Fake Impeachment

By:  Cindy Byrnes

WARNING:  The following may not be very funny because it is based upon truth.  Read it if you want to know what is really going on today.  Many names have been changed in order to ridicule the guilty of high crimes and treason (except for Bill Good-Barr [delicious guy] and President Raygun [a real straight shooter]).  I did not give George Soros a silly name, even though he deserves one.  Perhaps I can just say he is George Sore-ass.  Yeah, I kind of like that one.  I also may not have changed the names if I was quoting a source (like with the Rudy stuff).  And I did not need to change any Ukrainian or Russian names as they are funny enough in themselves.

            Why have people wanted to impeach Donald Trump before he was even inaugurated?  Why did The Washington Post, at 12:19, on January 20,2017 (inauguration day) run a story with the headline:  “Drive to Impeach Trump”?  He had been President for a total of 19 minutes!  Why do the Democrats want to impeach President Trump?  What is really behind their reasoning?  Are they really trying to impeach him when they have not even taken a vote on it?  Correction, they had voted on it twice before the fall of 2019 and it never passed!  And why is it called impeachment instead of imapplement or imorangement?
            First off, the Democrats want to win the 2020 elections, so they have TRUMPED UP false charges against the President in order to make him look bad, in order to try and make everybody in this country believe that he has broken the law (which he has not), or done something really bad like quid-pro-quo (which he has not), and they are constantly bad mouthing the man in order to try and convince the public of their lies.  They are now trying to accuse the President of obstruction for not cooperating with their illegal new witch hunt.   The mainstream liberal press also backs them up.  They are part of the false (fake news) propaganda going out against President Trump.  If you have read the book Animal Farm you know that it is about the topic of communism, or how the communist’s mentally program and manipulate the people (animals in the book).  The author had left a communist country so he knew all about their dirty tricks and what they do.  Part of the book explains that communists accuse other people of doing things that they themselves do.  In other words, they accuse others of their own crimes (Just like Joe Bidden his time has done).  They also repeat the same lies over and over and over to try and make people believe that their lies are truths – but they are not – a lie is always a lie no matter how many times it is repeated.
            The second reason, the Democrats want to stop President Trump and Attorney General Bill Good-Barr from exposing their wickedness during the 2016 election, they are afraid that the truth about the coup will be exposed, that President Obummer will be exposed for his evilness in his counterintelligence investigation into Donald Trump’s campaign, that Hillary Rotten Clinton and the DNC will be found out for their paying for the illegitimate Russian Dossier, and much, much more.  To be honest, the Deep State is also afraid of exposure.  This is why the so-called “whistleblower” (who really is not a whistleblower at all – he, or she, can’t even purse their lips and blow) was allowed to present “hearsay evidence” instead of first hand evidence (which they changed the law to allow this “hearsay evidence” in August of 2019 – so that the “hearsay evidence” could be filed and then leaked).  [Since writing this some new information has come out, like the Horowitz Report – showing how evil the upper people in the FBI were.  It has also been said that James “the Wookie” Comey was told by Obummer and the then Athorney General to tell Donald Trump about possible Russian interference with their campaign – he did not do it!  But Hilary was told.  She did not need to be told because she was the one working with the Russians!]
            The third reason why they want to impeach the President is that they not only hate Donald Trump, but they hate every single person that voted for the man in 2016!  They want you to suffer and to take your vote away from you.  They are also really ticked off that Donald Trump won the election because it ruined their “Progressive” agenda for their communistic rule over the United States of America.  This is what really infuriated them the most.
            And the third reason brings us to the fourth reason – their grasp on power over the U.S.A.  They NEED to win the 2020 election and maintain power so that they can get the bills, that they have been working on since January of 2019, passed and put into law.  For this information I go to Jason Chaffetz’s book Power Grab.  Mr. Chaffetz speaks about these bills on pages 165-166.
            Jason writes, “The priority bill [H.R. 1] for Democrats in the 116th Congress has absolutely no chance of becoming law so long as Donald Trump remains president of the United States.  But it does provide a useful road map of the power grab Democrats have in mind when they do return to power.  More important, it shows us the institutions that will be sacrificed.  The FEC will never function objectively once Democrats are finished reorganizing it.”  He speaks more about the FEC changes they want to make on page 161.  Everything that Jason Chaffetz writes about H.R. 1 is quite frightening and disturbing.
