Idiotor:  Gigolo Joe                                                                 Edition: Post Elections and New Year

Assistant Idiotor:  Amanda Jean Turncoat

Idiotor’s note (B Sharp):  The following Gigolo Gander has a mixture of un-posted old articles with newer articles.

Scene from Monty Python’s Life of Brian

            The following lines are from the 1980’s movie Life of Brian, not to be confused with Let’s Go Byron.  It seems as if the comedy troop of Monty Python were ahead of their time, almost prophetic!  Three men and a woman sit in Jewish cloths from the time that Jesus was beginning his mission.  They are like a group of protesters in their day.  And then one of them says:

Eric Idol:  I want to be a woman.  From now on I want you all to call me Loretta.

Woman (sorry I do not know her name):  Well, why do you want to be Loretta, Stan?

Eric Idol:  I want to have babies.

John Cleese:  You want to have babies?!

Eric Idol:  It’s every man’s right to have babies if he wants them.

John Cleese:  But, you can’t have babies!

Eric Idol:  Don’t you oppress me.

End scene.

            This could be a real conversation today; only Eric Idol would be a Leftist!

FACT:  Elong Musk, being a citizen of the United States of America, is an African American.  Think about it!

OUR TOP STORY THIS MONTH – by Poppy Boyington

            The first week of February 2023 had a Chinese spy balloon traveling over USA (pronounced OOSA).  It took a week or more before our military grew a pair and made the call to pop it like a pimple.  Below is a picture taken by our own photographer Phil “Blownup” Lazy.

            USA should have taken out the balloon when it was floating over the Pacific, like I and my Black Sheep took out those Japanese Zeros during the W. W. – Two!  Augh, those were the days, my glory days! 

            Oddly, the jet in the foreground has no pilot!  It must be on automatic pilot!

            To make everybody in their administration feel better about the very late takeout order of Chinese balloon, the Biden Administration decided to lie and say that there had been three different Chinese balloons floating over the States during the Trumpet Administration.  However, it turns out that no such accounts ever took place!  THEY LIE!!!  THEY LIE CONSTANTLY!!!  It is said, through the grapevine, that these three accounts were actually old UFO sightings that took place during the Trumpet years and they just changed the reports to switch out UFO with CWB (not for the network of Warner Brothers, but for Chinese Weather Balloon)!  To be honest, the only reason why the balloon was even taken out is because the whole country was mad about it not being destroyed and Biden needed to look good before his February 7th State of the Union Address.

            It could be, however, that China’s intentions were totally peaceful, that they were just looking over or scouting out potential farmland and ranch land that they want to purchase from USA.  This raises a question:  Should it not be illegal for foreign countries to buy land in USA?

UPDATE: On February 10, 2023, Biden gave the order to shoot down a UFO off the coast of Alasakatomorrahowitwent.

UPDATE AGAIN:  Two more UFO’s (smaller China aircraft?) have been shot down after February 10th.  One was over Canada’s Yukanpotatoes (2/11/23), and the other over Lake Hurontheair (2/12/23).  This is no laughing matter USA people need answers!


            Although it took fifteen votes to vote in Keven McCarthy, no relative to Andy or Charlie, they finally voted him in as Speaker, ruff, ruff, of the Dog House.  Matthew Water Gates and the congresswoman from Riflegun, Colorado, finally voted present.  They never did vote for McCarthy.

            The best news of the election is that Nancy Pilono is OUT!  She is still in Congress but she will not be the Dummycrat’s leader any more.  Rumor has it that she may take an ambassador and window placement in Italy, so she can be close to her Pope.  However, the man they are replacing her with (as head of the Dummycrats) is worse than she is, he’s a real Jeffry-Tube.  He is a far-far leftist; his dad likes Louis Fairy-con!  They don’t even try to hide their fascism/communism ways anymore.

            The bad news is that Kevin McCarthy House Speaker (of Wolf and Tweeter) is going to have a rough time getting things passed in the Senate (them being more than half dummycratic)..

            Right off the bat, one of the Republican committees announced that they were going to investigate Joe Biden and son and bros in their illegal business dealings with China, and other foreign nations.  But the DOJ is not going to cooperate, nor the FBI or the CIA.  Let’s just hope that the Republicans will actually do some good legal stuff while in office and stop doing what the Dummycrats want them to do!  Here is hoping, but I will not hold my breath that Mitchum Deodorant McConnell will stop sucking up to Biden and his socialistic/communistic ilk, I would pass out.

            More good news is that Adam Schiffty and Eric Swelledhead are now off of the intelligence committee do to the fact that they both are big liars (the seat of their pants are really hot).  Even though they are both leakers, it does not help cool their pants off any.  Not to mention, but I have to, that neither one of them are intelligent people!  They both cried like babies in front of the pressed hams and turkeys, saying that it was wrong to be thrown away and that McCarthy is a big fat dummy, even though they both know that Kevin is no relation to Charlie!  They also claimed that McCarthy did it all out of revenge because Nan-Nan took Jordan Almonds and his friend off the January sixth committee, but it was not revenge, it was due to the fact that both men are just dirty rotten scoundrels!

            Other good news is that Illham Omar is no longer on the international affairs committee.  This is because she is a hater of Jews and has never hidden this fact from John Q. Public.  You remember her; she is the one who married her own brother so that he could sneak into USA under false pretenses.  But her squad of congress female cats all stood up to protest her removal.  They too cried, they cried that it was all do to prejudice on the part of the GLOP, no it was all do to the prejudice on Illham’s part!


