GIGALO GANDER – March 2022

WORD OF THE MONTH – by Wordy Smith

            The word of the month is “snollygoster”.  It simply means “dishonest politician”.  Gee, Washington Dot Com is full of snollygosters!  Some examples of a snollygoster are:  H.R.Clinton, Joe Biden, Jen Psauki (seen above), Adam Schifty, Eric Swelledhead, Burney Sandbag, Jerry Needler, A.O.C. and her cheerleading squad, Bitch Chaney, Mitchum Deodorant McConnel, Andrew Coma, and the list just goes on and on and on.  The Snollygoster Club is a big club!

Today’s Zodiac – by Astral Projection

            If you were born in the last portion of the month of March and in the first half (well up to the 23rd or so) of April, then you are an Aries, and you are a bull headed ram.  In Egyptian mythology Amoneggs was united with the Sun God.  Amoneggs’ primitive function was to cook up some mighty fine breakfast meals.  He also was a god of life, because he fixed good breakfasts, and the eggs were fertile for great reproduction.

            Aries is a fire sign, because Amoneggs needs fire to cook those mighty fine breakfasts!  He is the original cause or thunderbolt that emerged from the primordial soup.  It was not produced by Campbell’s Soup Company, but it was supposed to be mighty potent stuff.  Whether it was MMMM-Good is another story.

            And now, for something completely different…a man with ten goats up in a tree …and now, back to our regularly scheduled program.

            Being that Aries is a fire sign, and one with the Sun God — be happy.  “The sun has got his hat on, hip, hip, hip, hooray, the sun has got his hat on and he’s coming out to play!”  And maybe you won’t need to worry about putting on any sun screen?

            And now, for your serious fortune:  You are perfect for that new job, so go on and apply for that position of short order cook at the Pancake House.  You will get it.


Joe Biden actually said the following:  “They don’t allow me to have a phone anymore.”

            So who is “they” and why will “they” not allow the man to have a phone?  Who are they afraid that he will call?

SCREAM THERAPY WAS MY IDEA!!! – Amanda Jean Turncoat

            Recently I saw a bunch of mothers getting together as a support group to scream about their horrible, stressful days.  What with them having to deal with their kids being forced to wear masks, critical race theory, the bad economy, etc., they met to let off steam.  Did they talk to each other in the clip?  No, they just screamed!  And I said to myself, “Hey, myself, I came up with Scream Therapy back in the early 1980s.”  And I have proof of it in my very first Library Scatterbrain issue (seen on this same website).  Also, I truly apologize for the drawing below.  The man’s outstretched leg is really not right!  Phil Ink Lazy just got it wrong, what else can I say?

            I know that I have something to add to this Scream Therapy bit, but I was unable to find it.  I will do some investigating into my old copies and see if I can locate what it is I wish to present to you.  If I find it you will know by what is directly below, if not then you can move on to making, I mean, reading WHOOPI……..  I found it!  But, I Ass. Idioted it for you, as that is my job.


            If you’ve been CIAing in the Malaria Library this past month, you probably have noticed a more relaxed atmosphere.  This is probably because of the meeting in Pueblo on Friday, April 42.  The theme was:  The Librarian Copying with Stress.  Dr. Howler presiding, PHD, BA, BS, and BO, told us, “When things get tough just yell at the top of your lungs.”  Finally, he said, “React; do not act, let your emotions out!”

            Dr. Loud Mouth was also there to speak on “Personal Stress Factors”.  He recommended that we learn how to say “no,” to keep that funny bone tickling, cut out all sex, and take three hour lunch breaks (like Greg Martinsheen and Jim Storyteller do).

            Getting to and from the meeting was somewhat stressful as our van lost its rear wheel.  We all just sang, “You picked a fine time to leave us loose wheel!”  Then we all screamed as we headed for the ditch.  Like I said earlier, there’s a lot more of a relaxed atmosphere at the library, but everyone’s been getting kicked out for being so noisy!!!

Idioter’s Note:    In searching for material for this issue, in past Library Scatterbrain issues posted on Gihon Goose, I found that Library Scatterbrain – E did not come up.  So if you have this problem where it says, “Oops…” just type in Library Scatterbrain – E in the search slot, hit the ENTER button, and it will come up for you.  I do not know why this is happening, nor do I know how to fix it.  If anybody has any ideas about it please let me know what to do.


