Well, do you know what I smelled the last two times I walked into the same SUBWAYS shop?  CLOROX!  That is what I smelled.  I could not smell any delicious bread rising or baking!  TOO BAD! Is it my imagination or did SUBWAYS’ bread taste better when it had yoga mat chemicals in it?  And why is it they never seem to have any ripe tomatoes?

            Also on the show, the one man talked to a friend who was about to go to college.  If he worked at the sandwich shop he could work the business to make money for college.  Only the dude never did go to college, at least they never said that he did.  Well, they became rich, so he did not really need to go to college.


            In October LOX News’ Greg Gutfelt became a proud papa of a bouncing baby puppy, a French Bull Dog to be precise.  The puppy has salt and peppered hair just like his dad!  Greg named the puppy Gus.  The way Greg is with bodily fluids, bodily non-fluids and bathroom jokes, I’m surprised he did not name the dog Gas.  Well, I suppose he can afford vet bills, but that is the main reason why I don’t want a pet.  Besides, I do not like all the floating hair, and all the bodily fluids and bodily non-fluids.



            A.O.C. has made it clear that she is getting back to her Native American roots.  Maybe, she’s not putting on clown makeup (above) after all!  Maybe that is WAR PAINT?  Watch out Elizabeth Warren-warpath.

            On the topic of abortion, both Liz and Sandy want to put up abortion tents, or clinics, on federal land, or the country’s parks.  But the White House correspondent said that they are against it because it is a dangerous thing to do.  But then the HHS Secretary comes out and sort of says that they are “thinking it over” for “every option is on the table.”  What does he mean by this, that all options are on the operation table for the abortions?

FACT: Just because the Grand Jury let Michael Suckman off does not mean he is innocent of all charges.  It just means that the jury folk were bought off or prejudice before joining the jury.

FACT:  Rifles kill less people than fists and knives do.  Okay, it is really a person’s mortal mind (that uses the rifles, knives, octopuses, or raise their fists), and it is the mortal mind that kills other people.  It never is the material object that goes out to seek death, unless the object is haunted by death (just kidding).  However, in God’s reality – nobody ever dies – so there you go.

            Will governments begin to demand that people’s hands are cut off or they must confiscate all knives?  The cooking networks will be devastated if they do; is this why the head chef is called “Chief”?

LETTER FROM PERKIN’S KOI-FISH – by Abe D. Fish (a G. Gutfelt family member)

            Congressmen Matt Opens Gates and Jim D. Jordan River received a letter from the law firm (the DNC’s and Hilariously Rotten Clinton’s law firm) Perkin’s Koi-fish (no relation to Perkin’s Restaurant which may serve koi-fish for dinner.  And that is if any of the restaurants even exist after the coronavirust shutdowns hit.)

            The letter reads (smart letter that it can read itself) in part:  “Perkin’s Koi-fish is responsible to the FBI for maintaining the Secure Work Environment.”  Does anyone actually know what this means?

            A whistleblower says that ever since 2012 the Dummycrat’s law firm has donated $42 million to this secret workspace environment.  For the past twelve months Michael Sussman has been operating the workspace.  So what sort of Leverage (one of my all-time favorite TV shows) does he have on the FBI?  As Clinton’s election lawyer (as well as others) would he have politically motivated dirt (lies) to feed the FBI; like the lies about President Trumpet and a Russian bank?

WORD OF THE MONTH – by Wordy Smith

            The word of the month is “chief”.  Chief means “1 – [head, chief, fr. L caput head – more at HEAD]    1 :  the upper part of a heraldic field   2 :  the head of a body of persons or an organization:  LEADER  3 :  the principal or most valuable part – chief-dom.

2 – 1 :  accords highest rank of office   2 :  of greatest importance, significance, or influence” (Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary).

            So you will note that the word “chief” is a Latin word, it is not a Native American word.  I heard that the word originated in kitchens with many chefs where the head chef is called “chief”.  But that does not stop the WOKE idiots from trying to cancel the word.  That’s right the loons in San Francisco’s schools bureaucracy (burrow-aucracy) think that they can get rid of the title in all positions with the word chief in them, because, American Indians are getting hurt feelings over the word being used.  I’m thinking that these WOKE people are smoking something funny in their peace pipe! 

            As you may recall, there was Chief Sitting Bull, Chief Crazy Horse, and Chief Running Water.  Yet, did the Native Americans (I dare say it – the Indians) even use the word “chief”?  Remember also, that different tribes had different languages; it seems odd that they would all use the same word “chief”.  Would they not have had their own languages where their word for “chief” would have sounded completely different (and it would not have sounded like “chief” because none of them spoke Latin; I doubt they even spoke pig-Latin)?  Is it not the white settlers or U.S. soldiers who would have called the head Indian man in charge of the tribe – chief?  I think so!  And perhaps it is when pale face called their head leader “chief” is when the Native Americans actually may have felt insulted or hurt!  Or maybe they were more grown up about the issue than today’s namby-pamby wokesters!

            Caput has to do with the word capital, as well as, head.  There are capital letters and “caput” points us to the capstone head of a pyramid.  Remember what the BIBLE tells us about the builders of the pyramid?  They rejected the capstone (its KEYSTONE).  This means that the Christ Chief, as head of our world, was rejected first by the Jews and most of the gentiles, as today the Christ Chief is rejected by most Christian Scientists, too bad, so sad.

            But let us understand also, the importance of the capital letter placement in the Christian Science Textbook – SCIENCE AND HEALTH WITH KEY TO THE SCRIPTURES, by Mary Baker Eddy (today’s Christ Chief).  Mary Baker Eddy placed capital letters on certain words, these words stand for God, they define God; they are called the seven synonymous terms for God.  These seven synonymous terms are – Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, and Love.  She also places capital letters in front of four words signifying the action of the seven – they are called – the Word, the Christ, Christianity, and Science.  This is the infinite divine calculus (spiritual reckoning).  In the BIBLE they are known as the four living creatures or the four beasts – the lion, the ox or bull, face of a man, and the flying eagle.  And then Mary Baker Eddy finally gives capital letters (for the most part) to the four Sciences of God – Science itself, divine Science, absolute Christian Science, and Christian Science.  So I ask, is the attempt to erase the word “chief” in job titles just another attempt to cancel the Christ Head, the true Leader of all mankind?

THE PELONO CRASH – by Avon Collins

            On Memorial Day weekend Paul Pelono (senior) was driving drunk in Napa Valley (Maybe he was taking a napa after drinking too much wine?) when he crashed his car into another car and a fence (after all, according to wife Nancy, fences [walls] are prejudice).  Both cars were totaled, in other words, it was no fender bender.  Paul Pelono was hauled off to jail where his mugshot was taken.  Yes, it literally must have been taken out of the police station, because, the picture was missing in action!  Eventually, however, two weeks later it was found.  It seems to be a high classed mug shot, as I have never seen such a nice mug shot in my entire life (P. P.  looks pretty good in it).  Is the police body camera footage missing?  It has not yet been shared.

            Dummycrat Amanda Shooting-Ray, as the chocolate CHIP commissioner (this is not a joke about the color of Amanda’s skin, it is just a food joke), heads the highway patrol.  She is involved in the Pelono cover up, keeping all arrest records silent (there will be no music in her police station, especially songs by the Police)!  Is her boss, Governor Nudesome, also in on the cover up?  After all, Nudesome is related to Paul Pelono.  Paul’s brother was married to Gavin Nudesome’s aunt, and he is the one who appointed Shooting-Ray into office.  Yet, Shooting-Ray may have passed the buck on to the chief, District Athorney, Allison Hailing.  And Allison Hailing works for Nudesome too, so there must be strings being pulled, and that is no Pinocchio.

            It is important that we find out what happened that night with Paul squared, because we cannot have the elites having Liberal privilege, anymore, than they want white individuals to have white privilege.  Should not the law apply to all people equally because lady Justice is blind?

            Nobody on the Left is speaking out about Paul Pelono’s two car pileup, nor has M.M.A.D.D. (not to be confused with the magazine or the TV show) saying much about it.   I guess those Mad Mothers are not so mad anymore about drunk drivers?  Maybe they better change their name?  Perhaps the Pelonos have donated a lot of money to their organization.

            This is not the only time that Pauly Wanna P. has been in a car accident.  Maybe the man had better give up driving?  He is rich enough to hire a chauffeur.  Besides the man being under the influence (breathalyzer test taken two hours after he was in the crash) with a .82, they are trying to make the excuse that his recent cataract surgery is to blame.  If this is so then not only was the man drunk he was blind-drunk.  It seems to me that he should have not been behind the wheel at all, just saying!


            Biden’s approval rating is now, in some poles, at 25%.  His disapproval rating is climbing, up to 55% while 10% of the people have no opinion on the topic (or else they are afraid to answer, because, they think they will be hunted down and put into entertainment camps by government agencies buying up all of the bullets in this country).  And who knows what the other 10% are even up to (up to their necks in bills – probably).  On this topic, Greg Gutfelt commented, “Biden’s voters must be turning around in their graves!  His numbers are crashing like Nancy Pelono’s husband.”

            Yes, I wish I had come up with those two jokes.  I am very jealous of Gutfelt!  What wit?  What genius? What’s for dinner?  However, he does have writers, while I have to come up with everything on my own!  He may be the King of Night Time talk show hosts, but I am King of motels!

            In a pole from June 9, 2022, among young adults his approval rating is 22% and among Hispanics it is 24%.  To be sure, this occurrence is not a silk Freudian slip.  The lack of approval has to do with the U.S. economy.  Biden lied when he said that inflation is worse everywhere but here (in the U.S.A.).  The following countries have way better economies with less inflation:  Germany, France, Japan, Canada, India, Italy, and Saudi Arabian Knights.  Don’t just take my word for it, ask Peter Poochie about it.

            Because Joe is slipping, the Dummycrats are looking for a candidate in 2024.  Some want Hilariously Rotten Clinton to run.  Some news reporters say that they think Joe Biden should not run because of his age.  Yet they are willing to have H. R. Clinton run?  She is no spring Tyson chick anymore!

Today’s Zodiac – by Astral Projection

            If you were born in the last portion of the month of July and in the first half (well up to the 23rd or so) of August, then you are a Leo, the lion.  The lion, or Leo, was used to signify, in the BIBLE, the first living creature or the first beast – the Lion of the Word.  By the way, the first Gospel, Matthew, is written in the tone of the Word.

            Your lucky fortune for this month is:  You will have fun at your Myst Convention, you’ve worked hard to get it up and running, so you deserve to have a great time!  I’m looking forward to those 3D kais and cool t-shirts.

            I had to ask my husband, because I never can remember, “Hey, is Myst Convention spelled with a ‘y’ or an ‘i’?”

            He said, “’Y.’”

            I said, “Because, I thought I would ask.”


            Is nothing sacred anymore?  The Biden Administration, simply put, is a recipe for disaster!  They are all a bunch of bananas, not to mention a bunch of incompetent boobs!  But is this by accident or by design?  They could not have planned their results any better – as everything they do is working to destroy the United States of America, for which they do not stand!  They are trying to turn the good old U. S. of A. into a third world country.  I was watching a TV show from around 2001 where the Cuban people wanted to come to the U.S.A. because they want to have freedom from communism, they want a good life, and they want the American dream!  If only Cuba could become more like the U.S.A., it was suggested.  It came to me that it seems today that the people in charge of the government actually want our country to become like Cuba.  I asked myself, “Why do so many people want to come into our country illegally when the U.S.A. is trying to become more like Cuba?”  Our leaders (chiefs) are trying to turn our TRUE Republic into a communistic run banana republic and they are using fascism to bring about their results. 

            Example of their dyspeptic behavior is when Janet Yelling goes on a Leftist media network and is asked about the BAD economy.  She apologizes for being ignorantly stupid!  She said that she blew it.  Really?  She knew what she was doing last year, people told her not to do what she was doing, but she ran with her recipe for disaster and the feds printed more money, more money, and more money!  And believe me, she does not feel bad about what she did or what the feds did, not a scintilla. 

            Think about who Joe Biden is, as the posing head chief of the Executive Branch, and who Nancy Pelono is, head chief of the House of Congress, or rather, what they are.  They both are not just Dummycrats, both of them are Roman Catholics.  Are they under orders by the socialist Pope in Rome?  Did the Pope demand them to destroy everything good about the U.S.A.?  There was a time when a Roman Catholic could not be president because of their allegiance to the Pope who runs his own country.

            Most people do not understand the fact that the Civil War was not really fought over slavery, but it was fought because the Roman Catholic Church was in charge of the South, they had a lot of business interests running below and along the Mason-Dixon Line!  That’s right; it is because of the Church of Rome that our country had the Civil War where brother turned against brother.

            Today the same thing is happening.  Relatives are on opposite sides, and mostly, well, all of the fighting between families or friends is due to the fact that those on the Left are unreasonable and believe all the lies that the State Media (belonging to the Left) spew out.  I have people in my own family that I cannot talk to about politics because they are simply raving lunatics!  They are the ones who yell and scream during their rants about the Republicans or people on the Right, they especially HATE President Trumpet.  And their hate was festered by the Dummycrats and the Leftist media.  I am registered as an Independent, but I know craziness when I see it.  And the Biden Administration is not only CRAZY; they are a recipe for disaster!


            The Primeribminister of Canada wants to ban guns in Canada.  Why he is so against people building up their muscles is beyond me.  Didn’t his old man, decades ago, already do this?  What’s that?  He’s not against muscle guns he’s against using shooting guns as muscle?  Sorry! 

            Anyway, it turns out, after hearing about the Salvador Dolly Ramos shooting Prudeau decided to use the story to ramp up hatred towards guns and dictate to his Canadian bacon folk that they were not going to be allowed to have guns for much longer, and all the fools standing behind the man just nodded in agreement (probably because a bunch of guns were being pointed at them).  He is going to ban buying, selling, and importing hand guns.  “Never let a tragedy go to waste” – right? 

            Prudeau also went to California in June to meet up with Governor Nudesome.  Maybe they had some corn pics taken together?


            Now that the next election is coming ZNN is speaking out about black on black crime in big cities like Chicago.  (Buy the way, Mayor Lori Lighthead just made a law that police are not supposed to chase after criminals if they run away from them, unless the cops know for sure that the running away person is really up to no good.  This leaves the door open for all the criminals caught via foot chase, to have their lawyers sue the cops who ran after them saying that they broke the mayor’s stupid law.)  Why would ZNN finally speak about black on black crime when they denied the black on black problem has existed for years now?  It is simple; they want to confuse the masses about MASS SHOOTINGS.  They are claiming that mass shootings are taking place in the big cities, just like it did at the end of May in Texas in an elementary school.  Mass shootings are defined as four or more people being shot, however, many of the shootings in the big cities are not really classified as mass shootings!  More like drive by shootings.  So ZNN wants its audience to believe that guns are a big problem and they must disappear, or they should agree to turn their guns in to the government.  The only problem is if guns disappear they will be taken away from law abiding citizens and the crooks and gang members will still be able to get illegal guns!  ZNN is inflating their numbers, or statistics, on mass shootings by declaring drive by shootings, and gang shootings, as mass shootings.

            Joe Biden has been speaking up about getting rid of hand guns, or small caliber ammunition, AR 15s and AK 42s!  He is lecturing America on getting rid of their guns, and cancelling the 2nd Amendment.  What gives him the right to even voice his opinion on this topic of gun control when he left (on purpose) 300,000 guns for the Taliban?  Furthermore, if he would have kept those guns he could have given them to Uke-rang instead of spending more tax payer money to help Uke-rang out.

Chung Lee Confusion

            He who laughs when things go wrong has just thought of someone he can blame it on.  Joe Biden lives by this idealism all day long.

            He who laughs last is slow at getting punch line.

            Never trust doctor who operates in the dark on a rickshaw near the lobby of motel while he is asleep and dreaming about rice field.

ALIEN INVASION – by Noah Comprendo, Jr.

            The numbers are ADDING UP!  We now have over 5,000 aliens, in a 32 mile long caravan (and it is not a Dodge) walking northward to the southern border of the United States of America.  Mexico is doing nothing to stop it either.  Why should they?  They do not fear or even respect Joe Biden and his creepy cabinet at all. 

            Who is helping these aliens from around the world (not just Central or South America) invade the U.S.A.?  Well, it is the ONE WORLD ORDER organization known as the UNITED NATIONS.  We, as a country give ten billion dollars a year to this material organization.  This year they are using this tax payer money to council the illegal migrants on how to lie when they reach our border – to lie about how mistreated they have been in their home country.  The aliens are taught how to lie about how mean their neighbors are, even if those neighbors are in the same caravan that they themselves are in!  They are being told to think back in time, about their life in their country, via FREE (to them anyway) psychiatric counseling sessions.  The United Nations, the one world order material organization, is also giving cash cards to these invaders.  This means that the money we gave to the U.N. is placed on the cash cards given to the people invading the U.S.A. – so WE THE PEOPLE are actually financially helping people who are invading our country!  The mainstream media, if they do comment on the approaching caravan, claim that most of the people are women and children.  Think again.  Look at the pictures below to see if they are telling you the truth!

            On June 27, 2022, there were 50 migrants found dead in a semi-truck.  The cartel put steak seasoning on their bodies in order to cover up the compo smell.  Inside the truck were children (that Nancy P. and Joe B. claim to care so much about) and families.  Joe Biden has said he’s done, “everything possible to end human smuggling”.  This is an out and out lie.  He has done the opposite, he’s done everything he can to help the cartels smuggle people across the border.  He needs to obey the laws of the land instead of breaking them!


            “This is not satire!” Senator Chameleon Harris said while holding up a copy of THE GIGALO GANDER

            Harris is going to throw tax payer money at the illegal immigration problem as if that will fix it.  She plans on ruining our economy even more by giving tax payer money to Central American governments (who probably will never get their hands on it and if they do get their hands on it they will mishandle the money).  Harris thinks (which is a very difficult task for her) that the foreign country’s poor economy is the root problem of the huge caravans that come to the southern border.  WRONG, HARRIS!!!  You, Joe Biden, and your policies are the root cause of illegal migration!  All you both need to do is to enforce the laws you are totally ignoring and breaking on a daily basis!  Blasphemers Joe Biden and Harris are about as popular as a polecat!

            What gets me is that Biden goes in front of people to talk about how great the American economy is doing, how great a job he is doing, yet all the while he is fibbing about everything.  And if there are any problems that he has to admit exist he just blames it on somebody else, he has even blamed stuff on American citizens.  How dare we need to continue driving our cars to work, to take children to school, go grocery shopping, to the bank, and to the post office?  Hey, Joe, not everybody has tax payer money to pay for gas, along with the chauffeur service, like you do.  Most Americans do not have syndicated criminal activity being practiced by their family members like you do.

            S&P 500 lost all of its gains since January 21, 2021.

S&P ON 1/21/2021 – 3,853.07                       S&P ON 6/13/2022 – 3,749.63

            One of Biden’s note cards was recently photographed.  It had step by step instructions as to what he was to do during the event.  If the man is incapable of thinking for himself, and he is only reading what they put in front of him, then can we really call him the Commander and Chief?  I think not!  Perhaps this is one of the reasons why he does not think he is president (he says Harris, Dr. Jill, or Dr. Faust are president).  He has also acted, when Obummer was around, like Obummer was still his boss (so did all the other people around them at the time).


“I shot an arrow into the air, where it fell I know not where; I lose more arrows that way!” – Tonto (Kimono-sobbing to the Loan Ranger, the Banker)

“Many people look forward to the New Year for a new start to old habits.” – Hunted Biden

“The price of gas is so high it would be cheaper to buy cocaine and run everywhere.” – Congressman John Kennedy

“Never underestimate Joe Biden’s ability to F*^@ things up!” – Barrack Insane Obummer

“Are you sweating while pumping gas?  Feeling sick when paying for the motor fluid?  You may have the Car-Owner virus.” – James Turnlock, CA

“North is north…Right is right.” – Judge Clarence Thomas D’Train


            You have heard of car pools, now there are subway train pools!  That’s right; a black man somehow got a yellow swimming pool onto the train.  The mystery to me was this, how did he fill the thing up with water?  The man was shirtless; however, he was wearing a pair of pants while bathing. 

            Upon further investigation I found out that the man was really a religious fellow there to perform baptisms.  However, the only person he wound up baptizing was himself, because everybody else was just too shocked to get into the pool with him.  I asked the reverend, “How did you manage to get water into your pool?”

            Reverend John Dee Baptist replied, “Remember how Jesus changed the water into wine?  Well, I did the opposite; I changed the wine into water!”

            “But, how did you get all the wine into the train along with the swimming pool?”

            “Remember how Jesus multiplied the fishes and loaves of bread?  Well, I did the same thing; I multiplied my bottle of wine, after I changed it into water, and after I blew up the pool with all my hot air.”

            “Well, at least you did not blow up the train!”

            “I would never do that!”

            “Are you claiming that you can perform miracles like Jesus did?”

            “Why can’t I perform the same miracles?” the reverend asked.  “After all, Jesus told us we can do what he did, and that we can do even more!  Well, I am a true follower of Christ Jesus.”

            I replied, “Well, some people may just think that you have lost your head.”

            Too soon?


            Can you believe that Senator Harris has been put in charge of cyber bullying?  The woman is one of the biggest bullies in the world; and they put her in charge?  This will do nothing to bring down inflation, or to help heal our nation.  People have wondered why she has been given so many duties when she does not get anything accomplished or do anything.  She can’t even sink a basketball shot.  Well, who gave her the responsibilities, or the hats of duty?  The ultimate man who does absolutely nothing but to pass gas, pass the buck and blame everybody else – Joe Biden!  Is Chameleon just Biden’s scapegoat?

            Remember last month how there was supposed to be a new committee set up to dispel the Right’s right to free speech, the one that was to be headed up by a Mary Poppins wannabe?  Well, because that little board, or committee, did not get off the ground, due to the fact that nobody would wear their masks, Biden decided to put Chameleon Harris in charge of cyber bullying; it is the same idea, just headed by a different buffoon. 

            She has also been given the Czar hat on voting rights.


            Can you believe that Senator Harris has been put in charge of pro birth bullying?  Some network news person interviewed her on the topic recently.  All that Harris did was claim that she is a mother of two young adults (they were very hard to squeeze out), claim that she is the daughter of a mother, claim that she is a fairy god mother, and that is okay with the Left?  Wasn’t she supposed to say that she is a birthing person of two young adults (and boy, were they hard to squeeze out), that she became a birthing person after another birthing person birthed her, and that she is a fairy god drag queen along with Nancy Pelono?  She also probably thinks, which is really hard for her to do, that Justice Clarence Thomas is to blame for the SCOTUS decision on abortion; he is such a white supremacist!  Well, she is not alone on that opinion.  Others who are super-duper mad at Clarence Thomas are Hilariously Rotten Clinton, Maximum Waters, Lori Lighthead, and Liz Onda Beaten Warpath.  AOC, or as her friends call her – Sandy, wants to expand the number of Supreme Court Justices, and she believes that certain justices are liars.  She has accused them of “lying under earth”!  She meant, “lying under oath” but was this a Freudian slip she wears at the GALA?  Does her Freudian slip mean that she wants them all to be dead (six feet under the earth)?  She believes that they should be impeached.  How about she is impeached instead?  I would prefer that communist birthing person (I pity the kids having her as their birthing person) to lose her job! Then there are women, sorry, birthing people, on The View who are mad at Thomas. I feel sorry for their stupidity condition.

            The Demonrats are really just using the abortion issue.  They are using the issue to try to get people to vote for the DNC in the fall and they are using it to try and destroy the Supreme Court and to destroy the Senate, along with Philly Buster.  I do not know why the Demonrats are always so mean to Phil for!


            The quote above is from Joe Biden while he was making some crazy speech.  He was not wearing a mask nor did he cough into his elbow area – but into the hand he uses to shake hands with everybody after his speech is over.  Whatever you do, never shake this man’s hand, unless you are wearing a protective glove or use hand sanitizer afterwards.

            But my main reason for writing this article is that I have a peeve against the W.H.O. – not the singing group but the World Health Organization one world order group.  Just who does W.H.O. think they are?  Why do they think that they can change the name of monkeypotpie because they say it is prejudiced against Africans?  They seem to fail to realize that monkeys live in South America and Asia too!  So, they are just nuts.  What about chickenpotpie?  Are they going to change the name of it too?  I doubt it, as they like to eat chicken pot pies!  But what about all those chickens out there, like Biden, Harris, Pelono, A. Shifty, M. Watersherself, etc.?  Aren’t they upset about the name of chickenpotpie?  What about all the short people in the world with the name “smallpox”?  Why should they not be upset about that name?

            The whole thing is ridiculous, as Judge J. P. said, “The monkeys are not suing!”  I don’t think monkeys even know how to sew.  But who (?) knows if monkeys around the world will create a monkey rights organization?  The monkeys that should really be upset are the monkeys being used by Dr. Faust and his ilk in their medical experiments!


            On July 9, 2022, the January 6th Congress Dummittee, made up by mostly Dummycrats, Demonrats, and two very stupid RHINOs, are getting their revenge on honest, peace-loving citizens who live in the United States of America.  This bogus committee is trying to be judge, jury, and executioner by putting on their SHOW TRIAL.  Their main goal is to try and win the upcoming election (by keeping their seats in Congress) and keep President Trumpet from running for president in 2024.  They are trying to TRUMP up bogus criminal charges against President Trumpet.  They may think that they are reaching everybody in this wonderful country with their lies and fake news messages – but their ratings are lower than Joe Biden’s State of the Union Address a few months back.  It is estimated that Biden’s State of the Union speech had around 38 million viewers.  I only know that I was not about to watch it, nor did I watch State TV’s false propaganda and fake news reports on January 6th.  They really do think that they are Carl Marx and Adolf Hitler in every move they make.

            On June 9, 2022, the fake January 6, 2021 committee, put together by Nancy Pelono (remember she is the one who caused the riot in the first place by denying extra police and the National Guard to be present that day – is it because she wanted to save face after referring to the National Guard, not long before January 6th, as Storm Troopers? Which is a really big insult to our National Guard because we all know that Storm Troopers can’t hit the side of a building!).  The Dums aired their dirty laundry to the country.  This is supposed to be only one of six such events.  The Left took over all the main networks (ABC, SEEBS, and NBC) for over two hours in order to present the dog and pony show to the U.S. citizens. 

            As mentioned above, John Sullivan was not placed in prison to face incarceration for over six months without being able to see a lawyer.  No, in fact, he was interviewed on ZNN and claimed to be a journalist!  HA, fat chance of that being true.  He was heard by the crowd, who was there that day at the Capitol, to be egging people on (just as bad as the woman dressed in an ape costume while throwing eggs at Larry Elder who is a black man [accused of being a white supremacist] who ran for governor in California).

            The committee, or the Spanish Inquisition, hired the X president of ABC, to produce their little puppet theater spectacle show.  James Goldstein, when head of ABC, spiked the Jeffrey Epstein punch bowl.  He let the predator off the hook. 

            Congressman Benny Thompson headed the peep show Thursday night.  One could call those of the House a Kangaroo Committee.  They are also doling out illegal and not enforceable subpoenas.  For example, Peter Navarro has Executive Privilege, yet he was expected to show up before the said committee.  So, on the week before their first public spectacle took place on national TV – in prime time – even though he was told by the FBI that he could go to the airport, the following happened. After he arrived at the airport, the FBI kept Peter from boarding his plane (in order to embarrass him).  They handcuffed him and then dragged him to the court house.  Then he was placed in leg irons.  They also made him stay in John Hinckley’s (the man who tried to assassinate President Raygun) old prison cell.  They want Peter to have to spend over one half million dollars in law fees over this whole affair. This is the Left’s trick – to force their enemies to use all their money in court, to bankrupt them, so they cannot spend that money on campaigns.  Peter Navarro says he had nothing to do with the January 6th thing at all, but they are trying to force him to testify (against President Trumpet).  Joe Biden claims that there is no executive privilege for Trumpet or his people.  Biden claims that he has executive privilege but Trumpet no longer has it because it is all his.  Yet, that is not how executive privilege works.

            So far this committee has handed out more subpoenas than ever in American history.  Because there have been so many subpoenas, the judge signing the subpoenas has come down with hand cramps.

            What is really bad about what this committee is doing is that they are not allowing cross examination on anything, there has been no presentation of opposition to their claims, so the viewers who are watching their little theater puppet show only sees one side – the Kangaroo Committee’s side.  In other words, President Trumpet has no self-defense, just like they kept him from having self-defense during their two bogus impeachment trials.  The Dummycrats have not changed at all.

            The Kangaroo Committee brought out that the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers (reported to be RIGHT white supremacist groups) were at the Capitol that day.  However, they conveniently left out that these two groups went directly to the Capitol building and skipped the Trumpet rally all together; in fact, they were at the Capitol before the rally even ended.  They also conveniently leave out President Trumpet’s own words that day, he asked the people to march up to the Capitol and voice their opinion peaceably.  He did not egg them on like Chuck Shoemer or Maximum Water or other Dummycrats have done with their constituents, or even like the woman in the purple gorilla suit did in California.

            An officer who was at the January 6th riot (I am willing to admit it was a riot, I am not willing to admit it was an insurrection) gave testimony.  Officer Edwards was being honest, and according to her testimony she was injured that day.  But to see Cori Bush crying crocodile tears over Edward’s testimony is too much.  Cori Bush is the same woman who wants to get rid of all cops!  She so dislikes all cops, except, I guess, the ones she believes are protecting her sorry asp!

            Everybody in Washingaton of Clothes knew about the plan for violence way before January 6, 2021.  President Trumpet even brought in the National Guard, and he had them there ready to be utilized.  So the question is, “Why did Nancy Pelono say NO (reject) the help and support of 20,000 troops (that President Trumpet had brought in to Washingaton of Clothes) that day?”  In fact, Nancy doubled down when she said, “No way!”  The obvious answer to that question is that Nancy P. wanted all the chaos and mayhem to take place on January 6th so that she could go after the man she hates the most in the world – President Trumpet.  Where is the investigation into her evil deeds?  The Mayor of Washingaton of Clothes, Murial Bow-wow, also refused to call in extra forces to fortify the Capitol.  What about the Captiol’s sergeant in arms and legs?  What was his cinnamon roll on January 6th?  Even Crying Chuck Shoemurr knew what was going to happen that day and he refused to do anything about it.  Not to mention, but I am, that the FBI was present and accounted for at the Capitol – and they were there to mislead people and to try to get them to enter the Capitol building.  So where is the investigation into Shoemurr and the FBI?

            On May 2, 2021 CSPAN & CSPOT said that President Trumpet did make a request for the National Guard.  There was a meeting on January 4th, and President Trumpet authorized 22,000 National Guard troops for the Capitol.