            On November 15, 2022, President Donald Trumpet announced that he was going to run for president, again, for 2024.  He did not even wait until after December’s Georgia runoff to announce.  The people present at Mar-A-Large-O were happy as clams.  But the Dummycrats were probably not happy, but they were not sweating bullets, because on November 18, 2022, Biden’s Athorney General Garlic Merryland, announced that he was appointing a special counsel to investigate President Trumpet.  The investigation will go into January 6, 2021 (they just can’t get enough of this one) and the “classified” documents stolen by the FBI from Mar-A-Large-O last summer.  Who was the man appointed as special counsel?  Well, he went after the Tea Party members to try and legally dig up dirt on them.  Why he wanted to go after our forefathers is another question!

            Although Merryland made it sound as if the special counsel investigation would be quick, we doubt that will be the way it goes, because the Dummycrats want to impede Trumpet’s run for president as much as possible.  It’s probably what Joe Biden wished for when he blew out his eighty birthday candles.

CAR-A-LARGO – by Dub L. Standard

            Since writing the above story we now have Joe Biden being pursued with a special counsel investigation.  When he was leaving office as Vice President in 2017 he took classified files from the White House.  He placed some of them, a whole year later, at his office at Penn State not far from some Chinese people (and no they were not running a restaurant, however, they were probably running a Chinese laundry for money and they may have been able to do take out of the files if they had wanted to).  The Chinese donated money to the college and that paid Biden his salary (coming from the college) that Sloppy Joe was not worth even getting (the salary).  This batch of classified material was found before the midterm election but it was kept silent by all those on Biden’s side, as they wanted to have a big win in the election.  And you still do not think that they did not cheat in 2020?   I have some swamp land in Florida you can buy off me if you want.

            Since the first batch it turns out that Biden also stole classified files or materials when he was still in the Senate!  Wow, yet they treat him with kitten gloves (pussy footin’ around the man) like he is a VIP (and I do not mean Vice President)! 

            Since that first November discovery by Biden’s lawyers, said to have been sent there to move stuff out (yes, I also have a Brooklynn Bridge you can buy off me for a small sum), more files were found in Biden’s Wilmington residence, in his garage and library.  They were safe, the ones in the garage because they were with his CAR-A-LARGO, locked up.  Yes, I am borrowing Jessy Watter’s catchy name for the whole affair.  It is a better name than “worse than Water Gate”, even though this really IS worse than Water Gate ever was!

            Speaking of Watergate, did you know that the only reason why Nixon lost his job is because the CIA set him up?  This is because Nixon knew that the CIA was behind Jack’s assassination and they did not want him to go off half-cocked blabbing about it.  And did you know that Bob Woodward was really a Naval officer (he inspected people’s belly buttons) at the Pentagon?  That’s right, but shortly before Watergate began Boob, I mean Bob, left his job at the Pentagon (where he worked with intelligence people) and then automatically got a job as a journalist (which he never was) at the WAPO (years before Jeff Bozos bought it).

            Even though Garlic Merryland set up a special counsel (a lawyer who is suspect to do a fair investigation) to investigate Sloppy Joe’s handling of classified material, the fix is already in and Biden knows it.  Yes, we have a two-tier justice system today.  Even more documents were found over the month of January.  What is worse, timeline wise, is that Garlic Merryland (the Athorney General?) knew about the Penn State situation before he appointed the Special Counsel to investigate Donald Trumpet’s MAR-A-LARGO event!  Talk about double standards (not to be confused with Standards on the corner watching all the cars drive by)!  The Left and State Media seem to neglect telling us that while Trumpet had the power to declassify material a Vice President does not have that power.  Of course, what is to stop Biden from declassifying the material now?  Would that count?  What also is very suspicious is that (remember the FBI raid on Mar-A-Largo?) there has not been an FBI raid on the Wilmington house or the Penn State office, or Biden’s beach house!  Instead, are you ready for this, Biden’s attorneys are the ones searching for the classified documents (and they probably do not have proper security clearance).  In fact, early on in the search the FBI is nowhere to be found at all. Flash forward two weeks after Biden has had fair warning and he’s had time to go to the scene of the crime and dispose of classified documents that FBI investigate, but only with the Biden lawyers present and the lawyers telling FBI where they are allowed to go!  This makes my Spidy sense go off big time.  These lawyers have become witnesses.  Does Garlic Merryland really know what he is doing?  Yes, he does, and that too frightens me.

Dear Crabby,

            My husband’s been walking around on all fours as of late.  What should I do?


Dear Puzzled,

            Put a saddle on him, ride him around, and then feed him a lump of sugar.


            Even though Joe Biden broke the law (the Constitution forbids him from paying people for their debts, and this is why nobody has as yet received any money) in order to pander for young critter’s votes in the 2022 election, you will never believe what the recipients of these bogus loans would do with the money, if they do receive the money.

            These people said that they would go on vacation, use it gambling, dine out, and use it on drugs.  This means that they still would have the debt to pay back!  So would this not mean that the money should not be given to these irresponsible folk and instead be given directly to the banks or loan companies that these people owe the money to?


“If you hear me screaming bloody murder there’s a good chance I’m enjoying myself.”—Wednesday Adams


            Well folks, the wokesters are at it again!  They are bad mouthing Tim Burpton over his Adams’ Family series Wednesday.  What’s their beef?  Bigotry and prejudice, is their beef, they are like an old record. 