            On The View actress and co-host Whoopi Goldberg (who is not Jewish at all) claimed that what happened during the Holocaust was not a matter of racism but it happened because men are just mean to men.  Evidently, she has never listened to the words of the song “Der Furor’s Face”, about Adolf Hitler – “Are ve not zee super race?  Yah, ve est zee super race!  Super-duper super race!  Is zis not zee land o’ good?  Yah, das ist zee land o’ good, ve vould leave it if ve could!  Ve bring dah vorld to order, High-le Hitler’s vorld to order. Ve vill own zee vorld and space as ve ist zee MASTER RACE, vhile ve bring to zee vorld disorder!”  Whoopie claimed that because the Jews are white and the Germans are white that what took place during that time period had nothing to do with racism.

            Later that same night she appeared to double down on her words while on the Late Night Show, with Stupid Coal Burt.  The following day she apologized, but ABC gave her two weeks suspension for her incorrect words.  Maybe she should actually do her homework before she speaks up on a topic that she evidently knows very little about?

            Whoopi’s real name is Karen Johnson, so while she is not Jewish (as in Goldberg) she definitely is a wind bag (as in Whoopi) and she is a KAREN.  Perhaps she be CARE-IN’ too much about things that are not true?  But I still like her, because she is a good comedian, and I really liked her in Ghost.

Chung Lee Confusion

            Ass. prince-is-not-your-pal, Janet Davidaughter, runs a public school in Virgin-oil.  She is making it a rule that if the children come to school without a mask that they will be charged with trespassing (which means three passes in the hallway are not allowed, especially without wearing masks).  Trespassing is a class one felony in Virgin-oil.  You either are sent to jail for twelve months without passing GO, or you have to pay a $2,500 fine. 

            The Feds emptied out the prisons because of coronavirust and now we have to fill the prisons with children because of coronavirust?  A true Chung Lee Confusion if I’ve ever heard one.

            Governor Youngkindergarten passed a bill (he did not pass gas as some people heard) in February making it illegal to force children to wear masks in school.  The only problem with it was it did not begin until March 1, 2022.  Why the delay?  I would have made it begin on the day that the signing took place, just as the shutdown of the Keystone Pipeline and the stoppage of building the wall on the southern border began on January 20, 2021, after Biden signed snollygoster executive orders.  Why should the Republicans be nicer than the Democrats?


“Really great people, like Mary Baker Eddy, make you realize that you, too, are great.” – Mark (waiting on the) Twain

“Dream as if you’ll live forever, live as if you’ll die today.” – James Dean (who lived by his own words and had a very short life)

“Achievement is largely the product of steadily raising one’s levels of aspiration and expectation.” – Jack Nicklaus (who was at a graduation ceremony in Georgia on December 17, 2021)

“If you’re going to be a smart ass you first of all have to be smart, otherwise, you’re just an ass!” – Senator John Kennedy

YOU’VE GOT TO HAVE HAARP!!! – by Stormy Rotten Weather

WARNING:  The following article is not very funny – it is more on the serious side. 

            On February 13, 2022, I was listening to a rebroadcast of one of Art Bell’s radio programs – Coast to Coast – called Somewhere In Time (not to be confused with Christopher Reeve’s movie Somewhere In Time).  This particular program was originally aired on February 19, 2001.  The first topic of order was a strange radio signal being broadcast on the 3.39 frequency band.  If you were to hear it, it would remind you of when a computer answers your phone call so that you can be connected to AOL (as heard in the original War Games movie – hum!).  Gee, that’s a flash back in time for me!  There is a tone and then what sounds like digital information (as it was explained on the radio program).

            What gets me, is that after hearing about how HAARP actually works, I say that WE THE PEOPLE have been hoodwinked, once more, by our own government.  On what topic have we been fooled?  They have been blaming us for global warming, or climate change!  They are telling us that climate change is our entire fault; that we have to watch our carbonite footprints!  When in reality it is their fault because they used HAARP in order to control our weather!  Okay, to be fair, they may not be the ones who are really guilty for our bad weather, because other countries (some who are our enemies) have the same technology!  That’s right, Russia and China know all about this stuff and they know how to use it.  Even the Norwegian people and the country of Uke-rang have the technology.  Yet, those we call our friends in NATO are not given the technology.  This sounds strange to me.  Perhaps the question needs to be answered as to why NATO is being left out in the cold draft?

            What does the technology of HAARP actually do?  It heats the ionosphere up.  Notice I said, “it heats” so if anything it may be heating things up too much and resulting in the melting of our polar ice caps.  If this is really happening then it must be HAARP and other countries using the same technology causing climate change (or global warming)!  Yet the governments cannot take the heat (the blame), so they blame their citizens for their terrible behavior and then dictate that the average Joe (not Biden) that they change their carbonated drink beverage size, along with tons of other strange demands (like eating only one hamburger per day)!  Is that right to do?  NO!!!

