THE GIGAGLO GANDER – June Bride 2022

FACT:  Crickets, the animals not the phones, can help you figure out what the temperature is outside.  All you have to do is count how many chirps they make in fifteen seconds and then add the number 37.  This will give you the temperature. 

FACT:  The Biden Administration and Leftist Government has spent three million dollars on “Safe Smoking Kits” which include crack pipes and other stuff that helps addicts smoke more safely.  Jen Psaki is still fibbing about the kits having no crack pipes in them.  I think she’s the one smoking crack!

FACT:  Scientists have discovered that the world is getting more dangerous hurricanes because the air is cleaner.  Go figure!

FACT (as of May 16, 2020):  In California gasoline is seven dollars per gallon.

WORD OF THE MONTH – by Wordy Smith

            The word of the month is abortion.  Abortion means, “the expulsion [to be forced out] of a nonviable [not capable of living, growing, or developing and functioning successfully] fetus [newly delivered, fruitful – more at feminine…a developing human from usually three months after conception to birth]:  as  a :  spontaneous expulsion of a human fetus during the first 12 weeks of gestation – compare MISCARRIAGE   b :  induce abortion   2 :  MONSTROSITY   3  a :   arrest of [the act of stopping] development (as of a part of process) resulting in imperfection   b :  a result of such an arrest” (Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary).

            So let us examine just what abortion really means, shall we?  Remember how Adam was aborted from the Garden of Eden, which by the way was only the eastern section of Eden, it was not the whole of Eden.  Anyway, why was Adam aborted from the GARDEN of EDEN?  Well, it is because he was incapable of living, growing, or developing and functioning successfully as a spiritual being, because, after eating the forbidden fruit he now believed without any doubts that he was a material persona (a god but not God). 

            What I find interesting about the definition is that it has to do with the feminine – the cancelation of womanhood!  So, is this not the real goal and the real aim of today’s political Left?  Are they not trying to destroy true Womanhood?  They tell us now that men can have babies (according to material-physical science, this is biologically impossible – like the old joke, “having a cow”).  But why do they want men to have babies when they want to abort women’s babies?  Makes you think doesn’t it?  But mortal mind is insane; it is the only explanation to all of the craziness in this material world called Eden.

            Notice, that if an abortion is to take place it is supposed to take place within the first trimester (first twelve weeks) of gestation.  Yet, todays’ political Left say it is okay to abort a baby after it is born.  They want to legalize table born babies being killed.  If a baby is aborted after it is born then is that not murder?  According to the definition of a fetus, they only exist for the first three months of pregnancy, after that, they are no longer a fetus (or a tumor as they are also known as).

            “2 :  MONSTROSITY   3  a :   arrest of development (as of a part of process) resulting in imperfection” is given as part of the definition.  Does this mean that abortion is only supposed to take place if the fetus is a monstrosity (something is wrong with it physically) and it has “imperfections”?  Perhaps nature takes its course when there are imperfections in the fetus and this is what leads to nature’s natural abortion – called a miscarriage.  One thing I do know for sure – Adam was a monstrosity, he was also imperfect; so he was aborted from the Garden (which most people refer to as paradise – not to be confused with a pair-a-dice).

            To be honest, the easiest way to avoid getting an abortion, or having a miscarriage, is to abstain from sexual activity.  But are people spiritually minded enough to do that?  They do seem to be most unwilling to abstain from sex with others or even (sometimes) with themselves.  Most people refuse to think about the topic of babies or creation.  They think that God leaves it up to mortals to procreate, yet, God created the first man and first woman (not Adam and Eve) spoken of in the first chapter of Genesis.  If God did that then why would God need man and woman to procreate little mortal minded gods?  God does not need man/woman to procreate at all, the belief that God does need man/woman to procreate comes from eating the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.  The fact is, God does not need man to procreate, nor does God want man to procreate.  To “multiply and replenish the earth” has nothing to do with having children (many mini minds), it has to do with having perfect thoughts by reflecting divine Mind.  There would be no pollution in the world if men/women thought only good and pure thoughts, it is impurity of thought that is behind all pollution, but try telling this to John Kerry and he’ll just call you a conspiracy theorist!

            Also of interest, is that the Left wants to arrest (abort) helpless fetuses and babies but not criminals – hypocrisy!


            At least Biden is taking credit for creating a new board committee called the Disinformation Government Board.  The real goal of this new committee will be to actually spread disinformation and misinformation to the country and world, not to keep disinformation from being spread (but the Dems don’t really want you to know this fact).  Joe Blow Biden has appointed the Queen of disinformation herself – Ninana Jerkowicz – as Czar (a communist term) of the committee.  On April 28, 2022, Alejandro Moyorkass, Secretary of Homeland Security, testified in front of Congress.  Well, to be honest, he lied in front of Congress about the southern border (what’s new?).  So why is he not going to jail?  While testifying, he informed Congress about the new “Disinformation Government Board”. 

            Ninana Jerkowicz believes that she is the greatest thing since Julie Andrews; I bet you thought I was going to say, she thinks she’s the greatest thing since sliced bread.  Being that she could not make it on Broadway, she sings her heart out on TicTok and other social media platforms – she also constantly lies.  She is the, like I said, the Queen of real disinformation and misinformation.  One thing she lied about in 2020, and gave false information about to the public, is when she denied that Hunted Biden’s laptop was real, she said that President Trumpet created it.  Yeah, Ninana, you are a real Jerk-owicz!

            Biden is (or his puppet masters are) behind this new governmental agency, yet he gives out the most disinformation and misinformation ever, he’s just as bad as his boss Obummer.  During the first week of May he referred to Trumpet MAGA people as “the most extreme political group in history”!  Really?  MAGA people do not go out on the city streets at night and cause riots simply over abortion rights, like George Soreass funded groups did after the LEAK in the Supreme Court took place.  MAGA people are not even close to being as bad as Islamic terrorists are, or fascist Antifa, or Marxist Black Lives Mutter!  You see, Biden lies just like the serpent in the Garden of Eden (the serpent that grew into the red dragon of Revelation) lies with a forked tongue.  Remember, in the Garden the serpent had only one head, but in Revelation he has seven of them!  The red dragon also has two beasts (or two types of evil-mental groups working for him).

            As of the third week in May, however, Mr. Biden, or whoever makes decisions, fired Ninana for being such a Jerkowicz.  She blamed it on everybody else out in the world, they just bad mouthed her so much, a lie, they just told the truth about her.  Hey, Ninana, if you can’t stand the heat then don’t get on the Internet and act like a NUT!