            Speaking about H.R. 1, or “For the People Act” (which Jason says should really be called, “From the People Act” because it will take away stuff from you) he writes, “Infringements on free speech and federalism in this bill are just the beginning.”  It is the first of ten other bills that the Democrats will introduce.  He does not mention an H.R. 2 bill or an H.R. 10 bill.  “H.R. 3 addresses high prescription drugs prices by imposing market-distorting price controls on drugs, a move that will lower prices in the short term but cripple innovation in the long term, and put government bureaucrats in charge of health care.  H.R. 4 addresses voting rights.  It is expected to impose even more (politicized) federal control over local elections.”  He speaks more about how the Democrats are cheating at the election polls in another section of his book.  “H.R. 5, the Equality Act, imposes criminal penalties on religious dissent and overrides the rights of states to dictate who can be in the public restroom with our sons and daughters.  H.R. 6, the DREAM Act, undermines the rule of law by doubling down on our system of rewarding citizenship to lawbreakers while continuing to penalize with long delays and high fees any who attempt to come here legally.  The bill is anticipated to offer citizenship not only to greatly expanded category of children of illegal immigrants, but to immigrants with Temporary Protected Status from El Salvador, Haiti, Nicaragua, Sudan, and Liberia at a minimum.  H.R. 8, a background checks bill that further restricts Second Amendment rights, was passed by the House in February.  H.R. 9 is expected to be a climate bill that will almost certainly restrict rights as well as markets.”
            The Democrats claim that their motives are as pure as the driven snow!  They claim that they do everything for the sake of democracy and this country’s Constitution (when they really hate the Constitution and do everything they possibly can to break it and destroy it).  They claim that they do this for the safety of the United States of America!  Yet, if they wanted our country to really be safe and secure they would stop illegal aliens from crossing the border!  They would also arrest the criminal illegal aliens and let ICE detain them or come and collect them, instead of letting the criminals back out on to the streets so that they can drive without a license (and without insurance coverage – one reason why your insurance rates keep going up), or so they can rape another woman, or so they can steal something, or deal drugs, or even shoot and kill an innocent American citizen bystander.  The Democratas do not really care about anything except for being in power and maintaining that power!  They do not care one bit for United States citizens.  If they did there would be no sanctuary cities, there would be no mayors or governors badmouthing ICE and policemen.  These communist (socialist) democrats (they are not democratic at all – a lie) do not care for anything except selling you down the river into slavery, like Obummer did.  They want you living in the streets, they want you homeless, they want you to have no cars, they want you to be broke even though they want you to have enough money to pay your taxes, they want the worst for you in the world while claiming they want the best for you – free college, free medical coverage, etc.  But do not kid yourself; you will pay for your college (and everybody else’s college) and your medical coverage via your taxes.
            The Democrats treat people who are not legal citizens better than they treat citizens!  They care more about the illegal aliens than they care about “We The People”!  Why?  Because the Democrats figure the illegals will give them their vote and keep them in power.  And what a about a new law to make it illegal to say “illegal alien” in New York City?  This goes against the First Amendment; they know it and do not care.  They do not care about keeping things in nice condition, about keeping people free from drugs, or keeping our water pure (free from human excrement, pee and barf).  They are really “heartless”.  They are selfish.  They only care about themselves getting rich and being able to dictate everything in your life.  Do you know that if they get rid of cows, because of the gas that comes from the four stomachs, that you will not only loose out on your red meat, but you will also loose out on your milk, cream, butter, and other dairy products there may be.  But nobody ever mentions that fact!  I wonder why?
            Let me tell you about part of the conspiracy against President Trump and whom the conspiracy came from and who was about to be investigated in the Ukraine the same exact time that Joe Biden wanted a certain prosecutor fired.  A billionaire was behind part of the efforts to keep Donald Trump from becoming President.  He is today still working against President Trump.  This billionaire got his money by gaming the capitalist system but he loathes capitalism and embraces communism and fascism.  When he was a teenager he lived in Germany during World War II.  He was employed by the Nazi army to catalog (do inventory) stolen artwork and stolen items from the Jews, and other wealthy people (some from other countries).  This teenager learned the ways of fascism quite well and he remembered those lessons – how Adolf Hitler thought and acted.  He never forgot his past.  He grew up and became a wealthy man.  He has a son and daughter who follow him in his fascist footsteps.  The man is also a socialist (communist).  There really is no difference between communism and fascism – just one.  Fascism is nationalistic while communism is globalistic.  Yet, the two ways of thinking (and doing things) are exactly the same – they both want totalitarianism to rule the people.