            They also mentioned, on the show, that the program messes with human brains.  You’ve all seen former First Lady Nancy Raygun’s add about drugs, “this is your brain on drugs” well, that may actually be what the HAARP frequency is doing to you – frying your brain.  We hope not, but who really knows?  It sure may explain the insanity going on today – what with all the violence on our streets and on airplane flights.  Remember, the airplanes are way closer to the ionosphere!  People just think it is the masks making people more rowdy and rambunctious (I can’t believe I spelled rambunctious correctly)!

            This technology actually punches a hole (30 miles wide) in the ionosphere!  Ouch, that can’t be good!  It projects 500 foot wide beams.  This alters the flow of weather jet streams.  In 2001 HAARP had 48 antennas to broadcast the signal, which is 300 megawatts.  What we really are dealing with here are microwaves.  That’s right – like the ones in your oven.  Of course, this does not even bring up how much the whole thing cost – $85 billion when finished.  What it really is, is some sort of space ray based on an electro-magnetic wave system.  It was created, of course, for military purposes – to protect our country from nuclear missiles.  And at the time of the broadcast (2001) the military were actually using it in their war games!  They also found a good purpose for it, if used correctly, to do away with tornadoes.

            Back in 2001 we really did not understand the effects of this technology very well to where we should experiment with it on the weather.  However, we have had twenty years to learn!

            So how do these microwave beams effect tornadoes (and do they also effect hurricanes)?  A tornado is formed by hot drafts going upward while cold drafts are going downward.  To put an end to the tornado being created they would aim the beam at the cold draft.  However, if they turned it onto the warm updraft – look out – the storm becomes intensified!  Would this explain the tornadoes that hit our southern states recently; the storm where Kentucky received so much damage?  Oh, and get this, who else is involved with HAARP?  Why it is NASA and FEEMA.  (Did you know that NASA originally was called NACA?)

            During the time of the broadcast radio program a strange signal was being heard during daytime hours.  It was natural to hear it during night but not during day.  Was it HAARP?  Or was it Russia?  I cannot give you an answer about that.  Bell and his guest thought it might have to do with the war games being played during that time (war games with Russia, etc.).  A testing sequence that was supposed to take place that year was scheduled for February 27-28, 2001.

            Not only can the microwaves work on tornadoes but they can also have an effect on earthquakes and volcanic eruptions (and I bet, even though they did not say it, on hurricanes).

            Alaska is the appropriate place for HAARP (but I have no doubt that there are other locations of HAARP).  In Alaska (I believe it is at Fairbanks) they can achieve the use of vast amounts of energy easier, in order to manipulate the ionosphere.  It is also in a good location to help our national defense system using its pulse energy. 

            Today we not only hear that HAARP may still be the cause of bad weather, but that chemical trails left by airplane exhaust streams may also be contributing to bad weather (or perhaps something worse than bad weather).  Is our government willing to treat our planet like this?  After seeing what the Democrats have done over the past ten years I say that they are, but, perhaps other countries like China and Russia are more than happy to aim their weaponry toward our country and hit our country with really bad weather.  It is easier than actually sending nuclear missiles at us, and it keeps the radiation poisoning down to a bare nothing.  Why not destroy your enemies with bad weather instead of blowing them off the map?  But have they really thought it out?  If their little microwave ovens are really heating up the polar caps then watch out!

            Most people who read this will probably just think I have come up with, or am going along with, some conspiracy theory.  While it is true I have no proof to back up what I have told you, it is plausible that HAARP, and other country’s systems like it, may be the real cause of climate change in our world.  If so, should we really go along with A.O.C. and her Green New Steal?


            Do you trust eating off your China dishes?  Do you think Billy Katt’s “China” is a good song?  Do you think communist China released coronavirust upon the world on porpoise?  If you said yes to all of the above questions then you may be interested in reading Red Handed, by Peter Schweizer, even though he probably will not discuss dishes, a song from the 80’s, or marine life.

            Another book, written by John Abramson, MD, MSc, BO, and BA, which is worth reading, is sickening:  How Big Pharma Broke American Health Care and How to Repair It.  It talks about how pharma companies manipulate doctors and they do not even know that they are being manipulated.  (Maybe they are unaware of being manipulated because they are on pharma drugs?)  He says that it is not science but capital (as in money) that is directing medicine today.  What’s new?

            And another important book to read is by Lee Smith, called The Plot Against the President.  The president being Donald Trumpet (not that Hiden N. D. Basement ever has been you know what). 


            John Durham (not John Durhog) has brought forth the truth again, that Hilariously Rotten Clinton actually spied on Donald J. Trumpet before the election, during the election, and after he was in the White House!  Yet she denies her guilt in her Tweet without even mentioning Durham.  Really, woman, do you really think that we are that stupid?  She really does, so who really is the stupid one?  She is.  Actually, I sort of feel sorry for her because she is so stupid.  And for sure she is the queen of the Snollygoster Club.