            The committee’s second televised show trial was canceled for prime time TV.  Is this because Jesse Waters’s audience and Tuckered Out Carlson’s audience are too big for their liking? Instead the second meeting (show trial) was shown during the daytime on June 16th.  One of the networks pulled away to show the golf tournament that they had already paid to air (so I do not blame them for doing that).  I saw about two minutes and turned to watch something else.  But what I did see was again, one sided, and I really do not trust anything they say to us.  Sorry, but that is just how I feel about it all.  If they can choose to not believe the Right then don’t others have the right to not believe the Left or even the RINOs?

            There was another session (show trial) during the day of June 21.  I did watch a little more than I had before, as I sort of got suckered in to watching, plus, I thought that maybe I should know some of the things going down.  What they presented seemed to make President Trumpet and his lawyers look like they were trying to do something illegal.  Maybe they were stupid in some of the stuff they did try to do to keep Trumpet in office?  But, I am not sure that their intentions were evil or incorrect.  I really cannot prove it one way or the other, because, I do not have access to all of the information (neither do most Republicans) I am just going by the video evidence I did see (in 2020) after the election took place. I am also remembering how there was election interference by the cancellation of the Hunted Biden Lap-dance-top story.  And it did bother me that the “important” man who was testifying on the 21st, who is from Arizona, denied that there was any wrong doing.  Yet a Republican woman who is running in the Arizona Gooberpea race says differently.  On June 27, 2022, this woman, Kari Lake, was on LOX New’s show with Brett Bare.  She told Brett that the reason why there was no evidence in any of the court cases is because they were not allowed to present any evidence to the court.  Her words ring true, as I remember hearing the same complaint back in 2020.  She also wants there to be only an election day not an election month and to end all mail-in ballots.  Then she raked Brett over the coals, as he was sort of asking her questions she felt were totally unfair, unlike the interview he did previously with her opponent (which I did not see).  He denied her accusation.  Anyway, what she did say was of most importance, and I have to agree with her, because I remember on election night how  LOX News called the results in Arizona way early in the evening before 10% of the votes were even in.  At that time I asked, “How can they possibly do that?”  Kari asked Brett why LOX News will not send any journalists to Arizona to look at the evidence of cheating that does exist.  And I have to agree – why not LOX News?  Why are you not interested in really reporting on the 2020 election fraud?  Is it your new management that will not allow you to do it?

            A friend of mine, who voted for Joe Biden in 2020, said to me, “I can’t stand Trumpet.  He is always lying.  You can tell when he lies because he snorts when he lies.”  I’m sorry, but I do not recall ever hearing President Trumpet snort, I think she is getting him confused with Hunted Biden.  But she was definitely manifesting hate for the current president of that time.  Where did that hate come from?  It came from the mainstream media (the Left’s propaganda personas).  She actually believed that President Trumpet lied all the time but never thought Joe Biden was fibbing?  He lied constantly while he was on the Champaign trail.  However, when it came to making promises to the far left extremists he did tell the truth.  He told them he was going to get rid of gas and oil and he has held up that promise!  Yet he blames it all on President Putin or whoever else he can blame the high gas prices on.


            If the Dummycrats did not have double standards, they would have no standards at all.

            On June 16, 2022 the following employees from the Stephen Culprit Late Night Talk Show (SEEBS) were arrested for invading the Capitol in Washingaton of Clothes:  comedian Robert Smigel (Hum, does he wear a black rubber suit?); Jake Plunkedit (senior director of the show), Alison Martinez Glass; Ty One On Dean; Stephen Romond Noodles; Chicoletta Green Gumm; Brendan Hurles; Josh Upen Comer; and David Feltmen.  Among the visiting group were a writer and the Ass. Producer of the show.

            How did they get into the “now well guarded” Capitol?  Well, Congressmen Jake Outchenclaus and Adam Schifty let the uninvited crew in.  If you think about it, this all makes sense as to why the crew of the show was there.  Remember during the first impeachment of President Trumpet?  Schifty wrote a little play about the conversation that President Trumpet had with the president of Uke-rang.  Adam said it was “a parody”.  Yet, he read his words in front of everybody and the television audience as if they were what really was said between the two presidents, or could have really happened.  He was trying to change the real events by subliminally submitting a fake dialog between the two presidents.

            With the Kangaroo Committee’s six show trials (being televised) Schifty decided to repeat his offense; after all, he got away with what he did the first time.  This, being a third attempt to impeach President Trumpet – or to keep him from legally being able to run for office in 2024 – Adam decided – why not try his little trick again?  Only this time, it would be on late night TV, on CBS, where the satirical skit would be aired.   And Stephen Culprit was just the dupe to talk into doing the skit.  As Schifty had previously been on Culprit’s two weeks earlier.  Perhaps that is when they ironed out all the details, deskins, and defeet?

            What was the satirical skit about?  It was about the June 9, 2022 televised Kangaroo Court.  The crew went around knocking on Republican’s doors, like Jim D. Jordan River (for one).  But the Republicans were not present at the time.  The crew was thrown out of the Capitol, but they returned and were let in by one of Congressman Schifty’s staff. I suppose that they returned because they had not gotten all their material shot.  Maybe the smoking dog puppet could not remember his lines?  This time they were arrested, but instead of being incarcerated like those who are still being held from January sixth, they were released within six hours.  Then they were probably able to go back to New York, to their boss (S. C.) and edit their material.  But who knows? I heard rumors that the material had disappeared just like H.R.C.’s e-mails.  Maybe they are not able to do anything, perhaps they were stopped before they shot any good scenes?  To be honest, I find the smoking dog puppet to be stupid, disgusting, and not funny.

            Even though June sixteenth was the darkest day in our country’s history, I doubt that anything bad will happen to Culprit’s filming crew, or to Adam Schifty or Jake Outchenclaus.  Why?  Because, they are all on the Left Side of stuff and nobody on the Left Side ever seems to be punished for their crimes.  I doubt that Stephen Culprit will even be punished or investigated.  Was this the actions of insurrection?  I’m not crazy enough to make that claim, but the Dummycrats have no qualms about making such assertions; do they?

            Was AOC’s PTSD triggered again, even though she was nowhere in sight, again, when the filming crew burst into the Capitol unannounced?  Boom, boom, boom!

            One night, in June, Stephen Culprit had a female comedian on as a guest.  Her name is Wanda Sucks.  She was on complaining and bitching about the abortion decision and Middle America (fly by country); she wonders why our country is no longer governed by majority rule?  Boy is she stupid!  This country was set up the way it was so that majority rule could never be in control.  Why?  Because the USA is a Republic, that’s why.  Majority rule is not what a true democracy really is.  She is just another deranged celebrity who does not understand anything about our Constitution, she needs to go to school and be educated. 

            These are just a few of her comments, “Things in the Middle, that red stuff, why do they get to tell us what to do? … Know your position [Does she mean that we are her slaves?]…”  Doesn’t she know that without Middle America that there would be no dinner for her, no gas, no electricity, and no safety?  She also said, “These [Conservative] judges [of the Supreme Court] they basically lied in their confirmation hearings.  How can you be a Supreme Court judge and lie?  [They did not lie.]  What, they [the judges] had their fingers crossed or sumptin’?”  Wanda is incapable of thinking for herself, as she just repeated stuff she heard on The View and by certain Dummycrats. As a comedian, Wanda Sucks really SUCKS!!!  I think that Middle America is giving Wanda the middle finger!


            On June 28, 2022, there was another presentation of January 6, 2020, by the Dummycrats.  I completely forgot about it!  I did not tune in, but I did hear about the false testimony given that day by a woman who worked for President Trumpet in some low profile job.  She was a young woman, in her twenties, she is pretty, but what she did was wrong.  “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor” even if you are getting death threats from the loony Left!  This woman’s name is Hopalong Cassidy Hutchinson (no relation to Ken Hutchinson).  She also changed her Trumpet lawyer to a Dummycrat lawyer, who was with her on the 28th.  This makes one wonder if she was being coerced into making the insane false statement.  For sure they had coached her in what to say. She said strange things like, “in the vicinity” and over and over she said, “something to the effect of”. Then afterwards Liz Chimney and Hutch hugged it out.

            The story she told was “hearsay” so it means nothing, even if it had been true.  After she told it, the person she claimed told her the story, Tony O’Nadagin, came out and said that he had never said anything like this to her.  The secret service men who were present in the vehicle that day said the story was not true, that the occurrence never took place.  So what whopper (sorry Burger King) did she tell to the TV audience? 

            It was January 6, 2020 right after President Trumpet had finished his rally speech.  He was in the back seat of the Beast. One Secret Service man was in the seat next to POTUS and one was in the front seat, and then there was the driver. The two Secret Service men were Bob N. Apple and Tony D. Tiger. She said that Trumpet insisted that instead of returning to the White House that they drive him to the Capitol.  He was so insistent that he reached into the front seat to try to get the driver to turn the vehicle around. He supposedly grabbed the driver’s arm and the steering wheel.  Both SS men want to testify, as does the Deputy Chief of Staff, who is privy to information, wants to testify (on Trumpet’s behalf).  I doubt that the Kangaroo Court will allow them to testify, because, they only want to present their side, with no Judd for the Defense, and put forth lies – not unlike Hilariously Rotten Clinton’s paid for Steel Dossier that they salivated over from 2016 to 2020.


            This was the first year that Juneteenth was a holiday on ice.  Even though it fell through the cracks on Father’s Day, severely breaking the back of his neck, it was also honored on Monday (June 20th).  Being that it is a federal holiday meant that there was no mail delivery on Monday.  This is all well in deed for those people not expecting to get mail, but I was expecting two very important Police records, not to mention my gas-electric bill, but I am mentioning it!

            I would have been clueless about the mail not being delivered if I had not, by chance (because I never do this), turned on my little portable radio and they told me about the holiday.  You know my little RCA radio is around fifty-five years old and it still works!  You see, they use to make things to last, unlike the junk they mass produce today – perhaps it all falls apart because it is made in China and other foreign countries where they do not have the pride to make long lasting stuff!

            It is weird, however, that Juneteenth does not seem to honor President Lincoln who gave black people their freedom but rather a criminal junky named George Floyd, whose death caused many riots resulting in billions of dollars of damage and trying to scrub out all policemen.  The real idea behind Juneteenth is racial division; at least that is the goal of the Leftist-communists.  A strange statue was put up in New Orleans’s Lafayette (named after a pirate) Square.  What did the black Dummycratic politician put up?  It was a two story high Black Power Hair Pick! It would be perfect for combing the desert.  Yet, during the new holiday a fifteen year old boy was shot to death in Washington Dot Com. 


            The price of gasoline is over $5 per gallon now in many parts of the country.  In some states it is even higher (up to $7 per gallon).  So, people are not taking it lying down, they are PEACEFULLY protesting the price of gas by placing stickers on the pumps.

            The men running the company, Patriots Pledge (which produces the stickers), are modern day hero sandwiches.  However, the Leftists are upset with them and out to get them, because they love to eat Hoagies. 

            Gas prices are higher than Hunted Biden, and Joe Biden has nobody to blame but himself, because it is his signature that killed the Keystone Cop Pipeline and other helpful oil producing projects.  And people of this country know it and understand it, even if Joe himself is incapable of comprehending what he has done.

            The answer to lowering America’s gas price is simple, Joe!  Open up the Keystone Cop Pipeline which can provide 900,000 gallons per day.  Also, ease up on the restrictions placed on the energy companies!  Yes, Joe Biden, WE THE PEOPLE DO BLAME YOU!!!  We know the truth and you cannot hide, nor can you continue to blame other people, or oil companies, for what you have done!!!

            In case people have not already figured it out, the price of gasoline has gone up over 100% since Joe Biden signed that executive order to kill the Keystone Cop Pipeline.  Are you glad you voted for him now – just because you hated President Trump for no good reason?

Idiotor’s note: Since posting this edition it has come forth that our national reserves, which were supposed to be given to WE THE PEOPLE, is actually being sold (given) to places like China and Iran all the way here so I really do not need any gas, thank you! You remember China, the country where Hunted Biden and his pop have business interests in, especially in oil and gas? That’s correct, the company receiving our gas has Hunted (still) listed as owning 10%!


            Justice Bret Kavanagh’s life was in danger during the first weekend of June.  A would be, self-appointed assassin took it upon himself to go take out Kavanagh at his house.  However, once he arrived at the judge’s residence, which looks like an ordinary middle class house, he saw how well guarded the property was.  Who knows why he decided to turn himself in to the police, but he did.  Perhaps he figured, “If I can’t make a name for myself by doing the deed then I can make a name for myself by saying that I have tried to do the deed.” 

            In his backpack, or trunk (I’ve heard both words being used), he had the following items:  Glockenspiel 17, 12 O’Clock High, 2 magazines (probably not MAD or Rolling Stone), ammunition, a pistol packing mama, tactical knife, a pose-able thumb, pepper spray, salt shaker, zip ties, zip lock baggies, hammer head shark, screw driver (probably not the type you drink), nail punch, nail polish, crow bar, Snickers bar (for the diva he is), pistol light, duct tape, and Duck Soup (he believes that the Marx brothers are related to Carl).

            The irrational reasoning for wanting to kill the judge is that he was furious about Row D. Boat versus Wading Indy Water being overturned (thanks to people like Chuck Shoemurr).  Perhaps he was worried that someone would drown?  Why was he worried about Row D. Boat versus Wading Indy Water when he is not a woman?  Or is he?  Maybe he thinks he can get pregnant and so he wants his options open in case he decides he needs to get an abortion?

            DOJ’s head banana, Garlic Maryland, said about Roske, “We will not tolerate acts of violence against our judges.”  Yet the hypocrite that Maryland is allows a federal law – Section 1507 – to be broken by protesters meeting at the judges’ houses!  They all should be arrested according to the law, yet he just lets them do their thing.  The Soreass group – Baby Ruth Sent Us – is involved in these protests.  They are now hanging outside of Justice Amy Coney-Park Barrett’s home, and going to their church and the children’s schools!  Since when is it okay for children’s lives to be endangered by Left-winged lunatics, I guess that is why they all are in love with abortion? 

            Some protesters Tweeted, “We’re protesting peacefully at his [Justice Kavanagh’s] home again tonight.”  These people are breaking the federal law when they go to a justice’s house.  Where is true justice at?  The DOJ is bankrupt of it; that is for sure.  The Department of Justice is more like the Department of Favors, favors given to Left-Winged extremists (protesters and rioters).

            Mob rule, which is what you have when Senator Shoemurr gets up in front of crowds and calls out the justices like he did not long ago.  Mob rule leads to mob violence, as in Nicholas Roske’s case.

            It is hypocrisy that the Athorney General will not arrest any of the protesters outside the justices’ homes, yet one woman with a bull horn in Los Angeles, who was yelling at Joe Biden’s motorcade, was taken down by a cop!  He tackled her to the asphalt, and I bet she was arrested.

            When reporting on this story ZNN denied that Roske had weapons in his backpack (or suit case or trunk – whatever he may have had with him).  ZNN wants you to believe the young man was just playing a game of cops and assassins.  They want people to believe that what was in the backpack were only imaginary weapons, or at least, mostly peaceful weapons.  You know the type that Antifa uses.

            And while all of this took place, a bill to help support the judges and keep them safe, that the Senate approved, is being held hostage by Nancy Pelono (what’s new).  All of this is a communist conspiracy against democracy, and all guilty parties, according to the Left’s own standards, need to be investigated and face the music.  But it will never happen because the Republicans are too soft on Democratic crime.

            In the meantime domestic terrorists of Montezuma Jane’s Revenge are bombing and attacking pro-life buildings and churches and getting away with it.  Garlic Maryland is ignoring them, nothing yet has happened to even take the group down, nor has Biden even mentioned them or called them out.

July 15, 2022 – Recently a very strange and disgusting story was printed in the Indianapolis 500 Star about a nine year old girl who had been raped. She turned 10 and then when she was three months and ten weeks pregnant she was to get an abortion. She lived in Ohio which was a problem, because, according to the report, she had to travel across state lines to get the abortion because of the laws in Ohio. The only problem is that was not true, about the laws of Ohio. There is no problem with someone who has been raped, or in a case of incest, that the abortion cannot take place in Ohio, because of the medical emergency protection clause. Further more, Ohio does not have a week limitation to abortion, instead they have a heartbeat law. The girl would not have needed to leave Ohio in order to get an abortion. The quack doctor who supposedly performed the abortion did not report the child abuse incident to the police; why not? However, she was willing to go on National TV news and use the girl’s story as a tool to use in the war between abortion and pro-life ideals. Needless to say, for political reasons, all the Leftists and politicians soaked up the story like a sponge sucks up moisture from a counter top. And of course, our fearful leader Joe Biden had to comment on it. But if you listen very carefully to his words he makes a very interesting Freudian slip! He said, “She was forced to travel to go out of the state to Indiana to terminate the presidency and maybe save her life.” He should have said, “…the pregnancy” not “…the presidency”. I finally agree with the man, if only the girl getting an abortion would put an end to Biden’s presidency! What is weird about this whole story is that on July 11, 2022, nobody was able to find a police report about this rape incident. Then I guess an illegal alien was accused of the act, however, when Telemanudo TV did an interview with the girl’s mother (who spoke fluent Spanish), she claimed that the charges against the man were nothing but lies. She has not filed chargers against the accused man. So was her daughter ever really pregnant? Did the reporter even ask the mother this question? If the daughter was pregnant why did the mother take her to Indianapolis for the abortion? Are the mother and daughter even citizens of the U.S.A.? None of this even makes any sense.


            I must apologize for my brazen wife, you all know her as Auntifa.  She likes to dress up all in black, wear a black ski mask, and go out and riot her full head off while beating up innocent folk!  That’s right, on June 24, 2022, Auntifa was in Arizona at the State Senate Building and she held the judges there hostage that night.  Four people were arrested by the police for their rowdiness:  Kaitlin Auditory Nerve, Hayes Doneit, Alex Pinon Nutt, and Tarrenfeather Schmeekle.  The four were arrested for suspicion of rioting, disorderly conduct and trespassing.  My question is; what part of their rioting was suspicious?  It must be rather obvious or else the people there are pretty stupid!

            In the meantime, yes Auntifa can be in more than one place at the same time, she’s very talented like that, down in Los Angeles a man was arrested for use of a self-made flame thrower. I’m sure he threw it at the police.  And in Hollywood small businesses were vandalized and all smashed in, when the businesses had nothing to do with abortion at all.  People who are on the Left just love to destroy stuff (so long as it is not their stuff).  They do not believe in the Golden Rule at all.  Things were taking place in Portland, Organ as well.  But the Leftist news media stations once again downplayed the violence just like they did in the summer of 2020 – “These are mostly peaceful protests,” they said while fires were blazing in the background of their camera shot.  These are NOT PEACEFUL protests at all! 

            Many pro-life places were vandalized by these non-peaceful protesters.  Blue Ridge, Virginlady; Longmont, Coloradodo; and Eugene, Organ are just some places where damage has taken place.  At one place ten people were arrested but were soon released.  There was an Auntifa man in Seattle who tackled a pro-life woman to the ground and pepper sprayed her in the face.  An American flag was set on fire in a street of Washington Dot Com.  Where is Athorney General Garlic Maryland at?  He is missing in action, yet he takes on hardworking, loyal parents at PTA meetings.

            The Dummycrats are using abortion because they believe that it will help them win the fall election.  But, they are really clueless as to what the American citizens really want, as seen below.


            Joe Biden was a guest on Jimmy Dimbulb’s night-time talk show.  He was given soft ball questions.  In other words, Joe was allowed to lie again and again and again and Jimmy let him get by with it, even helping out the “old man” when Joe could not think of what he needed to say.


            San Francisco’s District Athorney, Chess Boudin (no relation to Jethro Boudin), was blaming honest working citizens, who own guns, as the reason why crime is so high in San Fran.  Homicide has gone up 32% since 2020.  George Soreass, Marxist that he is, gave Boudin millions of dollars in campaign donations in order to win.  Boudin is just one of seventy-five other Soreass employees scattered around the U.S.A.  After Boudin won the election he began to ruin San Francisco’s law system, just like George Gas-Con in Los Angeles has done (also a Soreass winner employee).  Boudin claims that America is the most violent country in the world, which is a flat out lie.  The U.S.A. is number sixty-four on a list of ninety-seven countries.  That means, help me out here Cindy, there are sixty-three other countries way more violent than ours.

            What is really bad about this man is that he would not put violent people and repeat offenders behind bars.  But hope survives with his recall.  He blames his recall on rich Republican billionaires instead of his Marxist policies.  He seems to forget who got him elected – a rich Democratic-communistic-fascist billionaire named George Soreass!

            Hopefully citizens in other big cities, who voted in Soreass candidates as District Athorneys, will come to their senses and recall them.  People like Alvin Brag of New Yorkso needs to go, as does, Chicago’s Kim Not Foxy (you know the woman – she put the fix in for the actor, Jussy Smelt, who pretended he was lynched by the two men he hired to lynch him).

HOUSE FLIP IN TEXAS – by Décor Gaiter

            There’s a new show on HGTV about flipping houses and it is shot in Texas.  I am so excited to see this new show!  What’s that you say?  There’s no such show?  I’m wrong, that it was a seat in the House that was flipped on June 14, 2022?  Oh, well, that’s even better. ….

            …Okay, I have returned after I went online to look up this whole election thing.  Who was this person who flipped the House seat from Dummycrat to Republican?  It was a woman who broke the glass ceiling.  She is a Hispanic woman, and she was born in Mexico.  This woman, who ran on the Republican ticket, is also married to a border patrol officer, so she knows firsthand how bad things are on the southern border.  Her eyes are open!  Her name is Mayra Flores; she is a regular May Flower!

            A.O.C. was silent when asked to comment on Mayra Flores’s win.  I believe that Sandy is afraid of some honest competition. When she was a guest on Stephen Culprit’s show he asked her if she was going to run for president in 2024. I hope she is too busy planning her up coming wedding to worry about running for president! Can you imagine her as president? She did not really answer his question, and made it just about as vague as Hilariously did when she was asked the same question.

            There is a GOP Virgin Congressional candidate, Yesli Vega (R); that we hope will win in her primary and November elections.  She would be the first woman from El Salvador, to join Congress.  Her brother was almost killed by MS-13 and his best friend died at 15 due to the gang members.  MS-13, yes, Nancy, they are animals, try to recruit young children of elementary school age.  Vega worked for Governor Youngkin’s campaign, and now she hopes to win.  She said that 54% Hispanic votes went to Youngkin.


            The following is a prime example of how hard teachers use to try and get their students to think.  Our teacher begins by calling out the roll call, the cinnamon roll, and the dinner roll; and then goes over a previous test.

            “Alright, listen for your names.  Wright, O., Oliver Wright; Potter T.; Potter, P.; Honey, B.; Little Willie; Large Richard; Steel, Helmet; Hugh, F. O.; Smelly, B. O.; Smelly, P. U.; Golly, G.; Former, A.; Worthington, E.; Han, N. X.; North, C.; Gus, Bill; Little, John Thomas; Glass, I; Kara, Ted; Farr, Terence; Farr, Ted; Spelling, B.; Watson, T. V.

            “Now listen to the mess some of you made when the test asked you to define the following words:

            ”relax – a piece of dark chocolate…

            “buffoon – a French idiot, like Gigolo Joe…

            “macadam – the first Scotts man…

            “sausage – hamburger in tights.

            “We’re not finished yet, and you’re not exactly the cream of the crop, now are you?  Name four fruits that begin with the letter ‘N’…napple, norange, nonion, and a nana?  Nonion is not a fruit, you fruits, it’s a vegetable!

            “And now for the religious section:  What is a Hebrew?  A male tea bag.

            “Stanley O. Marvel, what were you thinking, lad, when asked to name the four Gospels and you answered with five?  Matthew, Luke, Olivia, Newton, John.  And you said that you could tell Moses was sick by the size of his tablet.  ‘Who was happy at the return of the prodigal son?’  The fatted calf!  You’re not going to become an atheist are you, boy?  Don’t become an atheist, because they get no holidays.

            “And then there was this question on astrology, ‘Where is the hottest part of the sun?’  And one of you answered, ‘Page three.’

            “Alright, all the boy’s names I’ve called from the roll, what I want you to do when the whistle blows, not before, is to go quietly to the dining hall and see Miss Rameses Bottom.  And when you’ve seen it, get ready for gym.  The remainder, Sweet, William; Sweet, P.; Sweet, F. A.; do nothing.  Is there anyone else?  Oh, yes, Mustafa, P.; you can stay and refill the ink wells.”


            Taking Back Trumpet’s America is a book by Peter Navarro.  Please go out and buy a copy because he will need the money to help pay for his legal defense, deskin, and defeet against the Kangaroo Committee and their fake charges.

IS HUNTED BIDEN GOD? – by Hagen Das-Key – Wood eye lye two ewe?

            We all have probably heard the quote from Joe Biden where he praises Hunted, “He’s the smartest man I know” he said.  When Joe Biden was Vice President, Hunted said to the Washington Examining Their Heads, on December 3, 2018, “The man I most admire in the world [Joe Biden], that is god to me, thinks I’m a god and my brother did too [Yeah, god awful bad!] …and the three of us, it was literally I had the support to know I can do anything [including his brother’s wife, including any drugs, including any Russian escorts].”  Biden has said that his dad (Joe) will “talk about anything I want him to, that he believes in…My dad respects me more than he respects anyone in the world, and I know that to be certain…I’m better than my dad…because my dad tells me I’m better.”  So I think that Joe and Biden belong to a mutual admiration club.  At least it sounds like it to me!

            This raises the question, is Hunted bending his father’s ear today?  Is he the one giving him rotten advice?  It could explain a lot since Hunted likes to snort Parmesan cheese off carpets (he is not smart enough to even tell the difference between Parmesan cheese and cocaine).

            To be honest, as pointed out by Tireus (the wrestler), Biden enables Hunted;, he takes money and throws it on the problem.  He thinks that all the money will help his son overcome his drug addition problems and sexual promiscuity.  But this only enables Hunted to keep up the old habits.  Biden tries to govern the U.S.A. in the same manner.  He thinks that throwing money at all the country’s problems will make them disappear.  Only, he forgets (an easy thing for him to do, evidently) that it is the tax payer’s money, not his!  And problems arise when money, he had the Federal Reserve print up, gets circulated and when there’s nothing to cover the over printing.  So, his throwing money on the problems does not solve the problems, it just makes inflation worse.

            A good example of how Papa Biden throws money his son’s way in order to take care of Hunted’s problems took place in early 2019.  Where ever Hunted was at he was trying to purchase, via his bank, Russian escorts.  But his bank red flagged him (maybe they knew about his gun problems) because they did not like the money going to the Russians.  So, Hunted texted his Pops for help.  Joe wired $100,000 dollars to Hunted and he spent $30,000 of it on the Russian escorts.  One time he had a sixteen hour tryst.  He texted, “I’ve paid $5,000 for For the first eight hours that ends at noon how much would you charge me for another eight hours which would make sixteen hours all the oftener.”  This sort of sounds like a math problem he would have had in grade school, and if the text sort of does not make any since it is either because Hunted is a bad at texting or else he was high. 

            Hunted also made a video (or digital) recording where he spoke to one of these escorts after she must have inquired about the missing payment. When he spoke he sounded like he was missing teeth (probably from Meth usage). He also seemed to be a cry baby,  “I’m sorry that it took so long to give you ten thousand dollars.  Have I ever touched you in a bad way?  Ever?  Have I asked you every time if I could touch you?  Every time…  Sweetheart, look at me.”  (She continued to look at her cell phone, as I believe she was waiting for his payment to actually go through. Or maybe she was calling for an UBER.)  “You cannot talk to me that way and say things like that, because I’ve always respected you better than anyone you’ve ever met.”  Yeah, Hunted’s bank accounts were frozen, so Joe helped him get laid.

Chung Lee Confusion again

            Never put off to tomorrow what you can do today.  If you do, it may lead to sorrow, because, if you do it today and you like it you can do it again tomorrow.

            A bird in the hand poops on your wrist.

            Do unto others; then RUN!!!

            Ladies are like pianos.  When they are not upright they are grand!  (A SEXIST WOULD SAY!!!)

            People want to hold policemen accountable, whatever happened to holding criminals accountable?


            Recently Nancy Pelono was seen as a guest on Rude Paul’s show that is on some PLUS online outlet.  Rude Paul is probably the most famous drag queen in America.  And I do have to be honest, he does look way better as a woman than he does as a man.  It is not so much the fact that Nancy went on his show that bugs people; it is rather, what she said on the show that bugs people.  She went on the show to pander to the 1% of .01% of our civilization.  She has the nerve to say, “How proud we all are of you.  Your freedom to express yourself in drag is what America is all about.”  Just who does she think “we all” are?  WE THE PEOPLE are not proud of drag queens, we are proud of people who go to war, the wars that our politicians get our country into.  We are proud to be Americans, we are proud of people that go to work every day to earn a living (a wage) in order to support their family.  We are proud of policemen and firemen who go to work and rush into danger in order to save lives of innocent people.  Those are the types of people that WE THE PEOPLE are proud of, Nancy.

            Perhaps the reason why Nancy felt so home on stage with Paul and associates is because she too looks like a drag queen?  Nancy should be more concerned about the bear market and our sinking economy (which she has helped create) than she is with men dressed up like women.  Nancy is so full of caca that she feels right at home on the sidewalks of San Francisco.

            However, when there was a photo shoot of Nancy with the family of a new Hispanic woman who was recently voted into Congress, Nancy may have shown her true feelings about “the children” she is always using to get support or money for her causes.  The girl was standing on Nancy’s right side and she elbowed the girl to nudge over.  Nancy said that she was just trying to make sure that the girl was in the photo and not obscured by her.  But how do we know that Nancy was not afraid that the child would obscure Nancy, or maybe she was worried the girl would give her the coronavirust (as nobody was wearing a mask)?

            It is also Nancy’s dream to spend tons of tax payer’s money to refurbish bathrooms at the Capitol – so that there will not only be bathrooms for men and women, but a third bathroom for transgendered people and gay folk.  This means that the bathrooms will remain spotless – due to lack of use by 1% and 3% of society.  Yet, Nancy probably is going to use those bathrooms herself because they will be the cleanest ones on the Hill.  She’s not fooling anyone!  Nancy is so high that she feels right at home on the sidewalks of San Francisco.

            However, there are other Dummycrats following her lead, like Michigan’s Athorney General, Dana Nessel.  She said on June 15, 2022, that she wants “a drag queen for every school.”  It is not part of her job description to supply every school with a man in drag! 

            But, perhaps the reason why the Dummycrats are so PROUD of only 1% and 3% of U.S. civilians is because they cannot be proud of anything they have done since January 2021 (except to try and impeach President Trumpet).  The fact is that they hate most U.S. citizens, and that is why they try to separate us all by putting us into certain classifications of colors, sexes, and political affiliations (a communistic practice).  It seems that they cannot comprehend the fact that U.S. spells US – as in all of us as ONE.  WE THE PEOPLE ARE ONE NATION UNDER GOD!!!