            Who is this billionaire that I am speaking of?  His name is George Soros.  He uses his money to influence any election anywhere in the world for his communist purposes!  He uses his money to back Democrats for the office of District Attorney in the United States of America.  These District Attorney’s do his bidding, one of them is the woman in Chicago who was involved with the Jussy Smellet case.  His District Attorneys that get put in place refuse to make arrests or rather prosecute people.  Crime goes up and your protection from harm goes down.   George Soros is moving to the suburbs of the U.S.A., he is meddling in our elections of small counties and cities – getting his people in place.   A warning signal word you should be aware of is EQUITY!  If you hear that word in your public schools or city council then know that what they are about to propose comes straight from Soros himself!  BEWARE of “equity”.  Soros is behind Black Lives Matter and Antifa.  The protesters that were in Minneapolis on October 10, 2019, are doing Soros’s bidding (even if they do not know it).  Soros and his children are pure evil.   Soros was going to be investigated by the same man who was supposed to investigate the company that Hunter Biden worked for.  The prosecutor was going to ask Hunter Biden questions until Daddy Joe Biden forced the Ukrainian government to fire him.  He blackmailed them into doing it, he told them they only had six hours to make up their minds about it.  Well, they wanted the United States of American taxpayer’s money so they fired the man.  So, not only did Hunter Biden get off, the truth about George Soros was nipped in the bud at the same time.
            Quid-Pro-Quo-Joe laughed about his evil deed during a Council on Foreign Relations meeting.  By the way, the Council on Foreign Relations is the American Round Table group for the one world order of communistic government.  So of course, Quid-Pro-Quo-Joe Biden was willing to brag about his great deed in front of his communist friends!
            Yet, when President Trump wants the newly elected President of Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden; that is supposed to be Trump doing a quid pro quo thing because he did not immediately give the, approved by Congress, financial aid to Ukraine?  Yet this is not what was even being discussed right before President Trump said he would like a favor.  The two presidents were discussing the Ukrainians purchasing more weapons than originally arranged not financial aid!  But the SCHIFFTY Democrats mislead you on this point.  What a double standard!  The communistic democrats say that Joe Biden did nothing wrong, yet Joe Biden did everything wrong!   But he gets a pass from all the Democrats and all the mainstream liberal media jerks out there.  That is, until they decide they no longer want Joe to be their President, and perhaps this another reason why they decided to use this phone conversation as a reason to impeach 45?
            I keep asking, “When are we going to see and get justice?  When will James Homely-Comey, John Brennan, James D. Clapper, Rod Rosenstein, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden his time, B. H. Obummer, and so many others going to be punished for their evil crimes?  When will the truth come out so that President Trump will be vindicated?  When will Nancy Pelono, Chuck Shoemer, Adam Shiffty, Jerry Needler, and all the others be punished for their crimes to “We The People”?  When will all the Democratic nominees (most of them anyway) be shown for what they really are – communist globalists?  When will the stupid actors and actresses of Hollywood wake up and see that they are wrong and we can have them stop lecturing us?  (Koo dos to Ellen Digenerous for saying what she did after being attacked about being friends with President Bush.)    When will the Press become FREE again?
            All I hear is Detective David Michael Starsky saying, “SOON HENRY, soon!”  But will “soon” ever come?  Maybe it will come this month?  I hope it comes before the illegal and unsanctioned impeachment really takes place!  I think Bill Barr better get a move on!
            So Adam (a literal obstruction) Schiffty lied to the United States citizens about the whistleblower’s memo (or what ever they are calling it).  He said that he had not seen the whistleblower or seen anything about it.  But he is a liar, as his staff came out and said that the whistleblower came to them.  He knew all about the person because his office instructed him where to go with his hearsay evidence.  Did Schiffty help write the whistleblower’s report?  Also, the whistleblower was supposed to go directly to the Internal General and then to the DNI before he, or she, could even approach Congress, but this whistleblower thought they were above the law!  Do not full yourself, Nancy Pelono knew all about this thing too, that is why she decided to go out and state that it was time to have an impeachment inquiry before she even saw what President Trump was going to release – his phone conversation.  It kept bugging me why she would take such a risk in doing something like she did.  It was because she knew what the whistleblower had written down and she felt that it was enough, after they twisted certain meanings and implied false accusations about what is in the President’s thinking, to go after the President.  Only, it really was not enough to go after President Trump – for there is no crime; there is no quid-pro-quo either!  But they lie to everybody and claim that there is.
            Adam Schiffty is head of the Intelligence Committee?  He needs to be fired and investigated himself, because he is a liar, a constant liar.  He is the one who tried to dig up dirt on President Trump from a Russian comedian (he did not know the man was a comedian during the phone call or afterward).  His office followed up with the comedian too.  Maybe he thought it was okay to do business with the Russian because there was no on going election?
            Adam Schiffty has lied continuously about evidence in the Russian collusion fiasco!  He goes on national TV and lies, lies, lies.  Remember the communist rule:  If you say a lie often enough the people begin to believe it as truth.  And many people did buy into his lies, and the media’s lies, and Nancy Pelono’s lies and Crying Chuck’s lies, and James Homely Comey’s lies, and John Comrade Brennan’s lies, and James Hasdee Clapper’s lies.

