Gigolo Gander – C


Gander Staff:  Gigolo Joe                                                                   Edition G        July 4th
Amanda Jean Turncoat


(continued from post Gigolog Gander – B, so go back and read it if you have not read it yet)

     When we last left off our hero was asking the questions:  “Why do you want the Pink Puma’s…”  Ba dump, Ba dump!  “…name cleared?”
     “Because, after each robbery, the owner of the store or shop is murdered, that’s why!  They’re giving me a bad reputation!  The worst part is, they know who the Pink Puma’s…”  Ba dump, Ba dump!  “…identity is because they hit wherever I am.”
     “I get your dot.”
     “Isn’t that point?”
     Meanwhile at Boara’s house…Boara is reading through some papers when the doorbell knocks.  “Who’s there?” she asked.
     “Mozart who?”
     “Mozart usually bodies of water that run rings around castles!”
     “Come in, Morphean,” she said.
     The door opened and he walked in and looked her round in the eye.  “Wait until you hear what I have to tell you!”
     “How long do I have to wait, five hours?”
     “No, sit down and I’ll tell you.  Now, you wanted me to find out about the Pink Puma.”  Ba dump, Ba dump!
     “I did?”
     “Yes, you did!  Now, here’s what I have on him.  He’s an international fur thief.”
     “I already know that!’
     “I’m not finished.  His trademark is the Pink Puma.”  Ba dump, Ba dump!  “Say, what’s that music I keep hearing when ever I say the Pink Puma?”  Ba dump, Ba dump!
     “Oh, that’s Henry MacAceeny.”
     “Oh, well anyway, it seems like no one knows his true identity!  He’s never been caught.”
     “Great!  He’s probably out of the country by now!”
     “I don’t think so.”
     “I’ll tell you why.  Last month a place in Venice was robbed, last week he hit a place in London.  Before he left either place after a robbery he went back and killed the owner of each place.”
     “That means that our client, Bell N. Howell, could be in serious danger.”
     “You know what I think, I think that Bell N. Howell, our client, is in serious danger!”
     “You’ve got a dot.”
     “Isn’t that point?”
     “We’d better call her and warn her of the danger.”
     Just then came another knock from the doorbell.  “Who’s there?” Boara asked.
     “Boch who?”
     “Boch, boch, boch, boch, boch, boch!”
     “Sounds like a chicken,” Morphean said, “it must be Blade.”

P. Hup, two, three, four

     Blade and his brother came waltzing through the doorway.  The introductions began, “Boara, I would like to introduce my dancing partner to you, my brother Schick Blade.  We usually call him Schicky Green, because he’s so funny.”
     Schick said, “A man came up to me today and asked, ‘Did juh put the cat out?’  I said, ‘Heck, I didn’t even know he was on fire!’”
     Boara replied, “Yep, your jokes are green alright!”
     Gillette said, “This is my assistant, Boara Colt.”
     “Oh,” Schick said, “did it hurt?”
     “Why don’t we drop the pretense?” she asked.
     “If you do it might break!” Schick joked.
     “What’s your real name?” Boara continued.
     Gillette replied, “Little Joe, ask him again and you still won’t know!”
     “Hey!” Schick said, “I’m the one who’s the comedian, remember?”
     Gillette smiled, “Look, Boara, for reasons beyond his control, Schick can’t give you his real name.”
     Morphean said, “Oh, he’s a crook too huh!  Wonderful!”
     “Hey,” Schick asked, “how did you know?  Who are you anyway?”
     “To answer your first question, I’m a detective, your second, I’m Morphean.”
     Boara’s mind was in a whirl of thoughts as she thought over the day’s happenings and Gillette’s response to the Pink Puma.  Ba dump, Ba dump!  The sudden visit of his brother, it all fit together.  “Say,” she said, “you’re the Pink Puma!”  Ba dump, Ba dump!
     Gillette said, “There’s that music again!”
     Schick said, “Say, you are a good detective too!”
     “You’re under arrest!” Boara yelled.
     “I thought I was under a strain.  In fact, I think it’s the last strain to Clarksville!”
     “Boara, Boara, Boara!” Gillette said, “You can’t arrest him because he didn’t commit the crime!  He was framed!”
     “Was it mahogany or pine?” she asked.  “Look, this is the most silliest case we’ve ever been on.”
     “Must be Dr. Depper,” Morphean replied.
     “What?” Gillette asked.
     “The case, Dr. Depper!”
     Gillette announced, “Look, the reason why we came over here was to tell you that we believe that our client’s life is in danger!  I suggest that we go see Miss Howell before anything terrible happens to her.”
     Boara said, “You’ve hit the nail right on the thumb!”
     “Isn’t that head?” Gillette asked.
     Morphean asked, “Where?”
     Just then, across the city, came a blinding blast from a handgun.  The bullet flew through the air with the greatest of ease until it hit its object.  The object was none other than, you guessed it, Bell N. Howell.  But why?  Who?  Where?  And, well, we know how.  To find out these answers we have to depend on our detective friends to sniff out the clues.  Colonel Mustard in the hallway with the revolver.
     “What we must ask ourselves,” Gillette Blade remarked while standing over the dead body, “is who is Colonel Mustard anyway?”
     “What?” Boara asked.  “I would like to know who wrote this story!”
     Schick said, “Well, at least we know I’m innocent!”
     “And all this time I thought that you were my brother!”
     “Well,” Boara said while bending over the body, “whoever the murderer is, he wants to put the blame on the Pink Puma!”  Ba dump, Ba dump!  “Because here’s your calling card in blood!”