MY BODY, MY CHOICE – by Avon Collins

            Speaking of the riots over abortion rights, people were out in front of the Supreme Court House protesting with signs after the LEAK.  Some signs read and some folks yelled, “My body, my choice!”  Gee, remember how they all conveniently forgot about this rule last year when they were forcing people to get coronavirust vaccinations?  It is hypocrisy (one of the red dragon’s two beasts) to the MAX!  Blasphemy is one of the beasts.  Blasphemy simply means that you break God’s Laws.  Adam blasphemed when he ate the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge (physical science) of good (physical science says pleasure exists in matter) and evil (physical science says pain exists in matter).

            Of course, the whole usage of the abortion rights thing is being used by the Dummycrats and their Media-cohorts (two evil-mental groups working with the red dragon?) to try and win the upcoming election in the fall.  But REAL signs (that were printed up in shops before the protests even take place) were seen in the protesting crowds.  Was it coincidence that the protests began just before the Ohio primary took place – in order to try and persuade people to vote for the Dummycrats?

            As you can see above, there were both views being presented on the topic of abortion, those who are for it and those who are against it.  I am personally not for abortion nor am I against it.  I feel that people should not have sex at all, because, the sooner people stop procreating (like the mini gods they think that they are) the sooner the farce of the material Adam dream (which he never woke up from) will end.

            What is wrong about this whole situation is when any group, and it is mostly the Left side (those for abortion) who are going to the private homes of the Supreme Court judges.  These protesters are actually breaking (blasphemy) Federal law and State law.  Why are not these people arrested and/or disbanded?  It must be due to hypocrisy!  Remember, these are the red dragon’s two beasts (two tools).

            On May 20, 2022, Archbishop Salvatine J. Cordileone (sounds like he belongs in a Godfather movie), of the Roman Catholic Church (in San Fran), has decided that Nancy Pilono will not be admitted to Holy Communion over her view on abortion.  While the Pope seems to be okay with Nancy’s stance on abortion, Cordileone seems to have made an offer that Nancy cannot refuse.

Today’s Zodiac – by Astral Projection

            If you were born in the last portion of the month of June and in the first half (well up to the 23rd or so) of July, then you are Cancer, the crab. 

            Cancer is a water sign, it’s design is that of two small suns connected with a crescent shape, which looks like a cup of tea or bowl of food, not to be confused with a Bowl’a’food from Starplate Special-K.  The lower cup, bowl, holds water while the upper cup, bowl, is inverted, as if pouring water into the lower one, much like the cups seen by the angel in the Tarot card TEMPERANCE (as seen below).  TEMPERANCE and Cancer go together.  Notice on the card that there are Iris flowers – this is a symbol of the goddess Iris, of the rainbow, so this angel is a representative of the angel from Revelation 10 who has the rainbow upon (her) his brow.  It is not a far stretch then, to say that the water represents the “little book open” and that God’s angel (messenger) of the little book is born under the sign of Cancer.

            It is said that the crab, which is hard on the outside and soft on the inside, makes for a tasty meal, I mean, is a trait of the people of Cancer, who seem to be very sensitive and emotional.  Cancer is ruled by the moon, and this makes its people often psychic.  However, one Cancer woman has dominion over the moon, as she stands upon it – I am speaking of the woman God-crowned in Revelation 12.  This woman appears to be a psychic to the mortal minded people around her, but she is really a prophet (a spiritual seer).  Her name is Mary Baker Eddy.  She is not only the woman that God-crowned with twelve stars, but she is also the angel of Revelation 10 who descends from heaven with “a little book open” – SCIENCE AND HEALTH WITH KEY TO THE SCRIPTURES.  The angel’s stance is quite like the angel in the card above!

            Hera, the MOTHER-goddess (not the woman God-crowned) placed the crab in the stars as a reward for nipping Hercules’s foot.

            And now, for something completely different:  a lovely bunch of coconuts not standing in a row.

            And now, for your serious fortune:  Look both ways before crossing your eyes, the street, or Mr. T.

BABY RUTH SENT US – By Batty Crackers

            Because of the LEAK with SCOTUS, a new group has popped up to protest and riot.  They are called “Baby Ruth Sent Us”.  This group has nothing to do with the baseball player, the candy bar, or Judge Ruth Gaiter Binsburp, they are funded by communist-fascist billionaire George Soreass.  Soreass’ group “Demand Respect” helps fund “Baby Ruth Sent Us”.  Even worse, is that the Liberal Activists doxed the conservative judges (gave out home addresses of the Supreme Court) so that protesters would go to the judge’s houses to yell their fool heads off in order to convince the judges to vote the way they insist they should vote.  That is not democracy!

            People like Joe Biden and Hilariously Rotten Clinton fib their fool heads off and fan the flames of discord against true democracy (this country is a Republic first and democracy second).  They say that the conservative justices are dangerous and we have no idea what they will do next to ruin democracy or this or that, the Left is always calling the kettle black when they are the black pot heads.  And the mainstream media is also helping the Left out with their false lies and propaganda against SCOTUS’s upcoming decision about Row D. Boat versus Wading Inda Water.


            Joe Biden “thinks” he can bad mouth half (close to ¾ now) the country and blame them for all the problems that he has caused!  But if you think about it, when he bad mouths the MAGA people he is really bad mouthing and lying about our country.  What does MAGA mean?  It means MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN (after Obummer and Biden tried to ruin it for eight years).  Joe really wears the following hat:

That’s right, Joe Biden wants America to suffer again like when he was acting Vice President!  I call it the MASA hat, get it?  MASA because the Left wants us (WE THE PEOPLE) to be their slaves and they want to be our MASTERS!  By the way, Joe Biden’s American ancestors were actual slave owners!

            It was on Jesse Watters Primetime show that someone texted what MAGA could mean today.  They said it could mean, “Make Affordable Gas Again”, but I changed it a little bit, as seen below.

            To top off the second week of May, Biden tried to insult President Trumpet by giving him the name – The Great MAGA King!  In Biden’s diluted mind, he saw this as a great insult, but it is not an insult at all.  He also began using a new term that he tried to pass off as his – “Ultra-MAGA”.  Well, it really was not him that even came up with the idea; he just passed it off as his idea.  He and others paid a Liberal group big bucks and lots of doe to come up with the idea! 

            As for his insult of “The Great MAGA King,” the joke was on Biden as President Trumpet responded with a great picture of himself returning as the Great MAGA King.

 The T-shirt below is not what the MAGA King posted, but I like it also. 

            What Biden does not seem to get, is that by being against the idea of MAGA he simply IS against making America a great country; he wants to make America the worst country on the globe!  WHY IS THAT?  He is doing it, because, he’s a communist.  The sad part is that he is doing a great job of destroying the United States of America (that’s why former President Obummer is so jealous of him).