            Yet, she is smart when it comes to money matters.  What do I mean?  Well, she heard that BLM (that’s short for Black-money Laundering Marxists) has sixty million dollars missing (unaccounted for legally, I am sure that BLM really knows where the money is at) so she is joining up with BLM!  The rest of us only wish that we had the smarts to pull that one off.  It is no wonder that her charity is not all that important to her anymore; like Billy Joel and Rotney Dangerfield, she has set her sights on Easy Money – $60,000,000 worth of money.  My question is, “Is BLM really going to let her get by with it?”

            Mark Elias-Lies, Hilary’s top election lawyer, pushed the Russia Hoax all the way up the Washington D.C. Hill.  He was involved with the Steel Dossier, and claimed that Russians hacked the DNC server but would not let the FBI see the computer.  He has worked to undermine elections by pushing for election laws to be loosened right before the 2020 elections (should we really believe that Trumpet lost the election as the snollygosters demand we should?).  Elias-Lies is deeply tied into George Soarass’s money, making millions off of Democratic gerrymandering, trying to redraw districts with his mighty blue crayon.  He knows how to squirm, lie, and get what he wants by any means necessary.

            Below is a diagram of Queen Snollygoster Clinton’s dirty shenanigans in regard to her spying campaign on President Trumpet (before and after).

            Of course, not only were the Feds fed the false information but so was the media.  On September 19, 2016 Michael Sassyman, another Clinton lawyer, met and fed the Feds fake information, specifically James D. Baker.  He told general councilman Baker that he had a tip but no client, which was a lie, Hilariously Rotten Clinton was his client.  On February 9, 2017 he provided an updated set of allegations (while still on Clinton’s payroll) to a second government agency and again says he has “no client”.  His downfall, however, will be the paper trail dragging from his shoe after his trip in the John, I mean, his billing records to Clinton’s agency saying he is working on the Russian bank issue.

            Rodknee Jeffrey, of Georgia Peach Tech, was a partisan in the Russian collusion event.  He tasked the researchers to mine the Internet data to establish ‘an inference’ and ‘narrative’ tying then candidate Trumpet to Russia.  Their data came from Trumpet Tower, Donald Trumpet’s Central Park West-East apartment building and the Executive office of the President of the United States of America (which was Donald Trumpet).  For sure HRC spied on Donald Trumpet!

            Yet Jeff Bozo’s newspaper The Washington PU claims that Durham’s claim (of Trumpet being spied on) has been debunked, yet his paper does not explain how it has been debunked or show any proof of it having been debunked!  But, Durham’s claim has been verified and is 100% true.

            What was done by Hilariously Rotten Clinton before, during and after the 2016 election?  She tried to paint a picture, with her blue crayon, that Trumpet committed treason against the U.S.A.  But, she is the one who committed treason.  She should be punished for her many crimes that she has committed over the decades.  She used all of the fake information to tell people that they could not vote for her opponent, DJT.  Yet, she lost, even though she never would really admit it (especially to herself).  She even called Trumpet an illegitimate president, which is okay by the snollygosters – yet it is treason for President Trumpet to say that Biden did not win the 2020 election!  Hip, hip, hypocrisy!

            During the October 2016 debate she out and out lied to America when she said to her opponent, “You encourage espionage.”  Yet, all the while she was guilty of doing it herself (an old trick used by communistic rabbits).  Her comment during the debate was speaking of the Russians hacking the DNC computers, which NEVER happened.  The DNC e-mails were stolen from “within” the building (where the computers were located).  It may have been committed by a Burnie Sandbag supporter.  And that man, who probably did the actual hacking and then leaked the information to Weak-E Leaks, mysteriously wound up dead.  Did the Clinton’s murder the man?  A true investigation into his death never was performed by the police, why not?  (Ask LOX New show host Sean Hammity about this man’s death, he knows more about it than we do.)

            Jake Sullivan, Biden’s National Security Advisor, was also involved in all of this.  Is he now trying to bring our country to war against Russia by having our military defend a non-democratic nation called Uke-rang?

            A Tweet by H. R. C. on October 31, 2016 read:  “Computer scientists have apparently uncovered [which really means that more lies were manufactured by her people] a covert server linking the Trump Organization to a Russian-based bank.”

            Charlie D. Savage, of The New York Slimes, down played Durham’s narrative on Hilariously’s spying on Donald Trumpet.  His article implied what Durham has reported “requires asking readers to expend significant mental energy and time”.  So the reader, basically, should just ignore what Durham has actually said (or written).  He actually has the nerve to insult U.S.A. citizens!  But even more, he is telling other news organizations to just ignore the story and not write about it, after all, they do not want to wear out their subscriber’s “mental energy” or waste their time trying to explain such a difficult matter!  What Savage really means is for us to, “just move along, nothing to see here.”  Maybe there should be an offshoot word to snollygoster for reporters?  Maybe it could be snollygoster-poster?  The Snollygoster-poster Club would have hundreds of members.