P. Pick um up and put um down!

     “My goodness, it is!  Thank heaven we got here before the police!” Schick said.
     “Were do we go from here?” Blade asked Boara.
     “How should I know?” she replied.
     “Well, you’re the detective!”
     Morphean cut in, “If I might be of some assistance, I believe that we should look for a man with a limp who has blond hair, blue eyes, and probably goes by the nick name of Lefty.”
     “How do you know that?” Blade inquired.
     He replied, “Just a stab in the dark.”
     “No,” Boara said, “she was shot in the dark!  Say does this remind you of something?”
     “Yes,” Gillette replied, “it reminds me of a Black Edwards film I once saw.”
     “Really?” Morphean retorted, “Everything reminds you of a movie!”
     “Well, Morphean, take a look at this!” Blade reached over and pulled the hair off of Bell’s head.  Underneath was a head with short hair.
     “You mean she’s a guy?” Boara asked.
     “No,” Blade answered, “she’s a woman impersonating a female impersonator!  It’s right out of the Victorian Principle movie with Julie Andrewstevenson and James D. Gardener!”
     “But why?” Boara asked.
     “Who knows?  Nothing is making very much since with this case!” Gillette exclaimed.
     “Seven Up?” Morphean asked.
     “No, thanks,” Schick said, “I’m on a diet.”
     “Well,” Boara announced, “I know who the murderer and the thief are!”
     All the men asked in unison, “You do?”
     “Yes.  They’re one in the same person!”
     “Even I know that Boara!” Gillette replied, “So…who is it Boara?”
     “Well, look at what we have.  Our client is robbed by the Pink Puma.”  Ba dump, Ba dump!  “Or, I should say, an imposter Pink Puma.”  Ba dump, Ba dump!  “Then the real Pink Puma…”  Ba dump, Ba Dump!  “…shows up as you know who’s brother.”
     Gillette cut in, “But I thought he was my brother!”
     She continued, “Next our client is murdered!  She is a female impersonating a female impersonator.”
     “What are you suggesting, Boara?” Morphean asked, “That we’re dumb?  We already know all of this!”
     “I know, but, and this is a big but…”
     “I know,” Gillette agreed, “it’s nicely shaped too!”
     She continued, “I have to rehash the scenario as all good detectives do in their mysteries!”
     Gillette said, “Ah, I get your snow drift, as Charlie Chan once said, ‘Murder like potato chip!  Murderer cannot stop at one!’”
     “What does that have to do with the price of eggs?” Morphean asked.
     “Nothing,” Gillette answered, “I’ve just always wanted to say it!”
     “May I continue?” Boara asked.  “The answer has been staring us in the face, or in this Pepsi case, it’s been blaring us in the ear!  The murderer is…Henry MacAceeny!”
     “Who died?” Morphean asked.
     “Bell N. Howell, our client!” Gillette answered.
     “No, no!  Who’s this Henry MacAceeny anyway?” Morphean asked.
     Boara said, “Our musical score writer, that’s who!”
     “Yes,” came a voice, “you’re right, Boara.  It is me!”
     “But why?” she asked.
     “You’re a detective, suppose you tell me!” Henry replied.
     “Alright, I will!  It is because you’ve gone over the bend and flew around the cuckoo’s next once too often!”

Paging Dr. Spock!

     “That’s around the bend and flew over the cuckoo’s nest!”
     “Right, well, am I right?” she asked.
     “No,” Henry replied.
     “The reason is because whoever is writing this story is blank on ideas!  She doesn’t know where to go with it so she’s making me the fall guy!”
     “I thought Flee Minors was the Fall Guy!” Gillette said.
     “Well,” Schick said, “now that my name and reputation are clear I guess I’ll be shuffling off to Buffalo.”
     Boara said, “Oh, what a shame!”
     Schick said, “You really have a thing for me don’t cha, Boara?”
     “Yes, how about a sock in the nose?”
     “Well, dear brother, if you ever need any help from me…” Blade cut Schick off.
     “You’ll assist me for after all, Blade is thicker than water!”
     “No, you’ll just have to suffer, I’m too good and important to help out a puny little detective like you!”
           –Amanda Jean Turncoat

Movie Review

Star Wars VI:  Return Of the Jedi
     Wow!  Fantastic!  Just like I knew it would be!!  The only problem is that you cannot talk about this movie to anyone because you will spoil it for them if you do!  I do not know of very many movies where the audience cheers and claps but during the whole Star Wars epic this is what happens.
     The people care about these characters!!  We should care; after all this is the third movie we have seen them in!
     There are a lot of things happening in this movie, lots of creatures, lots of action, lots to think about.  It is no wonder you have to go see it more than once, which is probably the intention behind all the special effects.
     Compared to the book, the movie moves much faster, but there is a little bit more information in the book, and you also get to know what the characters are feeling and thinking.  Fer instance, in the book it describes what Han is feeling and experiencing when he is released from his frozen tomb.  In the movie you do not really understand what pain he is going through.  Since I read the book first I understood what it was he was feeling and it made the movie much more emotional because of it.
     The main problem is putting up with all the little children; they cannot read so everyone is reading the subtitles out loud.  They are constantly asking questions because it is a little bit hard for them to comprehend what is going on.  So, their mommies try to explain it the best they can.  Do not worry too much about it though, because the volume is up so loud on the movie you will still be able to hear what is being said in the movie.
     After standing in line for two hours, fighting for a good seat, and waiting even longer for the movie to start, you will probably ask yourself if it is worth it.  I think you will say, “Yes.”
     It is a very entertaining and a very enjoyable movie.  I also suggest that you do read the books (if you have not already done so).
          –Gigolo Joe

Paging Dr. Frankenstein

Murdock A

How do I love thee, let me count the ways!
I love the nutty things that you always says.
I love you cause you’re silly,
I just love your dog Billy!
I love you for the hats you wear, the way you say, “Cute liddle ol’ Teddy Bear.”
I love you cause you are so good looking, for those high protein donuts that you is a cooking!
I love you for the way you fly airplanes, helicopters, garbage bags!
You’re the best, no one can deny.
I’ve got a bunch for you, of those ta-rash bags!
I don’t care what you eat,
Jus’ so long as it’s not my feet.
Go ahead and shave your head, I hope you like the things I’ve said.
How do I love thee?
Oh, that’s easy.
You’ve got the key to unlock my heart; I love you Murdock my, dear heart.
But alas it’s Dwight I really love
For he is Murdock my Turtle Dove.
Dwight’s the one who gives you soul
Without his talent’s you would be dull.
Steve may have created you with pen and strife; but it is Dwight who gave you life.
You are my favorite, the best there is; I love you both!  Here’s to your happiness!