PSAKI’S REPLACEMENT – by Notta Supreme-Asist

            Jen Psaki’s last day, as the White House Press Ann Wash-a-ton of Clothes secretary, was Friday the 13th of May 2022 (A lucky day for all of us?).  Her replacement is Karine Abdulejebar-Pierre.  Of course, Karine worked for MTNBC and now Jen Psaki is going to work for MTNBC, it seems like they are trading places.  Remember that Eddy Slurpy movie where he traded places with Dan Aknoid?  Hey, Earl Avacado, remember Eddy’s code name was Agent Orange?  Wasn’t that a lot of fun?  Anyway, Karine is not much better at telling the truth than Jen is, as you can see by one of her comments while being on MTNBC (see her picture below).  She used to lie (not a shocker) about President Trumpet too.  She claimed that LOX News is State TV for Donald Trumpet!  More like MTNBC is State TV for Joe Biden, Obummer, H. R. C., A. O. C., FBI., CIA, DOJ., and the rest of the alphabet Leftists. 

            Karine said that Brian Kemp stole the Goober Pea election for Georgiapeachians and Stacy Abrams!  Can we really trust her to not give us disinformation and misinformation?  I don’t think so!

            I guess the White House Administration is not 100% happy with their gay-black-immigrant-female replacement; she just is not as polished liar as Psaki was, so they are going to bring in a white man, John Kirby, to help out.  John has a fetish for vacuum cleaners.

Chung Lee Confusion

            Does the dyslexic atheist not believe in Dog?

            If bricklayers can lay bricks then how come plumbers can’t lay plumbs?

REPORT BY SENATOR LANGFORD – by Cindy Adding Machine

            Senator James Langford (no relation to James Langstaff, the Big Cheese) wrote his annual report which highlights government waste in their bills.  Below is just one example of the waste our elected government personas spend tax payers money on.

            Our governmental representatives need to freeze all spending.  More than ten trillion dollars was spent by the House (and the Biden administration) in the last year.  Yet they want to keep spending our money.  They have a new bill, the China bill subsidy for big tech which will cost $250 billion.  Biden also wants more money to poor into the border, but not for what the money needs to be spent on (like continuing building the wall or hiring more border patrol workers).  Will Biden ask to spend money on road signs for the border having a huge arrow saying, “THIS WAY [TO THE U.S.A]!”?  Spending tax payer’s money on worthless projects is a bipartisan problem.  Many in both camps want to spend our money.

            How about Biden forking over his own money for our country’s expenses?  Like some of that $5.2 million in income he cannot explain having.  He has interest in a cobalt mine in Africa.  He made $20 million after leaving his VP position and before the 2020 election took place.  How about he begins to pay “his fair share”?  But he won’t, he denies even having the money.  Where is the IRS on this?  Where is the DOJ on this?  Where is the FBI on this?  If Biden’s last name were actually Trumpet, they would be all over him.

            The latest spending by the House of Representatives (joke that they represent anybody but themselves) – Nancy Pilono is willing to spend ten grand per month on Peloton subscriptions so that everybody in the House can get a work out.  Sure, people like Jerry Needler need workout sessions but why do they need to use tax payer’s money to do it? 


“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world toward communism.” – Howard Mandolin

“A bank is a place that will lend you money if you can prove that you don’t need it.” – Boob Hope

“My idea of an agreeable person is a person who agrees with me.” – Benjamin Franklin (It sounds like most people on the Left could have come up with this quote!)


            It does not take much today to realize that the police force in the city of Chicago is shrinking drastically.  Just take a look at the following numbers.

            If other big cities are following the same pattern then we are in big trouble!  People do not want to be cops; can you blame them when people treat them like the stuff they dispel from their back ends?


            Because of the LEAK with SCOTUS, the Left is promising riots in June, after the Judges make their decision.  They are, after all, predicting that the Judges will vote to have the 50 States take over abortion rights decisions and take it from the hands of the Feds.   And when this takes place, all hell is going to break out in our cities.  There will not be protests but riots taking place just as what happened in 2020 before the presidential election.  Hey, wait; remember there is a 2022 election in the fall.  I seem to see a pattern here, don’t you?  If you don’t then you need to take off your rose colored glasses, Bub!


            The following is a statistical chart for the past three months (not counting January and May) of this year, how many people are coming into our country.

            On May 24th Title 42 supposedly ends.  This means even more aliens are going to run our border (and it is not for the delicious Taco Bell food).  When will the chaos end?  Governor Hey Abbot, of Texas, is trying to do what he can to prevent the run on the border, but what about the Govs of Arizona, California, and New Mexico?  And where the heck is Biden in all of this?  He is nowhere to be found, I don’t even think anyone resides at home in his noggin.  As the Canadian comedy troop use to say, “There’s nobody home.”

            Abbot has 10,000 National Guard on the border.  He says that 18,000 people will be crossing our border each day come May 24th.  That’s more than six million per year.  Our country cannot take this invasion!  Remember that old saying, “The straw that broke the camel’s back”?  Well, Joe Biden is that straw.

            The week before the 24th, however, a judge made an order that Title 42 was to be kept in place.  But the White House is going to ap-peal this decision because they are bananas!  If they do not watch out they will slip and fall hard.

            Our FBI finally did something good in May.  An ISIS man from the Middle East, who came to our country legally (not sure of the story behind this), named Shihabisk, was trying to sneak four fellow terrorists into Mexico and then get them across the border.  Shihabisk’s mission was to assassinate President George W. Bush, but the FBI caught them.  Think about the number of “got aways” coming into this country every day.  How many of them are terrorists that have not been caught?

FARMER OLD McBIDEN – by Alec Suchin

            Just because Joe Biden lives in Delaware (the state that wears a New Jersey) he believes that he is a farmer and he claims to know what farmers (today) are going through.  Yet, if he really does know then he is doing nothing about it!  So, either he knows or he does not know.  Perhaps this explains why 74% of people say that things are going very badly in America today and why Biden’s actions as president, so far, 57% of the people say he is distracted while 51% say he is incapacitated and 75% say he is not a Yankee Doodle Dandy.

            Van Diesel fuel is up to $5.56 per gallon, while Ferti Lizer keeps raising her prices.  One farmer says that he will have to spend one million dollars on fertilizer this spring, that’s a whole lot of money.  And then he must pass his expenses over to those who purchase his food.  Then the fare of the produce is also higher so the truckers need more money.  Maybe Hunted Biden could shed some of his wealth with our farming community and to our truckers?  After all, he should be paying his fair share since the farmers are paying Joe’s arranged fare share!  And the truckers have to pay a higher fare share, as well as, the consumers.  But, this is what Biden and his Marxist one world order friends want.


            Since when has the United States of America had to beg other countries for anything?  Well, the Biden Administration has reached a new low.  They begged Europe to come through with baby formula to help feed American babies.  This may help temporarily, we shall see.  It is nice of our European friends to help feed out babies, but it should have never come to the point of needing to ask them for help in the first place.