            And when H. R. C. finally did respond to all of this, as mentioned earlier in her not-so-sweet Tweet of 2/16/2022 – she said, “Trumpet and LOX are desperately spinning up a fake scandal to distract from his real ones.  So it’s a day that ends in Y [Whatever this means.  Did she mean “why”?  If so, why not just write “why” instead of “Y”?  Is she trying to be clever?]. 

            She continues, “The more his misdeeds are exposed, the more they lie.

            “For those interested in reality, here’s a good debunking [here’s the same word that the Washingon PU used in their snollygoster-poster article] of their latest nonsense.”

            Truer words could not be said about Hilariously Rotten Clinton.  Shall we?  “Hilariously and ZNN are desperately spinning up a fake scandal to distract from her real ones [exposed by John Durham].  So it’s a day that ends in Y.

            “The more her misdeeds are exposed, the more they [she and ZNN] lie.

            “For those interested in reality, here’s a good debunking of their latest nonsense.”

            She is a true believer of the Marxist propaganda rule #1 – “If you repeat a lie often enough people will begin to believe it.”  So, the queen of the Snollygoster Club, on February 17, 2022, was speaking to a group of people, barking away as she loves to do.  She repeated her fake theme about Trumpet and LOX News being liars claiming that she spied on President Trumpet.  Yet, you notice, once more, she did not bring up Durham’s name?  She’s like the dog we use to have.  We would ask him, “Sammy, did you do a no-no?”

            “Gggguuurrrr!!!!”  He responded, it was a flat out denial, yet a clear show of guilt.


DOES PETA APPROVE? – by Betty Davis Eyes

            Boy, it is a wonder that PETA does not go after the NIH and Dr. Faust night and day, after all the deranged animal experiments his group is performing!  And I am not speaking about any circus acts.

            Let us first begin with the fact that there was a vehicle filled with monkeys, not the singing group either, that were flown into New York’s On Guardia Airport, and then put on a vehicle for transfer.  On its way to its destination the vehicle crashed and the infected monkeys got loose somewhere near Joe Biden’s home town of Scranton, Pennsylvania.  They shot, with bullets not drugs, most of the infected monkeys but without any explanation.  Davy Jones was very upset after hearing about the animal’s deaths.

            So, millions, if not billions, of tax payer money is spent on weird animal type of animal experiments all the time.  Remember the treadmill fish experiment?  Shall we begin? 

            Over 2.3 million dollars was used to inject beagles with cocaine.  Okay, they were not actually injected; they have coats put on their bodies and the drug is absorbed from the coat into their blood systems.  The dogs were puppies, and now these young pups have monkeys on their backs.  It is a known fact that if dogs ingest marihuana (via edibles) that they get very sick and they get the shakes, as the drug is poisonous to them (their brains are wired differently than human brains are).  This being so, is it not torture to the animals to get them addicted to cocaine?  What good does their study even do when their brains are wired differently than human brains are?

            About $1,000,000 was sent to South America to train mice how to binge drink booze in the dark.  Why South America and why it had to be in the dark nobody really knows. 

            Faust gave over 200 grand to Scripts Research to create transgendered monkeys.  They injected them with female Harmonie Grangers to study HIV rates in transgendered women.  The only real problem with this is that the male monkeys now insist on being part of the female sports teams and insist that they can go into the girl’s locker rooms.

            A college in Portland, Organ, was paid almost ½ million dollars to teach pigeons how to play slot machines.  I guess the plan was to study gambling addiction.  The pigeons are lucky, as they were not forced to drink booze or take drugs.  But many of the birds did complain about sore beaks after pulling on the slot machine handles all day long.  Why they did not use their feet to pull on the slot machine handles is another question altogether, one we shall not be answering.

            I have a problem with this gambling experiment, because I doubt that the pigeons have a conception about what money even is, so what were they gambling for — sunflower seeds?

            Another $3,000,000 dollars was spent on a fighting club for hamsters.  North Eastern researchers were paid to juice up the hamsters with steroids and cocaine and then made them brawl.  PETA did manage to get the club shut down.  There is no mention if bets were taken on the matches by local pigeons. 

            Faust and company are also experimenting on human beans as well.  They are bribing (with money) gay boys and future candidates for transgender sex changes, who are only thirteen years old, to report their sexual conquests.  This study is done without parental consent too.  The boys probably find out about the program via their public school system (just a guess of mine, I have no proof to back this idea up).  Hum, were these same boys given a questionnaire about how pizza ingredients equate to their sexual activities?