     This is Howard Cosell, coming to you almost live, again, from O’Cedar Park on this day of June 18, 1983, bringing you this spectacular clavichord of a final event.  If you can possibly remember back to last year’s boring, incipient, passé of events you will unwillingly recall that U.C.K.’s team took home the Aluminum Duck Award.  Now, at this time, day, hour, and centon we will see who will win this trichite trophy.  Will it be U.C.K. again?  Or will it be the Coloradodo Medical Center’s team, or perhaps Jefferson Cuckoo Schools’ team?  So far U.C.K. is in the lead, but this final event can turn the situation around.

Paging Dr. Ben Casey

     This year’s teams are a trite, tripe, and a tadpole different.  The Captain of the Jeff-Cu Team is once again “Randy California” Scott Phifer.  Scott’s wife, Kathy, joins him side by side, hand in hand in this competition, as they have not yet been surgically removed from an accidental touch which mysteriously occurred earlier today while using Krazy Glue, which is advertised on those obnoxious, obnubilate, obscurant commercials seen on the idiot box!  This may tend to be an unhandy handycap for their team!
     The Captain for the Med. Center is once again Sue Big MacEwen.  “Suzi, tell me, do you think you’ll win this year?”
     “Well, Howard, we’ve taken extra precautions this year.”
     “Such as what?”
     “Well, you remember last year when we lost the Three Legged A.V. Cart Race?”
     “I tried to forget, but unfortunately I had no such luck.  You lost that event because Chuckiepoo Cortier’s eyes became blinded when the rubber band around his ponytail broke.”
      “Exactly!  Well, this year we’ve plastered his hair down with Krazy Glue!’
     “Good thinking!  Now get out of my limelight!”  And once again the Captain of U.C.K.’s team is none other than Mike “Clyde” Marecheck.  There is one big problem for U.C.K. this year, which is the one little lady who helped them win so many events last year is not in the running this year.  Instead, she is out standing by the lake.  “Scrawny Dull, how do you feel about not being able to help your team win?”
     “Well, Howard, there’s not much I can do about it.  But I can, however, give them support hose by cheering them on!  You know, Howie, or perhaps you don’t, we’ve got lots of new people this year.  There’s John Daydreamsalot, Ross Dimesadozen, Tunafish Bowens, and Mike Houghwhos!”
     “Sounds like a long line up.”
     And now, the contestants are lining up for the final event, which is the Single Camera System Shuffle.  On the C.M.C. Team are Mark Spasmosa and Pet Jefferson, better known by his friends as P.J.  On the U.C.K. team is Beverly Buckanear and John Daydreams N. Technicoloranstereophonicsound.  Almost ran out of breath on that name!  And they’re off, in more ways than one!
     It is very close right now.  But this is the easiest part of the course.  Uh, oh, U.C.K.’s hit a rut in the path, this is indeed the most guanine sport I have ever seen!  U.C.K.’s in trouble, when they hit the Chuck Corkson Hole they also lost a wheel.  These ruts are named after Chuck Corkson because he was assigned to dig them up.  Strange that there doesn’t seem to be any in C.M.C.’s path!
     Randy and spouse are in trouble as they turn around the bend.  Yes, an irate instructor has pounced out of the bushes and is yelling at them.  I believe the instructor is being played by, Dan Wellwater, one of the Techs from U.C.K.
     C.M.C. is definitely in the lead now.  Yes, John and Bev have the wheel back on and have continued.  But wait, here we have it folks!  A double booking has occurred with C.M.C.’s Single Camera System.  Yes, they have reached a fork in the road!  Do they take it to Glaser Hall or do they give it to the Nurses for a Microteaching class?  Decisions, decisions!

Paging Dr. Honeydo

     Look at the speed of U.C.K.’s Team!  Those two are really hustling it!  The crowd is cheering them on; the Leggs are flying through the air!!!
     Look at this!  Now James Longhorn “The Big Cheese” who is portraying a Dean joins Wellwater!  It looks like J.C.S. is out of the game.
     Right now we have a tie with U.C.K. and C.M.C.  Look at them dodge those Larry Woodchips!  Whoa, this pandemonium, boredom is about to put me into unconscious slumber.  Now comes the setting up of equipment.  They are all well trained in this area.  The winner will be the team who gets the first test recording made.
     The Phifers are still trying to get by those two men from East Classroom.  Can you believe Jim Bob is singing to them with his guitar?
     It looks like things are going well.  But wait a moment I spoke to soon!  Yes, yes, indeed.  C.M.C. is out of luck!  Somebody has cut one of their co-axial cables and they do not have a spare!
     Could it be that someone is cheating?  Look at Ross Dimesadozen, he’s grinning from ear to earring.  Is that a knife I see in his hand?  No matter, undoubtedly U.C.K. is again the winner of the Aluminum Duck Award!  “Mike, Mike Marecheck, what do you have to say about your triumph?”
     “I knew we could do it!”
     “I think you won because your team cheated!”
     “So says you!”
     “Yeah,” Sue agreed, “they cheated!”
     Mike replied, “Likely story!  It’s all Scrawny’s fault!”
     “That’s it, blame it all on me!  I can’t even lift ten pounds anymore!  So, put the blame all on my shoulders, I’ll try to hold it up!”
     And so, there you have it ladies and gentlemen, another inconsumable, incurrence of indigenous, indignant ragweed malapropism if I’ve ever heard one!
     Next year guys and gals don’t call me ‘cause I won’t call you!  This is Howard Cosell saying, good day and don’t let your toupee’s sway!