            What is worse is that the Biden Administration is bragging about saving the day by getting baby formula to our people, instead of bragging they should be embarrassed that it ever came to asking for help.  The Dummycrats are making America WEAK, not strong.  They want our country to be a welfare country, a third world America.


            Near the end of May, a globalist meeting was held in Switzerland.  All the elite and billionaires were there, including George Soreass.  I could have provided a quote from the man, but I could not understand a single word he said!  All of these people took private jets (wasting jet fuel and making five times the normal person’s carbon footprint; I only mention this because John Kerry made such a big deal about everybody’s carbon footprints) to the annual meeting.  They think of themselves as our ruling class even though none of them have been elected into that position!  Who do they think they are?

            They had different badges to set off their classes (what communism does).  For the higher up class, the really rich, they had white badges with a streak of blue representing their private jet streams in the clouds.  You get a badge that is plain white if you happen to be married to a rich person – this symbolizes that you are nothing without your blue jet streaming mate.  And if you are not good enough, or important enough (don’t have enough money) then you get a pea green class badge – representing primordial soup – what they think you came up from.

            They also have their own police state working the meeting.  These police are there in order to harass any conservative news media that happen to be nearby (like way across the street from the event).  Of course, these police are not REAL police; they are just men, and possibly some women, wearing security guard outfits.  Yet, they are drunk with power and think they can push people around for no good reason.

            The head speaker, the man who put the whole World Economics’ Forum together is Claus (no relation to Santa Claus or Ron DeSantis Claus) Swab D. Deck.  Mr. Claus Swab D. Deck is European, he sounds like he is from Germany.  In fact, I could not help but think that while he was talking to the crowd that he sounded a lot like Adolf Hitler.  “Zee future is not just happening; zee future is filled by a powerful community, by you as is in zis room.  Ve have zee means to improve zee states of zee world, Ziggy Hail!”  Nobody, knows who Ziggy Hail is, but he kept speaking about him while raising his fist up into the air.

            John Kerry, known as Lurch by his circle of friends, was talking about how you (average citizen of the world) would be duped into tracking your own carbon footprint for the government with the best magnifying glass there is.  I guess, he thinks that we should ALL become Sherlock Holms! Kerry said,  “People forget [that] greenhouse gasses are a pollution and fifteen million people a year die because of the quality of the air around the world.”  It is not that people forget this stuff; it is because they have never heard of such a thing because it is a flat out lie!  He does not explain who these fifteen million people a year are and how they really died (Is he counting people who have died from the coronavirust?)!  Where is his scientific proof?  He has no scientific proof, he just made it up, just like they make up everything – like Hilariously Rotten Clinton made up Trumpet colluding with Russia in 2016!  Kerry continued to rant and lie, “We’re dealing with a crisis here, folks.  It’s a crises made by human beings.”  And you know that people like him never let a good crisis go to waste!  That’s how they operate, even though they make the edge of the game board buzz when the touch the sides with their tweezers! 

            Bill Closes D. Gate was also physically present (yet whether he was mentally present is another question).  He just wanted to talk about another possible “crisis” – the next pandemic (not Monkeypotpie).  “We need to accept that there will be some pain in the process.”  What is the process he is speaking about?  Economics and inflation is what he is talking about.  Remember he is the one who teamed up with Dr. Faust to make a coronavirust vaccine.  They administered it in India and wound up killing those people.  Of course, you will never hear this story in the mainstream news; it is something, according to the Left, cooked up by ultra-MAGA conspirators!

            These one world order people have been at their business for centuries – scheming and conniving their ways into governments, into big corporations, into your daily lives.  They began as the world bankers.  If a war broke out in a rash between two different countries they, as bankers, would loan money to both sides and they would ruin the looser country through bankruptcy.  The winning side also had to pay back their debt to the bankers.  Yep, they have been at this nasty business for centuries now.  They are trying to take over the world and they want to be your MASA!!!   These people have nothing but bad ideas and they care nothing about anybody they just care about themselves.

            One World Order is not a conspiracy.  One World Order is mentioned in and as a part of their mission statement!

Chung Lee Confusion Again

            In order to really be AWAKE you must not be WOKE!  So WAKE UP!

MORE LIES FROM THE OFF-WHITE HOUSE – by Abe D. Fish (a G. Gutfelt family member)

            Can you believe the Biden Administration’s nerve?  They claim (again, as they did it a while back) that the coronavirust vaccines did not come out until after Biden was inaugurated (that was on January 20, 2021).  Yet, Biden made a big show of getting his first vaccine in December of 2020 and he also squawked about getting his second vaccine shot in January 2021 before the inauguration took place!  WOW!!!  It is even digitally recorded (if not on video tape).  Are the Dummycrats really stupid enough to believe that they can lie about it and we will not remember what really took place?  Most of us have not had two aneurism operations!

            Joe is now preaching fear about monkeypotpie.  Monkeypotpie is caught by having sex with someone, that is the only way you can catch it, and it happens more between two men having sex.  We are not homophobic here at The Gigalo Gander, we just are telling the facts as told by a doctor, so if the info is wrong, and I doubt that it is, then we apologize for spreading disinformation, but we do not think that we are doing so.  Monkeypotpie is not a new thing, nor is it a tasty dish to eat.  It has been around for a while and there has been no pandemic from it (to have a pandemic we would have to have a sex crazed world).  But if they can, the Marxist Left will use the disease to try and instill fear in people.  And they already have somewhat succeeded, as some people are saying that they need to make children wear masks because of monkeypotpie.  But the children will not get monkeypotpie if they are not having sex with each other (which is what the Marxists really would like) so you see the masks are once more – NOT NECESSARY!!! Whatever, there will never be a pandemic of monkeypotpie, especially if people stop having SEX!!!


            Another LOX News person, Pete Hegseth (with David Goodwin), has a new book coming out.  It is called, Battle for the American Mind – Uprooting a Century of Miseducation. What is most interesting about his book, I think, even though I have not as yet read it, is the fact that he goes back 100 years, which is just about how long it has taken for the Board of Directors of The First Church of Christ Scientist in Boston to undermine its Founder, Mary Baker Glover Eddy through the board’s flagrant disobedience to the Church Manual estoppel clauses and God’s By-Laws.  It is true that world affairs reflect Church affairs, and the Christian Science Church is God’s Church.  If the members of said Church disobey God then how can they expect things not to go badly wrong (where communism and fascism uproots true Christianity) in the world?

            While being the host of Jessy Watters Primetime, Pete plugged his new book.  I believe that people need to wake up and smell the coffee by reading his book of highly granulated coffee beans, which will be brewed on June 14, 2022.  