Why Pelono has not taken a vote on impeachment
            There are seven main reasons why Nancy Pelono has refused to take a vote in Congress over the impeachment.  She knows that if she does then the following will HAVE to take place:

1)  There must be co-equal subpoena power to both Chair and Ranking Member at the committee level.

2)  All subpoenas must be subject to a vote of the full committee at the request of either the Chair or Ranking Member.

3)  It would provide the President’s counsel the right to attend all hearings and dispositions.

4)  It would provide the President’s counsel the right to present evidence.

5)  It would provide the President’s counsel the right to object to the admittance of evidence.

6)  It would give the President’s counsel the right to recommend a witness list.

7)  All findings on impeachment would be referred to Chairman Needler (Jerry Nadler) and the Judiciary Committee, as prescribed in Rule X of the Rules of the House.

            So, you can see that Nancy Pelono has many reasons for not wanting the vote to take place.  In addition to the above seven reasons, she also does not want the Democratic congressmen to be on public record.
            However, there may be another reason why Nancy is worried about President Trump looking into Ukrainian corruption.  Her own sun, Paul Jr., has connections to an oil company in Ukraine.  He was (is?) an executive at NRGLab.  He also co-founded a company called Natural Blue Resources and in 2014 the SEC charged the company with securities fraud.  Another Internet report says that Viscoil, a company Paul Pelosi Jr. is with, is charged with securities fraud – so I am not sure which is correct, maybe both?
            Nancy also led a congressional delegation to Ukraine in 2015 to discuss issues including “energy security”.

According to the Investigation by Rudy Giuliani
Important point:
            Rudy Giuliani began his investigation of Ukrainian interference with the 2016 election in 2018 before Joe Biden even announced his candidacy for the office of President for the 2020 election.

The order of things that took place:

            Mykola Zlochevsky, a high ranking Minister in the pro-Russian Ukrainian government of Viktor Yanokovych, was granting his company many valuable gas exploration permits.  The core company is called BURISMA HOLDINGS LTD.

February 2014
            President Obama names Vice President Joe Biden the point man for the Ukranian crises.
            Resolution of Dignity takes place and President Yanukovych is ousted.  Yanukovych and Zlochevsky ultimately flee to Russia.

April-May 2014
            Zlochevsky places Hunter Biden, son of Joe Biden, and Devon Archer, his business partner and former aid to then Secretary of State John Kerry, on the Board of Burisma.
            Hunter Biden and Devon Archer were paid millions of dollars for their expertise.  (Which consisted of what?  Hunter Biden did not speak the language, he had no skills, he was kicked out of the military because he failed a drug test.)