Movie Review

     Aside from its almost nasty title we find out that Octopussy is just a nickname given to a daughter by her father while growing up and nada mas!
     This movie is filled with stunts, excitement, destruction, death, excitement, and more stunts.  The storyline is interesting but the script continuity is poor, very poor.
     You would think, if you have a brain that is, that they would have more respect for the audience’s intelligence.  All right, so the movie was fun, but we need more than fun, we need intelligence, Mr. Spock!  If this movie is to be a spy movie then the plot should be solid, without holes.  I think the producers were only thinking about the laughs and the stunts.
     Yes, I enjoyed the movie, but after you start to think about what you saw you begin to wonder if the writers were at fault, or if the editor has cut out some vital pieces of information, or if they just think of their audience as unintelligent people who will not notice a slip up.  I rate this movie 007.

     Yes, you can tell, most certainly, that this is a Monty Python type of movie.  It was funny, crude, and had a cast of many wonderful people.  There was the late Marty Feltman, Eric Idle’s ‘is Engine, John Cheese (as Blind Pew), Madassa Hat Kahn, Graham Cracker Chapman (as Yellowbeard), Cheap and Chung, and many others!  You’ll enjoy this movie if you are a Monty Python fan, and if you don’t like this type of humor then stay home!!!
     I rate this movie ARG as in ARG ye mate-tees!  Ship ahoy, and all that rot!!!

Good-by NEEMIE, we all shall miss you!

          –Mural Inda Woods


     This has been a special edition brought to you by GUMMO  — the only bubble gum that sticks to the roof of your mouth!!!  And remember, it is always blackest right before everything goes dark!!!

Library Scatterbrain – D


Library Staff:  Gigolo Joe                                                                   vol. 42, no. 20     June 7, 1982
Amanda Jean Turncoat

Cartoon T

Word Processor Has Been Delivered!

     The long-awaited Betta Macro Model 1042 Word Processing Supervue has finally come after its one-month overdue date.  Nurses Kathy Brownspeed, Hasel Nutzalas, & myself have already gotten acquainted with it.  Dr. Chris Gulfofmexico and Dr. Orlando N. Dawn are quoted as saying, “We’re just grateful that it wasn’t a breech of contract delivery!”
          –Beatriz Montoyota

Marecheck Mob Makes Move

     It looks like the Marecheck Mob is making their move to take over the Library.  Once of the Scatterbrain reporters spotted Mike “Clyde” Marecheck and Shirley “Bonnie” Marecheck carrying in bundles to the Library from parking lot P.  When our reporter investigated these bundles, what was found?  BASEBALL BATS!  Yes, we here at the Scatterbrain believe that their hit man, Joe “Capone” Marecheck, uses these bats instead of guns.  It is much quieter and much more messy.
     The leader of the gang, Sabastian “Baby Face” Marecheck, was heard to say, “Googoo Gaga!”  Our decoders interpret this to say, “Let the dice roll!”
          –Anonymous, for fear of severe beating.

Movie Review:  Victor Victoria
    Victor Victoria is he or isn’t he, only his hairdresser knows for sure!  This movie takes place in Gay Paris of 1943.  Stars are Julie Andrewstevenson; James D. Gardener; Robert Pressedham; and Alex Caracas the ex-football player.  I would rate this movie as a B flat.  If you like fairy tails, then I would suggest you go and see this flick.  Eye for one enjoyed it very much, since it only cost a dollar to get in.  I was also forced to sit in the first row, so my judgment might be blurred.  All the actors and actresses did a grand job and you could tell that they also had a gay time while shooting the movie. I can honestly recommend that you go see this one folks but only if you can stand to look at cockroaches.  The music is great!
          –Gigolo Joe

     Knock, knock!  Who’s there?  Joe!  Joe who?  Joe Mama!

P. 8754

Answer to Trivia Quiz:
     Ozzie Nelson of course!
          –Submitted by Patrixis fur’kidds Mavericording of this song?

A Brat Of A Nephew

     My nephew Jason was over last night and he wanted me to watch his favorite TV show.  It was five thirty p.m. and we were tuned to PBS.  I asked Jason, “Who is that man?”
     He replied, “Who.”
     I said, “That man with the big nose!”
     He repeated, “Who.”
     “That man with the big nose, the hat, and the mile long scarf around his neck.”
     He said, “Who!”
     “That’s what I’m asking you, who is that man?”
     “Yes, that’s a strange name for a man.”
     “No, not yes, but Who!”
     “That’s what I’m trying to find out!  What’s the man’s name?”
     “I’m telling you!  It’s Who, Doctor Who!”
     “Well, then who’s that doctor on NBC?
     “No, Quincy is the doctor on NBC.”
     “Might well be the doctor’s name on NBC,” I agreed.
     “No, he’s canceled.”
     “Who’s canceled?”
     “No, Welby’s canceled!”
          –Amanda Jean Turncoat

The Fool Guy (Part 1)