            They have claimed that Tim Burpton has hired black actors to play the villains, or the bad guys!  The black girl is a bully!  Oh, how awful!  But if they would have stuck around for the whole series and really watched the shows they would have found out that the black students were not evil or bad people or even the villains!  In fact, they became friends of Wednesday Adams.  SNAP, SNAP!!!

            These wokesters also missed the actual bigotry and prejudice brought out in the show.  They totally glossed over the stereotypical white bully sport team at the beginning of the movie!  These male “jocks” were picking on Pugsley, Wednesday’s younger brother.  She got even with the swim team when she poured piranha fish into the swimming pool!  Well, she got expelled for that one, and that set the show up for her new academy, where her parents went when they were teenagers.

            This school happened to be for “outsiders”.  I suppose that name is better than “monsters”. So the whole movie had to do with prejudice against monsters.  But, you know, the school was full of werewolves, sirens, and other type of people. There were students there who also had no faces.  I am not sure what they were called, and I have no idea how they ate anything or how they saw where they were going.  The same question arises with Thing, after all, he is just a hand.  And how stereotypical is that – that a hand is a servant – “Give me a hand, will you, Thing?”

            It was the town’s people who were not happy with this school, especially the sheriff.  Who was in power as the town’s mayor?  A black man!  Only he got killed.    But it seems as if the prejudice, being that it began with an old white man in the days of the Salem Witch Trials, was all against witches and the “outsiders”.  Gee, this just went over the heads of those who seem to be woke Karens!

            So who did turn out to be the villains?  A white woman and a white boy, so much for stereotyping the villains; am I right?  The only problem I had with the show is that I knew who the villains were before Wednesday Adams did!  Way before!  Okay, I went back and forth on the two white boys, but I did know when they arrested one boy, who was an artist, that he was innocent, and that it was the other boy.

            I liked the eight part series, as there was a mystery to be solved by Wednesday (it did not matter which day of the week the mystery was solved on).  I loved a lot of her one line zingers!  The show was humorous, not too scary, and there may be a second season.  We can only hope.


            Besides trying to waste money on student loans, Joe Biden has given money so that a Rhode Island town can have heated sidewalks in their downtown area, instead of giving them money that could really help the town out.

            Also, twenty-five million dollar is going towards building a bridge in the Arizona desert so that people can go watch the birds.  More like they get to watch as their tax money flies away.

            And then in the state of Washington, for Lummi Island, he is using fifty million dollars to build an electric fairy.  The gays will be happy about that, I suppose!  But, the citizens of Lummi Island think the whole idea is stupid (because it is).  Does Joe Biden even use his brain?  Remember that the electric cars exposed to salt water, after Hurricane Ian, began to explode and catch on fire?  What if salt water gets on the batteries for the Fairy boat?  (I know; it is really a ferryboat.)


            Young Scam Bankman-Fraud has embezzled millions of investors’ monies.  There is something wrong with the people who were fooled by this con man, I mean, his name is SCAM Bankman-FRAUD for Pete’s sake!  I’m not sure who Pete is, except that troop leader who got shot in the neck with an arrow, the guy on Ghosts.  But Pete aside, this man is said to have been living in the lap of a Bahaman-Carripion luxury apartment in the sky (moving on up!).  He was living there with his employees and even worse, he was having sex with his employees.  His girlfriend is so ugly…

            How ugly is she?

            She’s so ugly even Frankenstein’s monster swiped left!

            Scam claimed to be a vegetarian, but he has a lot of fat on his body to really be a vegetarian.  Maybe he’s eating “almost turkey”?  He also claimed to be worried about the environment (climate changes clothes in the broad daylight).  He also said he drove a hybrid Toyota Corolla instead of a gas-guzzler. 

            He sent money to the Uke-rang in order to have it laundered.  He donated loads of embezzled money (coming in second to George Soreass) to the Dummycratic Senatorial nominees for the 2022 election (and it seemed to have paid off), this may explain how John Fetterwoman actually won.  (Side Note:  In pictures taken on Fetterwoman’s first days in Washingaton of Clothes, his head was chopped off, but you could see his wife’s head!  What a nice wife!  Huh?)  Scammy also went to the White House – what was he doing there?  Let us not forget that these donations were embezzled.  What will happen to him?  Probably nothing; so far the Left has celebrated him at a New York Slimes get together and then George Stepsonallofus interviewed him.  I doubt General Athorney Merryland will have time to look into him with a special counsel, what with him already having two to deal with now. 

            After returning to the USA, Bankman-Fraud was released on millions of bail, two mysterious donors provided the hay.  But the judge refused to allow their identities to be known.  Is your Spidy sense going off?  On his first day to real boy’s court he was wearing a backpack.  When he left the courthouse the backpack was nowhere to be found!  What was in the pack?  Was there money in it to bribe his judge with?  Just who was he bribing that day?  And why is his trial not set until October 2023?

AIR MARSHALS GROUNDED – by Enchurito Burrito

            Joe Biden is once more – a retard!  He is now taking U.S. Air Marshals off of airplanes to stick them down on the border to help the border patrol out.  The Air Marshals are like birds out of the air, quite literally, they have no idea what they are doing, they have no border training, and they really do not want to do this type of duty, because they never get to sit down on the job!  They are so out of shape because they do sit down on the job that there is no way they are in good shape to take on migrant invaders!  Biden should send in the National Guard, but he does not want to do that because that would actually be doing something in the right direction.