August 20, 2014
            Prosecutor General Victor Shokin opens a criminal investigation of Burisma.  Hunter Biden and Devon Archer are identified as persons of interest in the investigation.  They were notified about the proceedings.

January 2015
            Zlochevsky named a fugitive by the Ukraine government while H. Biden and Archer remain on the Board despite obvious evidence of substantial corruption in Burisma.

May 26, 2015
            Hunter Biden meets for breakfast with Deputy Secretary of State Tony Blinken regarding concerns about Burisma Holdings.

October 2015
            Hillary Clinton allegedly tells Vice President Biden that she will not go after Hunter Biden if Biden runs for President, but can’t control what her staff will do.  (But it will get leaked out – you can bet.)
            If this IS true, then you can understand why Joe Biden had such a hard time making his decision on whether or not to run in the 2016 campaign.

December 7, 2015
            Vice President Biden tells Ukraine President Poroshenko that he must dismiss Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin, alledgedly for unspecified corruption.  It’s not clear if Hunter Biden’s role at Burisma is discussed.

January 11, 18-19, 2016
            Vice President Biden and Porashenko talk on the phone and discuss the subject of removing Prosecutor General who is investigating Biden’s son.

March 22, 2016
            Biden threatens Poroshenko with not receiving the much-needed next to $1 billion loan guarantee unless he removes the Prosecutor General.  This is a quid pro quo.

March 29, 2016
            Ukraine Parliament fires Shokin.
            Joe Biden brags about it, which is recorded.

May 2016
            New Prosecutor General is hired.

Spring 2016
            Lutsenko meets with U. S. American Ambassador Marie Yonanovitch.  Yananovitch tells Lutsenko that he must drop the investigations of certain individuals and institutions (this would include George Soros’s group).

June 15, 2016
            Ukrainian law enforcement agency announces it has uncovered a massive fraud scheme involving Burisma.
            Ukrainian Prime Minister Volidymr Groysman meets Vice President Biden and Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland.

November 2, 2016
            Prosecutor General’s office announces closing of Burisma case.

Other items
            Rod Rosen-frankenstein is anti-Trump.  He collaborated with Robert Mule-ler through communications and hid the communications from “the boss” which would be Jeff Sessions.  Rod was in constant contact with the media.  He is a wishy-washy man.  Why was he willing to write the letter firing James Homley the Combey from the FBI?  They too were comrades in arms.  The whole thing smells like rotten fish (that are on the fishing Rod left to rot).  Believe me, Rod really meant it when he told the FBI that he was willing to wear a wire when going to see President Trump!
            Comrade John Brennan is a communist (for sure, no doubts about it).  He worked as head CIA man for President Obummer and he was behind leaks and getting the Russian Dossier out into the public.  Now he is a commentator on CNN where he constantly goes on live TV and lies about President Trump and says mean and nasty things about President Trump.  Who is the real traitor of our country?  It is Comrade Brennan, that’s who.  He is the one who made sure that the Russian Dossier got leaked to the press.
            The whistleblower (not that is really what the person is) turns out to be a registered Democrat.  He is a Democratic rogue CIA agent not a whistleblower.  He met with Adam Schiffty and/or staff member about the complaint with President Trump’s phone call.  They were the ones who sent them to get a Chuck Shoemer/Clinton lawyer who was used for taking down Donald Trump in 2017.