            There is a new domestic terrorist group named Montezuma Jane’s Revenge.  However, this group is not being looked into or even mentioned by the Left, the mainstream media, or the Dummycratic politicians – because – Montezuma Jane’s Revenge is on the Left’s side.  Montezuma Jane’s Revenge is a terrorist group giving grief to pro-life places (which include churches).  They have caused over fifty violent attacks since the Supreme Court leak, so far Athorney General Garlic Merryland has made zero arrests and there are zero suspects.  But like Antifa, how can you arrest something that is just “an idea”?   

            The Left is totally ignoring the violence being committed by people rioting in the streets, about Row D. Boat versus Wading Indy Water, protesters breaking federal law by going to Supreme Court Justices’ homes (schools and churches) and Montezuma Jane’s Revenge while their entire focus is on what happened on January 6, 2021!  Talk about tunnel vision.  And that tunnel vision is getting really low ratings!

            There is the question as to where the anarchists of Montezuma Jane’s Revenge get their shady money from?  My bet is they get it from George Soreass.  But they also could be getting funds from the DNC.  What Montezuma Jane’s Revenge is doing is against the federal law, but they will not be punished, the Left just turn their heads away from the whole thing pretending the violence did not ever happen.

            The terrorist group wrote letters to their targets of pro-life groups ordering them to “close their doors”.  They gave them thirty days to do so, and when those thirty days expired, like a bad can of tuna fish, they threatened them with up and coming violence.  We shall see if they keep up their promises.  I hope that they do not keep their promises.

UPDATE:  It seems as if the FBI may be involved locally in some of the crime scene investigations.  We will see if anything evolves from it.


            It seems as the Pizza D. Hutt restaurant chain is now woke and is all in on teaching little children about cross dressing, as the Hutts now promote (give out) a book called Big Wig.  Too bad the book is not called Big Whig; the children might actually learn some American history instead of being brainwashed into thinking that most men in the world secretly dress up like women!  Pizza D. Hutt should instead promote Matt Walsh’s new program What Is A Woman?


            It is not important to arm our military cadets with war strategy! No, what is important is to arm them with modernized “pronoun” usage and with critical rage theory.  That’s right, it is more important for Joe Biden and his military general and admiral jerks to weaken our armed forces with CRT then it is to give our military personnel an understanding of being united as one cohesive unit when going out in the world to do battle.  They want to make “whiteness” of importance instead of fascism or communism, or people who just don’t do the right thing (because they are evil).  Why do they want to shame our young folk who want to protect our country?  This is called misplaced loyalties.  They are undermining the strength of our country as they have already forced out 700 people serving in our military.  I wonder how many of the 700 are white?

            Yet, the government is fortifying their own burrowcratic offices.  Why is it that the Internal Revenue Services has purchased $725,000 in bullets?  How come other government departments are doing the same?  There can only be two reasons.  Reason #1 – the government is planning on taking over the U.S.A like Hitler took over Germany – and they do not want regular people to be able to use their guns (because they are unable to purchase any ammunition – none available).  They government be armed, we won’t be armed.  Reason #2 – the government is going to use guns to steal from you and to force you out of your homes.  But the real reason is it is the easiest way to disarm Americans.  Taking your ammo is way easier than doing away with the Second Amendment.  You can own all the guns you want, but you will not be able to get your hands on any ammo!

            A Navy program which talks about “pronouns” was aired on Gutfelt! in June.  The following is word for word what was spoken.  For the man I will use the pronoun of HE and for the woman I will use the pronoun of SHE and hope that I am correct!

HE:  Using the right pronouns is a really simple way to affirm someone’s identity.  It is a signal of acceptance and respect.

SHE:  If it’s a signal of acceptance and respect how do we go about creating a safe space for everybody?

GUTFELT:  I’m sorry, but the only space you should be concerned with being safe is America.   That’s the military’s mission.  It’s not your feelings, it’s our security; but still I bet it was a good question.

HE:  That’s a good question.  A really good way to do that is to use inclusive language.  Instead of using something like, “Hey, you guys” you can say, “Hey, everybody” or “Hey, team”.

SHE:  Yeah, now that you say that, another way that we can show that we’re allies and we can accept everybody is maybe include our pronouns in our e-mails or like we just did, introduce ourselves using our pronouns [this portion of the show was not aired on Gutfelt! so I do not know what pronouns they actually use].

GUTFELT:  Augh, this is a cult. To show that we’re allies?  You mean like England?  I mean, you guys work together, that means you’re already allies, unless you are saying you aren’t allies until you accept my pronoun?  God forbid I misgender someone!

HE:  But what must I do if I misgender someone?  [I do not think misgender is even a real word – at least it does not exist according to my spell check.  Is my spell check in need of CRT?  Should misgender be mrgender instead?]

SHE:  I think the first thing to recognize is that it’s not the end of the world.

GUTFELT:  Few!  Thank God for that!  You know what would be the end of the world?  Triggering a nuclear missile and causing World War III.  Maybe concentrate on that stuff!  So do you correct yourself and move on?

SHE:  You correct yourself and move on, or you accept the correction and move on.  The most important thing I can tell you is do not put the burden of making you feel good about your mistake on the person you just misgendered.  [How in the world would you be able to pull off such a feat in the first place?  I totally do not understand what she said.]

HE:  Oh, thank you for telling me that [even though he does not understand what she said either].

GUTFELT:  So, somewhere there’s a general in China thinking, “This is going to be easier than I thought.”


            “What is the United Nations?” asked a wee young lad.

            “It’s where nations turn in trouble,” said his dad.  “When one nation all alone decides it can do nothing.  So that’s when the United Nations meet and decide that nothing can be done.”

            The lad said, “You see different politicians on TV every night.  Some say this; some say that, they can’t all be right.  Some say this is so, some say that the opposite applies.  Now how is a wee one to know who is telling lies?”

            His dad said, “There’s one sure method, way beyond and proven.  Watch their faces, you’ll see, the one who’s telling lies is the one whose lips are movin’.”

            A soldier sat in the army jail and his mother had brought him a puddin’.

            “You can’t bring that in here,” said the Sargent even though it was a good on’

            And he saw the look in the mother’s eye and he knew she was feeling hot, so he did a thing he thought he would never do…He helped a soldier to dessert.

CONGRESS WOMAN CORY BUSHED – by Crocodile Tears Dundee

            As mentioned earlier on, Cory Bushed was crying fake tears over Officer Edward’s testimony on June 9th’s show trial.  But I had to mention it again, because that is my area of expertise.  I find it appalling (and Rude Paul too) that she said what she did when she is totally against police.  She is the one who kept saying, “Defund the police and abolish the police”!  Yet, she has her own private cops protecting her at all times, and she thinks it is okay to have police force at the Capitol protecting Congress and personnel.  She really is whack-a-doodle-doo!


            President Barrack Insane Obummer has spent $75,000 to put a 2500 gallon propane tank onto his property in Martha’s Vineyard, which is by the sea side.  Why is he going propane instead of using windmills or solar paneling?  HUM….  Does he plan on going off the grid?  Does he believe that Joe Biden will bring about the end times?  Does Obummer have the right to store all that propane when others around the world will be needing help?  Will he share in times of need? 

RACHEL RADON GAS LEAKS – by Patty DePends (Sorta’s sister)

            I was totally surprised and amazed when MTNBC’s Rachel Radon was actually complaining about the price of gasoline.  Wow!  I guess maybe she does not have an electric car, and she is seeing what a lousy job Joe Biden is really doing and how it is affecting her personal life and those she cares about.


            Tax payers of Seattle, Washingbrains, are paying an insane man $250 per week.  The reason why Alexander Jay gets this money is because a judge judged it this way.  It was all because there were no spots open in any of Seattle’s homes for the mildly insane.  An opening is supposed to open up in August of this year.  When he gets his spot in a home then he will no longer receive any money.  Alexander, the Jay bird, has a rap sheet going back 20 years.  In the meantime, mad man, Alexander, gets to continue stabbing women at the bus station and pushing 62 year old women down concrete stairs at the train station like he did in March 2022.  He was arrested for these two crimes, but, he was only sentenced to receive $250 per day for each day he does not get mental health treatment.  Instead of holding him behind bars, the state of Washingbrains ordered him to be held in a mental health facility.  The total amount that tax payers will shell out, if he does get committed in August, is around $17 thousand dollars.

            Perhaps the people in charge of the government of Washingbrains are the ones who are really crazy, or at least the judges.  A judge appointed by President B. O., Ninny Rosentinkle, has decided that a criminal man in prison, now calling himself Christinas Iglesias, will be able to have tax payers pay the bill for Christinas’ sex change operation.  Christinas, a terrorist, has been in lock up for years.  He mailed fake anthrax powder to the British government, and he sent death threats to federal judges.  He is to be released from prison in 2023, but first he wants his sex change before he is released.  This way, the tab for his medical bill is on the tax payer – he gets it for FREE (Is this right?).  Christinas is a bit nuts, because, he thinks that his genitalia are as malignant as tumors from cancer.  He is wrong, because, cancerous tumors supposedly lead to death but the scrotum and penis supposedly lead to life.  Unless you are willing to concede that material birth is really death.

            Elsewhere in another prison somewhere, there is another male prisoner – in jail for life + 38 years – who wants to become a woman on the tax payer’s dime.  This man is not a nice guy yet he thinks that he has a right to change his sex.  Excuse me, but since when do prisoners have rights?  I say, part of his punishment is to keep him in his male body for the rest of his life + 38 years.

            Yet, there is some good news for female swimmers.  A new rule has been set for female swimming competitions.  In order for a male who has transformed into a female to compete in any female swimming competitions they must undergo treatments before the age of twelve, where they no longer have any male swimmers.  This new ruling is based upon a biological reason – that males after twelve years of age have the male advantage (mussels, mollusks, and starfish) to where they are physically stronger and bigger than females – so they have an advantage over the women to where there is no way that they can win in the competition.  However, this is somewhat worrisome to young boys.  What if a boy thinks he wants to transition but that is only something built up in his imagination by his public school educators?  What if he only THINKS he is a girl in a boy’s body so he undergoes treatment, and then after becoming female he/she wants to go back to being male?  Can the once boy swimmer turned girl swimmer get her boy swimmers back?


            Being that I am a man, this is a topic that I really did not want to touch, however, I drew the short straw – so, here I am wearing my CSI gloves!  This is really a bloody mess; that women are having no feminine products to purchase for their special time of the month.  And on top of that, women still are not able to get the baby formula they need to feed their children.  This really does seem to be a war on women.  I suppose that if all those men, who now can menstruate (according to the Libs, Progressives, and Marxists), would stop purchasing the pads and tampons for themselves, that there would be more supply for the women!  What’s that?  Men really do not do such things because they are men and have no eggs in their bodies?  But, they (the government?) do now supply men’s bathrooms with tampons, so men may see women creeping into their area of relief.  The question remains, “Will women have to go back to using rags?”  Maybe they will have to wear DePends!  I guess it all depends upon the supply chain issue.


            Remember way back in September 2021 how many Haitians were trying to come into our country illegally so the border patrol had their horsemen at the river’s edge trying to keep the migrants from coming into our country?  The agents were actually doing the job they were hired to do!  But those crazy Leftists saw an opportunity to lie about what was going on, in order to try and change the story from illegal aliens flood into America to Border Patrolmen are worse than slave owners ever were!  That’s right, Harris, Waters, Biden, and Myjerkass (who changed his original take on what happened in order to lie and side with his boss) all lied about what was going on.  They said that the horse reigns were really whips being used to whip the black Haitians.  Biden promised to punish these men, he did not care that they were hardworking, honest men, who were just doing their jobs.

            Well, guess what, Biden still plans on punishing these horsemen, even though they were found innocent, they did no wrong!  The department of Homeland Non-Security (and Myjerkass) is preparing to discipline the agents with administrative violations.  These men can lose their jobs even though they are innocent (some of them are probably Hispanic too).

HENRY PRINCE WINS UNDERTAKER OF THE YEAR AWARD (on Columbo many years ago) – by Regis Mortes

            The following ditties were on an old episode of Columbo, with Peter Flock, where Secret Agent Man (Number Six) portrayed an undertaker.  During the episode the guest star’s character won the man of the year award by all the local mortuary people.  This made me wonder if such an event would take place, then I said, “In California, of course they would do such silly things.”  So the following is what the piano player in the bar sang to Henry Prince, the man of the year.


            New gun legislation was passed by the Senate in June, right before the Supreme Court canceled Row D. Boat versus Wading Indy Water.  Stupid Republican Senators voted for the legislation on guns.  Who were these traitors to the Second Amendment?  They were Corny Cornyn (TX), Mitchum Deoderant McConnel (KY), Millis Tillis (NC), (female) Susan Jackie Collins (ME), Linseedoil Graham Crackers (SC), Notdavid Cassidy (LA), Notsharpbut Blunt (MO), Burr Itscoldoutside (NC), Mitten Romney (UT), D. Portman (OH), (female) Chief Capito (NV), (female) N. Ernst (IA), (female) Murcowski Downsloap (AK), and Notso Young (IN).  These Senators should be ashamed of themselves for voting with the Dummycrats on this issue, especially when the Bill set forth by Senators Ted Cruising Along and Borassol is way better!

            And speaking of bulls in a China shop on Wall Street and Fifth of Whiskey, on June 23, 2022, the Supreme Court did away with New Yorkso’s gun law which restricted people from wearing concealed fire arms.  What this means is that the people of New York are now able to carry guns, if legally registered to do so.  This means that crime may go down if criminals think that people on the street may have their own guns, and they are able to NOW protect themselves from them, the gangsters, crooks, murderers, etc.  But the new Mayor of New York City is worried about New York being like the wild, Wild West!  To be honest, I like the wild, Wild West, I liked the TV show The Wild, Wild West too (not so much the movie).  I even like Bret Maverick, Bat Masterson, Cheyenne, Rifleman, The Big Valley, Sugarfoot, and all those other cowboy shows.  Give me the morality behind the Lone Ranger over Moo York Mayor Adams Apple any day of the week!

ASHLEY BIDEN’S DIARY – by Devin N. Starr

            The Daily Mail reported on Ashley Biden, Joe’s daughter, and some words she wrote in her diary.  “I remember having sex with friends at a young age and showers with my dad (probably not appropriate).”  She says, “Probably not appropriate”?  I would say most definitely not appropriate.  This whole family seems to have sex issues, probably due to dear old dad!

            Daughter Ashely was financially broke and out of rehab, so she checked herself into a halfway house.  When she left the joint she also left behind her private diary where it was found (not stolen).  Like Hunted’s laptop, Joe wants his daughter’s diary to be Russian propaganda. 

            When I was a child and throughout my whole life, the one thing my dad did not want me to ever see was his private areas.  He made sure that he kept himself covered around his children.  Too bad pedophile Joe did not feel the same, maybe his children would have grown up being more adjusted instead of becoming mallardjusted.


            Joe Biden’s DOJ has dropped 79 federal assault charges for the 2020 Antifa rioters in Portland.  These assaults were made on policemen.  This is just a few of the offenders:

Christian Burpsup – threw a large rock at a federal officer’s head

Skylar Red Ryder (nickname Penguin) – stabbed a cop with an umbrella

Nathan Underdog Yellow Snow – smashed a federal officer in the face with a shield

Sabastian Dobar (him from society) – assaulted a federal officer

Evan Lewis Crackpipe, self-named himself as a Korean anarchist – violently attacked an officer

            These Antifa punks get away with it because they are an idea; they are drenched in Liberal privilege.  Garlic Maryland really needs to leave office, but Biden would probably appoint someone just as corrupt and stinky as Garlic is. 


            That’s right; the war on cigarettes is not over.  First they put the highest taxes on cigarettes that they possibly can, and now Joe Biden wants to take away a portion of the nicotine in them in order to make them less addictive.  If you ask me he should figure out a way to get rid of the smoke instead of the nicotine!  Oh wait, he doesn’t need to do that, it’s already been done with e-cigs!  It is the tar and smoke that makes cigarettes dangerous.  But the Left (and Biden) also happens to be after the JEWEL vaping e-cig company; they are actually singling JEWEL out and going to war with them.  What about chewing tobacco?  He forgot about that one, how do you reduce the nicotine in chewing tobacco?  Is Biden going to make half the can be mixed up with bubble gum?

            Look, I will be honest, I do not like cigarette smoke so the vaping apparatus system seems to be an answer to all the smoke, but the government (along with the Food on Drugs Administration) does not care about that, they only care that they can control stuff in our lives.  And the real reason why the e-cig companies are in trouble is because they do not have any lobbyists in Washington Dot Com.  I do not smoke; I never will smoke, so all of this really does not affect me.  However, I say fair is fair and Biden is not being fair here.  But he has not been fair to any of us since January 20, 2021.  I also find it hypocritical that he is making it possible for drug addicts to get free crack pipes!  What does Hunted Biden think about all of this?  On one hand, he will not get as big of buzz off his cigarettes yet he can smoke all the crack he wants with Daddy’s free pipes.

            I bet President Obummer is not happy with his old Veep!  Obummer likes to smoke cigarettes; he may not like losing out on the nicotine he is used to having.  Or maybe he can stockpile cigarettes like he is his gas?


            John Ferry, Biden’s climate czar (or communistic comrade), flies all over the world in his own private jet warning (so he pretends to do) people about climate change and how it is effecting the world – so we all must do something.  If the man really cared about air pollution wouldn’t he ZOOM call everybody instead of flying to see them?  We think so!  According to an International Energy Agency press release on March 3, 2022, under Ferry’s watch “Global CO2 emissions rebounded to their highest level in history in 2021”.  So he’s doing a real crack up bang job!  NOT!!! 

            What is John Ferry’s salary?  How much is he getting paid to fly all over the world?  What he is really doing is meeting in secret with government leaders around the world to gain favor, just like how Hunted Biden and Ferry’s stepson (a Heinz) got favor working for a GAS company in Uke-rang!  Remember that, John?  Of course you do. 

            Everything that the globalists tell you about climate change is a big fat lie.  Biden lies constantly, he does not know how to speak the truth, and the people who pull his strings also lie and make him lie.  But the fact that John Ferry does all that he does is enough to make me to never uses Heinz ketchup or other condiments they make ever again.  There are other brands out there.  Ferry’s wife (a Heinz) has ties to China, so yeah; he cannot be objective where China is even concerned.  And China is more of an air polluter than America is.


            On June 24, 2022, the Supreme Court made the decision to return abortion rights and abortion decisions to the fifty states, as it should be.  Abortion should never have been in the hands of the Feds, because the Feds have butterfingers.  Of course, all the Dummycrats are against this decision.  Joe Biden spoke after the decision was made crying crocodile tears (sorry Dundee) about how the Supreme Court did us all wrong.  What they did goes against Democracy.  The Court only went against his idea of what Democracy is (his idea of Democracy is actually communism).  He promises to try and get Congress to do something to turn their ruling.  In other words, the Supreme Court is not so supreme after all (at least in his mind).

DOG SHOW WINNER – by Ralph Barker

            This year’s annual dog show was held in June.  And the winner happens to be a bloodhound.  The dog’s name is Trumpet.  I am sure that President Trumpet is most happy with the winner!


            ZNN’s new head man (or chief), Chris Bud Light is making new changes at ZNN.  He is probably going to fire Brian Seltzer (for sure) and Jimmy De’Accoster.  The question is, will these types of people, knowing that they are about to lose their jobs, move closer to the Center and away from the EXTREME LEFT?

            Don Pucker-Faced Lemon is even beginning to speak out against Biden running for president in 2024.  So are other news people.  Is this because of their new chief’s policies, or is it because the 2022 election is coming up and they want more votes to come their way?

            Chris Bud Light has finally banned coining a phrase.  The reporters are no longer allowed to say, “the big lie”.  What is “the big lie”?  See below, what is on Leakipeedia…

            From this blurb, you can see why Chris Bud Light does not want his employees to continue the use of these three words, they certainly are not the “Three Little Words” (I Love You) from the old song I sang as a child!  I do take offence at the third paragraph in the article.  “In the 21st century, the term has been applied to attempts to overturn the result of the 2020 U.S. presidential election by Donald Trumpet and his allies, specifically the false claim that the election was stolen through massive voter and electoral fraud.  The scale of the claims resulted in Trumpet supporters attacking the U.S. Capitol.”  First of all, who says that the election being stolen through massive voter and electoral fraud is a false claim?  Who is it that is trying to convince you of this?  Then Leakipeedia tries to convince its readers that it actually was Trumpet supporters who attacked the U.S. Capitol.  Again, there is no proof of this.  The Kangaroo Congress Committee has yet to prove anything of the kind.  They have not probed deeply into what really took place that day, they have not allowed a defense to be presented, they have only show cased lies and distorted the truth.  Why has not Nancy Pelono been investigated on her misdeeds for that day?  Where is the probe into the FBI’s agents egging people on to do harmful deeds?  Why has not a REAL investigation taken place in regards to the murder of Ashley Babette?  How come that cop has not had to face a court proceeding?  HE COMMITTED MURDER!!!  Even the words “the scale of claims” is bogus, as it actually means nothing, the article provides no proof of what this scale of claims actually are!  So this article is actually buying into “the big lie” and wanting you to believe it. 

            The press, by using these three words, is trying to compare President Trumpet, once more, to Adolf Hitler – one of the most evil men to ever walk on earth.

            The last paragraph is true, however (and they know it is true).  So do all the people who repeat the phrase on air (the reporters and bogus journalists).  Constant repetition is important in the methods of brain washing and putting forth their propaganda (State TV).  They learned it from Der Fuhrer (the chief) himself!  The Kangaroo Congress Committee knows this too, and they are really the ones who are pushing for “the big lie” when they say that the 2020 election was on the up and up, and that Joe Biden won – when it has been proven that the Dummycrats cheated with the use of mail-in ballots?  Don’t forget that all the dead people who voted in the 2020 election voted for Joe Biden, not one of the dead people voted for President Trumpet.  Is that not suspicious to anyone?  And remember all those people who actually voted in two different states?  Nope, there were too many suspicious things going on in 2020 not to think that the election was on the up and up.  I do not blame President Trump for thinking that something was going on, nor do I blame his supporters.  You know who I do blame?  I blame the people who cheated in the election!  And more than anything, I blame Joe Biden for everything bad and evil that has taken place since January 20, 2021.  If he can blame us we most definitely can blame him, because he IS the ROOT OF THE PROBLEM.


            Because ZNN is under new management, and they will no longer sponsor us, this will be the last Gigalo Gander.  It has had a good run, thirteen lucky months.  We will miss you all a lot, but I think that you will miss us too, because we are constantly moving around.  It’s hard to hit a moving target!

            The main reason why I am ending the GG is because I am just so frustrated with everything in the world, that it is hard to even be satirical anymore.  The Left just sucks, because they do suck, all the good will out of people, all the happiness, all the caring about what is going to happen to the greatest country in the world (to God’s country).  Who would have thought that the communists would really win the cold war, they are winning in Uke-rang (after we sent them weapons using millions of tax payer’s money), the communists are winning on Wall Street and Fifth of Whiskey, the communists are taking over Congress, just look at all the traitor Republicans who just voted for the red flag laws (in regards to guns) on June 22 (I think it was), just look at how the law is applied unfairly – if you are not a Leftist you get punished and double down punished!  If you are a Leftist and do wrong you are not punished at all.  What is wrong with Mitchum McConnel, Mitten Romney, two faced Linseedoil Graham Cracker, and the other Republicans who betrayed the U.S.A. and the Second Amendment Rights? 

            Their gun registration laws are okay only because you will not be able to buy any ammunition for the guns you finally do buy, because the U.S. government agencies, like the I.R.S., are purchasing up all the ammunition so you can’t have it.  It is a very smart move on their part, to have these government agencies purchasing all the ammunition up – and you will not be able to get any of it.  This means that their army against WE THE PEOPLE will be armed with ammo – but you won’t be.  You’ll be forced to use knives, your fists, or perhaps Tasers when the second Civil War begins in this country.

            Well, I hope that the House gains more Republican seats in the fall election and that the traitors in the Republican Party are voted out.  I also hope that Nancy Pelono loses her race, but I doubt that she will (because she is a real racist – maybe her husband is also a racist when he drives his car, thus he crashes?).  I really hope that she will lose her position as Speaker of the House, even though I am not sure that I want Kevin McCarthy to have the job.  Maybe it is time that she retires along with Shoemurr and McConnel!

            Well, que sera, sera, whatever will be, will be.  The future’s not ours to see, you see?  So, que sera, sera and hasta Las Vegas (especially to the CSI guys, I mean CSI team)!

– Gigolo Joe

GIGALO GANDER – April Showers 2022

“Bad Coys, Bad Coys, what ‘cha gonna do?  What ‘cha gonna do when they fish for you?”


            I object to the above translation of those Chinese words.  I happen to read and speak Mandarin Orange and happen to know that they do not mention anything about acupuncture, knitting needles, or money!  — Sincerely, Meow Tso Young

Dear Puddy-Kitten, we cannot read Mandarin Orange, little loan speak it, so you can see why we are confused about the whole thing!  It’s just a joke, man, get over it!

WORDS OF THE MONTH – by Wordy Smith

            I have two words this month.  The first word is autonomous and the second word is meridian.

            Autonomous means:  “1 :  of, relating to, or marked by autonomy   2 a:  having the right or power of self=government   b:  undertaken or carried on without outside control   3  a:  existing or capable of existing independently   b.  responding, reacting, or developing independently of the whole   4 :  controlled by the autonomic nervous system.” (Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary)

            Remember the autonomous zone formed in Seattle in 2020?  That was not a good thing at all, it was really bad.  They were trying to set up a self-government zone independent from the United States of America, but all that took place there was lawlessness and evil.  The people who wanted this independence did not really want to govern righteously, so they wound up with chaos.  Plus, things never go right when you begin your “independent state” off with stolen property or stolen land.  “Thou shalt not steal.” 

            But what I am most interested in is the fourth definition:  “controlled by the autonomic nervous system” because, in the following piece written by Kato, you will find out that this is the definition used for ASMR.  And to bring it down to metaphysical terms – this definition means that you allow yourself to be controlled by the red serpent (or red dragon) found in the Garden of Eden (in the book of Genesis of the BIBLE) and in Revelation 12 (the evil that tries to kill the woman God-crowned).  In other words, ASMR is going to be something belonging to the tree of knowledge of good and evil that the red serpent coils itself around.  The autonomic nervous system is defined as:  “a part of the vertebrate [the back’s] nervous system [belonging to mortal minded man (Adam)] that innervates [supplies with nerves to] smooth and cardiac muscle and glandular tissues and govern involuntary [opposite of independent or voluntary, which means you have no control over what you are experiencing or doing] actions and that consists of the sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic [para meaning two or duality] nervous system” (Ibid).  Is not the sympathetic nervous system the Adam man while the parasympathetic nervous system is Adam and Eve as man and wife?

            Our second word is meridian, meaning, “noon, south, mid or midday which also can mean deity.  1 archaic : the hour of noon:  midday   2 : a great circle of the celestial sphere passing through its poles and the zenith of a given place   3 :  a high point   4 a (1) :  a great circle on the surface of the earth passing through the poles [this would have to do with magnetism]  (2) :  the half of such a circle included between the poles   b: a representation of such a circle or half circle numbered for longitude on a map or globe” (Ibid).  So how do these definitions fit in with ASMR?  I believe, and I could be wrong about it, that it is mortal mind pretending to be a deity, or god, that makes us believe that the material senses are reality when in fact they are unreality.  Being that one of man’s ancient deities happened to be the SUN, noon was when the sun was at its apex in the sky, so it would seem to be when it is most potent or powerful (at least on Earth). 

            However, there are also meridians of the material body (as seen below).  And I believe that it is the body meridians that ASMR is dealing with and not the meridian circles of the earth.

            Acupuncture uses this material science in its practice of sticking you with the needles and the bill.  So, from this understanding of a material body having meridian lines we can once again see how it relates to the red serpent, or the copper snake, that coiled itself around Adam’s spinal column (back bone = the tree of knowledge of good and evil).  So ASMR would be a type of mesmerism or an attempt at hypnotic influence to those who are listening to its sounds (the talking serpent whispers).

AUTONOMOUS SENSORY MERIDIAN RESPONSE, OR ASMR – by Kato (manservant of the Green Hornet)

            Recently AOC went on her Web Site to talk to people about Americans being stupid, because, they do not know what capitalism really means or what socialism really means.  Believe me, Sandy, we do understand what both of them mean! 

            She said, and this is how stupid she really is, that people do not understand what capitalism is unless they are rich, like really rich with lots of capital (money)!  Does this mean that Bernie Sandbag is a capitalist?  I doubt he sees himself as a capitalist, but he is for sure, a communist bumming off the capitalist way of life in the U.S.A.

            What is just as weird, as her non-intelligence, is the way in which she delivered her “secret” message to her listeners.  She delivered it using ASMR, in other words, she whispered it to her audience (while her words were seen on the screen).  This way of delivering her message is SUPPOSED to put tingles down the listener’s spine.  Her message only sent shivers of fear down my spine to think that she is actually in Congress!

            Her “secret” message in whisper form was totally and completely Marxist (socialistic).  You see, AOC, we do know what socialism really is!

            This made me ask, “Is this why Joe Biden, for no apparent reason, begins to whisper to his audience?  Is he trying to use ASMR on his audience?”  If so, it just comes off being creepy!  So, Joe, STOP IT!!!

            One thing is sure Joe Biden and AOC lie as much as the talking serpent does.

Today’s Zodiac – by Astral Projection

            If you were born in the last portion of the month of April and in the first half (well up to the 23rd or so) of May, then you are a Taurus, and you are a bull headed ox-ymoron. 

            Taurus is an earth sign.  It represents mature conviction and stability and you are retentive of what you possess, like that motorcycle that has not worked for fifteen years, but you refuse to get rid of, or fix it, and you still have to pay insurance on it and pay the state for taking it out on the road, even though you could not take it out on the road if you tried because you will not fix it, because you do not know how to fix it!  The Taurus is thought of as stable (where he should be living) and matured in his conduct, preferring the outer forms and ritual to the invisible things of the spirit.

            And now, for something completely different;… a flock of sheep all standing around in a circle.

            Being that Taurus is an earth sign and a type of car, go out and drive your fool head off (if you can afford the gas).  Go to Spain and run wild with the bulls, you may win the race!  Just make sure you do not wind up in the arena with a toreador.

            And now, for your serious fortune:  In the next month – or so – you will find that you are the Apus Bull.  I know it sounds gross (a puss) but it really is a good thing.  Just make sure that you are not crucified and then marinated for the bar-b-q feast!


FACT:  Bill Bailey, no relation to George, did the moon walk first (way before Michael Jackson did it).

FACT:  Adam was only kicked out of the Garden of Eden (which was in the East of Eden), he still could wander around the rest of Eden (the North, West, and South portions).  Eve, however, was never kicked out of the Garden and this is why men have been so jealous of the woman over the last six thousand years.