            He announced that in the fall of 2022 New Jersey second grade students will be required to learn about gender identity.  This is totally wrong.  If they are to learn about their real identity then they need to study Christian Science where they learn that the physical body is not reality and that they reflect God (our Father-Mother God) so we ALL reflect masculine and feminine qualities.  It is mortal mind that makes us believe that we must be weak if we are a woman and incapable of expressing emotions if we are a man.  Mary Baker Eddy was a woman, the most important woman to ever walk on the face of the earth, yet she manifested and expressed many masculine qualities.  Just look at what she did throughout her God-crowned mission.  During the days when women had no right to vote, she managed to be the Discoverer of Christian Science, she Founded the Christian Science Church, and she was Leader of it all (she still is, but her Church denies her place in Bible prophecy as the Second Coming of Christ, the feminine representative).

            Getting back to Pete’s new book, he explained how the Progressives (I call them the one world order regime – those who promote communism and fascism) began to indoctrinate students instead of educate them.  He said, “Before there was critical race theory there was critical theory.  [So, before everything that is facing us today there was something evil that preceded it, but just had a different name to it.]  Before there was social emotional learning there was the introduction and invention of social studies.  We all took it, it replaced history, economics, philosophy, politics, civics and we didn’t even notice.  An invention of the far Left, we received a progressive education, and now today it is a Marxist inspired education.”  In lots of schools, not just public K-12 classrooms, the takeover is complete.  Are we going to allow it to continue? 

            In one school some children are being charged with sexual harassment.  How are they said to have sexually harassed a fellow student?  Not by pulling down “they’s” pants, or them exposing themselves to “they”, or asking “they” student out on a date!  No, they (not “they”) are said to have sexually harassed the student because they (again, not “they”) refused to use the proper pronoun “they” when speaking to or of this student who now uses the pronoun “they” instead of the singular pronoun.  Who is wrong in this instance?  The idiots running the school are wrong.

            Pete tells us that classical Christian education needs to be put in place of the progressive-Marxist teachings.  The only way that classical Christian education, which is real and true, can begin to take place is if Christian Science is taught in all schools!  All students need to begin to read Mary Baker Eddy’s Textbook SCIENCE AND HEALTH WITH KEY TO THE SCRIPTURES.  Her book needs to be sold in all book stores and be in all libraries.  Mary Baker Eddy had hoped that her Textbook would be in all schools, but this did not happen because of the disobedience that took place via the Boston hierarchy keeping the Church in chains as a material organization.  Marxism is anti-Christian Science, and that is what today’s political battle is really all about.  I say this not because I want to promote a religion or try to brainwash anybody into changing churches, no, I say this because it is fact, and people need to wake up to it, especially all those people who call themselves Christian Scientists.  WAKE UP FROM THE ADAM DREAM (THAT ADAM NEVER WOKE UP FROM)!

            This Will Not Pass, by Jonathan Martini and Alexander Burns, is an interesting read.  Previous to Biden’s inaugural ceremony (when he had his two vaccination shots), the book says, “Channeling her caucus’s fear of their own Republican colleagues, Nancy Pilono asked the Secret Service to commit to ensuring that every member of Congress would pass through a magnetometer to enter restricted areas on Capitol Hill.”  What was the reasoning for Nancy’s irrational thinking?  She was sure that her conjecture (which was conjured up in the dark recesses of her own mind) that somebody was going to try to assassinate Joe Biden!

            Their book also brings out that President Obummer is jealous of Joe Biden.  “Hardly the stuff of the tight brotherhood both men had sold to the country as a cheery political fable.  A few people close to both men detected a certain tension, at least on some side of the relationship… [like Nancy P., who] told a friend:  ‘Obummer is jealous of Biden’.”  And Joe knew it.  “I am confident that Barrack is not happy with the coverage of this administration as [being] more transformative than his.”  In other words, Biden has accomplished more, in ways of destroying the United States of America, in less than two years than Obummer did in eight years.

THE MINISTRY OF MAGIC – by Hagen Das-Key – Wood eye lye too ewe?

            Who is behind the new Ministry of Magic in Washingaton of clothes?  I hear that President Obummer is behind it.  This is no surprise.  However, Republican Karl Red Rover does not seem to be too upset about the new board that the DHS is behind – the Disinformation Government Board (a.k.a., the Ministry of Magic).  Red Rover was upset only about who was being appointed to lead the board – that’s right Ninana Jerkowicz.  Rover needs to WAKE UP and see that the board itself is evil. 

            Both Republicans and Democrats need to stand for our Constitution and our freedom of speech, or else, we are going to be in real trouble!  And they need to make it clear that the USA is a REPUBLIC before it is a Democracy!

            Okay, I borrowed from J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter stories with the name of the Ministry of Magic.  The name that LOX Newscasters have been throwing out is the Ministry of Truth, from the book 19841984 is about big brother watching us.  What was put in the 1984 story is all about the methods and tactics of communism; or what today’s Leftists (some are called Progressives) are pushing.

            But let us take a look at the similarities between the Ministry of Magic and the Ministry of truth (it really is not Truth because God is Truth and this Ministry has nothing to do with God at all).  So in the story of Harry Potter there is the villain Lord Voldemort, or “he who must not be named”.  When he finally comes back into a material body (via magic), he has his witches and warlocks, and other nasty evil creatures take over the somewhat good Ministry of Magic (under Fudge it was not all that sweet).  Umbrage, the horrible woman that took over Hogwarts the year before, is now a big wig in running the Ministry of Magic.  The way they run the Ministry is like how the Salem Witch Trials were run.  They bear false witness against their fellow witches, warlocks, wizards and who-nots.  People are afraid to go up against them too, and to fight for right.

            Let me give you an example of the Ministry of truth – a technique that they use is that they would capture and torture a person.  They would say to that person, “Two plus two equals five.”  They would shock that person if they said that “Two plus two equals four.”  When the person being tortured finally said, “Two plus two equals five” the torture ended.  Likewise, Umbrage tortured Harry Potter by making him write lies onto paper with a magic pen.  When he wrote on the paper the words would be cut into the back of his hand causing blood to appear.  This was her way of getting Harry to admit that “Two plus two equals five.”