            He is also hurting us by making flying in the air less safe and secure because the Air Marshals are no longer on board the airplanes so that they can deal with people who get into fights with each other over silly stuff (like masks). Biden does not seem to think, nothing new there, that terrorists (who have come cross the southern border) will not attack using our airplanes again.  So why not send in the National Guard?  Because, that would mean that Biden would need to declare a national emergency and he ain’t about to do that!  He would rather this country DIE (and he’s doing a pretty good job of it).  Maybe he figures he is short on years so why should our country continue to grow and prosper when he can’t?  What a maroon!

            It was right after New Years that the FAA was hacked; all flights were grounded until our government paid the ransome fee in Bit coin.  A similar hack took place in December in the Philippians and twenty-four hours after it happened in the U.S.A. then Canadahey had the same exact problem.  Yet, none of these countries are on the same computer system.  Stock in Bit coin currency went flying after our grounded flights were in the air again.


            Sam Brinton, a sex pervert, was in charge of nuclear spent fuel rods.  How he got the job is a big mystery.  Sam loves to dress up in women’s clothing, but he should not wear anything above the knees, because there is something wrong with his left knee – just look at pictures of him and you’ll see what I mean!  Really, dude, just keep it all to yourself, wear below the knees clothing, please!

            During his sex time hours he loves to play with men who are pretending to be dogs (weird S & M).  But that’s not even the worst about him.  Sam is a thief, a lying thief at that.  While he was at the Saint Paul airport he was seen stealing a $20,000 bag* (full of woman’s clothing).  The man had not even checked a bag in before his flight.  He claimed later on that he realized he got the wrong bag (What he had one just like it? – Uh, no he did not)!  He then claimed that he left all the clothes from the bag in his motel room.  Again, uh, no he did not! 

            This dude was put in in charge of disposal of spent fuel rods by Sloppy Joe!  I would not even let his dad fix a sewing machine!

            Another weird thing about him is that he gave a seminar “Spanking:  From Calculus to Chemistry”.  He says, “Physics is a pivotal part of the kink experience.”  We cannot hold his looks against him, as he cannot help how he looks, but he has a strong resemblance to that scumbag lawyer – Avenaughty (who is going to jail).  Fortunate for all of us is that Sam was fired from his all-important job after stealing another bag of clothes at the LA-X.

*It seems to me that anyone who flies with a $20,000 suitcase is just asking to have it stolen!  Who does that?


Hunter’s laptop is Russian dressing disinformation.

Said he had not received a coronavirust vaccine before he was inaugurated as Acting-Puppet President, because he had two shots (not one).

There is a border crisis “every single solitary year” what he really meant is that under him there is a border crisis “every single second of the day”.

He inherited the border crisis situation from his parents (who were also Dummycrats).

The “vast majority of illegal migrants are sent back” to “GO” (Do not collect $200)

Border crisis is under birth control.

Border patrol agents whip creamed Haitians.

Georgia voting law is “Jim Eagle Scout 2.0”

Claimed his great grandfather was a coal miner, making him a coal miner’s daughter.

He never spoke to Hunted about his business dealings (with foreign countries) while in the shower.

He was “shot at” in Iraq by news cameras.

He was arrested trying to visit (sneak in to) Nelson Mandola’s bedroom.

We will get all Americans out of Afghanistan after I die.

Masks will not be mandatory on Halloween.

No new taxes for those making less than 400,000 pennies a year.

He was arrested during the civil rights movement for indecent exposure.

He had a plan to shut down the coronavirust but forgot what it was.

He used to drive a tractor trailer but always crashed it.

He was a professor at University of Pen-Pig. 

Inflation is expected and temporary for me because I’m eighty now.

President Trumpet lost the election…because we really cheated, A LOT!!!

Biden has said he has not taken a penny from any foreign source.  What he meant was that his son has taken loads of dollars (even more pennies) from foreign sources.


            Thanks to Elong Musk, the recent new owner of TWITTERER, the truth is finally coming out about the Biden campaign, along with the DNC, getting TWITTERER to cover up Hunted’s Laptop and calling it Russian disinformation before the 2020 presidential election.  There are actual e-mails between the Dummycrats and TWITTERER employees getting the company’s cooperation to shadow ban and cancel anyone who happened to mention Hunted’s laptop, especially the story printed in the New York Post Toasties.

            Bijaya Giddyup played a key role in the cover up; she was fired day one by Elong Musk.  Good riddance!  She went about canceling people who commented on the laptop before the 2020 election.  Jack Doorsee, the prior owner to TWITTERER, seems to have been left out in the cold; he was oblivious as to what was really going on.  But not really!

            Former FBI agent, Jim D. Baker of half-baked schemes – like the Steel Dossier stuff – was brought in to TWITTERER and he had a roll in the laptop cover-up.  The man really hates President Trumpet!

            One of TWITTERER’S victims was actor James Woods.  For six years they have made his life miserable, nobody in Hollywood wants to even hire him.  Is this the real reason why James Woods High School was named Adam West High School on The Family Guy?  I think so!  But now that the truth is coming out, about what the TWITTERER heads did, James is willing to sue the Federal government.  I hope he gets somewhere.  While commenting to Tuckered Out Carlson he said, “Scratch a Liberal [Dummycrat] and you will find a fascist every time.”

            The conspiring between the social media companies (TWITTERER is not alone in this stuff) and the Dummycrats, especially the Biden Administration, are these companies trying to take away “Freedom of Speech” our fundamental RIGHT! 