            If you have ever watched any of the home improvement Property Brothers’ series you must know that Jonathan is afraid of dealing with toilets.  Well, I cannot blame him, but is he so paranoid that he cannot even LEARN how to deal with them properly in order to help his clients out?

            Jonathan is supposed to be trained in all of these home repair jobs, but is he so afraid of germs that he refuses to learn about toilets and what to do with them?  Anyone who has decided to change out their toilets knows what must be done.

            First of all, you turn off the water supply to the toilet, which is near the toilet on the wall.  Sure, this may not always be easy to do; over time these valves can become really hard to turn!  After that is done you flush the toilet until there is hardly any water left in the bowl or tank.  Then you put on a pair of rubber gloves and get a sponge and bucket and soak up the excess water from the toilet until it is empty.  This means that when you go to carry the old toilet away from the bathroom and house that there is very little water, if any, left to slosh around onto the floors!  Really, Jonathan, you need to put on your thinking cap and use some common sense!  Jonathan does not have to get into the sink, but if he is In Synch, maybe he would watch the game show Common Knowledge, it is fun?

Chung Lee Confusion

            They may forget the punch line but they will never forget how you made them laugh out loud.


“It is Easter in the heart that puts Easter in the air – it’s all those rotten eggs that are never found!” – W. T. Ellis (Watch out for Bern E. Bunny’s droppings.)

“It’s kind of fun to do the impossible, but such a drag to bow to the Chinese.” – Walt Disney

“Try to learn everything about something and something about everything, especially when it’s about women!” – Huxley Wells

“If you only do what you know you can do – you never do very much – but you do it very well.” – Tom Sauerkraut

“Too many TWEETS can cause cavities.” – B. Moller, DDS


            According to MTNBC’s stupid Joyless Reid, if you want to help the Uke-rangs in their war with Russia then you must be a racist because the people in Uke-rang are all white.  There is nobody black there so the place is not worth helping.  It sounds to us like Joyless Reid is the one who is really the racist; right folks?

            Then she tries to blame the whole war on President Donald Trump.  What’s new?  When the actual fact is that Joe Biden, if anybody, is responsible for the war because he is a weak man who does not know what the frack he is doing!  (He is also against fracking.)  Then again, maybe he does know what he is doing – ruining the United States of America and beginning World War III?  Yet, maybe Reid’s dialog is all just a distraction to move our attention away from our country’s energy situation because Biden refuses to frack, drill on our land and in the seas, and on his first day in office he signed the executive order to shut down the Keystone Pipeline!

            Joe is trying, along with his administration (and with the help of teenagers on China’s Tic Tac site), to blame the gas hikes, up to over $5 per gallon in some places, all on President Putinondaritz – just look at their Tweeting of #PutinOnThePriceHike.  It is all propaganda; Biden is to blame for the high prices of gasoline and natural gas because he is trying to go green (green is the new red – you know, because, red is symbolic of communism).


            It seems that Joyless Reid is actually, for sure, a racist because (according to her own words) over the next ten days, after making a stink about people wanting to help the Uke-rangs being prejudice, she spent 62.2% of her time talking about the war in Uke-rang!  She spent 4.4% of her time telling people how awful President Trump is and the rest of the time, 33.3% of the time, was spent on ads.

            It also turns out that it is actually Joe Biden who is prejudice.  He tells the Uke-rangian people they will be welcome if they come to the U.S.A.  However, when they begin to show up at the southern border they are subject to coronavirust restrictions, placed in ICE facilities, their families are separated from each other, and they are treated completely different from all the black and brown immigrants crossing the southern border who are given a “fast track” to citizenship and not subject to coronavirust restrictions!  So the truth is that the idea behind seeking asylum is a big fat joke.  All the black and brown immigrants can seek asylum (even though most of them are not telling the truth about needing asylum) while the Uke-rangians, who really are seeking asylum, are disrespected and ignored on this point.  It all goes back to politics, they do not see the white Uke-rangians voting for the Demon-rats, who STINK!


            Mollie Ringwald Hammingway has a book out called RIGGED How The Media, Big Tech, and the Democrats Seized Our Elections.  The title seems to speak for itself.  She said on the Jesse Watter’s Primeribtime show that the Hunted Biden laptop story was just one way that state media and their democrats seized the 2020 election, because they all claimed the laptop story to be Russian propaganda (therefore, they claimed the laptop story was not true – even though it was 100% true).  And the Left also canceled (on line) a newspaper reporting the actual truth on the laptop story – The New York Post Toasties.

            ONE DAMN THING AFTER ANOTHER Memoirs of an Athorny General may be an interesting read.  It is written by William P. Goodbarr.   (The P. is for Peanut.)  To be honest I do not really put much faith in this man after what he did near the end of 2020.  And he says that Epstein did commit suicide in prison.  Did the man actually read the autopsy report?  I’m sorry, but I think he is covering up the truth on this topic.  Maybe he is afraid of whoever offed Epstein?

            Ronald Kessler has a new book out called FIRST FAMILY DETAILS, DESKINS, AND DENAILS.  Kessler has interviewed secret service agents who have guarded first families (you know, those who are presidential families).  He even has some info on the second families (like Joe Biden when he was VP).  Joe used to, of course most people have heard this story, skinny dip in the pool in front of female secret security agents.  The author also talks about how nasty Hilarious Clinton was when she was first lady.

CARBON FOOTPRINTS IN THE DEBRIS OF WAR – by Hagen Das-Key – Wood eye lye too ewe?

            All the people on the Left are so concerned about everybody’s carbon footprints being too big (clown shoes belonging to J. R. Biden?), yet, nobody ever complains about the carbon footprints of war.  Why is that?  I was looking at the pictures of the fires in Uke-rang recently thinking that the smoke is air pollution, not to mention, but I am, all the rubble or debris of the blown up buildings (thinking of the landfills).  So the president of Russia is responsible for all of the debris all of the pollution of war in the country of Uke-rang!  Why is not John Skerry upset about it?  Why is not the Squad all up in Putin’s face about him not being green?  Why is it that Biden buys oil and uranium (that they probably got from us when Clinton was Secretary of Defense) from Russia and closes down the U.S.A. production of these items?  Something stinks in Washington Dot Com; I believe it is the skunky politicians on the Left (and some of them on the Right – Mitten Romney for example)!

            The lack of concern about war pollution goes to prove that the Left really does not care one bit about climate change, they do not care one bit about keeping Earth safe and clean (if they did there would be no chem trails).  What they care about is having power over you, telling you what you must do and when.

            Example:  During the past year electric smart meters have been installed on Colorado homes (for the mildly foolish and insane).  Most people in the Metro area got them, unless they chose to pay $13.00 extra per month to keep their old meters.  On hind thought this may have been the cheaper option!  The power company claims that the $13.00 fee is to help them pay for a person to go to your house to read the meter.  This is bologna, because, they have to send someone out to your house to read the gas meter and the price on that did not go up.  Beginning April 1st (April Fools Day for sure) the public service company, Not-XCEL-lent Energy, will be charging their customers more money if they use electricity during the weekday hours of 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. – or 1500 hours to 1900 hours.  They will also charge more money, but not as much money as the PEAK hours, on weekdays from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. – or 1300 hours to 1500 hours.  (See the chart below.)  Don’t ask me the BELL hours, as I have no idea how that really works.  The company wants you to not run your air conditioner during those peak hours, at least, not at a lower temperature.  The hottest time of day during the summer is three to seven p.m., so they really do not care if you are hot during the peak hours, do they?!  If you cook dinner they want you to use a microwave or toaster oven instead of your range/oven!  Really (?), that is impossible to do, if you ask me.  Look, I already cut down the nights that I cook dinner to Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.  I’ve been doing that for close to two years now, and I am not about to cut down using my range/oven on those three days.  Yes, I can run my dishwasher at a good time, but if they think that I am going to do three loads of clothes being washed and dried on the weekends they can think again!   I do my clothes early on the weekday mornings, so they should be happy about it!

            They do not care if you pay an arm and a leg for power at all.  They get their raises every time they decide they need one.  The company has already told their customers that the prices are going up three times within the next two years.  The Left wants to close down all the coal plants and not have any nuclear plants, all they want are wind mills, which damage the environment and kill birds, and solar energy which only works when the sun is out (there is no way to collect the energy – why is that?)  These are the two types of power sources that California is depending on – and look at all their brown outs and black outs that state has.  Look at what happened to Texas when they had a freeze and their wind mills did not work (because people in charge of the wind mills skimped on the price and did not do what they were supposed to do).  You want the same to happen in your state?

            The thing is that there is an alternative power source that we could be using that is clean to use, no pollution at all, in fact, it could get rid of radiation pollution.  It is called cold fusion, that’s right, cold fusion.  In 1989 there was a war against cold fusion scientists and developers because the scientists of warm fusion did not want to lose their governmental funding.  They lied about the cold fusion science (fudged the numbers) and people believed their lies, just like they believe Dr. Faust’s lies about coronavirust.  Cold fusion is the answer to our world pollution problems, so why are John Skerry, AOC, Bernard Sandbag, and other Greeny-meanies mentioning this science today?

Chung Lee Confusion again

            Man who makes date with chicken winds up with egg on his face.  And that’s no yolk!


            On March 22, 2022, an MTNBC reporter basically said that it is white extremism to work out and build up your mussels and clams!  The author of the article wrote, “Physical fitness has always been central to the far right [OPINION].  In Mein Kamft Hitler fixated on boxing and jujitsu.  The intersection of extremism and fitness leans into a shared obsession with the male body, turning masculinity, testosterone, strength and competition.”  (I’m sorry that this last sentence does not make sense, I wrote it down as I saw it; perhaps I missed getting part of the quote written down.)

            I have some educational news for the person from MTNBC – Adolf Hitler was not on the Right (as implied in the retarded article).  Hitler modeled his fascism after the Democrats (the Left) in the good old U. S. of A.!  Then after World War II was over the Democrats of the good old U. S. of A. loved what Hitler had done with his country and around the world, so they decided to use his method of psychological warfare and mislabel his type of socialism as coming from the Republican Right!  And people actually believed their lies (but certain types of people always seem to be willing to fall for propaganda).  There is no doubt that Hitler modeled his socialism (fascism) off of the Democrat’s favorite group – the KKK.

            The author also implied that Online Fitness Chat Rooms lure young men into fascism, solidarity, heroism, and brotherhood.  Is this MTNBC employee actually saying the ex-employee of ZNN, Chris Coma, is a white supremacist?  Are all professional sports players fascists?  I have happened to see President Obummer working out with weights too!  Is he now a Right-Winged enthusiast?  Do not fall for MTNBC’s propaganda and lies – they are just trying to make America WEAK, so that this country cannot stand and fight when the Chinese invade.


            They call them Smart Phones because you HAVE to be smart in order to use them!  They also call them I phones, yet, I was under the impression (via Rich Little), that I phone is a brand name.  Maybe I am wrong on this?  You can let me know by texting #Iphonessuck.   (Do not really do it though, because there is no texting number for that hash tag.)  As far as the phones really being smart (?), well, my friend’s phone, when you shake it from right to left a light turns on and off.  I joked and said, “But the light only comes on when the phone senses that it is dark out, because it is a smart phone.” 

            My friend replied, “No, the light comes on when it is light out too.”  So you see, the phones are not as smart as they claim they are!

            Recently, I have been forced into switching over from my very nice flip phone to a Smart Phone because my phone carrier company said I had to.  They did not have any flip phones available (she said to me over my landline telephone – still the best option) so she sent me a “reconditioned” Smart Phone.  The phone was free and they paid for shipping, perhaps I should be grateful they did that much?  So far, I am not happy with it because it is way too big to carry around with me and too big to hold onto properly.  I thought the whole idea behind cell phones was to make them smaller not bigger, but hey, they keep making them bigger because of all the computer Internet junk it needs.  It does not matter that I do not want a computer by my side, that I just want a phone!  Who wants GOOGLE-DEE-GOOP to even be involved in your phone conversations or where you go shopping or go out to eat?  I know I do not want them spying on me!

            My new phone is 3” x 6.5” and about an eighth of an inch thick.  I think that if the phones were thicker they would be easier to hold on to.  The particular problem with the model they sent me is that there are buttons on both sides that easily get pushed by accident.

            But the worst part is that I would not be able to even understand how to use the phone if I did not know someone who was SMART enough to tooter me and help set up the phone to work.  The instructions that they sent with the phone are not great.  A kindergartner could write better instructions than what came with the phone.  Okay, maybe not a kindergartner, but I know I could write better instructions if I really understood the product and how it worked because I can actually write and draw pictures.

            It took about two hours to get my new phone up and running properly.  It takes about half an hour to actually get the old phone to switch over to the new phone.  The thing that really ticks me off is that my flip phone told me my days and minutes on my main screen; the new Smart Phone (?) does not give you this information at all!  You have to call up (or text?) a special number to get that information, so you waste your minutes.  The unfortunate event of them not telling you about your days and minutes is as follows:

            My friend did not know that his time ran out and I tried and tried to call him and text him, but it did not work.  I eventually reached him in another way, still it was most frustrating and I was worried about my friend.  He bought a card and was able to add the days and minutes to his phone, yet, he would have known he needed add more days if they would let you know by showing it on the phones (again – not so smart after all!).

            It also ticked me off that my new phone’s setup would not use my old message for voice mail.  So there goes my fun message I had to greet people with!

            Another thing that gets me is that they want you to set up a GOOGLE-DEE-GOOP account, and G-mail, however, I am not going to do that.  The reason why I will not do so?  I would never get G-mail, because, I know someone who once had G-mail and the company just decided to block his entry into his G-mail account, for no reason, and they would not help fix the problem or even work with him to get him back into his account.  This told me that GOOGLE-DEE-GOOP is a terrible company that cares nothing about their customers, so I do not ever want to have anything to do with them at all!  Why would they want you to set up an account with GOOGLE-DEE-GOOP?  Perhaps it is so that the pictures you take with the phone can be uploaded to the Internet, or the Cloud?  I have learned one thing over the years while having cell phones, especially the ones called burners, you do not want to have any valuable pictures on your phone because they are going to make you get rid of your burner phone when they upgrade to a higher “G” Network!  I guess you can keep your old phones, like I have, that way you do not lose your pictures.

            I did find a holder for my phone, it was the last one in the store, and it works, even though it is a little too snug of fit for my bigger phone.  But I can work with it.

            Problems I have had so far with the phone – the updates!  It is brand new why did it need updates right off the bat?   As far as going on line with it – I doubt I will do that very much.  My friend set up a spelling game for me to play but it drives me nuts because every time I win the game it goes into a stupid add for a different game (that I do not want to have).  With some of them you cannot even return to the game, the only way out is to close everything down (you go, Square Symbol)!  I tried using the game at a place where I was not connected to the Internet and it worked way better (there were no pop up adds).  So yeah, I will just use it as a phone, what it really is meant for, and most of the time I have it turned off.


            Have you ever gone to a KFC, ordered their biggest bucket and tried to eat a breast but it was too tough to enjoy?  I have!  But on March 12, 2022, my family went to a drive through KFC/Taco Bell (in Arvadada, Coloradodo, on Hut-Sut Ralston Road), even though we were forced into the drive through (thanks to coronavirust or the fact that nobody wants to work anymore). 

            After getting the food home, I really enjoyed my Taco Bell items, in fact, they were way better than the Taco Bell we usually eat at (which use to have Pizza D. Hutt items).  But when I had some chicken breast I was surprised!  It was actually moist and not tough.  Now, who knows if when we go back there the same thing will happen?  But I am willing to try it.  The downer of the meal is that everything we bought cost $62.20 (for three people and no drinks) and they did not give us a receipt (which should be illegal to do).  What we got for our money was the 12 piece bucket meal, five Taco Bell items, and a chocolate bunt cake (sounds like Christmas).

            As far as the mashed potatoes go, they tasted the same (as did the gravy) from other KFCs.  Now, I think that the mashed potatoes, while edible, are sub-par because they are more like instant potatoes – not real mashed potatoes.  Everybody likes the gravy.  I did not try the biscuits we got, but in the past couple of years when I have eaten KFC biscuits they have a weird taste to them.  But not as weird of taste as the ambrosia I recently had and not as weird tasting as banana bread chocolate chip cookies!  Okay, I admit, that if you like banana bread (which I do not) you probably would like the cookies.


            Where in the world is Doctor Tony Faust?  Is he hanging out with Carmon in San Diego?  He seems to be missing in action.  It is either that or else nobody has invited him onto their shows, because, they are all covering the war in Uke-rang.  This is possible.  But he may rear his ugly head soon if the deltacrone becomes the new thing.  (I was right; Faust appeared on the March 19, 2022 episode of George Stepsonallofus Sunday morning show.  He was talking about deltacrone.)

JUSSIE SMELT GIVEN 150 STINKY DAYS IN THE POKEY – by Abe D. Fish (a G. Gutfelt family member)

            That’s right, the court finally made their decision about hoaxer Jussie Smelt, the actor who reported a fake hate crime to the Chicago police that supposedly took place at 2 a.m., during winter time, in order to get a Subway sandwich.  He was told, by his trainers, to eat such sandwiches.  Then his trainers (who were black men) met up with him, that cold winter morning, and pretended to beat him up, put a spaghetti noose around his neck, and then pretended to be supporters of President Trump by wearing red baseball caps.  Their written line, written by Jussie D. Smelt himself, was something like, “This is MAGA country!”

            The judge gave Jussy one hundred fifty days in prison, and thirty months of probation.  He was fined $120,000 restitution and also has a $25,000 fine to pay.  His words, as he left the court room with his raised black power fist in the air, were, “I am not suicidal!  I am not suicidal and I am innocent!  I could’ve said I was guilty a long time ago!”  So why didn’t he admit to being guilty a long time ago?  It would have saved a lot of time and money, because he was and continues to be guilty!

            Yet, after his incarceration began news came that he was being watched for signs of insanity, to make sure that he was not a danger to himself.  His brother protested this.  I protest too, as the man is not insane, he is just a Marxist.  But then, maybe all Marxists are insane?

THIS JUST IN….It turns out that on Saint Patrick’s Day a leprechaun put a spell on a Chicago judge, as this judge ordered that Jussie Smelt was to be released pending his appeal (sorry, I do not think he is that sexually appealing).  He was released with a personal recognition bond for bail.  The bond cost $150,000.  So, was the judge actually interested in justice or was he more interested in getting some money for the city?  Who was this bewitched judge?  And why does he have more clout than the original judge that sentenced Smelt to prison?  Maybe this judge was drinking the green Cool-Aid in the city’s river which is probably full of smelt?  Tangy!

            So far, if he really was being held for observation of signs of insanity, was he ever even in jail at all?  Did he even spend the 5-6 days (depending upon the reporter) at the Cook County prison?  Smelt claims that he only drank water during his incarceration.  But are we to take him at his word when it he is a proven hoaxer?

HUNG FOOL RETURNS – by Yump Ping Grasshopper

            The CW has recently been airing its dirty laundry, I mean, airing the second season of Hung Fool.  This series is way different from the original concept of the 1970’s series.  The main character is an American born Chinese girl.  When she was visiting China she had it with her over controlling mother.  So, she decided to run away by hiding in the back of a pickup truck.  She wound up at a woman’s Temple. 

            The girl spent only a few years there, yet, she became this efficient Hung Fool fighter!  It took Why Chang Crain most of his childhood life to learn the ways of the Eastern religion and the Hung Fool martial arts.  So I guess she was a very quick study (a place where a lot of books are usually kept).  But this woman is special, as she has the bloodline of a warrior clan.

            After learning her stuff, a woman killed her Master-mistress (it turns out that the woman and the Master-mistress happened to be sisters).  This strange woman also stole a very special sword, and set fire to the temple.  This was all in the first season.  The second season has this woman in prison and breaking out of prison after assassins try to kill her in prison. 

            Our Hung Fool heroine is living in stinky-dirty San Francisco.  Her parents own a Chinese restaurant.  Her sister got married in the first season.  Their brother is a doctor who uses Ben-Gay, I mean he is gay.  In the first season his love interest was a BLM protester, this season he may be hot for the new cook at his parent’s restaurant. 

            Our heroine (not the drug) has an x-boyfriend who is a top cop; he is willing to help her out.  Her present boyfriend helps her out with her escapades on ice.  Her unknown lost cousin, who broke into her house, does not want to get caught, so a fight breaks out in a rash between the two cousins.  They are not like the cousins on The Patty Duke Show; if anything, they both are more alike in actions instead of looks.   (Speaking of this, Jussie Smelt has a twin brother and they use to play tricks on people.  So playing hoaxes is an old habit with the actor!  Maybe this is why he believes he is innocent – because he has always played hoaxes on people and gotten away with it?)

            Martin Gero is the only reason why I even watch the show, as he was associated with the Starplate Special K and the Starplate Atlantic Cod series.  To be honest, I like David Caroteen’s series way better.  Probably because the old series was not a soap opera like the new series is.

HAUNTED HUNTED BIDEN – by Emma Skew Lenity

            This first paragraph is about the man that Haunted Hunted Biden gave his laptop to for repair.  It is a fact that the computer store business man was run out of his state by people who were out to ruin him, because, he did the right thing and handed Hunted’s laptop over to the FBI!  But the FBI did nothing with it, really, as Chris Wray-Cra-Cra is on the side of the Left, he never did support President Trump.  But after the computer store man reached out to the G. man, Rudy, the FBI had to do something, even though it seems like nothing has transpired.  Can you spell – THE FIX IS IN?

            An actual tax audit probe on Hunted Biden began during the Obama-Biden administration.  (Think about the timing of that for a few minutes.)  The New York Slimes edition for March 16, 2022 reports:  “Those emails [from the laptop] were obtained by The New York Slimes [before the 2020 election; they conveniently leave out this fact] from a cache of files that appears to have come from a laptop abandoned by Mr. [Hunted] Biden in a Delatuperware repair shop.  The emails and others in the cache were authenticated by people familiar with them and with the investigation.”

            Why is The New York Slimes finally coming clean about this?  Perhaps it is because the 2022 midterm election is not far off?  But a more likely reason is that Hunter’s girlfriend has been saying that Hunted is about to be in serious trouble with the law.  If this is really going to happen, then the Slimes may want to get ahead of what is about to go down? 

            Joe Biden really is the “Big Guy” and he lied during the Chris Wallet debate in September 2020.

            Joe was, and continues to be (like Kermit D. Frog), knee deep in Hunted’s business deals.  He took business meetings with the communist Chinese, the Uke-rangs, etc.  Remember Biden’s quid-pro-quo with the Uke-rang government while he was Vice President?  Biden’s brothers are also involved in the family business of payola, money laundering, etc. 

            When press members inquired about The New York Slimes’ article, Jen Psaki basically said, “Hunted does not work in the government.”  He may not be on the government’s payroll; however, he is a family lobbyist.  Intelligence agencies, democrats, big tech companies, and the mainstream media are all involved in the cover up about the laptop then (before the 2020 election) and now, as many of them are still not looking into the laptop story.  And remember, the investigation began during the Obama-Biden administration!

THIS JUST IN:  Hunted Biden received a one million dollar loan to pay his taxes with.  Who loaned him the money (China, Russian, Uke-rang?) and what were the conditions of this loan (payola, bribery, blackmail, whitemail)?

MEMORIAL SERVICE – by Regis Mortes

            Ode to my aunt, who recently ascended to heaven!  The service was held up at the little old school house in Elizabeth, Coloradodo.  After the thieves left with everybody’s money, the service began. 

            The orator, a protestant preacher (or minister) said some pretty weird things.  He implied that Jesus took my aunt up into heaven to be with him and God, and that when Jesus comes (the Second Coming) back to Earth, he will bring my aunt with him and then they will have brand new material bodies.  Why would they ever want to leave the spiritual realm and return to a material dream where it is believed that God lives inside a material body and that material body has control over Spirit?  It just does not make any logical sense at all.  Oh, and this return into matter, the man said, was a resurrection.  Yet, the resurrection of Jesus took place before his ascension into heaven!  Did he think of that one?  He also quoted the author of the Lying Witch, of the Ward to Batman, Robbin books.  Something like, man’s soul is not in the [material] body (which is true) but that the [material] body is in the soul.  I think he believes that man has his own soul.  The actual right way of saying it is that God is the only Soul there is and man is God’s [spiritual not material] body, and this [spiritual] body reflects Soul.  Man does not have a soul at all, but man does reflect Soul.

            The Second Coming already took place during the 19th Century, as predicted by Bible prophecy.  It just did not happen the way religious leaders believed it should happen so they missed seeing it take place!  Is it God’s fault that they all missed seeing the Second Coming of Christ taking place?  Remember, the Jews refused to accept and see the First Coming of Christ as Jesus. 


            When I heard and saw that Stacy Abrams was given the role of the president of the United Earth (sounds like one world order stuff to me) I almost threw up.  I guess she is a fan of the series, and that she wanted to be in it.  Did she beg to get the part of a politician or did the producers just decide to hand it over to her just as the Democrats and mainstream media handed over president of the United States to Joe in 2020?

            The hundred dime store novelist of sex books, Stacy Abrams, not only filled the role of the president, she over flowed it.  I guess it makes her happy that because she was unable to win a gubernatorial race in Georgiapeaches that she was at least given the role of the fake president in the way far off future.

            Stacy may go into space someday, if Jeff Bozos invites her, but for now, she can take comfort that she can go into the big giant space found between her two front teeth.  Was that too mean?  Probably.

AMERICAN MADE – by Gigolo Joe

            In March, hop, two, three, four, I happened to see a movie based on true events.  The movie stared Tom Cruising and it was called American Made.  Tom played a southern family man who was an airline pilot (I do not remember the character’s name, so I will just refer to him as Tom).  Tom was smuggling small time drugs from one country into America.  The CIA man, who approached Tom, offered Tom a job.  Tom could work for him (I will call him Dick, because he was one) flying down to Central America to take aerial pictures of military areas and to get secret information from a military man.  Tom enjoyed doing this very much, but on one trip while he was trying to gas up the plane, he was approached by cartel men.  They took him to their leader’s mansion and he was offered a deal to smuggle their cocaine into the USA.  He would get paid loads of money.  Tom agreed to do it; however, on one trip he got caught and put in jail.  CIA Dick sprung Tom, but changed the deal on him, he allowed to let him to bring drugs into the country, but he would now have to take guns to Central America so that the cartels could fight their civil war (which, according to the cartel men the civil war was a hoax but the US government believed the war to be real).

            The basis of the movie is that our government backed gun running and drug smuggling.  The problem for Tom, and his family and employees, is that they made too much money from the drugs, so much that he could not laundry all the money.  He buried a lot of it on the property that Dick gave Tom (a very large parcel of land).  His airplane company grew to have 4-5 pilots, each having their own planes.  They began to smuggle cartel men into the U.S.A. (on Tom’s land) so that they could be secretly trained to fight in the fake civil war.  Some of these people, however, easily escaped and resided in the U.S.A. as non-citizens. 

            Trouble began when Tom’s hick brother-in-law stole unlaundered money, was careless, got caught by the small town’s local sheriff having the money, and was put in jail.  Tom got his brother-in-law out of jail and gave him money to live on.  Tom told him to leave the country forever; he could not return.  The brother-in-law saw this as punishment, but Tom was actually trying to keep his brother-in-law alive, as he knew the cartel wanted him to die.  The brother got into his green Gremlin and drove away.  Then a bomb went off. 

            Finally Tom got in real trouble – he was arrested by the state police, the DNA, INA, FBI, FDTA, HMO and whoever else could get in on the bust.  This arrest took place during the time that Wilhelm Clinton was governor of Arkansass and Ronny Raygun was president of the USA.

            Cocky Tom told the woman in charge that he would not go to jail.  He was right, as she got a call from Clinton demanding his release, yet once outside the building, men met up with Tom.  They made him get into their car and then they escorted him to the airport.  The plane was flown to Washington Dot Com, and then they drove him to the White House. 

            So, this is when my favorite part of the show took place.  Tom is sitting there waiting on a bench.  Another pilot is sitting on another bench next to Tom.  He strikes up a conversation with Tom; he is there for an unknown reason.  The pilot happens to be Conner Trinner from Star Trek Enterprise.  He is talking to Tom when someone calls out a name, “Trinner!”  He gets up and leaves.  So, yeah, I thought that was funny that they used his real name in the scene. 

            Oliver Northern Tissue offers Tom a job he cannot refuse – smuggle guns to the cartel, but, he is to take pictures of them (secretly) so that the U.S. knows who they are and have proof that they are making drugs.  The pictures, he was told, would be top secret and never see the light of day (but Olly did not mention the good, the bad, and the ugly; that the photos would be seen during the dark of night).  So Tom was stupid, he allowed himself to be in some of the pictures.  The government double crossed him, no surprise here, and plastered pictures of him with the cartel heads on national TV.  From that moment on he knew he was one of the walking dead.  He videotaped his government sanctioned escapades on VHS and kept everything in his car trunk.  He had, as part of his sentencing, to check into a certain place every day, and that is where he was shot.  He had not even gotten out of his car before they blew his brains out.

            Nancy Raygun was waging her war on drugs during that time yet her government was allowing drugs to poor into our country.  To say that the president knew nothing about what was going on, well, I highly doubt that he did not know anything about it.  He also just turned his head when chemical warfare was used during the Gulf War.  I am not a Democrat or a Republican, I believe that both parties have done good and evil, but mostly today, the Democrats just want to do evil (at least, that is how it seems to be).


            In the third week of March the Senate was asking Bidden’s pick for a Supreme, Judge Butcando Jackson, questions as to whether or not she is worthy of being one of the Supreme backup singers.  Although the group retired decades ago Jackson wants to be one of the girls.  …What’s that you say?  I’m wrong; it’s not for the singing group but the Supreme Court?  Oh, I do apologize!  That makes more sense anyway.

            One of the “woman” Republican Senators asked Jackson to define what a woman was.  Jackson said she could not do it because she is not a biologist!  Really, lady, and you want to be one of the Supremes?  I think not!  It is not that she could not do it, it is more like she would not do it; because, she was afraid she might offend the WOKE Society.  She also would not give any type of answer to Senator Ted Cruising-down-the-river when he asked her why she gave such light sentences (like “See Spot run.  Run, Spot, run”) to pedophile rapists.  (Actually, she gave the pedophiles more time in jail than K. Harris ever did.)  Believe me, this woman is not what we need on the highest court in the land!  I hope she does not get appointed, but people like Mitten Romney, will probably vote for her.  For sure, all the Senate Dummycrats will vote for her.

            Let me explain to you what a real woman is – she is the woman that God-crowned with twelve stars (the twelve nations of what Is-real), she has dominion over the moon (material forces and laws) and she is clothed with the sun (she is embraced by divine Mind, Spirit and Soul).  The real woman gives birth, not to material man, but to the spiritual ideal – the Christ ideal.  She is the woman that steps upon the head of the red serpent-dragon of ecclesiastical despotism (she unmasks animal magnetism).