What needs to be done?
            One congressman thinks that the Senate needs to launch a nuclear option.  Mitch McConnell would need only 67 votes to change the rules, to allow the Senate to dismiss any impeachment changes as soon as they come to Senate.  They need to police the Democrats’ abuse of power.  Nancy Pelono is being unconstitutional in her lawlessness with this impeachment inquiry.
            What has happened to due process in this country?  They keep saying that President Trump is not above the law (I have news for Nancy and Adam, neither is Congress), yet they turn a blind eye to Joe Biden’s quid pro quo crimes!  Is Joe Biden above the law?  Is his son above the law?  According to the democrats and the liberal press – yes, he is above the law.  So why does President Trump have to obey the law?  Why do regular citizens of the United States of America have to obey the law yet ILLEGAL ALIENS break the law by crossing the southern border, and then they continue to break the laws by raping, murdering, driving without insurance coverage, driving drunk, killing with guns or knives, etc. and yet they get to be coddled and protected within the sanctuary cities.  If a policeman obeys federal law and calls ICE to come collect an illegal alien why does that policeman get put on suspension?  He did not break the law he obeyed it!  It is the Democratic leaders of the big sanctuary cities that are breaking Federal law.
            It is Nancy Pelono and her party that is causing election interference (for 2020) with all their impeachment bravado!  She, in her second term (not President Trump), is doing irreparable damage to our country and to our Constitution!  She has taken the rules of the House and thrown them in the trashcan, or the surakee-tung (if you are Korean).  The democrats are usurping the constitutional role of the President’s ability to conduct foreign affairs, damaging us internationally on the world stage.  They are making President Trump appear to be weak to the Chinese president and other leaders of other countries.  They see a man who may only have one year left in office, and they figure they can wait him out.  But I have news for them, President Trump is going to be re-elected in 2020!

The impeachment call
            I said earlier that they have been saying that Donald Trump must be impeached before he even took the oath of office in January 2017!  Every single month since the inauguration there have been calls by the Democrats and Liberal (?) Press to impeach him (that is a total of 34 months so far) for this reason or that reason – all their reasons are no reasons at all!  Not one of them was a high crime or other impeachable offense!  They made up everything; every crime they envisioned President Trump committing has been unreal!

Nancy and George
            Good OLD Nancy Pelono went on an ABC morning news show with George Stepsonallofus recently.  In the interview he was speaking about Adam Schiffty’s parody of the phone call.
            George asked her if Schiff’s made up words were fair?  (He should have asked her, “Should they have been read into the official record when they were not verbatim or an actual quote?”)
            She answered, “I want the American people to know what that phone call was about.  I want them to hear it.  So, yeah, it’s fair.  It’s sad, but it’s using the President’s own words.”
            George responded, “But it wasn’t the President’s own words.  It was an interpretation of the President’s words.  They’re saying that he made it up.”  (Correction, Schiffty admitted it was a parody – thus it had to be made up.)
            Nancy says, “He did not make it up.”  What she meant is that Schiffty has a scriptwriter, he’s not talented enough to write a parody, even though his parody was not really a parody because it was not funny!  A parody is supposed to be funny.
            George did not challenge her statement.  He gives Republican interviewees a much harder time than he gave her (ask Jim Jordan).

What President Trump and the White House has done
            They wrote a letter to Nancy Pelono basically daring her to hold an impeachment vote.  They say that they will not cooperate in turning over subpoena evidence until she holds a vote.
            To be honest, I think that this is only fair.  If Pelono refuses to hold a vote and the White House will not turn over stuff, then it will go to the courts, and this could take weeks or months to clear up.  This will spoil Nancy’s speedy impeachment plans.  The good news is that if she does go to court, it proves that the system our forefathers set up with our Republic – the system of checks and balances – actually does work.

Mitt Romney
            Congressman Mitt Romney, from Utah, has come out against President Trump.  I think he would like to see the President impeached.  But guess what?  He too has ties to the Ukraine via a friend who worked on his Presidential campaign in 2012.  I am not saying that Romney is crooked, but it does make you wonder what is really going on with him.  Maybe his attitude towards President Trump is just sour grapes?

Jim and George
            So going back to Jim Jordan, he was on George Stepsonallofus’s Sunday morning show.  And George kept asking Jim if he thought it was right for President Trump to ask China to look into corruption where Joe and Hunter Biden are concerned.  Jim tried to evade the question with a response that George would not go for.  So George kept asking Jim over and over and over his opinion on the matter.
            This is what Jim should have told George.
            “First off, George, President Trump never asked the Chinese president or the Chinese government to look into corruption.  What he did was make a suggestion, one that the Chinese COULD REFUSE!!!  His exact words were, ‘Maybe China should look into corruption.’  He did not ask them to do anything, but you want to twist his words around like all the rest of the press members do.  Get the President’s words correct!”
            I think that if Jim would have presented his answer in this way then George would have had no other choice but to let the topic go!  I could be wrong, he would have probably just said that the President’s comment IMPLIED that the Chinese do it.