     Our story opens with a man sitting at a bar in LA, California.  While drinking his vodka he is also making conversation to a blond lady whom he is trying to pick up.
     “You sure are heavy!  Yuk, yuk, yuk!”
     “Put me down you brute!”
     “Yuk, yuk, anythin’ you say, heavy lady!  But first, before I do, I gotta get a little kiss-y-poo!  Yuk, yuk!”
     SMOOOOCCHHHH!!!  The lady dies in his arms.
     “Too much a man for yuh, hey?”
     The bartender came up and said, “She’s dead!  You killed her with your bad breath!  I’m calling the cops!”
     “But it was only a liddle accident!”
     “That’s what they all say.  You just stay there.  Why there’s a cop now.  Mr. Policeman, we need you to arrest this man for murder!”
     The cop came waltzin over, “Murder, who killed this poor unfortunate winch?”
     The bartender pointed at Mr. Yuk Yuk.  “It was him, Singapore Slim!  He killed her with his fatally bad breath!”
     “Why in that case, I have to arrest him for murder four!”
     Singapore asked, “Murda four, why I neva’ heard of it, what does it eva’ mean?”
     “It means, murder with the intent to torture to death!  I’m going to deliver you your Miranda Rights and Lefts.  You have the right to remain silent…”
     We switch to Foal Snivler who is on the set of Garfunkle and Garfunkle, you know the type of show, one of those detective adventure shows with little or no plot (sort of like this story).  They are shooting one of those average car chase scenes with Foal being the Fool Guy!
     Hownowie Browncowie, Foal’s nephew, is driving the lead car while Foal is driving the second car.  Over hill and dell they go bouncing up and down.  At an intersection, Hownowie drives in between two semi-trucks that happen to be heading toward each other.  Foal swerves his car to keep from running into the two trucks.  He drives over the curve, right over a lawn and into and through a wooden fence.  His car is still moving forward until it lands right into the deep end of a swimming pool.
     “Wow!” Hownowie exclaimed, “What a stunt!  What a Fool Guy that Foal is!”
     Meanwhile, at the jail, we see a familiar face talking to Singapore, who just happens to be in sing-sing.  “Hello,” she said, “I’m Spasmodic Jerk.”
     “You sure are!  Yuk, yuk, yuk.”
     “I’m also referred to as Big Jerk!  I’ve come to make bail for you, but before I do you have to promise me that you won’t jump bail.”
     “Oh, I promise!”
     “Good,” she said.
     Singapore whispered, “They don’t call yuh Big Jerk for nothin’!  Yuk, yuk!”
     “What was that?” she asked.
     “I don’t know, I didn’t see it!  Yuk, yuk!”
     Well, it was not but two minutes after Slim was out on bail that he headed straight for the airport.  That evening, Foal was relaxing in his out door bathtub, playing with his toy duck, when the phone rang.  You can guess who was on the other end of the line.  “Foal Snivler here, it’s your dime.”
     “Foal, thank heavens I found you.”
     “Well, I’ve been here for the past three hours soaking my weary bones.  What’s the problem, Big Jerk?”
     “Oh, I feel like such a fool, Foal!  I’ll give you a thousand dollars to bring back Singapore Slim!”
     “Sounds like a drink.  What did he do?” Foal asked.
     “He jumped bail.”
     “A bail of what?”
     “A bail of shaving cream!  Now, will you please be serious?”
     “Well, it’s a little hard to be serious about some clown who is wanted for jumping over a bail of shaving cream!  I didn’t realize that was a crime.”
     “It’s not, he’s wanted for murder in the 4th degree.”
     “What’s the catch, Jerk?”
     “There’s no catch.”
     “I want at least three thou for this job.”
     “You drive a hard bargain, but okay it’s yours.”
     “Any leads to his were about?”
     “How should I know where he hides his where about?  That’s what you’re getting three thou for!”
     After Foal got out of the bathtub he went inside and got dressed.  Then he grabbed Hownowie by the collar and said, “Heel, boy!”
     Toady yelled, “Hey, how come I never get to go with you guys?”
     “Because, you’re a girl, Toady, that’s why.  Where we going, Foal?”
     “To the airport.”
     “Where we going, Foal?”
     “I just told juh kid, to the airport!”
“No, I mean, after we get to the airport.”
     “Don’t know yet.”
     Once at the airport Foal tracked down Singapore’s flight.  “Well, where are we going, Foal?”
     “North to Alaska.”
     “Where in Alaska?”
     “No, I don’t know, tell me.”
     “No, I don’t know!  Tell me where in Alaska!”
     “Juneau, Alaska!”
     “Yes, I know Alaska, but where in Alaska?”
     “I’m telling you!  Juneau!  Not, you know, but Juneau!”
     “Oh…Juneau!  I know now.  Juneau, it’s cold up there!”
     “No, hum a few bars and I’ll fake it!”

To be continued.


Library Staff:  Gigolo Joe                                                                   vol. 42, no. 21     June 11, 1982
Amanda Jean Turncoat

Cartoon U
Type O – above should read “I rate this movie ‘PG’ for pretty GROSS!”

The Fool Guy (part. 2)