CHRIS AND DON, OF ZNN, NO LONGER BROS – by Crocodile Tears Dundee

            It used to be that every week night Don DeSour Lemon would hand over his air time to his “bro” Chris Coma, who’s real bro is Tony (or Anthony) Coma, ex-governor of New Yorkso.  But since Chris Coma decided to sue everybody at ZNN the bromance is over.  Gone are the days where they would say to each other, “I love you, Bro!”


THE GIGALO GANDER – February 2022

Today’s Zodiac – by Astral Projection

            If you were born in the last portion of the month of February and in the first half (well up to the 23rd or so) of March, then you are a Pisces, and you swim with the Fishes.  This does not mean that you are dead, just that Pisces is a water sign, which is a good thing because a fish out of water means sure death – because, the fish cannot breath!  Feel good about this sign because Christ Jesus was born during the Age of Pisces!  Yet, there are two fish to the constellation not just one.  So this second fish, also born during the Age of Pisces, is a woman.  I will let you POND-er on this idea. 

            And now, for something completely different…a man with ten Robot Chicken episodes on DVD…and now, back to our regularly scheduled program.

            By the way, did you know that the original Christian cross was an “X” and not a “t”?  That’s right, “X” marks the spot, it is also the symbol for fish and that is important.  I tell you, you are so lucky to be a Pisces!  Unless you’re an atheist Pisces, then you may think that your life smells a whole lot like rotting fish which was coughing up blood on the pier the night before.

            Pisces, it has been said, are the most psychic of the astrological symbols.  The Pisces in its relationship to the man in the moon suggests a pathway full of temptations because man travels upwards on a long journey, especially if you are Jeff Bozos.  However, if you are the woman God-crowned you are not only clothed with the sun you also have your feet upon the moon – so you have complete dominion over your long journey, and you are able to avoid those nasty temptations along the way!

            And now, for your serious fortune:  While you are out running your errands you will run into your comicron obsessed friends.  They will ask you where your mask is at and you will say to them, “I sleep with Inspire!”  At least you’re not sleeping with the fishes.


Chung Lee Confusion

            Faith is taking the first step, even if Faith is six months old.


            “A bank is a place that will give you money if you can prove that you don’t need it.” — Boob Hopes

            “The greatest pleasure in life is doing what Joe Biden says you cannot do and not doing what Joe Biden says you must do.” — Walter Badgeon

            “You always pass failure on the way to success.” — Mickey Rooney

            “You always pass GO on the way to the pokey.” — Mickey Mouse

            “It’s not that I’m afraid to die, I just don’t want to be there when it happens.” — Woody Allen (not the Woody from Toy Story).

THE WORD OF THE MONTH – by Wordy Smith

            IMMUNE is our word for the month.  You may be surprised to find out just exactly what it means!

            So, what does the word “immune” mean?  Basically, it means “before service”.  Before what service I have not been able to figure out.  Is it one’s church service?  Is it the service one gets at the information counter of a library?  Who exactly can say?

            Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary defines “immune” as “FREE, EXEMPT”.  Exempt means that you do not have to do something – like come down with a disease, or even get a vaccination for a disease (medical exemptions as they are called).  So, in a way, it is ironic that Joe Biden believes that he can mandate vaccination shots to people who are actually free and exempt from taking them because in truth they are already immune!  You are FREE to have your God given rights – like found in the U.S.A. Constitution – with your immune exemption!  In fact, it is a fact, that Biden’s mandates ARE UNCONSTITUTIONAL!!!  You do not have to have vaccination shots mandated to you, you do not have to wear masks (especially if you are sleeping with Inspire or sleeping with the fishes), or stand six feet away from somebody, or social distance.

            The word also means, “marked”.  So we are, according to Revelation, marked by God on our foreheads (in our consciousness), not by Satan’s number 666 on the back of the hand.  We are mentally and physically “protected” by God’s mark!!! 

            Definition “2:  not susceptible or responsive” to coronavirust or any other disease; “having a high degree [the Third Degree of spiritual understanding] of resistance to a disease” like coronavirust. 

            “Definition “3 a:  having or producing antibodies” is a physical definition.  However, according to material medical theory or belief – those who had coronavirust have antibodies in their T-cells, B-cells, AAA-cells, and DD-cells – and this makes them more immune than vaccinated people and energized bunny rabbits.

            The word “immunity” means:  “the quality or state of being”.  Well, does not Christian Science have a Scientific statement of being that makes us all immune to the coronavirust or any variant or any disease?  Yes, it does! 

            What is the Scientific statement of being?

            “There is no life, truth, intelligence, nor substance in matter.  All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation, for God is All-in-all.  Spirit is immortal Truth; matter is mortal error.  Spirit is the real and eternal; matter is the unreal and temporal.  Spirit is God, and man is His image and likeness.  Therefore, man is not material; he is spiritual.” (SCIENCE AND HEALTH WITH KEY TO THE SCRIPTURES, by Mary Baker Eddy, p. 468:9)

            What is God’s infinite manifestation?  For this answer we turn to Mary Baker Eddy’s (who is a woman born under the Age of Pisces) definition of Christ in “Glossary” of SCIENCE AND HEALTH.  “Christ.  The divine manifestation of God, which comes to the flesh to destroy incarnate error.” (S&H 583:10)

            While God’s infinite manifestation is infinite, because Mind is infinite, it is also divine because Christ is divine nature being manifested in the flesh (or reflected in the flesh) in order to destroy incarnate error (that which is erroneous matter).


            You really need to purchase two books to find out what dirty shenanigans the power hungry persons are trying to pull off and why.  The first book came out in 2021.  It is Mark R. Levin’s book, American Marxism.  The other book is seen below and it is about fascism.  Communism (Marxism) and fascism really are the same thing – except communism promotes a universal takeover of the world and fascism promotes a national takeover of the world.  So, it is quite possible that those in charge (being both communists and fascists) are trying to turn the United States of America into the world leader like Adolph Hitler tried to do some 80 years ago.  And as Joe Biden would say, this really is no malarkey!

            Notice that billionaire George Soros (who is also a communist-fascist pig) is on Glenn’s book cover (below).  George Soros, a Jew, was saved from being killed during World War II.  What did the youngster do for a job?  He helped the German’s catalog people’s stolen property – like valuable works of art.  If his name sounds familiar, it should, he is the man who donates tons of money to all those people that run for U. S. district attorneys.  After they win they ruin our cities by letting all the criminals back out on the street over and over and over and over.

            The surgeon said to the nurse, “Cut that out!”

            Why is Martin Short?

            Why does Joe Biden believe that a country can have a soul?

DOES SAINT PETA APPROVE? – by Betty Davis Eyes

            The Pope is shaming Roman Catholics for having pets instead of children.  This actually sounds biologically impossible, but hey, who am I to judge?  If the Pope is so upset about it all then he should talk to all the Climate Change people, because, it is due to all of the gloom and doom over the chatter about climate that people are more willing to have pets than they are children.  He should also talk to the public schools who want to brain wash our children, if and when they can actually go to school, with all the Marxist programs (CRT, sex education at 3 years old, etc.).  But he won’t do that because he is a socialist and more than likely believes in all that junk.  The only reason why the Pope wants his congregation to propagate is so that his material church organization will not come to an end.  And to be honest, Jesus, Peta and Paul (I love their candy bars) taught women to be celibate, so Romanism goes against true Christianity!


            It has been reported that the statue of Joe Bidden is more lifelike than Joe Biden when awake and that the statue of Khameleon Harris is more likeable than the Ex-Senator ever was, and has made way more friends.  The only problem with these statues is that they are highly flammable – so do not smoke around them, PLEASE!!!

SIGNS IN THE SKY – by Al Ian Counter

            I recently saw the 2002 movie SIGNS with Mel Gibdaughter.  And I thought it was a pretty good movie except for a few details, deskins, and defeet.  I will get to this in a while. 

            At the beginning of the movie you believe the title has to do with the crop circles found in Mel’s corn field.  But this is not what the title actually refers to.

            Mel’s character is both a father of two children (a boy and a girl) but he is also a father of the cloth.  Their names are Rayan, Cotton, and Poly Ester (the children of the cloth, not the children of the man).  It turns out that he left his job as the father of the cloth because his wife got killed while out for a stroll on a midsummer’s night dream.  (That’s what happens to you when you walk in your sleep.)  Anyway, the father lost his faith in God and he will need spiritual signs in order to regain his faith, which does happen at the end of the flick.

            The widower’s oldest child, a son, has asthma and the daughter is very picky about the water she drinks.  She says she can taste things in the water; hence she leaves glasses of water all over the house.  The kid’s uncle lives with them.  He used to be a baseball player, could really hit the ball, but he was too much like Babe Ruth and always swung at the ball, so he struck out a lot with the ladies.

            Earth is in trouble.  Aliens, from outer space and not from the southern border, are trying to take over the world.  The county’s veterinarian, who accidentally killed the father’s wife when he fell asleep at the wheel of his car (That’s what happens to you when you drive in your sleep.), called the father (not lots of dirty rotten names, but over the telephone).  And the father went to see him.  The two of them finally mended their fences; Mel forgave the man for his wife’s death.  The vet was sitting in his packed vehicle, he was going to go to a cabin by a lake, as he knew (a feeling he had) that the aliens did not like water.  He also told Mel not to open his panty drawer, I mean pantry door, because, he had captured one of the aliens.

            Mel went inside the house and investigated.  He tried to see if he could catch a glimpse of the alien creature’s reflection by slipping the blade of a knife underneath the door.  The alien stuck his claw like fingers underneath the door which frightened Mel, so he instinctively cut the alien’s fingers off with the very sharp knife.  Then he went home to protect his family and fix the biggest meal in history.  I would not want to wash all of those dishes! 

            The two men boarded up windows and doors and then remembered their German shepherd tied up outside.  They had forgotten to bring her inside and the aliens kill her.  As she died you could hear her moan, “AWK-DA-LEABER!!!”

            Well, after locking themselves into the root cellar all night, they felt that the alien attack was all over (because of what they heard on a radio broadcast).  They all went upstairs to help the son with his asthma attack; he needed an epee pen injection.  Mel set the boy down on the couch and went to get the TV so that the boy could watch it.  When he came back an alien was holding the limp boy’s body, as the boy was now passed out.  The baseball playing uncle entered the room with the medicine and dropped it on the floor in surprise.  Mel recognized the alien as it was missing two clawed fingers.

            The nasty alien tried to gas the boy, but the boy’s lungs were closed off from his earlier asthma attack and did not inhale the poisonous gas.  If the alien was able to read thoughts you think that he may have picked up on all of the stuff that was about to go down.  My conclusion is that the aliens could not really read their thoughts at all because he did not see anything coming after the father had his SIGN flashbacks.  The father tells his brother to swing away.  The brother grabs his bat off the Billy Mantle on the wall and begins to swing away at the alien.  Then after one of the daughter’s water glasses falls on the alien, the brother realizes that H2O is an acid to the aliens.  So he gets as many glasses of water to spill on the alien as he can.

            After receiving his shot the father’s son recovers and lives.  The father once more becomes a father of the cloth (his children are so happy about it), and all is right with the world.

            So here are my problems with the movie.  I get that the aliens do not wear clothes because they are able to change colors and hide, but they are unable to get through wooden barricades?  They have spaceship technology and they have no weapons to get through wooden barricades?  I guess it was okay to poison humans with their gas because they probably are immune to the effects from the gas, as they were supposedly harvesting human beings for food.  But why did they choose to harvest a planet that is three fourths water when water is like acid to them?  I guess they came without weapons too, maybe they figure the only weapon they really need is the gas they emit?  They should cut down on the amount of fiber they eat!  I guess that the people of Earth could take solace in that if these buggy aliens were to ever return they could win the war with simple squirt guns and soaker rifles!


            What made Frederick March?

            Where has Orson Bean?

            What turned Betty White?  (May she rest in peace.)

            Betty is all White.

            Jay Silverheels (Tonto from the Loan Ranger [yes, I spelled Lone wrong on purpose]) married an Italian woman to get back at Columbus.


            Racist Rhodes Scholar Pete Buttijudge is now a living doll!  That’s right he is now a real Bobble Head figurine.  This is supposed to be in honor of a man who has allowed the supply chain fiasco to happen, and who went on a two month vacation during it.  WHY?

ALEXANDER HAMILTON IN CONGRESS? – by Honesta Enjun (friend of Jay Silverheels)

            On January 6, 2022, Nancy Pelono gave a speech to the people who were stupid enough to go hear her speak, about January 6, 2021 and the “INSURECTION”!!!  But get this, she had the nerve to have cast members of Hamilton beamed in, via the Internet, to sing a song for all of them.  She said they were so proud to be there.  However, the whole thing was fake!  Nancy’s liturgical remembrance of 1/6/21 was full of holes, just like her brain.  What she showed to the “crowd” (if there really was a crowd there at all) happened to be from a recording made in October 2020 for a event!  Notice the year was 2020, months before Nancy’s Insurrection (as she is the one who really insurrected that day).  I say she insurrected because she (over and over and over) rejected reinforcements by the National Guard (Trump wanted them there) and extra police force (the main man in charge of the Washington D.C. Capitol police force asked for reinforcements).  Nancy does not want this fact to be known, that is why I am sharing it with you.


Greg Guttfelt:  Why is Jesse always wet behind the ears?

Dana Purinadogchow:  I don’t know, Greg, why is Jesse always wet behind the ears?

Greg Guttfelt:  Because he lives on Watter’s World!

Dana Purinadogchow:  At least the aliens won’t invade his home planet!

            Congratulation goes out to Jesse James Watters, as he is getting the PRIMETIME time slot on Primetime – Monday to Friday at 7 p.m. Eastern time on FOX News.  This is the old time slot belonging to Bill O’Really with the FACTOR, when Jesse was just, well actually, “wet behind the ears” with his Watter’s World segments.  His new job began on January 24, 2022. 


            The Biden Administration leaked melted ice cream before Supreme Court Justice Breyer could make his own personal announcement about his retirement.  Does the man really want off the court or is he being pushed out the door by Joe in flavor of another tasty morsel of ice cream; a dark chocolate, sexy woman flavor?  When you compare Biden to Breyer who is less mentally competent and should resign?  Well, that happens to be Biden, of course.

            So look forward to an extreme Leftist (communist-fascist) judge being put forth as a candidate.  Because that is all, so far, that Biden has even put forth as judge candidates over the past year.  Do you think that Joe suffers from permanent brain freeze?  It’s a working theory!

DOMESTIC TREASON – by Kato (manservant of the Green Hornet)

            On January 6, 2022, Fox New’s Bret Bare revealed real domestic treason while interviewing Bitch Chainey.  She went on his show and lied (her fool head off) about what took place on January 6, 2021.  My question to Bret Bare is why did he allow her to lie to his audience?  Why did he not call out her on her lies?


            After being invited to hang out with his black friend, who is a standup comedian and has done great things for the LGTBQ people, Pat Oswald sells his friend out.  Pat is unwilling to take a stand and praise his friend’s help for the LGTBQBARBQ?  Why not?  Because, Pat is a liberal chicken pot pie, that’s why.  After 30 years of friendship, after Oswald posted a picture of him and his friend, he receives one or two negative messages and dissolves the 30 year friendship over the whole MADE UP LIE about the LGTBQBARBQJAHAW?  What the FRACK, PAT?  I guess betrayal comes in all colors, shapes, sizes and LGTBQBARBQJAHAWDIRTYNOGOODROTTENFRIENDS!


GIGALO GANDER – January 2022

            Maybe 81 year old Nancy Pelono, who has yet to send the BUILD BACK BETTER GO BROKE BILL over to the Senate (at the time of writing this article), would be able to get it passed if she scrubs it of all the communist programs, gets rid of all the pork, gets rid of the bit with all those pesky new IRS agents checking into our bank accounts, and really washes it clean in a bird bath.  Or maybe, like the photographers use to do, soak it in a FIXER BATH after all the Bill’s bird poo is taken away!!! 

            Also, seventeen of this nasty Bill’s programs are sun-setted (in other words, the budget is gimmicked).  After two years the seventeen programs would not actually end, and they would probably continue and suck money up.  This is why the Demonrats lie about the cost of the bill being only one point something trillion dollars instead of over four trillion dollars.

            Nancy is an inside trader (and traitor), she is the poster octogenarian of corruption.  What’s that I hear?  Nancy is singing, “I’m gonna wash that Bill right outta my hair and send it on its way.”  Hopefully she is sending it to the nearest trashcan instead of on to the Senate!  Or maybe (although I doubt she is strong enough to do it) she should just rip it in half like she did President Trumpet’s Address speech.

FACT:  President Trumpet and Mark Inda Meadows both asked Nancy Pelono to allow the National Guard to be placed around the Capitol building before the January 6, 2021 event took place.  Also, the police chief asked Nancy six separate times, before that day, to bring in extra police.  To him, each time, she said “NO.”  Then on January 6th the police chief asked her 5 more times to bring in additional troops or help.  She refused.  This means that Nancy refused to allow National Guard and police to come to protect the Capitol a total of thirteen times!  She is the only person at the Capitol who was able to give permission for the National Guard and extra police to come in and help protect the building – so why did she refuse to help?  Is it because she saw a way of getting back at President Trumpet and all his supporters?  Why is her head not on the chopping block for her refusal to do her duty where her selected illegal committee is concerned?  Instead, Adam Kissingherbutt and Liz Chain-ee are protecting her, and this is the real reason why Nancy took Jims of the Bank on the Jordan River off of this particular committee!  Because they were both asking questions about Nancy’s duty to protect the Capitol!  She could not have that taking place, so she took them off of the committee.  Nancy’s, Adam’s and Liz’s goal is to try and keep Donald Trumpet from running for president again.

FACT:  Rope and climbing gear were hidden around the Capitol building before January 6th.  

            Hum, who was behind that?  Is the special committee going to find out the answer to that?  How come the police have not as yet arrested the pipe bomber man, when there is a security picture of him sitting on a bench while making a phone call?

FACT:  John Earl Sullivan (an activist who organizes protest-riots for Marxist groups) and federal friend, Ray Ebbs, who were instigating people to go into the Capitol (on January fifth and sixth), have not been arrested! 


A Disclosure for the following song:
We here at GIHON GOOSE do not agree with violence in any way.  None of us would ever hurt anyone, nor do we want violence to take place.  We do not like the violence that any group would do, like BLM or Antifa or Proud Boys, or a militia.

(My song is to be sung to the tune of “Ed Sullivan” from the musical Bye-Bye Birdie.)

FACT:  During the summer of 2020 there were 574 BLM/Antifa riots that took place. 

            Why is it that these riots HAVE NOT BEEN LOOKED INTO by a Congressional Committee?  Why is it that Joe Biden refused to speak up against these riots until he saw negative poles because of his silence on the topic during the campaign? 

FACT:  Because of the BLM/Antifa riots, the following CRIMES took place:  looting, murder, injury to fellow humans, stealing, 4,000 businesses were ruined, there were many fires, damages to Federal buildings, billions of dollars in damage took place, and attacks on police stations, etc.

            Why is it that Khameleon Harris’ bail fund, which bailed many of these guilty people out of jail, isn’t being investigated by Congress?

“Remember when people were worried about Y2K?  They should have been worried about American Marxism instead.” – Mark Leveled Levine

Today’s Zodiac – by Astral Projection

            If you were born in the last portion of the month of January and near the beginning of February, then you are an Aquarius, the Waterman.  Aquarius is an air sign, even though it seems to have to do with water and the waves it sends out into the universe.  Being an air sign simply means that Aquarius deals with a lot of hot air in the mental realm!  But you should prefer having air on the brain over water on the brain.   Aquarians seem to be grasping at straws searching for answers to their problems!  Will they ever find their answers?  Will they lean on their intuition?  Will they believe in the occult? Yes, I have a lot of questions and I have NO answers what so ever!

            Aquarians are very selfish people and have this in common with their predecessor, the Capricorn.  In terms of Tarot Cards – Aquarians’ match up with THE STAR, card number 17. 

            And now for your serious fortune:  Watch out for the ghost you encounter while out doing your shopping, he may try to follow you home and cause lots of havoc! 


            While speaking to the NIH (the group of scientists that Doctors Collie-Dog and Faust head) early in December 2021, Joe Biden was joking around as to how he happens to see Dr. ‘Ey Tony Faust more than he does his own wife (Not-a-medical Doctor Jelly).  But then very seriously Joe asked, “But who is president?”  He quickly responded, “Faust.  But seriously, I really mean it.”  In other words, Biden really means that Faust is telling him what to do, so he sees Faust as president.  However, who sees Biden as president when he did not really win the 2020 election?  Tell it to Stacy Abrams (who never won an election but claims that she has)!

            As of December 3, 2021 only 45% of the people polled approve of Joe Biden as president (and his approval ratings keep going down).  I wonder how their approval rating is for Dr. Faust?  How low can Biden’s numbers’ go?  By December 10th Biden’s new approval ratings are down to 41%.  That’s three whole points in a week.

            Once more, at a graduation speech in December, Biden again referred to the VEEP as president, not as Vice President.  The man really does not want the job!

            However, he does not mind being in a commercial for coronavirust vaccinations with the Bonus Brothers.  The really weird thing about that commercial is that the Bros asked a question and then answer it:  “Who’s the president?  Byron!  Who’s the president?  Byron!”  But who is Byron? Were they poking fun at the slogan “Let’s go Brandon”? Biden was okay with the name, or else his hearing is bad and he heard them saying “Biden”.  Again, the man really does not want the job of the presidency!  Maybe we should fulfill his wish and kick him out?  Maybe he is doing the worst job ever on purpose because he wants to be kicked out of office?

            What is weird is on Christmas Eve, an Organ man was having a phone conversation with the Biden’s over the telephone.  The man said, “Let’s go Brandon!”  And then Biden said, “Let’s go Brandon. I agree with you, man.”  Maybe Biden thought that the man on the phone said “Let’s go Byron”? The man, Biden agreed with, is now in trouble for saying it. Would he be in trouble if he would have said, “Let’s go Byron” instead of “Let’s go Brandon”?

NO MORE DOCTOR FOR OZ? – by Leon Tiger Baer, oh my

            I say that if Doctor Oz can no longer be called a doctor, when he really is a sturgeon type of doctor, then we no longer can call Jill Biden a doctor either, especially when she is not a medical doctor.  Doctor Oz is running for public office, and this is why they are trying to cancel him.  Go to to see what is up with him.

I’M DREAMING OF A BLM CHRISTMAS – by Notta Supreme-Asist

            The BLM organization accepted $90 million in donations from white corporations in 2020 and yet they want everybody to boycott those same white corporations during the month of December 2021 (during Christmas season).  Hypocrisy much?  BLM is all for segregated shopping.

            A BLM group at Arizona State University held a protest against Kyle Kittenmouse (as he does on line classes with ASU).  The black woman yelling at everybody was spouting lies, things that were untrue about what happened in August of 2020.  Is she really that stupid or does she just think everybody else is stupid?  She claimed that Kyle killed black people!  The opposite is true, he shot and killed two white men and shot another white man in the arm.  The only possibly prejudice person there at the time was the black man who was kicking a white man in the head!  She better be watching her self because Kyle has a reason to sue her but[t] will he?  She was slandering him, calling him a white supremacist.  Go for it Kyle!  You’ll make so much money off of the people you can sue and get money from that you won’t even need a college education to get a job to make a living off of.

Chung Lee Confusion

            Woman nurses naked cat on Delta Airlines.  Cat, wrapped up in baby blanket, cry out in distress.  Flight attendant asks woman to place cat into its carry on cage.  Woman refuses to do so.  Flight attendant leaves her alone because woman keeps mask on face whole flight.

Maximum Waters Caught – by Puerto De Bano

            While flying high in the sky on an airplane elitist Maximum Waters was caught not wearing her mask, for shame!  Someone did report her naughtiness to the flight attendant and she was asked to mask up.  Perhaps Santa gave her a lump of coal for Christmas, she really deserves it.  How come Waters doesn’t yell out “Impeach 46?”  She should.


            Senator Bloomerwear, from Connecticut, was a speaker at the American Liptis-tests’ celebration of communist China, celebrating 100 horrible years of communism in China.  Later on, when he was exposed, he pretended he did not know that the event was celebrating communist China (even though the woman introducing him said so).

WORD OF THE MONTH[?] – according to Merriam Webster

            Anti-vaxxer – a person who opposes the use of vaccines or regulations mandating vaccination”.  Gee, Merriam, why not just come out and say that an anti-vaxxer is also a white supremacist?  I will tell you why, because, people who are against vaccines are not all white people!  Do not be surprised that the people writing and publishing today’s dictionaries are on the side of the insane Left!  They have been doing this (changing the meaning of our words) for over 100 years now – because they do not want things to have the same meaning as they did in the nineteenth century.  I know why – do you?  Probably not.

            I have some new words for Merriam Webster to add to her Funkywagnal-dictionary!  How about “anti-exemption:  a person on the Left who opposes any type of medical exemption no matter how legitimate or reasonable the exemption may be”?  Or how about “anti-reason:  a person on the Left who refuses to use common sense reasoning”?  Or how about “anti-immune:  a person on the Left who ‘believes’ other people have to get vaccinated even if they are already immune to the coronavirust because they have had the disease and survived it.  (Because you already had coronavirust and they just want to force vaccinations into your body – not your body not your choice anymore, so why do they care about abortion rights for women?)”  Or how about “pizza-bribe:  what takes place at an elementary school where nurse gives unapproved vaccination shot to students in exchange for a free slice of pizza after nurse has coerced the student to forge their mother’s name on the release form and then told the student not to tell their mommy about what is taking place”?

              Or how about “anti-democracy:  what the Democrat Party really is”?  Whenever the democrats claim something is the end of democracy, it simply means that they are losing.  And this is when they begin to find ways to cheat (with bills like HR-1 and SR-1, and with the elections, try to change the number of people on the Supreme Court, try to change the number of seats in the House, try to end the filibuster, anytime they try to change the “system”, etc.).

            And just remember this, A.O.C. and her followers are against cows (so they are really the anti-vaxxers).

                                                Written by, Amanda Jean Turncoat 


Vaccine – “cow.  1.  derived from cows infected with cowpox or inoculated with its virus”.  This is probably because the Spanish language calls a cow “vacca”, and it is probably the near the same in Latin, etc. 

            The second definition of vaccine:  “a preparation of killed organisms that is administered to produce or artificially increase immunity to a particular disease.”  My question is how in the world do they kill the organisms?  Do they kill them with poison?  Do they strangle them?

            A vaccination keeps a person from catching that certain disease by giving that particular disease to the person via a vaccination shot.  It keeps you from catching said disease further on down the road.  So one could argue, and I am, that the coronavirust vaccines are not vaccines at all.  If this is the case, which I feel it is, then why should there be any type of mandates upon anybody to get vaccinated for coronavirust?


            Just what is the Great Barrington Reef Declaration?  It is a declaration put forth by many epidemiologists on the coronavirust in early 2020.  It actually stated the truth, that attention needed to be placed upon the vulnerable and elderly, and that lock downs were not necessary.  But NIH Dr. Francis Collie-Dog flew into an E-mail frenzy with Dr. Faust and began their propaganda campaign against the declaration, which had been signed by 15,000 scientists.  When Faust and Collie-Dog tell you that they “follow the science” they really are fibbing.  When Faust claims to “be science” he is straight out fibbing.  Why should we believe these two doctors over 15,000 scientists?

            Yet we get Dr. Collie-Dog howling out a song about the end of coronavirust (ha!) to the tune of “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” (calling Dr. Oz) and we get Dr. Faust telling us to not invite anybody (or un-invite those) you did invite (of your family and friends) to your Christmas get together if they have not been cowpoxed!  Cowpoxed (my new word of the month) meaning you got shot with dead organisms.  And in the case of coronavirust – you still can catch coronavirust!  Again, Faust (and Biden) lied to us.

            What our country doctors really need to do to cancel coronavirust, or wipe out the pots and pandemic, is to begin testing or screening for immunity in people.  You see how backward Faust and Biden are when they only want to know how many people have coronavirust so that they can claim that something must be done (and they put fear into our hearts – if they can).  They want coronavirust to continue forever, they do not want to lose their power or control. They do not want to even promote therapeutic drugs, because they won’t be able to have as many lockdowns if people know they can get help aside from vaccinations.  This is the real reason why the media and Faust lied about hydroxychloroquine. They also refuse to look into how many people are really immune to coronavirust, because they do not want you to know that we are already pretty darn close to herd (I know understand the term – it too has to do with the cows) immunity.  All I can say to Collie-Dog and Faust is MOO!!!  (MOO is cow language and it means “BOO”.)


            Liar and Chief Runaway Joe Biden, likes to blame everybody for this country’s problems when he is the one who deserves all the blame.  So because of the supply chain crisis who does he decide deserves the wrap?  That’s right, good-old Santa Clause!  He basically says that if the children fail to get their Christmas presents on time to blame Santa.  Of course, the Left hates Santa Clause because Santa is a symbol of capitalism.

            Then Biden’s friend (the real man in charge of the country according to Biden), Dr. Faust, lies and says that Santa Clause got his (coronavirust) booster shot!  This implies that Santa was vaccinated earlier on in the year.  How stupid Faust is, Santa Clause is full of magic and never gets sick!  Santa Clause is immune to all diseases because he is laer ton.  Ask Harry Potter what that means (no, it does not mean that Santa is fat).

            Biden and Faust deserve lumps of coal for Christmas this year.  Actually, that would be a waste, because they are against the manufacturing of coal so they would probably just throw their presents away.  Maybe that’s why they really want to put Santa Clause out of business – because Santa manufactures coal (there are a lot of naughty Leftists [Marxists] out there who never get any toys for Christmas).  ARE YOU PAYING ATTENTION JOE MANSION?  (Actually, Joe Mansion is my hero this month.  I just hope that he keeps up the good work for three more years!  Actually, Joe Mansion does not mind getting coal for Christmas at all!  But he gets it because he is a good boy!)

THE CLOCKS OF HELL – by Time Creeper

            On the radio program Somewhere In Time, from December 15, 1999, Art “Tinker” Bell told a joke about Hilarious Rotten Clinton going to heaven.  Well, that is a joke in and of itself; because, we all know that the woman will not make it through the pearly gates, no matter how many Master Classes she teaches!  The joke was, aimed at her husband, Bill (who is teaching Master-Bate Classes).  So I am going to tell the joke as it could be told today, by me, where Hilarious Rotten Clinton is the butt of the joke.

            Hilarious Rotten Clinton went to hell where she was greeted by Lucifer’s newest protégé, Adam Shifty.  “Adam,” Hilarious said, “did we make it into heaven?”

            “Sadly, no,” he replied.  “It seems as if we were on Santa’s naughty list, after all we did try to destroy President Trumpet’s presidency.”

            “Augh, those were the good old days!”  She looked around the place.  “So, this is H-E-double toothpicks.  Say, what are all the clocks about?”