The final word
            In closing, I would like to say that the whole impeachment thing, by Nancy Pelono is just a trick, a dirty one that President Nixon would be applauding her for.  Because President Nixon was really on the side of the one world order international bankers (best buds with Rockefeller [NBC]).  Remember, he was the President who got us into bed with communist China in the first place!  Nixon was a traitor to the Republican party, and now you know why he broke the law, he was a poser and thought he would get by with breaking the law just like all the Democrats today seem to get by with.
            Why do the “Progressives” or the “Democrats” want to impeach President Trump so much ever since election night?  It is this simple – Donald J. Trump is the first elected President to be elected in 100 (possibly more) years that has had no ties to the globablists – you know, the one-world order folk (the Insiders).  Because President Trump is the first President to have no ties to the one-world order international bankers, in a very long time (even if President Raygun was not with the group – his helper was – you know, Kissinger), both the Democrats and some Republicans are really against President Trump.
            You may think that I am wrong about all of this; that I am into conspiracy theories and all that.  But I know that I am right.  The Insiders were not happy with President Trump’s election, because he ruined their plans.  Things had been going so smoothly with communist comrade Obummer in the White House.  If only their girl, Hill, had won!  But they backed the wrong horse!  She is a lying, conniving, cheating, mean woman that a lot of people did not like!  Maybe she did win the popular vote, but I don’t think we really know the answer to that when the Democrats cheat in the elections like they do (did in 2018 at least).  If you do not believe me then pick up a copy of Power Grab.  It really is an informative book.


            Now Adam Schiffty does not care if his “whistleblower” even testifies.  Why?  Because Schiffty is now a fact witness because he met with the whistleblower before the whistleblower blew any info to the I. G.!   His reasoning, one that the Republicans have been giving for weeks now, is that we have the original transcript of the phone call as evidence!  In truth Schiffty is afraid of the whistleblower being interrogated by the Republicans when they begin to ask the whistleblower questions about Schiffty (or his staff) and him meeting together.  A false reasoning Schiffty presents is that he wants to protect the identity of the whistleblower (something that nobody has ever cared about doing before in whistleblowing history) because his life would be in danger.  Really?  The whistleblower is a CIA agent who has more than likely gone through extensive training in order to be able to protect himself from harm.  He probably even is able to carry a gun around with him.  It has also been reported that the whistleblower knows (and worked Ukrainian policy for) Joe Bidden!  Really?  Does anyone of you think that this stinks worse than a trashcan full of rotten apples?  Did Joe Biden ask his friend to blow a fake whistle in order to cause President Trump trouble, in order to try and get President Trump to loose the 2020 election?  I think it is possible, because that is exactly what they have claimed President Trump was trying to do during his phone call to Ukraine, however, I am thinking that it is a double whammy shot to take out Biden from the presidential race because the Deep State does not want him as their next president.  They claim that President Trump was trying to cause interference in the 2020 election and his target was Joe Biden —  A BIG FAT LIE!  If anyone has been interfering in the 2020 race it is Nancy and Adam and x-CIA headman John Brennan (communist pond scum), who also happens to know and is friends with the whistleblower.  No surprise!  The whistleblower was supposed to have also worked for Susan Rice.  Bottom line – he worked for President Obama!

            The week before Christmas the House voted on two Articles of Impeachment.  They both passed with no Republican votes and with 2 Democrats (for the First Article) and 3 Democrats (for the Second Article) saying “Nay” and one Democrat (also running for President) just voting “Present”.  But then something odd happened, as you probably have heard.  Nancy Pelono refused to take the Articles of Impeachment over to the Senate.  This actually means that President Trump is not impeached!  I heard that if she did not take them to the Senate before they left for their Christmas break that the Articles became null and void.  Now, I do not know that that is correct, it is just something I heard.  Nancy’s excuse is that she wanted to have leverage over the way the Senate would hold their hearings.  Really, Nancy, do you really think you can play God?  Talk about “abuse of power” and “obstruction” – like I said, the communists do what they accuse their enemies of doing.