            Why is it that a white African American, like Elong Musk, understands the importance of free speech more than many born in America Americans do?

FACT:  You know how all the Dummycrats complain about our forefathers being “old white men”?  Well, when James Monroe, who later became a president, signed the Declaration of Independence he was only eighteen years old.  Many of the signers were young guys!  It just goes to show you that the Dummycrats paint history with brushes full of lie paint.


            December 6, 2022 was the runoff for Senator in the state of Georgiapeaches.  Raphael Warlock, a communist preacher man (who runs a rundown apartment building), won the election.  He got around 51% of the votes.  I can’t figure out why the people of Georgiapeaches want this man as their Senator – again?  He is an inside man for Joe Biden and does the Biden’s bidding. 

            Hershey Walker, who was a football player (not soccer), was the Republican candidate, and he lost.  I guess people do not like chocolate candy very much.  Maybe they believed all the lies that the Left spewed forth about the man and could not vote for him?  Maybe it was because President Trumpet tried to help him out that he lost?  Maybe it was because Mitcham Deodorant McConnell did not get him enough money for his campaign that he lost?   It is hard to say, no it’s not – It is McConnell’s fault.

            What this means is that the Senate is going to be run by the Dummycrats and Harris’s vote will probably not be needed anymore.  This also means that Georgiapeaches citizens are in drastic need of some enlightenment and counselling.  Mr. T’s words just ring in my head, “I pity the fool[s]!”


            News flash, come next year [2023] Congress will be investigating A.O.C.  You may be asking, “What for?”  Well, it is for her appearance at the Galla, just who paid for her to attend?  Remember the dress?  (See below.)  Congress should investigate the dress maker at the same time!  Hey, if AOC still has the dress below, maybe she could wear it when she gets married?

SAN FRAN’S SUICIDE NETTING – by Annett Funnycello

            It took four years to build San Francisco’s Golden State Bridge.  It opened on May 28, 1937 and it was under budget.  Things change.  In order to keep people from committing suicide, by jumping off the bridge, the idea was hatched that suicide netting should be installed.  The installation began in 2018 for seventy-six million dollars, to be completed in two years.  Somehow, it got caught up in litigation (better than netting).  After four years the cost has ballooned to four hundred million and will not be expected to be finished until the end of 2023.  If you adjust for inflation, the suicide netting will cost as much as the bridge itself did. 


            Ecologists (or Greeners, as they should really be called [meaning that they are really communists]) are making it impossible for fishermen in Maine to continue catching lobsters.  They are claiming (and it is all a lie) that the profession is endangering Right Whales.  Funny, it’s the first time that the Left has ever been concerned about something on the Right!  What makes it worse is that the Greeners, who are making the false claim, happen to know that the Right Whales do not migrate to the coastline or waters (or even Maximum Waters) of Maine.  These fishermen are the ones being endangered – they may go broke!  But the Left does not care.  Furthermore, it is going to make the price of lobster go up higher than it already is in today’s ballooning economy!

            Since writing this article, whales have been beaching themselves on the New Jersey coastline where there are Greeners trying to put windmills in the water!  These jerks are using sonar, using the same frequency that the whales use, and so the whales are getting confused and beaching themselves.  That is the theory anyway.  If you are someone like Penelope Smith, a psychic who speaks to animals, you might have a different theory.  She says that when dolphins and whales beach themselves it is to get man’s attention.  They are very intelligent beings.  So are the whales of New Jersey trying to get man’s attention – “Hey, Idiots, do not put windmills in the ocean!  It’s a really BAD idea!!!”  Perhaps all intelligent life in our oceans, like the whales and dolphins and porpoises will beam up into outer space and whistle to us, “So long and thanks for all the fish!”

            The group that is behind these wild claims (of Right Whales being in danger by the lobster fishermen) has financial ties to a windmill company.  And being able to use the Atlantic coastline for their business would be a windfall.  PUN intended.  But wait, they really do not seem to have the whale’s interests at heart, do they?  Especially if it is the same company behind the New Jersey windmills and the Maine windmills!

            The local fishermen say that they have been conservationists for decades and they are way ahead of the Greeners.  But I guess their conservation practices are too close to being conservatism, so the Greeners are against these particular conservationists.  And Green Peace – the organization that use to save the whales – well, they’re nowhere to be found.  They are being silent about the windmills.  They are just a bunch of fat cats now. If windmills are placed in the ocean much of the life on the ocean floors will be destroyed. Is this what we should be doing as ecologists? NO!

            In the meantime, Joe Biden served lobster during his shindig, called a State Dinner, while the French president was in Washingaton of Clothes.  It is possible that these lobsters did not come from Maine, but from the nearest Fred Lobster restaurant?  YUM!


            On December 2, 2022, Elong Musk began to dump e-mails in Tweets.  Musk had Matt Tiehebejeebe send out some of the Tweets.  What he said was vastly ignored by the mainstream media, and then lied about by them, because they do not want to face the music, even though it was a lovely Waltz Disney.

            After this big dump of Tweets people were asking why there was no mention of the FBI in many of them.  So I guess the private eyes of Musk did some investigating and found out that their main lawyer, counseling Twitterer big wigs in 2020, happened to be X – FBI counsel Gym Baker.