            I will be honest.  In my opinion, the Harry Potter story is closer to how the Roman Catholic Church took over the world a couple centuries ago – the whole of Christianity.  And the righteous or true followers of Jesus, not followers of the Church, were punished and called heretics.  Basically, Voldemort is like a Roman Catholic Pope, even Peter Petigrew (pet I grew) who was the Weasley’s pet rat for many years, symbolized the lie that Saint Peter was part of and started up the Roman Catholic Church.  Saint Peter, Jesus’ disciple, had nothing to do with Rome, in fact, he never stepped foot in Rome.  But hey, history can be rewritten by those in charge who have power; right?  Remember that the Death Eaters took over the Wizard’s newspaper.  It is just like how the Demonrats want to change the story about Hunted Biden’s laptop being something that President Trumpet came up with to help him win the 2020 election (Ninana’s propaganda, misinformation, and disinformation).  More like the Left lied about Hunted Biden’s laptop so that they could cheat and get their man into the White House!  Now they don’t even like the guy.  Be careful what you wish for.

            (As a side note [A sharp] Hunted Biden broke the law (again).  What has he done this time?  He has spied on his sister-in-law-girlfriend via her phone and/or computer.)

            So, as the saying goes, “World affairs reflect Church affairs.”  So, as it is, with the Ministry of Magic symbolically representing the Roman Catholic Church, so does today’s communist-fascist-dummycrats represent the Christian Science Church in all their misdeeds since December 3, 1910.  And God’s real Church – with its derelict board of directors in violation of the Church Manual estoppel clauses and By-Laws – so the communist-fascist-democrats have had their evil way with God’s one true Country – the United States of America (where the lost tribes of Israel were reunited).  But nobody knows what is really behind the error of animal magnetism, because the Church heads (who believe they are popes and/or Voldemorts – having five minds) have refused to obey God and their divine Leader, Mary Baker Eddy.  They have lied about Mary Baker Eddy to the world!  They have hidden who she is to the world, and they know it, and that is why there is chaos in the world today.  To the Boston hierarchy Mary Baker Eddy is “She Who Must Not Be Named” (at least in Testimonies) because she is the opposite of evil.

            So the Disinformation Government Board, a.k.a., the Ministry of truth, is going to try and silence all the people who disagree with them on all topics and subjects.  Why did Biden decide that he wanted this new board (if it is really his invention)?  Simply put, the Dems were fricking mad that Elon Musk has purchased Twitter in order to give back people’s freedom of speech, given to us by the U.S. Constitution.  It is weird that it will take a man from South Africa to help those on Twitter be heard as they should be heard without them being canceled.  Where did this attempt come from – the attempt to silence people’s voices?  Again, it goes back to Boston.  Those in charge, mainly the illegal five members of the board of directors, came up with “authorized literature” where Christian Scientists were not allowed to write anything or publish anything about Christian Science or Mary Baker Eddy without the board’s approval!  They took over the independent Christian Science Publishing Society around 1921 after going to court.  At first they lost, but then they appealed and won the battle (partly because they lied to the Field and told them to bankrupt the CSPS by cancelling their prescriptions to the periodicals).  The five illegal Directors broke the Trusty Deeds to the Publishing Society by taking over control of the Publishing Society.  Members of Congress, who were also members of The First Church, formed a Bill and illegally gained copyright over the 1910 edition of SCIENCE AND HEALTH (Mary Baker Eddy NEVER placed a copyright on it)!  But thanks to David Nolan and Helen Wright this copyright was revoked, as it was illegal in the first place.  But the Boston hierarchy continues to control Christian Science literature (if they can).  So you see?  World affairs really do reflect Church affairs!

            And the worst part about all of their “silencing of Christian Scientists” is that they made it out to be a really bad thing that if you give praise to Mary Baker Eddy in your testimonies, that you are idolizing a person, if you speak kindly about her and are grateful to her as Discoverer, Leader, and Founder, you are deifying her!  Neither is true. 

            Church members frown upon you, or try and make you feel wrong and bad, if you stand up for Mary Baker Eddy by stating that she is the woman God-crowned (Revelation 12) and that she is the Second Coming of Christ!  They do not want the TRUTH about her to be voiced at all.  So when the people of God’s chosen Church lie day after day, cover up Truth day after day, can you expect the world to be any different?

Chung Lee Confusion again

            In Kentucky man can marry chicken, but to divorce chicken man must serve chicken.


            Joe Biden believes that wind mills and solar panels are good for the environment.  He totally ignores how many birds are being killed by these two types of alternative power, or GREEN sources of energy.  Biden says that the windmills are pretty.  They are pretty alright; they are “pretty” dangerous to birds!  They are pretty noisy to the ears!   There have been up to 5,000 deaths of birds, especially in New Mexico and Wyoming, all over the place – where three wind farms killed more than 150 bald eagles. 

            The bird population is also at risk in California.  Of twenty-three bird species in the study, eleven of them experienced a population decline by at least 20%.  The birds are not just vulnerable to the wind mills, but also to the solar panels.  Where are the environmentalists on this one?

OBUMMER LIES – by Hugh Who Guy

            EX-president Obummer, Mr. B. O., was speaking at California’s Stanford College on April 21, 2022.  The topic was “MISS N. FORMATION”.  Why he wanted to talk about this woman is beyond me, however, he was telling the crowd terrible lies and giving out misinformation to the crowd.  OH, wait a minute, Miss N. Formation – misinformation – my bad.  I guess he was talking about how the conservatives always spew forth misinformation about stuff (even though it is really the Left that does that).  The Left does nothing but put forth propaganda (just how their leaders Carl Marx and Adolf Hitler taught them).

            Yet, Obummer is unwilling to tell you the real truth about himself!  He lies every day to people.  How does he lie?  Well, he has not as yet come out of the closet!  That’s right, the man may be married to a woman; however, he loves to play around with men.

            The Left just needs to look backward to 2016 to see what type of liars they are, especially Hillary Rotten Clinton.  According to a Rashmussen Report, taken on the same day as Obummer’s speech to Stanford, 72% of Dummycrats believe it is likely that the 2016 election outcome was changed by Russian interference.  So 72% of the Dummycrats were fooled and continue to be fooled!  Remember how, in 2020, they claimed that Hunted Biden’s laptop was Russian misinformation and that the Russians were once more trying to interfere with the U.S.A. presidential election?  THEY LIED!!!  I wonder how many of those same people, in the poll, actually believe that Joe Biden won the 2020 election legally and fair square.  I wonder how many of those same people actually believe that January 6 was actually an insurrection when it was not even close to being an insurrection.  And it if really was an insurrection it was masterminded by the Leftists, Nancy Pilono, and the FBI.  I wonder how many of those people would be interested in some swamp land I know to be for sale down near Disney World.

            But like January 6, 2020, when all the Dummycrats overreacted to everything, on April 20, 2022 they once more believed that their Capitol was under attack when an airplane began to buzz their air space.  Men were seen in the sky jumping from a plane.  When I first heard about this story, I thought it may have actually been a plane from Texas or Florida with illegal aliens being thrown out over Washingaton of Clothes, but NO!  The men jumping out of the plane were Golden Knights of Mambrino.  They parachuted so that they would land at the nearby stadium.  Crisis averted, hey, Nancy?