            Adam said, “Each person who has ever lived on earth has their own clock.  They keep track of the lies that people tell.”

            “Really?  Who does that clock belong to?  It looks as if it has not moved, ever.”

            “That clock belongs to goody-two-shoes Mary Baker Eddy.” Adam points, “That clock over there has moved only twice.”

            “Who does that one belong to?”

            “President Lincoln.”

            “What about Bill’s clock?” she National Inquired.

            “That one is located in Lucifer’s den as a ceiling fan.”

            “But I’m a way bigger liar than my husband ever was!  Where’s my clock at?”

            Adam said, “Well, your clock is paired up with Joe Biden’s clock, Doctor Faust’s clock, and my clock.  Our four clocks run the four propellers to Lucifer’s Heat Force One airplane.”

            “I have to know, Adam, what about Donald Trumpet’s clock?”

            “Well, it moves maybe once a month, if even that often.  WE WERE SO WRONG ABOUT HIM!!!” Adam cried into his hanky.


            Is it at all possible that the Roman Catholic Church knows about the grey men from outer space?  Sure, it is quite possible!  After all, they have their members located around the world, don’t they?  These members of their church work in government agencies and news organizations.

            However, perhaps the mention of the greys could be a misunderstanding.  I read a book, back in the mid-1990s, about the one world order government and those members of the one world order happened to be called “the grey men”.  So when a man mentioned the greys to his preacher, it could have all been a big misunderstanding, and the preacher may have thought the man was only speaking about the one world order and not outer space aliens.  But who knows?  Maybe the one world order folk and the space aliens are one and the same?  Now, that is spooky!


            Mayor Pete Buttijudge, still Secretary of Travel (?), may be in line for the presidency nominee on the Democratic ticket in 2024.  When asked about stepping up to the plate, he simply said, “I would rather eat off a plate than step on it.  The plate could break if I stepped on it, especially if it was made in China and made out of China.  And the way things are imported today from China that seems rather likely.”

            Mayor Pete thinks that everybody in this country is rich enough to go out and purchase electric cars!  What a maroon.  They cost thousands of dollars and then the dealers tack on 5-10 thousand extra, above sticker price, just for handling the S.U.V.’s and then the state gets its share of taxes and the city too.  Then, to register and get plates (made of metal not China, which are probably made in the pen by criminals, at least they use to be made in the pen by criminals) the state charges you another thousand bucks (almost)!  It is quite possible, however, that the steal that the plates are made out of does come from China, which is probably full of impurities and poisons. 

            Yeah, like, people can afford that kind of money today in Biden’s lousy economy?  I don’t think so!  Is the only reason to get electric cars so that the world can stop making gasoline?  What about all the plastics and other products of today that are made with oil?  And think of all the pollution that is created (a lot in China) just to make the electric batteries for the cars!  The man is insane, I tell you!  Or maybe he is just out of touch with the average everyday American citizen?

            What Mayor Pete should really be working on are illegal alien animals!  Illegal alien animals (like a variety of bugs, Japanese beetles, spiders, giant cockroaches, and even rats) are coming into our country via shipping crates.  These things, even the boxed stuff packed inside of the crates, need to be fumigated before they leave the docks, or preferably before they leave the ships.  Who knows what types of creatures are getting into our country and spread around by plains, trains, UPS, Federal Express, the USPS, etc.?

Not So Famous Quote:  “Making promises and then breaking those promises (or not keeping them) means that you are a liar.” – Bun Franklin


            Laptop From Hell, by Miranda Devine (she is so divine), is a must read.  It will tell you the truth about Joe Biden and Hunted Biden’s international money schemes.  It proves that the laptop story was not just a hoax in 2020.  It will show you that if you voted for Joe you backed the wrong donkey!

            Hum, just a thought, could it be that Hunter’s laptop is in H-E-double toothpicks when he goes there?  After all, laptops have “inner clocks”!


            President Donald J. Trumpet had his own coffee table book published.  It is available at  The title is Our Journey Together.  The only problem is that it seems to cost a lot of money, especially if you want an autographed copy.  The book presents photos from President Trumpet’s four years in office and shows you how much can be accomplished by a REAL president!!!


            In Trumpet Time, by Peter Navaru-Worry.  Get it, it is worth reading, really it is.


            Doctor Scott Atlas, the man who holds the world upon his shoulders, was brought into the Trumpet Administration a few months after Dr. Faust and doctor what’s her name kept messing up.  Anyway, Atlas gives us the scoop of chocolate ice cream on how stupid and dumb these doctors were in his new book A Plague Upon Our House.   The “House” is the White House and the plague is not the coronavirust but the antics played by Dr. Faust and doctor what’s her name.  (At least that is what I assume, as I have not as yet read his book.)  I’m sorry, but I just cannot remember what her name is, if you want to know what her name is then read Atlas’ book.


            Hate-crime hoaxer Jussie Smelltit was found guilty on five out of six charges on December 9, 2021.  But his sentence will not be handed down for another two months?  That seems weird to me, but I guess real life court is a lot different from PERRY MASONKNIFE and BULL – BLEEP.


A December 2021 edition of Peephole magazine has Dolly Pardoned on its cover with the following quote – “There’s more important things in life than big breasts.”   There is no doubt, except for the part that I did not stand in the grocery store to read the article, that Dolly talks about the importance of running a big business, like Dollywood, than focusing on physical aspects like huge bosoms.  But do not go by what I am saying, I did not even read the article!  I’m not even sure I got her quote correct!  Oh, NEVER MIND! – 1-800-555-MARA (Blaze TV) only $6.66 – That’s all I’m going to say.

NBC’S BLACK ANNIE – by Blanca Mann

            I just have two questions…How come it is not called cultural appropriation when NBC casts a black girl in the role of Little Orphan Annie (the cartoon character with white skin and red hair)?  Daddy Sawbucks was still white (and bald).  Is this because that is what all rich white men are supposed to look like?  How stereo-typical!  I’m surprised they did not have John Legend-in-his-own-mind play Daddy Sawbucks; after all they had him play Jesus Christ in Jesus Christ Superstar.

            “Thanks, ALPO Dog Show, for the doggy scooper I won for my dog Sandy!  It is much appreciated!” – Little Malaria Annie












Idiotor’s Note:  Our hearts and prayers go out to all those people hit by the horrible tornadoes.  We do not mean to sound callas if that is how we came off sounding.  We cannot imagine what it would be like to lose one’s house, business, friends or family members in such a tragedy.


            Sounds like a new movie – right?  But it’s not a new movie.  Rather, it is the place where Doctor Faust kidnaps 600 monkeys per year to do horrible, monstrous experiments on.  Morgan Island is near South Carolina and is nicknamed “Monkey Island” because of its free range monkeys that have made the island their home.  It is also a sanctuary for criminal apes.  The monkeys leave their jobs at the circuses and the zoos to either retire or go on family vacations to hang out in the trees; then they are caught and used by NIH’s Faust.  Is Dr. Faust doing Dr. Moreau type of experiments on the monkeys?  Where does he get the money to finance these terrible experiments?  The tax payers, of course, who have shelled out $100 million since 2007!

            The PAAW (named after the line, “Get your stinkin’ paaws off of me!” –from Planet of the Apes) Act needs to be passed so that it can put an end to the horrible experiments.  May all Democrats and Republicans vote for this one!  First we find out Faust is behind gains-of-function research (which leads to the coronavirust), then we find out that he does experiments on Beagle puppies, and now we hear about the monkeys!  Why does anybody do a single solitary thing that this quack mad scientist demands we do?  Why do Biden and the Left Media idolize this man at all?  Why does he still have a job?  Why is he not in prison for his crimes?  Why is his friend, Dr. Francis Collie-Dog, also not in prison, especially after singing that terrible song at the party to the tune of “Somewhere Over the Rainbow”?

            Dr. Faust needs to go straight to jail, do not pass GO, do not collect $200!  “For that is the Life of Monopoly’s Chutes and Ladders” — Milton Bradley.


            Some woman with the Miami Herald, claims that Ron De Santisclause is a very selfish governor in the way that he has handled the coronavirus pots and pandemic.  Yet, Ron has done one of the best jobs of all of the 50 governors (especially the blue ones).  This woman is a bully, and she should be ashamed of herself.  Instead of blaming Ron De Santisclause for coronavirust why does she not give the real blame to the communist Chinese instead?

            Former Vice President Biden also wants to shift blame (again) for the really bad way he has handled coronavirust (as he promised to stamp it out of existence while he was campaigning in 2020).  He especially wants no responsibility after he failed to get a lot of tests produced for the onslaught of coronavirust cases due to its variants.  “Who saw this coming?” he asked.  EVERYBODY but him, evidently!!!  Now he is saying, “There is no federal solution [to coronavirust]; this gets taken care of at the State level [via the governors – like Ron De Santisclause].  Does this mean he will cancel his vaccine mandates to where people that do not get vaccinated must lose their jobs? 

            If anyone were to do the math, and someone did because I heard it being added up on a radio program, the reason why all the flights were cancelled over Christmas weekend due to illness, is all Joe Biden’s fault – because he is demanding people get their shots or lose their jobs.  Do you know that if all the people, who refused to bow down to dick-tater-tot Biden, who worked for the airlines had not been fired that there would have been enough people to take care of the flights that were actually cancelled over Christmas weekend?  That’s right.  So, how do all those people who got stuck at the airports feel about this?  Should we tell Biden to shove his mandates up the place where the sun never shines?

ECONOMIC TREASON – by Bud Jett Manager

            The following men and their corporations are committing economic treason when they are doing business or being super nice to communist China.  These people need to be persecuted or fined for doing business with China.  Some of these companies are not a surprise because they have long belonged to the one world order government group (I will place an * before their names).


            Khameleon Harris is now the new Electric Car Czar! 

            Khameleon Harris did not seem to know what she was doing, as she stood there with her hand on the nozzle like she was pumping gas!  If she were to keep her hand on the nozzle the whole time, she would have to stand there for hours not just a few minutes. (I stand corrected, I guess there is a way to charge an electric car within five minutes now, at least that is what I have heard via the raisins in the grapevine.)

            She asked the man, who was giving her instructions, how to know if the car was charging?  He said, “Don’t worry, it is.”  (So he is stupid too, because he did not really answer her question.)  But I say, if you’re not sure – READ THE INSTRUCTION MANUAL!!!  Plus, if the car is anything like the hybrid electric car I have you can just open the driver’s door and the computer monitors will tell you if the car is charging.  It will also tell you how much time it will take to charge the vehicle.

            My biggest worry about what she was doing, wiggling the nozzle as she was, is that she might do damage to the charger or even the car.  You are not supposed to move the nozzle back and forth.  You just plug it in and leave it alone to charge.  Good going Khamaleon!

            Elongated Musk (I wonder if he really smells like musk?), billionaire extreme, is the manufacturer of the Tesla electric cars (named after Nikola Tesla a great inventor with electricity).  He has come straight out against the “Build Back Better Go Broke” Bill.  He is dead set against it.  The interviewer could not figure out why, after all there is supposed to be stuff in it for electric car manufacturers.  It is because Musk does not want the Federal government all up in his business!  What is so hard to figure out about that?  I hope Khamaleon is paying attention to that interview (as well as Joe).

            A lot of people have given Khamaleon Harris a bad time over her decoration of her VP office.  However, I think she did it in good taste, the color on the walls that is.  I love light blue walls with white trim!  So all those people giving her a bad time over it – just don’t do it!  Okay?

Definition of “conservatism” – “watching other people make the mistake you warned them about.”  – Jesse Watters World of The Five


            Recently a man was kicked off his flight, and banned from flying, simply because he wore a woman’s thong on his face instead of a regular face mask.  So when a particular question came up on the Match Game 74 television show, I had to answer it in the following way.  (Okay, this is not the exact question, as I did not write it down at the time, but it is as close to it as I can get.)

            “Howard, the bank robber, said to his co-worker during the job, ‘You were supposed to wear women’s stockings over your face, not a BLANK.’”

            To which I quickly replied, “thong”.

            Of course, thongs were not a thing back in 1974, so most of them said, “bra”. 

ALL TIME RECORD – by Phono Graph

            In November 2021, near or at the southern border, 170,000 people were caught coming into the U.S.A. via the southern border (this is not counting the gotaways).

            Finally, Governor Hey Abbot is building a border fence.  It is about time.  If I was him I would just steal the steel that the American taxpayers have already paid for (and is now just sitting on land – rusting) and use it for the border fence.  But Abbot is too honest and moral, I guess.  Still, it really is not stealing steel from the federal government when the steel belongs to “We The People” is it?  I also say, if former Vice President Biden can break the immigration laws over and over and over again, then why can’t we begin to play dirty and break a few laws ourselves?  I guess because we just can’t do it, because it is wrong to break the law, too bad the Left Demonrats can’t figure this out!


            Kha-melon Harris and her Grapefruit First Gentleman were already seated at the funeral (which was held in a pot of Boston Baked Beans).  PB and Jelly Biden came walking in.  Jelly was in front of Joe so she was going to sit in the further seat from the VEEP.  Only PB made Jelly switch places with him!  Then Kha-melon Harris leans over to whisper something in her hubby’s ear.  So, what was really going on?


            Philadelphia Freedom’s D.A., bought and paid for by George Soros ($200 million), Larry Krass-ner, was telling everybody how there was no crime in Philadelphia Freedom.  No crime at all.  His words were, of course, a pack of lies and he knew it.  But, he did not really care.  Everything he said was propaganda at its best (what he was taught to do in his college class Communism 101).  After he was called out on his lies (propaganda) he decided that he would apologize to the black and poor people of the city.  But he will still take no responsibility for his ruining the city – with its lawlessness, rioting, looting, murders, etc.

            District A-thornies like Krass-ner need to be put in jail themselves, because, they do not care one bit about the peoples of America!


            The previously mentioned Congressional Committee, on the January 6th protest (it was not really an insurrection because nobody had any weapons.  However, the policeman who murdered Ashley Babbitt had a gun), has looked into Mark Inda Meadows’ phone texts and (probably) e-mails.  Jim Jordan River sent a very long lawyer’s brief (not very brief at all) to Mark.  It was used by Adam Schifty to try and get Meadows into trouble, in other words, Adam doctored a portion of the document!  The committee had to admit that the document was doctored, but they never apologized for Adam’s evil deed.

            All I can say is this, “Adam Schifty is going to hell, and his clock is down there ticking!”


Elizabeth War-on-peace is trying to get four justices added to the Supreme Court and four seats to congress.  She is a totalitarian. 

            What is funny is that Liz is trying to do a battle of wits (she’s only a half-wit) with Elongated Musk!  She started the Twitter-war by saying that he needs to pay his fair share of taxes.  Yet he pays millions of dollars in taxes already!  Musk has called her Senator Karen, which is pretty funny, in my opinion.

            Then MSNBC’s Joyless Reid tries to horn in on their fun.  She accuses Musk of cultural appropriation (when he is South African?).  I am not too sure why she does this, but she is lucky to be a quarter-wit.  Reid’s words are wild, because it is Liz who pretends to be Cherokee.  Liz is the one who lied about who she was on forms taking a slot away from a real Native American (a.k.a., in the good old days, an Indian).  (I have cousins who are more Native American than Liz will ever be.)

            Is there any question as to why Musk wants to build an ark spaceship and head for Mars with it?  He wants to get away from weird-lows like War-on-peace and Reid!

FACT:  Liz Chainy’s political competition in Whyoming is Harriet Hageman.  (We hope Harriet wins the election.  I guess people in Whyoming do not like Liz at all!)

I AIN’T FRAID OF COMICRON – by Doctor G. Buster

            The Left is petrified (at least they pretend to be) of the new coronavirust called comicron (which sounds more like a convention than it does a disease).  Yet worldwide less than ten people have died from it (if that is a real fact).  I say this because there is one case where it is stated that a person died with comicron, it does not say that the person died from comicron!  So that person died from something else even though that person may have had comicron at the time.

            If you look at it in a positive way, omicron may be nature’s Christmas gift to the world because while it is highly contagious it is less potent than Delta and previous coronavirusts.  It is quite possible that by being less potent and more contagious that more people will catch it and then have natural immunities to the disease.  However, this does not mean that the Democrats (Marxists really) will give up their lies about coronavirust, nor will they give up any power they want to keep with the mask mandates and the shut downs and the vaccine mandates!

            They (the Marxist-Left) even try to get treatments with ivermectin thrown out by doing doctored (fixed) studies with the drug.  For instance, they do not give the infected patients the medicine in the early stages (which is when the drug does its job).  Instead they wait until later on; then say, “Oh, this drug does not work.”  They did the same thing with hydroxychloroquine.  They do not even want to talk about natural immunity that people have after coming down with the China-lab bug.  All they are interested in is money that comes from the vaccines and the power they get with their mandates.

            And the college administrations go along with the game.  Cornell University, with a student population of 25,000, shut down the campus over comnicron.  University of Pennsylvania will shut down even though their students have all been immunized.  NYU has a snitching system where people who are seen without a mask are snitched on by others.  You don’t care about lives if you don’t wear a mask – is their communist philosophy.

            Anarchy tyranny – anarchy caused by the Marxist Left makes a tyrannical environment for the average American citizen.  Where will it end?


            Health and Human Services head man Xavier Becerra is definitely missing in action.  What is he doing?  Where is he?  Why is he not dealing with all the fentanyl drugs being smuggled into our country and all the poisonings due to the drug?  Becerra use to be California’s Attorney General (so was Harris).  It seems to me that California has no idea who to vote into office (or else their elections are rigged – which sounds more like what is really going on.  What is he doing about coronavirust and comicron?  Why does he not go to any meetings?  “It’s not the profits that counts, it’s the results,” he is quoted as saying to somebody.  He also said, “We really ought to ask Congress for more money.”  What does he need more money for?  So he wants to draw his big fat paycheck while doing absolutely nothing while in office?  I say we give him the boot (size 12 D).


GIGALO GANDER – November 2021


The WORD of the Month – MULTICULTURAL  –  by, Word Play 

            According to Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary “multicultural” means:  “of, relating to, or designed for a combination of several distinct cultures”.  “Multi” means “1:  a: many:  multiple:  much   b:  more than two   c: more than one   2:  many times over” (Ibid).         

            The word cultural comes from culture, which means (in this case):  “1:  the act of developing the intellect and moral faculties, esp. by education” (Ibid).  Actually, culture means a lot of stuff, look it up for yourself – I’m lazy!


            In September, at Arizona State University, in the Multicultural Center, two young gentlemen were studying (in the study hall).  One of them had a sticker on his computer which was in support of police.  These two white male students were accosted by two black women telling them that they had to leave because they were not supposed to be there, being that they are white, and that the Multicultural Center was not meant for them.  Since they stood for police lives then they were prejudice and must leave. 

            It turns out, however, that one of the women, named Sarah, had a PHD (I believe she was a graduate student; okay, I agree, this is highly questionable) from ASU going to believe this type of behavior?  Sarah Doctor-Inda-House is also a member of the Marxist Black Lives Mutter group and with the Ford Foundation Fellow charity (which tries to push social justice on college campuses).  FFF (for short) is a cancer on American society and it is tax exempt!  FFF (or Triple F) uses their tax exempt donations, hundreds of billions of dollars, to fund critical race theory (racism) and teaches six year olds to cast off their gender.  Last year she was arrested for assault (n’ pepper) of a police officer.  Hey, Biden, why not tax FFF or seize their money?  You can give it to people who have lost and suffered due to the Ford Foundation Fellow and these types of groups!

            The Multicultural Center is a study hall which has not been designated for the marginalized.  This woman, named Sarah Yew-All-Back, is STUPID, and I will tell you why.  First of all, she must not know, or understand, what multicultural means!  It means “multiple (as in many) cultures”.  So if the Multicultural Center is meant to house multiple cultures then it means that ALL races (and ALL colors of people) are allowed to study in the study hall!


            UCLA, when you’re sober, suspended one of its GOOD professors after he quoted Martin Luther King talking on the subject of being color blind.  Really, that’s it?  I remember when Bernard Twitchet got suspended in high school after hanging a poster commenting on a certain teacher’s butt.  I told him not to put the poster up, but he did not want to listen to me.

GOVERNOR-REVEREND KATHY HUCHEW– by Reverend Silly Billy Gramcracker

            After Governor Andrew Coma resigned his position, a crazy woman, Kathy Huchew (God bless you), took over his job (temporarily).  She not only is running the state of New York she is running her mouth off as some religious fanatic for the Church of Coronavirust! 

            In one of her sermons she claimed that Jesus Christ and God wanted people to be vaccinated!  What a quack she is, and a liar.  You being vaccinated with material medicine goes against God (who is incorporeal, has no material body) and it is the total opposite of Christ Jesus’ healing method.

            The same power which heals sin heals also sickness.  This is “the beauty of holiness,” that when [the Christ] Truth [which is God] heals the sick, it casts out evils, and when [the Christ] Truth casts out the evil called disease, it heals the sick.  When Christ [presented to mankind by Jesus] cast out the devil of dumbness, “it came to pass, when the devil was gone out, the dumb spake.”  There is to-day danger of repeating the offence of the Jews by limiting the Holy One of Israel [God] and asking:  “Can God furnish a table in the wilderness?”  What cannot God do?

            It has been said, and truly, that Christianity must be [divine] Science [not physical science], and Science [not physical science] must be Christianity, else one or the other is false and useless; but neither is unimportant or untrue, and they are alike in demonstration.  This proves the one to be identical with the other.  Christianity as Jesus taught it was not a creed, nor a system of ceremonies, nor a special gift from a ritualistic Jehovah; but it was the demonstration of divine Love casting out error and healing the sick, not merely in the name of Christ, or Truth, but in demonstration of Truth, as must be the case in the cycles of divine light.

            These are the words written on page 135 of SCIENCE AND HEALTH WITH KEY TO THE SCRIPTURES, by Mary Baker Eddy [my interpolations are given in this type of brackets].  Mary Baker Eddy is the Leader, the Discoverer, and the Founder of Christian Science – God’s Science.  So, nobody has been following God’s Science, unless they practice Christian Science.

            Jesus did not use any type of medicine to heal anyone or anybody.  He demonstrated God’s Truth, which is Christian Science.  Do not be fooled by your material government, their Dr. Faust, or by the media on this point – sin, sickness, disease and death are healed by the Christ-Truth (which is Christian Science) because sin, sickness, disease, and death are error not reality.

D.C. Comics follows Wash Dem Clothes and makes Jonathan Kent’s SUPERMAN Supergay – by Gigolo Joe

            My Gigolo Gander, back in the 1980’s was ahead of the pack.  We ran a story about super hero Geoffrey Man, whose secret identity was Vickie Valley Girl.  Needless to ask, but I am going to anyway, why does the comic company need to go in this direction?  Why can’t they just have Jonathan Kent, son of Clark Kent, be a nice heterosexual?  If they want a character to be gay or transsexual or whatever else there is today to be – then why don’t they just invent a new super hero instead of ruining the old ones?  The CW’s TV series Superman and Lois, or is it Lois and Superman, has Jonathan being interested in a young girl.  Look, I am not against homosexuals, I have family members who prefer same sex mates, however, I do not like the fact that every time you turn around this stuff is happening on TV, the viewers are being forced to watch this type of sexual behavior (people are being desensitized or perhaps being brainwashed into accepting homosexual behavior).  So I don’t watch it, I turn my head away and mute the channel or I fast forward over the sex stuff.  Even the newest series for the Power Rangers has fallen into this trap.  I just do not want to see men kissing men, women kissing women, boys kissing boys, girls kissing girls, men kissing women, boys kissing girls.  As far as I am concerned you can cut out all kissing and love making and I would be perfectly happy with that.  I am interested in the plot line or story; I am not interested in seeing sexual displays of affection.

THE 4400 – BLACK CAST – by Vi S. Ett

            The CW Network aired their new show, The 4400,in October.  It is a remake of the USA Network show (with the same title) from 2001 a space odyssey.  Give me the old show over the new show.  I will tell you why – I recognized and liked people in the original show!  I did not see one person on the first episode of the black cast version that I even recognized.  I even met, in person, two of the people in the original show, so give me the old show over the new!

            What was it I really did not like about the new show?  The old rehashed stuff about how black people have been so mistreated in the USA.  Yes, we all have been educated on the issue, so move on! 

            I too am in agreement with our Idiotor, G. G., I did not like, never do like, the heterosexual sex stuff (this was seen at the beginning of the episode) and the lesbian stuff that, fortunately, did not get into the bedroom (but I still do not want to see it).  I also did not like the stereotyped (by today’s WOKE jerks) white policemen who were not nice people (two of them were depicted in the first episode, one incident was a flash back to the past – not sure what year it was supposed to be as they did not say).  HOW PREDICTABLE CAN THE SCRIPT WRITERS BE?

            The 4400 returnees were supposed to be from all over the world, all from different times, and returned back to this year – 2021; yet we were only introduced to U.S.A. returnees.  Maybe in future episodes we will meet some non-American citizens?  What I thought was odd, was that coronavirust was sort of only a backdrop type of thing in the story.  People were seen wearing masks and they put up Plexiglas dividers for their interviews.  Yet nobody from the White House was there to demand that the returnees all get their vaccination shots!  How unrealistic can they be?  Also, none of the returnees even seemed to know about the coronavirust.  None of them mentioned it at all, nor were they told about it, as far as we know.  Just what would their reaction have been to have heard about such stupid things taking place in 2021?  They would all have thought they had died and gone to hell (specifically, hell’s insane asylum).

            It was more important that the script writers having a white police guard make an ass out of himself by making the black woman, who was singing and playing the piano, STOP what she was doing!  (In reality the producers probably did not want to pay for the whole copyright on the song being played.)  This woman had returned with a special power.  Her power is that she is able to heal herself.  Maybe they will use her as a cure for the coronavirust?  No, they would not do that it would be too easy; the medical people would probably make no money from it either.  The whole reason why hydroxychloroquine has been given a bad rep, as has other drugs that work on coronavirust in the early stages of the disease, and why it was pulled from pharmacies is because it is too cheap of a medicine, and the vaccine companies want to make millions, if not billions, of dollars from their not so long lasting vaccinations.  Instead they will just mandate that the woman be vaccinated.  The good thing for the woman is the poison (which is whatever is in the vaccination that causes people to get sick) from the vaccinations would not hurt her in anyway.

            My question is, “Will the 4400 even need to be vaccinated since they are not working and they showed up in the U.S.A. without having any green cards, visa or Master Cards on them?”  One woman had a cell phone but the people in control (DHS or police) took it from her.  They refuse to give it back to her also.  I wonder if her cell phone is 2G or 5G?  If it is 2G it may not work.

            Yet, 4400 new returnees hardly seems like a drop in the bucket when you consider the millions of people from around the world who have come into the country since January 2021; all the Afghanistan people brought in by Biden (who have not even been vetted or ever could be vetted or even Eddy Vetted!  So yeah, what’s all the hub-bub about 4400 disappeared people returning to the year 2021?  All I have to say is that the aliens behind all of this (if they are aliens from outer space) must all be Socialistic-Democrats!  For sure the script writers are!

Disney – along with ABC – Turn Alt-Left – by Amanda Jean Turncoat

            Disney + is getting into the news business.  Why?  Disney is supposed to be for children, not for adults who watch news.  Why do they want to produce news programs especially when they are basically Marxist propaganda?  Take for instance, their special on the life of Doctor Anthony Faust!  The man is evil, yet they present him as a holy man.  Well, Disney is still into fantasy programming I guess.  (There are Faust Saint Candles that you can purchase over the internet.)

            It has been discovered that Dr. Faust’s NIH division shipped part of a $375,800 grant to a lab in Tunisia (home of Luke Skywalker).  The money was used to drug Beagle dogs, then lock their head is mesh cages filled with hungry sand flies so that the insects could eat the dogs alive.  White Coat Waste also cut the dog’s vocal cords so that the animals would not make any noise while being tortured to death.

            NIAID said, “The goal of the research was to determine if the experimental vaccine prevented the dogs from becoming infected in a natural setting.  Developing a vaccine to prevent leishmaniasis is an important research goal…”  The NIAID grant for this research ended in July of 2021.

            Now, with the help of George Stepsonallofus, Disney + is playing a program about the MI 6 agent named Steele, Christopher Steele (he is shaken not stirred).  Christopher is not James Bond, nor is he a man of steel; I have doubts that he is even a Christian.  He is, however, a liar.  The reason for the news program is not to promote Steele or his fictitious (fantasy) Dossier, no, it is to try and hurt President Trumpet again, just in case he may decide to run again in 2024.  Nothing in the report is true it was all made up by Hilarious Rotten Clinton.

The Matrix – by Dan Bungee-Jumper

            People all over the U.S.A. are taking the red pill and waking up.  They are no longer woke (under the influence of a blue pill).  They are now awake to see what the New One World Order of Communists is trying to pull off.  It is strange that in the actual movie – The Matrix – that it is the red pill that wakes Neo (which means “new”) up from believing in the matrix world, because red is for the Republicans, while blue is for the “woke” Democrats.

THE KING OF THE UNIVERSE GOES INTO SPACE – by Jeff Beezos (owner of Wash Po)

            Forget Captain James T. Berserk, forget the name William Shattered, think of the King of the Universe, a.k.a. Phillip Stone and the Big Giant Head (not a bathroom guys)!  Just think of that, the King of the Universe going into space with me, Jeff Beezos!  That’s right!  On October 13th (lucky for me) I got to ride in my Big Giant Dick with the Big Giant Head up into space!  Even if it was for a short five minutes!

            Why is this so important?  Well, because, in 1996 I had a dream about a Ghost Museum.  I was investigating ghost sightings in the museum with a buddy of mine.  In my hand was an illustrated poem, and there was a drawing of a giant’s body sitting on a wooden chair.  The giant’s head was decapitated by the edge of the drawing.  In front of the giant’s body was the floating head of William Shattered! 

            I went to the information/ticket desk to tell the clerk that I had solved the problem of ghost sightings (being a rear screen projection window).  Well, I had to tell him that I liked the choice of the floating head in the illustration.  The man said, “I thought Shattered would be funny.”  This told me that he was the man behind making the decision to use William Shattered as the giant’s floating head.   The clerk was God!  I knew that would SHATTER your mind!

            Three years later I find out that William Shattered was going to be on Third Rock From the Sun as the Big Giant Head!  WOW!  Then I said to myself, I have to see that show.  However, I was supposed to go on a trip during that time (not on drugs you guys).  So I was at my in-laws home in Michigan when I noticed, on the day the show was to air, a magnet of Captain Berserk on the fridge.  The head was decapitated!  His was the only magnet of the Enterprise crew members who had lost his head.  I said, “Okay, God, I will try and see if I can watch the show tonight!” 

            So now you know why it means so much to me that I went up into space with the King of the Universe!  But I like the Big Giant Head much more because I am such a Big Giant Dick, like my space rocket is!