     When we left off last time Foal and Hownowie were at the airport hot on the trail of Singapore Slim, who jumped bail.  Once Foal and Hownowie are in Juneau they quickly pick up the trail of Singapore.  “Say, Foal,” Hownowie asked, “what does this guy look like anyway?”
     He replied, “He’s medium height, blond hair, blue eyes, mid thirties…”
     “That could be the description of a lot of people, Foal.”
     “That’s why we’re getting paid the big bucks!”
     “Or you could say, that’s why we’re getting paid the huge doe!”
     “I could but I won’t.”
     “Say, Foal, why did the stuntman cross the road?”
     “I don’t know, Hownowie, but spare me the gory details.”
     “You never let me tell you any jokes!”
     “I wouldn’t mind if you told me jokes if they were good jokes.”
     “Yeah, well, in the school of Hard Knocks I learned some real classic jokes!”
     “Like what?”
     “Knock, knock!”
     “Oh no, I had to ask!  Okay, who’s there?”
     “Shelby who?”
     “Shelby commin’ round the mountain when she comes, when she comes!”
     “I don’t get it, Kid!”
     “Never mind, I’ll explain it to you later.  Meanwhile, we better find Singapore Slim.”
     “Right. …Taxi!”
     Meanwhile Singapore Slim was on the dock approaching a boat called the Q. T.  As he went on board the captain walked up to him.  “Singapore Slim, you slime, what are you doing on my ship?”
     “Hi, Cap!”
     “That’s Captain Pie to you!”
     “I’m in trouble, Captain Pie.  I need to go far away from the U.S.A.”
     “What did you do this time, Slime?”
     “That’s Slim.  I jumped bail.”
     “A bail of what, hay?”
     “No, jail bail, they want me for murda’ four.”
     “You didn’t!”
     “It was an accident, yuk, yuk.”
     “I don’t know.  I could get my shipping license revoked for harboring a fugitive in this harbor.”
     “Oh, please, please, please, please!”
     “Oh, all right.  I never could stand a blubbering idiot!”
     “Thanks, Captain.  You won’t regret it, I promise.  I saw Amanda Jean a while back.”
     “Who’s Amanda Jean Awhileback?”
     “No, no!  Not Amanda Jean Awhileback, Amanda Jean Turncoat!”
     “Oh, well, why didn’t you say so in the first place?”
     “You know me, I always come in second place.  Yuk, yuk.”
     “How is she?”
     “She’s sa’vivin’ it ain’t easy.  I kin tell how much she misses yuh.”
     “Wow, Foal!” Hownowie exclaimed, “This is some fine igloo you booked us into!”
     “The finest Holliday Inn, in Juneau!  Nothing’s too big for us famous Hollywood stuntmen!”
     “I’ll say.”
     “You can’t, I already did.”
     Hownowie asked, “Well, where do you think we’ll find this Singapore Slim character?”
     “My hunch is that he’s going to try to leave the country by ship.”
     “That’s a great hunch, I bet you have something there.”
     “In your pocket.  Is that an egg I see?”
     “Well, we didn’t have breakfast, I’m starved,” Foal said.
     “Me too, Foal.  But when I went to Julia Child’s College of Cooking we learned how to prepare whole meals in our pockets.”  Hownowie opened up his coat pocket so that Foal could glance inside.
     Foal said in surprise, “There’s scrambled eggs, bacon, toast, orange juice, coffee, and Wheaties for two inside your pocket!  How did you do that, Kid?”
     “Large pockets, Foal, large pockets.”
     “They must be bigger on the inside.”
     “Actually, they’re smaller on the outside.”
     “Well, we’d better get down to the shipping lanes if we’re going to find this terrible murderer.”
     “Aren’t we going to eat first?”
     “You go ahead, Kid.  You know I don’t like pocket lint.”
     “Just a little kink we haven’t been able to lick yet!”
     “I don’t want to even lick lint.”
     Down on the docks are our two heroes taking a gander at the ships.  Yes, Yogi and Booboo, I mean Foal and Hownowie, are checking all the boats to find a trace of Singapore Slim.  “Which one do you think he’s on Foal?”
     “One potato, two potatoes, three potatoes, four.  That one Hownowie, the Q. T.”
     “Isn’t that a wild guess, Foal?”
     “Where?  I always loved to watch wild geese fly!”
     “I’m going to get you a hearing aid, Foal.”  Hownowie asked, “How do we get on board with out being seen?”
     “Remember the Fonda picture?”
     “Oh, no, I’m not going to dress up like Jane again….”  LATER….  “You who, oh sailor boys!”
     “Say,” said one of the sailors, “isn’t that Jane Fonda?”
     “Sure looks like her to me,” said the first mate.
     “Oh, sailor boys!” Hownowie yelled while waving.  “Why don’t you turn toward me and I’ll put on a little show for you!”
     To be continued.

Governor’s Aid Fired!

     Governor Lamb’s aid, Bob Bahblacksheep, has been fired for inefficiency.  When I asked him what he did to get fired.  He replied, “The Governor asked me, ‘Bob Bahblacksheep, have you any wool?’  I said, ‘No, sir, not even three bags full.'”  So he fired me!  Hardly seems fair!
          –Clint Kark; Daily Planet/June Bug 82

     Preferred customers of the month goes to Beverly Buck-an-ear and Joe & Mike Marecheck.

     Happy Birthday to Carol Woodchevy-Automobilation; Eveline Tang-Orangeaid; Dawn Foster-parent-Adoptions; Alma Montoyota-Automobilation; Janis Pageboy-Messenger; and Alan Alda-Blood Circulation.  Happy Birthday to you all and to all a Happy Birthday!
          –Lyle Mitchumdeodorant-B.O. Department
            June 17th  Birthday Boy!


Library Staff:  Gigolo Joe                                         vol. 42, no. 22      June 18, 1982
Amanda Jean Turncoat

Cartoon V

Movie Review:  Star Trek:  The Wrath of Khan

     If you are a Science Fiction fan, or possibly even a Star Trek fan, then you’ll love this movie!  I give it an A++++ on everything!  There is only one thing, if you have a phobia about earwigs then you had better stay away.
Stars are:  The Big Dipper; the North Star; William Shattered; Leonard Anemic; N. DeForest Kelly; James Dooitagain; Walter Toenig; George Takeitaway; Nichelle Nicholodian; Ricardo Cordova Montalban; and several other fine actors and actresses.
     The film is filled with many surprises and by now everyone knows that Doctor, I mean, Captain Spock dies.  Or does he?  As I see it, there are two possibilities of how he becomes alive again for Star Trek III.
          1)  Project Genesis
          2)  Spock discovers the Force
     Whatever, just go see it!
               –Gigolo Joe