            After the fear center of a monkey’s brain is sucked out (we do not know if it is by straw or Hoover suction) the animals are subject to having fake spiders and snakes being thrown at them.  We were surprised that real spiders and real snakes were not used to frighten the monkeys.  I guess they must draw the line somewhere on harming animals.  But, it is probably more to the fact that the scientists are afraid of spiders and snakes themselves.

            There are some people, like Jesse Watters, who wonder if the cocaine used in Faust’s animal experiments were not samples of cocaine seized from Mexican cartels.  If it is, would this explain Biden’s open border policy?


            Whatever you do in or on The Streets of San Francisco do watch where you step.  Plus, I would avoid the Jackson Fillmore restaurant, because, it is owned by Dr. Faust.  You may never know what type of meat you are really eating – bat, beagle, hamster, monkey brains, pigeon, or mice.  Would you trust eating at this man’s restaurant after knowing what type of mad scientist he is?  I certainly would not!  Sure, maybe there is nothing wrong with the food, but we should protest eating there until he stops his insane animal experiments!  They serve Italian food, yet, I would go to an Olive Garden instead (even though they no longer put good black olives in their salads).

            Taxpayers’ money did go out to Faust’s tratatoria.  In April 2020 when Faust was forcing other businesses to shut down because of coronavirust, his restaurant got a big fat PPP loan (not to be confused with a TP loan) for over 100 grand (like it needed it, he is the highest paid federal employee on our payroll, he even gets a higher salary than the president).  Don’t worry, he is not going to have to pay one cent of the money back because his loan has been forgiven.  By who, nobody seems to know.

Idioter’s note:  “You cannot say that our staff is not fair.  So we sent Steve Marriott to Faust’s restaurant to try and see how the food really is.”


            Jackson Fillmore Tratatoria (this word makes me think of a traitor, but it simply means restaurant) is not a very big place; it is a small diner at the least.  For sure, they do serve pretty good Italian food.  They have, on their menu, items like Pizza Wuhan, Lockdown Lasagna, and Triple Mask Tiramisu for dessert.  So the mad doctor, or his ad campaign manager, is certainly taking advantage of coronavirust, in fact, I think he is taunting everybody with his food names.  (We did not make up the above names; they are real items on the menu.)

            Pizza Wuhan did not really wet market my appetite.  It said it had sweet and sour sauce on pineapple and anchovies.  (This I did make up, See the end of Starsky and Hutch, season 1, episode “The Bait”.)

            A sixteen ounce veil chop (baby calf meat) costs thirty-six dollars.  That seems pretty expensive to me, however, I have never paid for veil before, not that I would, as I really do not like beef.  To be honest, my in-laws paid sixty dollars for a prime rib roast for Christmas dinner last year and I did not enjoy it at all.  Also, they were sort of tight on the meat, as they cut off less than a quarter of it (to cook it longer) for three people.  So I really did not have much of the meat, it is a good thing I do not really like beef.  I wanted turkey, but that did not happen, even when we did have turkey on the 26th it was only a portion of the breast so I got one piece of meat.  I did not even get turkey on Thanksgiving (again).

            Back to the restaurant, you do need to wear a mask upon entry and while exiting, Stage Left; however, you can take it off (the mask, not your clothes, it is not a stripper joint) while you are eating.  You also have to show them your vaccine card in order to be served your injunction papers.

            I sort of took a private tour (just me, myself, and I) around the restaurant.  It did not take long.  But you will be happy to know that I did not see any caged bats, or any monkeys, fighting hamsters, or even any pigeon under glass. 

            Well, as Alton Brown would say, “Good Eats!”

MR. AND MRS. FAUST – by Cindy Adding-Machine

            According to a canceled columnist, Adam Andrzeski of Forb’s Magazine, the following is how much Dr. Tony Tiger Faust and his wife, Dr. Chrisptina Flakes Grady, make in one year.  If you take their salaries away from them, they would be poor, but nobody has done that.  Anyway, take their salaries anyway, just to see what they make.  As the Health Bioethics Indian Chief (sorry, Native American Chief), Grady makes more than the vice president of the U.S.A. does.  She makes just north of Alaska $235,000 per year.  Dr. Faust makes more than the president of the U.S.A., which is $456,000 per year.  Now, you take those two salaries and add the cost of federal benefits at 30%, this means that the married couple’s household income (paid for by US taxpayers every single year) is $900,000!  That’s just short $100,000 of a million dollars.  We did the math so you wouldn’t have to.