            After landing we were all outside the capsule tip.  Bill was thankful to me that I provided this opportunity for him.  He said, “I hope I never recover from this [feeling].”  We hugged each other.  I shall remember the day too, Bill!  After all October 13, 2021, is an important date to remember because the King of the Universe ascended to heaven.

Liar-in-Chief Runaway – by, Eye Noticed, did Hugh?

            Joe Crow Biden is at it again.  He lied about the numbers of employment; he tried to make it sound so much better than it is.  Plus, he is the reason why people are going to lose their jobs in the next couple of months, right before Christmas!  (Editor’s note:  It may be that the layoffs may be held off until after the holiday season.)  They are all going to lose their jobs because they know it is wrong for Joe to force the companies they work for into mandating (forcing) vaccination shots.  “No jab, no job!”  Besides being an authoritarian Joe Biden is a real drug pusher!  FOR SHAME!!!  To be honest, there is no federal law for vaccination mandates, but the corporations are following through on it anyway.   Why are they playing ball with Biden?  Why don’t they do what is best and allow medical exemptions?  Why is not natural immunity even being considered?

            Supply ships are backed up in the oceans waiting to dock so that they can be unloaded.  This means that there may be a shortage of toys for the tots (Cary-no-toys-at-all) as well as other supplies – like washing machines, dryers, cars, computers, etc.   His Secretary of Traveling Bobblehead Pete Buttijudge has done nothing about this problem.  In fact, he disappeared for two months to be on paternity leave (like he gave birth, I don’t think so)! 

            Biden is also not lifting one finger to keep drugs from pouring into this country over the southern border.  He seems clueless that more people are dying from drug overdoses than coronavirust!  FOR SHAME!!!

            The weekend before Columbus Day (not Indigestion Day), many people from Southwest-east airlines refused to come to work.  They called in with the flying pig flue!  Many flights were canceled.  Also in Jackass Ville, Florida, the air controlling building was not open for business, again, due to the flying pig flue!  Wow, Joe Crow, do you think maybe that the flying pig flue is way more dangerous to our economy than the coronavirust is?  I think so!  But the real danger to our economy is Joe!  His woman, Jen Psaki-in-the-mouth lied about the airline’s worker shortage being connected to coronavirust.  Other airlines are at least allowing exemptions for their employees, but not Southwest-east.  FOR SHAME!!!  Yet, there may be a change of heart by the man in charge of Southwest-east, maybe he has realized that he actually needs his workers?

            So mean Liar in Chief Runaway Joe Crow Hidein’-Biden is willing to have pilots (and other airline workers, and there are a lot of them), air controllers, nurses, doctors, firemen, policemen, military personnel, and many more important workers in our country be fired because they do not want to get a vaccination because of their own personal reasons.  Why should they be shot, just because Emperor Joepentine Biden says they must?  Biden was quick to claim that President Trumpet was an authoritarian president, or that President Trumpet was like Adolf Hitler, but it is Biden who is being an authoritarian and is more like Adolf Hitler.  EVERYTHING that man does is to hurt the United States of America.  His biggest success so far, since January 20th, is in ruining the U.S.A.  Again, FOR SHAME!!!


            What the Reft says, “If you all vaccinated you are no ronger in lisk of spleading coronavilust (a rie).  Yet, if you are unvaccinated you all a thleat to vaccinated people.  This is not rogical, but, it is social contlol.

            “Have an open mind but don’t let your brain’s fall out.” – Bazooka Joe

Today’s Zodiac – by Astral Projection

            If you were born in the last portion of the month of November and near the end of December, then you are the Archer, more commonly known as Sagittarius.  Sagittarius is symbolized by a centaur (a horse and man mixture) with a blue bow and blue cross (no mention of a blue shield).  Sagittarius is a fire sign (Sizzlin’!), and is sexually dominated by Jupiter.  Sagittarius represents the perfect man in combination of animal and spiritual power and divine potential.  You have great driving power in a sports car.  You also provide great leadership to those who are living in the stable with you.  Do you like hay?  Do you like to play horse shoes?  Do you hit the bull’s eye each time you take a shot of whiskey?  Yes, I have a lot of questions and I have NO answers what so ever!

            Sagittarius people are generous to a fault; they would rather give presents in risk of going off their budget.  They are loving people, they love to talk!  They are usually very talkative people and are actually unaware of how much they hog the conversation, especially when they are with a Virgo.

            And now for your serious fortune:  This month you will be forced to go hunting with your bow and arrow because the price of meat is just way too high, thanks Biden!  What a maroon!


            Peopre on the Reft (the ones who all whack jobs) will tell you that Adolf Hitrer (the fascist Nazi reader) was against aboltion.  They all not telring you the tluth.  Adolf Hitrer was for abortion.

FACT:  One reason why some people are against the coronavirust vaccinations is that baby stem cells, from aborted babies, were used in the making of the vaccination medicine.

FACT:  The abortion motto is:  “My body, my choice.”  However, the DNA is different from a mother and an embryo baby under incubation.  So there is really not just one body but two.  What about the baby’s body and its choice?

“What does Joe Biden not know and when did he not know it?” – The Great Guttfelt


            Veteran Thomas Caldwell, and his wife were at the January 6th rally.  They never entered the Capitol at all.  Yet, the FBI raided their home and treated them like dogs (rough, rough).  They grabbed Sharon Caldwell’s legs and dragged her through the grass.  The Caldwells own a farm, and their finances have been decimated by this unlawful treatment by US authorities.

            After the raid Thomas Caldwell was taken into custody and held for 49 days in solitary confinement.  The FBI claimed that he was an Oath Keepers commander, but he has no ties to this group.  Caldwell had never even heard of the Oath Keepers before, me either! 

            The Caldwells need your help.  Go to SAVEOURFARMVA.COM if you want to help them or give them a donation.

            This is a serious situation, and I do not try to make lite of it, but I do mean to shed some light on it.  I find FBI participation in this type of situation as immoral, disgusting, and downright un-Constitutional.  What is wrong with FBI leader Christopher Wraith?  Does Nancy Pelono have him wrapped around her little crooked finger or something like that?  Wraith should spend 49 days in solitary confinement and see how he enjoys it; also, he should loose most of his financial monies to see what it is like.  Travel a mile in Mr. Caldwell’s shoes, Mr. Wraith.  (Caldwell and wraith, it sounds like Stargate Atlantis doesn’t it?)

REVOLVER NEWS – by Daring Toby Different

            If you think that this news article is about the Alec Baldwin’s movie shooting (not meant as a pun but it is) in New Mexico, think again.  No, this news is about Ray Epps.  “Who is Ray Epps?” I hear you ask.  That’s what we are trying to find out for everybody!  For sure, however, Ray Epps was instigating trouble (not investigating trouble) in Washington Dot Com on the night of January 5th and during the day of January 6th.  He kept trying to get people to enter the Capitol building.  He went from one person to another trying to get them to do evil deeds.  On one recording you see and hear Epps telling the crowd that they need to enter into the Capitol.  But someone who was recording the scene saw through him and they began to point at him and say, “Fed, Fed, Fed, Fed!”

            Ray Epps was supposedly with the good-ol’ boys Oath Keepers group, yet oddly, he was never arrested!  This has left many people to believe that he was a DOJ plant (not the kind that grows in the ground either). 

            If Epps was a DOJ or FBI plant (an instigator to get President Trumpet in deep water) then we must ask if the person that Authorny General William Barr-none put in charge (after his last day on December 23, 2020) was working for the Democrats?  Again, why would this man’s photo be removed from the FBI’s most wanted list?  Why was Epps record be erased, or scrubbed, from the FBI data base one day after the article in Revolver News about Ray Epps came out, if he was not a plant (again not a fern)?  And why was Epps never arrested?  One must suspect that he was put there at the Capitol in order to sew discontent and to rattle people’s cages.

CHUNG LEE’S CONFUSION (one more time)

            Fol yeals men could not have babies (even Adolf Hitrer, with all the help of his mad scientists, could not have a baby).  So, men were all in on aboltion, especially if they did not want to get stuck mallying a woman they did not want to spend their rife with and laise chirdlen they did not want to be financially saddled with.  But NOW that all men, according to the Reft, can have babies, I guess this means that they can also have aboltions!  Relcome to the crub, gentremen!

ODE TO JASPER – by Dana Purina-Dog-Chow

HOUSE BUDGET CMTE LIST – $4.3T most expensive Bill in US history!

This bill is 8 times the cost of the Interstate Highway System when it was put in; $2 trillion largest tax increase in American history

It calls for $400 billion for government daycare (like Cryin’ Chuck for example)

$50 billion in death taxes (they are going after all the ghosts now, I guess the Democrats believe that you can take it with you)

$80 billion tax hike on small businesses; taxes on energy employees; a cigarette tax

Red Alert!

This Bill doubles the number of IRS Agents to spy on your bank account, if your balance is above $600.00 or you make deposits of $600 and withdrawals of $600 (666?)  As of October 19, 2021 the number went from $600 in your bank account to $10,000.  This is still too low of a number!  But they have to find their tax money someplace to pay off this Bill they claim is costing the USA taxpayers zero dollars!  (Hint:  They lie!)

The Green New Steal hides –

$7 billion for climate police (I wonder what they do, and why they would not sooner or later be defunded by the Democrats?)

$10 billion for a slush fund for colleges for communist indoctrination (Maybe there should be a slash fund with a mad man and power saw?)

$2 billion for job training (already tried by former President B. O. – he could not name one trained person – sounds familiar, like the Afghanistan army)

This Bill blocks energy exploration (which increases our dependency on Arabs and Russians)

$27 billion for a Green Bank (where donners to the Democratic Party go for cheap loans)

The Bill forces us to use wind and solar energy in places where it’s not very windy or sunny.  They want the rest of the country to have California’s rolling blackouts.

Billions of kickbacks for donners (See Tuckered Carlson’s special on Wind Mills, he’s a regular Don Quixote!)

$25 million go to each animal group to study butterflies, desert fish and muscles (the kind you eat, not the kind you bulk up)

$4 billion slush fund (a slushy fund sound nice and tasty) for radical activists to remove racist’s “Racist” Infrastructure (like statue toppling)

Immigration stuff –

$100 billion for amnesty which makes it easier for people to cross the border and harder to deport the illegal aliens (not if they are Hannibal Hayes and Kid Curry)

Free College, free tax credits, free welfare for illegal aliens (not the ones on Roswell, New Mexico)

For Schools –

$500 million for “Culturally Appropriate” school lunches (nobody even knows what this means – maybe it means Fish Fridays)

$7 billion for Ivy League Schools

Miscellaneous stuff –

There is the word “equity” plastered all over the Bill, which means “reverse racism”.

$250 million for Health Insurance Company bail outs (We just gave them a trillion dollars last year)

Free housing for convicted felons (I thought the prisons were free housing, so this one makes no sense at all)

Penalizes people for getting married (so don’t do it.  Jesus told us that God doesn’t want us to get married, so maybe it is time to stop getting married and having children?)

Keeps single mothers stuck on subsidies and includes tax payer funded abortions (if people stop having children via sex then there would be no reason to have the tax payers pay for abortions)

Pays lonely people (like Don Rickles who is now paying death taxes)

Joe Pinocchio Biden – by Gouda Fairy

            “The $3.5 trillion bill (really $5.5 T) costs you zero dollars,” whispers Joe Crow Biden to all you fine American citizens.  Are you going to believe his line of bull?  I wish that Senator Joe Inda Mansion would have said, “I’m not going to pay for this bill even if it costs zero dollars!”  Anyone in Congress who votes for B. S.’s and AOC’s bill is loco in la cabesa!  So do not vote for it Republicans named Mitch Miller McConnell, John Loony-Tunes, John Corn-On-Duh-Cob, Lisa Murkysky, Shelley More Capitol-Inda-Bank, Richard Shelby-Comin-Round-Da-Mountain, Rob Portwoman, Susan Colliedog, John Barnass, Mike Roundsabout, and Roy Blunthead Screwdriver.  They all gave a mighty fine gift to Cryin’ Chuck after they promised they could not help the democrats on the ceiling debt extension-cord.  Why did Mitch Miller McConnell break his promise to the people?  What is Mitch getting from Chuck?  They now (as of the 3rd week in October) say they have whittled the Bill down to two trillion, which is still two trillion too high!

FACT:  There have been 12,000 deaths and 6,000 cardiac problems arise from coronavirust vaccines.  But you do not have to believe this because it is not God’s Truth, it is only mortal mind’s truth.  There is a difference.  Don’t you wish all media (whether ZNN or FOX) would publish the REAL Truth (God’s Truth) instead of mortal minded truth and mortal minded lies?

FACT:  Again, this fact is not God’s fact…there have been more people who have died from coronavirust under Joe Crow Biden’s watch (Timex) than under President Trump’s watch (Rolex). 

Biden’s time – January 20 – October 7 (so far). 

Trump’s time – fall 2019 – January 19, 2021. 

            You do the math, no really, I don’t want to do it, I hate math!


            It is well known that Athorny General Garlic Marland, head of the new Department of Unjustice, sent a letter out to the federal law folk to give the official approval for the FBI to go out and arrest parents for domestic terrorism if they go speak at some school boring meeting.  One recent example, which is probably what motivated Marland’s letter in the first place, is about a father, Scott (give him a tissue) Smith, who lives in Ashburn, Virginia.  At the June 2, 2021 Loudoun Public Schools Board meeting in Virginia, Smith made an appearance to tell the board about the rape of his daughter.  Instead, after the school board refused to let Smith speak, he was arrested at the meeting by police (talk about police violence).  They said he could not speak because he had not registered to be at the June 22nd meeting.  REALLY?  All that this father wanted to do was talk to them about his fifteen year old daughter being raped and sodomized in the girl’s bathroom by an older boy wearing a skirt (pretending that he is really a girl instead of a boy).  The school district actually covered up the rape and sent the boy to another school, where he attacked another girl.  So, for trying to speak up about the crime committed upon his daughter and their complaisance and cover up they had the man arrested before he could even say anything.  FOR SHAME!!!  MSNBC news host Joyless Reid commented on Smith’s assault, “They didn’t beat him hard enough.”  Really, Reid?  Do you have any daughters?  How would you feel if your daughter was raped at school while she was in a bathroom?  I guess she is all in on police violence against men so long as they are white.

            The two rapes were covered up by the school district.  In a meeting to support transgender policy, CRT, and mask wearing, the stuperintendent said to parents, “There are no records of sexual assault (that I know of) in this school.”  But there was one the month before the meeting took place.  He turns to a red herring, debating whether to eat it for dinner, and said, “Time magazine says this is all ridiculous anyway.”  My question to this statement is what would Time magazine know about any of this stuff?  Did they see records of sexual assault that Mr. Stuperintendent claimed he knew nothing about?  George Soros (a Yourapeein, one world order communist-fascist millionaire) funded the prosecutor who tried to cover all of this up.

            Democratic House Bill 257 now makes it possible for rape crimes in schools to not be reported to authorities.  How is that a good thing?

            Parents are finally speaking out and yelling (because that is the only way that they can be heard) to the public school jerks across the country.  Why?  Because, their children are forced to wear masks all day (very unhealthy for them to do this, it literally is child abuse) and soon they will be mandated to be vaccinated.  Also, parents are upset about the communistic propaganda being taught to their children, via CRT – or Critical Race Theory (really Racial Tactics).  The federal government, Joe Biden included, is trying to indoctrinate our children to become communist activists and to become so stupid that they cannot read, do math, spell, or even speak English.  I believe that Joe Biden cannot stand anybody who is smarter than he is; which is 99.9% of the country, so he must dumb down the children.  He also is all in on boys pretending to be girls so that they can win athletic events and shut out the girl’s chances of winning anything.  Is he all in on boys being able to go into girl’s bathrooms and rape the girls?  Perhaps this has been his lifetime dream to go into the girl’s bathroom?  I hope not, but you never know.

            Yet, it turns out that Garlic Marland, you remember the man that President Obumber wanted to be put on the Supreme Court in 2016, has a conflict of interest in relation to the letter he wrote, because of his family ties (I prefer a blue tie over an orange tie, no polka-dots, please).  Anyway, it turns out that his son-in-law, with Paranormal (sorry, that’s Panorama) Education, makes good money putting out CRT material for the public schools (25% of public schools use their curriculum or communist propaganda)!  A joke in and of itself – the name “Panorama” – because, that means having a panorama outlook, yet, CRT is very limited and only sees one color, which is not even a color, and that is black.  You know, you cannot have legible writing without putting it on white paper! 

            Shouldn’t Garlic be pressed and be investigated by Congress and then lose his job?  Maybe he should just resign TODAY!?  He is doing way more harm than Jeff Sessions ever did.

            It turns out, however, that in September the School Board Association (that’s long for Ass) went to the White House and worked on putting the School Board letter together, before sending it to Garlic Marland.  When testifying in front of Congress Marland stated that he did not know anything about any rapes (because he did not see it on the news – he must watch ZNN – the ‘Z’ stands for getting in your Zees or nap time).  So, what does he think now?  Those who wrote the School Board (you know the Ass) letter have recently apologized for it, but it is too late, Dudes!  The harm has already been done – calling all parents (of all colors) domestic terrorists.

            But, former president B. O., mocked all parents at Mcaulouf’s rally in Virginia.  He calls the parent’s protests, over Critical Race Theory and other teachings on racism, “phony culture wars”.  He claims that the phony culture wars were started by parents, but it was not, it was started by the Marxist Left!  He describes the rape of a 15 year old girl as fake outrage by parents!  The only one presenting fake outrage at the rally was B. O.!

BLM really means – Black Lying Marxists.

ILLHAM OHMY AT IT AGAIN – by Blueblood Childe

            Congressman Illham Ohmy was recently campaigning on the topic of the rise of crime in her state.  Remember how she demanded that the police must be defunded?  After they were defunded the crime rose in her state (as well as in other parts of the U.S.A. where democrats are in control).  Even the police station in her district was burned down (by BLM or Antifa).

            What did she claim was the reason for the rise in crime?  Well, of course, the police are to blame!  How could the police be the reason for the rise in crime?  The only way that police could be responsible for the rise in crime is that there are a whole lot less police officers out on patrol and arresting people because they were defunded!  If there is anyone to blame, it should be Illham Ohmy and her socialistic compadres in Congress, all the big city mayors of democrat run cities, all the democrat governors, all the George Soros district athornies, Liar in Chief Biden and Chameleon Harris!

FACT:  While Liar in Chief Runaway Biden stopped all work on the border fence (wall) he has used tax payer money ($500K) to build a wall around his summer home in Delaware.  How about all the illegal aliens that have crossed our border and been secretly flown in or bussed in to Republican states, how about those governors put those illegal aliens on planes and fly directly over Biden’s house and push all those people out of the plane (with their own parachutes of course)?  They can do it during the daytime hours too if they want!  There is no need to hide under the darkness of night.  I know if I were a governor I would do it!


            A young newswoman was interviewing a man named Brandon at a NASTYCAR track.  The crowd was yelling (quite clearly), “F*** Joe Biden!”  Yet she tells the man something like, “Hear that?  They are yelling, ‘Let’s go, Brandon!’”  I heard that she was wearing ear phones at the time and may not have known what the crowd was really yelling.  It sort of reminds me of what my hard of hearing father use to do with my words – he would always think I said something I did not say.  And often he would get mad at me because he was willing to believe the worst of me.  But I digress.

            Now the phrase “LET’S GO BRANDON” is being used as a joke for what the crowd was really yelling.  Would you like to purchase one of the T-shirts below?




            Chameleon Harris was so jealous that William Shattered got to go up in space with Jeff Beezos that she made some short films for Ewe Tube on space, the final frontier.  It turned out that the not so little kids were hired actors.  An actress should have been hired to play Chameleon’s role as well, as she is a bad actor!  She talked to the older children as if they were three year olds.  And she used hand movements that were way over exaggerated.

            Our only wish is that the Veep really would be sent up into space to never return.


            During Red October Hunted Biden held his art show.  After a while it got heavy and he had to set it down on the ground.  During the event he visited with people, even though he said he was not going to ever meet any of his buyers – ever.  He lies as much as his old man.  He sold five art prints for seventy-five thousand dollars each.

            The gallery that displayed Hunted’s artwork, was New York’s Georges Berge’s Gallery, which has received ½ million dollars in pandemic relief funds.  Yet, other businesses in the same neighborhood, who are more worthwhile, are closed because they did not get any part of the ½ million dollars in relief funds.


            ZNN whistle blower, blond woman who thinks she’s hot stuff, really works for Pierre Omidyarneeds, who is a billionaire.  Omidyarneeds gives donation money to Marxist-fascist George Soros.


            Joke Biden went on ZNN for a town hall meeting in October.  Of course, he talked about his vaccine mandates and that people who do not want to get vaccinated should lose their jobs.  The vaccine mandates are not really about the coronavirust at all, instead they are really about our individual liberty and/or freedom.  He does not want “We the People” to have any freedom or individual rights.  That night Joke Biden mocked the non-vaccinated by pretending to be one of the non-vaccinated.  He said, “I have the freedom to kill you.”  Then he distastefully added, “Freedom!”  Yep, we know, Joe Crow, that you do not believe in freedom!  I wonder how he would feel about freedom if he was broke (no money because Hunted cut him off) and he had to spend time in jail for the crimes he has committed against the United States of America?


            WARNING!!!  All people around the world who are trying to come into the United States of America via the southern border – DON’T COME!!!  Why do I give you this warning?   I give it to you because you are not coming to the country you believe the United States to be.  The U.S.A. is no longer a country of true democracy nor is it run by capitalism; it is being run by China.  This country is no longer a true Republic, because, Democrats keep breaking the law of the country and they go against the Constitution every chance they get!  This country is being run by communists and Marxists.  Liar in Chief Runaway Biden has broken more laws since January 20, 2021, than Al Capone ever did (and that is not counting the many laws he broke before the inauguration).  Beware – if you come here you will not get what you think you were going to get.  Why do you think that Cuban-Americans voted for President Trumpet in 2020 instead of Crow Joe Biden?  It is because they see all too clearly (20-20 vision) what communism is and what it looks like!  The Cuban-Americans understood that the Democrats were offering nothing but promises of communistic programs and totalitarian leadership.


Idiotor in Chief:  Gigolo Joe                                                   Edition:  October 2021

Ass Idiotor:  Amanda Jean Turncoat

FACT:  Aurora James purchased a house for one point six million dollars.  She wanted the Bionic Man to be included in the closing fees, but he was six million dollars to begin with, not 1.6 million.  Woman, get your math right!

FACT:  Reverend (Is he really a revered leader?) Al Sharptongue, the racist troublemaker, owes loads of back taxes.

FACT:  It looks like Joe Biden owes $500,000 in back taxes; he also uses a shell corporation.  Joe, I only have one thing to say to you, “Pay your FAIR SHARE!!!”

The WORD of the Month – FECKLESS  –  by, Word Play 

            Feckless means:  “[effect, majority]  1:  ineffectual, weak   2:  worthless, irresponsible” (Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary).  This word was used to describe Liar-in-Chief Runaway Biden.  It was used by the wife of one of the military people killed in August by the exploding bomb at the Afghanistan airport.  I have to say that her use of the word is quite appropriate!  Effect means, “to bring about; accomplishment, fulfillment; influence” (Ibid).  So, Biden’s accomplishment to pull out all military from Afghanistan by August 31st was fulfilled, but he still did it in the wrong way, and that wrong way was the FECKLESS WAY!

            I have also decided to call him Liar instead of Commander because the man lies way better than he commands!  The man is not a leader at all, he is, … what’s the word I’m looking for?  Oh, yes, he is FECKLESS – ineffectual, weak, worthless, and irresponsible, very irresponsible!!!

Thou Shalt Not Throw Eggs at Candidates – by Reverend Silly Billy Gramcracker

            Before the California recall election on September 14th, Larry Elderberry, who was running for state governor, was walking down a street with a crowd of people.  Behind him was a white woman on a bicycle.  She had a gorilla mask over her face.  I doubt that she was wearing the mask to protect her from coronavirust, but rather to protect her secret identity (I heard she was working for Governor Graven Troublesome, but perhaps she was really working for the CIA?).  This mask had bright pink hair, not that the hair color is important; I just thought it was interesting.  Anyway, one of Elderberry’s people pulled on the back of the woman’s back pack.  He did not hurt her, but she blew up like a hydrogen bomb!  “Don’t touch me!”  She was mean and nasty to the man.  She even threw a left hook to his face.  Of course, she is just mean and nasty, because, she was throwing eggs at Elderberry.  And it is because of her nastiness that she was wearing a black faced gorilla mask.  One may wonder, however, if her wearing a gorilla mask was symbolic in nature.  If so, what did she mean by it?  Was she making the statement that she was a black supremacist because Elderberry, according to Governor Graven Troublesome, is a white supremacist?

            I say this because, if you did not know this, Larry Elderberry is a black man.  He is a famous radio talk show host.  And shame on Principia for the way they treated him when students wanted to hear him come to the college to speak to them!  Principia’s administration was no better than the woman wearing the gorilla mask.

            What is a crying shame is that after the recall election, the old governor is still governor!  AW!!!  What frustration upon the citizens of California.  I smell something rotten in California and it’s not the polluted streets of San Francisco!

Liar-in-Chief Runaway – by, Eye Noticed

            On September 9, 2021, Joe Biden gave a speech, in a brown suit.  It was a dark brown, and almost black, but not quite black.  I was surprised that nobody in the fashion-Nestea press commented on it, like they did the tan suit he wore earlier in the summer.  Joe spoke about the coronavirust problem because he wanted to try and make people forget about his disaster in Afghanistan in August.  All he did was really turn people off and attack 80 billion people because they are not yet vaccinated.  A news person at FOX (Dana Purina-Dog-Chow) believes he gave the speech to try and help Governor Troublesome in California, as the recall was just around the bend.

            Joe Blow Biden lied during his speech (what’s new?).  He can’t do anything but lie to everyone; it’s his nature; just as the scorpion will sting the frog after the frog helps him cross the pond.  But he really is becoming a real Dick-Tater-Tot.  Now he is going to inforce work places, with 100 employees and more to force their employees to get shot (vaccinated).  Well, South Dakota’s governor is going to sue him if he goes through with his little nasty plan.  I hope she wins too!  (Now he is trying to tell everybody that people are infrastructure!)

            In the picture below Biden and Crying Chuck were speaking about climate change.  Biden lied about this too, saying that our country has been hit with more violent hurricanes as of late than ever before in our history.  You will see that he lied, as shown in the information given below the picture.


            It is better to have loved and lost than to keep what does not belong to you in the first place, the second place, or even the third place – especially if it is an Olympic Medal.

Today’s Zodiac – by Astral Projection

            If you were born in the last portion of this month (and near the beginning of November) then you are a Scorpio.  Scorpio is symbolized by the scorpion – duh!  Does this mean that your sting is worse than your bite?  Scorpio is a water sign, so sometimes one might mistake the scorpion for a lobster and take a big chunky bite from it!  Do you eat out at a lot of seafood restaurants?  Do you like to listen to music by Sting?  Yes, I have a lot of questions and I have NO answers what so ever!

            Scorpios deal with emotions unless they are closed off to their own emotions.  Scorpio has to do with death and regeneration.   So, does this mean that death is only the regeneration of a new life?  I believe that if you are a Scorpio, that you picked the right time to fall under that sign, because, it means when Armageddon takes place (as we see what is now taking place in the Middle East, the Middle West, and the Malcolm in the Middle) you will be saved!  Some Scorpios seem to be the strong, silent type.  Some of them have a tendency to ghost their friends – so watch out for them (which is hard to do if they really are ghosts) – even if they do look like Patrick Swayze.

            And now for your serious fortune:  This month you will experience a lot of fun and excitement wherever you go, as long as you are allowed to go wherever you want to even if you haven’t been vaccinated!  But to get around that nonsense all you have to do to people who ask to see your vaccination card is say, “No comprendo, no hablo Julio Englaa-say!”  Or if you speak Afghanistan use that language.  Then you will not need to prove a single thing to anybody!  Or just whip out that stinger of yours.



            Then you need to learn how to Astral Plane your body to where you are free to go everywhere you want to go!  Think of it, you can go to the moon, to Mars, to other galaxies if you want to!  You can go to your favorite restaurant and not be carded; the only problem is you probably will not be able to taste any of the food.  This is okay because you probably have no money to pay for your meal; in fact, I have to wonder if you even have any clothes on (?).  You can go visit your grandparents with no worries, even though they will not be able to see you, unless they meet you on the astral plane as well.  And you do not want to see your naked grandparents!

            Yes, in the astral world you can go anywhere and do anything – except eat food, speak to other people in material bodies, or pick up material objects.  It is even a mystery how you can stand on the ground or floor without passing through it!  But hey, who can question the principles behind astral projection and how it works?

            While you are there you will not be bothered by any democrat loons demanding you place a mask over your face!  You will not be harassed by police wanting you to keep out of the football stadium or hear your favorite band play music.  You are un-harassed by any covid restrictions!

            Here is how you can leave your material body.  First you must eat all food before 6 p.m. (1800 hours).  Then go to bed around 9 or 10 p.m. (2100 or 2200 hours).  Then you must set your alarm clock (before you go to sleep, of course) to go off around 1 a.m. (or 0100 hours).  Then you get up for a couple of hours and then return to bed.  Lay flat on your back, with your head on a nice My Pillow.  (I’m willing to do a commercial or two.)  Consciously tell each part of your body to totally relax.  Then when you fall asleep, make sure you do not take a left turn in the road, because that leads to communism.  Make sure you go right on the road and that leads you to being able to go where no man has gone before, except people who have astral projected their bodies before you.

                                                                        –Story by Captain James T. Berserk


            OSHA was recording, up until June 2021, bad side effects from the coronavirust vaccinations.  Since June 2021 OSHA has not reported any side effects.  And this is the same organization that Joke Biden is using to back up his dictator move to force companies with more than 100 employees to vaccinate their employees.  I guess teachers in New York are not very happy with the man either, as on the September 11th weekend they were protesting him in the streets, saying over and over (like the people in sports stadiums have been doing), “F*** Joe Biden!”

FOX News reporter, Peter Poochee asked Jen Psaki about Biden’s new “mandate” (new word for it is “requirement”) on coronavirus vaccinations, “Why is it that you’re trying to require anybody with a job or anybody who goes to school to get the covid 19 vaccine but you are not requiring that of migrants that continue to walk across the southern border into the country?”

            Jen replies, “Well, look, our objective is to get as many people vaccinated across the country as humanly possible.”

            “It’s a requirement [really a mandate] for people at a business with more than 100 people but it’s not a requirement [mandate] for migrants at the border.  Why?” Peter asked.

            “That’s right.”  Then she pointed at another reporter and said, “Go ahead.”   (Well, she did not answer his question at all, while at the same time she was really RUDE!!!  I think the woman is related to Alfred E. Newman?  Actually, he’s cuter.)

            The following conversation between Jen and Pete took place on September 20, 2021.

            Peter asked her, “If someone walked into the country across the river does somebody ask to see their vaccination card?”