            On December 6, 2022 Musk Tweeted, “In light of concerns about Baker’s possible dinner roll in suppression of information important to the public dialogue, he was exited from Twitterer today.”  In other words, he was canned.  And it is about time to, because Gym Baker is no good.  He is the one who took Hilary Rotten Clinton’s fake Steel Dossier and used it as a weapon against the Trumpet campaign and President Elect Trumpet and President Trumpet too (that’s three Trumpets)!  He is also the buddy of X head FBI man Gym Commie; why not?  They share the same first name of Games (they both like to play).

            Did Baker scramble eggs and Twitterer files before Matt Tiehebejeebe released them on December 2nd, perhaps keeping the FBI’s name out of everything?  Why was former FBI council a sensor for Twitterer-heads?  “It’s like having a fox doing your chicken coup head count,” said Greg Gutfelt of LOX News.

            On December 8, 2022 a new person began to do Musk’s Tweeting.  At 19:20 in the evening Bari Weissensmart Tweeted:  “1.  A new #Twitterer Files investigation reveals that teams of Twitterer employees build blacklists, prevent disfavored Tweets from trending, and actually limit the visibility of entire accounts or even trending topics—all in secret, without informing users.”  This means that the people running Twitterer were secretly working against those who they wanted to silence.

            Bari also said, “3.  Take for example, Stanford’s Dr. Jay Battenchair who argued that Coronavirust lockdowns would harm children.  Twitterer secretly placed him on a ‘Trends Blacklist,’ which prevented his Tweets from trending. 

            “4.  Or consider the Popular Mechanics Magazine right-winged talk show host, Dan Bongogino, who at one point was slapped silly with a ‘Search Blacklist.’”  Is it because he is a black man that he was put on a blacklist?

            “5.” Bari continued, “Twitterer set the account of conservative activist Charlie Kirk to ‘Do Not Amplify.’”  This is because Charlie Kirk likes to use a bullhorn.  But this is the first time that I ever heard that Charlie Kirk is an activist!  To be honest, I just thought he was a young honest Christian man who cares about the education of our children!  No, the real activists are the college professors!  Maybe Bari is not such a Weissensmart person after all!

            “6.  Twitterer denied that it does such things [as mentioned in steps 1-5 (not sure what was said in step “2”)].  In 2018, Twitterer’s Vijaya Gaddeup (then Head of Legal Polish Sausage and Crust) and Kavlon Beykpour (Head of Produce and Lettuce) said:  ‘We do not use shadow puppets.’  They added:  ‘And we certainly don’t shadow ban these puppets based on political viewpoints or ideology.’”

            And we skip right over step 7 (whatever it may be) and go to step 8.  “Think about visibility filtering [remember those who wear rose colored glasses should not throw stones] as being a way for us to suppress what people see on different levels.  It’s a very powerful tool,’ one senior Twitterer employee told us.”

            REAL journalists, and Mr. Musk, have released even more Twitterer information.  In fact, Gym Baker WAS doing evil things and ordering Twitterer employees to fulfill his evil commands.  So, yeah, conservatives and honest truth speaking people were silenced, which goes against the First Amendment of free speech.  Nobody at Twitterer should be banning “so-called” Hate Speech!  What is Hate Speech?  What one person considers Hate Speech may not be real Hate Speech or what others may consider as Hate Speech.  Like I doubt that when Joe Biden says really nasty things about MAGA people that he considers it to be Hate Speech (even though it is).  The honest, hardworking, everyday citizens of the MAGA people certainly feel like it is Hate Speech targeted at them.  And they are targeted.  Likewise, all the nasty lies put out about policemen has painted targets on the backs of all policemen!  The politicians who say these nasty things about our hard working policemen think that they are being clever and smart, but they are putting bad things into the public’s heads, and these people’s heads think that they can get away with disrespecting policemen and trying to kill them!

POP PORN – by Irrele Vant

            One thing that Elong Musk is trying to clean up at Twitterer is the porn trafficking on the site.  Children’s porn has been a problem for many years on the Internet.  According to a 2021 Cyber tip line report on electronic service providers for missing and exploited children Twitterer had 86,666 instances.  But that is low compared to Instagramma’s 3,393,654 instances and Twofacedbook’s 22,118,952 instances.

            Andrea Stopper Twittered on December 3, 2022 – “Twitterer updated its mechanism to detect content related to child sexual abuse/exploitation material.  [It is] faster, more efficient, and more aggressive.  No mercy for those who are involved in these illegal activities…The daily suspension bridge rate has ALMOST DOUBLED over the past few days.  It means that Twitterer is doing a capillary analysis of contents, especially those published in the past.  It doesn’t matter when illicit content has been published in the past [we will kill it dead].  Twitterer will find it and act accordingly…In the past twenty-four hours, Twitterer started to step up its efforts and took down 44,000 suspicious accounts, including over 1,300 profiles that tried to bypass detection using code words [like “hey you little kiddy, you!”] and text in images [like poop M. O. G.’s] to communicate.  Zero tolerance.”

            Back on October 1, 2022 the New York Post Toasties said, “[Before Musk] Twitterer refused to remove child porn because it didn’t “violate policies’: lawsuit”.  It took over a month for Twitterer to take down 57,000 accounts in India on child pop porn.  After Elong Musk took over, he’s done more to actually cancel children’s porn in one month than what has been done in the past ten years.  Yet, I doubt that the people on the Left are even grateful to Musk for his good deed!  And why should they be when their goal is to demoralize every single child in the world and teach them all about sex, make them believe they need a sex change (while providing the drugs for them to do so), and show them male cross-dressers at the libraries. 