The Fool Guy (part 3)

     When we last left off Hownowie was dressed up in drag to decoy for Foal.  As Hownowie decoyed, Foal threw a graveling hook up to the top of the ship and climbed up the rope.  Once on board he sneaked around to find Singapore Slim.  Slim was in the Captain’s office.  They were talking.
     “Say, Captain Pie, I haven’t seen your first mate, Coffeemate, on board.  Where eva’ is he?”
     “A sad tragedy, Slime.”
     “That’s Slim!”
     “Sorry, Slime.  Coffeemate was shark bait.  He sacrificed himself to save me and my crew.”
     “How gallant.”
     “How gullibly gallant.”
     “I guess the sharks did gulp him down.  Sad, sad.”
     The door busted open after one fatal kick from Foal.  Foal swooped into the room.  “How dare you burst into my cabin!  I’ll have you flogged!”
     “Who are you?” Foal asked.
     “I’m Captain Q. T. Pie!”
     “Who are you, sir?” Singapore Slim asked Foal.
     “I’m Foal Snivler.  I’m a stuntman who moons, I mean moonlights as a head hunter, I mean a bounty hunter.”
     “Cut, cut!” yelled the Director, “Flee Minors, do you think that you can get your lines right this time?”
     “Sure boss, I, I’m sorry.”
     “Okay, let’s take it from the top!  And,……action!”
     “Who are you, sir?”
     “I’m Foal Sniveler, I’m a stuntman who moonlights as a bounty hunter.”
     “Help me, Captain,” Singapore said, “he’s come tuh take me back!”
     “En garde!” Captain pie yelled while taking out his sword.
     “On who?” Foal asked, “Say, isn’t this a little unfair?  I mean, you have a sword and I don’t.”
     Captain Pie replied, “You’re a stuntman, stunt!”
     “That’s what I’m afraid of,” Foal cowardly cringed, “that you’ll stunt my growth!”
     Captain Pie swung the sword, missing Foal’s head by two millimeters.  Foal goosed, I mean ducked just in the nick of time.  Singapore sang, “Quack, quack!”  Foal grabbed the captain’s clock and threw it at the captain.
     “Cuckoo, cuckoo!” went the little bird.
     “That was a priceless antique given to me by me dear Amanda!  You shall surely pay for that!”
     “How much could it be worth?  Forty-two dollars?” Foal asked.
     “You shall pay with your life!”
     Foal jumped up and grabbed hold of the chandelier and swung on it.  He hoisted his legs and kicked the captain down.  Singapore Slim ran for the door when he saw the captain fall to the floor.  Foal grabbed Slim by the collar.  “Ring around the collar, ring around the collar!” Foal sang.
     “Alright, you got me!  I’ll go in peaceably, if you can find all the pieces that is!  See this belt I’m wearin’?”
     “Yes, I’m not deaf!”
     “Yuh sure ‘bout that?  Well, it’s a bomb, yuh get away or I’ll blow both a us up tuh kingdom come!”
     “Okay, okay you win!  Just tell me something.”
     “What’s that?”
     “Do you like Jane Fonda?”
     “I’m sort of fonda Jane Fonda.”
     “If you surrender to me I promise to introduce you to her.”
     “Yuh gotta deal, Sniveler!”
     “Fine.”  They both left the ship and joined Hownowie on the dock.  Foal said, “Hey, Jane!  I want to introduce you to a friend of mine.  His name is Singapore Slim!”
     “Oh, come off it Foal, you know I’m not Jane Fonda.  I’m just your assistant, Hownowie.”
     “You have the ass part right,” Foal said.
     Slim exclaimed, “So, yuk, yuk, yuh tried tuh trick me!”
     KA BOOM!!!!
     Back in L. A. General Hospital Big Jerk and Toady were looking over two very bruised stuntmen.  “Well, Foal,” Jerk said, “you’ll be pleased to know that Singapore Slim is locked up and safely behind bars.”
     “Oh, that’s wonderful, Big Jerk.”
     Hownowie said, “I hope they’re not chocolate bars.”
     “Boo,” Toad booed, “you call that a half way decent joke to end this show with?”
     “No,” Hownowie said, “so how about…Knock, knock!”
     “Forget it!” Toady yelled, “Big Jerk, did you bring that dynamite?”
     “I sure did, Toady!  The last laugh is on you boys!”
     YUK, YUK!!!
          –Amanda Jean Turncoat

The Higher Ed Dilemma

What is “Central American Pots” we keep hearing about?
     This is the amount of money collected by the Joint Committee in the Long Island District to buy up all the grass they possibly can from Mexico.

How is the money collected?
     Basically, it is not a problem since everyone is willing to donate as much as they possibly can to the Joint Committee.

What are the Memories and Understanding?
     Nada mucho, since their minds are not clear on the issues anyway because they are loaded all the time.
          –Submarined by Jim Mountain

Robert Scorpio

     If you watch General Hospital then you are familiar with Tristan Rogers who plays the part of Robert Scorpio.  Well, in the show, Robert use to be a member of the World Security Bureau.  In other words, he was a spy!  His code name was CK8.  So, here are a few riddles for you to figure out about CK8.

1)  What is the name of CK8’s dog?
2)  What is Robert Scorpios’s girlfriend?
3)  Where does CK8 go shopping at?
4)  What does Scorpio yell when playing golf?
5)  What club does Robert Scorpio belong to?  (Answers are on the bottom of the page)

And now for some other sick riddles!

What excuse did Helen Keller give her teacher when she flunked her spelling test?
A.)  My fingers fell asleep!

Why did the spy cross the road?
A.)  To defect to the other side!

What time was it when the Chinese student had to go to the dentist?
A.)  Tooth hurty!