            Accomplished liar Jen replied, “Individuals [illegal aliens] come across the border and ah, they are both assessed for it [whatever this means?], if they have any symptoms, the intention is for them [the illegal aliens] to be quarantined [but most are not].  They [the illegal aliens] are not intending to stay here for a long period of time.  It’s not the same thing.”  But it is the same thing!

            If she believes what she said, I think she’s been drinking the Cool Aid!  The immigrants (illegal aliens) are planning to stay in the USA forever, they were invited by her boss, Joe Biden – remember Jen?  But perhaps she really meant that the illegal aliens were not intending to stay underneath the bridge in Del Rio for a long period of time?  Yet, my take away from her statement is that she and Biden see all immigrants – or illegal aliens – who just walk into our country, as vacationers, or as people who want to work for a period of time and then go home; they do not see them as permanent residents (but they really do, they just pretend to think that these people will eventually all leave the country).  The illegal aliens sure see themselves as citizens (it’s what they were promised after all).  None of the people who were camping out at Bidenville made the trek from Haiti.  Nope, they had legal residence in other South American countries after they got asylum in those countries years ago.  They only came here because Biden put out the welcome wagon to the whole world while on the debate stage! 

            If you allow the illegal aliens to not be vaccinated, even for a short visit or stay, should they still not be quarantined for fourteen days, or at least given a shot in the arm?  But many, like the Haitians, are not even being examined before our government lets them go free inside the USA (all 48 states – I say 48 because Hawaii and Alaska are not really attached to the main body of the country – however, this does not mean the Haitians could be given free airplane fare (that American tax payers are paying for) to Hawaii or Alaska).

FACT:  Since 1990 over 100 million people have entered our country illegally.  (That we know of.)  It is way more than that since the beginning of this year began – THANKS JOE!

FACT:  People from 198 countries around the world have come across the southern border since January 20, 2012.

The Real Reason Why… — by Dr. Phil God (I went to the same school as Dr. Jill Biden – we were known as Phil and Jill)

            What is the real reason behind the government wanting children to wear masks and to be vaccinated for the coronavirust?  It is because of one reason – natural immunity.  It is the only plausible explanation there is, that the reason why the government wants your children to be vaccinated (even when, materially speaking, it is safer for them to get coronavirust than to be vaccinated for it) is because they do not want children to become naturally immune to coronavirust.  If the children do not build up natural immunities to the disease then one variant after another variant will come year after year.  This means that people will continue to have to be dictated to, they will need to continue wearing masks the rest of their lives, and they will need to continue to get booster shots or this shot or that shot.  The government will not have the money to give the vaccinations to the public for free anymore (thanks to communism), so people will be forced to pay for their immunization shots year after year.  This means money for the pharmaceutical companies and mad scientists like Dr. Faust and his ilk.  (They get paid anyway, because the government pays them if we don’t.  But, of course, we are really paying them because we pay taxes.)

            The children are also supposed to wear masks in order to keep from getting the disease, so that they cannot become immune to it.  Yes, they have their dastardly mean ways of keeping herd immunity from taking place!  It is material SCIENTIFIC fact that people who are immune, because they caught coronavirust and survived, that their immunity is way better (27% higher than the vaccines) than any immunities you are supposed to get from the vaccination shots.  Instead of giving you a booster shot the people in charge need to be working on vaccination shots for the different variants that are coming into existence.  Of course, the FDA has put an end on Biden’s booster shots (after he paid for the medicine).  However, his appointed CDC woman (non-doctor?) has overruled the FDA on this point.  Dick-Tater-Tot Biden is also against Ivermectin going to Republican states, because he knows that it is an early safe and effective treatment for coronavirust and he hates the red governed states (that’s why he is flooding them with Haitians and other illegal aliens).

            There is a recent recording of a pre-school woman attempting to place a mask over a young child.  He was crying and taking the mask off as fast as she could get it on.  This is child abuse!

            What we really all need to do is give up the belief that there is life, truth, intelligence, and substance in matter and begin to REALLYTRUST IN GOD’S SCIENCE!!!  Not that Scientology junk but real Science, Christian Science.  If you really want the cure for all diseases then read SCIENCE AND HEALTH WITH KEY TO THE SCRIPTURES, by Mary Baker Eddy.  The “little book open” (Revelation 10) is the answer to the pandemic; it is also the answer to communism taking over the world as a one world order.

FACT:  Joe Biden is the greatest super-spreader of the coronavirust.  How?  Well, he allows ill illegal aliens to come into our country.  He has allowing non-vetted Afghanistan refugees to come into the USA, these people have not been vaccinated, nor does he care if they are.  He only cares that he may be able to get them to vote in the 2024 election for his party!  (I also heard, not sure it is correct, the Chinese vaccine is being offered to the immigrants.  If true, this would explain why they are turning down being vaccinated.  Who would trust a vaccine made by the same country that released the pandemic?)

CHUNG LEE’S CONFUSION (one more time)

            Did the August drone airstrike really take out an ISIS-K man?  No, it took out a humanitarian aid worker (along with seven innocent children and two other people).  This man was loading containers of WATER into his vehicle (not bombs or explosives like the DOD claimed).

FACT:  There were 570 riots during 2020 that the Left (BLM and Antifa) is responsible for.  Yet, they are not being investigated or looked into by Congress.

Justice for J6 Rally – What a Dud – by Stacks N. Figures

The following chart is more up to date.

            On September 18, 2021, there was a Justice for J6 rally held in Washington Dot Com.  Nancy Pelono, once again, put up more fencing.  (Too bad they cannot take down that fencing and place it on the southern border!) 

            The Left kept saying that the white supremacists were coming to take them away, ha, ha.  Maybe it is really the men in the white coats with the nets coming to get Nancy?  Because, absolutely nothing happened to excite anyone on September 18th’s Justice for J6 rally.  There were more news people there then there were protesters!  There were more policemen and National Guard there than protesters too.  Also, within the crowd of protesters were undercover agents (probably FBI) posing as rally goers.  I guess they failed to excite the very small crowd of real protesters!  I wonder if the FBI undercover agents were all dressed in black clothes.

            What were the protesters actually protesting?  Well – they were protesting the unconstitutional way that people, who have been arrested for the January 6th rally/protest (what the Dems call an insurrection), have been unjustly treated by the FBI, the court system, and how they have been mistreated while inside prison and held there without bail for months.  The whole thing is unfair and unconstitutional.  Perhaps to get out of prison they need to claim that they are really with BLM or Antifa?  Yeah, that would probably work!  I do not believe that John Sullivan (a Leftist protest-riot-mob organizer) is still in jail, and he was there on January 6th egging people on to do bad stuff (even though while on CNN he pretended that he was there as only a reporter).

            Pictures and videos that were taken on January 6th have recently been released to the public.  Joe Biden did not want these pictures to be released to the public but a federal judge rejected his administration’s strenuous attempts to hide the video footage from January 6 (2:25-2:40 p.m. eastern time).  What did they show?  They showed peaceful people just coming in the door and climbing through a window in to the Capitol.  However, they were not rioting or causing trouble, they were just walking around; they were not causing any trouble at all.  They were taking selfies and doing sight-seeing stuff.  So, no one, in those particular videos, is rioting, all of them ARE peaceful!  Another video showed breaking and entering by men in black outfits with hoods over their heads and masks to hide their identities.  Who were these men?  Were they undercover FBI agents?  Were they Antifa or Left-wing extremists?  We may never know – but where is Congress’s investigation into the ‘MEN IN BLACK’?

            Another video, that has been seen, showed the man with patriotic paint on his face and who wore a hat with horns on it.  He is actually a shaman and is one of the people arrested, mistreated, and probably is still in jail.  He did nothing wrong except probably go up behind the area where Congress sits to conduct business.  There was a guard in the room.  Also, on the floor in front of the desk, was a man talking to somebody on his phone.  He told his friend, “I got shot in the face” with a plastic bullet.  The guard asked him if he needed help and he told the guard that he was okay.  In the meantime Nancy is just mad that her meals might be interrupted, maybe she will miss out on her ice cream, no wonder she gets along so well with Biden.  Has she thought about getting rid of cows and the ice cream factor, or is she like Joe and AOC?


            On September 11, 2021 President George Washing-a-ton-of-clothes Bush gave a speech.  Present, in the audience, were presidents Clinton and Obumber.  Also present was Vice President Joe Biden (who was not allowed to give a speech). 

            In his speech G. W. Bush compared the tragedy of September 11, 2001 to January 6, 2021!  He actually compared, in his pea-brain, January 6th to September 11th saying that the second incident was just AS BAD as the first!  Really?  Over 3,000 people died and many were injured on September 11th while only four people died on January 6th.  Then G.W. compared the people at the Capitol building this year to the Taliban terrorists from twenty years ago!!  What happened twenty years ago?  Four USA airplanes were high jacked and crashed.  Two airplanes were aimed at NYC’s Twin Towers (they were destroyed and many US citizens died), one airplane crashed into the Pentagon, and one airplane heading for the White House went down before it reached its destination because of the BRAVE US of A citizens on the plane!!!  They sacrificed their lives.  What happened this year?  Three people died from heart failure, one policeman died the following day from a stroke, one unarmed female vet was shot to death by a black Capitol policeman, and 30 policemen were injured (and some people were injured with rubber biscuits, I mean bullets.  Which event was worse?  Um, any idiot would have to say, the one under Bush’s watch (and I’m not speaking about his TIMEX)!!!!

            President Bush proved, during his speech, that he is not a Republican; he is just a Republican In Name Only – a RINO!!!!!  He is one of the One World Order Globalists at heart and a rotten painter.  (One thing for sure, Hunted Biden is a way better artist.)

Quote by Joe Pinocchio and Other Fairy Tells – by Gouda Fairy

            What did Joe Biden really say on September 11, 2021?  Your guess is as good as mine!  Yet, for once, he did not actually lie.  To be honest, it is hard to figure out what he actually did say!

            “This idea that, you know…what do you want to do with Biden?  ‘I want to box him!’  I should be so lucky.  But the kinds of things, or you know…stuff that’s coming out of, you know…if Robert E. Lee had been in Afghanistan we’d have won.”

            Now, I am not sure that this news clip was not edited to make him look worse than he really is, but if he did say this rambling on quote, then we must ask ourselves if he should remain in charge of our country.  Shouldn’t Nancy be asking her pal General Mills to take the football away from Joe like she did with President Trumpet on January 8, 2021?  Of course, she should not, because it is not her job to do so!  Yet, she was ranting and raving about how Trumpet is crazy!  But she is the one who is crazy; or is she just coup-coup for Coco Puffs?

            On January 4, 2021, President Trumpet’s people went to Nancy Pelono to have her agree with them to have the National Guard present at the Capitol building on January 6th because she had to sign off on it being that she is the Speaker “ruff-ruff” of the House.  She out and out refused!  Because she is Pelono, and she said “no” to everything President Trumpet wanted and asked for – yes, she hates him that much.  When Nancy contacted Peddle Cash at the White House, not long after Ashlie Babbitt had been shot by a Capitol police lieutenant, her main concern, or question, was about how fast, or when, the congressional food services would be up and running!  Yes, the non-insurrection outside really was not bothering her at all!  She and General Mills are the real insurrectionists.

TWEET BY ZNN – “House Speaker Nancy Pelono told House Democrats that she has gotten assurances there are safeguards in place in the event that President Trumpet wants to launch a nuclear weapon or even goes out to lunch, according to multiple sources.”

            Biden’s quote about General Lee makes me think that he is an official KKK member when he thinks that a Confederate general would have won the Afghanistan war.  He could have easily have said General Grant, okay, maybe in his brain it is easier to say General Lee instead of General Grant, but he did not.  Well, he could be correct about General Lee, because Head Hunter of Jointed Chiefs General Mills (my joke name for him because there is also a General Kellogg) really botched the job.  General Mills is only good at producing Fruit Loops, or is that General Kellogg?  (I checked into it, General Kellogg does Fruit Loops and General Mills does Coco Puffs.)  Also, stay tuned to General Mills’ future – if Bob Wouldlie’s book Peril is correct (co-author is Robert It’ll Costa).  Did General Mills betray our country and President Trumpet?  What is going to happen to him?  Will he be forced to resign?  Tune in tomorrow, same Bat Time, same Bat Channel!

            Mills should go to jail for treason if he did go behind President Trumpet’s back and promise to warn the Chinese government if and when our country was going to bomb them.  We know for sure that he spoke to Nancy about the football.

FACT:  Joe Biden’s family owned black slaves.

FACT:  Henn Peck, radio talk show host, brought out the last FACT in October of 2020 (before the election).  News media lied and said that Peck was wrong, that there was no proof that Biden’s ancestors had been slave owners.

FACT:  In September 2021 news media have brought out the story, pretending the topic had never even been touched upon before, that Joe Biden’s family once owned black slaves.


            An investigation is being performed after pictures and videos are seen and misconstrued on purpose.  The Border Patrol horsemen were only trying to keep Haitians from entering Texas.  The reins on the horses are super long because the horsemen use the reins to direct their horses.  People saw the use of the reins as whips being used on the Haitians and called fowl.  Yes, the Leftists are indeed chickens, turkeys, and all other types of water fowl when they tell lies, because, they just do not want to talk about the real facts!  Like one fact being that there were over 5,000 Haitians camped out under a Texas bridge near Del Rio (which means – “the river”).  It was nicknamed “Bidenville,” after 46.  It is now Hidin’ville as the illegal alien Haitians have all disappeared (most of them inside the continent of the USA).

            Early on Senator Camel La-La Harris said that there should be an investigation into the incident; even though she has said nothing about the thousands of Haitians camping out underneath the Texas traffic bridge.  Weird words coming from her, since she is the one who is supposed to be in charge of the southern border and it is her fault that the border patrolmen were out there on horseback in the first place.  It is especially Joe Biden’s fault that the Haitians and everybody else in the world are coming here!  But this is by design – they see the invaders as future Democratic voters (especially if he can get no limit on Green Cards, Purple Cards, and Yellow Cards).

            Dan Bon-bon-jean-o said that this was “the first whipping incident in history with no whip and no incident.”

            There is a difference between what happened in this instance and what happened on the plantations – the slaves did not come to the U.S.A. in a voluntary manner, but the Haitians were coming to the U.S.A. voluntarily – THEY WANT IN!!!  They are trying to BREAK our laws.  There is nothing wrong with them coming so long as they try to come in the correct way, via the laws of this country.  How can we expect them to obey all our other laws if they break our immigration laws from the very beginning?  The answer is, you cannot trust them, but that is exactly what the Biden Administration is doing!  They trust all illegal aliens coming into our country to show up to their court appointment (most of them three years down the line).  Most of them do not bother to show up at court, they prefer to live in the “shadows”.

            Others making something out of nothing were MSNBC’s Joyless Reid, Congressman Illham Omar (who married her own brother), ZNN’s Chris Coma, Maxine Water-on-da-brain, DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkass (who at first was on the right side of the looking glass but then turned all political and now dons a mad hat), Al Sharptongue, and Congressman Ananna Pressley (no relation to Elvis).  (It was wonderful to see the Texan citizens yelling at Sharptongue and telling him to leave their county because they did not want a racist like him being there causing trouble!  It ruined his speech – about time!)

            So these border patrol horsemen are now suspended, or stuck on desk duty, pending a full investigation.  Too bad nobody is investigating Joe Biden.  The company horses are not to be used anymore either.  Really, you are going to cut down on the horses’ getting exercise – call PETA, PETA, PETA!  Since Biden and his administration are continuously breaking the law then why can’t border patrol disregard BAD orders and continue riding the horses?  I think they can.  Why has nobody arrested Biden after he breaks laws over and over?  Where is the justice at in this country?  And do not forget who really has rein-ties to black slave owners – that’s right – Liar and Chief Runaway Joe Crow Biden does!!!


            In September Chief James Craig was trying to hold a rally when people, from outside the state of Michigan, showed up to protest and make so much noise that he had to leave.  Lucky for him, the woman with the gorilla mask did not show up.  Craig, a black man, was a policeman and he kept these people (the same loud, obnoxious protesting outsiders) from destroying the city of Detroit.  He kept them from destroying his city.  He believes these “protestors” were brought in by Governor Witless and that it was strictly political.


            What with all the disasters coming out of the Biden Administration – I am really afraid!  There is the fiasco in Afghanistan where tons of people were left behind, where ten people (seven of them children) were bombed by a US droning on and on about Isis K, when they were not even in the neighborhood.  Poor white Toyota Corolla…does the Biden administration hate white people that much?  Blasted C.R.T.!  Oh!  Toyota Corolla is the name of a car!  Got it!

            With the stoppage of the building of the border fence (wall), with all the Haitians at the southern border in September, with all the other people flooding the border since January 20th, with the destruction of USA’s energy independence, with our economy beginning to tank, and with all the dictates from Emperor Sidious Biden coming forth, especially about coronavirust vaccinations – all is scary.  The list goes on and on – heck yes, I am deeply afraid; aren’t you?  B. S.’s and AOC’s $3.5 trillion (really it will be closer to $5.5 trillion) Reconciliation-socialist Bill, the fake $5 trillion infrastructure bill on top of it, plus the continuing resolution on top of that with the aid they want to provide for the Taliban terrorists, taxpayer funding for abortions, and all their hot-ticket items – be afraid, BE VERY AFRAID!!!  And do not believe their ghoulish lies that the bill will cost zero dollars!  Okay, if they plan to BORROW the money from China, then it may cost us zero dollars but plenty of yen!

            These bills will change the good old USA forever – heading it into communism – while putting our children and grandchildren into debt like nobody has ever seen before!

The Darn Durham Report!!! – by Patience B. Waiting

            The public has been patiently waiting to read John Durham’s report.  After two years something has finally taken place, someone has been indicted by a Grand Jury.  His name is Michael Suckmann, and he is a lawyer (no surprise) who worked for Hilarious Rotten Clinton.  Suckmann lied to the General Council of the FBI, at the time it was run by James D. Baker.  He told the Council that he had a short bread story about the Trumpet organization communicating with Russians on a secret server, particularly communicating with the Alfalfa Bank (not affiliated with Spanky Manhattan and Buckwheat First Bank).  Suckmann did have a story for them, even if it was a fish tail he gave them.  However, he pretended he was presenting this information to the FBI as a private citizen, all the while he was working with the DNC and the Clinton Campaign and lawyer firm Perkins Coyfish LLP.  The stretch is that the FBI believed Suckmann’s fish tail as truth, not that the bad guys were hiding out at Girdle Creek.  (Think about it!)  By the way, James D. Baker now works at Twitter making lots of Twinkies and cupcakes, and we wonder why they suspended President Trumpet’s account?

            But the Russian bank was smart; they knew something was up when they began receiving a bunch of ping-pongs, way back at the beginning of this saga, so they put a tracer in their system to see where the mysterious ping-pongs were coming from.  They traced it back inside the US (it was a set up).  Somebody was working hard to make it look like Trumpet had a connection to the Alfalfa Bank.  Crowd Strike (former FBI agents) leaked information to the press.  If you ask me, something smells fishy, and I believe it is H. R. C., her lawyer, and the FBI along with some Baker.

            Where is the outrage over all of this?  It was Hilarious Rotten Clinton who was cheating to win the 2016 election and continued to be involved in all of this sewage in order to ruin President Trumpet’s four years in office.  Why is this woman not in prison?

            What is even worse is that Joe Biden now has ties to all of this mischief, through his National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan (no relation to John Sullivan but of the same mindset).  He is alleged to Clinton’s 2016 scheme to co-opt the CIA and FBI to tar and feather Trumpet.  Is there any doubt that Biden did not also cheat to beat President Trumpet in 2020?  Just one example of his cheating follows in the next article.

HAUNTED HUNTED BIDEN – by Emma Skew Lenity

FACT:  Hunted Biden’s laptop IS REAL; there was no Russian disinformation about it.

FACT:  Hunter’s emails reveal that he asked for $2,000,000 per year and ‘success fees’ to help unfreeze Libyan assets.  The Libyans were smart and turned him down.

            It is now verified that the laptop left at a computer store for repair really belonged to Hunted Biden, and that it was not Russian propaganda – as promoted by the left-winged media and Vice President Biden before the 2020 election.  Now that Biden’s approval ratings are tanking the press is willing to tell the truth about the laptop.  There is also a book out on the topic.  Where are their apologies to the New York Post Toasties and to President Trumpet?  It turns out that Tony Bob-Bob-Bob-Bob-Bob-Bobulinski was correct the whole time too (so he deserves an apology as well).

            So, once more, in the fall of 2020 (before the election took place), the Left complained about those who disagreed with them, and referred to them as conspiracy cooks.  But it turns out that they are the real conspiracy coups!  And as G. G.’s wrestling friend would say, “‘NOUGH SAID!”

THE DISTORTED VIEW – by Tele Moon-doe

            Camel La-La Harris was to be the solo guest on September 24th’s episode of The Distorted View.  At the beginning of the episode the four co-hosts were a-bitchin’ about people who have not as yet been vaccinated for coronavirust.  They were saying horrible things about these people.  It does not matter that perhaps these people have legitimate reasons not to be vaccinated.  The best one being, they are immune because they have had coronavirust.

            All of a sudden, the announcer, maybe a producer or director, asked two of the four women (the two on the viewer’s RIGHT side – HA!!!) to leave the stage.  Afterward it was announced that their tests came back positive for the coronavirust (yet they have been fully vaccinated)!   Talk about the irony of the situation!  Also, Joyless Blowhard was coughing during the show. 

            After that, Camel La-La did not come onto the stage (was she chicken?); instead she was seen via remote camera.  Her time with the two remaining hosts was cut down, lucky for Camel La-La, because this means she did not have to answer very many questions.  When she did speak about the southern border, it was not to take blame for her horrible actions and Biden’s terrible policies; no, it was to blame the men on horseback – our good, hardworking border patrolmen, who are innocent!  SHAME on her!!!


            A man has no right to do wrong.   His right is to do and think right.  Independence consists in his liberty and right to do right.  The misconstruction of the word independence is the offspring of malicious animal magnetism [evil suggestions or motives].  Beware of defending yourself against the right to do evil.  Man’s right is his power and privilege to act independently of evil suggestions or motives and he has neither right nor liberty to do wrong.  Neither divine law nor human law recognize the right of man to sin, to steal, to commit adultery, to murder; and to do these things no more means independence than no means yes, or good means evil.  So long as he exercises the mistaken sense of right, he will wrong himself and others, heap up wrath against the day of wrath, and bring upon himself punishment according to his deeds. (Divinity Course and General Collectanea, p. 161-162)

The Gigalo Gander – July

Idiotor in Chief:  Gigolo Joe                                       Edition:  July all de time man! 2021

Ass Idiotor:  Amanda Jean Turncoat

Library Features

Independent Day

Independent Day II – Look Out For Covid 19

President Trumpet Visits the Border – by Hot Tamale

            In the last week of June Buggy the southern border actually had a visit by a REAL President.  He got together with Texas’s governor, Hay Abbot!  Then that night, it was a Wednesday Adams type of night, they both went onto the FOX News network show [Sean] Hamnity.   The show was shot where everybody was hangar-ing out at an airport.  Mr.  Hamnity was a chicken taco because he neglected to ask Governor Abbot why he does not deploy ALL of his National Guard to the border to do patrol and keep the people from coming across the border (they carry guns don’t they?)

            This is what drives me nuts, if we really wanted the people to go home why not pick them up and bus them to the nearest airport where they are put on a direct flight to their country of origin?  If the country refuses to let the planes land then we give everybody a parachute and say, “Adios to la caboose!”  And we kick them out the airplane door.  It could not be any more expensive to do this than the federal government’s secret flights flying these people into any state of their choice (that president Sippy Cup is charging the tax payers for).  In the long run it would be a whole lot less expensive to fly them home than to fly them into our country.  And if they are forced to go back home, maybe they will not have enough money to pay the cartels for a second or third journey to the good ol’ U.S. of A.?  It’s time we get tough!

New Songs to Sing and Listen To – by Melody Tone

            Here are some new song titles that I believe you may not have heard of yet. 

Today’s Zodiac – by Astral Projection

            If you were born in this month (and near the end of June) you are a Cancer, unless you were born towards the end of the month then you are a Lion.  But you should never fib!  You may be wondering, if you are a Cancer, why you are so crabby?  Why do your claws have rubber bands around them?  And why do you feel like you are constantly under water?  Yes, I have a lot of questions and I have NO answers what so ever!

            Cancer is a water sign, so most of them are wet!  Ha!  I know that is not true, but I don’t care!  The sign of Cancer is actually that of two suns connected to two crescent sandwiches, I mean moons.  So the symbol of Cancer sort of resembles the number 69 on its side.  And 1969 is the year that Apollo 11 launched – on July 16th.  So we look to Revelation 12, where the woman God-crowned has dominion over the moon because July 16th is the birthdate of the woman God-crowned.  The woman has twelve stars in her crown and twelve astronauts have walked on (had dominion over) the moon.  The bi-centennial of her birth date is this July 16th – under the sign of Cancer.  This woman has power over Leo – see the Tarot card below if you do not believe me.

            And now for your ridiculous fortune:  You are hard on the outside and mushy on the inside – but most people are!  Yet, think of how delicious your inners are after being boiled in a big pot of water!  YUM!  Where’s the melted butter at?  You will be given a truckload of grief this month after you cut your hair too short with your Flowbee.  So, a word of advice, do not cut your hair, just pay to have it done at a salon!  Stop being so cheap!  Support your local hair dresser; you no longer need that mask.

Haunted Hunted Biden – by Emma Skew Lenity

            It seems like something new is always popping up where Hunted Biden is concerned.  New pictures have surfaced of Hunted standing with his Mexican business partners and also in the picture is his then vice president dad (who claimed he knew nothing about his son’s business partners while he was out campaigning in 2020 – well, if he was telling us the truth then it means that the man really is senile and needs to be given the boot.  I don’t care if it is the right boot or the left boot, just give him the boot!). 

Scam Phone Calls – by I. M. Mad

            Be careful when you answer your phone, the person on the other end may be a scammer!  Recently I received one of these calls.  The man was hard to understand because he was either from India or else he was pretending to be from India.  He claimed to be with my local cable company.  This, of course, made me mad from the beginning because the cable company is run by communists.  He said that they were updating to a new format and they had to change my cable boxes.  He explained that they would deprogram my box and then reprogram it.  What?  My box is now a white supremacist?

            He told me that my cable bill would go down $40 per month, I was okay with that but then he says, “But there is a one-time service fee of $250 (plus) for doing what they were supposed to be doing to my cable boxes while I was on the phone with him.  They never did anything because I did not lose any programming information.  That is when I blew my top, which I am sure he was expecting.  He eventually transferred me to some supervisor (I think it was the same man) who would explain things more clearly, but he still did not speak clear English and he did not make any more sense than the other man (or maybe the same man).  So I gave him a bad time.  Finally, after I copied everything down that he dictated to me he transferred me to Christine, his supervisor in Florida.

            After a somewhat long wait, I should have just hung up the phone; I hear a man’s voice say, “This is Chris.”  He was a little bit more understandable, yet he still was not as clear as I thought he should be if he lived in Florida.  And unless he underwent a transsexual operation, I do not think he ever was a Christine.  He went over everything again and again; all the while I am steaming mad that he threatened to turn off my service.  Yet, he could not have done so anyway, so I was the fool.  And I guess this is what really steams me – I was mad at myself for being fooled or taken in by him (or them).  He told me the changes had been finally made to my cable boxes but that I had to promise to send the money to him the next day (by check) or else my service would be cut off and he would call back the next day at our agreed time.  I promised I would do so, but I had no intention of keeping the promise until I authenticated that this was on the up and up.

            After hanging up I had another problem, I was unable to get ahold of a live person at my crummy cable company!  They would not answer their phones except with a computer menu system (talk about systemic racism)!  After hours of fuming I finally did get ahold of a man, and he transferred me to their bunko squad.  I talked to her, but she too was from a different country, I asked her if she was really with the company?  She said she was.  I told her, this is why the con worked so well, that they used people from Asia as their representatives.  I told her that their company should only have United States citizens working for them.  She finished with me and I told her I wanted a new customer account number, because the scammers happened to know the last four digits of my account number – how is that possible?  Nobody can give me an answer.  They just say, “Oh, it’s out there.”  Out where?  Is it on the Internet?  Where is there?  She told me that she would transfer me to the billing department to see about changing my customer number.  I waited and the phone disconnected.  So I found a billing phone number and called it.  Again, their computer sentinel would not let me pass, but I finally somehow managed to get someone.  This man was nice but he said there was nothing he could do about changing my account number.  Then he transferred me to another man who eventually tried to upgrade me.  If I got the upgrade they could change my customer number and lower my monthly fees.  Their logic astounds me!  I said, “No thank you.”  Really?  I have had a traumatic experience and he wants to give me a sales pitch?

            The scammers gave me a phone number to call them back on, but it was only a voice mail phone number.  They also gave me an address to send the check to – in Plano, Texas.  No, not Piano, Texas, Plano, Texas!  I gave this information twice to the cable company.  Will anything come of it?  I doubt it.

            Did the scammers call me back the next day at the appointed time?  No, but I did get a lot of phone calls that I let go to my answering machine.  So if they did call, I did not answer.  They did call back the following morning, before I headed off to the grocery store.

            I had an Oreo cookie in my mouth and I answered weirdly (deeper tone).  I told him that nobody by the name (my name) lived here and that they had never had lived here.  I also told him that I did not have that cable company’s service; never have.  I was tempted to really tell him this, “I’m her sister and she passed away Tuesday afternoon from a heart attack.  We don’t know why, but she must have been put under some great stress.  Perhaps it was after she received a weird phone call from some scammers?”

            He said I was lying to him.  I told him I was not.  He said I was.  I asked, “Why would I lie to you unless you had lied to me first?  Good-by!”  I hung up on him.

            So be aware that the cable company never reaches out to their customers via the phone.  Do not fall for their tricks.  I hope by giving you this information that it will help you and keep you from falling into their trap.  Also, people calling up collecting money for cops are also scammers – just a head up.  I know this because an actual policeman I know told this to his parents and his mom told it to me.

            I now screen all my calls because I do not want to pay my phone company an extra ten dollars per month for caller I.D.!  And my blocking phones allow me to do this with no problem – sweet!  (I just found out how to do this on Thursday afternoon.)  But the blocking mechanism does not actually block any calls because, you guessed it, I do not have caller I.D.!

U.F.O. REPORT – by Thor Grey

            At the end of June a report about Unidentified Flying Objects was released. It was not a very good report, however, something is better than nothing. They no longer call them U.F.O.’s anymore either. They now have some other sort of weird name to describe them. However, it is now hard to dismiss that these objects are in the sky above us (and below us in the water) because of sonar pictures and released video from military pilots. And as Fox Moldier would say, “The Truth Is Out There”. Okay, it is his poster that says it, but he would strongly agree with what the poster says.