            After Senator Warlock won the Georgia runoff on December 6th, the Aridzonian Senator, Christen Cinnamon, renounced the Dummycratic Party, saying, “I really do not like attending parties at all, I am a regular home body.”

            She is now registered as an Independent.  However, there will not be much change in the Senate because of this, as she is still going to CA-CA-ASS with the Dummycrats.  In other words she will probably still vote their way.  She believes that this will help her get re-elected when she runs again, but if I were her I wouldn’t count my crocodiles before they’re hatched.  Also, if you really do not want to be a Dummycrat then why vote with them?  I say, renounce them ALL THE WAY!!!

            By the way, she is not really on the side of conservatism when she is spotted attending the Davos One World Order get together.  Also spotted and checked at the meeting was Joe Mansion.


            We wish(ed) you a merry Christmas (but did not get this published in time), Christ mass and all the humbug that goes with it.  We will be perspiring around our fireplace this year because there is not enough fuel or natural gas to go around, it is going to be too expensive to use!  HA!!  Grinch Biden has made sure that we all will have a rotten time, we’ll get less to eat, fewer gifts, and all that sort of stuff because inflation is so bad.  He won’t admit to it either, but you can bet that he’ll have plenty of ice cream to eat and plenty of gifts under his Christmas tree.  (Joe used classified documents to wrap all his gifts up.)  Too bad Santa is not real; he would give Biden enough lumps of coal in his stocking to supply our country’s energy needs for decades to come (that’s how bad Biden’s been)! 

            Don’t expect your new year to be any better, either.  It will get worse.  Not only that, now the IRS will come after you too, and if you don’t pay up they’ll hold their guns on you until you cough up the money they claim you owe them.


A dozen eggs, in some stores and in parts of USA, now cost $10.00!!!  So some people have begun to rent chickens.  Are eggs so expensive because of the bird flu or is it because the Chinese are buying up all our chicken farms?

Today the word transparent means “a man who has a baby”.

The Dummycrat party is made up of weak men and angry women.


“They claim that Joe Biden never worked in the private sector, but now you’re telling me he’s been running a Chinese laundry in Delaware for years!” – Brad Pittsburgh


Three million dollars spent to inject hamsters with steroids and then watching them fight – hence the idea for Disney’s new cartoon Hamster and Gretel.

Two million dollars spent dosing puppies with cocaine.  (Dr. Faust is probably behind this one, we all know how much he enjoys smelling dog butts.)

One million dollars used to turn mice into alcoholics (so that you cannot control your computer pointer and clicks). 

One half million dollars spent to teach mice about racist aggression.  Nobody knows how the scientists even accomplish this one – so it is probably a spoof on us.  Can you imagine a mouse calling a rat a racist?

Two hundred and ten million dollars spent on education in Jordan.  Why they want those children to be taught school in a river is beyond me!  Maybe it is because it is where Jesus was baptized by John?

The Department of Defense, Deports, and Defeet spent twenty-eight million dollars on new camouflage uniforms – the only problem is it’s the visible type of camo that you can see with your naked eyes.

One hundred twenty thousand dollars was spent to see if Marvel Comic’s Thanos can really snap his finger and eliminate half the world population while wearing his gauntlet.  This expense is true!  I only wish we had made it up!

Three and a half million dollars was spent on the Mike Obummer Hiking Trail in Georgiapeaches.

Nancy Pelono got a truck load of money for her name to be plastered on some federal building in San Francisco (not a treat).

Three million dollars was spent to create bee friendly highways.  We could not figure out what this one is even about!

Uke-rang got forty-seven billion for the war (this is before they were given ‘tanks’)  No, tank you!  No, tank you.  No, tank you!

The FBI was given eleven billion dollars and an additional four hundred million dollars for a new head quarters.  Why should we give them anything when they have made John Q. Public out to be enemy number one?

In 2010 we paid (in our hard earned tax money) sixty-one million dollars to the World Economic Forum (that thing held in Davos, Switzerlandwatch).  We pay them every year loads of money and what do we get in return?  A bunch of idiots getting together to plot out their dastardly deeds in taking away our freedom and doing really bad things to us!  The State Department gives $7 billion tax dollars to the United Nations; $583 million to the World Health Organization, $250 million to the International Atomic Energy Agency, $26 million to the World Trade Organization.  For U.S. defense we give $4 billion to the European Deterrence Initiative (with another $4.2 billion requested in the fiscal year of 2023) and $817 billion on our own military , much of which is stationed in Europe in accordance with the NATO agreement, and we pay more than any other country does to these one world order groups.

It is our tax money that is being used for all of these things, plus the burn – our money is being used to help illegals stay in our country (millions of dollars). 


            New Yorkso Mayor Black Adams placed illegal aliens into some mighty high classed motels in the city.  These rooms cost New Yorkso citizens five hundred dollars a night to stay in.  That’s right, the New Yorkso tax payers were paying the bill for these ungrateful illegals.  They were having wild parties, trashing the rooms, and the free food that they were given they tossed into trashcans.   The homeless people living on the streets of New Yorkso City could only dream of having a free meal!

            When asked to move to a place in Long Island Tea, they refused.  They repeated lies about the place to the news reporters (lies they probably heard from left-winged activists) and they refused to move to clear up rooms for new incoming illegals being bused into the city.  So they are camping out in front of the motel now (in tents) making it difficult for the homeless to know where their tents are at. 