            Oh, one more thing about Obummer’s speech.  There was not one time that he mentioned Joe Biden’s name!  No surprise there.

TOM THE WILD TURKEY – by Noah Comprendo

            Tom, the wild turkey, has been harassing many Washington Dot Com residents as of late.  Many believe that Tom Turkey is a low brow mugger.  He gets in the people’s path and goes after them.  He has even pecked some people in the legs.  However, after a stool pigeon told Tom that the law was after him, he flew away in a huff leaving a fowl aroma in Washington Dot Com’s city park.  He crossed state lines into New Jersey, hoping to flee the police.  His wife, Henny Penny, and their children – Tom Jr., Wild Jack, and Patty Wings – are saddened by his departure, as they have very little income, due to all the undocumented Canadian Geese gobbling up the job opportunities in the area.


            Elizabeth, Warron democracy and all that is decent and good, is on the warpath again.  Liz is ranting, raving, and crying crocodile tears about the upcoming decision on Row D. Boat versus Wading Inda Water, to be made by SCOTUS.  She is also trying to spread fear and mistrust among the citizens of the United States because that is how the Left operates.  Poca Haunts Us All believes that she can win the 2024 presidential election.  The smoke signals are in the sky already and everybody knows what she is up to (no good).  They do not like her, they did not like her in 2020, and they will not vote for her in 2024, no matter how mad she pretends to be about abortion policy.


            BLACK LIVES MUTTER leader, Patrice Colors-Outside D. Lines, cries crocodile tears on her TWITTER Feed after she receives a visit from sweet Candy Owens.  Candy is a conservative black woman and mother. 

            Patrice Twittered and lied about how upset she was over Candy’s visit outside her border-fence.  That’s right; Candy did not even step onto Patrice’s $6 million dollar mansion/property (that was paid for via embezzled BLACK LIVES MUTTER campaign funds)!  Candy spoke to some man over an intercom system, and she never even spoke to Patrice at all!  Was that man Patrice’s brother, or someone from her brother’s (also funded by embezzled BLM funds) security company?  Patrice tried to present a fake story to people on her Twitter account.  However, when you edit both conversations together as one (like Jesse Watters’s people did), you get the true events:

Candy Owens (to the man):  I was just looking to speak to whoever is at the property.  [Which means, I need to relieve myself, can I use a bathroom?]

Patrice Colors-Outside D. Lines:  The fact that she is at, came outside, my house and demanded things, harassed me, uh [I have to think about this for a second, that’s why I am saying uh], is unacceptable [how dare she want to use my toilet].

Candy Owens:   We’re not trying to harass you and we’ll gladly leave.  We’re just wondering if we can speak to anybody.  [Please, I really need to go!]

Patrice Colors-Outside D. Lines (now really crying crocodile tears):  I must be safe [no germs in my toidy-woidy].  I need my child to be safe [no dirty bathroom germs].  And this, what happened this morning is not safety.

Candy Owens:  Thank you, Sir.  Have a nice day.  [I really need to go!]


            A written report from November which has to do with Row D. Boat versus Wading Inda Water, was leaked to whoever would listen, in order to help the hopeless Demonrats win the fall election of 2022.  Will their obvious trick fool the people again into thinking that the Republicans are completely against abortion?  The truth is that Row D. Boat v Wading in the Water was unconstitutional when the Supreme Court voted on it years ago.  What the new vote, if it ever takes place, would do is reverse the illegal court decision and place abortion back into the States’ legislation.  This is how it should be; it is not up to the federal government to make decisions about abortion.  There are some states that will allow abortion to take place – like California – and there are some who may not allow it unless it is before a certain point in the pregnancy.  So those women could travel to a different state if they really wanted to get an abortion.

            The best option for all women, is not to get abortions at all, if they do not want to get pregnant then they should remain celibate.  They should not have sex at all.  But they are probably too selfish to do that.


            Dr. Faust was on PBS (a leftist media company) on April 26, 2022.  He said flat out that the Coronavirust pandemic was over.  Yet on the very next day he flipped and says that we are not out of the pandemic yet.  Does he have a multiple personality disorder (Would it be better than having no personality at all?) or is he afraid of the pandemic actually being over because he knows he will probably have to face the music if it is over (go to prison).  

            Also on April 26, 2022, the CDC said that 55% of people have natural immunities to the C19 virust due to previous infections.  And if most people are vaccinated, then is not the pandemic really over?  I say it is.


            When things go bad to worse in the USA, who does Biden blame?  Ultra-MAGA Republicans, President Trumpet, President Putinon D. Ritz, or anyone else but himself.  Yet who can he blame for the shortage of baby formulas on supermarket shelves when the pantries on the southern border are full?  Well, oddly enough, he probably blames the babies themselves for ever being born, after all, why were they not aborted? 

            But Biden and his ilk are willing to make money, via fund raising, off of the whole abortion leak.  I’m surprised that there are any baby diapers on the shelves, what with all the Leftist leaking going on in this country for seven whole years!  The Dummycrats are monetizing violence (with the protest-riots).  Act Blue (which is not a mouth wash) has raised 28 million dollars on abortion for election donations.  The Marxist Left wants more street violence so they can have more fund raising.  Lori Lighthead, the Chicago Mayor, has made a “call to arms” to go after SCOTUS.  Why is she not more concerned about the shortage of police officers in her city and the rise of (illegal) gun violence (black on black shootings)?  Especially when the truth is that the decision to be made by SCOTUS will not even end abortion, it just places the laws to be made about abortion back into the hands (where it always was supposed to belong) of the individual States.  Abortion should not be a Federal Law issue – PERIOD!

            Janet Yells N. Yells said, “abortions are good…[for] teenage women…and black women, who aren’t able to afford children…”  Jan is a racist and she is an anti-feminist too.  The Left believes that it is better to be dead than to grow up and be poor.  None of us would be poor if the Left would not steal all of our money via taxes, high interest rates, and inflation that they have caused (especially Janet, the witch who prints too much money to cover her asp expense account)!

            One famous singing woman, Butt Midler, says that it is the mothers’ fault their children are going hungry, because they did not breast feed their children.  Some women are not able to breast feed their children due to physical issues.  It is odd, however, that this singer does not have the same opinion about the illegal alien women who use baby formula, or the non-American citizen women who hand their babies over to the Cartels in order to get them into our country illegally!  Why is she not more outraged about them?  Why is she not saying that all illegal alien women should breast feed their children?  Why is she not saying that a really good mother would never turn her children over to Cartel mobsters?  Is it because she is a big Butt?

            When asked about the baby formula shortage government official Pete Buttijudge had this to say:  “Butt Midler should be canceled for her transphobic comments.  Not all ‘birthing persons’ have breasts.”