            There have been raised eyebrows over the fact that Grady works in the same department as Faust.  Hum, did they meet each other at the NIH?  Did they have an office romance?  Or did he hire her and then decide to marry her?  Or did he hire her because she was his wife (nepotism)?  Since I did not watch the NEXTFLIK movie about his life I cannot answer those questions for you!


            Shikira, whoever she is, had her purse stolen by a wild hog, not one of those motorcycle dudes, but a real wild hog.  You know the kind that snorts at you? 

            Los Angeles is being overrun by an over population of wild hogs.  It is no longer the city of angels but the city of boars and swine.  Texas, which has also had a wild hog problem, has taken to hunting the animals.  It is quite possible that Los Angeles will need to begin hunting down the beasts as well.  Just a warning, if the wild hogs are used for food you better make sure that you cook the meat well done.


            The winter Olympics for 2022 were held in communist China.  There were people who did not think that our country should attend the Olympic competitions because of the inhumanity that the Chinese government causes, and the fact that they were behind the coronavirust pots and pandemic.  Yet, there were some people who thought we needed to go, like we did when Hitler hosted the Olympics, and win, win, win!

            Nancy Pelono, who probably has business interests in China (like Biden does), warned our athletes to watch what they said over there.  For sure, she did not want our people to be arrested, but she really did not want anything offensive to be said by anyone from our country to the communists.

HAUNTED HUNTED BIDEN – by Emma Skew Lenity

            In late 2017 a former stripper, London Bridgesfallin’down Roberts, met Hunted Biden at the Empire Strikes Back Gentlemen’s Club (located across the street from the Snollygoster Club.  She was known at the Club as Dallas Time You Saw Me.  But she wishes it was Dallas time she saw Hunted Biden, as they quickly became entangled like two pretzels in Baker’s FBI (you know who I mean).  She soon became pregnant with Hunted’s fourth child, even though Hunted and his pop deny the child as part of their blood line.  Problem solved – give the kid a DNA test.  If memory serves me correct, London has done so and the child is actually Hunted’s child.  Again, if memory serves me correct (before the 2020 election took place), she was taking her Pepsi case to the courts as she wanted child support from the wealthy Biden man.  London Bridgesfallin’down was a junior staffer at Hunted’s Rosemont Seneca firm mattress office, but he claimed that he did not remember her (Too many drugs?).

            Hunted founded his bed mattress company after getting in bed with the communist Chinese government.  There has been a three year PROB (by the DOJ) into Hunter’s activities.  Now it seems as if several employees of the firm mattress, including London Bridgesfallin’down, are beginning to talk to authorities.  Hunted’s bank records (pretty much Rock N Roll music) has been subpoenaed and there is probably an investigation of tax evasion and corruption in place.  Did Hunted Biden get his idea to work with the Chinese bank from Hilariously Rotten Clinton’s lies about President Trumpet and the Russian bank or did Hilariously Rotten Clinton get her idea to claim Trumpet was working with a Russian bank from Hunted Biden?  I’m guessing it is the latter.  We may someday know, or we may never know, it is just right to know that Hilariously and Hunted might just get along well enough to sleep in the same bed of snollygosters.  They both sure love money, a lot!

MEDI-SCARE FOR ALL – by Regis Mortes

            If you are turning 65 this year then be prepared for the Medicare medi-scare of your life.  They do not prepare you for dealing with Medicare at all; you are just forced into it, without a choice.  This seems to be a socialist (communistic) practice that we have been fooled into accepting because we are afraid of getting medical bills when we get old.  But you will get medical bills no matter what you do, if you go to the hospital or to the doctor, or use prescription drugs.

            It begins six months before you turn 65.  It begins with tons of phone calls from insurance agencies or agents.  They want your business; even though they say they just want to inform you of all your options.  They call you three months too early, because you cannot even sign up for Medicare until three months before you turn 65. 

            You also will get snail mail asking you to fill out their card and send it in so that you can get information – again probably just from a particular medical insurance company wanting your business.

            So, you are told by some people that once you turn 65 you are automatically enrolled in Part A.  Yet, when you talk to someone at Social Security they tell you that they do not automatically enroll people.  So what really gives here?  Are people just stupid and do not know what the bleep they are talking about?  Which people do not know?  Your guess is as good as mine, but, it is probably the following – after you fill out the proper paperwork enrollment-form then you are automatically enrolled into the system.  To me, that is not automatic at all.  What is automatic about all of it is that your name, address, and phone number is given out automatically to all the insurance agencies on the year you turn 65!!!  This hardly seems right.

            If you never had a job you will probably have to pay big bucks to join up with Medicare; even though you may not have the money for their monthly fees.  If your spouse worked long enough to get credits you can only bum off of them if they are retired, if they are still working you cannot bum off your spouse’s credits.  If you worked ten years, without paying into social security, you should have earned 40 credits.  You need 40 credits in order for you to get Part A for free.  If you have less than 30 credits you will have to pay almost $500 per month just for Part A.