            If Mayor Black Adams really was a true Black Adam then he would tell these rowdy illegals, “Either you go to Long Islandtea’s facility or else you get a one way plane ticket back to the country you originally came from.  And we will finger print you so that we know who you are and you will never be able to come back into our country!”  By the way, that plane ride would not land, they would strap a parachute on the illegal’s back and push him out the plane door saying, “Ass to loo egg yolks!” But we are dreaming if we think that something like this would ever happen.

            To prove to the illegal men that the Long Islandtea facility was comfortable he spent a night there in one of the cots.  Then he went on TV to announce how pleasant of a time he had, especially since he had his security blanket with him.  Security blanket is code for his security team! 

The following chart proves that white people cannot win where real bigots and prejudice people exist (mostly they exist on the Left). 

AL BOAR FLIES TO DAVOS – by Green Acres (soon to be owned by China)

            Not only did Al Boar fly to Davos for the World Economic Forum in his jet plane, but so did everybody else who was there!  Talk about carbon footprints!  But they don’t care, because they are ABOVE THEIR LAWS!!! Mostly because they fly above them in their jets.

            Al Boar has made $330 million with his climate alarmist business.  His “green” investment firm is now worth $36 billion and they pay him $2 million per month.

            The bad thing about Boar and his “comrade” friends is that they LIE to each other while patting themselves on the back, but even worse, they lie to everybody in the world.  Mr. Ketchup, John Kerry, was also at the meeting.  Wow, if they knew how to tell the truth the world would be a whole lot better off.


            Former Vice President to President Donald Trumpet, Mike Tense, was feeling left out, after his old boss and the VEEP before him were given special counsels by Garlic Merryland, so he called up somebody and copped to having a team of unclassified doctors on his staff.  

            What’s that you are saying?  He did not have classified doctors but classified documents, as in paper files?  My bad!  The question then is this:  Is Tense in deep state do-do?  Could be, after all, he is a Republican.


            It turns out that the January six committee (put into place by Nancy Pelono) neglected to place true evidence into their report and findings and their little kangaroo court TV show.  It turns out that the Capitol police chief, Paul Irving Berlin, after finding out about “not so good” intentions meant for that day, asked for Nancy Pelono to okay the bringing in of the National Guard.  She, of course, refused, just like she did when President Trumpet asked her to allow them to come in for January 6, 2021.  They knew right away that Nancy would not like the optics of a National Guard presence or a Right Guard deodorant.  There was evidence of something bad happening that day and she totally ignored it and refused a bigger presence of police and/or guard.  Also, the FBI are not innocent in the goings on of that day, as they instigated riots (with planted potheads). 

            Yet, one man who was present outside the Capitol that day, who never went inside the Capitol that day, has been arrested and tortured by Nazi, I mean, naughty interrogators!  He has been called a domestic terrorist and he lost his job.  He has also basically been canceled, and he continues to be on a bank blacklist (he cannot get a loan or an account).  Yet Scam Bankman Fraud gets a “get out of jail” card so he can live with mommy and daddy until October!   When will the USA government begin to treat criminals like criminals and honest citizens like USA citizens?  When will the USA government stop destroying USA and begin to build it back up again?


            On February 7, 2023 Sloppy Joe Biden gave his State of the Union Address, which is different from his Wilmington and beach house addresses.  This confused Joe.  He did not understand why he had to memorize a whole new different address.  He was relieved when he found out that he did not need to memorize anything; that he just had to read from the teleprompter.

            Our top notch staff refused to listen to his speech because we all knew it would be chalk full of lies and false innuendos.  And it was. Not only that, he plagiarized Republicans (like Trumpet, De Santisclaus, etc.) in order to trick people into thinking he will change his evil ways!  We did hear some of the audio and video clips and were glad to hear the Republicans object to Biden’s lies.  We also give praise to House Leader Kevin McCarthy for looking so stern for so long.  If I had been sitting up there I would have been rolling my eyes every second, and trying not to laugh out loud at Joe’s insane comments.

            There was a breath of fresh air, however, when the Governor of Little Rock, ARCH, Sarah Huckleberry Hound Colonel Saunders, gave her rebuttal.  We did watch a big portion of her speech.  I praise her for distinguishing between the Left’s insanity (or craziness) and the Right’s normalcy; however, she should have defined what being normal really is.  One definition is “occurring naturally” – like a normal immunity which has been accepted by normal people but disregarded and ignored by the crazy people in regards to the coronavirust!  Another definition is “sane”!  And sane is the opposite of crazy.  To be normal means that you are square, or perpendicular in nature; and I have always said I was a square!  Yeah, man, I don’t want to be a beatnik at all!  But this is what I like the best about the word, it means “according with, constituting [as in the American Constitution?], or not deviating from a norm, rule, or principle”.  That pretty much sums it up for me!

            My favorite part of her speech was when she said that she is the youngest governor in USA at the age of forty, not only that, she is the FIRST WOMAN to be governor of Archensaw while Biden, being an 80 year old white man (is he really president or puppet?), belongs to a party that has no idea how to define what a woman is!  HA!!!  Good one, Sarah!

            Some news commentators thought perhaps Joe would speak about his old friend Pop Corn (not to be confused with Pop Porn).  That he would, you know, tell a good ol’ story to the country.  If he did that I would not know, remember, I did not watch the speech.  But Biden did promise Uke-Rang full support hose so long as the war lasts and there is a Russian dressing in the coal Slaw factory.  None of us understood that comment either!  Now I’m laughing like Camel Ian Harris, not a pretty sound!  Be glad you can’t hear me.