Chung Lee’s Confusions

     There is nothing so urgent today that will not be more urgent tomorrow.

     The perfect reality in matter is its nothingness.

Answers to the riddles.
A.  CK9
B.  She’s a CK-10.
C.  The CK Seven 11 store!
D.  CK 4!
E.  The CK 42 Club!


Library Staff:  Gigolo Joe                                                                   vol. 42, no. 23     June 25, 1982
Amanda Jean Turncoat

Cartoon W

     Effective June 7, 1942.  Boris Budweiser, as head honcho of Music Medium, will report directly to Muriel Inda Woods, as headhunter of the Medium Center, who is reporting directly to me.
          –Patrixias Fur-kidds Maverick

Hot Dog!

     Since Lori Burlesque is on vacation, and the Committee of Franks is hip deep in mustard, I have sent this message to the Scatterbrain hoping that they will be able to do something about the situation:
     Relish the thought that all that good stuff goes into those hot dogs!  That’s why we need your donations, to help us ketchup on our dues to the Marecheck Mob, by holding a Frankfurter Festival.  So, do not be a sauerkraut and come by and buy a few dogs at Droan’s Lake, 15th and Hill View.  (Not to be confused with 15th and Mountain View.)  All day!  June Bride.
          –Krisptina Boo Who Who

ALPO Picnic

     You are ripcordially invited to attend the official People Organization Picnic in the park.

WHERE:  City Park, by the cottonwood tree.
WHEN:    During the day!

     You are also respectfully requested to provide your own food and magic tricks.  Anyone got a Pac Man?
     Excursions to the zoo and museum will be offered to only those who are wearing one blue sock and one red sock.  Formal attire is required, however, you must wear your Adidas…
     R.S.V.P. if you can figure out our phone number.
          –Mary Dodgestraffic

Farwell to Richest Pricentown.

     Farwell Richest, who will be leaving on a jet plane, June better late than never.  Good luck in your new adventures for treasures of Sierra Madre!

Trivia Question

In The Greatest American Hero what is Agent Maxwell’s first name?
     A.  Maxwell—that is his first name.
     B.  Bill.
     C.  Agents do not have first names.

P. 42

Answer is B. for Bill!

Movie Review:  Dead Men Don’t Wear Plaid
     I can honestly say that this movie was another Gumshoe film, mainly because people just toss their gum on the theatre floor and you step in it.  The movie was fun and enjoyable.  Everyone was cheesing it up.  The editing was fantastic, very well done (of course, I prefer mine rare).
     Stars were Steve Martini (a wild and woolly guy); Carl Watermelonrein; Rachel Montgomeryward; Reni Satontoni; Charles Pincherknee; Burt Linecaster; Barbara Candlewick; Humphrey Bogarter; James Acknee; Fred Innahurry; and many, many other big names.
     I rate this movie PI for pretty interesting.
          –Gigolo Joe

Chung Lee’s Confusions

     Man is like a mirror image, he reflects that which is real and deflects that which is unreal.

     Murder is like a Lay’s Potato Chip, murderer cannot stop at just one!

I Fall Down and Go Boom

I play horsy down the street, down the street, down the street.
When somebody moved the street, I fall down and go boom!
I get up and on my horse; broom of course, was my horse.
When somebody moved the horse, I fall down and go boom!

I cry, and cry, and run home to ma.
Oh me, oh my, how that certain place was hurtin’!
Mommy put me straight to bed, great big lump on my head.
When somebody moved the bed, I fall down and go boom!
–Jeanie Suzie

Barefoot Mama

Barefoot Mama, running through the house.
Barefoot Mama, she’s my little spouse.
Barefoot Mama, quiet as a mouse.
Barefoot Mama, she’s my little spouse.

Feed ‘em, change ‘em, put ‘em straight to bed.
She hasn’t the time for walking, so she runs instead.
Barefoot Mama, runnin’ through the house.
Barefoot Mama, she’s my little spouse.
My Barefoot Mama!
    –Paul Satchsquach

The Truth!

Mary had a little lamb, a little pork, a little jam.

Little Boy Blue come blow your nose.

Little Jackie Horner sitting in the corner because he tells so many lies.

Little Bo Peep is really a creep!

Little Miss Muffet stepped on the spider!

Mary Quite Contrary grows pot!  A lot!

And the fish ran away with the moon.

I Dropped My Dolly In The Dirt!

I dropped my dolly in the dirt, oh, boo who who who who!
Now she’s got a muddy shirt, oh, boo whoo whoo whoo who!
In the bathtub goes my dolly, now she’s getting wet.
Oh gosh, oh my, oh gee, oh golly, she’s drowning now I fret!
Cause she can’t swim!
Oh, it’s so grim!

Now we’re digging her a grave, oh, boo who who who who!
To the end she was so brave, oh, boo who who whoo whoo!
I dropped my dolly in the dirt, oh, boo who who who who!
I know it must a really hurt, oh, boo who who who who!
          –Dolly (begs your) Pardon

Movie Review:  E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial
     I would say that this movie is out of this world!  Wonderful, wonderful.  I know I’ll be the first one to race out and buy an E.T. doll.

     What a wonderful movie, not just because of the special effects, but also because of the storyline, Peter Pan.  It is a movie that makes you feel for a man from another world.  It also shows you what E.T. is seeing as a visitor and that it is just as frightening, if not more so, for him than it is for any of us to see him.  At first you think, what an ugly little creature, but by the end of the film you do not care what he looks like because you love him.  In fact, you might even think that he is kind of cute!
          –Gigolo Joe

     Goodnight and have a pleasant tomorrow!

     The next edition will come out July 1 due to the 4th of July weekend.  Look for it at your local supermarket!  It won’t be there, but have fun looking for it anyway!