            That’s another confusing thing.  There are Parts – A, B, C, and D.  You may not need Part C if you have Part A and B, but then again you may, because there are threats of being penalized if and when you may join up for Part C.  Part A is for hospitalization, Part B is for regular doctors as such, and Part D is for drugs.  Everybody likes Part D.  Then there are other things, which may fall under Part C, that have to do with your eyes, teeth, things like that.  Don’t ask me, because by now, I am totally confused by all of it!  If Medicare goes on for decades who knows, there may be Part E, F, G, H, I, J….all the way to Part Z!  Heaven help us if that ever takes place, but I doubt we will need to worry because it is a communist program and we all know that communism is unsustainable.

            All I know is I am not even enrolled in the communist program yet and am tired of dealing with it already!


            According to the January 31st 2022 Forbes magazine, fascist-communist George Soreass has pumped $125 mill into his Super Pack for the Dummycrats-socialist-communists.  It is not enough that he gets his flunkies into District Athorney positions to ruin our country.  Is there a way to get his citizenship revoked?  Even Budapest does not want him as a citizen of their country – as he is a BIG PEST COMMI FASCIST!!!

DOMESTIC TREASON IN CANADA, ‘EY??? – by Kato (manservant of the Green Hornet)

            The truck drivers of Canada were oout and a-boot protesting the coronavirust vaccine mandates put forth by their Prime-rib Minister, Unjust Strudel.  They protested, in part, by blocking a main bridge keeping supply chain needs from going out of Canada or going into Canada.  It is one or the other, not sure which one.  Maybe it is both?  And our stupid head honcho (who smells like the big cheese Episse de Bourgogne) is siding with the Prime-rib Minister (who likes to wear black face; and he still has his job?).  Episse de Bourgogne probably helped convince Strudel into taking harsh steps with the truckers.  I also heard that Pete Buttijerk told Strudel to use his federal power against the truckers (he should keep his nose out of our northern neighbor’s business like he does our southern neighbor’s business of drug smuggling and human trafficking). 

            The protests are really about the vaccine mandates (not against the vaccines themselves), which are so stupid, because the truck drivers hardly meat up with people at all, unless it is at a diner getting a cup of Joe (not Biden!).  Usually they are quarantined inside their trucks by their loathsome, I mean, lonesome selves.  So why do they need to be vaccinated at all (even though many of them have been vaccinated)?

            On the weekend of February 12th and 13th – Unjust Strudel pulled the “emergency’s act” from his magic hat thinking that it would do the trick (because he listened to Episse de Bourgogne and Buttijerk).  What a mean rabbit Strudel is, he basically declared martial law on good law-abiding Canadian citizens!  Now he is freezing their bank accounts!  Well, considering they are in Canada and it is winter that probably is not very hard to do (so far they have frozen, if I remember correctly, over $3,000,000).  He is also trying to be in control of their crypto currency and is cancelling their insurance policies!  How can policies be canceled if they have been paid for?  Why would the insurance companies and banks cooperate with Strudel at all?  Funding accounts have also been hacked in order to dox donators who have given money to the trucker’s cause.  Then these donators are attacked verbally with threats of violence and tubas.  This man is a tire-rant and off his axel, a real dick-tatter-tot!

            Just remember, Unjust Strudel…King Louis was the king of France before the Revolution, yet he got his head cut off which spoiled his constitution!

            We believe we found the reason for Strudel’s willingness to be a communist dick-tater-tot (see below).


            Adam Kissingjerk was in Congress again crying his fake tears.  He was crying about how bad things are looking for the country of Uke-rang.  He, and others like him, say that Uke-rang is a democracy, however, that is hardly the truth of it!  Uke-rang is not a democracy as they locked up the last president, and their government has closed down any opposition media (at least this is what we heard reported by LOX News).  If it is true, these are not the practices of a democracy but of authoritarianism.  Why should our country be brought into a war with these two countries – Russian here and there and Uke-rang?


            It seems as if Juff Zucker of Zucker National News has retired.  He claims that he was having an affair with a co-worker, Allison Gobbleson, and so he feels like he should resign.  Actually, they both knew each other when they both worked at the network that has to peacock itself.  Gobbles-on has also resigned from her position at ZNN.  Why did they both decide to resign?  It is probably due to someone Zucker fired recently, an Italian brother of an X-governor.  Does Chris Coma want to get Zucker in trouble?  Probably, however, another possible reason why Zucker resigned is he is abandoning a sinking ship.  ZNN’s ratings have hit the bottom of the Marina Trench.