            A man on the streets, Geoffrey Man that is, had this to say, “America did not have a baby formula shortage until men started having babies!”

            All joking aside, the shortage is not from men having babies, or even two married men adopting babies (because, this is really the only way that two men could have a baby at all).  One reason for the shortage is that a baby formula factory was shut down in the fall over some scare that their formula was killing babies.  There was a recall on their product.  What happened to that recalled formula after finding out that the babies were not dying from the formula and that nothing was wrong with the formula?  Hum, could it be that Biden’s people confiscated the recalled formula to stock the pantry shelves on the southern border?  Another possible reason for the shortage is probably due to lousy government oversight of the import industry and other such things – especially making sure that people coming into our country illegally have direct access to the baby formulas.  Once more we can say, “Thanks, Joe!  Thanks for stabbing us in the backs once more.”

            Before retard Jen Psaki left the building, she had this to say to mothers and fathers who were hunting double time (so wasting their expensive gas driving from one store to another store), “Call your doctor for formula.”  Yeah, like the baby doctors have baby formula sitting around in their drug closets!  The government knew about the safety concerns since October 2021 and they did nothing about it.  The FDA did nothing!  It has been said that Biden was just briefed on the shortage of baby formula during the second week of May.  Good going guys and gals! 

            I suppose one way for parents to be able to get food for their babies is to cross over the southern border into Mexico and then come back across pretending to be illegal aliens!  Another good way is if somebody were to hold up the border patrol supplies.  But, I am sure if any Americans did these two things that they would be arrested and put in prison for breaking the laws that aliens break every second of the day since January 20, 2021.


            While NUTFLAX sounds like the name of a breakfast cereal, we must give congratulations to the company, because, they are standing up to the WOKE people out there.  The company refuses to bend to the will of 1% of the country.  Good for them.  Perhaps DISNEY should follow in NUTFLAX’S footsteps and do the same?  I know this; I am much more willing to continue to subscribe to NUTFLAX (just paid out $60 last week).  Whereas, I do not subscribe, nor will I subscribe, to DISNEY- (Disney negative).


            When Sarah D. Silverman was on The View, in May, she told the women of the show that she shares a toothbrush with her boyfriend.  Joyless Blowhard replied, “Oh, gross.”  We all finally agree with Joyless on something!


            I tell you, Governer DeSantis Clause is a genius.  He just keeps giving and giving and giving to Florida.  The Left wants to teach communistic propaganda and socialistic doctrine to our children so he passes a bill where the Marxist teachers must teach the truth about communism to the children!  The children must now learn about how many people have died under communistic government, they must learn how many people starve and suffer under communistic government, how long communists have to stand in line while waiting for toilet paper, or even food, and they must learn the absolute truth about the horrible doctrine!  And by doing so, maybe those teachers who think that communism is the bee’s knee, well, maybe they will learn something and wake up to the truth about communism, socialism, fascism, and Marxism!  We can only hope.


            This movie not only has the moon falling over Miami, but over the whole world.  Talk about chaos and massive destruction!  This movie is pretty good, but it can never compare to Stargate or Independence Day.  Those two movies were great movies!  I did like the name of a pussy cat, pretty good name, Fuzz Aldrin.

            The whole movie revolved and orbited around the moon being artificially made by aliens.  The moon, as some Apollo astronauts said, “Rang like a bell”.  So, if the moon rang like a bell, then, it must be hollow, right?  So, the movie ran with this idea.  However, I had this question, how did the astronauts know that the moon rang like a bell if they could not hear the ringing (because there is no sound in an oxygen deprived atmosphere)?  My husband said that they probably had instruments that read the ringing, or the “so-called” reverberation.  Yet, nobody has ever really come out and said this.  So I ask NASA – what is the real scoop about the moon ringing like a bell?  And did a giant angel get its wings when it happened?

            What the movie did not cover was the aftermath of all the destruction to earth.  Talk about never letting a crisis go to waste!  What did the loony Dummycrats do after the moon went back into its true orbit?  I think a whole movie could be made about the aftermath, but that might be hitting people too close to home.

            I am not going to tell you about the plot of the movie, as it would spoil it if you wanted to actually watch the movie.  Let me just say that I can recommend you watching it.


            During the second weekend of May there was a mass shooting in Buffalo, New York.  It took place at a local supermarket where many black people go.  The “white” teenager who did the dirty deed admitted that he was a raciest.  While those on the Left are quite willing to call the man a Republican or even an ULTRA MAGA, the fact is that the shooter happens to be on the Left side of politics.  He is only eighteen years old and brainwashed by the Left’s communistic programming (CRT).  He was on the police radar, yet once more nothing was done about him – the FBI is more concerned about investigating hard working parents who do not want their children to be brainwashed by Marxism and taught sexual depraved ideas.

            In the teenager’s “manifesto” he blatantly said that he is not a conservative, not a Christian, but considers himself a white supremacist, a Left-wing (not buffalo-wing) authoritarian, a communist, and an eco-nationalist (whatever that may be).  He brought an AR-15 (he admits) to the store in order to inflame the country to crackdown on the Second Amendment.  He picked Buffalo specifically because of their heavy gun laws, since he knew carriers in the state would have limited magazines (not many copies of LIFE, PLAYBOY, PENTHOUSE, TIME, THE ROLLING STONEHENGE, GOOD HOUSE KEEPING, etc.). 

            The facts about the young man do not keep the Left from capitalizing on the teenager and the shooting racially, while ignoring other recent instances of violence by black supremacists (like the Christmas parade hit and run man, and the New Yorkso Subway bomber).  They also claim that this boy is insane, even though he was able to drive 200 miles to Buffalo without getting any tickets (he was able to stay on the right side of the road even though he is a lefty).  This means that they simply do not want to hold this boy accountable for the killings of ten people, one of who was a security guard (and also a retired policeman).

            As a side note (B flat) to this story, I have tried ARBY’S Buffalo wings.  They drench the meat in tons of orange sauce that is a mixture of strong vinegar (salad dressing?) and hot spice.  They are horrible!  Do not eat ARBY’S Buffalo wings!!!

            After the shooting in Buffalo, there was a school shooting in Texas, where a Hispanic 18 year old went into an elementary school to use his weapons.  We will not repeat any of the details, deskins, or defeet, because they have been reported elsewhere.  However, Joe Biden decided to wage war against guns and lie in the process.  He blamed what happened on gun lobbyists.  Does he know that the NRA went bankrupt last year?  The fact is, guns are not the problem; the problem is mental illness.  Nobody in their right mind would do what these shooters do.  They are mentally off and this is where Biden needs to do something.  But he won’t because he wants to take our guns away from us so that they can become our MASA!


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